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Home Explore Chrizine-Apr2022-Release


Published by Muskan Dakuda, 2022-04-05 06:03:00

Description: Chrizine-Apr2022-Release


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CHRIZINE | ISSUE 1 1 Bi-Annual Magazine of CHRIST (Deemed to be University) BGR Campus A MEDIA STUDIES ASSOCIATION PRODUCTION

Chrizine is an epitome of our passion, An illustration of our inner potentials, A parable of our unbridled passion for excellence, A symbol of our thriving imaginations, A legacy of our unwavering ventures, And above all, Chrizine is candid memories pressed between pages! As you flip through these pages, you are sure to reminisce the firm convictions of every Christite: We are but at our peak in talents and abilities, Lovingly nurtured under the vision of St Kuriakose Elias Chavara, Cared and Fostered by the gifted, talented and qualified faculty. We are a mighty army, aflamed with immense desire to excellence, And our desire for excellence cannot be inundated in the waters of complacency! We dedicate our first edition of Chrizine, Bi Annual Magazine of CHRIST (Deemed-to-be-University), BGR Campus, Bangalore to all our beloved Administrative members, Faculties, supporting staff and our fellow Christites who proved to have kept the Christite Sprite within and brought laurels amidst the ongoing pandemic.

01 03 Our Events Cornerstones 2021 page 4 page 56 02 04 Clubs & Student Associations Expressions page 18 page 81

VICE-CHANCELLOR’S MESSAGE Dr Fr Abraham VM, Vice Chancellor, CHRIST (Deemed to be University) The beauty of “And suddenly you know: It’s while it is neces- beginnings is some- time to start something new and sary to remain in the thing often over- trust the magic of beginnings.” present, making sure looked by one in the all goes well, there is process of ensuring ~ Meister Eckhart always a little room everything runs smoothly. The past two years, for stepping back and simply enjoying the joy of in that sense, have given everyone the time and creating something new. This first ever edition of patience to take a step back and truly introspect Chrizine, the official campus magazine, stands as on the things that deserve appreciation. Being in a symbol of all that the students of the University isolation from others and even the burden of our have achieved and as a token of inspiration for all thoughts has, ironically enough, given us the time the students that follow. Chrizine is a reflection of to appreciate the small things in life. And what we university’s core values, the vision of ‘excellence are celebrating here is no small feat. and service’ and the mission of individual’s holistic The official bi- annual magazine of CHRIST development to make effective contributions to (Deemed to be) University, Bannerghatta Road society. I congratulate the Editorial Team composed Campus, commemorates one such auspicious begin- of students and faculty for taking the initiative of ning in our travels through college life. This maga- introducing the Bi- Annual Magazine of CHRIST zine - christened Chrizine - marks a new chapter in (Deemed to be) University- BGR Campus, and our history. Looking back years from now, we will wishing them all the very best !!! Let the Christite be in awe of the fruits of our labor, yet seemingly spirit guide and inspire the student community in forget the challenges that came along with it. every walk of their lives and help them reach greater And herein lies an invaluable lesson - that heights of success and joy.

DIRECTOR’S MESSAGE Dr. Fr. Biju K C, Director, CHRIST (Deemed to be University), BGR Campus “Permanence, perseverance and persistence in spite of all obstacles, discouragements, and impossibilities: It is this, that in all things distinguishes the strong soul from the weak.” ~ Thomas Edison The contemporary times have taught us to imple- of accessibility to hyperlinks, videos and elabora- ment and apply contrivances to showcase reality tive details which guarantees a prolonged shelf life in extraordinary manoeuvres. Drafting a maga- is an added value to the University. I congratulate zine requires an appropriate assemblage of writing, the efforts initiated by the faculty and students of photography, videography and designing skills. Since the Media Studies Department for shouldering and ‘Adaptation’ and ‘Perseverance’ are the two values materializing the idea of ‘Chrizine’, which, I hope, edified during the past couple of years, ‘Chrizine’ , will stand out as a cut-above-the-rest with nuanced the bi-annual magazine of CHRIST (Deemed to be design technologies. I extend my best wishes to team University), Bannerghatta campus is a reflection of MESTA to further venture in such innovative proj- the journey undertaken. The idea of a multi-media ects which demonstrate a creative pedagogy. bi-annual magazine that fosters a new dimension

DEAN’S MESSAGE Dr. Jyothi Kumar, Dean, CHRIST (Deemed to be University), BGR Campus Where you start is what merely identify your strengths and charac- matters. You will find new direc- teristics. My appreciation to all my tions because you have made the new dear students for your interminable beginning…. enthusiasm in bringing out this maga- zine. Steering the wheel of excellence It is my ardent pleasure to write towards continual progress to make here in the first edition of the Christ our good institution, a great one, is University, BGR Campus’ Bi - Annual the responsibility of every Christite. Magazine “CHRIZINE” curated by the At the University, our approach is to students of the Department of Media continuously transform and enable Studies. Nurturing creativity and inno- the students to reach that higher order vation is the hallmark of Educational thinking and learning so that they Leadership and I congratulate the appreciate the meaningful learning team of teachers of the department process. who walk the journey with the students in achieving their dreams. Students I commend this student-led initia- are at the heart of any learning space tive and wish all of you the best in your and while in a University setting, you learning journey. are encouraged to find yourself and March on Christites, March on !

Student Co-ordinator’s note In our lives we are so used to certainties, and masks, quarantine, lock down a host of new words, it is quite natural for us to take people’s things entered into my life. As these new realities hogged for granted. Our lives were like an enchanting the limelight we were deprived of the most precious symphony of certainties! We rose with the certainty moment of college life. The certainties in our mind that we would have an exalted and elevated begin- would have surely just vanished away. Amidst all ning with running at 8:30am to not miss the first these uncertainties and feeling of being deprived, hour’s attendance. We were certain that our imper- our beloved faculty members under the leadership fections would be nurtured carefully by our profes- of Rev Dr. Ft. Biju K C, Director and Dr. Jyothi sors. We were certain that the corridors, class- Kumar, Dean, changed the reality with a quick rooms, auditoriums and canteens would gift us decision of making things virtual reality! As usual memories to cherish for eternity. We were certain they were so quick in adapting to the new situation that we would paint a magnificent year full of and in no time they transformed online sessions vibrant memories here at CHRIST (Deemed to be to appear natural and appealing. This proves the University). We were certain… but until the second commitment, dedication of every Christite towards week of March 2020 when the University closed the institutional values and vision of excellence and down amidst the ongoing pandemic- an abrupt end service and ensures to give our best at all times. to a fascinating and thrilling journey. “CHRIZINE” is the decorated document of our A virus, hitherto unknown, with his invisible rich campus culture and eventful days in the lives hands waged a terrible battle. Social distancing, of every Christite that is carefully curated in the form of Bi-Annual Multi- media Magazine which is a semester wise edition of record of all the activi- ties, achievements, events that is spanned over the semester in the Christ Deemed to be University BGR Campus. It is exclusively written and designed with the efforts of students and faculty with learning new writing techniques and imple- menting industry prefered designing softwares. With this new beginning, the students from The Department of Media Studies, BGR Campus, under the guidance of Dr. Ajay Kumar, Dr. Pradeep Thomas, Dr. Deepak B J and Dr. Indumathi S proudly present to you our pride, our glorious golden memories and hope each one of you walk back, remi- nisce and cherish. Happy Reading! Varnikha Shekar and Agni Tejas; Student Coordinators, Chrizine

