“Strategic Plan - 5 Years” Our Strategic Plan was developed in the 2013-2014 school year with a focus on five Strategic Objectives. Each Strategic Objective has specific End Results, resulting in a total of 31 End Results, to be accomplished over a five-year period, from 2014-2019. A timeline was established with priority attention to each End Result. This Update Report is now shared with the AC community to document progress towards these targets. Madeleine Maceda Heide Photos: Gabriel Cadenas, Academia Cotopaxi
1 School Culture: Embody our school values within a professional culture that is inclusive, respectful, and responsive to all. END RESULTS: 14-15 15-16 16-17 End Result 1-1: A professional culture that is inclusive, respectful, and responsive 14-15 15-16 16-17 to all is evident throughout the school. 14-15 15-16 16-17 14-15 15-16 16-17 14-15 15-16 16-17 End Result 1-2: All staff takes responsibility for a “whole-student” approach to 14-15 15-16 16-17 ensure that each student is healthy, safe, engaged, supported, and challenged. 14-15 15-16 16-17 End Result 1-3: An effective approach to address issues of bullying, discrimination, and/or behavioral misconduct will be in place in all divisions. End Result 1-4: A school-wide commitment to service learning exists that is aligned with the mission and core values and recognizes the developmental differences in each division. End Result 1-5: Pride in our school is evident through participation, celebration, and communication. End Result 1-6: Parents are actively engaged and involved in supporting a positive school culture that is inclusive, respectful, and responsive to all. End Result 1-7: A long-term commitment exists to becoming an inclusive school and serving a managed number of students representing the full range of learning differences and language diversity. LEGEND Build Up – The item is being studied and actions are being planned and developed for the near future. Priority Focus – The item is a major focus requiring the involvement of many individuals, resources, and time. Breakthrough – The item has become an accepted component of the school and will continue to make progress. 3UPDATE ON ALL STRATEGIC PLAN END RESULTS FOR 2015-2016 | SCHOOL CULTURE
1 School Culture: Embody our school values within a professional culture that is inclusive, respectful, and responsive to all. End Result 1-1: A professional culture Development. This demonstrates our respect for professional legitimacy, academic that is inclusive, respectful, and responsive knowledge, and accountability. to all is evident throughout the school. ● A professional dress code for Faculty and Proposed for 2016: Breakthrough Staff was developed and is being followed. Update from 2014-2016: ● Plans are underway for staff training to In the past 2 years there has been evidence of develop understanding of professionalism, a clear understanding that we are an inclusive quality control features, and key performance school and that respect towards all is a core value. indicators. In addition, an atmosphere of professionalism is evident throughout the school. Some examples: End Result 1-2: All staff takes ● The Cougar Art project was a collaborative responsibility for a “whole-student” project between the Intermediate, High approach to ensure that each student School and Imagine sections to create is healthy, safe, engaged, supported, colorful drawings of our mascot, the cougar, and challenged. Proposed for 2016: to represent our core values. Breakthrough ● An expanded Learning Support program was Update from 2014-2016: launched to provide for a managed number ● Our school literature conveys our belief in of students representing the full range of learning differences and language diversity. the wholistic development of all students, A team of qualified learning specialists was including attention not only to academics hired to support the inclusion of students in but also to emotional, social, physical and our regular program as much as possible. intellectual growth. ● An Admissions Committee, including ● Teachers are expected to document growth Admissions staff, Principals, Counselors, not only on academic learning but also on Learning Support Coordinator and the “Attitudes to Learning” (ATLs) or “Habits and Director, meet regularly to review applications Attitudes of a Learner” (HALs). of students with various learning needs to ● The Medical Office maintains close awareness understand and prepare for their needs. of student health and medical needs and ● A student-initiated HS club, the “Rainbow contributes to planning meetings to design Club”, meets regularly to support and learn support systems for students with health or about diversity, including LGBTQ issues, and medical needs. promote cross cultural understanding. ● All Instructional Assistants are trained in First ● The Elementary School leads multiple Aid and CPR. activities to promote kindness and respect ● Our 4 counselors are trained in identifying towards others. and supporting students who may be at ● The School is formally accredited by the New risk for various emotional and psychological England Association of Schools and Colleges situations, and work closely with families on (NEASC), the International Baccalaureate prevention and support strategies. Organization (IBO), and the local Ministry of ● Counselors work with classroom teachers to Education in Ecuador. In all cases, we are support student awareness of their social fully compliant with established and required and emotional growth, and strategies for standards of performance. self-regulation of behavior. Faculty have been ● The School maintains active membership trained to understand that the playground in a number of internationally recognized is a learning environment and to support professional organizations including American appropriate play and inclusive social Association of American Schools in South interaction. America, National Association of Independent ● Our new Learning Support Services team works Schools, Common Ground Collaborative, closely with Divisional Counselors, School New Frontier Inclusion, Association of Psychologist and Principals to regularly review International School Heads, Association student needs regarding academic progress, for the Advancement of International motivation and engagement, behavior and Education, Principals Training Center, and the Association for Supervision and Curriculum 4 Learn in Community www.cotopaxi.k12.ec
