Science Journal of Clinical Medicine2015; 4(6): 121-126Published online November 9, 2015 ( 10.11648/j.sjcm.20150406.12ISSN: 2327-2724 (Print); ISSN: 2327-2732 (Online)Antibiogram of Biofield-Treated Shigella boydii: GlobalBurden of InfectionsMahendra Kumar Trivedi1, Alice Branton1, Dahryn Trivedi1, Gopal Nayak1,Sambhu Charan Mondal2, Snehasis Jana2, *1Trivedi Global Inc., Henderson, NV, USA2Trivedi Science Research Laboratory Pvt. Ltd., Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, IndiaEmail address:[email protected] (S. Jana)To cite this article:Mahendra Kumar Trivedi, Alice Branton, Dahryn Trivedi, Gopal Nayak, Sambhu Charan Mondal, Snehasis Jana. Antibiogram of Biofield-Treated Shigella boydii: Global Burden of Infections. Science Journal of Clinical Medicine. Vol. 4, No. 6, 2015, pp. 121-126.doi: 10.11648/j.sjcm.20150406.12Abstract: Bacillary dysentery and acute gastroenteritis caused by infection of Shigella species are major public healthburden in India and its neighboring countries. Emergence of antimicrobial resistance threatens to render current treatmentsineffective. The current study was attempted to investigate the effect of biofield treatment on Shigella boydii (S. boydii) withrespect of antimicrobial susceptibility assay, biochemical characteristics and biotyping. The American Type Culture Collection(ATCC 9207) strain of S. boydii was used in this experiment. The study was conducted in revived and lyophilized state of S.boydii. Both revived (Group; Gr. II) and lyophilized (Gr. III) strain of S. boydii were subjected to Mr. Trivedi’s biofieldtreatment. Gr. II was assessed on day 5 and day 10, while Gr. III on day 10 with respect to control (Gr. I). Sensitivity pattern ofamoxicillin/k-clavulanate was improved from intermediate (I) to susceptible (S) with correspond to MIC value was alsoreduced by two folds (16/8 to ≤ 8/4 µg/mL) in both the treated groups as compared to control. The antimicrobial susceptibilityof S. boydii showed 15% alteration in Gr. II on day 5, while significant (40%) alteration was found on day 10 as compared tocontrol. The MIC values of antimicrobials for S. boydii also showed 12.50% alteration in Gr. II on day 5 while, significantalteration (59.38%) of minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) value was found in Gr. II on day 10 as compared to control. Itwas observed that overall 69.70% biochemical reactions were changed in which 66.67% alteration was found in Gr. II on day10 with respect to control. Moreover, biotype numbers were changed in all the treated groups without alteration of organism ascompared to control. These results suggested that biofield treatment had significant impact on S. boydii in Gr. II on day 10 withrespect to antimicrobial susceptibility, MIC and biochemical reactions pattern.Keywords: Shigella boydii, Antimicrobial Sensitivity, Biofield Treatment, Biochemical Reaction, Biotype, Bacillary Dysentery, Shigellosis, Acute Gastroenteritis1. Introduction predominantly which is one of its characteristic features [5]. The manifestations of major clinical complications in S. Shigella boydii (S. boydii) is a non-motile, non-spore boydii infected patients include, shigellosis (watery diarrhoeaforming, non-lactose fermenting and Gram-negative rod with mild vomiting), reactive arthritis and hemolytic uremicshape bacterium that belongs to the family of syndrome [6]. According to the reports of Centers forEnterobacteriaceae. S. boydii mainly causes infections Disease Control and Prevention in the USA Shigella isthrough contaminated food/water/soil or with fecal matter. It estimated to cause 80 - 165 million cases of disease andinhabits in the gut and rectum of humans and other primates 600,000 deaths per year worldwide. Therapeutic uses of[1, 2]. S. boydii contains 20 distinct antigenic serotypes [3]. antimicrobials against shigellosis can slightly shorten theShigella species are highly infective and virulent due to duration of symptoms. Fluoroquinolone or ceftriaxone is therelease of a potent cytotoxin known as ‘Shigatoxin’ which drug of choice to treat this disease. However, due to highcauses severe and sometimes fatal disease [4]. It does notproduce gas from carbohydrates but ferments glucose