TEAM 2022 Dr Ajay Kumar Dr Deepak BJ Dr Pradeep Thomas Dr Indumathi S Faculty Co-ordinator Faculty Co-ordinator Faculty Co-ordinator Faculty Co-ordinator Agni Tejas Varnikha Shekar Sandeep Kumar Muskan Jain Student Co-ordinator Student Co-ordinator, Designer Editorial Head Designing Head Madhav Arora Aaditya Govind Rao Divya Pradhan Nidhi Premkumar Multi-Media Editor Editor Editor Editor Aneesh Bhattacharjee Sharon Spoorthi Surabhi S Photographer, Editor Designer Designer

Editorial note Even amidst fierce flames, the golden lotus can each face, and the shrill cries after every tomfoolery be planted. Sylvia Plath, the distinguished American was restricted to a compact monitor, life must have poet and novelist inures us to the umpteen and seemed to come to a standstill, but we chose to swim unprecedented impediments that life can pose to us, against the tide. And in this process, we discovered but she also renders incessant solace to perturbed the undiscovered, lived the unlived and experienced souls by assuring that there is luminous light at the the inexperienced. end of the tunnel. The pain, the unending woes and the vicious cycle of perpetual uncertainties can, for Chrizine 2022 presents a wide vignette of time being, deter our resilience, but this tormenting CHRIST (Deemed to be University) Bannerghatta loop is marked by hopes of ephemerality and in the Road Campus, and every moment that Christites end catharsis prevails. have lived and cherished by staying apart during the abysmal time. This magazine is a window to the world The unwavering pandemic has altered the course which radiates unstoppable positivity and tries to of our ships from the voyage of a peaceful life, none- bring smiles through a myriad of activities conducted theless, the perseverance resting within all of us, rose in a year. The glimpses of these events shows us that like a phoenix to show the adversaries of time, the Sylvia Plath was right. latent potential we have been carrying all this while. A tough time such as this teaches us to stand sturdy We are truly grateful to our magnanimous as we sail through the uninvited and unpredicted director Dr Fr. Biju K.C and our benevolent dean tempest. It also teaches us to keep exploring into the Dr. Joythi Kumar for their constant support. We uncharted unknowns and possibilities for life must also extend our heartiest gratitude to professors who go on. have given their time in making this magazine what it is today. Students who have contributed with their And it was not all hunky-dory to be a part of such opinions, pieces and relentless efforts towards this an extraordinary paradigm shift. As the four walls magazine merit a special mention. of the classroom, the diversity of expressions on

ODD SEMESTER 2021 The semestrial period of 2021 witnessed extraordinary talents and activities while the world continued to battle against the pandemic. Christ University, Bannerghatta, provides abso- lute educational values, inculcating co-curricular activities and holistic development as its utmost priority. Department of English & Cultural Studies Diversely crafted, the Department of English and Cultural Studies furnish intellectual attributes through plentiful artistic and critically equipped strategies for the all-rounder development of the students. The faculty empowers inventiveness and prolific accomplishments and harbours extraordinary associations and clubs. The association of Ellipsis fosters cultural diversity with thought-provoking ideas. They have conducted enlightening events through its various wings; PARACOSM, 24FPS, Tafteesh, Pratimbib, SharedShelf, Christibute and The Gender studies Forum. The events incorporated critical analysis of deep-rooted stigmas, portraying the essence of theatrical art forms from a larger perspective and highlighting the issues of gender, sexuality and stereotypes. The events also aimed at making research and academia accessible on a larger scale. Their magazine, Litscape, featured unique themes in its monthly editions. They provide a platform for channelling literary, artistic and provocative goals. Department of Economics The team of brilliantly equipped educators have established well-known standards for the community. Their developmental activities aim for interdisciplinary and extensive learning. The association, Econtago, coordinates healthy competitions and seminars with renowned guest lectures and associations, encir- cling the objective of enhancing critical analysis, perceptive research and sustainable business ventures.

CHRIZINE | ISSUE 1 Our Cornerstones 15 Department of Business & Management The Department of Business and Management strives for excel- lence in versatility. With the help of a competent set of educators, they aim to provide leadership, management and entrepreneurship skills for every individual. Their wings, CUSBMA, Marketing Club, Finance Club, Pravah HR Club and FIB Connect, conducted inge- nious events, lectures and seminars throughout the semester on financial literacy, investment principles and the importance of block- chain technology in the corporate world. They offer the students with mentee-mentor relationships, a community for future-oriented goals and edifies the effective strategies for the business industry. Department of Tourism Management The Department of Tourism Management fosters the vision of the University. Through a holistic approach, they strive for excel- lence and provide ample opportunities for the students in tourism. Along with the wings, the community has bestowed moral and prime values employing interactive webinars, innovative events and co-curricular engagements. The community works as a knowledge hub and provides abundant opportunities for enhancing teamwork and leadership skills through healthy fests and competitions. Department of International Studies, Political Science & History The community nurtures interdisciplinary knowledge through offering triple major and honours courses for the embod- iment of flourishing the broad spectrum of thoughts, ideas and actions. AGORA, one of the leading associations, provides the students with a common forum for empowering individual and societal goals. They have a unique blend of inter-departmental faculties that foster the growth of innovative and diverse minds. The circle aims for intellectual interventions, research develop- ments and theoretical aspects with utmost professionalism.

16 Our Cornerstones CHRIZINE | ISSUE 1 Department of Psychology The empowering community consciously facilitates high academic standards through dynamic and comprehensive learning. The wing offers tactful values and intellectual wellness through systematic activities designed to empower the mind and souls of individuals. Through the right blend of interdisciplinary studies, they intend on providing a nurturing foundation for mental, physical and emotional wellness. In collaboration with various wings and interdepartmental faculties, the community organised seminars and activities, centring the idea of yielding excellence in personal and professional goals. Department of Media Studies The Department of Media Studies, with an ethical and righ- teous legacy, aims to establish an open and collaborative learning environment through the qualities of integrity and honesty. Shaping young minds into diligent and moral journalists, they hold a trustworthy seat in the University. Housing associations like MESTA and Press Club, the Media Studies orchestrate several seminars and events for individual and societal upliftment. The events encircle perceptive and enlightened growth. It featured a week-long introductory session highlighting the academic and co-curricular aspects. The Department of Media Studies also organised an innovative and honouring event that included an enthusiastic cartoon and caricature competition in honour of the 100th anniversary of the legendary cartoonist R.K Laxman. With debates and lectures through renowned guests, they provide insights on the trends in modern journalism and tips on honing journalistic skills.

