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Home Explore Caparas, 11-Ampere (Q4-PE-PT1-HANDBOOK)

Caparas, 11-Ampere (Q4-PE-PT1-HANDBOOK)

Published by Angelo Caparas, 2022-04-04 15:41:25

Description: Caparas, 11-Ampere (Q4-PE-PT1-HANDBOOK)


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Angelo Riel O. Caparas Grade 11-Ampere Badminton Digital Handbook

Badminton what is badminton? a racquet sport played using racquets to hit a shuttlecock across a net. Although it may be played with larger teams, the most common forms of the game are \"singles\" (with one player per side) and \"doubles\" (with two players per side). History of Badminton 2,000 years ago 18th century The history and origin of In the 18th century, British the Badminton game can Army officers stationed in India, had been reported to be trace back to the be playing a competitive ancient Greece and China version of the game called dated more than 2,000 “Poona”. And when the years ago, where games army was called back in with shuttlecock were 1860s, they brought back used. A similar game called the Indian version of the “Hanetsuki” was also game to England.. played in Japan in the 16th century. 1870's The new sport was gaining popularity and was officially launched in 1870s at the Badminton House in Gloucestershire, owned by Duke of Beaufort. It was called “The Game of Badminton” back then, and had later become known as Badminton as we know now.

Court Dimensions Court dimensions court poles The badminton court is The posts are 1.55m high 13.4m long and 6.1m from the surface of the wide. For singles the court court and remain vertical is marked 5.18m wide. when the net is strained. The lines marking out the NET court are easily distinguishable and The net is 760mm in coloured white or yellow. depth and a minimum of The lines are 40mm wide. The diagonal full length of 6.1m wide. the full court is 14.366m.The lines are The top of the net from the surface of the court is 40mm wide. 1.524m at the centre of the court and 1.55m over the side lines for doubles.

Equipments Equipments Shuttlecock Racket shirt short skirt Shoes and socks Towel Water bottle Equipment bag Wrist band & Head band net

Basic Skills basic skills grip footwork Attacking Stance Net Defensive serve High serve Low serve smash Jump Forehand/backhand shot Drop Clear/lob

Technical Skills technical skils Grip footwork The forehand grip is Travelling to the much like shaking forehand side of the somebody’s hand. Both net in the way you hold the Travelling to the racquet and in how tight backhand side of the you hold it. You want to hold the racquet loosely, net gripping the racquet too Covering the forehand tight can lead to injuries mid-court like tennis elbow. Covering the backhand mid-court Moving to the The backhand grip is for forehand rear-court some people easier to Moving to the get right. You simply backhand rear- take the forehand grip courtained. and roll the thumb over so it sits flat on the grip basic shots rather than along the edge. The use of the The serve (forehand or thumb makes it easier to backhand) stabilize the grip The lift (sometimes compared to the called a lob) The net shot forehand. The block The drop shot Ready stance / split step The smash The clear The split step is a technique used to get perception and ready for the next shot. anticipation It’s the basis of building good footwork and speed around the court. rhythm and timing hand-eye coordination tactical skils In general, it depends on plan of the coach. The main tactic is give maximum returns with minimal effort. By applying tactics to the game, you can out win your opponent in no time. The tactics are all about reading your opponent. If they play light you play harder. Playing the the corners of the court is important because if your opponent is quick footed and aggressive, then playing to the corners will get them tired quickly and will make them to scuff shots. You have to use the whole of your side of the court to your advantage. Make sure you work around the court and you become unpredictable.