122 Mahendra Kumar Trivedi et al.: Antibiogram of Biofield-Treated Shigella boydii: Global Burden of Infectionstendency of multidrug resistance globally including 2.2. Biofield Treatment Strategyfluoroquinolones and newer cephalosporins, particularly inSouth and East Asia [7], some alternative strategies are The Gr. I remained as untreated. The treatment Gr. II andneeded to treat against strains of S. boydii. III in sealed pack were handed over to Mr. Trivedi for biofield treatment under laboratory condition. Mr. Trivedi Based on National Institute of Health/National Center for provided the treatment through his energy transmissionComplementary and Alternative Medicine (NIH/NCCAM) has process to the treatment groups without touching thereported that energy therapies either biofield or samples. After treatment, all samples were handed over in theelectromagnetic based involve use of this energy fields to same condition and stored for analysis. Gr. II was assessed atpromote health and healing [8]. Harold Saxton Burr had two time points i.e. on day 5 and 10 and Gr. III was assessedperformed the detailed studies on correlation of electric current on day 10. After biofield treatment, all groups (control andwith physiological process and concluded that every single treated) were investigated for antimicrobial susceptibility,process in the human body had an electrical significance [9]. MIC, pattern of biochemical reactions and biotyping.Recently, it was discovered that all electrical processeshappening in body have strong relationship with magnetic field 2.3. Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testas described by Ampere’s law, which states that moving chargeproduces magnetic fields in surrounding space [10, 11]. Investigation of antimicrobial susceptibility of S. boydiiAccording to Rivera-Ruiz et al. it was reported that was carried out with the help of automated instrument, Microelectrocardiography has been extensively used to measure the Scan Walk-Away® using NBPC 30 panel. The panel can bebiofield of human body [12]. Thus, human has the ability to stored at 2 to 25ºC for analysis. The panel was allowed toharness the energy from environment or Universe and can equilibrate to room temperature prior to rehydration. Alltransmit into any living or nonliving object(s) around the opened panels were used on the same day. The tests carriedGlobe. The objects always receive the energy and respond into out on Micro Scan were miniaturized of the broth dilutionuseful way that is called biofield energy and the process is susceptibility test that has been dehydrated. Briefly, 0.1 mLknown as biofield treatment (The Trivedi Effect®). Mr. of the standardized suspension of S. boydii was pipetted intoTrivedi’s unique biofield treatment has been known to 25 mL of inoculum water using pluronic and inverted 8 to 10transform the structural, physical and thermal properties of times and inoculated, rehydrated, and then subjected toseveral metals in material science [13-15], improved the incubation for 16 hours at 35°C. Rehydration and inoculationoverall productivity of crops [16, 17], altered characteristics was performed using the RENOK® system with inoculators-features of microbes [18-20] and improved growth and D (B1013-4). 25 mL of standardized inoculum suspensionanatomical characteristics of various medicinal plants [21, 22]. was poured in to inoculum tray. The detailed experimental procedure and conditions were followed as per the Due to the clinical significance of this organism and manufacturer's instructions. The antimicrobial susceptibilityliterature reports, biofield treatment as an alternative pattern (S: Susceptible, R: Resistant; and I: Intermediate) andapproach, the present work was undertaken to evaluate the MIC were determined by observing the lowest antimicrobialimpact of biofield treatment on S. boydii in relation to concentration showing inhibition of growth [23].antimicrobials susceptibility, minimum