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ACBI Bulletin - March 2017

Published by monika, 2017-05-10 01:19:11

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EDITORIAL BOARD Editorial EDITORIAL BOARD Dear Members, Editor-in-chief Greetings. DrE. dRitaojirv-inR-cahniejafn Sinha Dr. Rajiv Ranjan Sinha It is with a very heavy heart that I am writing this editorial. The Association NaNlaanladnadMa MedeidcaiclaCl Coollleleggee,, PPaattnnaa,, has lost one of it’s most active member, the mild mannered, ever-helpful, Dr. M. V. GENEGRENAELRSALESCERCREETTAARRYY,,AACCBIBI R. Reddy. He passed away on the morning of 9th April 2017 due to a massive MI. emeamil a:ilk:pkspascabcib@[email protected] His passing away has left a void which would be very difficult to fill. ExEexceuctuivtieveEdEidtoitror It’s been a very active year for your association. We present before your all the ProPfreoDsfesrDsoKsrro..orKRfo..BfRPBi.oirPocarchsaheaseamdmdisisttrryy,, important events that took place, the most important of which was the Annual KaKtiahtaihr aMr eMdeicdaiclaCl Coollleleggee,,KKaattiihhaarr,, National Conference held in KMC, Mangalore. TreTaresausruerre,rA, ACCBBII The next conference will be held at KGMU, ememaial i:l Lucknow in December 2017. All important information and notices pertaining to the Mangalore conference are present in this issue. Member, Editorial Board Happy reading. Do keep in touch! MeDmr bSehry, aEmditaoliriPaal Bl oard Dr.KSohlykaamtaali Pal Dr Rajiv R Sinha Dr K. R. Prasad Kolkata General- Secretary, ACBI Executive Editor & Editor-in-ChiefASSOCIATION OF CLINICALBIAOSCSOHCEIMATIISOTNSOOFFCLIINNDICIAAL Contents BIOCHEMISTS OF INDIA ■ Obituary - Dr. M.V.R. Reddy 2 ■ ACBI Executive Council 2017 4 Secretariat ■ State/Union Territory Representative, 2017 6 Secretariat ■ ACBI Annual Report 2016 8 ■ 43rd. ACBICON 2016 - A Report 10 Biochem-Lab ■ Minutes of 43rd. Pre-GB Executive Council Meeting 17 Biochem-Lab ■ Minutes of 43rd. General Body Executive Council Meeting 20 ■ Minutes of 44th. Post-GB Executive Council Meeting 23 EasEtaBstoBrionrginCg aCnanaal lRRooaad ■ NOTICE : Nomination for ACBI YOUNG SCIENTIST BURSARY 24 Patna – 800 001 (Bihar) ■ NOTICE : Nomination for ACBI TRAVEL FELLOWSHIP 24 ■ NOTICE : Nomination invited for ACBI ORATIONS 25 PEamtnaial :–kp8s0a0cb0i@01ya( ■ NOTICE : Invitation for Oral Presentation of Award papers 26 ■ NOTICE : Invitation for ACBI-AFMC QUIZ AWARD 28 Email : [email protected] ■ Application form for ACBI BEST PAPER AWARD 28 ■ Application form for ACBI AFMC QUIZ AWARD 29 HeBaiodchOefmfi-cLaeb ■ Application form for ACBI YOUNG SCIENTIST BURSARY AWARD 30 East Boring Canal Road ■ NOTICE : Fellowship of ACBI 31 PatBniaoc–h8e0m0 -0L0a1b(Bihar) ■ Winners of ACBI Fellowship & Awards 2016 32 Email : [email protected] ■ Branch Reports 33 East Boring Canal Road ■ Advertisement rates for ACBI News Bulletin 37 ■ ACBI Benevolent Fund : An Appeal 38 Patna – 800 001 (Bihar) ■ Members Identity Card 39 ■ ACBI MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION RULES & FORM 40 Email : [email protected] ■ Glimpses of ACBICON 2016 Mangalore ACBI NEWS BULLETIN 1

OBITUARY Dr. Maryada Venkatarami Reddy 01-07-1957 - 09-04-2017Dr. Maryada Venkatarami Reddy, 59, passed away on Sunday, April 9, 2017 in the morning at the Mahatma GandhiInstitute of Medical Sciences (MGIMS), Sevagram, Maharashtra following cardiac stroke. He had completed his from SV University, Tirupati and received PhD degree from MGIMS in 1987. Born and raised in Andhra Pradesh, hewas a resident of Sevagram associating with MGIMS for 37 yrs. In MGIMS, he started his journey as a Junior ResearchFellow in Biochemistry department in 1980 and then step by step he worked and promoted as Demonstrator, Lecturer,Associate Professor/Reader, Professor and Head of the Biochemistry Department in 2002. In 2014, he became Director-Professor & Head of the Department of Biochemistry, MGIMS.He had been honored with the FAIMER fellow in 2013 and was always eager to introduce interactive teaching and ropingin e-learning in UG and PG training.He was actively involved as a member of the Academic Council, Faculty of Medicine and Board of Research and Chairmanof Board of Studies (Pre-clinical) of Maharashtra University of Health Sciences (MUHS), Nashik. He had received manynational and international awards and fellowships including MUHS Best Teacher Award (2011), Awadhesh Saran MemorialOration Award (2010), Seth GS Medical College and KEM HospitalOration Award (2004), Merit Award for free communication in the 10th International Congress of Immunology (1998) andResearch Training and Travel Fellowship from WHO/UNDP/World Bank-TDR to Harvard School of Public Health followed byAACC and APFCB travel grants to visit and present research papers in United States. Dr. Reddy also received DBT OverseasAssociateship in 2006 and spent six months at Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Illinois, College ofMedicine at Rockford, USA. It is to his credit to receive DST-FIST grant twice for development of modern infrastructurefacilities in the department of Biochemistry & JBTDRC.Dr. Reddy’s research interests included development of diagnostic tests, vaccines and therapeutic tools for filariasis andassessment of immunomodulatory activity and therapeutic potential of filarial proteins in autoimmune diseases. Some ofthe filarial molecules viz., glutathione transferase, heat shock protein, cystatin, ribosomal phosphoprotein and abundant2

larval protein (ALT2) have been identified and evaluated as lead vaccine candidates. His group also has developed andvalidated a SXP/ RAL2 family protein (rWbL2) based filarial diagnostic test. His group demonstrated theimmmunomodulatory activity and therapeutic potential of some of the filarial proteins in mice with autoimmune diseaseslike type 1diabetes, ulcerative colitis and rheumatoid arthritis. He had published around 130 papers and has two patentsto his credit. His research projects had received extra mural research funding from WHO, DBT, DST, UGC and ICMR. Overthe years, his research and teaching expertise and reputation led him to be considered the one of the best PG and PhDGuide.He was a very active member of the Association of Clinical Biochemists of India (ACBI). which he joined in January 1994. Hewas the General Secretary of ACBI from 2004 to 2009. He was actively involved with each and every activity of theassociation. He also represented the ACBI on various international societies like IFCC & APFCB. He was the ACBIrepresentative to the IFCC. His was always a calming & firm voice in the Association and his loss has left a void whichwould be difficult to fill.He not only took pride in his career life, but truly relished the friends he made during his lifetime. He was a beloved Son,Husband, Father, Grandfather, Teacher and a Guide. He was well known for his perfection, hard-worker, devotion andenthusiasm. Dr. Reddy is now a falling star who has finally found place in a lovely constellation, where he will sparkle inthe heavens forever. However, MGIMS and his lovely family will always miss him. Dr. B.C. Harinath Dr. Satish KumarHon. Director, JBTDRC Professor & Head, Biochemistry MGIMS, Sevagram ACBI NEWS BULLETIN 3

Association of Clinical Biochemists of India EXECUTIVE COUNCIL 2017PRESIDENT : Dr. Poornima Manjrekar Professor & Head Department of Biochemistry, Centre For Basic Sciences, Bejai Mangalore- 575004 Karnataka, Cell : 9449033990 Email :[email protected] / [email protected] PRESIDENT (I) & ORGANIZING SECRETARY,ACBICON 2017 Prof. Abbas Ali Mahdi Professor & Head Department of Biochemistry, King George’s Medical University, Lucknow – 226003 Uttar Pradesh, Cell : +91-9889838100Email : [email protected] / [email protected] PRESIDENT (II) : Dr. Jairam Rawtani Professor Department of Biochemistry, S. N. Medical College, Jodhpur – 342 006,ADVISOR : Cell : 8003707599email : [email protected] Prof. K.P. Sinha Director, Biochem Lab East Boring Canal Road, Patna-800001, India Tel : 91-612-25214962531212 Mobile:09430061144 email: [email protected] / [email protected] : Dr. Rajiv Ranjan Sinha Professor & Head, Department of Biochemistry, Nalanda Medical College, Kankerbagh Road Patna - 800 023, Bihar Tel : 91-612-253121291-612-2531212Cell : 0983506763009801800171 email: [email protected] : Dr Krishna Ranjan Prasad, Professor Dept.of Biochemistry,Katihar Medical College, A-12 Sector, D Kankerbagh Colony,Patna -800 020. Bihar. Tel : 91-612-2353461Mobile: 09334330401 Email : [email protected], [email protected] SECRETARY : 1. Dr. Anupama Hegde Associate Professor, Dept. Of Biochemistry, Kasturba Medical College Mangaluru Email: [email protected] Ph: 09844518344 2. Dr. Ram Binay Sinha Professor, Department of Biochemistry Patna Medical College, Patna – 800 004 Email : [email protected] COUNCIL MEMBERS North Zone : Dr. Dharamveer Yadav Assistant Professor, Dept. of Biochemistry S.M.S. Medical College, Jaipur – 302 004 E-mail : [email protected] South Zone : Dr. Kanan Vaidyanathan Professor & Head, Department of Biochemistry Pushpagiri Institute of Medical Sciences & RC Tiruvalla - 689101 Kerala Email : [email protected] / [email protected] ACBI NEWS BULLETIN

East Zone : Dr. A. N. Roy Professor & Head Department of Biochemistry, Patna Medical College Muradpur, Ashok Rajpath Patna- 800004 Cell : 9431219940 Email : [email protected] Zone : Dr. Sadanand Naik Head Department of Biochemistry & Endocrinology K.E.M. Hospital Raasta Peth Pune – 411 011 Email : [email protected] Zone : Dr. Shivani Pandey Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry, King George’s Medical University, Lucknow-226 003 Email : [email protected] PAST PRESIDENT : Dr. Rajendra Prasad Professor & Head Department of Biochemistry, G.I.M.E.R., Chandigarh - 160 012 Email : [email protected] PAST SECRETARY : (Late) Dr. M. V. R. Reddy Prof. & Head, Department of Biochemistry, Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Sevagram - 442 102. Maharashtra. India Phone: (O) +91-7152-284341 +91-7152-284341, Ext:262/303 Fax : +91-7152-284333 Email : [email protected] MEMBERS All Past Presidents Immediate Past Secretary- Dr. M. V. R. Reddy Convener, Quality Assurance Programme : Dr. F. S. Geethanjali & Dr. A. S. Kanagasabapathy Editor-in-Chief, IJCB : Dr. Praveen Sharma 1. Chairman, ACBI Corporate Wing 2. Convenors of any other committeesCONVENOR, ACBI CORPORATE WING : Mr. Upendra Singh Kopran Limited Parijat House, 1076, Dr. E. Moses Road, Worli. Mumbai - 400 018 Tel : 022-24922455/669/726 022-24950363/314 email : [email protected] ACBI NEWS BULLETIN 5

State/Union Representatives, 2017ANDHRA PRADESH CHATTISGARHDr. J. N. Naidu Dr. Anurag Srivastava,Vice Principal & Professor & HOD, Department of Senior Consultant Head,Biochemistry Narayana Medical College,Nellore 524003, 1-B, Street-24, Sector-9, Bhilai-490 009Andhra Pradesh Phone: 0788-2242485 email:[email protected]: 9885675591 Email: [email protected] DELHIASSAM Dr Mamta KankaraDr. Kailash Bhattacharyya Dept. of Biochemistry,Sir Ganag Ram Hospital, New DelhiProfessor & Head, Department of Biochemistry, Assam email : [email protected] College & Hospital, Dibrugarh – 786 002, Assam.Email : [email protected] GOABIHAR GUJRATDr. Rekha Kumari Dr. Deepak ParchwaniAssociate. Professor, Dept. of Biochemistry, Associate Professor, Department of Biochemistry, GujratIndira Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Sheikhpura, Adani Institute Of Medical Sciences New G.K. GeneralPatna, Bihar Email :[email protected] Hospital, Bhuj-370 001 Mob.: 9426857672 • Email: [email protected] HARYANADr. Indu Verma Dr. Aditi Jindel GuptaDepartment of Biochemistry,PGIMER,Chandigarh- Medanta - The MedicitySector – 38, Gurgaon160015Email: [email protected] Phone : 09560102638Email: [email protected] PRADESH PONDICHERRYDr. K. K. Sharma, Ph.D. Dr Medha RajappaAsst. Professor Dept. Of Biochemistry Additional Professor of Biochemistry,Dr.R.P.Govt. Medical Collge, Department of Biochemistry, Second Floor, Academic centre,Kangra At Tanda Pin-76 001 (Himachal Pradesh) Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education &Tel : 01892-267115 Research(JIPMER), Dhanvantari Nagar, Puducherry-605006 Phone: 094863-98875Email: [email protected] PUNJABDr Mrs Bela Rose Ekka Dr. Mridula MahajanTutor, Dept. Of Biochemistry,Rajendra Institute Of Medical Sciences, Professor & Head Dept. Of Biochemistry,Bariatu Ranchi - 834 009 Jharkhand Govt Medical College, Amritsar - 143 001JAMMU AND KASHMIR RAJASTHANDr. Syed Mudassar Dr. Shailja Chambial SharmaProf. & Head, Dept of Clinical BiochemistryS.K. Instt. of Medical Sciences, Soura, Srinagar-190 011 Senior Resident Dept. Of BiochemistryEmail: [email protected] All India Institute Of Medical Sciences Basni-Phase 2 Industrial Area Jodhpur – 342005 Cell : 8003996924Email : [email protected] TALENGANAKERALA Dr. Pradeep Naik Head,Dept. Of Biochemistry Global Hospital Lakdi-ka-pool Hyderabad Telangana Email : [email protected]. George Abraham, TAMIL NADUHOD, Dept. Of Lab Medicine Dr. R. Arivazhagan, Ph.D.Malabar Institute Of Health ScienceGovindpuram Calicut - 673 016 Associate Professor, Clinical Biochemistry Dept.,Email : [email protected] Cancer Institute, AdayarChennai - 600 020 Email : [email protected] ACBI NEWS BULLETIN

