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Home Explore 13ο Δημ. Σχ.eTwinning 2021- Students' e-book

13ο Δημ. Σχ.eTwinning 2021- Students' e-book

Published by Ελένη Γκαντρή, 2021-06-12 16:37:04

Description: 13ο Δημ. Σχ.eTwinning 2021


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Hi, my name is Stergios. Etwinning is a good project and we can make new friends.

This eTwinning project was the best project I have ever taken part in.

Hello, I am Matina. I am happy I participated in this project. I learned lots of things about other countries and different cultures. It was a very interesting and exciting experience.

I had the opportunity through the program to get to know my place better, to make new friends and to learn about other cultures.

Hello everyone! My name is Nikol.The eTwinning was an experience that I loved! You can communicate with people of different language, culture and religion. I‟d like to do it again.

 Eleni Gkantri, 13th  Vasileios Trikos, 13th Primary School/ Primary School/ Kozani/Greece Kozani/Greece  END OF PROJECT  END OF PROJECT EVALUATION EVALUATION I was very happy to I was very happy to participate in this project. I participate in this project. cooperated with colleagues My first trip to an e-Twinning from various countries, met program was very enjoyable their culture and learnt from and interesting.With the them. My regards and thanks cooperation of colleagues we to everyone. learned a lot and managed to Eleni mobilize the whole school unit.Thank you all. Vasileios Trikos

Αγαπητϊ μου παιδιϊ, ΢τισ δύςκολεσ ςυνθόκεσ αυτόσ τησ ςχολικόσ χρονιϊσ, με κυρύωσ εξ αποςτϊςεωσ εκπαύδευςη, εμεύσ καταφϋραμε να πραγματοποιόςουμε ϋνα ϋργο eTwinning, κϊτι που μασ κϊνει όλουσ περόφανουσ και αποδεικνύει ότι “where there‟s a will, there‟s a way”, «όπου υπϊρχει θϋληςη, υπϊρχει και τρόποσ». Ήταν μεγϊλη μου χαρϊ να δουλϋψουμε όλοι μαζύ κι ελπύζω κι εςεύσ να χαρόκατε όλη αυτό τη διαδικαςύα και να αποκομύςατε γνώςεισ και εμπειρύεσ. Καθώσ αφόνετε το Δημοτικό κι ετοιμϊζεςτε να κϊνετε ϋνα καινούργιο βόμα ςτη ζωό ςασ, ςασ εύχομαι ολόψυχα Τγεύα, Πρόοδο και Ευτυχύα. Οι αρχϋσ που ςασ δύδαξαν οι δϊςκαλού ςασ ασ εύναι οδηγού ςτην πορεύα ςασ για να κατακτόςετε τουσ δικούσ ςασ ςτόχουσ και τα δικϊ ςασ όνειρα. Με πολλό αγϊπη, Η καθηγότριϊ ςασ των Αγγλικών, Ελϋνη Γκαντρό

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