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Home Explore Gunnar GMC Package Template Reference Guide

Gunnar GMC Package Template Reference Guide

Published by jared, 2020-06-21 01:10:10

Description: Gunnar GMC Package Template Reference Guide


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Template Description of Use Glue or Reference Tape Internal Protective Book Wrap K040  Designed to be used with K020 Box Sleeve Required?  Designed for be cut from matboard or thicker, solid box- board Yes  Uses a v-groove cut for a folding crease.  No slots & tabs – Self-adhesive tape is required to bind the corners and edges of the box.

Template Description of Use Glue or Reference Tape Simple Matboard Box Base / Tray (Straight Cut Outside) K050  Similar concept to F0302 and K051 Required?  Outside cut shape is straight cut.  Designed for be cut from matboard or thicker, solid box- Yes board  Uses a v-groove cut for a folding crease.  No slots & tabs – Self-adhesive tape is required to bind the corners and edges of the box.

Template Description of Use Glue or Reference Tape Simple Matboard Box Base / Tray (Reverse Bevel Outside) K051  Similar concept to F0302 and K050 Required?  Outside cut shape is reverse bevelled.  Designed for be cut from matboard or thicker, solid box- Yes board  Uses a v-groove cut for a folding crease.  No slots & tabs – Self-adhesive tape is required to bind the corners and edges of the box.

Template Description of Use Glue or Reference Tape Cove Mat Shadowbox Design K1010  Dynamically calculates a mathematically accurate angled Required? wall at a desired depth for an internal shadowbox for a custom frame. Yes  Designed to be cut into matboard or thicker, solid cardboard.  Fold line can be either v-groove or deboss/score.

Template Description of Use Glue or Reference Tape Spliced Box K1030  Modified version of F0301 Fold-up Box Base template. Required?  This will generate a ‘half’ of a required box, to facilitate the possibility to create two sides which can become Yes joined into a larger box.  Ideal for when the box required is larger than the maximum table of the machine.  No slots & tabs – requires glue.  Recommended for archival storage.  (Designed based on suggestions from Nick Zihrul from the National Museum of Australia)  Click Here for a video to outline the process for this template.

Template Description of Use Glue or Reference Tape Archive Satchel Box K1040  Designed to store ‘collections’ of publications, such as Required? journals & magazines.  Can be cut into polypropylene, solid box board or No corrugated boards.  Recommended for archival storage.  (Originally Designed for National Library of Australia by David Pearson.) Options:  Rounded or Squared Corners by setting radius value.

Following are photos of genuine examples of different uses and applications for box- making:

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