social dynamics to provide the most optimum environment and acts of kindness through support for learning and development. the Color Kindness Tree. Systems for tracking and documenting ● Younger grades focus on restorative and behavior and performance are in place. positive approach to behavior. ● We provide structured learning support for ● Irresponsible behavior such as pranks, theft, students with a variety of learning needs harassment on social media, use of drugs or including mild, moderate and intensive in all alcohol is dealt with fairly. three divisions. ● Buddy systems in Early Childhood grades ● We began a relationship with Freedom from promote relationships and inclusive behavior Chemical Dependency to increase student ● In August 2016 visiting specialist Jake knowledge, understanding and skills to make Greenspan began working with faculty healthy choices about substance abuse. FCD to develop a social-emotional curriculum will do annual visits and will conduct bi-annual including classroom strategies for building surveys of student beliefs and practices in emotional awareness and engaging in this area. interactive conversations to promote ● In July 2016, we participated in the AAIE/NSU emotional well-being. International Child Protection Leadership ● In August 2016 MS and HS began stronger Team Workshop and Certification program message and expectations regarding and will be establishing policies and practices speaking English within classrooms to instill to support child protection according to new inclusive atmosphere as well as increase international standards. academic language fluency. ● MS and HS students have begun using electronic portfolios to document their End Result 1-4: End Result 1-4: involvement and achievements in extra- curricular activities, clubs, athletics and A school-wide commitment to service service projects. learning exists that is aligned with the ● All divisions invite parents to attend Student- mission and core values and recognizes the led Conferences to showcase academic developmental differences in each division. progress led by each individual student. Proposed for 2016: Priority Focus ● Language Center has begun using diagnostic This end result was in Build Up from 2014-2016. tools to place students in proper classes and It will be a priority focus in 2016-2017. track progress, as well as emphasizing whole student support. End Result 1-5: Pride in our school is End Result 1-3: An effective approach evident through participation, celebration, and communication. Proposed for 2016: to address issues of bullying, discrimination, Breakthrough and/or behavioral misconduct will be in Update from 2014-2016: place in all divisions. Proposed for 2016: ● Successful launch of “Learn In Community” Priority Focus Update from 2014-2016: campaign focusing on our strengths as a ● Multiple efforts are underway to educate community and the learning that happens for all members of our community. Campaign students about bullying, set consequences for included: brand refresh, merchandize, vests bullying behavior, and reward students who for all staff, use of hash tag and slogan in stand up against bullies. Counselors will begin conferences (local and international), blogs, implementing a new Bullying program across presentations and videos. divisions in the school. MS Roar initiative ● Infrastructure design upgrades: vertical garden holds students accountable for behavior. HS with slogan, improved display space and light grade level surveys are used to obtain student for art department, “Learn In Community” input into social and emotional issues. mural. Upgrades to improve physical ● PYP assemblies focus on PYP learner profiles environment in relation to school culture. including specific messages on a caring ● Strong presence on social media and 5UPDATE ON ALL STRATEGIC PLAN END RESULTS FOR 2015-2016 | SCHOOL CULTURE
1 School Culture: Embody our school values within a professional culture that is inclusive, respectful, and responsive to all. continued engagement with proud Cotopaxi ● Continuation of staff school pride activities: alumni, students, parents etc. staff recognition events, staff t-shirts, ● Implemented a new student leadership Humans of AC, sharing achievements on blog, council in Grades 3 through 5 social media etc. ● Revised the MS Leadership council approach to better bring to life a student voice. ● Coordination with Athletics Director on AC ● Won “Cool Brand Award”, one of coolest Cougar Wear including incorporation of brands in Ecuador Cougar wear as part of uniform, more options ● Increased Alumni presence and rebranding for merchandize/uniforms, promotion of of Alumni Association, creation of hash tag #ACCougars (hashtag and spirit events) (#delacoto) in connection with school pride. Planning annual alumni event in summer of ● Promote brand ambassadors/voices from 2017 Community ● Regularly share stories of school pride and school ambassadors through Humans of ● New Family workshops in Aug 2016 will be Cotopaxi, Magazine Articles (Dolce Vita), geared to not only onboarding parents but content marketing. also encouraging their involvement. Series ● Several PTO sponsored events, such as Bingo, of workshops include a) Intro to Quito & AC Family Run & Brunch, food station for CAISSA (Quito 101, PTO Intro, Calendar, Handbooks), tournament and monthly meetings b) IT at AC (Skyward, Edmodo, BYOD, TCF), ● New family activities, such as Quito City Tour, c) Activities (Extracurriculars, MS Sports, HS New Family Orientation and New Family Sports, community service programs, d) Quito Breakfast (2nd semester) City Tour. ● Alignment with technology for PTO meetings followed by AC Loves Tech sessions End Result 1- 6: Parents are actively ● Graduation events in 2016 – various opportunities to celebrate our Senior Class – engaged and involved in supporting a Senior Lunch with US Ambassador, Farewell positive school culture that is inclusive, Breakfast for Seniors, Senior Farewell respectful, and responsive to all. Proposed and Thank You, Final Roll Call, Graduation for 2016: Priority Focus Ceremony Update from 