MADHYA PRADESH TRIPURADr.Sanjeev Singh UTTARKHANDAssociate Professor, Dept of Biochemistry, Dr Vinit MehrotraG. R. Medical College,GwaliorEmail : [email protected] Professor, Dept. of Biochemistry Himalayan Institute Of Medical SciencesMAHARASHTRA Doiwala Dehradun - 248 140 Uttarakhand Phone : 09412006274Email : [email protected]. Rohini Bhadre UTTAR PRADESHProfessor & Head Department Of BiochemistryK.J.Somaiya Medical College Dr. Mohd Kaleem AhmedE. Nagar, Sion Mumbai - 400 022Phone : 09821303596 E-mail : [email protected] Lecturer Department of Biochemistry, King George’s Medical University Lucknow – 226003 Uttar PradeshMANIPUR Email : [email protected]. W. Gyaneshwar Singh WEST BENGALM.D.,Professor & Head Department Of Biochemistry Dr. Surupa BasuRegional Institute Of Medical Sciences,Imphal - 795 004 Manipur Consultant Biochemists Institute Of Child Health 11, Dr. Biresh Guha StreetORISSA (Besides Dhakuria Bridge) Kolkata - 700 017 Cell : 09433282409 Email : [email protected]. Manorma SwainAssociate Professor, Department of BiochemistryS.C B. Medical college Cuttack–Cell : 09437486400Email: [email protected] IMPORTANT NOTICE UPDATION OF YOUR ADDRESSAll members are requested to view ACBI website ( ) to checktheir name and address in Directory of Members. If your name does not appear in theDirectory, or there is any error or discrepancy, please download the Correction Formfrom the website (/download forms) and send it by email to Dr. Rajiv Ranjan Sinha,Secretary, ACBI, at [email protected] NEWS BULLETIN 7

Annual Report, 2017(Excerpts of the Annual Report 2016 read out by REGIONAL MEETINGS :the General Secretary at the Inaugural functionof 43rd. ACBICON at Mangalore.) Regional meetings and CME’s are the life line of any scientific organization like ACBI. There were quite aThe first activity we had after the presentation of last large number of scientific meetings /workshops arrangedyear’s report was ACBICON 2015, The 43rd.Annual by the State/Zonal Chapter throughout 2016. The majorNational Conference of Association of Clinical ones wereBiochemists of India. It was organized by Dr. RajendraPrasad, Professor & Head, Department of Biochemistry, UTTAR PRADESH BRANCHPGIMS, Chandigarh. The conference was inaugurated byHon’ble Prof. Kaptan Singh Solanki, the Governor of One day CME on “Best Practices in LaboratoryPunjab, Haryana & administrator Union Teritory of Management” was held on 31st March 2016 at Era’sChandigarh. A total of 6 orations, Oral presentations and Lucknow Medical College & Hospital, Lucknow. It was340 Posters were presented during the conference. organised by the Uttar Pradesh ACBI representative Dr Brijesh Rathore in collaboration with North Zone ACBIThe following were elected Office bearers of ACBI representative Dr. Seema Bhargavaelected for 2016:President: Dr. Rajendra Prasad (Chandigarh), TAMIL NADU BRANCHVice-Presidents: (1) Dr. Dharamveer Yadav (Jaipur) &(2) Dr. Poorniam Manjrekar (Mangalore), Advisor: Dr. A CME meeting was arranged on 26th NovemberK. P. Sinha, General-Secretary: Dr. Rajiv Ranjan Sinha 2016 at Cancer Institute, Adayar, Chennai by Tamil(Patna), Joint Secretaries: (1) Dr. Thungapatra M Nadu State Representative, Dr. R. Arivazhagan,(Chandigarh), and (2) Dr. R. B. Sinha (Patna) and Head, Clinical Bio Chemistry Dept. Cancer Institute,Treasurer: Dr. K. R. Prasad (Patna). Adayar , Chennai.The 14th Asian Pacific Congress of Clinical Chemistry & 2016 South ZoneLaboratory Medicine was held from 26th t0 29thNovember 2016 at Taipei, Taiwan with about 1028 A two day South Zone meet was organized by thedelegates taking part in the 3 days programme. Approx Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Christian Medical39 delegates from India attended the congress and took College, Vellore & the Tamil Nadu chapter of the ACBIpart in oral as well as poster presentation. Our young at the CMC Vellore. The 2 day meet covered variousACBI members did us proud by bagging various awards topics under “Total Quality Management of Clinicalat the Taipei APFCB congress. One received the APFCB Labs” & “Usefulness of serum tumour markers.”2016 Student Travel Award, One got Young ScientistAward competition, 2 received the APFCB TRAVEL ACBI WEST ZONE :AWARD and 1 received the IFCC– ROCHESCHOLARSHIP to attend the Taipei meet. You wil also The ACBI west zone along with the Maharashtra statebe happy to know that the Next APFCB 2019 congress chapter and Department of Biochemistry, K.J.Somaiyawill be held in Jaipur. Medical College & Hospital, Mumbai organized a lecture series on 11th June 2016. The topic was the WHO themeREGIONAL MEETINGS : for 2016 – Diabetes: Scale up diabetes prevention, strengthen care and enhance surveillance. TheRegional meetings and CME’s are the life line of any programme was coordinated by Dr Rohini Bhadre withscientific organization like ACBI. There were quite a Dr. Tester Ashavaid, Dr Anurag Leela and Dr Suchetalarge number of scientific meetings / workshops arranged the State/Zonal Chapter throughout 2016. The majorones were : West Bengal Chapter ACBI West Bengal Chapter organized three day “Hands on Workshop on Molecular Biology Techniques” at IIMSAR, Haldia on 9-11 September, 2016.8 ACBI NEWS BULLETIN

DELHI STATE BRANCH Biochemistry, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Jodhpur(1) A CME on ‘Attaining & Maintaining Accreditation- The Challenges Along the Path’ was organized on 4th ACBI – CMC EQAS PROGRAMME : Feb 2016 ACBI North zone branch joint association with consortium of accreditated health care The ACBI-CMC External Quality Assurance Programme is organization (CAHO) and faculty of Biochemistry being run smoothly by Dr. Victoria Job, Dr F. S. Department of Sir Ganga Ram Hospital. Geethanjali and her team at C.M.C. Vellore. The EQAS program has successfully completed its 37th year in 2015.(2) The Department of Biochemistry, Sir Ganga Ram The total number of labs that actively participated in the Hospital (SGRH), under the aegis of North Zone and Chemistry program was 3811. Delhi Chapter of the Association of Clinical Biochemistry of India (ACBI), conducted the 5th It is first EQAS program to be accredited by NABL under annual CME titled “BIOMARKER GUIDED ISO 17043: 2010 standards in India. We all must thank Dr OPTIMIZATION OF PATIENT CARE” on Sunday, Victoria , Dr Geethanjali, her team & the management of the 20th of March, 2016. CMC Vellore for keeping this flagship project of ACBI moving smoothly.JAMMU & KASHMIR BRANCH Membership of Indian Board of ClinicalA one day National Seminar entitled “CLINBIO CME Biochemistry (MIBCB) :2016” was hosted by the Department of ClinicalBiochemistry at Sher-E-Kashmir Institute of Medical The Membership of Indian Board of ClinicalSciences on 29th March 2016. The meeting was held Biochemistry course was started on 1st January 2013under the aegis of Association of Clinical Biochemists of and is being conducted by the Indian Board of ClinicalIndia (ACBI) J&K Branch and ACBI North Zone. Biochemistry (IBCB) under the auspices of Association ofCHANDIGARH BRANCH Clinical Biochemists of India (ACBI) and is approved by the Quality Council of India (QCI). At present, 7 batches ofThe Department of Biochemistry, PGIMER, Chandigarh students have been admitted to this course. The Students ofalong with the Chandigarh chapter of Association of the 1st batch will be presented their certificates during theClinical Biochemists of India (ACBI), organized a one convocation here. We must thank Dr. D. M. Vasudevan andday symposium on “Intellectual Property Rights: his team at IBCB for their zeal and effort in managing thisPatenting in Medical Research” on November 4, 2016. very important course and fructifying the vision of our Advisor, Dr K. P. Sinha and initiated by the Association forAWARDS the betterment of Clinical Biochemistry in this country.Every year ACBI awards Fellowship to distinguished Indian Journal Of Clinical Biochemistrymembers of the association on the basis of their merit andachievement. In 2015, the Fellowship of ACBI (i.e. FACBI) Four IJCB issues have been released in time with Springerwas awarded to Dr. Jasvinder K. Gambhir, (New Delhi) India Pvt. Ltd. Our journal is being circulated to more than 6000 libraries all over the world earning IJCB a royalty ofThe K.P.Sinha- P.S. Krishnan Award is awarded for the rupees 15.00 lakhs. It is already in Pubmed index and nowBest Paper published in the Indian Journal of Clinical it has also been indexed in Emerging SCI. The Editor-in-Biochemistry (IJCB). In 2015, this award was presented Chief, Dr Praveen Sharma and his editorial team must bejointly to Archana Verma, Vibha Singh, Praveen Jaiswal commended for keeping the quality of IJCB at the highest& R. D. Mittal of SGPGI, Lucknow. level.3. ACBI-A. J. Thakur Award for Distinguished Services It has been an active year for the Association & it iswas instituted in the year 2005 by Mrs Savita Thakur, heartening to note that with the establishment of Zones,Chairperson and director of Accurex Biomedicals Ltd in many Regional meetings and state branches meetings werememory of her Late husband Mr. A.J. Thakur, founder of organized during the year. But still much more needs to beAccurex Biomedicals, & is given to honor a senior done to motivate other Zones & branches to organizemember of ACBI who has made immense contribution to educational activities.the growth of Clinical biochemistry & Laboratory And before I end, I must congratulate Dr PoornimaMedicine in India. In 2015, the award was presented to Manjrekar and her team for putting together a truly fantasticDr. Praveen Sharma, Professor & Head, Department of academic feast for all of us and I am sure we will all be going back with enriched knowledge and lots of happy memories.ACBI NEWS BULLETIN 9

43rd ACBICON 2016 A Report 12th– 15th Dec 2016, Mangalore, India Theme: Together towards TomorrowThe year 2016 ended with the highly successful Day 1 : 12th December, 2016ACBICON 2016, the 43rd Annual National conferenceof Association of Clinical Biochemists of India hosted The Pre-conference workshops and CME programs ofby Department of Biochemistry, Centre for Basic ACBICON-2016 were held at the Centre for BasicSciences, Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore, India, Sciences, Kasturba Medical College, Mangaluru and thefrom 12th to 15th December, 2016. It was a four-day event was inaugurated by the Pro vice chancellor, Dr.mega scientific event, beautifully segregated into Surendra Shetty, Manipal University, Mangaluru Campus.workshops, CMEs, orations, plenary lectures, key notes, The Organising Secretary, Dr. Poornima Manjrekaroral and poster presentations along with a grand trade welcomed the participants of the workshops and the CMEexhibition. , plenary lectures, key notes, oral and poster as well as the members of ACBI. The Dean andpresentations along with a grand trade exhibition. Chairperson, Dr M Venkataraya Prabhu addressed the gathering. Dr. Anupama Hegde, Treasurer, proposed the vote of thanks. L-R Office bearers of ACBICON 2016 - Dr. Beena Shetty, Joint Secretary ; Dr. Anupama Hegde, Treasurer; Dr. Poornima Manjrekar, Organizing Secretary ; Dr. M Venkatraya Prabhu, Dean and Organizing Chairperson and Dr. Surendra Shetty, Pro vice chancellor, Manipal University Mangalore Campus.10 ACBI NEWS BULLETIN

The workshop on “Hemoglobin variants –the Molecular Biology, Quality Manager, Meenakshi Missionfundamentals and challenges“ had 40 participants. The Hospital & Research Center,Madurai. The topicOncohematologists and Associate Professors at KMC, “Autoverification of Laboratory reports” was discussed byMangaluru, Dr. Prashantha and Dr.Harsha Prasad L Dr K Ashok Prabhu, Quality Manager, Associate Professor,spoke on “Introduction to Hemoglobinopathies” and“Challenges in clinical diagnosis of Hemoglobin variants, KMC, Mangaluru. Dr Avinash SS, Consultant Biochemist,respectively. The “Challenges in pathological diagnosis” Father Muller Medical College, Mangaluru spoke onwere discussed at length by Dr.Karuna Rameshkumar “Developing risk matrix: Risk management in the lab “.Mr,Professor, Consultant Pathologist, Head of laboratory Sivasankar, Product specialist-Quality systems Division, BIORAD laboratories (India) Pvt Ltd, spoke on “EQA/ PT:services, Rainbow Hospital, Bangalore. A quality improvement tool”. Mr. Sten“Hemoglobinopathies: A genetic perspective “ was dealt Westgard, Director of Client Services and Technology forby Mrs. Priyanka Upadhyai, Assistant Professor, Westgard Quality Control, USA. spoke on “ Six Sigma QCDepartment of Medical Genetics, Kasturba Medical Management“. Problem solving and Panel discussion” wasCollege, Manipal &. Panel Discussion followed by arranged in the post lunch session The CME on” FramingIndustrial talk -Agar gel electrophoresis in variantanalysis: Bio-Rad. A demonstration and hands on clinically oriented MCQs and designing OSPE stationsexperience with the equipment D-10 Capillary in Biochemistry-A hands on approach” had 35electrophoresis in variant analysis by SEBIA was held inthe afternoon Chair persons were Dr Urmila Khadilkar, participants. Dr. Minnie Faith, Professor of Biochemistry,Professor Coordinator, Medical, Dept. of Pathology and Director, Central Lab, KMC, Education Department, Convener, MCI Nodal Centre forMangaluru and Dr.HarshaPrasada L., Onco-hematologist National Faculty Development, CMC, Vellore, conductedKMCH. The workshop on “Advances in laboratory the sessions on “MCQ - as an assessment tool”, “OSPE -management and proficiency testing” had 50 participants. where are we? Current scenario and “Designing OSPE templates”. Dr. Pragna Rao, Associate Dean and ProfessorDr Shrikala Baliga, Professor of Microbiology & NABLAssessor, KMC, Mangaluru spoke on “Role of of Biochemistry and also the HOD of Medical Education,accreditation in advanced lab management”. The session KMC Manipal conducted session on “Framing clinicallyon “ Lean and Process optimisation in clinical lab “ was oriented MCQ”. The chair persons were Dr. Ciraj, Deputydealt by Dr Jayesh Warade, Consultant Biochemist, Director, MCPD and DirectorACBI NEWS BULLETIN 11

