dures undertaken do not provide all the evi- LETTERS & ABOUT CPRA dence that would be required in an audit and counting records and to prepare Accounts consequently I do not express an audit opinion which accord with the accounting records have of the view given by the Accounts. not been met or to which, in my opinion, Independent Examiner’s Statement attention should have been drawn in order to In connection with my examination, no matter enable a proper understanding of the accounts has come to my attention which gives me to be reached. 13th March, 2021 reasonable cause to believe that in any material Gary Skelton, respect the requirements to keep proper ac 6 Belle Fields,NW12 6AA THREE YEAR ACCOUNTS SUMMARY 2018 2019 2020 £____ ££ - Income 3,600.00 1,500.00 Subscriptions and Donations -- 122.00 Advertising 3,098.00 4,422.00 -. Parish Council Grant 5,222.00 Payment in error 2,915.00 217.73 Insurance Refund - 7.06 62.55 100.00 Total Receipts 3,098.00 4,429.06 122.00 Expenditure 3,417.28 1804.72 Printing Newsletters 2,767.00 4,465.00 6,374.20 Insurance 218.73 224.80 8,178.92 AGM and Committee expenses 125.00 13.67 8,178.92 - Donation - 100.00 8,178.92 Returned payments 120.00 142.00 Total payments 3,140.73 4,945.47 Surplus/Deficit for the Year -42.73 -516.41 - Reserves at beginning of year 6,933.34 6,890.61 Reserves at end of year 6,890.61 6,374.20 Cash Balances Current A/C 6,890.61 6,374.20 Cash in Hand -- Net Cash equal to Reserves 6,890.61 6,374.20 (Follow from page 13) economic development over the plan period. Site CFS12 The Study indicates that on the basis of This site comprises some land to which projected growth within the area, Three planning permission was granted in 2010 and Rivers cannot afford to lose any more part of the site is employment land. In para employment floorspace. “ . 5.8 of your consultation document we are How can Three Rivers District Council told: “The South West Herts Economic Study reconcile the statement in the consultation (2019) has been used to inform the detailed document that it will safeguard allocated requirements for land or floorspace for employment sites “for business, industrial and CPRA NEWS 51
storage or distribution uses” when the surrounding land floods, and this idea did not proposals as presented would result in the loss appear sensible to residents, the planning of an employment area in Carpenders Park? application was refused due to the loss of The Issues & Options consultation in 2017, employment land. No planning should be stated) it was important to continue to granted unless the vehicles to be used by safeguard the existing allocated employment future residents is taken into consideration. It sites, the Council would appear to be going is not acceptable to state that the land is next against its own policy as set out in para 5.2 of to a transport hub and therefore private Part 1 of the preferred Policy document. transport is not needed and therefore no Planning permission granted in 2010 has provision is needed to cope with private never been implemented and has now lapsed. vehicles, Watford Borough Council have tried If used wholly as residential development this at Bushey Arches and the resultant travel Three Rivers District Council’s own report in chaos is apparent to everyone. There are Appendix 7A states: “The site is adjacent to many vehicles parked on Delta Gain from Carpenders Park rail station. Noise and commuters already we do not need additional vibrations caused by the use of Carpenders vehicles from the proposed new development Park train station may have an impact on the at site CSF12. site and its future occupiers.” “Proposals CFS13 would need to provide suitable mitigation to The detailed assessment of this site as given address groundwater flood risk, surface water in Appendix 8 of Three Rivers District flood risk and fluvial flood risk on areas of Council assessment states : ”The Stage 2 the site.” Green Belt Review assessed harm to the Previous planning applications for the whole Green Belt of releasing the wider parcel (in site suggested the use of an underground car which the site is located) as moderate-high”. park to resolve parking issues, the This land is stated to be not suitable and not deliverable/developable. 52 www.carpendersparkresidents.org.uk — [email protected]