2014-2016: ● Creation of solidarity event “We Are Ecuador” ● Strong leadership from PTO generated in place on International Festival to raise funds for earthquake victims in the coast enthusiasm and several well-attended PTO ● Implemented a Cougar Buddy initiative across sponsored events, such as Bingo, Family Run divisions that include a school wide spirit & Brunch, food station for CAISSA tournament week, Thanksgiving celebration and four and monthly meetings. other encounters. ● Monthly PTO meetings followed by AC Loves ● In Aug 2016, launched the new House Tech sessions had consistent, if small, System in Middle and High School in which attendance. students are grouped in 4 houses, promotes ● Well-attended New Family activities, such as cross-grade and cross-divisional partnership, Quito City Tour, New Family Orientation and camaraderie and school spirit, inclusion and New Family Breakfast. acceptance of all. ● Regular divisional parent meetings: High School ● Discover Ecuador trips shifted to take place held Parent Information meetings regarding early in the school year Sept 2016 to promote HS programs/IB program/course sign- cohesion, unity, and inclusion. ups; Intermediate held Parent Information ● Board selected Flansburgh Architects to meetings on assessment, new homework lead Master Facility Plan committee (MFP) to and grading policy, culture and character; EC develop overall plan for facility upgrade and developed and implemented an annual “learn improved impact on school culture in community” parent education approach to include in house workshops, webinars, and articles. ● Parent attendance to parent teacher conferences was at an average of 90%, with most homerooms having all students’ parents attending. 6 Learn in Community www.cotopaxi.k12.ec
● Concerned parents who raised various conversations around the school, from the concerns such as missing items, cafeteria Board to the PTO to individual classrooms. menu, desire for more soccer practice were Acceptance of difference and emergence of invited to partner with school to find solutions diversity is growing. and created positive relationships and trust in ● An expanded Learning Support program school. was launched in 2015-2016 to provide for a managed number of students representing ● Parents involved in improving cafeteria the full range of learning differences and facility and services through committee work, language diversity. A team of qualified resulting in facility upgrade. learning specialists was hired to support the inclusion of students in our regular program ● Future plans underway: as much as possible. ● Consistent translation protocol at all ● Arca/Coca-Cola company donated $300,000 events; to Learning Support program. ● Regular opportunities to solicit input, ● Faculty and staff demonstrate growing feedback or suggestions from parents awareness of the needs of students with ● Rebuild PTO with classroom rep role and special learning needs and interest in learning regular meetings with Principals how best to serve their needs. ● Redesign parent communication ● Our Admissions practices have improved in ● Board Committee will focus on engaging identifying, advising and planning for students parents with special learning needs. ● We appointed a Learning Support Coordinator End Result 1-7: A long-term who will also have role as instructional coach to support teachers in working with students commitment exists to becoming an inclusive with learning differences. Regular team school and serving a managed number meetings consistently take place to identify, of students representing the full range of plan and follow through on each student’s learning differences and language diversity. needs. Proposed for 2016: Breakthrough ● Collaboration is growing between learning Update from 2014-2016: specialists, classroom teachers, counselors ● Our mission is frequently referred to in many and Principals. 7UPDATE ON ALL STRATEGIC PLAN END RESULTS FOR 2015-2016 | SCHOOL CULTURE
2 Faculty and Staff Recruit, develop and retain the highest quality of faculty and staff who contribute to a continuous learning and professional environment that drives excellence. END RESULTS: End Result 2-1: Recruitment practices and remuneration packages are successful in attracting skilled and motivated individuals. 14-15 15-16 16-17 15-16 16-17 End Result 2-2: Recruitment materials, publications, websites, social media, and 15-16 16-17 all marketing efforts effectively promote the right message about our school. 15-16 16-17 14-15 15-16 16-17 15-16 16-17 End Result 2-3: Employee retention and satisfaction data indicate a high level of 15-16 16-17 commitment to the school. 14-15 End Result 2-4: New employees are effectively oriented to the general community and school’s culture, to the expectations of their job, and to work-related procedures. 14-15 End Result 2-5: A professional learning system exists for all employee groups to promote growth and development that results in improved practices to meet the mission of the school. 14-15 End Result 2-6: Resources, policies and practices for professional learning effectively meet the strategic priorities of the school. 14-15 End Result 2-7: Professional expectations, support systems, and information are communicated to all stakeholders in a timely and transparent manner. 14-15 LEGEND Build Up – The item is being studied and actions are being planned and developed for the near future. Priority Focus – The item is a major focus requiring the involvement of many individuals, resources, and time. Breakthrough – The item has become an accepted component of the school and will continue to make progress. 8 Learn in Community www.cotopaxi.k12.ec
