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Home Explore MyWaterBearer Brochure

MyWaterBearer Brochure

Published by MyWaterBearer, 2017-09-05 18:50:24

Description: MyWaterBearer brings to your home fresh, premium quality, natural spring water, the same day it is collected, in the North of Muskoka, in glass bottles.

Keywords: fresh spring water,spring water delivery,natural spring water


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Premium Quality Fully TestedCollected In Glass Bottles In MuskokaDelivered To Your Door The Same Day

MyWaterBearer's unique custom service is your key to health and well being. For years, we've investigated the quality of drinking water and it's impact on our body. Here are the main points: ­ Water is the most important factor of human health. Quality of drinking water has an enormous impact on our body, mind and spirit. ­ In order for drinking water to have quality andto be benefitial to human body it must come only fromnatural springs, fresh and in glass. It must not be dead,processed, filtered, disinfected, sterilized, irradiated with UVlight, stale, bottled, fried withozone, put into plastic, sealedand suffocating.­ The quality of drinking wateris defined by the naturalspring properties, geology, and how clean is theenvironment. The main water properties are freshness,temperature, ph factor, total disolved solids­TDS, disolvedoxygen, and how stable is the quality of the spring.­ Human body dehydrates rapidly, and in 3­4 days withoutwater, our body dies. Why? Water is the main fuel, energizer,and transporter, in all biological, chemical, and nuclearreactions in our body. Without water everything grinds to astop and our body does not have enough energy supply tocontinue living. Water is the liquid, living, electrifying energythat propels our body, enables it to heal, regenerate, developand create.

The first thing human body seeks in water is the burstingliving energy, hydroelectric power generated by water in cellmembranes, that electrifies every part of the body. Thesecond is the supply of oxygen, hydrogen, trace minerals, andprobiotic bacteria to fuel, repair and heal human cells. Thethird is the transport of toxins, damaged cells, and freeradicals out of the body.To perform all those vital functions in human body water hasto be fresh, living, full of energy, ice cold, structured, soft,light, with low surface tension, and pure.On the other hand, any processed water, or to be moreprecise, processed fluid (bottled, filtered or tap), is justdehydrating our body, reducing our living energy, disinteg­rating our metabolism and immune system. Processed fluidshave only one purpose: shelflife. In order to achieve that,fluid has to be dead (processed,filtered, sterilized, disinfected,irradiated, ozonated, etc.).Bottled fluids are warm, highly alkaline, hard, heavy, stale,suffocating in plastic under Sun or artificial light. That is theideal breeding ground for dangerous pathogens. As opposedto the fresh natural spring water which is ice cold, slightlyacidic, light, vibrant, soft, and in glass protected fromsunlight. Now, that is an environment that supports life, anddestroys all pathogens.Bottled fluids come from drilled boreholes that forcefullytransport atmospheric cycle aquifer water (not suitable forhuman consumption) to industrial facilities for processingand bottling.Bottled fluids must never be labelled as spring water, pure,fresh, and natural. Filtered, purified, and tap water come

from toxic surface waters that no processing can makehealthy for us.Living water supports life, dead water destroys it.MyWaterBearer enables you to know what is in your glass.We emphasise that everybody should be sure about thequality of the water that they drink.The quality of the drinking water is at the all time low now,thus the quality of life is at the all time low, although we livein a very materially rich society.

stands forLOVE, LIFE and NATURE.