CHRIZINE | ISSUE 1 Our Cornerstones 17 Clubs & Associations With more than 15 associations and their respec- tive wings, the Christ University Bannerghatta delivers an excellent set of co-curricular ventures for students to develop their soft skills. The clubs, extraordinarily orchestrated activities focused on the sole purpose of providing future-oriented experiences and challenges. The events featured an Annual International confer- ence known as “Media Meet” by MESTA, “Alta Vista”- an Annual National Inter-Collegiate Inter-Disciplinary Fest and Business fests- “Inferno and Novice” by CUSBMA, “ICDT”- Debating Championship by DEBSOC (Debating Society), “Eclicia”- Seminar on Sustainable Economic Development by Econtago (The Economics Association) in collaboration with CSA (Centre for Social Action) along with “Arthotsav”- the interdisciplinary fest and cultural fest- “Darpan”. The Student Welfare Office conducted several events ranging from Independence Day, flashmobs, ColourWeek competition, “Magnificant”- the musical choir performances and Freshers’ Carnival. The Association of Christian Christites (ACC) organised events on Christmas while the Psychology Association carried out their mental health awareness project- “Prav”. “Zero Hunger” and ‘Yoga Day” was observed by NCC (National Cadet Corps) divi- sion. “Capstivate” was the first on-campus event by CAPS. The Student Council, PATA, MACS and SLC also accorded insightful activities to the list. Gratitude The immense accomplishments of every individual contribute to the abundant opportunities provided by the Institution, the nurturing guidance bestowed by the teachers and the care and support of the staff. The University continues to deliver a top-notch blend of academic and co-curricular activities for the holistic devel- opment of the students. The diligent efforts of the facul- ties, staff and students in the efficient functioning of the University is greatly acknowledged. With an optimistic outlook, the team looks forward to the vision and mission of “Excellence” and “Service” towards oneself and others.

18 Our Cornerstones CHRIZINE | ISSUE 1

CHRIZINE | ISSUE 1 Clubs & Associations 19 Association ACC members also had a productive session for Christian on 18th November, 2021 to discuss plans for the Christites Christmas celebrations and activities to be held during the month of December. The Association of Christian Christites (ACC) of Christ University, BGR Campus, was inaugu- As a part of its organizational activities, ACC rated on 23rd August, 2021 with an online orien- held a treasure hunt competition on 23rd November, tation programme for freshers. With the presence drawing a huge crowd of enthusiastic participants. of Dr. Fr. Biju K.C., our Director, and our Dean Dr. Christmas celebrations began with a flash mob in Jyothi Kumar, the program was blessed with the the Quadrangle on the 26th of November, as well grace of the lord. ACC also conducted many online as a cake sale, from which proceeds of almost Rs. interactive sessions with the juniors throughout the 20,000 were donated to the Child Sponsorship semester to ensure that they felt at home and to Program. welcome them to the ACC family. ACC concluded its activities for the year with the The first offline get-together of ACC was held on Christmas mass,held at Santhome Parish Church, 26th October, 2021, through an inaugural mass at Hulimavu at 12:00 pm on 30th November and the Santhome Parish Church, Hulimavu. Christmas celebration held on 2nd December at the Mini-Auditorium of BGR Campus.

20 Clubs & Associations CHRIZINE | ISSUE 1 AGORA Agora, the newly formed association under the Department of Political Science and History of Christ BGR Campus, was established as the official Department Association in the odd semester of the academic year 2021-22. Agora set its aim as being a common forum for students and faculty to discuss all matters of social, political and artistic leanings. Image: Dr. Rajeev Bhargava at the launch of various clubs under Agora

CHRIZINE | ISSUE 1 Clubs & Associations 21 Agora was inaugurated on 24th August, 2021, Daud enlightened the students on the possible through an orientation hosted by the Department factors leading to the takeover as well as the future of Political Science and History on an online socio-political atmosphere of Afghanistan. It was a platform by the faculty coordinators Dr. Shyam truly educational and informative session received Hari and Dr. Priscilla Rozario. The session was with interest from all the students. conducted for all the batches of BA EPH, EMP and Liberal Arts and was graced by Dr. V S Elizabeth, Agora also conducted a book launch and discus- vice chancellor of Tamil Nadu National Law sion event on November 9, for students from BA University, Tiruchirappalli, as the Chief Guest who EPH and EMP in the online mode. The book, titled delivered an enrapturing lecture on the ‘Politics of ‘Patriarchy and Gender in Africa’, was graciously Gender in India’. Dr. Elizabeth began the session launched by the Dean, DR. Jyothi Kumar and by talking about gender and power, leaving young Director, Dr Fr Biju K C. Author/Editor Dr Veronica minds present in the meeting thinking about the Bruey, and co-authors Dr Venkatanarayanan and position of women in our society. Dr Valentina Fusari headed the discussion session, speaking about the struggle of African women to This interactive and knowledgeable journey gain freedom as detailed in their book.Agora had of more than one hour gave students an in-depth its official launch in the Quadrangle of the BGR knowledge into the field of politics and its interre- Campus on 24th November, 2021, between 1 and lation with gender. The session was a huge hit with 4 PM. the audience, leaving students better informed and eager to stay tuned for further events to be This event, graced by Dr. Rajeev Bhargava, conducted by Agora. launched the various clubs under Agora: Dharohar - the heritage club, Siyaasati - the public policy club, The very first event organized by Agora was an Jharokha - the film & media club, Acoir - the inter- online webinar on the 28th of September, 2021, national relations club and Tehqeeq - the research on the topic ‘Afghanistan: The Road Ahead’. The club. The Quadrangle Launch gave students a look event was conducted following the takeover of into Agora and opened various avenues for them to Afghanistan by the Taliban within days of with- showcase their interests and capabilities through drawal of US troops. Chief Guests Dr. Kingshuk the different clubs. Chatterjee, Dr. Yaqoob ul Hassn and Ms. Bilquees

22 Clubs & Associations CHRIZINE | ISSUE 1 Bibliotheca The Library Committee On 1st October 2021, the Library Committee Following which, Dr Santosh Kumar, Poulami of Christ University, Bannerghatta Road Campus Ghosh and Ms Malavika Manoj conducted and conducted its maiden event for the year. Bibliotheca moderated the quiz. Towards the conclusion, Ms was a Quiz Competition on the theme of Mahatma Malavika Manoj proposed the vote of thanks for the Gandhi’s inspiring life and journey.With over 60 enthusiastic participation in the event. participants, the quiz was moderated using the Kahoot app and was conducted on Microsoft Teams. Additionally the Library committee of Christ has 5 Library centres in Bangalore, 2 in Pune and The questions for the quiz were compiled by Dr 1 in Delhi NCR. These libraries cover an enormous Santosh Kumar and Dr Shabarisha Narayan while and diverse range of subjects and books, including Lakshamma Ma’am provided logistical support. books, journals, magazines, newspapers, PhD Thesis, Participants in Bibliotheca were introduced to the MPhil Dissertations, journal archives and other elec- various aspects of knowledge production in the tronic resources. The largest of these facilities is the library space. With the quiz in hindsight, the partic- Knowledge Centre: located at Central Block, 6th Floor ipants could explore the various materials which the with a total print collection of 1,30,569 books and library provides access to. After the formal introduc- records. There are also a ton of E-resources available, tion by Ms Poulami Ghosh, a third year of English which are IP based and can be accessed anywhere on Honours, Father Biju imparted a few words to the the campus. Remote Access to the subscribed library audience about the various anecdotes from Mahatma resources is also provided. Gandhi’s life. Mockup courtesy:

CHRIZINE | ISSUE 1 Clubs & Associations 23 Stocks, trades and everything in between Our goal at Bulls & Bears is to foster a events in the stock market of the last month. passion for analysing, researching, trading, The area of research comprises analysis of and investing in the stock market among fellow macroeconomic trends, industry, equity, Christites. Knowledge gained in this club helps market movements to updates on government create patient, resilient individuals, prepared policies. to face real world challenges. Lastly, our Research and Investment Embarking upon this semester with the Divisions are currently engaged in formulating recruitment of the Research and Investment Quantitative and Technical strategies respec- division for our club, we engage ourselves tively, to predict the price movements of stocks in detailed research on equity, currencies, in the coming future. and commodity markets to identify potential investment opportunities, while the invest- Workshop Series & ment division engaged in analysing different Cryptomania securities in the stock market and predicting future movements in the stock prices by using Student members of the Bulls & Bears Club technical analysis. The division takes trades attended a series of workshops to cultivate an and maintains a virtual portfolio based on the interest in Finance and Investing, starting analysis. online on 23rd August 2021. An important landmark this semester was A session on Personal Finance kicked off the starting of our weekly newsletter, ‘The the workshop. The book discussed how to Financial DeCrypt’- catering to the affairs of manage your finances effectively and achieve global economics and finance. The simplified financial freedom The Cryptomania event was nature of our reporting has been key to leading exclusively for Arthotsav 2021. we demon- to its popularity within the university. strated the recent awareness of cryptocur- rency, investing, and trading. Participants were We also conducted our annual Workshop split into two or three groups. Entrepreneurial Series, aiming at promoting financial literacy skills, creativity and practical knowledge were among college students. This semester, we held all put to the test. three workshops – Introduction to Personal Finance, Understanding Blockchain and Cryptocurrency, and Investing for Beginners, helping Christites better understand finance. Our Research Division published its report ‘The Market Hawk’ for the month of October and November. The report accommodates a comprehensive narrative of the trends and

24 Clubs & Associations CHRIZINE | ISSUE 1 The Centre for Academic and Professional to build a profile in the field, and how to get recruited Support, or CAPS, is a service rendering body working by a major consulting firm. to bridge the gap between classroom and practical learning at the individual, organisational, and soci- The Research Committee launched, The Vue, an etal levels. academic blog, aiming to strike a balance between theory and real-world engagement of and within Connect Wide conducted a two-day academia. workshop on LinkedIn Profile Building facilitated by Ms. Dhairya Gangwani on 7th and 8th August Ms Stella Veigas, the CAPS Mentor in Charge for 2021 from 3:00 to 4:30 PM. The attendees received BGR Campus, led a training session for the admin- e-certificates. istrative staff on 13th November 2021 in the campus seminar hall. The second phase of recruitment was conducted specifically for first-year students in August 2021 CAPSTIVATE, a three-day event to make which received positive response. Then, the students aware about CAPS, was conducted, wherein Assessment Wing conducted a Time Management volunteers from all wings set up activity and game Session on 27th August 2021 from 4:30 PM to 5:30 stalls from 29th November to 1st December 2021 in PM on MS Teams. the campus quadrangle. A workshop on Management Consulting CAPS also organised an English communica- conducted by Mr. Priyank Ahuja on 18th September tion training session for housekeeping, security, and 2021 from 5:00 to 7:00 PM, taught how to approach maintenance personnel, from the 6th to the 17th of a management consultancy case, its importance, the December 2021. roadmap of a management consultant’s career, how Ms. Nithya Malini J., an independent English communication trainer, was the speaker.

CHRIZINE | ISSUE 1 Clubs & Associations 25 The Chist University Choir, BGR Campus The CHRIST University Choir is a group of over with great enthusiasm, joy and grandeur. Apart from 70 vibrant young singers and instrumentalists with the University Choirs, several other choirs from a passion for music and creating art together as one. around the city, including choirs from other univer- The Choir prides itself in providing a platform for sities, were invited to perform at the event. The the students to showcase their musical talents,where theme for Magnificat at the Bannerghatta Campus they can frequently put up performances on campus was Gegenschein - The Light of Redemption, which for various functions and events. For this academic focused on carrying the message of hope and good year, the Choir conducted its auditions towards the fortune for the new year. With an eclectic mix of end of August 2021 to welcome new, budding and melodious, energetic and peppy numbers, Magnificat talented singers and instrumentalists to the organiza- was hence, a truly grand success and celebration of tion. The auditions took place online with an impres- the spirit of Christmas. sive number of students showing their interest to be part of the club. In November, the Choir kicked off the odd semester events with its flagship annual Christmas program, Magnificat, with performances in each of the three CHRIST Bangalore Campuses – starting with Kengeri Campus, followed by Bannerghatta Campus and Central Campus. These performances spanned over three days from 25th November 2021 to 27th November 2021 and were conducted offline

26 Clubs & Associations CHRIZINE | ISSUE 1 CUBSMA CHRIST University School of Business and Management Association The CHRIST University School of Business and the opportunities provided to them and encour- Management Association (CUSBMA) is an associ- aging student participation across courses. The ation formed by students pursuing business and Official Freshers’ Induction brought about a fresh management courses offered by Christ University. fusion of American Television Shows and Bollywood CUSBMA provides a dynamic and active learning Songs. The new batch of students explored their environment by imitating a corporate environment so creative sides and put up incredible performances. that students make the best use of the opportunities The students officially began their festing journey provided to them. The events that CUSBMA hosts go at CUSBMA with the intra-collegiate management a long way in providing a great deal of exposure and fest NOVICE: The Birth of Belvedere held exclu- experience to all participants by putting forth a plat- sively for 2nd years in August 2021, closely followed form for all members to nurture and showcase their by INFERNO: Inception of Dharma in November skills and talent. 2021. Amidst all internal fests, CHRIST (Deemed to be University) was also well represented in external As the new academic year 2021-22 begins, college business fests including Entrelympics by St CUSBMA hosted a range of business fests that Xaviers’ College, Trial by Fire by XLRI and Bizcon by explored the student members’ capabilities. CUSBMA Symbiosis. CUSBMA achieved great results and won conducted its orientation for all 1st and 2nd year overall positions in several of these fests, thus adding students pursuing management courses with the on to their legacy. objective of making students better informed about

CHRIZINE | ISSUE 1 Clubs & Associations 27 CHRIST Consulting CHRIST Consulting is a part of CHRIST (Deemed relationships with the top leading professionals to to be University) and is a results-driven business know about internships. It was a unique one-day consultancy center. We design and deliver excep- workshop session of 2 hours 30 minutes that let tional solutions to achieve organizational objectives. students earn through experience from a panel of We are a group of subject matter experts who pool experts who precisely know what they are doing and in resources from our respective domains to help in care about preparing us ahead for our internship problem-solving and successful goal achievement. journey, as it were, from scratch. CHRIST Consulting aims at building a bridge Deep Dive to Soar High between academia and corporates by providing value-added consulting services. Depending on the In collaboration with the International need, we put together a team of faculty resources Association of Facilitators, CHRIST Consulting who have domain expertise in a particular area. Expert Connect organised the interactive session Multidisciplinary teams are also mobilized depending ‘Deep Dive to Soar High’ on 28th August 2021. The on the nature of the project. Our diverse areas of event offered the audience a chance to celebrate and expertise are specially designed to lend a competitive accept themselves for who they are. Apart from this, edge. CHRIST Consulting Expert Connect also conducted one of the most relatable panel discussions on the Internship-Ready Workshop topic of work from Home titled - ‘Work From Home: A Dream or Disaster?’ CHRIST Consulting conducted an Internship Ready Workshop leveraging long-standing Mockup courtesy:

28 Clubs & Associations CHRIZINE | ISSUE 1 The Center for Social Action (CSA), founded in 1999, strives to encourage social action through student volunteerism and commu- nity empowerment through sustainable development, with the aim that every student develops into a sensitive, and contributing member of society. CSA includes four wings: Activity Center, Drishti, Media and Communication, and Prayatna

CHRIZINE | ISSUE 1 Clubs & Associations 29 In June, CSA held Skills and Smiles, a crash Parivrit, an inter-campus event that included course for youngsters, and Cynefin, to honor World Meraki, quizzes, and discussions, was held in Environment Day. Then, Achromatic, a three-day September. Further, CSA launched Twilift, a nation- online campaign was conducted to combat miscon- wide donation drive, in partnership with ‘Goonj’. ceptions about the Non-Binary community. Subsequently, CSA hosted Ikigai, an online talent event showcasing children’s skills from across the Meanwhile, CSA held a one-day Ration country. Distribution drive for people in need during the pandemic. June ended with Drishti presenting “225”, The Buddy Learning Programme 3.0, on the a short film about human trafficking. August featured other hand, was a peer-to-peer learning initia- the Social Action Summit, CSA’s flagship event. tive involving outsider and campus faculty collabo- Themed on ‘Changemakers under 30,’ speakers from rations. The Learning Hour, meanwhile, included different backgrounds shared their stories. several well-known theater and cinema figures. The Parivarthana stall was set up in October. Satva, a Prayatna initiative, sought to raise aware- ness about the Parivarthana unit, where the waste November witnessed Children’s Day Celebrations generated on campus is recycled and converted into at Tilaknagar. CSA also initiated the “Child eco-friendly products by our Akkas (non-teaching Sponsorship Programme”, which aims to create staff). The initiative promotes self-sufficiency and sustainable improvements in the lives of marginal- waste management. Photo-Talk, a photography event ized children in society. Finally, Drishti performed its centered around the theme of supporting small-scale first on-campus play, on Substance Abuse. industries was held, followed by a Chat over Coffee.

30 Clubs & Associations CHRIZINE | ISSUE 1 DEBSOC CHRIST UNIVERSITY DEBATING SOCIETY DEBSOC is an enthusiastic group of students, who organise and participate in many debate based events in and around campus. To begin with, the students of the society participate in and excel in various national and international tournaments. Few of the major events conducted by the society include The Christ University MUNs and The Christ University Parliamentary Debate. Since its inception, the Debating Society of the University has always revolved around some core prin- ciples. These would include Freedom of Speech and Expression; Integrity of Individual spirit and Nurturing Creativity to name a few. Its policy has always been to develop debating skills amongst students in order to inculcate skills for decision making. It takes pride in being rigorous in its mission to promote the Importance of Debating and Argumentative Skills amongst students while increasing the scope of debates. The team of Debsoc is focused to improve elocu- tion and spontaneity amongst students so that they analyse the fine nuances of literature with passion to increase social and cultural awareness. The society kicked off its new academic year in the Christ Bannerghatta Campus with CIRMUN, as of the 11th- 12th September, 2021. The conference was conducted on the Microsoft Teams platform. Additionally, it organized CUBSMUN’21, on the 12th, 13th and 14th of November, 2021, as a means of introducing MUNs to newcomers and amateurs in a welcoming and relaxed manner. On the 27th-28th of November, it also organized the Intra-Christ Debating Tournament (ICDT) as the second edition of the debating championship organized by the Parliamentary Debate Wing, under the Debating Society. Mockup courtesy:

CHRIZINE | ISSUE 1 Clubs & Associations 31 ECONTAGO Econtago - The Economics Association, is an event took place in the month of September and each initiative by the Department of Economics that round aimed to promote the idea of sustainable busi- focuses on conducting activities of an interdisci- ness models as a viable venture in the current world. plinary nature, providing a platform to the students Students were given the opportunity to critically for holistic development. It brings forth meaningful analyse and evaluate policy briefs. opportunities for the students to practically imple- ment the theoretical knowledge they have acquired On 2nd November 2021, Econtago organized in the classrooms. a guest lecture with Dr Ajit Ranade, the President and Chief Economist of the Aditya Birla Group. The The Association inaugurated its activities for lecture was successful in delivering to the students a the academic year on 12th August 2021 with a guest thorough and critical understanding of the farm laws lecture by Dr Jyotsna Jha, a revered economist with and their economic impact. expertise in public policies, finance, gender budgeting and development. The inauguration was aimed at The main flagship fest of the association for the providing an overview of the association and famil- Odd Semester was Arthotsav, which took place from iarizing the students with the events planned for the 23rd to 25th November, and was designed specifi- year. cally to engage the first-year students of ECO H and BBA H in a competitive setting. The theme for the During this academic year, Econtago also fest was ‘The Bandwagon Effect’ and each of the six took initiatives to collaborate with other clubs on events conducted by the students focused on high- campus and conducted Eclicia, a three-day event on lighting various aspects of this psychological effect. promoting Sustainable Economic Development in collaboration with the Centre for Social Action. The

32 Clubs & Associations CHRIZINE | ISSUE 1 Ellipsis The inauguration and orientation of Ellipsis, On Hegemony and Soft Power an association of The English and Cultural Studies department, was held on 10th August 2021 from 2 A Skill Development session conducted by the p.m to 3 p.m, virtually in Microsoft Teams. Fr. Biju Paracosm on Hegemony and Soft Power marked the K.C spoke of the association as a form of enhancing third event. It allowed the participants to understand the culture and skills along with growing bold and the concepts of hegemony and soft power through thought-provoking ideas. The event involved intro- the interactive session. ducing first-year students of ENGH and EPH programmes of batch 2021 with theirdepartment’s The magazine, Litscape, featured five issues with association and functions of its respective wings. uniquely crafted themes in the semestrial period. PARACOSM, the research journal of the Ellipsis, The June edition, titled “Into the Rabbit Hole”, high- conducted three activities in June, July and October lighted the concept of “escapism”. It viewed the 2021. horrors of the Covid-19 pandemic and reflected the various methods in which each individual found their Review-a-thon ‘rabbit hole’ to escape reality. Review-a-thon was an event which encour- The July edition featured the theme of “Quest for aged students to review media pieces in an analyt- Antiquity”, which involved narratives and anecdotes ical approach. The activity encircled the idea of stim- reconnecting with the past. ulating the mindful consumption of media and its influence in different sections of society. The August issue was titled “Aesthetics and You”, followed by “The Otaku Wave” and “The Ghoul Gender Representation in Diaries” for September and October. The club, Shared Popular Culture Shelf, carried out five events, focusing on literary themes. The events carried out by the Christibute This activity revolved around the idea of under- wing focused on channelizing the inherent good- standing the construction of gender roles by popular ness and extraordinary talents of vibrant culture and encouraging articles on sensitive discus- artists and performers to a larger audi- sions about gender representation. ence and bringing them desirable paean from every nook