Rules of the Game rules of the game rules faults A player must wait until The shuttle, at the his opponent is ready instant of being hit is before serving. If the opponent attempts a higher than the return then he is ruled servers waist or the having been ready. head of the racket is The feet of both players higher than the must remain in a servers racket hand. The shuttle does not stationary position until land in the correct the serve is made. Your feet can not be touching service court. The server's feet are the line at this time. It is not a fault if you not in the service miss the shuttle while court or if the feet of the receiver are not in serving. the court diagonally The shuttle cannot be opposite the server. caught and slung with The server steps the racket. forward as he/she A player cannot hold his serves. racket near the net to Any player balking or ward off a downward feinting his opponent stroke by his opponent before serve or during or to interfere with his serve. racket. A serve or shot that lands outside the court scoring boundaries, passes under or through the A match consists of net, touches any other the best of 3 games of obstructions or a 21 points. players body or Every time there is a serve – there is a point clothing. The boundary and service scored. lines are considered in The side winning a rally adds a point to its play. The shuttle in play is score. At 20 all, the side struck before it which gains a 2 point crosses the net to the lead first, wins that striker's side of the game. net. You may follow At 29 all, the side through over the net. scoring the 30th point, A player touching the wins that game. net or its supports The side winning a with his body or racket game serves first in while the shuttle is in the next game. play. Hitting the shuttle twice in succession by a player or team.

Rules of the Game rules of the game interval/change of ends singles 1 minute interval At the beginning of between each game is the game (0-0) and when the server’s allowed. score is even, the In the third game, server serves from the players change ends right service court. when the leading score When the server’s reaches 11 points. score is odd, the doubles server serves from the A side has only one left service court. ‘set’. If the server wins a rally, the server scores The service passes consecutively to the a point and then players as shown in serves again from the the diagram. alternate service At the beginning of court. the game and when the score is even, the If the receiver wins a server serves from the rally, the receiver right service court. scores a point and When it is odd, the becomes the new server serves from the server. They serve left court. from the appropriate If the serving side wins service court – left if a rally, the serving side their score is odd, and scores a point and the right if it is even. same server serves again from the If players commit an alternate service error in the service court. court, the error is corrected when the If the receiving side mistake is discovered. wins a rally, the In a doubles match between A & B against receiving side scores a C & D. A & B won the point. The receiving toss and decided to serve. A to serve to C. side becomes the new A shall be the initial serving side. server while C shall be the initial receiver. The players do not change their respective service courts until they win a point when their side is serving.

Officiating how to officiate the game referee umpire The referee is in charge of Umpire keep announcing the overall match. The the score, asking you referee shall ensure that when the shuttle changes the tournament is held in hands and stopping the compliance with the players from loitering Badminton Laws, the around and holding the BWF Rules and game together. The line Regulations, and any judges and the service other regulations that judge are meant to assist apply to the particular the umpire, and the competition. umpire may ignore the call of the judges even though they never do so. The referee has ultimate jurisdiction over matches, If the player contests the tournaments, or formals activities. The Badminton umpire’s decision or a line judge, then there is also World Federation an umpire from the IRS bestows this authority who checks and judges and responsibility upon a the match on a screen. referee. service judge There is a service A referee handles the magistrate who calls if entire tournament. They they serve a mistake. This occurs when the player are naming umpires, goes beyond the service arranging matches, and line, or when their racket ensuring the equipment is is above the waste while up to standard. serving. line men/judge Badminton official Every court has 10 line Virtually never on the jurors, who determine court, but oversees whether the shuttle is in everything. or out. In front of them, they lift one of their forearms for “in,” and stretch their arms to mean “out” (precisely like “wide” in cricket).

Credits References adminton blog/history-of-badminton/ rt-and-recreation/sports- dimensions- guide/badminton#:~:text=Court% 20dimensions,The%20lines%20ar e%2040mm%20wide. minton/equipment- list/#badminton-equipment badminton-skills/?amp m/blog/skills-you-need-to-play- badminton/ http://praticalsportethangcfe201 on-technical-and-tactical- demands.html?m=1 Badmintonrules.html https://www.badmintonpassion.c om/badminton- referees/#:~:text=Bottom%20Lin e-,What%20are%20the%20duties %20of%20badminton%20referees %3F,apply%20to%20the%20parti cular%20competition.

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