Caring for theanimals ofMelbourne
We have been looking afterthe animals of Melbourne,as well as the people whocare for them, for more than80 years.Founded in 1936 as the Animal Welfare Louisa Lort SmithLeague of Victoria, Lort Smith has alwaysbeen dedicated to caring for the companion Our founder Louisa Lort Smith was aanimals of Melbourne when they are sick, remarkable woman, whose vision livesinjured or in need. on proudly today. A noted animal lover with a commitment to supporting thoseWith three service arms – the Animal Hospital, in need, she recognised the close bondAdoption Centre and Community Outreach – between people and their animals andour work is focused on supporting the bond brought these passions together to createbetween humans and animals. a unique organisation, years ahead of its time. Her goal was clear: every animalWe have an amazing team of vets, nurses, should be cared for, and every personkennel and cattery workers, along with support should share in the benefits of animalstaff and volunteers who work tirelessly to care companionship, regardless of theirfor tens of thousands of animals each year. personal circumstances. It is this balance of objectives which still drives our missionOur home, bordering the Parkville biomedical more than 80 years later.precinct, places us alongside such significantmedical and research institutions as theWalter and Eliza Hall Institute of MedicalResearch, the Royal Melbourne Hospital,The Royal Children’s Hospital, and the PeterMacCallum Cancer Centre. These closeneighbours inspire us as we strive towardsearning our place alongside them as an iconicanimal hospital.Lort Smith receives no ongoing governmentfunding to provide our services, so everyyear we rely on the generosity of donors andbequestors to help us continue our work.Right: Our founder, Louisa Lort Smith.
Animal HospitalLort Smith is the busiest animal hospital in Sincieno1p9e3n6in, gwoeuhravdeoorsAustralia. We deliver essential and life-saving coanreedmiflolironmoarneimtahlasn.medical services to around 25,000 animalseach year. Across eleven hospital wards, our The recent introduction of a CT scanner anddedicated team of more than 60 vets and 100 the opportunities this has opened up, is justnurses offer a depth and breadth of experience one of the steps we are taking towards a futurerarely found in a single service. where our vets have the tools and resources they need to provide a world-standard level ofWhile consistently delivering high quality contemporary care to their animal patients.clinical care, the Animal Hospital seeks toprovide affordable care for all companion Demand for our services continues to grow,animals. We offer payment plans, discounts but so too do the opportunities we see to befor low income earners, pensioners and other able to do more, and help more of Melbourne’sfinancially disadvantaged people to allow them animals. Our goal is to expand the range ofto access medical services for their pets. services we offer, as well as increase the amount of people and animals we serve.Each year, we provide almost $1.5 millionworth of discounts to people who otherwisewould not be able to afford to pay for theiranimal to visit the vet.Increasingly, we are aiming to push ourpractice forward to the cutting edge ofveterinary medicine.
Adoption CentreEach year, we rehome around 1,000 The Hubsurrendered cats, dogs, and other animals– giving them another chance to be part of Officially opened in February 2017, thea loving family. Adoption Hub represents a complete re-think of how surrendered animalsOur team work tirelessly to ensure we find are rehomed. Breaking down the usualperfect homes for animals entrusted to our cage-based approach, the open, invitingcare. As part of our philosophy, we will never design brings people and animalsput down an animal that is capable of being together and helps immediately buildrehomed, no matter how long it takes. the connection between the two. It is a space like no other in Melbourne, andSome animals are quickly rehomed, while has already delivered decreased lengthsome are in our Adoption Centre, or with foster of stay and reduced stress for animalscarers, for months. awaiting a new home. Dependent on donations, the Hub is an amazingThey all receive exceptional veterinary care, example of the invaluable support weas well as the emotional support and mental receive from our community of donorsstimulation they need to truly thrive. and benefactors.Our Adoption Centre staff and volunteersapproach their work with inspirational passionand commitment. Helping animals find a newhome is more than just a job, for many itbecomes a personal mission.
