CPRA NEWS SPRING 2022 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING SATURDAY 14th MAY 2022 at 10.30 a.m. www.carpendersparkresidents.org.uk Printed January 2022
In this Issue AROUND CARPENDERS PARK Happy New Year from ST Meryl School!....... 32,33 The 4 R's.......................................................... 35 Platinum Jubilee, Her Majesty The Queen .......... 3 Kew Garden– The Winter Magical Trail............. 37 Now, we are SOCIAL .......................................... 5 FROM THE AUTHORITIES Carpenders Park Ladies Club .............................. 9 MP—Dean Russell............................................ 39 Carpenders Park Hall........................................ 11 County Councillor’s Report—Reena Ranger ...... 42 Oxhey Bowl ..................................................... 13 District & Parish Councillors South Oxhey Choir ........................................... 15 Valerie & David Coltman .................................. 43 Carpenders Park Horticultural Society .............. 17 Local Elected Representatives .......................... 43 Harrow Marquetry Group ................................ 19 Neighbourhood Watch..................................... 45 Carpenders Park & Citizens Advice Three Rivers ............................. 47 South Oxhey Methodist Church........................ 21 ABOUT CPRA FAMILY & WELLBEING Copy for the Next Issue .................................... 31 The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee 2022 Useful Telephone Numbers.............................. 48 Event Programme............................................ 23 CPRA Newsletter Disclaimer ............................. 43 Re-launch of Carpenders Park toddler Group.... 27 CPRA Committee.............................................. 48 Michelle Lake - Woodhall Primary School .....29,31 Advertiser index ADAMS EYE CARE...................................... 30 MRK PLUMBING & HEATING..................... 45 ALL LOCK SECURITIES ................................ 14 P.A. BARHAM LTD..................................... 26 APOLLO BLIND .......................................... 34 PEACE HOSPICE CARE ...........................40,41 BELL CARPENTRY & JOINERY ..................... 16 REGENCY ROOFING SOLUTIONS LTD ......... 46 CARPENDERS PARK CARE ............................ 8 ROOTS HAIRDRESSERS................................ 5 CARPENDERS PARK NURSERY...................... 6 SABAT ACCOUNTANTS.............................. 22 CARPENDERS PARK NURSERY U-FLORIA...... 7 SAJIDA CHANDOO..................................... 36 CARPENDERS PARK RESIDENTS’................. 42 SAW GENERAL BUILDERS .......................... 12 COOK FLORIST .......................................... 16 SMART ALARM SYSTEM ............................ 15 D20 BOARD GAME CAFÉ ............................. 8 SPICERS CARPETS AND BEDS..................... 20 DB JONES PHARMACY ............................... 28 T.J. WATSON ............................................ 12 DEFINITION................................................. 9 TARRANTS TIMBER LIMITED...................... 36 FOCUS EYECARE.......................................... 4 TERENCE SPINKS....................................... 22 GEM TREE MANAGEMENT SERVICES .... 24,25 TOE-TAL FOOTCARE.................................. 21 ILIOARA ORMENISAN THE ROYAL COUCH.. 11 TOUCH OF GLASS - RICKY HODGSON........ 10 KEN HODSON COMPUTERS ....................... 27 TREVOR WARNER ..................................... 18 KP ROOFING ............................................. 38 UTILITY DEALS .......................................... 33 M.C.P. ELECTRICAL APPROVED VJG ROOFING SPECIALIST ........................... 3 CONTRACTORS ......................................... 14 WALSH AND MCGRATH FUNERAL ............. 44 M.K. GINDER & SONS ............................... 44 2 www.carpendersparkresidents.org.uk — [email protected]
Platinum Jubilee AROUND CARPENDERS PARK Her Majesty The Queen Elizabeth II Her Majesty The Queen will become the first Her Majesty The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee British monarch to celebrate a platinum celebrations in 2022. The UK has a long jubilee on February 6 - marking 70 years history of organised street parties to celebrate serving people of the United Kingdom, the national events. Why not organise one for Realms and the Commonwealth. Celebrations your neighbours for the Platinum Jubilee? will take place throughout the year, If you are planning to have a street party or culminating in a four-day bank holiday event on a public road, you will need to seek weekend from Thursday, June 2 to Sunday, permission from Hertfordshire County June 5. Council (HCC) to close the road. Most There are many ways you can get involved in closures for events are free if it is on a residential street and does not affect a bus route, although HCC will let you know if it needs to charge you to close the road. HCC is accepting street party applications for the extended bank holiday and anyone interested should apply before April 21. https://www.hertfordshire.gov.uk/services/ highways-roads-and-pavements/changes-to- your-road/street-parties-and-special- events.aspx Vaughn Gatrell Mobile: 07985 359543 Tel: 0208 386 0426 3 Oulton Way, WD19 5EJ. Carpenders Park Specialists in: • Tiles & Slates Replaced • Gutter Cleaned, Repaired & Renewed • Re-cement Work of Chimneys, Stacks, Hips & Ridges • Flat Roofs Renewed & Repaired REF: 1M024262 CPRA NEWS 3
4 www.carpendersparkresidents.org.uk — [email protected] 4 www.carpendersparkresidents.org.uk — [email protected]
Now, AROUND CARPENDERS PARK We are SOCIAL! We run something exciting for the kids over Carpenders Park Residents' Association is a Christmas and we have plenty of information long established group of residents who want of local activity and businesses, so please join to make certain Carpenders Park remains one our group if this is of the nicest places to live. something you are interested In the past few months, we have been trying in learning more about. to bring our community into the digital age so https://www.facebook.com/ we have made ourselves a Facebook Page groups/411260930530236 where we will be posting local news and events. If you prefer to follow us in Instagram or Please consider liking the CPRA - Carpenders twitter, here are our details. Park Residents’ Association page. www.instagram.com/carpendersparkra/ https://twitter.com/CPRACommunity www.facebook.com/CarpendersParkRA We would love to hear your feedback and if Attached to the page is a group so that you you are interested in joining our Association, can get in contact with us as well as discuss anything relevant in the local area. please do get in contact to find out more. • His & Hers, Cut & Blow Dry • Hi-lights, Low-Lights • Semi-Permanent Colouring, Tints, Perm • Styling for weddings & Special Occasions CHILDREN WELCOME! Call us 020 8428 6862 4 The Parade, Carpenders Avenue, Carpenders Park, Watford WD19 5BL CPRA NEWS 5