inhibitoryconcentration (MIC) and biotyping based on various 2.4. Biochemical Reaction Studiesbiochemical characters. Biochemical reactions of S. boydii were determined using2. Materials and Methods Micro Scan Walk-Away®, system with NBPC 30 panel [23]. S. boydii, American Type Culture Collection (ATCC 9207) 2.5. Identification of Organism by Biotype Numberstrains were procured from Micro Bio Logics, Inc., USA, intwo sets A and B. Two different sealed packs were stored with The biotype number of S. boydii was determined by theproper storage conditions until further use. The antimicrobial data of a series of biochemical reactions when processed onsusceptibility, MIC values, biochemical reactions and biotype Micro Scan Walk-Away® panel [23].number were estimated with the help of MicroScan Walk-Away® (Dade Behring Inc., West Sacramento, CA, USA) 3. Results and Discussionusing negative breakpoint combo 30 (NBPC 30) panel. All thetested antimicrobials and biochemicals were procured from 3.1. Antimicrobial Susceptibility TestSigma-Aldrich (MA, USA). The outcome of S. boydii susceptibility pattern and MIC2.1. Experimental Design values of tested antimicrobials after biofield treatment are summarized in Table 1 and 2, respectively. The data were Two ATCC samples A (revived) and B (lyophilized) of S. analyzed and compared with respect to control.boydii were grouped (Gr.). The revived sample A was Antimicrobial susceptibility was carried out using twentydivided into two parts Gr. I (control) and Gr. II (revived; antimicrobials. The revived treated cells (Gr. II) of S. boydiitreatment); likewise, ATCC B was labeled as Gr. III showed a significant alteration in antimicrobial sensitivity(lyophilized; treatment). pattern i.e. 40% (eight out of twenty) on day 10, 15% (three
Science Journal of Clinical Medicine 2015; 4(6): 121-126 123out of twenty) on day 5 as compared to control. Moreover, compared to control. Overall, 59.38% (nineteen out of thirty two) antimicrobialslyophilized treated cells (Gr. III) showed 10% (two out of showed altered MIC values after biofield treatment in Gr. IItwenty) alteration on day 10 as compared to control. The on day 10 and 12.50% (four out of thirty two) on day 5 as compared to control.susceptibility pattern of S. boydii for amoxicillin/k-clavulanate in control sample of S. boydii was observed asintermediate (I) type of resistance i.e. low resistance. Thisfinding is supported by several literature data, reporting that Table 1. Effect of biofield treatment on antibiogram analysis of Shigella boydii.S. boydii is resistant to this antibiotic [24, 25].In this experiment, susceptibility pattern of amoxicillin/k- Type of Responseclavulanate was improved from I to S in Gr. II as well as Gr. S. No. Antimicrobial Gr. I Gr. II Gr. III Day 5III on day 10 as compared to control. Besides, the MIC value 1. Amoxicillin / Day 10 S k-clavulanateof amoxicillin/k-clavulanate was also reduced by two folds 2. Ampicillin/sulbactam IS S S 3. Ampicillin S(16/8 to ≤ 8/4 µg/mL) in both the treated groups as compared 4. Aztreonam SS S S 5. Cefepime SR I Sto control. This improvement in susceptibility pattern from 6. Cefotaxime SS R S 7. Ceftazidime SS I Sintermediate to susceptible may be due to biofield treatment. 8. Ceftriaxone SS R S 9. Chloramphenicol SS R SAntibiotics such as aztreonam, cefotaxime, ceftazidime, 10. Ciprofloxacin SS S S 11. Gatifloxacin SS R Schloramphenicol and tetracycline showed an alteration of 12. Imipenem SS S S 13. Levofloxacin SS S Ssusceptibility pattern from S to R in Gr. II on day 10 as 14. Meropenem SS S S 15. Moxifloxacin SS S Scompared to control. However among five, sensitivity pattern Piperacillin / SS S 16. tazobactam SS S Sof tetracycline was additionally changed from S to R in Gr. II Piperacillin 17. Tetracycline S S(on day 5) and Gr. III as compared to control. The sensitivity 18. Ticarcillin/k- R clavulanate Spatterns of both cefotaxime and ceftazidime in control S. 19. Trimethoprim / R S sulfamethoxazoleboydii sample were matched with literature data [26]. 