End Result 2-1: Recruitment End Result 2-2: Recruitment materials, practices and remuneration packages publications, websites, social media, and are successful in attracting skilled and all marketing efforts effectively promote the motivated individuals Proposed for 2016: right message about our school. Achieved Breakthrough Breakthrough in 2015 Update from 2014-2016: ● We improved the recruitment process End Result 2-3: Employee retention including more clarity on roles and and satisfaction data indicate a high level of responsibilities between HR staff, Principals, commitment to the school. Recommended and Director in identifying candidates, initial for 2016: Priority Focus interview phase, reference checks, formal Update from 2014-2016: offer, closing and follow up communication. ● Consistently high retention rate in Imagine Also improved turn-around time to close on ● Language Center began implementing offers resulting in being able to select our top candidates. teacher survey and interview process to ● HR created a formal written offer including assess satisfaction information on entire salary and benefits ● AC exit survey results from leaving faculty package that helped establish professionalism show a wide variety of primary reasons and trust. for leaving from a desire to be near family, ● We started the recruitment process before the spouse relocation, professional advancement job fairs allowed us to attract highly qualified and desire for new experience. Satisfaction candidates ahead of the game. All offers were levels were on the low end with feedback on made to our #1 choice. safety in Ecuador, student/parent culture and ● HR conducted a very thorough Hay job areas for school improvement. valuation study of all positions with collaboration of admin team, resulting in End Result 2-4: New employees are objective ranking of all positions according to Hay norms. effectively oriented to the general community ● HR used local and international market and school’s culture, to the expectations of studies to develop a new 3-year compensation their job, and to work-related procedures strategy for all positions. New scales for Recommended for 2016: Priority Focus faculty and support staff will begin in the Update from 2014-2016: 2016-2017 school year. The overall strategy ● Orientation week for new faculty of 2015 was endorsed by the Finance Committee and approved by the full Board of Trustees. was compromised due to imminent threat ● HR reviewed monetary and non-monetary of Cotopaxi eruption. Activities were benefits to develop improved overall interrupted and support was inconsistent. compensation packages. Previous practices were confusing and not ● HR developed a longer initial contract offer (3 clearly documented so providing a clear and years) which we are now piloting to increase consistent message was challenging. retention; We are also piloting a different ● Orientation plans for new faculty of 2016 was model of foreign hire faculty retention with re- radically upgraded. Frequent communication signing bonus for additional 1 year, 2 year and from HR Director to all faculty, clearly 3 year renewal. organized Orientation schedule, prepared ● HR made changes to performance evaluation systems for transportation, house hunting, of support staff with rubric, collaborative phone cards, internet access, personal discussion between supervisors and staff, laptops, as well as daily support from HR and goal setting component office and Buddies, improved coordinated ● Language Center reviewed salary package effort from Principals have all been positive after 3 year freeze and began 3-year concrete changes. We will collect survey data compensation strategy to increase from new teachers and analyze. competitiveness, attract and retain higher quality candidates 9UPDATE ON ALL STRATEGIC PLAN END RESULTS FOR 2015-2016 | FACULTY AND STAFF
2 Faculty and Staff Recruit, develop and retain the highest quality of faculty and staff who contribute to a continuous learning and professional environment that drives excellence. ● We began implementing Buddy system ● A wide variety of PD activities were funded over in Aug 2015. We collected feedback from past 2 years, including attendance at regional new employees and buddies, and made AASSA conferences, targeted workshops for adjustments and improvements to the specialist teachers, visits to other schools, program. Anecdotal feedback from new local conferences and institutes, as well as employees of 2016 is very positive and we will the SUNY Buffalo Masters program. collect survey data and analyze. ● Regular in-house professional learning ● Principals are more aligned in providing opportunities take place called SIPS, in which consistent messages to faculty regarding staff share their expertise with one another in expectations, procedures and processes. 30 min workshops after school. ● Google+Community and Life in Quito blog ● The priority for 2015-2016 was our NEASC have enhanced online collaboration with new accreditation self-study, which impeded some and new and current staff. professional learning initiatives. End Result 2-5: A professional learning ● AC has agreed on 4 areas of Professional Learning focus over the next 3 years, which system exists for all employee groups to will provide clear focus and deepen our overall promote growth and development that expertise as a school. Professional learning results in improved practices to meet the opportunities will take place led by Principals. mission of the school. Recommended for Educators at Academia Cotopaxi will become 2016: Priority Focus skilled in the following areas: Update from 2014-2016: ● Providing formative feedback to students ● Professional Development budget for AC and using assessment data to improve learning faculty was doubled from $60,000 in 2014 to ● Differentiating for students with learning $120,000 in 2016. needs or ELL needs ● All DP and PYP faculty have been trained and ● Fostering social-emotional healthy, are up-to-date with IB developments. engaged, internationally-minded, globally ● PK to G5 faculty have been learning a new connected learners approach to literacy, including a new reading ● Integrating technology into curriculum and assessment tool, and the Teacher’s College instruction Reading and Writing Workshop instructional approach. Outside consultants are scheduled ● The Language Center plans a series of over a 3-year period to provide robust training faculty development workshops aimed at and support. Associate Principal has offered team building, morale, teaching techniques, book study to provide additional training. classroom management, project based New assessment tools were purchased, new learning and assessment. classroom libraries have been created in all classrooms with new books. ● Plans are being developed to provide targeted ● The last 2 years has seen increased attention professional