6 www.carpendersparkresidents.org.uk — [email protected]
8 www.carpendersparkresidents.org.uk — [email protected]
Carpenders Park AROUND CARPENDERS PARK Ladies’ Club Bowden, and Agatha Christie fans in We restarted Ladies Club in September and particular, are looking forward to his talk are pleased to have welcomed back many of ‘Murder Most Profitable.’ our previous members and also some new Trevor Baker is our speaker in April and the faces. We have now changed our meetings subject of his talk is ‘Miles of Aisles’, which from evenings to afternoons, which is more is about the history of Sainsbury’s family suitable for the over 55 age group, but all business 1869-1973. Due to the Bank ages are welcome. Holiday in May, we will not be having our We ended the year with a visit from ‘Just A usual meeting but are planning to go out for Capella’ singers, who gave us a magnificent an afternoon tea later in the month. In June, performance, after which we enjoyed a mince Pam Sanderson will be giving us a ‘fun talk pie with our cup of tea. with a twist’ about the Old Bailey and in July, In January we do not have our usual meeting Brian Carline’s talk is titled ‘Dolly Blue and but are looking forward to our New Year Izal’! Lunch at the Blue Check Restaurant in Our meetings are held in the Community Hall Bushey. on the first Monday afternoon of the month, Tena Digweed, our Social Secretary, has been except on Bank Holidays. We look forward busy preparing an exciting programme for to welcoming new members. Please give me 2022, which starts with our AGM in a call if you are interested. February, when we will also be having a talk from Pat Woollard from Bushey Museum. Angela Tongue – Admin Secretary In March we once again welcome Geoff 020 8428 4552 DEFINITION UNISEX HAIR, TANNING 020 8428 8151 All aspect of hairdressing Specialists in colour Latest in fashion cuts Keratin smoothing treatments from £150 Retired charges Tuesday & Wednesdays Reduced children’s cutting prices Stand up sunbed, Clean COVID safe environment Staff barbicide trained wearing PPE and using screen dividers Gift vouchers available Appointments advised but not always necessary Follow us on Facebook for regular promotions @Definition Hair Salon 18 The Parade Delta Gain, Watford, WD19 5BL CPRA NEWS 9
Friendly reliable local Glazier and glass expert. Designing and building stained glass windows for the last 20 years Call us for all your glass and glazing needs Mobile: 07941 081005 Email: [email protected] Follow us in our Facebook page: Touch Of Glass 10 www.carpendersparkresidents.org.uk — [email protected]
Carpenders Park AROUND CARPENDERS PARK Community Hall and to hold a couple of Quiz Nights. Both The second half of 2021 saw a big increase events are popular, and it was good to in the Hall’s use. Following lockdown, we welcome back old friends. If you have not saw our regular weekday users return, and been to a Book Sale (50p per book, and weekend bookings for parties meant that the hundreds from which to choose) or to a Quiz Hall was in use at least once on every day of Night, it would be great to welcome you in the week. While this is good news, paradoxically, it presented a problem. the future. Towards the end of the year, particularly in December, the demand As ever, we are always keen to add to for bookings to hold parties at the number of Committee Members. weekends was such that a number of We meet once a month, usually on the people were disappointed to be told that Friday afternoon before the Saturday there were no available times for the Book Sale, for a couple of hours where dates they wanted. The message here is clear: we discuss, among other things, any if you know the date on which you wish to Hall maintenance issues, future projects, and hold a party, book early. forthcoming bookings for the Hall. If you Relaxation of COVID-19 rules meant that we would like to join us, please give me a call. were also able to reinstate our monthly Book Sale (last Saturday of the month, 10am-2pm) Bryan Jukes 0208 386 2157 CPRA NEWS 11
SaW General Builders Steve and Warren Kelly, Family run business Extensions • Refurbishments • Patios • Fencing • Carpentry • Roofing • Brickwork • Painting • PVC Facia • Driveways • Decking • Loft Rooms Call: Warren 07976 445056 Steve 07956 386827 References available from Carpenders Park Residents. View our work on our web site. www.SaWgeneralbuilders.com EXTERNAL / INTERNAL DECORATIONS LOCAL SERVICE Web: decoratorinwatford.com Email: [email protected] Telephone: 07973 256 978 12 www.carpendersparkresidents.org.uk — [email protected]
Watford Heath AROUND CARPENDERS PARK The Life and Times of Oxhey Bowls Club The first bowls green in Watford was prosper despite the current pandemic. We established in 1910 by the owners of the currently have a membership of 70 bowlers Oxhey Grange for their workers. It was and about 20 social members. In the registered in 1911, just a month before the summer, we play roll-ups five times a week Coronation of King George V. (where all members are welcome), internal Oxhey Bowls Club was the forerunner of a competitions, matches against other local number of clubs to spring up during the next clubs and we also run the odd fun day. We four years. By 1914 there were twelve clubs try to involve as many members as possible in the area, leading to the formation of the and work hard to make newcomers Watford & District Men’s Bowling especially welcome. In the winter, social Association. events are held on a regular basis. In 1933 the local Council took over To try and promote the sport, we will be responsibility for the green from the holding an Open Day this year on Sunday 8th executors of the Oxhey Grange. But it was May from 10am to 4pm. There is a free car not until August 1966 that a full-size six rink park, so if you are looking for something green was built on an adjacent part of Oxhey new, a way to keep fit or make new friends, Grange playing fields. In the early 1980s the then come along and try your hand at playing members were able to double the size of the bowls. We will show you how to play – for original clubhouse, and a further extension free! All we ask is that you wear a pair of was built by the members in 1990. We flat shoes. celebrated our centenary in 2010 with If you cannot make this date, or would like matches against Presidents’ teams from more information, check out our website: around the district, including the Royal Household in Windsor Great Park. www.oxheybowlsclub.co.uk We are a friendly mixed club and continue to phone Marion (01923 443869) or Ken (0208 428 6917) CPRA NEWS 13