MUFILIPE and Dr. Anand R Associate Dean andProfessor of Pulmonary Medicine, and Convener ofMedical Education Unit, KMC Mangaluru. The afternoonsession on Designing OSPE stations/templates - OSPEdevelopment for I MBBS students of Biochemistry” wasconducted by Dr. Minnie Faith. Dr. Pradeep Dabla delivering on “Career Opportunities for Young Scientists- which way to go”“The IFCC–TFYS, CME on Career Opportunities for Dr. Ullas Kamath, Dean MMMC Manipalspoke on “Teaching skills for youngYoung Scientists” was attended by 45 participants. Dr. scientists“Pradeep K Dabla, Chair, IFCC-TFYS, spoke on “CareerOpportunities for Young Scientists- which way to go”.The session on “Teaching skills for young scientists“ wasdelivered by Dr. Ullas Kamath, Dean MMMC Manipal.Dr. Elizabeth Frank, EB APFCB & IFCC spoke on“Biotechnology Industry and Career for YoungScientists”. Dr. Anna Velts, Head of Laboratory at WestTallin and Central Hospital, Estonia, dealt with the topic“Laboratory Service Delivery for Young Scientists”.The session on “The Publishers & Medical Writing career Dr. Elizabeth Frank EB APFCB & IFCC spoke on “Biotechnology Industry and Career for Young Scientistsfor Young Scientists was conducted by Dr. PraveenSharma, Chief Editor IJCB EB –ACBI APFCB. Career Dr. Praveen Sharma, Chief Editor IJCB EB –ACBI APFCB spoke on “TheAvenues in IVD industry: Bright Light Ahead” was by Publishers & Medical Writing career for Young ScientistsDr. Sandeep Sewlikar, Roche Diagnostics. The Webinaron” IFCC Vision of Research and Career for YoungScientists” by Dr. Graham Beastall, Past President IFCCwas arranged in the afternoon session. Dr BernardGouget (IFCC-EB) and Dr. L M Shrivastava were thechairpersons for the webinar.12 ACBI NEWS BULLETIN

Day 2 : 13th December, 2016 The poster sessions were arranged during lunch break. The webinar on “High sensitive Trop-I” by Dr. JaganathanThe second day of the ACBICON 2016 at Dr. TMA Pai Sickan and “Next gene sequencing in transformingInternational Convention Centre, started with the plenary oncology“by Dr. Kahlil Lawless were arranged in thesession 9.00 AM by Mr. Sten Westgard, Director of Auditorium. The oral presentations for young speakers toClient Services and Technology for Westgard Quality showcase their research, were held at three hallsControl, USA. The topic was Assuring Quality from simultaneously between 4-5PMA(lbumin) to V(iral load): How High Quality Assays In the evening ,the keynote address by the esteemed chiefcan drive operational efficiencies and assure good guest Dr. P. Jayadeva Bhat , Professor, Dept. ofclinical outcomes. Biosciences and Bioengineering, IIT, Mumbai on the topic “About Men, Mice and Yeast : Perspective from theThe Awadesh Saran Memorial Oration on the topic Vantage point” was lucid and relevant with anecdotes andInborn errors of metabolism; An overview and our was well appreciated by the delegates. This was followed byexperience was delivered by Dr. D M Vasudevan. The the inauguration ceremony.chair persons were Dr. Praveen Sharma & Dr.Rajendra The inauguration ceremony began with Invocation by Mrs.Prasad. The next session was the Seth G.S. Medical Aradhana Marathe. The welcome address was delivered byCollege & K.E.M. Hospital Oration which was Dr. M.V. Prabhu, the Dean and Organising Chairperson ofdelivered by Dr. H Vinod Bhat, Vice Chancellor, ACBICON 2016. The formal inauguration by lighting theManipal University. The chair persons were Dr. Elizabeth lamp was done by all the dignitaries. The presidentialFrank & Dr. Bernard Gouget. The K.L. Gupta address was delivered by Dr. Rajendra Prasad. The annualMemorial Oration on the topic Perspectives of tumor report was briefed by Dr. R.R. Sinha General Secretary. Thismarkers in clinical oncology in the era of personalized was followed by the speech by Guest of Honour - Dr. H.S.medicine, was delivered by Dr. K.S. Gopinath, Ballal Pro chancellor, Manipal University. The release ofPadmashree awardee, Surgical Oncologist, HCG Souvenir was done by Pro vice chancellor Dr. SurendraBangalore Institute of Oncology. The chair persons were Shetty, Manipal University, Mangaluru Campus. TheDr. Jayashree Bhattacharjee & Dr. T Malathi. various fellowships and awards were granted and followed by the felicitation to the awardees. The chief guest Dr. P.The inauguration of the industrial exhibition was done by Jayadeva Bhat addressed the gathering and shared hisDr. Praveen Sharma, Chairperson, Corporate wing of experiences. This was followed by the installation of theACBI and Dr. Poornima Manjrekar, Organising Secretary new President, Dr. Poornima A. Manjrekar took over as theACBICON 2016. The SYMPOSIA 1 on Cardio vascular President for the ACBICON 2017 from the immediate pastDiseases, SYMPOSIA 2 on Cancer and SYMPOSIA 3 president Dr. Rajendra Prasad, Professor and Head of theon Lab Management started simultaneously at department of Biochemistry, PGI Chandigarh . Dr.PoornimaAuditorium, Hall A and Hall B after the tea break at A. Manjrekar, proposed the vote of thanks.11.15 A.M. The cultural extravaganza organised by the postgraduates ofIn the symposia on Cardiovascular Diseases, the Biochemistry dept and MBBS students of KMCspeakers Dr. Ashok Chandra Rao, Dr. Chandrika Mangaluru,was appreciated and applauded by the delegates.Meegama and Dr. Narasimha Pai delivered talks oninteresting special sessions and was chaired by Dr. M V Day 3 : 14th December 2016Prabhu and Dr. Damodar Shenoy. This was followed bythe industrial talk by Beckman Coulter The third day of the ACBICON 2016,started with the plenary session at 9.00 AM by Dr. Bernard Gouget, Chair,In the symposia on Cancer, the speakers Dr. Praveen IFCC Nominations Committee on“POCT EmergingKumar Shetty and Dr. Rajamanickam Arivazhagan applications for improving clinical outcomes and a newdelivered important topics and the sessions were chaired pathway to better patient care”. The G.P. Talwarby Dr. T Ramasarma and Dr. Taruna Madan. Next Memorial Oration on the topic “Human Surfactantsessions in Cancer were delivered by Dr. Shyam Prakash Protein D: A ray of hope against HIV” was delivered byand Dr. SatyaVati Rana . Dr. Taruna Madan, from National Institute for Research in Reproductive Health, Innate Immunity, Mumbai. The chairIn the symposia on Lab Management, Dr.Tony Badrick persons were Dr Kodliwadmath & Dr. D M Vasudevan.on “Mass spectroscopy’. The chair persons were StenWestgard & Dr. A K Mukhyopadhay. Next sessions inlab Management were by Dr. Shyamali Pal, and Dr.Shilpa Puthran, Dr. T. Malathi.ACBI NEWS BULLETIN 13

The next session Dr.Taranath Shetty Memorial Khadilkar and Dr. Anand R..Oration was delivered by Dr. G G Laxman Prabhu,Professor & Head, Dept. of Urology, KMC, Mangaluru. In the symposia 9 on Trace Minerals, Dr. Abbas AliHe spoke on “Biochemical Fascinations”. The chair Mahdi, Dr Anjali Manocha, and Dr. Molly Jacobpersons were Dr. Rajiv Ranjan Sinha & Dr. P S Shukla. delivered their topics of interest. The chair persons were Dr.The Dr. T.N. Pattabhiraman oration on the topic Tony Badrick and Dr. Virupaksha.“Role of Biomarkers for Aneuploidy as predictors ofadverse obstretic outcome”, was delivered by Dr. This was followed by Industrial talk by Kopran and the oralJayashree Bhattacharjee, Director Professor, Lady presentations for young speakers to showcase their research,Hardinge Medical College, New Delhi. The chair persons were held at three halls simultaneously between 4-5PM.were Dr. Arun Raizada & Dr. Praveen Sharma. The AFMC Quiz was conducted by Dr. ShivashankaraThe SYMPOSIA 4 on Diabetes Mellitus , and Dr.Shailaja, Associate professors of Biochemistry,SYMPOSIA 5 on Oxidative stress and SYMPOSIA 6 FMMC, Mangaluru. The postgraduates from variouson Neurological Disorders started simultaneously at colleges participated.Hall A, Hall B and Hall C after the tea break at 11.15 The general body meeting was held from 6 PM and newA.M. office bearers were elected at the same venue.In the symposia on Diabetes Mellitus, the speakers Dr. The Banquet Dinner was arranged at the seaside “CITYSivasankaran S and Dr. R Dhananjayan delivered talks BEECH”, Bolooron interesting special sessions and was chaired by Dr.Chakrapani M and Dr. R. L. Kamath. Next two sessions Day 4:15th December 2016were by Dr. PVLN Srinivasa Rao and Dr.ManoramaSwain.The chair persons were Dr. Krishnaranjan Prasad The fourth day of the ACBICON 2016,started with the oral& Dr. B Unnikrishnan. presentations for young speakers .The next session was plenary session at10 AM by Dr. Satyamoorthy K.In the symposia on Oxidative stress, the speakers Dr. Professor & Director, School of Life Sciences, ManipalTangirala Rama Sarma and Dr Prasunpriya Nayak University. He spoke on “Impact of epigeneticdelivered important sessions and were chaired by Dr. modifications on cervical cancer progression.Abbas Ali Mahdi & Dr. Balakrishna Agarwal. Nextsessions were delivered by Dr. Subir Kumar Das and The poster sessions were arranged during tea break. TheDr. Akila Prashant. The chair persons were Dr. Tapadia SYMPOSIA 10 on Biomarkers, SYMPOSIA 11 onand Dr. Rachel Jacob. Molecular Biology and Genetics started simultaneously at Hall A and Hall B from 11 AM. Oral presentations startedIn the symposia on Neurological Disorders, Dr. AK at Hall C after tea break.Mukhopadhyay, Dr. B S Shankaranarayana Rao and Dr.Prakash Mungli. The chair persons were Dr. Anjali Rao Under symposia on Biomarkers, Dr.Anna Velts and Dr.and Dr. Vivian D’Souza. M K Unnikrishnan and Dr. Sadanand Naik delivered interesting talks.The poster sessions were arranged during lunch break.The SYMPOSIA 7 on Special Talks, SYMPOSIA 8 on Symposia 11 on Molecular Biology and Genetics hadInfectious Diseases and SYMPOSIA 9 on Trace interesting sessions by Dr. Radhakrishnan Nair, Dr.minerals started simultaneously at Hall A, Hall B and Anirban Chakraborty and Dr. Medha Rajappa. TheHall C after lunch at 2.00 PM. chair persons were Dr. Satyamoorthy K and Dr. Ullas Kamath.Under symposia on Special Talks, Dr.KannanVaidyanathan, Dr. Pradeep Kumar Dabla, and Dr. Award session & faculty oral presentations were heldSudeep K, delivered interesting talks. The chair persons from 11.45 AM onwards simultaneously at Hall A, Hall Bwere Dr. PVLN Srinivasa Rao and Dr. Molly Jacob and Hall C. Industrial Talk by Transasia was arranged atSymposia 8 on Infectious Diseases had interesting Hall B at 1 PM.sessions by Dr. Seema Bhargava and Dr. SukhesMukherjee. The chair persons were Dr. Urmila The valedictory function and prize distribution were held at 2.30 PM. Many14 ACBI NEWS BULLETIN

IFCC AWARDSS.No. NAME PRESENTATION ZONE1 Dr. Angel Mercy Sylus, Effect of clomiphene citrate on nitric oxide IL- 10 & SOUTH Final year MD, JIPMER,Puducherry MMP-9 in women with polycystic ovary syndrome2 Chiranjit Ghosh Monitoring of blood glucose profile from extended EAST Senior PhD Research Fellow (working for breath analysis for the diagnosis of pre-diabetes and Doctoral research) Basic Sciences, Kolkata type II diabetes3 Dr Namita Mahale Oral administration of cyanocobalamin causes WEST Biochemist and Quality Manager higher increase in circulating olotranscobalamin Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital & than hydroxocobalamin: An Indo-Danish study with Research Centre, Pune, Maharashtra different doses of cobalamin4 Dr.PrasenjitMitra Isolation and charecterisation of a compound from NORTH Senior Resident AIIMS, Jodhpur,Rajasthan the leaves of Ageratum Conyzoides Linn. WEST Responsible for antigastric ulcer activity in albino CENTRAL rats5 Dr G Revathy Does Methotrexate monotherapy ameliorate SOUTH Senior Resident, JIPMER, Puducherry systemic inflammation and endothelial dysfunction in Psoriasis List of Awardees at ACBICON 2016ACBI Young Scientist Bursary (Full ) - C Raghavi, JIPMER,PondicherryACBI Young Scientist Bursary (Partial ) - K. Srinivasulu, JIPMER,PondicherryC. Sitadevi Award - SriramNaresh, VIMS TirupathiPS Murthy Award in CVD - Srilatha K,SRMC, ChennaiPS Murthy Award in Diabetes - BalakrishnaPai, SMVMCH,PuducherryPS Murthy Award in Drug Development from plant - Amith Kumar, KMC,MangalurusourcesPS Murthy Award in Infectious Diseases - SuprabhaNayakPitabus Jamuna Burma Award - AnuragYadav, Father Mullers Medical College, Mangaluru Best Oral Paper Awards by the Organising Committee: Day 1. Prasanth S Ariyannur, Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences,Kochi Day 2. SmithaNileshGawandi, BARC Hospital,Mumbai Day 3. DeepikaDelsa Dean, SGPGIMS,Lucknow ACBI NEWS BULLETIN 15

ACBI Best Poster Awards-1. MGIMS Award in the field of Tropical Diseases - Daisy Maria Samadanami2. NIMS Award in the field of Cancer - Sarvari G3. NIMS Award for Non Cancer topic - S Banerjee4. P Usha Sarma Award for Genomics and Proteomics - Salma Taj S A5. Best Poster Award by the Organising Committee - Nivedita Nanda,6. Best Poster Award by TRANSASIA Alpa J Dherai7. ACBI Travel Grant Janani Ishwarya Pritesh Mehta Padmanaban Venkaresan - Akshatha Nayak - SriramNaresh, VIMS, Tirupathi Inauguration Programme: L-R 1. Dr. P. Jayadeva Bhat, Chief Guest, Dr. H.S. Ballal, Pro chancellor, Manipal University, Guest of Honour., Dr. M .V. Prabhu, Dean and Organising Chairperson. Dr. Rajendra Prasad , President ACBI 2016, Dr. Surendra Shetty, Pro vice chancellor, Manipal University Mangalore Campus. Dr. Poornima Manjrekar, Organising Secretary, Dr. Rajiv .R. Sinha, General Secretary, ACBI.16 ACBI NEWS BULLETIN