learning opportunities for and support for PYP curricular alignment support staff. across PK-G5 teachers, alignment of specialist teachers with PYP Units, improved End Result 2-6: Resources, policies and understanding of what an inquiry approach means, and piloting of project-based learning practices for professional learning effectively modules. We have also been focused on meet the strategic priorities of the school improving understanding of new approaches Recommended for 2016: Priority Focus to math instruction in PK-G5. Update from 2014-2016: - Divisional Principals led Learning Walks ● We are compliant with government regulations several times a year in 2015-2016 to bring alignment to their own observations, increase on Occupational Health and Safety, including awareness of new Marzano Teaching safety training for support staff. Standards, and provide overall feedback to ● We trained all Instructional Assistants in First teachers. Aid and will maintain this annually. Will also include athletic coaches and PE teachers. 10 Learn in Community www.cotopaxi.k12.ec
● In 2016, we will develop a new faculty salary We are fully compliant with labor regulations scale that will give credit to alternative and social security requirements. professional learning experiences and ● HR Office instituted and now regularly uses a resulting impact on student learning Personnel Action Form to document any and all HR transactions including changes in FTE, ● HR office will implement quality control teaching assignments, salary scale, stipends, indicators such as retention index, FTEs and etc. in order to provide accountability and headcount control, employee satisfaction avoid confusion. index ● Recent policy changes in emergency procedures, staff tuition discount, dress ● All Language Center teachers have been code, and personal leave request have been certified in TOEFL training, which gives updated and communicated. freedom for expanding into TOEFL course ● The HR Office regularly updates all manuals offerings. New corporate Business English and they are housed on Google docs. The program requires more specialized teachers long-term plan is to upload them to an internal with attractive margin of profit. portal on website. ● In 2016 we will hire a computer programmer End Result 2-7: Professional to create a new finance software that will also align with HR needs to manage personnel expectations, support systems, and database and payroll. information are communicated to all ● The Language Center began using stakeholders in a timely and transparent Langlion which is a software platform for manner Recommended for 2016: language school management providing Breakthrough a comprehensive communication and Update from 2014-2016: standards system by which teacher ● HR Office has upgraded many systems and expectations are communicated and student performance is monitored. procedures to be more timely and transparent. An up-to-date employee database is now in place with accurate and complete information. 11UPDATE ON ALL STRATEGIC PLAN END RESULTS FOR 2015-2016 | FACULTY AND STAFF
3 Teaching and Learning Utilize innovative practices to personalize learning, ensuring that all students achieve excellence and take ownership for their learning. END RESULTS: End Result 3-1: Personalized learning is achieved through differentiated instruction based on data about student learning. 14-15 15-16 16-17 15-16 16-17 End Result 3-2: Students are supported in achieving excellence through the use of 15-16 16-17 effective, timely and innovative assessment practices. 14-15 End Result 3-3: Innovative educational practices are used, resulting in improved student motivation and ownership for learning. 14-15 LEGEND Build Up – The item is being studied and actions are being planned and developed for the near future. Priority Focus – The item is a major focus requiring the involvement of many individuals, resources, and time. Breakthrough – The item has become an accepted component of the school and will continue to make progress. 12 Learn in Community www.cotopaxi.k12.ec
End Result 3-1: Personalized grouping students – MAP, IB and SAT data is useful in placing students in IB or Non-IB learning is achieved through differentiated courses, Math and English courses. WIDA instruction based on data about student data is used to place students in ELL classes learning. Recommended for 2016: Priority or exit them appropriately. Focus ● Continued improvement in use of data and Update from 2014-2016: formative assessment application will be ● The IMAGINE program is sought out by local continued through common planning time next year and expatriate families with young children ● Plans are underway to develop a framework with special needs. We supported 3 students for personalizing learning and develop with Down’s Syndrome and 2 with diagnosis a differentiation toolkit so that there is in the Autism spectrum this school year. The a common understanding and common whole child approach to teaching and learning practices for personalizing learning. is practiced by all staff members. ● AC has recently expanded our Learning End Result 3-2: Students are Support Program and we have admitted students with various needs throughout the supported in achieving excellence through school from mild to moderate to intensive the use of effective, timely and innovative and we have a team of learning support assessment practices. Recommended for specialists to serve their needs. We are 2016: Priority Focus learning to do more creative scheduling for Update from 2014-2016: students who aren’t academically capable ● IMAGINE is using photography and video clips for the age group they are placed in, or who are not speakers of English. The openness to to provoke reflection that will impact teaching personalizing learning among our faculty is to and also to demonstrate growth. be commended. ● In Pre-Kinder, teachers are using GOLD ● The Language Center piloted an English Assessment System - a platform to record Support Program for the first time in AC history. student data through the use of video Partnership between the Center and AC’s and photography as it relates to learning Admissions Office and ESL Team aimed at standards. In Kindergarten, teachers are empowering newly admitted AC students with using