Looking For An Electrician? M.C.P. Electrical Approved Contractors 24 hour Emergencies - Rewires - Fault Finding Immersion Heaters - Showers - Cookers - Sockets Lights - Fuse Boards - Telephone Points FREE Visual Inspections and Quotes Any Size Job Welcomed Special Rates for Senior Citizens Garden Electrics - Storage Heaters Mobile: 07958 402371— 07943882412 ALL LOCKS SECURITIES We offer a complete service from non-destructively gaining access to covering locks on windows, doors, garages, safes and outbuildings. We open, supply, fit, replace and repair any types of locks ensuring the security of your property or premises, 24 hours a day 7 days a week, providing you with all round peace of mind. • 24 hour Rapid Response • Gaining Access • Lock Repairs • Burglary Repairs • Lock Fitting • Glazing • Insurance Work • Double Sealed Units For FREE quote please call: Office 020 8386 1036 Mobile 07973 638006 Special Rates for Carpenders Park Residents 14 www.carpendersparkresidents.org.uk — [email protected]
South Oxhey AROUND CARPENDERS PARK Choir South Oxhey Choir are proud to announce returning until the New Year, so, we have that we are back rehearsing on Tuesday spaces available and would love to have new evenings 7.00-8.30pm at Oxhey Wood members come join us. School, Oxhey Drive, with COVID-19 procedures in place, i.e., wearing of a mask Interested, then contact Ann Cox for further around the school until you sit down, when information. Mob: 07852369935 or masks are optional. Chairs are socially 0208 428 9460 distanced apart in front and alongside of you. email [email protected]. Due to the virus many members are not Hoping to hear or see you soon. CPRA NEWS 15
Carpenders Park AROUND CARPENDERS PARK Horticultural Society Hopefully when you are reading this you will wonderful exhibits, however they had been be looking forward to seeing the signs of too busy this year to take part. If residents do spring. It is lovely to see the Snowdrops and not want to enter exhibits, then I see no other Crocus bursting into flower. Autumn and way forward than to close the Society down. winter can often look very dull in a garden, We have approached local allotment groups, but you can introduce colour by having plants advertised on Facebook and other social with coloured stems such as Cornus or use media and put-up posters etc but with limited evergreens. I especially like variegated success. Hollies and Euonymus. I am sad to report that even though we I am prepared to try one last time to hold the planned our Annual Show for September last Show in 2022, but really need to know that year, booking the Hall and organising judges, the community is ready to support us and we had to cancel a few days before the Show enter exhibits. We are happy to hear your due to a lack of entries. We thought that views and if anyone would like to join the residents may have been growing and crafting Committee or has any ideas to help us move during the lockdown, especially with all the forward and grow then please email us at programmes on television encouraging us. In [email protected] or drop a note September infection rates were very low in through the door at 16 The Watergate. our community and we had planned ways to Unfortunately, without a solid commitment of minimise any risks. After cancelling the entries we will not survive and there will be Show, I had lots of residents saying how they no alternative but to dissolve the Society . always enjoyed meeting up and seeing the Robert Tunwell CPRA NEWS 17
Internal and external works carried out. Including: Painting/decorating Gutters Fascia Jet washing Gardening And any general maintenance 18 www.carpendersparkresidents.org.uk — [email protected]
20 www.carpendersparkresidents.org.uk — [email protected]
Carpenders Park & AROUND CARPENDERS PARK South Oxhey Methodist Church, (CPSO) 122 Prestwick Road, South Oxhey, WD19 6LA BREADMAKING: 2nd and 4th Thursdays of Minister: Rev. Richard Lowson: 01923 223906. each month. We meet at 09.30. All ingredients Website: cpsomc.org.uk are provided. No charge: donation welcomed. (Bus: W19 and No.8 stops in Prestwick Road, The photo shows December’s Panettone, in almost outside the Church). January we will be baking loaves. Church contact: Jenny (0208 428 6375) can answer most queries. MESSY CHURCH has not yet re-opened but plans are afoot. Watch this space. First visit? Check with Jenny that Coronavirus hasn’t caused a cancellation. ALL AREAS OF THE CHURCH ARE FULLY ACCESSIBLE FOR THE DISABLED. OUR SUNDAY SERVICES START AT 10 a.m. - A WARM WELCOME AWAITS YOU. SERVICES on-line are led by our Minister: visit CPSOMC.org.uk Graham Spendlove MCFHP, MAHFP For all the family, for the treatment of Corns, Callus, Ingrown or Thickened Nails, Nail Trimming and other complaints. For an appointment that will last between 40 minutes and 1 hour, at a cost of £30 in your own home at a time to suit you, book now on 07799 033974 CPRA NEWS 21
PHYSICS & MATH TUITION to GCSE & A-Level Terence Spinks PhD (Carpenders Park) £35 per hour (one-to-one sessions) £30 per hour (on line by Zoom) DBS Certified Tel 07443 543 568 Email: [email protected] 22 www.carpendersparkresidents.org.uk — [email protected]
Event Programme FAMILY & WELLBEING The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee 2022 (i) “Platinum pudding competition” Queen’s reign will be held at St Paul’s Cathedral. We wish Good Luck to any residents who applied to create a special Platinum Pudding. (vi) Saturday 4th June: Platinum Party at It would be great to see a Carpenders Park the Palace resident among the five people invited to attend the live final in the week beginning Some of the world’s greatest entertainers are 14th March. billed to perform at the concert at Buckingham Palace to celebrate the most (ii) Thursday 12th – Sunday 15th May: significant moments from The Queen’s reign. Platinum Jubilee Celebration (vii) Sunday 5th June: Big Jubilee Lunch More than 500 horses and 1,000 performers will take part in a 90-minute show taking the Street parties are being planned across the Windsor Castle audience UK and neighbours are through history right from expected to join together Elizabeth I to present day. for food and fun to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee. It