MINUTES OF THE 43rd PRE-GB EXECUTIVE COUNCIL MEETING(Mangalore, December 12, 2016)The Executive Council (EC) of ACBI met on December lauded the efforts of Dr. Praveen Sharma, his editorial12th 2016 at 5.00 pm in the lecture theatre of Kasturba team and Springer for their untiring effort to keep theMedical College, Mangalore. The meeting was presided IJCB’s standard flying high.over by Dr. Rajendra Prasad, the President of ACBI. Themeeting started with all members observing a 2 minutes The Convener of the ACBI/CMC-Vellore Externalsilence in the memory of one of our senior member, Dr T. Quality Assurance Program, Dr. Geethanjali Arulappan,Vijayakumar who had passed away on 20th. July 2016. Dr. presented the report on the ongoing EQA program forRajiv R Sinha, General Secretary of ACBI presented the the year 2015-2016. She informed the EC that theminutes of the previous EC meeting and the same was ACBI-CMC Vellore EQAS program has successfullyaccepted by the council. Dr Rajiv R Sinha, General completed its 38th year in 2016. She informed that 4982Secretary, presented the Annual Report of the association labs actively participated in the EQAS program duringfor the year 2016. Accounts of the ACBI for the year 2015- 2016. She informed the EC that new laboratory facility2016 was presented by Dr. K. R. Prasad, Treasurer, ACBI. has been constructed for the EQAS program. She alsoThe salient feature of this year report was that Rs. 44400.00 informed that the annual surveillance by NABL washas come by way of different membership fees. At present carried out in the month of May 2016 and thein general fund we have got Rs.11456213.47. The total accreditation granted to the EQAS program has beenamount including the corpus fund and various ear marked continued. . Thanks to Dr. Victoria, Dr. Geethanjali, herfunds together amounted to Rs.21422127.75. The total team & the management of CMC Vellore for keepingincome for the year 2015-2016 was 34,64,468.00. The total this flagship project of ACBI moving smoothly.investment for the year was 6359000.00. He informed themembers about the purchase of an office for the Mr. Upendra Singh, Convener of the ACBI-Corporateestablishment of ACBI Head office The total cost of the wing presented an update of the activities of the ACBI-office space ( 1280 Sq. ft.) came to 93,12,900.00. The CW in 2016. He informed the members that 2 CWreport was accepted by the EC. meeting took place during the year in which discussions took place regarding corporate sponsorship andThe organizing Secretary, Dr. Rajendra Prasad of the 42nd. corporate academic programme to the 43rd. ACBICONAnnual National Conference of ACBI held at Chandigarh 2016 at Mangalore.submitted the audited statement of the details of income andexpenditure. The EC was apprised of the expected savings The General Secretary, Dr. Rajiv R. Sinha presented theof the Chandigarh conference, which was 6,86,081/-. The new applications received for individual membership.Organizing Secretary of the 41st. ACBICON, Jodhpur He informed that in 2016, the total number of newsubmitted the final accounts of the Jodhpur conference and applicants for membership was : Life member= 39,presented a cheque of Rs. 7,75,000/- as the ACBI share Associate Life member= 4, Annual Member = 1 & Lifefrom the savings of the conference. member by Installment = 1. All the new applications were approved by the EC. The Secretary, Dr Rajiv SinhaEditor-in-Chief, Dr. Praveen Sharma, presented the report informed the members that as of today our total Activeon the Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and membership strength stands at 2415, of which Lifeinformed the members about the efforts being taken to keep Members are 2119, Associate Life members – 241,the standard of IJCB high. The four issues of IJCB are Ordinary/Annual Members – 23, Corporate Members –being released on time. Dr. Sharma informed the EC that 27 and Honorary Members – 4.IJCB is being distributed to more than 9000 libraries aroundthe world. The members were informed by the Editor-in- The nominations and the review reports received for thechief about the high regards that IJCB has generated by the fellowship of ACBI were placed before the EC by theincreased number of citations and also downloads. Secretary. The EC approved the recommendations of the committee to award the fellowship of ACBI to Dr BalDr. Sharma informed the EC that IJCB has earned a royalty Krishna Agarwal, Indore. Dr. Praveen Sharma, Pastof over Rupees Fourteen lacs during the year. EC membersACBI NEWS BULLETIN 17

President of ACBI in the year 2015 was to be conferred The GB decided that 2017 conference would be atwith fellowship, but as he is already a Fellow of the KGMC Lucknow & the 2018 conference would be heldAssociation, therefore his name as recipient has not been in Goa. This conference would be organized by Headconsidered. office with help of 2-3 past presidents with Dr MVRDr. Rajiv Sinha then placed before the EC the nominations Reddy as the President Elect for 2019. The Proposal ofreceived for different orations for 2016 and the reports of ACBI Head office was in order and was recommendedthe oration award selection Committee. The EC ratified the by the EC to be presented to the GB.decision of the selection committee. Dr. D. M. Vasudevan, Past President & Director, Indian Board of Clinical Biochemistry, presented a report on theThe President, Dr. Rajendra Prasad placed before the EC, progress of the Membership course of the Association.the applications received in response to the notification The course was started on 1st January 2013. Thegiven in the ACBI News bulletin to fill the post of one syllabus was approved by the ACBI. The course is for 3Vice-President, Five Zonal EC members and State years, with 30 topics. In the first batch 11 candidatesRepresentatives. The President announced that there was joined; but three left at different time intervals, so that 8only one nomination for the post of Vice-President for have completed the course. All the 8 students havewhich Dr Jairam Rawtani (Jodhpur) has applied. Regarding already completed their dissertation formalities. Theythe nominations received for the post of Zonal EC are also familiar with the practical work listed in themembers, the EC validated all the nominations. Also, for syllabus. I am very glad to report that the first batch ofthe post of State Representative, EC validated all the students are getting their certificates during theapplications received for presentation before GB.The EC members ratified the recommendations of the Convocation ceremony being held along with thecommittee for selecting Dr Arun Raizada, , Senior inaugural Function.Consultant – Biochemistry, Department of Pathology &Lab Medicine, Medanta , Gurgaon for the ACBI- A. J. He informed the members that on the 1st day of everyThakur Award for Distinguished Services in Clinical month, the reading materials for that month will be sentBiochemistry and Laboratory Medicine for the year 2016. to the candidates. The study materials are sent to each candidate. On the 25thday of the month, questionsThe EC looked into the applications received to host the related to those topics will be sent to the candidates. The2017 conference. Proposals had been received last year for answers should reach to the Director's office by 30th ofhosting the 2017 ACBICON from Dr. Abbas A. Mahdi, that month. The answers will be assessed and marks areProfessor & Head, Department of Biochemistry, KGMC, allotted; this will be informed to the candidate by 15th ofLucknow and was accepted by the General body with a next month. This pattern is going on smoothly. Theproviso that he should re-confirm his bid in Mangalore in second batch commenced on 1st June 2013. Three2016. Dr Mahdi has sent a confirmation letter for hosting it candidates were admitted. The second batch hadin 2017 in KGMC, Lucknow. His proposal is in order and completed Topics up to No.30. The last semesterwas recommended for approval to the General Body. examinations will be conducted during December 2016 conference. The third batch commenced on 1st JanuaryThe EC looked into the applications received to host the 2014. Only one candidate was admitted. He has45th. National conference in 2018. As per the resolution completed topics 1-30. The 5th and 6th semesterpassed by the GB during its 41st meeting at Jodhpur, it was examinations are scheduled during December 2016resolved that the 44th ACBI National conference - 2017 conference. The Fourth batch commenced on 1st Januarywould be organized by the ACBI Head office. Venue short 2015. Only one candidate was admitted. He haslisted were Goa/Port Blair. As per the resolution, this was completed only topics 1-10. Thereafter he discontinuedpassed with a proviso that ACBI Head Office (General the course.Secretary, ACBI) should re-confirm their bid inChandigarh in 2015. ACBI Head Office had confirmed its The Fifth batch commenced on 1st June 2015. Oneproposal to host the 2017 National Conference in Goa. The candidate was admitted. They had completed topics 1-15.proposal was in order. The proposal was deferred to 2018 The 2nd and 3rd semester examinations are scheduledat the GB meeting in Chandigarh to make way for during this ACBI conference. Only one candidate wasLucknow. admitted. He has completed topics 1-10. The 1st and 2nd semester examinations are schedule18 ACBI NEWS BULLETIN

during this ACBI conference. members to work hard to ensure the success of thisThe Seventh batch started on 1stJune 2016. Four candidates prestigious conference. The EC was informed that afterwere admitted. They completed topics 1-5. The 1st semester due diligence, the APFCB 20179 organizing committeeexamination is schedule during this ACBI conference. The short-listed 3 PCO’s for the 2019 congress. Their bidspositive side is that we have developed the course content; the were sent to all members of the ACBI EB for scrutinyreading material, the question bank etc. It will be easy for any & selection comments. The ACBI EB memberscourse director to conduct the course for the coming batches. selected Mike Hospitality to help ACBI host the 2019Improvements can be made at any time. The negative side is congress. At this point he informed the honorable ECthat there are very few candidates registering for the course. members that the association would be need to save at least 1 crore rupees to get the congress work rolling. It The General Secretary, Dr Rajiv R Sinha presented a brief is from the savings from organizing ACBI National report about the 14th Asian Pacific Congress of Clinical Conferences that the association is able to sustain its Chemistry & Laboratory Medicine which was held from 26th work. However, it is unfortunate that of the last 10 to 29th November 2016 at Taipei, Taiwan with about 1028 National conferences, only 5 organizing secretaries delegates taking part in the 3 days programme. 39 delegates have shown surplus. If organizing secretaries only from India attended the congress and took part in oral as well show NO-Profit – No Loss, than, it is time to as poster presentation. The Secretary informed the EC about introspect. Therefore, he requested all future organizing the achievement of our young ACBI members, who did us secretaries to plan their conference like a business proud by bagging various awards at the Taipei APFCB event to generate income along with a vibrant scientific congress. The APFCB 2016 Student Travel Award was won programme. This was one of the reasons why the ACBI by Dr. Chiranjit Ghosh. In the Young Scientist Award EB proposed to appoint a PCO to manage our competition, Dr. Shailendra Dwivedy & Dr. Swarup Shah conferences. were invited to present their papers for this competition. They were amongst the four names which were short listed The Secretary placed before the EC issues related to by the scientific committee for the oral presentation out of Agenda for the 43rd. Annual GB meeting. The Draft more than 43 applicants. You will be happy to note that Dr. copy was placed before EC for its consideration & Swaup Shah (PD Hinduja Hospital, Mumbai) was declared review. the winner of the Young scientist Award 2016. The APFCB TRAVEL AWARD was given to Dr Prasenjit Mitra & Dr The EC considered the proposal to appoint a PCO Suhasini Panda. The IFCC – ROCHE SCHOLARSHIP was (Preferred Conference Organizer) to manage ACBI awarded to another ACBI member, Dr Purvi Purohit, Jodhpur National Conferences in the future. The General to attend the Taipei congress. He informed the EC that the Secretary informed the members that talks for Executive Board meeting of the APFCB was held on 25th appointing a PCO had been discussed extensively November. Many new decisions were taken during this during the past few EC/GB meetings. The reason for meeting. Foremost amongst them was the decision that after this was that every Organizing secretary presents each 2019, the frequency of the APFCB congresses will be only 2 conference in his or her way. It was stressed that this years instead of every 3 years. The new EB was elected with was being done with an aim to bring about uniformity Dr Sunil Sethi (Singapore) as president, Dr Helen Winters in the way the ACBI conferences are managed & (Australia) as Secretary. He informed the EC that the next presented. Also, with the appointment of a PCO, EB 15th. APFCB Congress would be held in Jaipur in Nov 2019 can have better fiscal control over the whole under the stewardship of Dr Praveen Sharma. On the proceedings, leading to better savings for the directions of the APFCB EB, a Scientific committee has been association. As per the directions of the GB during the formed. A tentative budget has been prepared by the Chandigarh conference, we had invited different Event organizing committee which has been vetted by the APFCB management companies to be the ACBI Preferred EB. He also announced that the Website of the 2019 Congress Organizer (PCO) for a term of 5 years. 3 congress( as well as the firms had responded to our request. He informed that congress mobile App was launched by Dr. Leslie Lai, they could only reach out to people who had been in President, APFCB, during the APFCB EB meeting. He touch with ACBI Head office / Dr. Praveen Sharma exhorted all ACBI since 2015. After scrutiny, MIKE Hospitality wasACBI NEWS BULLETIN 19

found to be having the best term & condition suitable to the suggestions from members to make the experience ofACBI. They have submitted their terms & conditions which reading the News bulletin on the web a pleasantwas placed before the EC for consideration and approval. The experience.EC gave its approval to the selection of Mike Hospitality as The General Secretary was happy to announce the newsPCO for organizing ACBI National conferences. On the that finally after 41 years, our association has finallysuggestions of members, it was decided that the contract be found a permanent address for itself.initially signed for 3 years and requested the President, He informed the members that, in active consultationSecretary & Chairman, ACBI Corporate wing to vet the with the EB, the process for purchase of the 1280 sq. ft.agreement thoroughly before getting it signed by the office space was started in April 2016 in a good &President & Secretary, ACBI. upcoming locality. The Executive Council members congratulated Dr Rajiv Sinha for his effort in finallyThe Secretary, Dr Rajiv Sinha informed the EC that in our finding a permanent address for the association. Drendeavor to reach out to all our members, the association has Sinha informed the honorable EC members that hefinally gone GREEN. He informed the EC that from would try to get the office ready & inaugurated beforeSeptember 2016 issue of the ACBI News Bulletin, printing & the next annual conference.posting of Hard copies will have completely ceased. The The Executive Council recorded its appreciation on theACBI News Bulletin will now be available in three different excellent leadership provided by Dr Rajendra Prasad,formats on the ACBI Website. An e-book format, a the President during the year 2016, in carrying out thedownloadable pdf file and also a printable version. This activities of ACBI.would lead to the association saving some money in theprocess. Dr Sinha informed the EC members that there are The meeting ended with a Vote of Thanks proposed byhuge scopes for improvement and he welcomed all the secretary.MINUTES OF THE 43nd. ANNUAL GENERAL BODY MEETING(TMA Pai Convention centre, Mangaluru, December 14th. 2016, 6.00 pm)The 43rd. General Body Meeting of the ACBI was held on hands on training for the laboratory personnel.14th. December 2016 in TMA Pai Convention centre,Mangaluru. The newly elected President, Dr. Poornima He was the former Dean & Director School of HealthManjrekar chaired the proceeding of the meeting. Sciences, Calicut University & was the Founder & Director of Clinical research laboratory (SAT Hospital,The meeting started with all members observing a 2 minutes medical college, Trivandrum) one of the best Clinicalsilence in the memory of one of our senior & active member, laboratories in Kerala. At the time of his death, he wasDr T. Vijayakumar who had passed away on 20th. July 2016. head of basic sciences, Mahe Institute of DentalProf Dr Vijyakumar was one of the senior-most Professors in Sciences.Biochemistry with more than 40 years experience in clinicalbiochemistry, teaching and research. He was a very active He was the author of more than 160 papers in indexedmember of Association of Clinical Biochemists of India National and International journals, contributed articles(ACBI) for the past 20 years. He was the representative of to 12 books & published 2 books in the field of ClinicalACBI of the Kerala state for many years, in which capacity Biochemistry. He was an invited resource person inhe had organized many workshops and state level Biochemistry of the Royal Society of Chemistry,conferences. He was also the Zonal representative for South London and had given lectures many times in UK. Hezone, in which capacity he has organized the South zone had guided more than 30 students for PhD. He took hisconference in June 2015. He was a Fellow of the ACBI last breath on 20th July 2016. His passing away has left(FACBI). For the last 10 years, he is striving to upgrade the a great void in the association which will be hard to fill.knowledge of technicians and technocrats of medical We pray to the almighty. May his souls rest in peace. Itlaboratories in Kerala State. For this purpose, he had was resolved that a copy of the resolution be sent to theconducted more than 50 workshops / CME programmes / family member of Dr. T. Vijayakumar.20 ACBI NEWS BULLETIN