ESGI (an online assessment platform little or no English to succeed. While sharing that allows for one on one assessment as well their daily schedule between normal classes as classroom data analysis on pre-made tests and intensive instruction at the Center, this or teacher generated tests with specific skills) program gives the support needed to improve ● K-5 began using Fountas and Pinnell Literacy English quickly and effectively enough to Benchmark Assessment and Teacher College thrive academically in the AC community. Writing Assessment Rubric; Data from writing ● Classroom teachers use assessment data to assessments and reading assessments is identify students who aren’t making expected reviewed in collaborative settings (teachers progress and bring them to Child Study with principals and special services staff) team meetings to determine how to support to determine teaching points and actions to their needs. The Child Study teams use support student learning. assessment data to determine child’s needs ● We have begun to use Reading/Writing and make Individual Learning Plans. assessment data in K-G5, pre and post Math ● The new Homework approach in K-5 was data in G3-5, MAP data from G3-10, SAT implemented as a means to personalize data 9-12, and WIDA data to differentiate learning and to give students a chance to instruction and set goals. Began working with choose projects they are interested in. We Interactive Data Partners to house MAP data made plans for next year to further improve and begin comparison analysis. We plan to this approach with protocols to guide their hold data meetings to examine assessment progress, assessment rubrics, as well as data, set student goals and review results. scheduled opportunities to showcase their ● We began the systematic collection of IB data work to parents and receive feedback. and make comparisons to world averages, ● Assessment data has been useful for class and share the data with HS to understand placement, entering or exiting programs or 13UPDATE ON ALL STRATEGIC PLAN END RESULTS FOR 2015-2016 | TEACHING AND LEARNING
3 Teaching and Learning Utilize innovative practices to personalize learning, ensuring that all students achieve excellence and take ownership for their learning. impact and increase attention to rigor and ● Classroom libraries have been created in advising students carefully. every classroom K-5, as a teaching tool to ● In the 2016 school year we launched a promote a reading life. Material has been revised and updated school wide assessment organized and inventoried and we plan to policy. We no longer give zeros for a grade for continue stocking these libraries over the missing work, and allow students to retake next two years. tests or other assessments to improve their grades. In HS and MS, grades show academic ● Student led conferences were redesigned in knowledge of the content. We no longer add the Early Childhood grades to include social- other components of classroom performance emotional areas as well as stations in all such as homework or behavior to make the academic areas. final grade. We have also begun using a rubric to provide feedback on Attitudes to Learning ● Home learning has been defined for early in MS and this year in HS. childhood and includes research-based ● This year all divisions will increase the beliefs about the advantage of allowing frequency and quality of feedback to students. students to engage in play-time and family time at home and continue to foster creativity; End Result 3-3: Innovative educational student-led initiatives, and the love for reading and all areas of learning. practices are used, resulting in improved student motivation and ownership for ● In IMAGINE and PK, a new practice called learning. Recommended for 2016: Priority “provocations for literacy” and “story Focus workshop ” have been implemented to Update from 2014-2016: engage students. In PK, one of the classes ● Our Learning Support program has is prototyping the use of personal learning bulletin boards for personal reflection and introduced the concept of sensory rooms in documentation. A discovery corridor (Phase I) AC and Imagine to support students having has been put in place in a PreK hallway that difficulty with self-regulation or who need was being utilized for storage. extra sensorial support to learn. We have also begun a Life Skills program for students ● Project Based Learning has been prototyped needing real life experience with tasks such in several of our younger grades and there is as doing laundry, cooking or banking. interest in the Middle School as well. ● In PK-G5 we are increasing our understanding of the inquiry approach and guiding students ● Design Thinking process, visible thinking to conduct student-led inquiries. We are strategies, project based learning units reviewing current units to find opportunities implemented in classrooms and inspiration to use student-led inquiries. projects have been implemented in grades 3 through 5. ● Our Tech coaches have supported the integration of technology into curriculum units and are valuable resources for teachers learning to leverage technology in their BYOD classes. 14 Learn in Community www.cotopaxi.k12.ec
4 Technology Continuously integrate cutting edge technology to purposefully extend learning and sustain innovative practice while instilling its responsible use in our community. END RESULTS: End Result 4-1: A shared vision statement about technology integration is in place and guides technology projects. 14-15 15-16 16-17 15-16 16-17 End Result 4-2: Effective technology standards are taught within the curriculum to 15-16 16-17 support Academia Cotopaxi’s mission and core values. 15-16 16-17 15-16 16-17 14-15 15-16 16-17 15-16 16-17 End Result 4-3: The Academia Cotopaxi community uses technology responsibly. 14-15 End Result 4-4: A carefully selected program of courses in computer science is offered to purposefully extend learning. 14-15 End Result 4-5: All AC teaching staff integrate technology appropriately into their instruction and assessment practices to enhance learning. 14-15 End Result 4-6: Academia Cotopaxi has a sustainable plan for optimizing cutting edge technology to enhance student learning. 14-15 End Result 4-7: Academia Cotopaxi is a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) School 14-15 LEGEND Build Up – The item is being studied and actions are being planned and developed for the near future. Priority Focus – The item is a major focus requiring the involvement of many individuals, resources, and time. Breakthrough – The item has become an accepted component of the school and will continue to make progress. 16 Learn in Community www.cotopaxi.k12.ec