will (iii) Thursday 2nd June Bank mark the end of the Bank Holiday: The Queen’s Holiday. Birthday Parade (Trooping the Colour) (viii) Platinum Jubilee Pageant The Colour will be trooped on Horse Guards Parade by the 1st Performers will come together Battalion, Irish Guards and over 1,200 in London to tell the story of The Queen’s officers and soldiers from the Household reign through a pageant that will include a Division who will put on a display. “River of Hope” section made up of 200 silk flags that will make its way through The Sandringham and Balmoral will also be open Mall, appearing like a moving river. for residents and visitors to enjoy the celebrations across the Bank Holiday. (ix) July: The Royal Collection Trust (iv) Platinum Jubilee Beacons Three displays marking The Queen’s accession to the throne, the Coronation The UK will join the Channel Islands, Isle of and Jubilees will be put on at Buckingham Man and UK Overseas Territories to light a Palace, Windsor Castle and the Palace of beacon to mark the Jubilee. The Principal Holyroodhouse. Beacon will also be lit in a ceremony at Buckingham Palace. You can download a detailed document on this historically unique event by visiting: (v) Friday 3rd June: Service of Thanksgiving https://static1.squarespace.com/ static/60bb599c70faee6f7ef0835c/ The Service of Thanksgiving for The t/61d9829eff5ec56d79cf8476/164164473218 4/Guide_To_Taking_Part_Online.pdf [email protected] CPRA NEWS 23
24 www.carpendersparkresidents.org.uk — [email protected]
Plumbing, Heating & Gas Engineering • Boiler Maintenance & Installation • Boiler Servicing • System Upgrades • Breakdown Repairs • Chemical Power Flushing E m a i l : pe te r. bar ha m 1 @ bt i nte r ne t .c o m w w w. p a b a r h a m . c o m Call: 07831 363182 26 www.carpendersparkresidents.org.uk — [email protected]
Re– launch of the FAMILY & WELLBEING Carpenders Park Toddler Group Following the closure of 'Open Door', the It is anticipated that the group will begin mother, baby and toddler group which had after Easter holiday. been running for over 20 years the Carpenders Park Residents Association are A few locations have been taken into planning to re-open the playgroup. consideration, however not finalised, yet. Updates on location will be published on The new playgroup will run on Friday CPRA Community Facebook group. mornings from 9.30-11.30, during term-time. There will be a range of toys, crafts and If you have few spare hours a week and you singing for children from 0-5. There will be would like to be involved, we are looking for a range of snacks and drinks for children and volunteers setting up and helping with the parents as well as advice and friendship from snacks and drinks. Please contact : the group. [email protected] and /or [email protected] Ken Hodson Computers Computer Hardware and Software Repairs PCs and iMacs Upgrades and Advice for Home and Business No fix, no fee all repairs - you have nothing to lose. Low hourly rate. Most repairs carried out in your home If not, the computer will be picked up and delivered back to you [email protected] Telephone: 01582 794723 Mobile: 07974 156743 CPRA NEWS 27
28 www.carpendersparkresidents.org.uk — [email protected]
Michelle Lake FAMILY & WELLBEING Woodhall Primary School Hello Everyone! Children thoroughly enjoyed their learning You might not know about the wonderful in the foundation subjects (history, Woodhall School, as we are tucked away geography, art, DT, Spanish etc.) and their behind the trees on the other side of the railway line! Many of the families in our experiences were enriched through carefully- school community live in Carpenders Park, planned whole school events and and it is great to have been given the opportunity to tell you a little bit about our celebrations, such as Black History Month, lovely school. World Mental Health Day and Anti-Bullying Woodhall is a one-form entry primary Week. We have our fantastic Woodhall school, with a mornings-only Nursery. We School Parliament with our Children’s Prime are a real community-oriented school, and we love having visitors (like our brilliant Minister, the Right Honourable Freddie; and local Police Officers) and working alongside our Woodhall Members of Parliament hold various community groups to bring a wide- range of experiences and support to our class meetings and bring forward views and children and their families. ideas on behalf of all of the children. Order! We had a very busy Autumn Term! It was We also… great to have the children here for a full Term without needing to close. At Woodhall, Held a ‘topic WOW day’ in each class, we thought carefully when planning changes engaging and enthusing the children at to the curriculum following the lockdown the very start of their termly learning periods to ensure the best provision for our journey; children. During the Autumn Term, we focused on teaching key skills in maths, Ran ‘Come and Learn with…’ sessions for reading and writing and on filling gaps in parents/carers which were a real learning resulting from missed schooling. success! Had our termly ‘Love That Book!’ week, where each class look at the same text in an age-appropriate way. This Term, we used ‘The Lost Spells’ by Robert MacFarlane and Jackie Morris – the class displays in our Hall are wonderful! Celebrated World First Aid Day, Rosh (continue at page 31) CPRA NEWS 29
30 www.carpendersparkresidents.org.uk — [email protected]
Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Diwali, Black FAMILY & WELLBEING History Month, National Poetry Day, some of whom attend our excellent ROWAN Harvest, the Battle of Hastings (Reach Out Well-being and Nurture) anniversary, Bonfire Night, Halloween, provision. We all need a little extra support Remembrance Day, Hanukkah, Advent, sometimes. Christmas (amongst many more!) If you would like to come and visit us, we Introduced a range of sports’ clubs including would love to show you around! Please boxing, roller-skating, street dance, either phone the school office on 0208 428 football, netball and tag rugby; 3447, or email me: [email protected]. We do have Experienced a journey into deep space inside spaces, and can advise you on making applications for both the Early Years and in the Wonderdome, visited the mummies at other classes. the British Museum, saw the amazing plants at Kew Gardens, explored the Here’s what some of our visitors had to say woods in our local community, laughed last Term: and laughed at the Watersmeet pantomime; Welcomed our friends from the local community including Police Officers Chris, Ross, Daisy, James and Brent; ‘Such a wonderful school and we couldn't be Curate Josh; Councillors Reena and happier. We are so lucky to have such a Chris; and had regular visitors from our fantastic setting available.’ (Parent feedback school governors. form) Smiled for our school photos (in most cases!) ‘Staff know all of their pupils very well and and sang our hearts out at ‘Cheeky give such personalised, individual attention Cherubs’, ‘Prickly Hay’ and Carols by to each child, to help them achieve their full potential.’ (Parent feedback form) Candlelight; Listened to the sound of brass instruments, ‘Every child matters in this school and all pupils are provided with every possible violins, steel drums and much more opportunity to be successful in their through our music lessons, musician visitors to school and the talents of our very own Woodhall teachers! Phew! All this on top of the brilliant learning learning’ (Linda Hardman, Hertfordshire going on in each classroom. We are so proud Improvement Partner) of the tremendous effort that all of the We wish all the residents of Carpenders Park children made. As always, social/emotional a very happy and healthy 2022. and mental well-being continue to be high priority at Woodhall. This is something that Michelle Lake we talk about very openly with the children, Headteacher www.woodhall.herts.sch.uk Copy for the next issue We are always happy to hear from the residents. Deadline for next submission is: Saturday 2th July 2022 Submissions should be sent to [email protected] CPRA NEWS 31
Happy New Year but weren’t quite sure if it was a chicken from St Meryl School! inside it or a dinosaur). I am going to attempt the impossible – From this, I have taken that throughout the writing an article without mentioning “that last 2 years a lot of opportunities and which shouldn’t be named”. Since my last activities may have stopped from time to piece, which was written fresh after an time, but the learning never has. Ofsted visit (which actually seems like a long time ago now), we have enjoyed many We remembered the past last year (St Meryl highlights – some in the “getting back to was 70 years old), and we discovered a lot of normal” category, and others that I would delightful facts that we did not know about find difficult to put in any category. ourselves. Although we did not have the celebrations that we truly wanted, we still But firstly, the Ofsted bit. At the last time of found time to reflect and celebrate. To mark writing, I was sworn to secrecy until our the occasion, a time capsule is due to be report from the June visit was published. I buried very soon, and the children were can now share the good news that we came asked what to put inside. Much debate was out with a “Good” grading. For a more had about this (will a USB stick be able to be detailed insight, I have included the link used in 50 years?), and there were some here. How very proud we all were (and still imaginative ideas contributed. Items are) of ourselves. As terrifying as it felt included a Micro Machine police car from when the phone rang on that sunny morning Early Years, a SATs paper from Year 6, a St on the first day back after half term, by the Meryl Shirt, and photos of all the children. end there was a real sense of achievement Some items were considered too difficult to and affirmation – something we really be put in, such as a young man in Reception should feel more often at school, when we who wanted to put his dream of a teacher as see our pupils master how to form letters a superhero in there. when they are writing like I saw in Reception today, or how to overcome the Some new additions have appeared at St labyrinth of challenges known as long Meryl this academic year. Our rooves are division, or even the more philosophical now adorned with 178 solar panels – questions in life about the chicken and the installed over the summer holidays. egg that I overheard in the dining room this lunchtime (they decided that it was the egg, 32 www.carpendersparkresidents.org.uk — [email protected]
Although the days are not so bright at the FAMILY & WELLBEING moment, we are looking forward to when we get more sunlight and then really see the We are also grateful to our fantastic PTA, benefits. have also made contributions towards the library by thinking of innovative ways to Building has now finished on our new raise money during these times – including a Library! This project began in the Autumn “Break the Rules” day, where pupils had the Term, it has gone to schedule, and we are opportunity to be just a little bit naughty. now looking forward to furnishing the insides. I would like to take this opportunity Although we are still experiencing our share to thank Councillor Reena Ranger who has of challenges at the moment, we still remain kindly donated a substantial amount towards positive that we are giving the children at St this aspect – it has really made a difference! Meryl the best possible deal – which even Ofsted have agreed can only be a good thing. Craig Davies CPRA NEWS 33
34 www.carpendersparkresidents.org.uk — [email protected]
The 4 R’s FAMILY & WELLBEING Reduce, Reuse, Recycle & Repair Last year was an important year with nations plastic shoved in. Clearly this is not the meeting for the COP26 in Glasgow to agree purpose of the food pod and incorrect targets on carbon emissions. We can of material can contaminate the recycling and course play a part and by doing so have a mean the whole batch of recycling can be massive positive impact. The local Co-op rejected and sent to landfill instead. now collects soft plastics like crisp packets and bread bags. It doesn’t matter where you Other ways to reduce waste is to plan what bought them. Just pop your soft plastics into you are going to eat in the week and not be the recycling unit next to the door making tempted by the buy one gets one free offer sure they are clean. It means we have very when you are unlikely to consume the little waste to go into the general waste bin as products by the use by date. In the UK in the vast majority can go into the recycling 2021 there was 9.5 million tonnes of food bin. waste. Another local initiative is Watford's first zero We often talk about the 3 R's, reduce, reuse waste store called “RefillAbell Watford” at 4 Haydon Road, Bushey, WD19 4DD. Their and recycle. I think that there should be a aim is to get rid of single use plastics. By using your fourth R, repair. Far too often people will just own containers and getting them filled up is an throw away an item rather than considering a excellent way to do it. They source their products simple