Community Outreach Impacting the Melbourne community Financial consultants Ernst & Young have analysed Lort Smith’s work and quantified the value of the social benefit we deliver to the Melbourne community as being worth $10.1 million each year. We know every one dollar in donations we put towards our socially-focussed programs returns three dollars in benefits to the community.While Lort Smith is perhaps most well-known Our work pushes the boundaries of whatfor vet care and adoption services, we also is usually considered pet health care. Ouroffer a range of community-focussed programs innovative approach sees the relationshipto help people in need, as well as their pets. between people and animals in its entirety,We receive no government funding for any of and recognises there is such value in keepingour programs - this work relies exclusively on this relationship strong and thriving.the support of donors. Left: Picture by David Caird for the Herald Sun.Pet Therapy – volunteer teams of people andtheir dog visit hospitals and other healthfacilities to share the special human-animalbond with patients and residents.Emergency Welfare Assistance – short termaccommodation for pets of people who are incrisis, including those experiencing domesticviolence, extended medical treatment or aperiod of homelessness.Bereavement support – providing importantemotional support to people in the aftermathof their pet suffering a serious illness/injury orpassing away.
Make a Payment Detailsdonation Visa MasterCard Every donation, big or small, makes adifference to Lort Smith and the animals Card Number in our care. All donations $2 and overare tax deductable. Expiry date:I would like to become a Pet Protector by Name on cardmaking a regular monthly gift of: Signature $25 a month $50 a month — OR —chosen amount: $ C heque/money order enclosed,I would like to make a one-offdonation of: made payable to Lort Smith (one-off donations only) $10 $25 $50 $100 Please return this form to:chosen amount: $ Lort SmithYour Details 24 Villiers Street North Melbourne VIC 3051 First name or call 03 9321 7207 Surname to make a donation. P lease send me information about leaving Lort Smith a bequest in my Will.AddressSuburb/State PostcodeTelephoneMobile Lort Smith collects your personal information in order to inform you about ourEmail activities and request your support for them, and to otherwise run our organisation.DOB If it is unreasonable or impracticable to obtain your personal information directly from you, we will seek to obtain it from a publically available source or a third party. You have the right to refuse to provide us with your personal information however, if you do so we may be unable to deal with you. We may disclose your personal information to our service providers, financial institutions, our related companies, member organisations and other business partners, your agents and representatives and any other person or organisation where you have given your consent or we are required or authorised by law to disclose. You may opt out at any time if you no longer wish to receive marketing communications from us by contacting our Privacy Officer on (03) 9328 3021. Our Privacy Policy (found at sets out our approach to the management of personal information, including how you can seek access to, and correction of, your personal information, and our complaint handling procedures.
From our CEOLort Smith is a unique organisation which We see the opportunity to increase our impactholds a treasured place in the hearts and in the community by offering a sector-leadingminds of Melbournians – it is a legacy we take focus on advanced veterinary medicine, andseriously as we focus on providing world class making it available to even more animals inanimal health care and wellbeing. Everyone need.who is part of the organisation is so proud ofthe work we do and the tens of thousands of This is such an exciting time in Lort Smith’sanimals we help every year. history, and just as we have for the past eight decades, we continue to rely on your help.But we’re not content to rest on our laurels. There are many ways you can partner with ourIn a city with more than one million pets, we mission: you can make a donation, join theknow that there is so much more care and Guardian Circle, volunteer with us, or furthersupport we can provide. your career by working with our team.We’re stepping purposefully into the future With the ongoing support of the community,with a new masterplan which will see the we know we can do even more to help therefurbishment of our iconic North Melbourne animals of Melbourne and the people who carehome, along with the creation of a second, for them.purpose-built facility. Fiona Webster – Lort Smith CEOAnimal Hospital Donations & Fundraising Animal surrenders lortsmith.com24 Villiers Street 03 9321 7207 (BY APPOINTMENT ONLY)North Melbourne VIC 3051 Cats & Small Animals: 03 9321 724103 9328 3021 Bequests Dogs: 03 9321 7260 03 9321 7213Adoption Hub Fax: 03 9329 534738 Villiers Street VolunteeringNorth Melbourne VIC 3051 03 9321 7288 Email: [email protected] 9321 7240 ABN 87 004 238 475
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