20. S SMoreover, antibiotics such as ampicillin and cefepime Sshowed an alteration of sensitivity pattern from S to I in Gr.II on day 10 while sensitivity of ampicillin was altered fromS to R on day 5 as compared to control after biofield SStreatment. Twelve out of twenty (60%) antimicrobials viz. SS SRampicillin/sulbactam, ceftriaxone, ciprofloxacin,gatifloxacin, imipenem, levofloxacin, meropenem,moxifloxacin, piperacillin/tazobactam, piperacillin, SSticarcillin/k-clavulanate and trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole SSdid not show any change of antimicrobial sensitivity afterbiofield treatment with respect to control sample (Table 1). R: Resistant; I: Intermediate; S: Susceptible; Gr.: GroupThe MIC values of aztreonam, cefoxitin, ceftazidime,cefotaxime and chloramphenicol were changed from ≤8 Beside this, MIC values of 9.38% (three out of thirty two)to >16 µg/mL in Gr. II on day 10 as compared to control. antimicrobials were altered after biofield treatment in Gr. III.Alteration of MIC value of ampicillin, cefazolin, cefepime Thirteen, out of thirty two tested antimicrobials (40.63%) viz.and cephalothin (≤8 to 16 µg/mL) was noticed in Gr. II on ampicillin/sulbactam, ceftriaxone, ciprofloxacin,day 10 while ampicillin additionally changed to (>16 µg/mL) gatifloxacin, imipenem, levofloxacin, meropenem,on day 5. However, these four antibiotics did not show any moxifloxacin, norfloxacin, piperacillin/tazobactam,change in MIC value in Gr. III as compared to control. piperacillin, ticarcillin/k-clavulanate andMoreover, changes in MIC values of amikacin, cefotetan trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole did not show any alterationfrom ≤ 8 to > 32 µg/mL were observed in Gr. II on day 10 of MIC values in treated cells of S. boydii as compared toafter biofield treatment while did not change in Gr. III as control (Table 2).compared to control. Antimicrobial i.e. nitrofurantoinshowed an alteration of MIC value from ≤ 32 to > 64 µg/mL Table 2. Effect of biofield treatment on Shigella boydii to minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) value of tested Gr. II on both day 5 and 10 while change of MIC value (64µg/mL) was observed in Gr. III as compared to control. Type of ResponseBesides this, gentamicin, tetracycline and tobramycin showed S. No. Antimicrobial Gr. I Gr. II Gr. III Day 5an alteration of MIC value from ≤4 to > 8 µg/mL in Gr. II on Day 10 ≤16day 10 while tetracycline was additionally changed the MIC 1. Amikacin ≤16 ≤16 >32 ≤8/4value to > 8 µg/mL in Gr. II (on day 5) and Gr. III (on day 2. Amoxicillin/ 16/8 ≤8/4 ≤8/4 ≤8/4 k-clavulanate ≤8 ≤810) as compared to control. The MIC values of ESBL-a Scrn 3. Ampicillin/sulbactam ≤8/4 ≤8/4 ≤8/4 ≤8 ≤8 >16 16and ESBL-b Scrn were changed from ≤ 4 to > 4 and ≤1 to >1 4. Ampicillin ≤8 ≤8 >16 ≤8 ≤8 16respectively in Gr. II on day 10 while no change of MIC 5. Aztreonamvalues was observed in Gr. II (on day 5) and Gr. III as 6. Cefazolin
124 Mahendra Kumar Trivedi et al.: Antibiogram of Biofield-Treated Shigella boydii: Global Burden of Infections Type of Response (-) biochemical reaction was found in case of sorbitol (SOR) in Gr. III which remain unchanged in Gr. II as compared toS. No. Antimicrobial Gr. I Gr. II Gr. III control. Overall, 69.70% biochemical reactions were altered Day 5 in tested thirty three biochemicals with respect to control Day 10 ≤8 after biofield treatment. In revived treated strain of S. boydii ≤8 cells (Gr. II) showed 66.67% alteration on day 10 and7. Cefepime ≤8 ≤8 16 ≤16 54.55% alteration on day 5, in terms of biochemical reactions ≤8 as compared to control. The lyophilized treated cells of S.8. Cefotaxime ≤8 ≤8 >32 ≤8 boydii (Gr. III) showed only 21.21% alteration of ≤8 biochemical reactions as compared to control.9. Cefotetan ≤16 ≤16 >32 ≤4 ≤810. Cefoxitin ≤8 ≤8 >16 ≤8 ≤111. Ceftazidime ≤8 ≤8 >16 ≤4 ≤112. Ceftriaxone ≤8 ≤8 ≤8 ≤2 ≤413. Cefuroxime ≤4 ≤4 >16 ≤4 ≤214. Cephalothin ≤8 ≤8 16 ≤4 ≤215. Chloramphenicol ≤8 ≤8 >16 64 ≤416. Ciprofloxacin ≤1 ≤1 ≤1 Table 3. Effect of biofield treatment on Shigella boydii to the biochemical ≤16 reaction pattern.17. ESBL-a Scrn ≤4 ≤4 >4 ≤1618. ESBL-b