CHRIZINE | ISSUE 1 Clubs & Associations 33 and corner. The activities were titled “Anti-War in Tafteesh, the research club, included the central Music”, “Music and Its Influence on Mental Health”, purpose of making research and academia more “The one with the Reunion”, “My Therapeutic Word- accessible, events such as “Dissertation Diaries”,” Robe”, and “Digital Media and Its Influence”. Margins”, and “Impressions” helped the students to acquire a well-rounded knowledge on the related The associated film club, 24FPS, conducted topics. The Gender Studies Forum conducted sessions that catered to critical analysis on deep- numerous events encircling the prime objective of seated themes of the queer community, minority providing a safe and open space for highlighting the representation and the pivotality of artistic freedom issues of gender, sexuality and stereotypes. The dili- in film production. The theatre club of Ellipsis, gent work of all the wings and members to innova- Pratibimb, portrayed the essence of theatrical art tively orchestrate the uniquely curated events helped forms through its various events. It included a larger the glorious success of Ellipsis, not just as an associa- perspective of regional and street theatre, the art of tion but as a powerhouse of the University. writing and its convention.

44 Clubs & Associations CHRIZINE | ISSUE 1 In 2020, PATA India CHRIST with the event named “ECOTOPIA”. University Student Chapter was With the theme, the event was India’s first PATA Student Chapter. divided into three competitions, It is run by students of the tourism namely: Octavia (Photography); No discipline at CHRIST (Deemed to Justice, No Green (Article Writing) be University) to benefit more than and Arlie’s Sword (Poster Making). 250 members across all graduate This 2-day program on June 5th tourism programs, with the activ- & 6th brought forth international ities centered around sustainability and develop- experts to judge these events to test students’ knowl- ment. In the midst of the pandemic, with everything edge and creativity. closing, the chapter was challenged with new and Additionally, the Student Chapter held a quiz innovative methods of planning activities. Its unwav- competition conducted on the 28th of July on World ering zeal has allowed it to organize numerous webi- Conservation Day via Instagram, making it exciting nars and events with notable speakers. and engaging for its participants. The chapter also organized the event named “Qreta ~ Breathe New The webinars conducted thus far have featured Routes” on World Tourism Day. The event consisted a range of speakers, including professionals from of several collaborations by the students and was a PATA HQ and the Ministry of Tourism, India. The big hit. very first webinar organised by the core committee The PATA India CHRIST University Student was titled “Gastronomy Tourism” bringing light to Chapter is grateful for the continuing support that the concept of gastronomy’s connection with the has enabled it to be a successful student association tourism industry. for young tourism professionals, striving to fulfill this role to the fullest degree. Following the theme of ‘Reimage. Recreate. Restore’, the chapter celebrated Environment Day

4C5HRIZCINlEub| IsS&SUAEs1sociations Clubs & AssoCHciRaItZiIoNnEs| ISSUE451 Bringing dreams to Christ University BGR Campus has a wealth of theatre production houses and dance groups who put up enthralling skits, plays and performances to topics that are based on socially and politically relevant topics.

54 Clubs & Associations CHRIZINE | ISSUE 1 SWO The wings of SWO include the Volunteer body, University Choir, University Dance team - The Student Welfare Office Natyarpana, University Cultural team, University Quiz Association, The Student Welfare Office is an organi- sation curated for and of students. Along with University Debating Society. The committees other centres on campus, this organisation seeks of SWO are Auditorium, Hospitality, Literary, to improve the quality of student life on campus Records, Media, Stage, Art, Logistics and Emcee. by organising and engaging students in various The current overall heads for the academic year cultural events and activities. The Director of the 2021-22 are Rishabh Arya and Prachi Parval. SWO of Christ University is Father Lijo Thomas, The hierarchy of the SWO at BGR comprises two while Mrs Sindhu M is the Teacher In-Charge of overall heads, eighteen committee heads and SWO at BGR Campus. volunteers, with a total of 312 volunteers present across all committees. The Student Welfare Office provides a plat- form for students to exhibit their skills and talents. It is a forum where like-minded people

CHRIZINE | ISSUE 1 Events 55 meet, exchange ideas, and develop into better human beings through cultural activities. SWO conducts captivating events like Darpan, Blossoms, and Inbloom to identify and nurture talents and help members develop leadership skills. SWO conducted the following events this semester: Independence Day Celebrations, Darpan, Freshers’ Carnival, Colors Week, and Magnificat: A Song of Hope. The SWO will also conduct events Nritta, Blossoms, Inbloom, and Bhasha Utsav in the following semester, hoping to see them as successful as those conducted so far.

56 Events CHRIZINE | ISSUE 1

CHRIZINE | ISSUE 1 Events 57 DARPAN The Christites Talent Expo Darpan is the annual intra-collegiate cultural The Literary events, additionally, enhanced fest organised by the CHRIST (Deemed to be the linguistic knowledge in students and let them University) with the sole aim of enhancing deliver their messages wholeheartedly. creativity in the contemporary world. Christ Bannerghatta Road Campus with a similar vision The Media events gave the opportunity for the organised this event . The journey of Darpan was participants to capture beauty through a lens of certainly a magnificent overview of the forth- the outside world, while the Stage events provided coming, cultivated talents. Due to the prevailing talented minds with a platform to express feelings pandemic, however, the conduction of the solo to an audience. events of DARPAN 2021 were through online plat- forms such as Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, etc. DARPAN 2021 was a huge success even on an online platform as this time, the event witnessed Darpan 2021 was blessed with events that a massive registration of 729 students across all included broadly four fields: - Art, Literary, Media three years of study with the highest number of and Stage. registrations going towards the Literary Events. Bestowing the opportunity for the creative Even though all the solo events are finished on minds to bring their imagination onto paper, the 30th September but DARPAN as a fest has not really Art events can be declared a success because of finished until the group events are also conducted. charismatic vibes that were coming through the The second segment of DARPAN 2021 consisting created artworks. of group events is supposed to be conducted in late October 2021 or early November 2021.