repair instead. from ethical, sustainable, organic and local (where When it comes to possible) businesses, who are conscious about their impact on the environment. computers, sometimes For residents with gardens an excellent way upgrading a part inside can of getting rid of food waste such as peelings is to compost them. A compost bin doesn't bring it back to a have to take up a large area of your garden and it provides an excellent ecosystem for satisfactory working invertebrates to live and thrive .The free compost produced each year is a bonus! condition. Not only does Three Rivers has an excellent recycling rate, repairing goods save you money but often it but far too many people put the wrong material into the recycling bin or food pod. can be very satisfying and gives you a sense On a walk after Christmas, I went past a house with a food pod that had the lid off and of satisfaction. If you are not feeling I saw a bouquet of flowers still wrapped in confident then the internet is a great source of how to guides! One of the most polluting industries is fashion industry. It is now so cheap to purchase clothes and throw them way after a few wears. Why throw them way, why not donate them to charity shops or even sell them to other people? One site that you can use is called vinted.co.uk and some of the items on these sites even have the original labels on them! Robert Tunwell CPRA NEWS 35
TARRANTS TIMBER LIMITED Harrow Garden Centre, Headstone Lane, Harrow HA2 6NB Telephone: 020 8421 5989 We carry large stocks of sawn and prepared timber, skirting, cladding etc. Also a full range of sheet materials, i.e. MDF, Plywood, Chipboard etc. We also have a cutting service. Vast selection of Fencing, Decking and Garden Sheds All competitively priced. Daily Delivery Service FREE PARKING Website: www.tarrantstimber.co.uk E-mail: [email protected] 36 www.carpendersparkresidents.org.uk — [email protected]
Kew Garden FAMILY & WELLBEING The Magical Winter Trail This is an annual after dark 2.6km walk with or mulled wine. There is a Botanical friends and family through illuminated Brassiere overlooking the Palm House where pathways. There are sparkling tunnels of there is an outside light show but you have to light, dancing waterside reflections and trees pre- book one of the two sittings before or drenched in jewel like colours. Different after your visit to the trail. The walk takes an Music themes including Festive songs estimated 75 minutes but you can stop any accompanies the different illuminations from time at the various outside food / drink pop- mesmerising flickering flames in the Fire up places. A good suggestion is to take one Garden, larger-than-life illuminations like torch. “Aurora” which illuminates the night sky, “Spheric” which is a show stopping dome of We went by car (pre booked the Victoria car light. . park- near the entrance) but you can travel from Carpenders Park Station to Kew. As We ate at several of the pop-up stalls eating you will be walking outside, remember to hot dogs, waffles and drinking hot chocolate wear warn clothing and footwear as there is no covered areas during the trail. I suggest you book next winter as it is very popular and has limited capacity and is on from dates in November to early January and quickly sells out of some booking slots (There are family tickets). There are time slots for entry so you never feel rushed and can take lots of photos. For the children apart from lots of different food stalls and wondrous things to see and hear, there are family fairground rides which are paid for by tokens separate from the entry tickets. For adults it is a time to appreciate the beauty of nature and the importance of plants and trees in our lives as we see such majestic heritage trees illuminated from different angles. Website www.kew.org Parish Councillor Angela Arnold 07951 031 806 CPRA NEWS 37
38 www.carpendersparkresidents.org.uk — [email protected]
MP FROM THE AUTHORITIES Dean Russell improved our lives in many ways, there are It has now been more than two years since I still too many instances of abuse, bullying, was elected to be the MP for Watford and I fraud and violence, and the 193-page report wanted to provide Carpenders Park residents produced by the Committee makes several with an update on some of the work that I key recommendations all aimed at making the have been doing. online world a safer place. Last year I was able to secure new legislation I have continuously supported Watford to ensure that hospitality workers can keep General and the plans to redevelop the site. 100% of their tips through my ‘Tips Bill’ in a The plans drawn up by the local NHS Trust huge win for hospitality staff. It has always will ensure world class facilities fit for the felt to me that businesses can retain the tips 21st Century, not just for patients but also the that have been given in good faith by the fantastic staff who do a fantastic job, but in customers to hard -working staff. I think for outdated facilities. I will continue to lobby the most people, when they leave a tip, they have Government to ensure Watford General left it for a specific member of staff who receives the funding that it deserves. provided good service, and not the business. My Mental Health First Aid Awareness I also welcomed the creation of the NHS initiative continues to grow, with hundreds of Reserves Programme. Ever since I suggested people now trained to support others in this scheme at Prime Minister’s Questions workplaces and schools across our area. last year, I have been amazed by the support Demand on mental health services has from NHS staff and colleagues in Parliament. increased as a result of the pandemic, so I am The Army Reserve is something that has been pleased that this initiative continues to thrive. in place for over 100 years, and it made If you would like more information or are perfect sense to me for the NHS to be able to interested in completing the training, you can operate something similar. learn more on my website: I have continued to focus on homelessness. I https://www.deanrussell.co.uk/mental-health- am proud to have successfully lobbied for first-aid over £4 million for our area, and thanks to My office and I are here to help with any fantastic local organisations such as New Parliamentary issues or concerns so please do Hope this money has made a material get in touch if you think I may be able to difference to the lives of many. However, assist. there is still much more to do in this area, My email is [email protected] both locally and nationally. and you can sign up to my newsletter to In the second half of 2021 I spent time on the receive regular updates about my work in Online Safety Bill Committee to perform pre- Watford and Westminster legislative scrutiny on ground-breaking https://www.deanrussell.co.uk/ legislation aimed at making the internet a safer place and holding social media platforms to account for the content that is hosted on their sites. Whilst the internet has CPRA NEWS 39