Scrn ≤1 ≤1 >1 >819. Gatifloxacin ≤2 ≤2 ≤2 ≤16 Type of Response Gr. II20. Gentamicin ≤4 ≤4 >8 ≤4 S. No. Code Biochemical Gr. I Day 5 Day 10 Gr. -- III21. Imipenem ≤4 ≤4 ≤4 ≤2/38 - ++ - ++ -22. Levofloxacin ≤2 ≤2 ≤2 1. ACE Acetamide + -+ + - -- +23. Meropenem ≤4 ≤4 ≤4 2. ADO Adonitol - -+ - - ++ -24. Moxifloxacin ≤2 ≤2 ≤2 - ++ - - ++ +25. Nitrofurantoin ≤32 >64 >64 3. ARA Arabinose - ++ + - ++ +26. Norfloxacin ≤4 ≤4 ≤4 4. ARG Arginine + ++ - - -- +27. Piperacillin / ≤16 ≤16 ≤16 5. CET Cetrimide - ++ - tazobactam - -+ - 6. CF8 Cephalothin - ++ + - ++ -28. Piperacillin ≤16 ≤16 ≤16 7. CIT Citrate - ++ - ≤4 >8 >8 - ++ -29. Tetracycline 8. CL4 Colistin + - +30. Ticarcillin/k- ≤16 ≤16 ≤16 9. ESC Esculin hydrolysis + clavulanate 10. FD64 Nitrofurantoin - -31. Tobramycin ≤4 ≤4 >8 11. GLU Glucose - +32. Trimethoprim / ≤2/38 ≤2/38 ≤2/38 12. H2S Hydrogen sulfide - sulfamethoxazole - 13. IND Indole + -MIC data are presented in µg/mL; Gr.: Group; ESBL-a, b Scrn: Extended- 14. INO Inositol -spectrum β-lactamase screen 15. K4 Kanamycin - 16. LYS Lysine - -3.2. Biochemical Reactions Studies 17. MAL Malonate - 18. MEL Melibiose Study of biochemical reactions can be utilized to identify 19. NIT Nitratethe enzymatic and metabolic characteristic features ofmicrobes. Microorganisms can be categorically differentiated Oxidation-based on their utilization of specific biochemicals as nutrientsduring the process of metabolism or enzymatic reactions. The 20. OF/G fermentation / ++ +specific biochemical which showed some changes against S.boydii after biofield treatment are shown in Table 3. glucoseBiochemicals such as adonitol (ADO), citrate (CIT), colistin(CL4), esculin hydrolysis (ESC), inositol (INO) and urea 21. ONPG Galactosidase ++ -(URE) were changed from negative (-) to positive (+) ++ -reaction in all the treated groups with respect to control. 22. ORN Ornithine -- -Moreover, biochemicals such as nitrofurantoin (FD64), ++ +hydrogen sulfide (H2S), lysine (LYS), malonate (MAL), 23. OXI Oxidase ++ -melibiose (MEL), galactosidase (ONPG), ornithine (ORN), ++ -raffinose (RAF), rhamnose (RHA), sucrose (SUC), 24. P4 Penicillin ++ -tryptophan deaminase (TDA) and Voges-Proskauer (VP) ++ -were changed from negative (-) to positive (+) reaction in 25. RAF Raffinose -- -group Gr. II on both day 5 and 10 while remained unchangedi.e. negative (-) in Gr. III with respect to control. However, 26. RHA Rhamnose ++ -experimental data also exhibited that certain biochemicalssuch as arginine (ARG), cephalothin (CF8), kanamycin (K4) 27. SOR Sorbitol -+ -and tobramycin (TO4) were changed from negative (-) to ++ +positive (+) reaction in group Gr. II on day 10 while 28. SUC Sucrose ++ -remained unchanged i.e. negative (-) on day 5 (Gr. II) and Gr.III with respect to control. Change of positive (+) to negative 29. TAR Tartrate 30. TDA Tryptophan deaminase 31. TO4 Tobramycin 32. URE Urea 33. VP Voges-Proskauer -, (negative); +, (positive); Gr.: Group About 30.30% of total tested biochemicals, such as Acetamide (ACE), arabinose (ARA), Cetrimide (CET), glucose (GLU), indole (IND), nitrate (NIT), oxidation- fermentation glucose (OF/G), oxidase (OXI), penicillin (P4), and tartrate (TAR) did not show any change in all the treated groups after biofield treatment as compared to control (Table 3). Based on existing literature Shigella serovers are able to
Science Journal of Clinical Medicine 2015; 4(6): 121-126 125ferment the five basic sugars by producing both acid and gas. treatment could be responsible for alteration inHowever, differentiation of specific Shigella serotype on the microorganism at genetic and/or enzymatic level, whichbasis of their sugar fermentation pattern is difficult. The key may act on receptor protein. While altering receptor protein,characteristic feature for S. boydii bacterium is non-lactose ligand-receptor/protein interactions may alter that couldfermenting, but it can ferment glucose with production of lead to show different phenotypic characteristics [29].acid [1]. In this experiment, control sample of S. boydii Biofield treatment might induce significant changes inresulted positive (+) reaction in GLU and SOR and negative revived strain of S. boydii and altered antimicrobialsreaction (-) in case of SUC. These biochemical results were susceptibility pattern, MIC values and biochemical. Basedcorroborated with literature data [3]. These findings could be on these results, it is postulated that, biofield treatment maydue to fermentation of GLU and produce acid which supports be used to alter the sensitivity pattern of antimicrobial i.e.the characteristic feature of S. boydii. Moreover, the positive amoxicillin/k-clavulanate.