62 Events CHRIZINE | ISSUE 1 CUBSMA Events Novice NOVICE 2021 was an intra-col- managers. The theme of NOVICE 2021 legiate business festival conducted in was inspired by Escher’s Belvedere BGR Campus for 2nd year students building, comparing the participants’ across all undergraduate business journey to a business venture. NOVICE courses. It emulated the corporate envi- 2021 saw enthusiastic participation ronment and recreated real-time busi- from 220+ students with an average of ness scenarios to test participants’ 16 teams per event. The fest, starting on capabilities. NOVICE aimed to intro- 30th August, was brought to a ceremo- duce students to the world of business nious end on September 4th with the festing and train them to become future Valedictory Ceremony. Inferno Inferno 2021, the Annual Business for Inferno 2021 was ‘Inception of Fest hosted by CUSBMA for the students Dharma’, emphasising one’s duty and of first and second years of Christ morality towards their work. INFERNO University, was conducted both online 2021 saw 260+ interested participants and offline from 8th to 11th November. with an average of 16 teams per event. Inferno 2021 tested the analytical and decision-making skills of participants The Chief Guests for Novice and by putting them under real-time busi- Inferno, Ms Akansha Srivastava and Ms ness conditions and crises through a Rachna Baruah respectively, stressed diverse range of events in the fields of on the importance of acclimatising Finance, Marketing, Entrepreneurship students to the corporate world through and Human Resources. The theme business fests like these and appreci- ated CUSBMA for their initiative. Image Courtesy: Rebe Pineda, Pinterest

CHRIZINE | ISSUE 1 Events 63 FLASHMOBS by the SWO The Student Welfare Office (SWO) organized an event on October 29th, 2021, to announce all their upcoming programmes at Christ BGR Campus and to introduce students to the various cultural teams within SWO BGR. This event was kickstarted at 1PM in the quadrangle with a captivating dance perfor- mance by the Street Bhangra Group. The hosts, Kushagr and Angeline, then introduced the SWO and prompted audience participation in guessing what other performances were in store for the day. Next up was a street play performance by Orpheus Production, who demonstrated their proficiency in dance, music and theatre through a skit. Team Zariya followed with an energetic introductory jingle, while Team LIP continued the festivities with a skit and dance performance of their own. Next came the much-awaited announcement of “Colour Week”, a week-long extravaganza featuring inter- class competition for a rolling trophy awarded to the best performance each year. The dance group, “Noisy Corridor” then went on to put up an enticing perfor- mance which was greeted with loud cheers from the audience. The floor was also opened up for audience performances, where several students rose to the occasion with poem recitations, song renditions, dance numbers and even a rap. More announce- ments about future SWO events followed - first about “Magnificat” organized by the BGR Campus Choir, followed by one about the Freshers Carnival which was conducted in November. Finally, the Dean, Ms. Jyothi Kumar, addressed the audience to express her appreciation and encouragement to the students in carrying out upcoming events as successfully as the Flashmob, thus concluding the festivities for the day.

64 Events CHRIZINE | ISSUE 1 Colors Week The Student Welfare Organisation conducted an innovative and colourful week- long event, titled “Colour Week”- from 15th to 20th November 2021 at the Quadrangle, between 1 p.m. to 2 p.m.The competition allotted different classes with various colours and 5 mins each to perform. The first day witnessed a pink flashmob by the SWO volunteers, heads and the faculty coor- dinator, Dr Sindhu M, marking the beginning of the event. Various classes performed the same day and received immense support with booming cheers and applauses. The next four days of the event followed the colour codes of Red, Blue, Yellow, Green and White. The healthy competition witnessed an immense flow of talents and ingenious ideas showcased in dance routines, props and skits. Enthralling choices of music and sync made the audience and even the faculty members irresist- ible to the grooviness and wallow in the euphoric rhythms of regional and Bollywood songs. The last day of the event included the award ceremony. 5 PSYCH HONS stood victorious, followed by 3 PSYCH A and 3 JOUH sharing the runners-up title and 1 BBAH C as the second-run- ners up. The occasion was a great success for the dili- gent efforts put in by the organising team, the participants and the radiantly cheerful audience.

CHRIZINE | ISSUE 1 Events 65 “Color is a power which indirectly influences the soul” Wassily Kandinsky

74 Events CHRIZINE | ISSUE 1 Magnificat

CHRIZINE | ISSUE 1 Events 75 In its sixteenth year, Magnificat 2021 promised melody. The first performance was by Kristu Jayanti to be as eclectic as it has ever been before. A blend College with passionate harmonies of classic carols. of classical and contemporary Christmas harmo- The Western Music Association of Mount Carmel nies, whipped and ready for the audience. It included College stunned the crowd with their remarkable non-competitive performances by well-known choirs acapella versions. and music groups across Bangalore and our choirs from CHRIST Bangalore Campuses. St Joseph’s College performed musically vibrant carols, followed by the Central Campus MPE. The The event had three venues; the Kengeri Campus, Kengeri Campus did an impressive version of “Mary the BGR Campus and the Central Campus. The first Did You Know?” with their twist! The Central Campus day witnessed a flow of melodious carols from the Choir was the largest choir, with hundred and twenty choirs, bewildering the audience with amazement. members performing phenomenal harmonies. The The second day started with a thoughtful and warm BGR Choir received a standing ovation with the address by Father Biju KC and encouraged the audi- loudest cheers from the crowd. ence with zeal and enthusiasm. Dr Jyothi Kumar addressed and congratulated The University Choir presented Magnify as the the entire team for the successful event, marking the opening song and enthralled the audience with their end of Magnificat 2021.

76 Events CHRIZINE | ISSUE 1 Christmas The Association of Christian Christities (ACC) of SWO also partook in the Christmas celebrations BGR Campus conducted its Christmas Programme, through its own event - the 16th edition of Magnificat, Speranza ‘21, through several activities. ACC kick- the annual Christmas Choir Performance by colleges started its celebrations with a flash mob in the across Bangalore. It was a three day event, with the Quadrangle on November 26th, followed by the first- second day hosted by the BGR Campus. The choirs ever auction conducted in Christ University, which dazzled and enchanted the audience with melo- received energetic participation from the audience. dious renditions of Christmas carols. Songs such as Magnify, Deck the Halls, A King is Born, River of The celebration continued on December 1st, Life and Mary Did You Know were performed by the 2021, with a skit depicting the birth of Jesus Christ. choirs of all colleges - the BGR Choir, Central Campus and a Hand Mime depicting Mother Mary’s role in Choir, Kengeri Choir, Kristu Jayanti Choir, Western the life of Christ, accompanied by the song “Mary Music Association of Mount Carmel College and St Did You Know” by Pentatonix. ACC also conducted Joseph’s College Choir. The event, with its blend of a Cake Sale, the proceeds of which were donated to classical and contemporary Christmas harmonies CSA’s Child Sponsorship Program. and tunes, was a huge success, thus spreading the Christmas cheer and holiday spirit. As a part of Speranza, ACC even conducted events like the anonymous Christmas Card Writing, photog- raphy competition, tree decoration competition and the making of the Christmas Crib, all of which helped form new memories.

