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Home Explore Different Literatures

Different Literatures

Published by robic, 2021-12-17 05:09:22

Description: Different Literatures


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TABLE OF CONTENTS • AMERICA pg 1-2 • MEXICO pg 3-4 • JAPAN pg 5-6 • ITALIAN pg 7-8

AMERICAN Jennie Redling is a LITERATURE recipient of BMI's Jerry Harrington The vast and diverse Musical Award for history of this North outstanding creative America has given its achievement for people literature in diverse languages. librettist Along the Mississippi Valley and in Canada they speak French. 1

SCENT Unable to disengage, I've Allowed them life out of sight But this morning I lightly breathe The scent of sadness and dread arising JENNIE S. REDLING 2

MEXICAN LITERATURE Mexico, which was a colony of Spain is usually referred to frCAoAogmaumunEttoMsdnphtngaieeenolxraismsaCirachtnaoomiveLdu'seiedestNenuLUa raainnntatieimvtiMvroueaeanrArrtejasuosiiliantrrtyeety.d, in as Latin America and it went through a civil conflict that 3 brought about an independent Mexico.

THE MAN WITH HIS BACK TURNED The trouble started that same afternoon. Not every time someone looked in the mirror, but often, they saw in the background, behind the normal reflections, a man with his back to the mirror. It was fearsome, strange. Becau se no one was standing there, and nothing else in the room could reflect such an image. The worst was that sometimes it was there, sometimes not. And it always happened that only one person at a time could see him. AGUSTIN CADENA 4

JAPANESE LITERATURE From 2004 to 2008 Kaori an island country in East Asia, Ekuni's books were located in the northwest Pacific continuously in Ocean. It is bordered on the west by the Sea of Japan, and Korea's top 50 bestsellers list. extends from the Sea of Okhotsk Twinkle Twinkle was a in the north toward the East bestseller in 1991. China Sea and Taiwan in the south. 5

EMBRACING WATER I went out into the veranda too, not to look at the stars, but to look at by KAORI EKUNI Mutsuki. I loved watching his face as he gazed at the starlit sky. He 6 had a beautiful face, with short straight eyelashes Every night, Mutsuki stepped out to gaze at the stars before he went to bed. He was convinced the habit was responsible for his godo eyesight, 15/20 in each eye.

Italy is located in the center of the ITALIAN Mediterranean Sea, in Southern LITERATURE Europe and is also considered part of Western Europe. A unitary parliamentary republic with Rome as its capital and largest city, Nanni Cagnone is an Italian poet, novelist, essayist and playwright. He debuted as a poet in 1954 and since then has written several books, mostly poetry but also plays and novels, theoretical essays and aphorisms 7

UNDENIABLE THINGS by Nanni Cagnone LXII Finite space, rim of a drum. It would help to incarnate while you can, to glean light even after nightfall, take a stroll in the mist and never leave the moment alone, or it stings everything. At the end, at the end of the surging sunset, in the insecure maturing burning without a grieving scheme, the solemn episode of the leaves rustling and that’s all. Rustling. 8


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