The General Secretary, Dr. Rajiv R. Sinha, placed the the 44th ACBI National conference - 2017 would be .minutes of the 42nd. General Body meeting held at organized by the ACBI Head office. Venue short listedChandigarh, which was earlier circulated through March were Goa/Port Blair. As per the resolution, this was2016 issue of the ACBI News Bulletin. (Volume No.45/ No.- passed with a proviso that ACBI Head Office (General01). As there were no comments received, the minutes were Secretary, ACBI) should re-confirm their bid inapproved by the house. Chandigarh in 2015.The General Secretary presented the report of the EC ACBI Head Office had confirmed their proposal toregarding the applications received for hosting the 2017 host the 2017 National Conference in Goa. TheNational conference. Proposals had been received last year proposal was in order. The proposal was deferred tofor hosting the 2017 ACBICON from Dr. Abbas A. Mahdi, 2018 at the GB meeting in Chandigarh to make wayProfessor & Head, Department of Biochemistry, KGMC, for Lucknow. The 2018 Conference will organized byLucknow and was accepted by the General body with a Head office with help of 2-3 past presidents and Drproviso that he should re-confirm his bid in Mangalore in MVR Reddy (Past General-Secretary, ACBI) would be2016. Dr. Mahdi has sent a confirmation letter for hosting it the President Elect. This was accepted by the Generalin 2017 in KGMC, Lucknow. His proposal has been vetted body with a proviso that Dr Rajiv Sinha, Generalby the Executive Board and is in order. The house Secretary, should re-confirm his bid in Lucknow inunanimously decided to hold the 44th. 2017 Annual National 2017.Conference in Lucknow with Dr. Abbas A. Mahdi asorganizing secretary. The house was informed that the The GB was informed of the important decisions takenconference would be held sometime in 1st – 2nd week of at the EC meeting held on December 12th. The GBDecember 2017. Dr Abbas Mahdi gave a brief presentation ratified the decisions taken during the 43nd. Pre-GBbefore the GB and invited all members to attend the next EC meeting as noted below.conference at Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. He was requested by The GB ratified the decision of the EC to award thethe General Secretary to be in constant touch with members Best Representative of the Year 2016 to the Northof the ACBI Congress & Conference division for continuous Zone Representative Dr. Seema Bhargava (Sir Gangaguidance. Ram Hospital, New Delhi). The President ACBI gave away the prize to Dr seema Bhargava.The General Secretary presented the report of the ECregarding the applications received for hosting the 2018 The GB took up the matter related to the election of theNational conference. As per the resolution passed by the GB office bearers of the Association, one Vice-President,during its 41st meeting at Jodhpur, it was resolved that Five Zonal EC members and State Representatives was taken up for discussion.The following were the members who were elected for the different posts in the EC for 2017.(1) Vice President (2) - Dr Jairam Rawtani (Jodhpur)(2) Zonal member –(a) North Zone - Dr. Dharamveer Yadav(b) South Zone - Dr. Kanan Vaidyanthan(c) East Zone - Dr. A. N. Roy(d) West Zone - Dr. Sadanand Naik (e) Central Zone - Dr. Shivani Pandey(3) State Representative –Delhi - Dr. Mamta Kankara Rajasthan - Dr. Shailja Chambial Sharma Haryana - Dr. Aditi Gupta West Bengal - Dr. Surupa Basu Kerala - Dr. George Abraham Maharashtra - Dr. Rohini Bhadre Himachal Pradesh - Dr. K. K. Sharma Chandigarh - Dr. Indu Verma Punjab - Dr. Mridula Mahajan Jammu & Kashmir - Dr. Syed Mudassar ACBI NEWS BULLETIN 21

Orrisa - Dr. Manorma SwainAndhra Pradesh - Dr. J. N. NaiduPondicherry - Dr. Medha RajappaUttar Pradesh - Dr. Mohd Kaleem AhmedTalengana - Dr. Pradeep NaikTamil Nadu - Dr. R. ArivazhaganUttarakhand - Dr. Vinit MehrotraKarnataka - Dr. Praveen ShettyThe house authorized the General Secretary to select the other FUND. The GB applauded their gesture.state representative for which no nominations were received.Dr. Poornima Manjrekar, President, requested the elected The Secretary, Dr Rajiv Sinha informed the house that inState representative to be more active and to organize our endeavor to reach out to all our members, theacademic activities at a regular interval. The General association has finally gone GREEN. He informed theSecretary, Dr Rajiv R Sinha presented a brief report about the honorable members that from September 2016 issue of14th Asian Pacific Congress of Clinical Chemistry & the ACBI News Bulletin, printing & posting of HardLaboratory Medicine which was held from 26th t0 29th copies will have completely ceased. The ACBI NewsNovember 2016 at Taipei, Taiwan with about 1028 delegates Bulletin will now be available in three different formatstaking part in the 3 days programme. 39 delegates from India on the ACBI Website. An e-book format, aattended the congress and took part in oral as well as poster downloadable pdf file and also a printable version. Thispresentation. The Secretary informed the EC about the would lead to the association saving some money in theachievement of our young. process. Dr Sinha informed the members that there are huge scopes for improvement and he welcomed allACBI members, who did us proud by bagging various awards suggestions from members to make the experience ofat the Taipei APFCB congress. The APFCB 2016 Student reading the News bulletin on the web a pleasantTravel Award was won by Dr. Chiranjit Ghosh. In the Young experience.Scientist Award competition, Dr Shailendra Dwivedy & Dr.Swarup Shah were invited to present their papers for this The General Secretary was happy to announce that aftercompetition. They were amongst the four names which were 41 years, our association has finally found a permanentshort listed by the scientific committee for the oral address for itself. He informed the members that inpresentation out of more than 43 applicants. You will be active consultation with the EB, the process for purchasehappy to note that Dr. Swaup Shah (PD Hinduja Hospital, of the 1280 sq. ft. office space was started in April 2016.Mumbai) was declared the winner of the Young scientist The Executive Council members congratulated Dr RajivAward 2016. Sinha for his effort in finally finding a permanent address for the association. Dr Sinha informed theThe APFCB TRAVEL AWARD was given to Dr Prasenjit honorable EC members that he would try to get theMitra & Dr Suhasini Panda. The IFCC – ROCHE office ready & inaugurated before the next annualSCHOLARSHIP was awarded to another ACBI member, Dr conference.Purvi Purohit, Jodhpur to attend the Taipei congress. The Executive Council recorded its appreciation on theThe General Secretary informed the house that Dr. Jayshree excellent leadership provided by Dr Rajendra Prasad, theBhattacharjee (recipient –Dr. T. N. Pattaniraman Oration) and President during the year 2016, in carrying out theDr. Dr. K. S. Gopinath , Padmashree awardee, Surgical activities of ACBI.oncologist, HCG hospitals, Bengaluru (recipient : K. L. GuptaOration) have donated the money that they had received with The meeting ended with a Vote of Thanks proposed bythe awards to the ACBI BENEVOLENT the secretary.22 ACBI NEWS BULLETIN

MINUTES OF THE 44th. POST G.B. EXECUTIVE COUNCIL MEETING (TMA Pai Convention centre, Mangaluru, December 15th. 2016)The Newly elected Executive Council (EC) of ACBI met on The General Secretary informed the members about theDecember 15th. 2016, at 12:30 pm in the meeting room at progress in trying to retrieve the locked up money in theTMA Pai Convention Centre, Mangalore. The meeting was ACBI-Corporate wing account in Citibank, Gurgaon. Hepresided over by Dr. Poornima Majrekar, the President of was hopeful that this matter would be resolved by theACBI. Dr Poornima Manjrekar welcomed the members of end of this year.the new Executive Council. Members also discussed the idea of appointing a singleDr. Rajiv Ranjan Sinha, the General Secretary presented the Event Management company to manage our Annualproceedings of the previous executive council meeting held National Conference. The secretary explained that everyon 14th. December 2016, which was accepted. organizing secretary has to start from scratch and each of them interpret the “Guidelines of organizing ACBITaking stock of the organization of ACBICON 2016 : All conferences” in their own way. Since most Organizingthe members were very appreciative of the manner Secretaries are academic professionals with very littlein which the organizing committee of the ACBICON 2016 experience of organizing conferences. Pros & cons werehad worked hard to host a very successful conference. discussed. It was decided that the EB would finalize the MOU after extensive consultation before appointingDr. Rajiv R. Sinha, the General Secretary placed before the PCO. Also, the suggestion of Dr Poornima Manjrekar toEC the matter regarding declining attendance of members to limit the agreement to only 3 years and to see how thisthe ACBI National Conference. He exhorted the Zonal EC experience works out.members to liaise with the State representatives and try tofind out the reason for this. The meeting ended with a vote of thanks from the President, Dr. Poornima Manjrekar.ACBI NEWS BULLETIN 23

Applications are invited from Young scientists  To & fro AC 3 Tier rail fareattending the ACBI National conference for the award Each PARTIAL BURSARY will provide:of the Young Scientist Bursary.  Full Registration for the conference.The criteria for bursary selection are as follows: 1. Age of the candidate should be 35 or less than 35 Bursary recipient will be selected by the Bursary Award years on 31st. December of the year of the Committee on the basis of information provided through conference. the “Bursary Application Form” submitted within the 2. Candidate should be a member of ACBI or if not deadline provided in the Final Brochure of the a member then he/she shall have to take Sessional conference & also on the ACBI Website. membership for the conference. 3. Having a Poster / Abstract accepted. Applications for Bursary would be invited through the 4. Work to be presented at conference should be ACBI News Bulletin (March issue) and the Final original as evaluated by the Scientific committee. Brochure of the conference. The application along with 5. The candidate should give an undertaking that all documents should be sent to the Organizing Secretary he/she did not receive any grant from any other of the Conference before the last date for call for abstract government or private sources. as published in the Final brochure or the conference 6. The candidate should submit application through website. proper channel, i.e. signed by head of department or head of Institution. Candidates applying would have to submit the following : (1) Proof of registration, (2) Proof of membership ofTwo candidates will be selected for award of FULL ACBI, (3) Proof of age, and (4) copies of their OralBURSARY and Two candidates will be selected for /Poster presentation to the committee for evaluation, (5)PARTIAL BURSARY. One bursary will be given to a letter stating that they have not received any grant forcandidate contesting for any oral Award presentation, and attending the conference. All applications have to bethe Second bursary will be given to candidate presenting forwarded by their Head of departments /Institution. ThePoster. Awardees name will be announced during the conference. The awardees will have to submit photocopyFULL BURSARY will provide: of her to & fro rail ticket, Conference registration receipt  Full Registration for the conference & Hotel receipt to the General Secretary/ Treasurer,  Three night accommodation ACBI just after the valedictory function to claim the award. A.C.B.I. Travel Fellowship Applications are invited from Young members of the Association by the Organizing Secretary of the Annual conference for availing this fellowship. This award shall be awarded to Young Members of ACBI below the age of 35 whose paper has been accepted for presentation and who has not availed any other assistance through any other source. Total number of Travel Fellowship award will be Five (5). The Application for Travel Fellowship should be addressed to the General Secretary, ACBI and submitted to the ACBI Secretariat address [ Dr. Rajiv R. Sinha, General Secretary, Biochem-Lab, East Boring Canal Road, Patna – 800 001.] He/She should enclose proof of membership of ACBI, proof of Age, Proof of conference registration and certificate from the Head of the of non-receipt of any other financial support. The award will be decided by a committee consisting of the Organising Secretary, President and General Secretary of ACBI. The awardees will be given To and Fro 3 tier sleeper class rail fare to the maximum of Rs. 1000/-. Preference will be given to those who has to travel from far of places. The awardees name will be announced during the valedictory function of the conference and the cheque will be presented. The Travel Fellowship has been constituted by a donation of Rs. Twenty five Thousand by Dr. A.S. Kanagsabapathy, Organising Secretary, ACBI conference, Vellore; Rs. Twenty Five thousand by Dr.Vijay Singh Thakur, Organising Secretary of Workshop in Quality Control held at AIIMS, New Delhi & Donation of Rs. Fifty Two Thousand by Mr.S.K. Manhar, Director, Priman Instruments Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi.24 ACBI NEWS BULLETIN