End Result 4-1: A shared vision orientation. They were required to complete this introductory session before being allowed statement about technology integration is onto our school network. Still, more work in place and guides technology projects. must be done to continue to support teachers Achieved Breakthrough in 2014 to embed opportunities like these into their unit plans and to further refining the Digital End Result 4-2: Effective technology Citizenship program via Cougar Time. ● For the rest of the community, in particular standards are taught within the curriculum parents and families, we’ve delivered a to support Academia Cotopaxi’s mission monthly workshop called AC Loves Tech. As and core values. Recommended for 2016: part of these regular workshops, parents Priority Focus have practiced using technology their Update from 2014-2016: children use, and were provided resources for ● Throughout the school year our Technology supporting good digital citizenship at home. While we’ve been happy with the attendance Coaches have been using the ISTE Standards at these parent workshops, it has been a for Teachers and ISTE Standards for Students relatively small group that has consistently to support their coaching efforts. participated. ● We are in the process of reviewing our ● Updated Responsible Use Policy (RUP) is entire curriculum, to embed relevant included in all student handbooks (SY 16- technology skills authentically. Our existing 17) with tear off signature form to ensure AERO standards do have technology skills understanding and compliance. embedded and provide a good start for our teachers to work from. Our Coaches will work End Result 4-4: A carefully selected with teachers to review the standards, while developing units, looking for opportunities to program of courses in computer science insert more robust references to technology is offered to purpose fully extend learning. skills. Simultaneously, they will develop a Recommended for 2016: Priority Focus library of exemplars to include in a Tech Update from 2014-2016: Skills Teaching Guidebook, as a resource for ● In the 2016-2017 school-year we started an teachers to refer to when developing units in the future. This process does need further expanded Advanced Technology program development, keeping this plan in Priority which includes course offerings in computer Focus for the following school year. science, robotics, and design technology. In time we plan to offer digital arts and media. End Result 4-3: The Academia Cotopaxi ● We’ve opened a new Maker space for creating, exploring, tweaking and building. A number community uses technology responsibly. of digital fabrication/rapid prototyping tools Recommended for 2016: Priority Focus such as 3D printers, laser cutters, drill press Update from 2014-2016: and band saw give students a range of ● Our Learning Technology Coaches have experience. developed a program of digital citizenship End Result 4-5: All AC teaching staff practice and learning. They’ve begun to trial it in some instances during Cougar Time integrate technology appropriately into Mentor classes. Also, as part of efforts to their instruction and assessment practices work towards ISTE standards, have been to enhance learning. Recommended for working with teachers to help develop units 2016: Priority Focus with embedded opportunities for students to Update from 2014-2016: practice their digital citizenship. For example, ● Our Learning Technology Coaches have been a recent project in High School Spanish class required students to produce NPR style working closely with teachers, identifying podcasts. They had to create original content, opportunities to support their use of or use creative commons licensed content technology in the classroom. that was appropriately cited. Additionally, at the start of the year, students reviewed our Appropriate Use Policy as part of student 17UPDATE ON ALL STRATEGIC PLAN END RESULTS FOR 2015-2016 | TECHNOLOGY
4 Technology Continuously integrate cutting edge technology to purposefully extend learning and sustain innovative practice while instilling its responsible use in our community. ● All of our students in grades 6-12 have ● We’ve begun a pilot for a teacher BYO an ePortfolio setup in Blogger, a blogging program, in which new teachers will be given platform. All teachers and students in grades $500 to purchase a personal computer of 3-12 have an account on Edmodo, a Virtual their choice. This will give us access to better Learning Environment. While we believe devices for less money than we pay for now as teachers are indeed using the tools, the next teachers will purchase outside of the country, step is to ensure that these tools are being bring their personally owned device into the used to their full potential. country legally, and use it at school for the length of their contract term. It has been very ● We’ve also developed an opportunity for well received so far. teachers to reflect on their professional learning in a collaborative e-portfolio, giving ● We continue to examine our hardware to them a better understanding of the value and determine if we are making best use out of purpose of ePortfolios, which in turn will help them. In the 2016 school year we will collect the better understand how their students can satisfaction survey data from students and learn by portfolio. faculty to provide a basis for comparison in the future. End Result 4-6: Academia Cotopaxi End Result 4-7: Academia Cotopaxi has a sustainable plan for optimizing cutting edge technology to enhance student is a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) School. learning. Recommended for 2016: Priority Recommended for 2016: Breakthrough Focus Update from 2014-2016: Update from 2014-2016: ● This wasn’t meant to be priority focus this ● We’ve developed a tool for reviewing and year but we have pretty much achieved qualifying technology resources. Tech breakthrough here with the implementation resources will be reviewed every two years, of BYOD in G3-4 and 7-10. and we require new tools to be evaluated ● Beginning in 2016, BYOD will be from G3-12. before being purchased. 18 Learn in Community www.cotopaxi.k12.ec