The assessment of the site states LETTERS & ABOUT CPRA “consideration has to be given to the gas pipeline and the surface water risk on the Part of the site is also a Local Wildlife Site southern boundary in particular as this is which is considered to be unsuitable for where the site meets Oxhey Lane, this main development. The site is deemed unsuitable, transport route should not be unavailable and therefore compromised by additional flooding risks”. undevelopable.” (appendix 7a page 209) The Association would be sad to lose this “HCC Highways state that \"the site is area of open grazing land but it is at the approximately 1 mile from central South extreme edge of Carpenders Park. The site is Oxhey, although the A4008 may discourage on a bus route. walking and cycling. A significant concern is CFS14 raised by HCC Highways in the location of The detailed assessment of this site as given the nearest bus stops being over 400m away in Appendix 8 of Three Rivers District (in Harrow Way); significant contributions Council own assessment states this land is not would be necessary to enable adequate bus suitable and not deliverable/developable. service improvements.” Residents believe Part of the site is an historic landfill and land these bus improvements will not occur and if is adjacent to a current “unlicenced” landfill they did would be of short duration, the site which may have an impact on future current bus is an hourly service and the occupiers of site CFS14. service to Harrow was cut many years ago. HCC highways have expressed concern over PC47 the distance from the main built up areas of The detailed assessment given in Appendix 8 Watford Heath and Carpenders Park that states this site is unsuitable, undeliverable/ “there is limited opportunity to enhance undevelopable. provision of walking/cycling due to location The detailed assessment of this site as given and distances from local services”. New in Appendix7d of Three Rivers District residents will rely on cars which makes the Council’s own assessment of the site states: site unsustainable an additional 175 vehicles ”The site is located in the Green Belt. Harm twice a day on Oxhey Lane is not a to the Green Belt of releasing the wider parcel sustainable development. There is a bus route (in which the site is located) is assessed as of one bus an hour on Oxhey Lane. very high. The need for housing does not CFS69a outweigh ‘very high’ harm to the Green Belt The detailed assessment given in Appendix 8 through the release of land. Whilst the site states this site is unsuitable, undeliverable/ would contribute to meeting housing needs, undevelopable. The Stage 2 Green Belt its development would not deliver any Review assessed harm to the Green Belt of strategic infrastructure. It is considered that releasing the wider parcel (in which the site is allocating the site would not outweigh the located) as very high. “A large area within very high harm to the Green Belt, if released. the centre of the site at a high risk of surface The site is therefore deemed unsuitable for water flooding” (appendix 7a page 208). “The residential allocation.“ need for housing does not outweigh ‘very This assessment mentions the possible high’ harm to the Green Belt through the congestion at the narrow bridge in Little release of land and allocating the site would Oxhey Lane and the difficulties of the site not outweigh harm to the Green Belt, if being sustainable. released. A proportion of the site is also Residents of Carpenders Park see surface unsuitable for residential development due to water on the site, the detailed assessment the location of the Hartsbourne Flood Storage states that two tributaries of the River Pinn Area and the need for a 10m buffer distance arise on this land which also comprises their from this flood risk asset to any development. flood plain. Little Oxhey Lane floods when CPRA NEWS 53
the ditch next to the highway is not cleared Herts,” it is not suitable for housing regularly. This site is at a lower level than the because of the great harm to the Green main Carpenders Park settlement and no Belt.” change to land levels could occur without a The assessment of this site states it is only major risk of flooding to existing properties. suitable because of the need for a secondary The high voltage electric cable which runs school and the very high harm to the Green across the site, plus the main line railway line Belt would not be acceptable for residential running along the western boundary of the use. It is therefore difficult for residents of site plus the watercourses makes this site Carpenders Park to understand why any difficult to achieve without causing harm to development along Oxhey Lane is being existing residents of Carpenders Park and considered due to the very high harm to the new residents of the site. There is also the Green Belt. potential for harm to residents of the London The Residents’ Association believes the site Borough of Harrow which adjoins the is unsuitable for a secondary school due to the southern boundary of the site. difficulty of students getting to the site unless CFS11 they all live in Carpenders Park and are The assessment of this site given in Appendix willing to walk. Other students will arrive by 7 is It is considered that the exceptional need road, access can be either via the congestion for a secondary school in this location hub of Bushey Arches or via the very narrow outweighs the ‘very high’ level of harm in bridge on Little Oxhey Lane, the writer has releasing this land from the Green Belt, that it discounted the double blind bend and narrow is only possible because of the need for a bridge at Watford Heath. School pupils who secondary school in this part of South West do not live in Carpenders Park will not be 54 www.carpendersparkresidents.org.uk — [email protected]