(+) reaction of SOR was changed to negative (-) in Gr. IIIand negative (-) reaction of SUC was also changed to 4. Conclusionspositive (+) reaction in Gr. II possibly due to change ofenzymatic reaction after biofield treatment. In the present Altogether, the biofield treatment has significantlystudy, negative reactions (-) of VP, URE and CIT utilization altered the susceptibility pattern (40%) with MIC valuestests were observed in control sample of S. boydii. The (59.38%) of tested antimicrobials against the ATCC strainfindings were also reported in the literature [27]. However, of S. boydii in revived treated cells (Gr. II) as compared tothe negative (-) reaction of CIT and URE were changed to control. It also altered significantly the biochemicalpositive (+) in both Gr. II and Gr. III and VP changed to reactions pattern (66.67%) of biofield treated strain of S.positive (+) in Gr. II which possibly due to alteration of boydii in Gr. II as compared to control. On the basis ofmetabolic and/or enzymatic reaction of S. boydii after changed biochemical reactions of S. boydii the biotypebiofield treatment. numbers were altered in Gr. II and III without alteration of organism as compared to control. Mr. Trivedi’s biofield3.3. Identification of Organism by Biotype Number treatment could be applied as an alternative therapeutic approach to alter the sensitivity pattern of antimicrobials in The species (S. boydii) was identified based on variety of near future including strict public health strategies likeconventional biochemical characters and biotyping. Biotype clean water supply, good sewage management and a cleannumber of particular organism was evaluated after interpreting environment against bacillary dysentery and acutethe results of the biochemical reactions. The biotype number gastroenteritis patients infected by S. boydii.that led to the particular organism identification. Based on thebiochemical results, biotype number was changed in treated AbbreviationsGr. II on day 5 (77765774, S. boydii), on day 10 (77767776, S.boydii) and Gr. III on day 10 (41640244, S. boydii) with MIC: Minimum inhibitory concentration;respect to control (51000000) i.e. Shigella species (Table 4). ATCC: American type culture collection;These changes of biotype number without alteration of NBPC 30: Negative breakpoint combo 30;organism are assumed due to change of metabolic or NIH/NCCAM: National Institute of Health/Nationalenzymatic reactions of Shigella species. Center for Complementary and Alternative MedicineTable 4. Effect of biofield treatment on biotype number of Shigella boydii. AcknowledgementsFeature Gr. I Gr. II Day 10 Gr. III Authors gratefully acknowledged to Trivedi science, Day 5 Day 10 Trivedi testimonials and Trivedi master wellness and theBiotype 51000000 77767776 whole team of PD Hinduja National Hospital and MRC,Number 77765774 41640244 Mumbai, Microbiology Lab for their support. Shigella S. boydiiOrganism species S. boydii (Very rare S. boydii ReferencesIdentification (Very rare biotype) (Very rare biotype) biotype) [1] Yang F, Yang J, Zhang X, Chen L, Jiang Y, et al. (2005) Genome dynamics and diversity of Shigella species, theGr.: Group etiologic agents of bacillary dysentery. Nuc Acids Res 33: 6445-6458. Rapid emergence and outbreaks of resistantmicroorganisms due to widespread selective pressure and [2] Woodward DL, Clark CG, Caldeira RA, Ahmed R, Soule G,efficient dissemination channels are one of the factors that et al. 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