4400 wwwwww..ccaarrppeennddeerrssppaarrkkrreessiiddeennttss..oorrgg..uukk —— wweebbaaddmminin@@ccaarrppeennddeerrssppaarrkkreressidideenntsts.o.orrgg.u.ukk
Reena Ranger Hertfordshire County Councillor’s Report As you may be aware, I have had a crossing points at Delta Gain and I am wonderful response from residents who investigating if anything can be done to asked for a new tree to be planted on the improve them. As ever, if you have any highway verges outside their homes. We issues or concerns, please get in touch at will have 7 new trees planted in Carpenders [email protected] Park this planting season and already have Regular updates are sent out via the regular the start of a list for next year’s planting Carpenders Park Matters email service, season! My hope is to plant new trees each please make sure you have signed up to keep year as my budget allows, so please contact up to date. Email: carpendersparkmat- me should you like the verge outside your home to be [email protected] to join. I also considered. often post on my Facebook Hertfordshire County Council page at are putting together a https://www.facebook.com/ programme of improvement CllrReenaRanger works for pathways and It has been an extraordinary pavements for the year and two years and I hope 2022 should you have any areas you brings tranquillity, good health feel should be considered please & much happiness to us all. do let me know. Residents are Kind Regards able to report potholes, damages, overgrown highways Cllr Reena Ranger trees or vegetation and a 07455 210 408 number of other faults directly to HCC vis their website www.facebook.com/ www.hertfordshire.gov.uk and type “fault CllrReenaRanger reporting” in the search box. If we report it, we can get it sorted! I don’t believe in Hertfordshire County Councillor for liberally sorting items that need attention for Rickmansworth East and Oxhey Park another day, so please get in touch if you (Rickmansworth Town, Carpenders Park, notice anything that should be reported! Residents have raised concerns about the Oxhey Hall & Moor Park) & Three Rivers District Councillor for Moor Park and Eastbury. Carpenders Park Residents’ Association is looking for Volunteers Interested? Email us. [email protected] http://www.carpendersparkresidents.org.uk 42 www.carpendersparkresidents.org.uk — [email protected]
Valerie and David Coltman FROM THE AUTHORITIES District & Parish Councillors We are sitting here today as 2021 draws to a The past 18 months have been particularly close and we step carefully into 2022. A New busy for us. The tree audit identified some Year has dawned and with our hope’s high issues that needed to be rectified swiftly, how- that the vaccination programme works its ever lots of them were trimmed back for safe- magic, let us all hope we can look forward to ty reasons and many new trees have been a brighter and healthier New Year. planted with some more to follow. Drains have been cleared to prevent possible flooding Your Cllrs. are always mindful that residents’ but they require regular monitoring, especially concerns are important to them. Contacting in the winter. your Cllr. is only the first step. If we can't assist, we will always seek advice from Three In June Her Majesty The Queen Elizabeth II Rivers District Council or the County Coun- will celebrate her Platinum Jubilee and it is cillor. Hopefully most problems can be re- hoped that Carpenders Park will celebrate this solved swiftly whilst others may take time. event in a suitable manner. Cllrs. are the eyes and ears of the community Valerie Coltman, Parish Councillor and we are often aware of problems before 07887 550 758 residents report them to us. However, we can only help when you alert us of concerns. Re- David Coltman, District Councillor porting something early is always recom- 07775 696 087 mended. Local Elected Representatives MP Dean Russell [email protected] 01923 296 790 Hertfordshire Police and Crime Commissioner 01707 806 100 07455 210 408 David Lloyd [email protected] 07400 414 344 County Councillor 07534 080 736 07775 696 087 Reena Ranger [email protected] 07951 031 806 District Councillors 07534 080 736 Shanti Maru 07887 550 758 Donna Duncan 07596 543 524 David Coltman Parish Councillors Angela Arnold Donna Duncan Valerie Coltman George Hallam-Attree CARPENDERS PARK RESIDENTS’ ASSOCIATION NEWSLETTER DISCLAIMER Neither the Committee of the Carpenders Park Residents' Association, nor the editors of this newsletter accept any responsibility for the views by contributors or for the content of the advertisements within or any services provided by the advertisers. CPRA is a non-party-political Association. Any opinions expressed here are incidental and should not be deemed to associate the Association with, or stand particularly against, any political Party. CPRA NEWS 43
44 www.carpendersparkresidents.org.uk — [email protected]
Neighbourhood Watch FROM THE AUTHORITIES Yo u s a i d . . . We d i d ! a 2 0 2 1 R e ca p Dear Watch Member, Neighbourhood Newsletters, which will be It’s been another busy year for Hertfordshire distributed to residents across Hertfordshire in Constabulary. We’ve been listening to our the coming weeks. communities throughout the year and asking Neighbourhood Watch continues to go from what you would like to see us focusing on strength to strength, with more than 167,000 where you live via our community voice Hertfordshire homes receiving regular platform ‘echo’. 'echo' allows you to voice “OWL” messages, an increase in membership your views about policing in your local area, of almost 6,000 homes in the last 12 months. in your own words and in your own time. Other Watches, including Senior Watch and Your comments will be sent through to your Business Watch are growing too. During local Safer Neighbourhood Team Officers, 2021, we launched our new OWL App, to run who will review and use your feedback to alongside our long standing OWL email help shape local policing priorities, patrol service. To join the OWL App, search the plans, initiatives, and campaigns. App Store or Google Play for ‘OWL crime Simply visit Herts echo and tell us your alerts’. thoughts. Many thanks, as always, for your ongoing This link You said… We did! A 2021 recap support and we look forward to continuing to (herts.police.uk) takes you to a page on our work with our communities to keep our website containing a review of some of our county safe in the coming year. work across the county in 2021, including examples of what we’ve been doing to tackle Regards, drug activity, knife and gang violence and Derrick Sweeney road safety, as well as information about Watch Liaison Officer some of our campaigns. We are also in the Email: [email protected] process of producing local Safer 1A Fairfield Avenue, South Oxhey, Watford, WD19 7ER CPRA NEWS 45