able to get to the proposed school. LETTERS & ABOUT CPRA Summary The Carpenders Park Residents’ Association capacity as verified by Hertfordshire believes that Three Rivers District Council Highways. has not looked at all the evidence in Residents are rightly worried about increased Appendix 7 which proves that most of the flood risk if the hill above Carpenders Park is identified sites are unsuitable for housing built on, children would miss their toboggan development and for a secondary school. hill and dog walkers their area to walk, some The Green Belt is very narrow between residents walk to Bushey and will not do that Carpenders Park and the London Borough of if the area is built on. Do not destroy the Harrow at Little Oxhey Lane, and the gap will green environment of Carpenders Park. no longer exist between Carpenders Park and Watford, the affected roads cannot cope with Miss G Ford any increase in traffic as they are close to Secretary Carpenders Park Residents’ Association Useful Telephone Numbers Police………Emergency number………………………………………………………….999 Non-Emergency……..………………………………………….……………101 Crime Commissioner (PCC)….David Lloyd………………….…01707 806 100 Community Hall Hiring Officer………………...Audrey Walpole…………….…...07415 361 794 Citizens Advice Bureau Three Rivers residents only……………………………….……...0344 245 1296 Countywide service…………………………………….………...08444 111 444 Herts County Council General Enquiries………………………………………………...0300 123 4040 Highways Hotline………………………………………………...0300 123 4047 (Roads, Maintenance, Drainage, Lighting and Pot-Holes) Library…….Public………………………….Bridlington Road……………….0300 123 4049 Medical…….Hospitals………………………Mount Vernon……………….…01923 826 111 Watford General………………..01923 244 366 Attenborough Surgery…………Bushey………………………....01923 231 633 Carpenders Park Surgery……...Appointments…………….…….020 8428 0355 Urgent Help or Advice………...NHS 111 Service……………………….….111 Chemist………………………..D.B.Jones……………………....020 8428 1643 School St Meryl……………………….The Mead…………………....…020 8428 1695 Services Electricity Emergencies……….Contact your supplier Gas Emergencies…………………………………………….…….0800 111 999 Affinity Water…………………General…………………….…...0345 357 2406 Leaks…………………………....01422 412 283 Leaks (to report)…………….….0800 376 5325 Sewage and Drains…………….Thames Water……………….…0800 316 9800 Three RiversDistrict Council……………………………………………….….01923 776 611 Trading Standards, via Consumer Direct………………………………...…....08454 040 506 Transport Passenger (inc. W19 Bus)…………………………….…………..0300 1234 050 Rail National Enquiries……………………………….…….….0845 748 4950 Bus National Enquiries………………………………….……..0871 200 2233 Arriva Bus…………………………………………….…….…….0871 200 2233 CPRA NEWS 55
CPRA Committee Page Costas - Chairman 50 Penrose Avenue…...…......…[email protected]…………........07399 972929 Georgina Ford - Secretary 105 Carpenders Ave…………[email protected]…….…….020 8428 6501 Sajida Chandoo - Treasurer & Advertising Editor 144 Penrose Avenue……...…[email protected]…….…….……..07773 912160 Chiara Breda - News Editor 10 Romilly Drive……………[email protected]……………..07599 376951 Robert Tunwell - Website 16 The Watergate……………[email protected] Ingrid Mahtani - Committee 77 Harrow Way…….…………[email protected]………………020 8421 4369 Jo Quinn - Committee 5 The Mead………...…..….…[email protected]……….....….……...07783 228069 Margaret Stanley - Committee 8 St George's Drive…….…[email protected]……….…07905 397297 Ketul Patel - Committee [email protected]……………...…..07730564482 Nuala Buchan Brodie - Committee 64 Margeholes ……………[email protected] …………………....07725260841 Stephen Page - Traffic & Highway 50 Penrose Ave……………………………………………………….……………………..07872570620 CARPENDERS PARK COMMUNITY HALL Audrey Walpole - Booking Secretary 58 Compton Place……………………………………………………….07415 361 794 Copy for the next issue We are always happy to hear from the residents. Deadline for next submission is: Saturday 5th February 2022 Submissions should be sent to [email protected] CPRA NEWS is a free magazine that enable local Free listing in our website: businesses to target local customers in a cost www.carpendersparkresidents.org.uk effective manner. CALL: 07773 912160 It is truly local. The majority of the advertisers Or email: [email protected] operate in or closer area. There is evidence that Our rates: local services are preferred by the UK population. It is useful guide to local businesses. 1/2 page 1 issue 2 issues £ 40.00 £ 80.00 full page £ 80.00 £ 160.00 56 www.carpendersparkresidents.org.uk — [email protected]