NoticeNONTIoCmE inations Invited For Oration AwardNominations from members are invited for the following [4] Dr. T. N. Pattabhiraman Orationorations awards during ACBI Conference in Lucknow This oration was created in year 2004 in the name Dr. T. N.being held from 4th. to 6th December 2017. Nomination Pattabhiraman, Ex-Professor of Biochemistry, Kasturba Medical College, Manipal and Past President of ACBI, byshould reach General Secretary Dr. Rajiv R. Sinha, donation of Rs. One lakhs and one thousand by hisBiochem-Lab, East Boring Canal Road, Patna – 800 001. admiring students. The oration will take place annuallyemail: [email protected] by 30st June 2017. The during ACBI National Conference.nomination should be on letter head or plain paper givinginformation about proposed nominee regarding his/herachievement, qualification, position and some reference The Award nominee should be an eminent Biochemist /about the field of work. Pathologist/Clinician/Scientist to give a lecture on topic[1] AWADHESH SARAN MEMORIAL ORATION related to Clinical Biochemistry. He/She may or may notAWARD be member of ACBI or an Indian National.This oration was started in 1978 to commemorate theFounder President, Dr. Awadhesh Saran, who died [5] MRS. & DR. G. P. TALWAR ORATIONprematurely in 1976. An eminent scientist is invited todeliver a lecture on a subject of interest to the clinical This Oration was created in 2005 by a donation by Dr. G.biochemists. The speaker may or may not be a biochemist P. Talwar Foundation of Rs. one lac. Dr. G. P. Talwar is aor a member of ACBI or Indian national. renowned Biochemist who was Head of Biochemistry in All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi and[2] K. L. GUPTA MEMORIAL ORATION AWARD later, Director of Indian Institute of Immunology, New Delhi. He was President of ACBI in the year 1982.The Oration was started in 1993 by Dr T. Malati and her The Award nominee should be an eminent Biochemist/brothers by donating a sum of Rs. 40,000 and again Immunologist/ Pathologist/ Clinician/ Scientist to give adonating Rs. 50,000 in 2011. The nominee should be an lecture on topic related to his research done in India in theeminent scientist working in the field of Oncology. He/She last 5 years which is of interest to clinical biochemists. He/may or may not be member of ACBI or an Indian She may or may not be member of ACBI or an IndianNational. National.[3] K. E. M. HOSPITAL AND SETH G. S. MEDICAL [6] TARANATH SHETTY MEMORIAL ORATION.COLLEGE ORATION This oration was created by the Association in theThis oration was started in 1992 by the then Organising Executive council meeting held at Kolkata in DecemberSecretary, Dr. A. V. Potnis, Prof. of Biochemistry of 2008 in the fond memory of a very dynamic and energeticK.E.M. Hospital & Seth G.S. Medical College, Bombay member, Dr. K. Taranath Shetty. The Oration will be onby donating a sum of Rs. 15,000=00 from savings of the topics to popularize science, particularly related to humanconference. Dr. Sucheta Dandekar, Professor of health and to dispel myths from the minds of the people. ItBiochemistry, Seth G.S. Medical College, Mumbai has has been planned to organize this oration every year duringfurther added Rs. 15,000/ from the savings of a Workshop Annual National Conferences. . The Organizing secretaryon Quality Management held in December 2005 at Seth shall inform the public through news paper and otherG.S. Medical College, Mumbai and also donated Rs. 1.0 announcement. The oration will be organized in a largelacs from savings of ACBICON 2010 at Mumbai. space to accommodate general public besides delegates.The nominee should be an eminent Biochemist / Orator shall be selected from nominations received fromPathologist / Clinician / Scientist to give a lecture on members, award committee members and the Organizingtopic related to Clinical Biochemistry. He/She may or committee. The awardee shall be presented a memento,may not be member of ACBI or an Indian National. certificate and award money. ACBI NEWS BULLETIN 25

NoticeOral Presentation of Award PapersThe Organizing Secretary shall be inviting papers for the biology, published by any other author/authors, excluding himself and his group, in any prestigious journalNOTICEbelow mentioned Awards from members of the of the world in the preceding one year. [It must not be your work]. Application along with (1) 4 typed/photo copies ofAssociation including sessional members through the the write up, (2) 4 photocopies of the original paper, (3)final brochure of the conference and the papers should documentary evidence of age and (4) proof of membershipreach the Organizing Secretary of the conference by the of ACBI should be submitted to the Organizing Secretarydate fixed for receiving papers for the conference. These before the dead line.papers shall be evaluated by Scientific Committee of the The winner of the award shall be given a cash award and aconference. On the basis of evaluation done by members certificate at the Valedictory function of the sameof the scientific committee, the organizing secretary conference.shall select 2 best papers of each award and informtheir authors to present them at a special session for [2] SITA DEVI AWARDaward papers before 3 judges selected by the Presidentfrom amongst senior delegates for this purpose. Each This award was created by a donation of Rs.5000/ by thepresentation shall not be of more than 8 minutes duration. Organising Secretary of 6th. Annual Conference of ACBI,After presentation of each paper, 2 minutes shall be Dr. C. Sita Devi, in 1980 and later again Rs.5000/ from herdevoted on discussion by the judges and the audience. own side. As per the resolution of the General Body passedThe best paper author of each Award as decided by the in December 2011, Gwalior, this was further supplementedjudges shall be given certificate and money at the by a donation of Rs. 50,000 from the ACBI Corpus fund.valedictory function. You can make yourself ready to The cash award and a certificate are given to the personsubmit your paper in time indicating the name of the whose paper in oral presentation was considered bestaward for which the paper is being submitted. Any and worth. The applicant shall submit (1) 4 typed/ photomember including Sessional Member, whose age on copies of the paper, (2) documentary evidence of age (3)31st December of the Year is below 35 years, is eligible proof of membership of ACBI (4) no objection certificateto take part in the contest. from co-authors, if any, to the Organizing Secretary before the dead line.(NOTE : If not already a ACBI member, then one has The winner of the award shall be given a cash award and ato take a Sessional Membership by applying to ACBI certificate at the Valedictory function of the sameHead office. Membership Form to be downloaded conference.from [3] P. S. MURTHY - UCMS AWARD FOR BEST[1] PITABUS-JAMUNA BURMA MEMORIAL PAPER IN THE FIELD OF (1) INFECTIOUSAWARD DISEASES, (2) DEVELOPMENT OF DRUGS FROM PLANT SOURCES (3) DIABETES & (4)Dr. D. P. Burma, Professor of Biochemistry, Institute of CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES.Medical Sciences, Benaras Hindu University institutedthis award in memory of his father and mother by These awards were created by a donation of Rs.10,000/ bydonating a sum of Rs.5000/ in 1982 . As per the Prof. P. S. Murthy in 1993. And subsequently as per theresolution of the General Body passed in December 2011, resolution of the General Body passed in December 2011,Gwalior, this was further supplemented by a donation of Gwalior, this was supplemented by a donation of Rs. 50,000Rs. 50,000 from the ACBI Corpus fund. from the ACBI Corpus fund. This was further supplemented by a donation of Rs. 49,000 from the saving of the XXThe applicants have to submit a write up (not more than Annual conference held at Delhi. Papers for the award are2000 words) on an original research work in medicinebased on approaches in biochemistry or molecular26 ACBI NEWS BULLETIN

invited under 4 categories, i.e. (1) Infectious Diseases, and Conference of ACBI, Dr. T. Malati, Professor and Head of(2) Development of Drugs (3) Diabetes and (4) the Dept. of Biochemistry, Nizam's Institute of MedicalCardiovascular Diseases.. One best paper in each Sciences (NIMS), Hyderabad. As per the resolution of thecategory is awarded with certificate and cash. If no General Body passed in December 2011, Gwalior, this waspaper under one category is available or considered worth, further supplemented by a donation of Rs. 50,000 from thethen both awards shall go to two top papers of the other ACBI Corpus fund.category. In case no paper in either category is consideredworth, then similar papers in Poster Sessions should be There are 2 awards - One award is for the best poster in theconsidered for the award. The award shall be presented to field of Cancer and another in Non-Cancer field. Therewinners during the Valedictory Function of the conference. is no application required to win this award. All postersThe applicant shall submit (1) 4 typed/ photo copies of the shall be evaluated by a panel of judges drawn from thepaper, (2) documentary evidence of age (3) no objection delegates, who have been selected by the President incertificate from co-authors, if any and (4) evidence of consultation with the Organising secretary. The awardmembership of ACBI, to the Organizing Secretary before shall be presented during the Valedictory function of thethe dead line. conference.[4] MGIMS AWARD FOR BEST PAPER IN THE [2] DR. P. USHA SARMA BEST POSTERFIELD OF TROPICAL DISEASES This award was AWARD IN GENOMIC PROTEONOMICcreated in the year 1994 by a donation of Rs.10,000/ by SCIENCES – CLINICAL APPLICATIONDr. B. C. Harinath, the Organising Secretary of 20th.ACBI conference, Sevagram,. As per the resolution of the The award was instituted in 2013 by a donation of Rs.General Body passed in December 2011, Gwalior, this was 50,000/ by Dr. P. Usha Sarma, Retired Professor and Headfurther supplemented by a donation of Rs. 50,000 from the of the Dept. of Biochemistry, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar InstituteACBI Corpus fund. of Genomic Research, New Delhi. There will be one award to the Best poster in the field of Genomic ProteonomicThe Award is open for original work in biochemical/ Sciences – Clinical application during the ACBI Annualimmunological/ molecular aspects of Tropical Diseases. Conference.The applicant shall submit (1) 4 typed/ photo copies of thepaper, (2) documentary evidence of age (3) no objection [3] POSTER AWARDS FROM ORGANIZINGcertificate from co-authors and (4) evidence of COMMITTEEmembership of ACBI, to the Organizing Secretary beforethe dead line. Organizing Committee shall also announce 5 or more awards for excellent posters and the process of selectionIn case no paper is considered worth, then similar papers in will be the same by the same judges of the NIMS Award.Poster Sessions should be considered for the award. The There is no application required to win this award.award shall be presented to winners during the ValedictoryFunction of the conference. Thus Poster awards fall in following categories:- (1) Cancer – 1 POSTER AWARDS (2) Non-cancer – 1 A number of awards will be granted to the best posters (3) Genomic Proteonomic Sciences–Clinical presented at the conference. All young scientists aged 35 Application year or less (on 31st. December 2017) submitting a (a) In case no award is given for Oral poster at the ACBI National conference will be presentation of considered for the Poster Award Competition. No (b) P.S. Murthy Award for (i) Infectious diseases applications are required to be submitted. (ii) Development of drugs from plant sources, And[1] NIMS AWARD FOR BEST POSTER. (c) MGIMS Award for papers on Tropical diseases. Posters on these topics will by The award was instituted in 1994 by a donation of Rs. considered for those awards 10,000/ by the Organising Secretary of XIX Annual (4) Organizing committee award for visually excellent Posters.ACBI NEWS BULLETIN 27

AFMC QUIZ AWARD This award was instituted by the Organizing Secretary of 33rd ACBICON 2006, Pune, Col. Parduman Singh by giving a sum of Rs. 2,00,000 from the savings of the conference. The money shall be deposited in Fixed Deposit by Head Office and out of annual interest accrued, 70% shall be used for giving award and 30% shall be reinvested in fixed deposit to take care of inflation and varying interest rates. There shall be two awards each year based on QUIZ contest held during conference. Col. Singh has further donated a sum of Rs. 5000.0 for preparation of a RUNNING TROPHY which shall be given to one who scores highest marks in the contest. He / she shall return the trophy to the next Organizing Secretary before next annual conference is held. This quiz is open to all young Clinical Biochemists and Post-graduates students in Biochemistry/ Clinical Biochemistry in Medical institutions whose age on 31st December of the year shall be below 35 years. Those desirous of taking part in this competition should give their name to the organizing secretary. Application for ACBI Best Paper Award To The Organizing Secretary 44th. ACBICON 2017 Lucknow Sir, I am submitting a paper entitled ……………………………………………………………………….…… ……………………………………………………by ………………………………….et al, for the best paper award during the conference. I am aware of the terms and conditions of competing for the award and abide by the rules. Preference for the award to be considered is indicated as below (only one choice):- Pitabus Jamuna Burma Award / Sita Devi Award / P. S. Murthy Award / MGIMS Award (tick the preference) Enclosures: 1. Two sets of full text of the paper, along with abstract in a format as required for IJCB 2. Documentary evidence of age 3. No objection certificate from co-authors, if any 4. ACBI membership number 5. Photocopy of documentary evidence of membership. Kindly acknowledge the receipt of the same and inform me the date of presentation, if considered for presentation. (No separate entry is required for Poster Awards) Name ……………………………………………………………………………………… Address……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… Contac Numbers :………………………………… ……………………………………………………. E-mail id ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Date Name Signature and Address28 ACBI NEWS BULLETIN

Application for AFMC QUIZ AwardThe Organizing Secretary44th. ACBICON 2017LucknowSir,I ……………………………………………………………. wish to participate in the AFMC Quiz competitionI am aware of the terms and conditions of competing for the award and abide by the rules.Enclosures:1. ACBI membership number2. Photocopy of documentary evidence of membership.Name…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Address………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Contact Numbers :……… ………………………………………………………………………………E-mail id ……………………………………………………………………………………………….Date Name Signature and AddressACBI NEWS BULLETIN 29

Application for ACBI YOUNG SCIENTIST Bursary Award To The Organizing Secretary 44th. ACBICON 2017 Lucknow Sir, I ………………………………………………………………..………having ACBI Membership number ……….……………………….….am submitting an application for my name to be considered for the award of ACBI YOUNG SCIENTIST BURSARY to attend the Annual National Conference. I am aware of the terms and conditions of competing for the Bursary award and abide by the rules. Enclosures: 1 Two sets of full text of the paper/Poster. 2. Documentary evidence of age. 3. No objection certificate from co-authors, if any 4. ACBI membership number 5. Photocopy of documentary evidence of membership. 6. Photocopy of evidence of registration for the conference and acceptance of Abstract/ Poster. Kindly acknowledge the receipt of the same. Name …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Educational Qualifications ……………………………………………………...…………………………. Current Position …………………………………………………………………………….……………….. ACBI Membership Number : ………………………………………………………. Address……………………………………………………………………………………………………..… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Contac Numbers :……………………………………………………………………………. E-mail id …………………………………………………………………………………………. Date Name Signature and Address30 ACBI NEWS BULLETIN