46 www.carpendersparkresidents.org.uk — [email protected]
Citizens Advice FROM THE AUTHORITIES Three Rivers If the item was delivered by a courier: I’m a bit anxious about going out into shops at Check your terms and conditions or account details the moment so I want to do more shopping - they might include other places for delivery, like online, but there’s been things in the news about your porch or a neighbour’s house. If you agreed to delivery problems. I'm worried about not them, it’s not the seller’s or courier’s responsibility receiving things on time or packages being lost. if your order has gone missing. However, if you What should I do if my parcel goes missing? did not agree to this, then it’s the sellers When you’re online shopping, it’s not always clear responsibility if your order goes missing. whom to contact if things go wrong. If you ordered something from a private seller or As a customer, your contract is with the seller that you’re still having trouble after trying the tips you bought the item from. It’s the seller’s above, you can contact the Citizens Advice responsibility to make sure the item is delivered to consumer helpline for help. You can also call your you. They should chase the courier to find out what local Citizens Advice. happened to your order if there’s a problem. We are open for limited face to face meeting by appointment. We have returned to ‘drop in’ If your parcel hasn’t arrived: outreach services at South Oxhey Foodbank Check the delivery address you gave the seller, to (South Oxhey Baptist Church, Gosforth Lane, South Oxhey, 11am –1pm every second Tuesday make sure it’s correct. from 10th August) and the Mill End Foodbank Then contact the seller and ask where your order (Methodist Church, Berry Lane, Rickmansworth every Tuesday from 2pm - 4pm) is. Please contact our offices for advice from If the seller claims they've delivered it or doesn't Monday to Friday 10am – 4pm on 01923 293136 (Rickmansworth), 01923 271707 (Abbots know where it is, you can ask for a redelivery. Langley) and 0208 5158321 (South Oxhey). Our You might be able to get a refund in some county wide adviceline is also open Monday to circumstances where the delivery time was Friday 10 am – 4pm 0800 144 8848. You can also essential and you let the seller know ahead of contact us directly via email through our website time. -www.threeriverscab.org.uk. Webchat and email Under the Consumer Rights Act 2015, you can ask advice are available through the national website the seller to deliver the item to you again if the www.citizensadvice.org.uk item wasn’t delivered either by an agreed date, or within a reasonable time - usually within 30 days. Please note that due to the pandemic our services If the new delivery fails to come within a may change at short notice reasonable time, you can ask the seller for a refund. If your parcel was left somewhere: Our CAB needs you! If you are interested in Another problem people face is when parcels get volunteering to be an adviser, please get in touch. left in different places, for example outside or with Email: [email protected] Full a neighbour. training given. Free refreshments. Travel expenses If your item was delivered by Royal Mail: reimbursed. Lovely company! If Royal Mail left your package with a neighbour or in a certain place because you told them to, it’s CPRA NEWS 47 not the seller or Royal Mail’s responsibility if it gets lost. If they leave it somewhere you hadn’t instructed, it’s the seller’s responsibility if it gets lost. You should contact the seller to ask for a redelivery or a refund.
CPRA Committee Page Costas - Chairman 50 Penrose Avenue…...…......…[email protected]…………........07399 972929 Georgina Ford - Secretary 105 Carpenders Ave…………[email protected]…….…….020 8428 6501 Sajida Chandoo - Treasurer & Advertising Editor 144 Penrose Avenue……...…[email protected]…….…….……..07773 912160 Chiara Breda - News Editor 10 Romilly Drive……………[email protected]……………..07599 376951 Robert Tunwell - Website 16 The Watergate……………[email protected] Margaret Stanley - Committee 8 St George's Drive…….…[email protected]……….…07905 397297 Nuala Buchan Brodie - Committee 64 Margeholes ……………[email protected] …………………....07725260841 Stephen Page - Traffic & Highway 50 Penrose Ave……………………………………………………….……………………..07872570620 CARPENDERS PARK COMMUNITY HALL Audrey Walpole - Booking Secretary 58 Compton Place 07415 361 794 Useful Telephone Numbers Police………Emergency number…………………………………………………….…….999 Non-Emergency……..………………………………………….……………101 Crime Commissioner (PCC)….David Lloyd………………….…01707 806 100 Citizens Advice Bureau Three Rivers residents only……………………………….……...0344 245 1296 Countywide service…………………………………….………...08444 111 444 Herts County Council General Enquiries………………………………………………...0300 123 4040 Highways Hotline………………………………………………...0300 123 4047 (Roads, Maintenance, Drainage, Lighting and Pot-Holes) Library…….Public………………………….Bridlington Road……………….0300 123 4049 Medical…….Hospitals………………………Mount Vernon……………….…01923 826 111 Watford General………………..01923 244 366 Attenborough Surgery…………Bushey………………………....01923 231 633 Carpenders Park Surgery……...Appointments…………….…….020 8428 0355 Urgent Help or Advice………...NHS 111 Service……………………….….111 Chemist………………………..D.B.Jones……………………....020 8428 1643 School St Meryl……………………….The Mead…………………....…020 8428 1695 Services Gas Emergencies…………………………………………….…….0800 111 999 Affinity Water…………………General…………………….…...0345 357 2406 Leaks…………………………....01422 412 283 Leaks (to report)…………….….0800 376 5325 Sewage and Drains…………….Thames Water……………….…0800 316 9800 Three RiversDistrict Council……………….……………………………….….01923 776 611 Trading Standards, via Consumer Direct………………………………...…....08454 040 506 Transport Passenger (inc. W19 Bus)…………………………….…………..0300 1234 050 Rail National Enquiries……………………………….…….….0845 748 4950 Bus National Enquiries………………………………….……..0871 200 2233 48 www.carpendersparkresidents.org.uk — [email protected]
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