CHRIZINE | ISSUE 1 Events 77 Image courtesy: “Christmas is forever, not for just one day. For loving, sharing, giving, are not to be put away ” Norman Wesley Brooks

80 Events CHRIZINE | ISSUE 1 Yoga Day ZERO-HUNGER AWARENESS CAMPAIGN The NCC division of CHRIST (Deemed to be physical and mental health and thus also pledged to University), Bangalore traces back to the very origin inculcate yoga in their daily life. of the institution in 1969. The Christ University NCC Army Wing is under No. 2 Company of 9 Karnataka On the occasion of the 73rd Raising Day of the Battalion NCC. The activities of the 2/9 Coy, NCC are National Cadet Corps, the 2/9 Coy NCC conducted guided by certain core values instilled in the Cadets. an awareness campaign on the theme “Zero Hunger”; one of the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals. 2/9 Coy, NCC celebrated International Yoga day The aim of the campaign was to educate people on on June 21, 2021 through an online event surrounding the philosophy of “eat what you take & take what you the theme of “Yoga For Wellness”. The event was eat”. More than 35 restaurants, excluding the ones in attended by cadets and ANOs in collaboration with the campus premises, partnered with 170 cadets and The Himalayan Mountaineering Institute (HMI), the Coy Commander of 2/9 Coy taking a pledge to not Darjeeling and was aimed as a tribute to the corona waste food. The campaign thus ended on a successful warriors of the pandemic. The event helped cadets note as all the participants took a pledge to work realize the importance of striking a balance between towards ending hunger.

Image courtesy: CHRIZINE | ISSUE 1 Events 81

82 Expressions CHRIZINE | ISSUE 1 ORTHODOXICALLY Millennials cease the epilogue of suppressing slavery Image courtesy: cutewallpaper UNORTHODOX let the gen Z smash the pigeonholes of the community thou women conquer thy patrimony among fiends the universe of thine unparalleled hath cross veined Doth defying rules construct you as a zealot? then lady rebel ‘gainst it and withstand the combat Oh, my lady! holding on might lead to implausible wrecks evolve to absolve the rights to obliterate Amorous maniacs Doth thy attachment cause a pang of guilt to arise? Alas, you aren’t in the virtuous and upright alley; cries the feminist poets when thou don’t own beloveds incite that’s refraining you from jostling lady, briskly expedite! Doth speaking up depict thou as an insolent? blend as one, under any consequential stunt Solely be the hue of countless shadows and persistently tide-over Senora bravos Stride on ladies, keep brawling on until The conflicts itself calls it a day. By G Swathi | 1JOUH

CHRIZINE | ISSUE 1 Expressions 83 BusinessFOR CAPITALISM, WAR AND PEACE ARE ~ Atluri Kalpana Devi | 3BBAT Most people I know have strong feelings about problems extend beyond Too Big To Fail banks, hedge globalization, and they all care about the well-being fund billionaires, or offshore accounts of the type of the world’s poor. Except for international terrorism revealed by the Panama Papers. In reality, each of and global warming, globalization and the attendant these issues is a symptom of a much larger issue: the concerns about poverty and inequality have become capital markets themselves are broken. a focus of discussion in this era. The financial press Finance’s job is to take our savings and invest and powerful international officials confidently assert them in productive new businesses that generate that global markets jobs, wealth, and, ulti- broaden the horizons mately, economic for the poor, whereas growth. Without activist-protesters a healthy capital believe the opposite markets system, capi- with equal zeal. talism ceases to func- As is common in tion properly, resulting pressurized public in slower growth and debates, different greater inequality, people use the same which can culminate word to mean different in the type of social things. Some people unrest seen in many think of globalization parts of the world over as the global reach of the last eight years. communications tech- It necessitates nology and capital rethinking a tax code movements, while others think of outsourcing by that favors debt over equity, reforming housing and domestic companies in rich countries. As a result, it retirement policy, addressing the pervasive money is best to state at the outset of this article that I will be culture in our political system, and restructuring referring primarily to globalization—the expansion of corporate incentives and governance to better support foreign trade and investment. long-term decision making. Growth that benefits more The fact that, while the global economy has than a few is delineated as good growth. Fortunately, expanded over the last 40 years, growth within coun- the two sides of the globalization debate are gradu- tries has become less and less evenly distributed. Of ally coming to terms. In many areas, advocates from course, this is a social issue, but at its core, it is an both camps see the potential for collaboration on economic one – there is strong academic evidence that poor-help programs among transnational corpora- suggests that in this paradigm, economic growth – let tions, multilateral organizations, developing-country alone market stability – is eventually undermined. governments, and local aid groups. They’re all missing the point, our economy’s

84 Expressions CHRIZINE | ISSUE 1 War onINDIA’S Drugs NOTICEWORTHY? ~ Dipankar Ray | 1 JOUH From Rhea Chakraborty to crore people consuming cannabis products Aryan Khan, drug cases in India have and 2.7 crore people consuming opioids become a hot topic that people talk India’s war on drugs is far from over. about these days. But drugs are not The report from the survey also specified new to a country like India which was different ways in which drug abuse in our once ruled by Arab rulers and it is country can be reduced such as preventive not that people were unaware of drug education, awareness among the masses, and substance abuse previously but aiding the government and non-govern- recently with the development of tech- mental agencies in taking measures to nology and a large amount of informa- prevent drug use. tion available online, in the last couple of decades, people have One of the first steps taken by the become aware of the amount of Government of India was to estab- substance abuse that is preva- lish the National Drugs and lent in our country. Psychotropic Substances Act 1985. In medieval India, drug-based The advisory committee formed under the plants such as cannabis were also used act led to the formation of the National to cure diseases and other ailments. Fund for Control of Drug Abuse. This fund As humankind developed, drugs such was supported by major stakeholders like as Cannabis and Opium had been the Ministry of Health( Family Welfare) put to other uses which were not so and the Ministry of Welfare (Social Justice noble in nature. Thus started the and Empowerment). long-standing war against drugs and substance abuse in our country. But Both the stakeholders had divided the the question which we often manage work among themselves, with the Ministry to surpass is whether such a war is of Health overseeing prevention and treat- even worth fighting for with all the ment of Drug abuse and the Ministry of resources that our country possesses. Welfare overseeing the rehabilitation of The answer to the question is yes. the victims. The last three decades saw a sizable increase in the scale of operations According to a national survey in and around the country. Therefore the conducted by the Ministry of Social crux of the matter is that instead of the Justice and Empowerment cannabis government trying to spread awareness and opioids are the second most consumed we should try our best to stay away from such substances next to alcohol. With about 3.1 addictions which would disrupt not only our lives but also the lives of others around us. Image Courtesy: DeviantArt on Pinterest

CHRIZINE | ISSUE 1 Expressions 85 ~ Cassandra C Carvalho | 1 JOUH Image courtesy: Mobile9 | Pinterest A walk in the park Or trip to the beach A stroll in the fields Some lessons to preach They say I overthink Maybe I do In my own realm I sink Around people too //Do flowers feel? Can I hug a cloud?// Vacant joy and serene seas Questions multitude Yet nullity profound The rapid transition From Starry Night to River Styx That is the mind and its animation As notions conflict and intermix With amazing grace Solitude hosts thoughts But what if societal embrace Is that what I sought?

86 Expressions CHRIZINE | ISSUE 1 REBIRTH ~ Boomika R | 3BBAT It is ironic When I write now, I write as a woman who is no longer amused by a naïve imagination The girl who used to day dream during the night in hopes of having words like this To be able to have the bravery to share her sacred scriptures and uneven architecture, even in times where she wished she lived in the dark To reveal how far she has travelled without wanting to erase the footprints she has left behind I write today as a rebirthed woman, who embraces her tender bones, and no longer fears the tip of the blade I write as a woman who finally understands her story Image courtesy: peakpx

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