Notice Fellowship Of The Association Of Clinical Biochemists Of India (Facbi) Nominations for award of FACBI to suitable ACBI members are invited from Fellows and senior members of the Association so as to reach the General Secretary Dr. Rajiv R. Sinha, Biochem- Lab, East Boring Canal Road, Patna – 800 001. email: [email protected] ) by 30th. June 2017. Association of Clinical Biochemists of India awards Fellowship to distinguished members of theNOTICEAssociation on the basis of their achievement. Eligibility for the nominee: Nominee should be a Life member of ACBI of at least 10 years standing. He/She should have at least 15 years of teaching / research / analytical experience in the areas of clinical biochemistry or has done distinguished services to ACBI. Nomination letter duly signed by proposer along with 4 copies of (a) Biodata of nominee in the prescribed format (to be down loaded from ACBI website: ACBI Constitution- Annexure), (b) list of publications by the nominee in IJCB or other indexed journals with 4 copies of reprints of 6 papers of which 3 are recent ones, (c) proof of various statements made in Biodata. ACBI NEWS BULLETIN 31

CongratulationWinners of ACBI Fellowships and Awards, 2016ACBI FELLOWSHIP AWARD (FACBI) DR T. N. PATTABIRAMAN ORATION AWARD Dr. Jayshree Bhattacharjee, Professor, Department Dr. B. K. Agrawal, Indore, MP. Of Biochemistry, Lady Hardinge Medical College, Delhi “Role of Biomarkers for Aneuploidy asACBI-A.J.THAKUR DISTINGUISHED predictors of adverse obstretic outcome”CLINICAL BIOCHEMISTS AWARD K. L. GUPTA MEMORIAL ORATION : Dr. K. Dr Arun Raizada, Senior Consultant – S. Gopinath , Padmashree, Surgical oncologist, Biochemistry, Department of Pathology & Lab Medicine, Medanta , Gurgaon HCG hospitals, Bengaluru “Perspectives of tumor ACBI ORATION AWARDS, 2016 markers in clinical oncology in the era of personalized medicine” AWADHESH SARAN MEMORIAL ORATION Dr. D. M. Vasudevan, Head, PG Programs and MRS. & DR G. P. TALWAR ORATION AWARD Research, Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, Dr. Taruna Madan Gupta, Scientist E & Head, Kochi. “Inborn errors of Metabolism : An overview Innate Immunity, National Institute for Research in and our experience” Reproductive Health, Mumbai “ Human Surfactant SETH G. S. MEDICAL COLLEGE & KEM protein D: A ray of hope against HIV “ HOSPITAL ORATION : Dr. H. Vinod Bhat, DR. TARANATH SHETTY MEMORIAL ORATION AWARD POPULAR LECTURE Vice-Chancellor, Manipal University, Manipal, SERIES : Dr. G. G. Lakshman Prabhu, Prof. & Karnataka Head, Dept of Urology, Kasturba Medical College, Mangaluru “ Biochemical Fascinations”OTHER AWARDSK.P. SINHA - P.S. KRISHNAN AWARD FOR DR. P. S. MURTHY - UCMS AWARD FOR BESTBEST PAPER PUBLISHED IN IJCB (2016): PAPER IN THE FIELD OF DEVELOPMENTAnkit Verma and N.C. Chandra “Differential OF DRUGS FROM PLANT SOURCES – AmithExpressions of p53, p53R2, hRRM2 and PBR in Kumar ( KMC, Mangalore ) Antioxidant ,anti-Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia: A Correlation with inflammatory and radiation mitigating effects ofIntracellular Cholesterol“ Vol. - 31, No.-3, (July- hydroalcoholic leaf extracts of p. americana in albinoSept.) Year 2016. wistar rats.PITABUS – JAMUNA BURMA MEMORIAL DR. P. S. MURTHY - UCMS AWARD FOR BESTAWARD : Dr. Anurag Yadav, Department of PAPER IN THE FIELD OF DIABETES –Biochemistry, Father Mullers Medical College, BalakrishnaPai, (Sri ManakulaVinayagar MedicalMangalore ComparativeAssessment of Neutrophil College & Hospital, Puducherry) Study of SNP s ofGelatinase-Associated Lipocalin (NGAL) and RAGE and its association with micro andCystatin C as Early Biomarkers for Early Detection macrovascular complications of type 2 DMof Renal Failure in Patients with Hypertension DR. P. S. MURTHY - UCMS AWARD FOR BESTDR. P. S. MURTHY - UCMS AWARD FOR PAPER IN THE FIELD OFBEST PAPER IN THE FIELD OF (1) CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES - Srilatha K,INFECTIOUS DISEASES - Suprabha Nayak (SRMC, Chennai) Fibrinogen and Lipoprotein (a)(Apoptosis and pattern of CD4 cells in intestinal levels in first degree relatives of ischemic stroketuberculosis and Crohn’s disease – Diagnostic patientsimplications)32 ACBI NEWS BULLETIN

NIMS BEST POSTER AWARD : MGIMS (SEWAGRAM) AWARD : Daisy Maria1. CANCER : Sarvari G ( Department of Samadanami ( Department of Biochemistry, JIPMER, Puducherry) P-Selectin, a possible Biochemistry, S. V. Institute of Medical predictor of disease progression in severe Dengue sciences, Tirupati, AP ) Study of adiponectin infection” and leptin levels in postmenopausal obese breast cancer Dr. P. Usha Sarma Best Poster Award in Genomic2. NON-CANCER : S. Bannerjee ( Research Proteonomic sciences – Clinical Application : Laboratories, P. D. Hinduja Hospital & Salma Taj S A ( Department of Biotechnology, Medical Research Centre, Mumbai) A pilot Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal) study to determine the differential methylation “Mangiferin a C-glucosylxanthone, ameliorates the pattern in indian population with coronary arsenic induced cytotoxicity in IEC-6 cell line” artery disease AFMC QUIZ AWARD :FIRST PRIZE : Dr. Shruthi Rai, (K. S Hegde Medical SECOND PRIZE : Ms. Kajalakshmi ( JIPMER,Academy, Mangalore) Puducherry)ACBI YOUNG SCIENTISTS BURSARY AWARDEESFull Bursary - C Raghavi, JIPMER,Pondicherry Partial Bursary – K.Srinivasulu, JIPMER, PondicherryAssociation of elevated interleukin-17 and angiopoietin-2 Insulin Receptor Isoforms A and B as well as Insulinwith prostate size in Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Receptor Substrate I Expression in Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia ACBI TRAVEL AWARD : (1) Dr. Sriram Naresh, VIMS, Tirupathi and type-2 deiodinase gene polymorphism in patients with type 2 Diabetes MellitusBEST ORAL PAPER AWARDS BY THE (2) Deepika Delsa Dean, SGPGIMS, Lucknow ORGANISING COMMITTEE Molecular Assessment of CGG repeat expansion in FMR-I gene in reproductive age women and 1. Prasanth S Ariyannur, Amrita Institute of premature ovarian insufficiency women by using Medical Sciences,Kochi Cerebrospinal fluid TP-PCR hyaluronidase levels in neurofibromatosis type 2 2. Smitha Nilesh Gawandi, BARC Hospital, Mumbai Estimation of thyroid function testsBEST POSTER AWARD BY THE ORGANISING COMMITTEE(1) Nivedita Nanda : Association of biochemical (4) Pritesh Mehta : (A comparative study of total markers with body fat percentage in prediabetes) protein, calcium and triglyceride content along with qualitative analysis of adulterants in different(2) Alpa J Dherai : (Proficiency Testing in a types of milk) Biochemical Genetics Laboratory) (5) PadmanabanVenkatesan : (Serum hepcidin levels(3) Janani Ishwarya : (Common hb variants in diabetes mellitus) encountered in hba1c measurements on a routine diabetic backup) BEST POSTER AWARD BY TRANSASIA- AkshathaNayak(Preliminary study of the mechanism of Andrographispaniculata in mitigating the toxic effects of Najanaja venom) ACBI NEWS BULLETIN 33

IFCC YOUNG SCIENTIST AWARDS1. Dr Angel Mercy Sylus : ( Effect of clomiphene Indo-Danish study with different doses of citrate on nitric oxide IL- 10 and MMP-9 in women cobalamin) with polycystic ovary syndrome) 4. Dr. Prasenjit Mitra : (Isolation and charecterisation of a compound from the leaves of2. Dr. Chiranjit Ghosh : (Monitoring of blood glucose Ageratum Conyzoides Linn. Responsible for profile from extended breath analysis for the antigastriculcer activity in albino rats) diagnosis of pre-diabetes and type II diabetes) 5. Dr. G. Revathy : (Does Methotrexate monotherapy ameliorate systemic inflammation3. Dr. Namita Mahalle : Oral administration of and endothelial dysfunction in Psoriasis) cyanocobalamin causes higher increase in circulating holotranscobalamin than droxocobalamin : AnBranch ReportsRegional meetings and CME’s are the life line of any scientific organization like ACBI. There were quite a largenumber of scientific meetings / workshops arranged by the State/Zonal Chapter throughout 2017.ACBI UTTAR PRADESH AND ACBI CENTRAL ZONE :Department of Biochemistry, King George’s Medical HOD, Department of Biochemistry, Pt. J.N.M. MedicalUniversity, Lucknow organized a one day Symposium in College, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, Prof Praveen Sharma,association with Association of Clinical Biochemists of Professor and Head of Biochemistry Department,India (ACBI) Central Zone and U.P. State Branch on 4th Controller of Examinations and Dean (Research), AllFebruary 2017 with the theme “Changing trends in India Institute of Medical Sciences, Jodhpur, India, ProfMedical Biochemistry in the New Millennium”. The event Arun Raizada Senior Consultant and HOD,was also supported by Medical Council of India, Indian Biochemistry, Medanta - The Medicity, Gurgaon, ProfCouncil of Medical Research, New Delhi and Seema Bhargava Senior Consultant, Department ofBiochemistry Foundation, Lucknow. Dr. Dilutpal Sharma, Biochemistry, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi, Dr.Associate Professor, Department of Biochemistry, KGMU, Swasti Tiwari, Associate Professor& Head , Division ofLucknow, was Organizing Secretary of the Symposium. Molecular Medicine & Biotechnology, Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical SciencesDirector of the National Institute of Pharmaceutical (SGPGIMS), Lucknow, Dr. Neetu Singh, AssociateEducation and Research (NIPER, Raebareli), Government Prof, CFAR, KGMU, Lucknow and Prof S.P. Singh,of India, Dr. S. J. S. Flora inaugurated the program, while Professor, Department of Biochemistry, Institute ofProf. R. K. Singh, Former HOD, Department of Science, BHU, Varanasi. Prof S.P. Dandekar highlightedBiochemistry, KGMU was the Guest of Honor and the the importance of POCT - The Challenging andfunction was presided over by Prof. Ashutosh Kumar, Changing Paradigm. Prof Seema Bhargava delivered herDean, Faculty of Medicine, KGMU. Prof. Abbas Ali talk on diagnosing acute myocardial infarction - fromMahdi, Head, Department of Biochemistry, KGMU cardiac enzymes to specific proteins. Prof Molly Jacobwelcomed the guests and delegates for attending from Christian Medical College, Vellore, spoke aboutsymposium. her latest research on Iron Metabolism. Dr. P.K. Patra delivered his talk on his field of interest, Sickle CellDuring the Symposium guest lecture were delivered by Disease in Chhattisgarh. Prof Praveen Sharma spoke onexperts from all over India. The invited faculty consisted Heavy Metals Toxicity and Neurodegeneration, whileof Prof S.P. Dandekar, Professor and Head, Department of Dr. Arun Raizada delivered his talk onCurrent ScenarioBiochemistry, Seth G.S. Medical College & K.E.M. of Prevalence of Vitamin D Deficiency in OstensiblyHospital Mumbai, Prof Molly Jacob Professor and Head, Healthy Indian Population: A Hospital BasedDepartment of Biochemistry, Christian Medical College,34 ACBI NEWS BULLETIN

the role of Mucuna pruriens and Withania somnifera in Medicine. Prof. Subir Kumar Das highlighted theneuroprotection in Parkinsonian Mice. Dr. Neetu Singh usefulness of such hands on workshop in laboratoryspoke on Anti-Neoplastic potential of a perfect SERM medicine.Centchroman (Ormeloxifene). Dr. Swasti Tiwari spoke on The program commenced with Lecture on Basics of Cellthe recent advances in molecular medicine. culture by Prof. Sumantra Das, former Sr Scientist, IICB, Jadavpur on 9th September, 2016. Prof. Sasanka Chakraboarti delived lecture on basic principles of RNA isolation and Real time quantitative PCR. Twenty participants including Ph.D. students, MD students, as well faculties were trained with basic cell culture techniques, total RNA isolation from SHSY5Y cells, first strand CDNA synthesis, quantitative Real time PCR, immunoblotting of alpha synuclein protein expression in SHSY5Y cells, mitochondria isolation and bioenergetics studies. The program was concluded with mini presentations by participants. DELHI STATE BRANCHAfter the lectures by experts there were free oral A CME on ‘Attaining & Maintaining Accreditation-presentations and poster presentations made by P.G. (1) The Challenges Along the Path’ was organized onstudents and research scholars. The Symposium ended with 4th Feb 2016 ACBI North zone branch jointthe valedictory function and distribution of awards for the association with consortium of accreditated healthbest Oral and Poster presentations. Vote of thanks was care organization (CAHO) and faculty ofproposed by the Organizing Secretary, Dr. Dilutpal Sharma, Biochemistry Department of Sir Ganga RamAssociate Professor in the Department of Biochemistry, Hospital.KGMU. (2) The Department of Biochemistry, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital (SGRH), under the aegis of North Zone and Delhi Chapter of the Association of Clinical Biochemistry of India (ACBI), conducted the 5th annual CME titled “BIOMARKER GUIDED OPTIMIZATION OF PATIENT CARE” on Sunday, the 20th of March, 2016. JAMMU & KASHMIR BRANCHWest Bengal Chapter A one day National Seminar entitled “CLINBIO CME 2016” was hosted by the Department of ClinicalACBI West Bengal Chapter organized three day “Hands on Biochemistry at Sher-E-Kashmir Institute of MedicalWorkshop on Molecular Biology Techniques” at IIMSAR, Sciences on 29th March 2016. The meeting was heldHaldia on 9-11 September, 2016 for the benefit of basic under the aegis of Association of Clinical Biochemists ofscientists as well clinicians to focus on Medical Research as India (ACBI) J&K Branch and ACBI North Zone.well opening for funding opportunities. Prof. SasankaChakrabarti, Head of the Department of Biochemistray, CHANDIGARH BRANCHIIMSAR, welcomed all delegates, and the program wasinaugurated by the Hon’ble Chairman of ICARE, Haldia at The Department of Biochemistry, PGIMER, ChandigarhHotel Golden Retreat on 8th September, 2016 Evening. along with the Chandigarh chapter of Association ofProf. Sumantra Das highlighted the benefits of Molecular Clinical Biochemists of India (ACBI), organized a oneBiology techniques in advanced research on Biology and day symposium on “Intellectual Property Rights: Patenting in Medical Research” on November 4, 2016.ACBI NEWS BULLETIN 35

ACBI SOUTH ZONE MEET 2016 finding that competent staff are equal to good test results and on the methods of conducting it. The day’s formal2016 South Zone ACBI Clinical Biochemistry, ChristianMedical College, Vellore & the Tamil Nadu chapter of the scientific sessions ended with Risk Management by DrACBI The Conference started with the Inaugurationfunction. The organising secretary, Dr Victoria Job Kanagasabapathy in which he spoke on how the workwelcomed the gathering, followed by felicitations from theadministrators of CMC, Vellore. The TN ACBI process shall be evaluated and systems defined forrepresentative Dr R Arivazhagan gave an overview aboutACBI. potential failures. Many delegates continued discussions with the speakers. The day’s activities ended with light entertainment and dinner. The second day’s theme was “Usefulness of serum tumour markers.” The first speaker, Dr Mikki Koo gave an overview of serumThe Chief Guest Dr A S Kanagasabapathy was honoured markers in clinical practice, strategies that can beby the Associate director and the Special Guest from adopted in clinical labs, and useful panel in LungNABL, DrVandana Jain, by the Principal, CMC, Dr Anna cancer. This was followed by Dr Richard Rumnong’sPulimood. Dr V Jain emphasized the need for CMC to takeforward the make in India policy in the field of lab sciences talk on the clinical application of serum Her2/ way of Reference material preparation, conducting After a short break the clinician’s perspective was sharedworkshop for quality awareness and also actively help by Dr Abraham Peedicayil on Tumour markers insmall laboratories in the accreditation process. Ovarian cancer, Dr Saikat Das on Cervical and germThe first session on “Total Quality Management of cell tumour markers, DrAshish Singh onClinical Labs” was started by the Key Note Address Neuroendocrine neoplasm serum markers and Drdelivered by the pioneer of QC in India Dr. A S Julie Hepsibah on Thyroglobulin in DTC. DrKanagasabapathy on Evolution of EQAS, the path the Subhosmito Chakraborty spoke on the Emerging role ofcountry has trod, the importance of participation in an [-2] ProPSA. Dr Pamela Christudoss gave a talk onEQA scheme and the description of EQAS material. He the role of Lab investigations in Multiple Myeloma.also gave a detailed lecture on EQA scores, methods used Dr Victoria Job spoke on Spurious results in tumourin value assignment and performance evaluation. The next marker assays. Forty posters were displayed byspeaker was Dr R Selvakumar who described the two tools postgraduates, technologists and researchers. 3 wereLEAN and SIX SIGMA in context to laboratory adjudged the best and gave a 3min presentation & 3 wonimprovement and assessment. After lunch the programme consolation prizes. 170 biochemists and technologistscommenced with a talk on Internal Quality control by Dr participated in the conference. An Exhibition by tenF S Geethanajali. She explained the principles of IQC use, diagnostic companies was held. The conference endedanalysis & interpretations. Dr. Joe Fleming gave an with the Valedictory function. Many thanks to ACBIoverview on how to prepare for accreditations and an Head Office for giving us the opportunity to conduct thisexplanation of the standards. Dr Victoria Job spoke on the academic programme, the Sponsors for their supportneed for Competency Assessment emphasizing the andCMC for all the help.36 ACBI NEWS BULLETIN

ACBI TAMIL NADU CHAPTERA half a day CME meeting was arranged on 26thNovember 2016 at Cancer Institute, Adayar, Chennai. Dr.R. Arivazhagan, Head, Clinical Bio ChemistryDept. Cancer Institute, Adayar, Chennai gave the Welcome Adayar on “Screening of Common Cancers”. Dr. Vijayaaddress and in his address he gave a brief introduction Srinivasan, Asst. Prof., Dept. of Bio Chemistry,about ACBI and its activities. Dr Malliga Ravindran senior SRMC&RI, Porur, Chennai, gave vote of thanks. Themember and Director- Lab. Services, Anderson Diagnostics meeting was attended by our association members, Post& Lab. Services, Chennai, and Former Head, Laboratory graduates and Research scholars from variousServices, Chennai Port Trust Hospital gave a talk on “The institutions.Role of HE4 & Roma in the Management of Patientspresenting with pelvic Mass”.The second talk was given by Dr. Malliga J Subramanian,HOD, Preventive Oncology Department, Cancer Institute,ADVERTISMENT RATE IN ACBI NEWS BULLETIN POSITION ONE ISSUE (RS.) TWO ISSUES (RS.)1 Back Cover (4-colour) 20,000 35,0002 Back Inside (4-colour) 15,000 25,0003 Front Inside (4-colour) 15,000 25,0004 Inside Page (BxW) -- Full Page 8,000 12,0005 Inside Page (BxW) -- Half Page 4,000 6,0006 Full Page Insert (Colour) 20,000 35,000Note : 1. Corporate Members can avail 25% discount on advertisement in the News Bulletin INVITATION TO MEMBERS FOR CASE HISTORIESMembers are invited to send Case History with Biochemical Investigations of Interesting cases or cases with unusualpresentations. Your experience will help others. Please share it with us on ACBI News Bulletin. Send your write up toDr. Shyamali Pal at : [email protected] ACBI NEWS BULLETIN 37

ACBI BENEVOLENT FUND AN APPEALThe Executive Council and GB were concerned to know the fact that one of our very senior members issuffering due to lack of money for his treatment and upkeep. For such situation many organizations havecreated ‘Benevolent’ fund to assist their members in dire need. We should also have compassion when any ofour members are in need of help. Therefore the G.B. has decided to create a Fund to help our needy membersand has sanctioned Rs. 50,000 from ACBI account for this fund. The IJCB Board has also decided tocontribute Rs. 25,000. Many members have agreed to send money for the fund. Dr. B.C. Harinath hascontributed Rs. 17000 which includes the money he got as recipient of ACBI-A.J. Thakur award forDistinguished Clinical Biochemist. Some have sent Rs. 1000 / 2000 /3000 as their contribution.I solicit your support and request you to send money for this noble work as much as you like. The money besent to the Treasurer, Association of Clinical Biochemists of India, Biochem-Lab, East Boring Canal Road,Patna - 800001 by bank draft in the name of “ACBI Benevolent Fund” payable at Patna. It is proposed topublish the names of members who contribute to this fund in News Bulletin.Dr. Poornima Manjrekar 50,000/- 16,000/-President 1,000/- LIST OF DONORS TO ACBI-BENEVOLENT FUND 1,000/- 1,000/- As on 15. 3. 2017 1,000/- 1,000/-1 Association of Clinical Biochemists of India 1,000/-2 Dr. B. C. Harinath, Prof. & Director, JBTDR Centre, Wardha 5,000/-3 Dr. S. P. Dandekar, Prof. & Head, Department of Biochemistry, Seth G. S. Medical College, 1,000/- 2,000/- Mumbai 1,000/-4 Dr. Sujata W., Biochemistry Deptt., PGI ,Chandigarh 3000/- 5000/-5 Dr. K. P. Sinha, Retd. Professor of Biochemistry, Patna Medical College, & Advisor 4000/-6 Dr B N Tiwary – Patna 1,000/-7 Dr Uday Kumar – Patna 5,000/-8 Dr Anand Saran – Patna 1000/-9 Anonymous Donor – Mumbai 1000/-10 Dr Rajiv R Sinha – Patna 10,000/-11 Dr. Harbans Lal – Rohtak 3,000/-12 Dr. S. J. Makhija 30,000/-13 Dr. T. F. Ashavaid – Mumbai 10,000/-14 Dr T. Malati – Hyderbad 15,000/-15 Dr. Praveen Sharma – Jaipur 10,000/-16 Dr. K. L. Mahadevappa – Karnataka17 Dr. P. S. Murthy – Bangalore18 Dr. Geeta Ebrahim --19 Dr. M.V. Kodliwadmath – Bangalore20 Dr. Harsh Vardhan Singh – Delhi21 Dr. M. B. Rao – Pune22 Dr. Praveen Sharma – Jodhpur23 Dr. T. F. Ashavaid – Mumbai24 Dr. K. S. Gopinath – Bangalore25 Dr. Jayshree Bhattacharjee – Delhi38 ACBI NEWS BULLETIN

Members Identity CardPhoto Identity card of ACBI will be mandatory for members to attend the Annual Conferences,all meetings and also for exercising their voting rights. The Identity card will be provided onpayment of Rs.100/- . Payment to be made by Demand Draft to “Association of ClinicalBiochemists of India” payable at “PATNA”.Identity card form is available after the ACBI Membership form.Members are requested to fill-up the form and post it to : Dr Rajiv R Sinha General Secretary, Association of Clinical Biochemists of India Biochem-Lab East Boring Canal Road Patna – 800 001 Bihar PROFORMAMembers Identity Card Please type or write in CAPITAL Letters. Please affix Stamp size1. Name :…………………………………………………………………..2. Qualification :.......................................................................................... Photograph.3. Membership Type : LIFE / ASSOCIATE LIFE / CORPORATE / HONORARY (will be filled up at Head office)4. ACBI Membership Number :………………………………………….(will be filled up a(tDHoenaodt sotaffpilceeo)r. pin)5. Work Place (City) :…………………………………………………….6. State :…………………………………………………………………..7. Date of Joining ACBI :………………………………………………… (will be filled up at Head office).Filled up form to be posted along with the Membership application form.SESSIONAL MEMBERS NOT TO FILL UP THE ID CARD FORMACBI NEWS BULLETIN 39

MEMBERSHIP OF THE ASSOCIATION OF CLINICAL BIOCHEMISTS OF INDIAADMISSIBILITY RULESELIGIBILITY CRITERIA : Membership of the Association is open to teachers & research scientists in the discipline ofBiochemistry, Clinical Biochemistry, Immunology, Pathology, Endocrinology, Nutrition, Medicine and other alliedsubjects in a medical institution and also to persons holding M.B.B.S., M.Sc.(Biochemistry or Clinical Biochemistry) andare engaged in research or practice of clinical Biochemistry in hospital or in private laboratory.ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP : Those graduates who do not fit in the above criteria, but have an interest in ClinicalBiochemistry are eligible to become Associate Members.CORPORATE MEMBERSHIP : A company dealing in biochemical and instruments for biochemistry laboratories canbecome corporate members.SESSIONAL MEMBERSHIP : Those persons who are not members but want to attend ACBI National Conference andattend and/or present papers have to become Sessional Member. This membership will be valid for that conference only. Ifhe/she fulfils all eligibility criteria for membership and again pays the next years Annual membership fees, they will beadmitted as Annual Member of ACBI.MEMBERSHIP FEE : (a) Annual Member – Rs. 600/- annually , (b) Life Member – Rs.5130/- ( Rs.5000/- once +Rs.30/- for L.M.certificate posting + 100/- I Card (or Rs. 1800/- annually for 3 consecutive years.) (c) For persons residingin other countries – US $200/- (d) ASSOCIATE LIFE MEMBERS - Rs.5130/- ( Rs.5000/- once + Rs.30/- forL.M.certificate posting + 100/- I Card, (e) Corporate Member : Rs. 25,000/- one time payment. (f) Sessional Member –Rs. 600/- (g) IFCC subscription (optional) - Rs. 1500/- once.The Membership Application form can be downloaded from www.acbindia.orgPrescribed fee should be paid by BANK DRAFT drawn on STATE BANK OF INDIA only payable to“ASSOCIATION OF CLINICAL BIOCHEMISTS OF INDIA” at PATNA. [ Our bank – State bank of India,Patna Main Branch, West Gandhi maidan, Patna, Bihar] NO CHEQUE PLEASE. The completed application (alongwith enclosures ) & draft should be sent to Dr. Rajiv R. Sinha, General Secretary, ACBI, Biochem-Lab, East BoringCanal Road, Patna – 800 001, preferably by registered post.PHOTOGRAPH : Please affix a passport-size photo on the form and on the ID card form.40 ACBI NEWS BULLETIN

ASSOCIATION OF CLINICAL BIOCHEMISTS OF INDIA MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORM (Please write in Capital or Type) Please Affix Stamp-size Photograph here1. Category of Membership Applied (tick the choice): Life/Associate Life/Annual/ Sessional2. Name Dr/Mr./Mrs./Ms. : Family Name First name3. Sex : 4 . Date of Birth : 5. Nationality :6. Academic Qualifications with Year : (attach Photocopies)7. Designation :8. Official Address :1. Department :2. Institution :3. Address : 4. City : 5. Pin Code : 6. State : 7. Telephone (with area code) : 8. Fax (with area code) : 9. E-mail (CAPITAL ) : 10. Mobile :9. Residential Address : 1 Address :2 2. City : 3. Pin Code :4. State :5. Telephone (with area code) :6. Fax (with area code) :7. E-mail (CAPITAL ) : 8. Mobile :10. Address for Communication : Official OR Residential (please tick the choice)11. Professional Experience (briefly) on separate page : Teaching/Research/Diagnostic : ……….Years ACBI NEWS BULLETIN 41

12. Field of expertise/ Areas of Interest : (1) (2)13. Publications, if any : Attach a list giving details of publications.14. Membership of other professional bodies, if any :15. Any other relevant information (brief) : ( on separate page )16. D.D. No. Date : Bank :Branch : Amount : Rs.(Enclose the crossed D.D. ON SBI for an appropriate amount drawn in favour of “Association of Clinical Biochemists of India” payable at Patna ) Undertaking by the ApplicantI have gone through the bylaws of the Association of Clinical Biochemists of India. If admitted as a member, I shall abide by therules and regulations of the association.Signature of the Applicant Date Place Recommendation by a member of ACBI (This is essential)I have verified the information given in this application that are true to the best of my knowledge. He/She fulfils eligibilityrequirement for becoming a member of ACBI. I recommend that ……………………………………………………….be accordedthe membership of the ACBI.Name & Signature of the Member. Date :ACBI Membership No.: Place : (Disclaimer)I have no objection / I object* if my address and full details are put on the ACBI website at of Applicant Date……………….. * strike out whichever is not applicable42 ACBI NEWS BULLETIN

GLIMPSES OF 43rd ANNUAL CONFERENCEDr. P. Jayadeva Bhat, Chief Guest Delivering Speech. Installation of the New President:Cultural programme Cultural programme Inauguration of Industrial Exhibition. ACBI NEWS BULLETIN

Regd. No. Patna 29/75-6 Taranath Shetty Memorial Oration Delegates Letting Their Hair DownInaugural Function Valedictory Programme ACBI NEWS BULLETIN

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