5 Organizational Development Ensure that our policies, procedures, and communication support our mission within a culture of professionalism, accountability, and transparency. END RESULTS: End Result 5-1: Job descriptions are reviewed, revised or created if necessary, and 15-16 16-17 published for each working member on the AC payroll. 15-16 16-17 15-16 16-17 14-15 15-16 16-17 End Result 5-2: A clear supervision, evaluation, and training process is provided to 15-16 16-17 each employee outlining areas necessary for improvement and career advancement. 15-16 16-17 15-16 16-17 14-15 End Result 5-3: Technology tools are in place to support access to information, organizational efficiency, communication transparency, and professional accountability. 14-15 End Result 5-4: Workplace culture and satisfaction surveys are used annually to establish areas of strength and areas for improvement. 14-15 End Result 5-5: All organizational manuals and directories are regularly reviewed, revised, and accessible in both physical and online formats in order to ensure usability, ease of access, and transparency. 14-15 End Result 5-6: A structure exists to manage and comply with regulations from local government authorities. 14-15 End Result 5-7: Identify strategic areas for institutional advancement and long- term implementation plans. 14-15 LEGEND Build Up – The item is being studied and actions are being planned and developed for the near future. Priority Focus – The item is a major focus requiring the involvement of many individuals, resources, and time. Breakthrough – The item has become an accepted component of the school and will continue to make progress. 20 Learn in Community www.cotopaxi.k12.ec
End Result 5-1: Job descriptions are End Result 5-4: Workplace culture and reviewed, revised or created if necessary, satisfaction surveys are used annually to and published for each working member on establish areas of strength and areas for the AC payroll. Achieved Breakthrough in improvement. Recommended for 2016: 2015 Breakthrough Update from 2014-2016: End Result 5-2: A clear supervision, ● We are required to use the Endicott evaluation, and training process is provided satisfaction survey annually as part of our to each employee outlining areas necessary accreditation self-study. We use the data to for improvement and career advancement. plan for improvements and address areas of Recommended for 2016: Priority Focus concern. Update from 2014-2016: ● We regularly solicit feedback from parents ● AC began using the Marzano Teaching after parent conferences and use the results to plan for second semester parent Standards as part of our Teacher Evaluation conferences. process and teachers select goals related ● In Imagine we do an annual parent feedback to these standards as areas they wish to survey. improve upon. ● In the Language Center, comprehensive ● Principals are implementing the Marshall and ongoing discussions with students have model of observation and feedback to been in process since October, to build an teachers. increasingly reliable source of data by which ● New support staff evaluation tool was started to judge the satisfaction and probability of in 2015-2016 school year, with opportunity retention of our client pool. Regular surveys for reflection, use of a rubric and goal setting. are now also a part of our client satisfaction process and this information is used with End Result 5-3: Technology tools are both teachers and program development. ● We would like to create a Feedback Cycle in place to support access to information, including survey of new parents, annual organizational efficiency, communication parent satisfaction survey, senior student transparency, and professional accountability. survey and parent exit survey to determine Recommended for 2016: Priority Focus overall satisfaction of parents. Update from 2014-2016: ● We began using Googledocs in the 2014-2015 End Result 5-5: All organizational School Year and it quickly changed the way manuals and directories are regularly we do business as an organization, increasing reviewed, revised, and accessible in both efficiency and transparent communication. physical and online formats in order to ● We continue using Skyward although we face ensure usability, ease of access, and challenges with implementation. transparency. Recommended for 2016: ● Edmodo is being used by all teachers in G6- Priority Focus 12, Blogger is used by all teachers PK-12, Update from 2014-2016: Google Drive communities are widely used, ● All manuals and directories are updated Manageback is being used in the HS and Turn-it-in. annually and housed in the N drive. ● Our website has dramatically improved, and ● We are searching for a tool to house all we are experimenting with the next phase of development with a local provider. manuals so we can do searches for policies, ● We have used various digital approaches to ● We need to create a calendar for Policy parent communication such as webinars, blogs, microsites, videos, and social media Reviews for the Board and Admin Team and (Twitter and Facebook). a formal process of reviewing and editing or upgrading policies over the 3 year period. ● Student handbooks will be updated and printed annually. Also need to print all 21UPDATE ON ALL STRATEGIC PLAN END RESULTS FOR 2015-2016 | ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT
manuals and directories and have them ● The Imagine program continues to flourish stored officially in each classroom. and is very popular. It was the 10-year ● Need to assign the task of creating accurate anniversary of Imagine and a display of Emergency Phone Chain annually and innovation and growth as an institution was distributing it annually. installed. Imagine designed a collaborative ● Language Center has developed a Teacher project with Cristo de Miravalle preschool, Policy Manual covering all pertinent areas of was awarded recognition as Zona Blanca, and teacher performance, attendance, attitude has also opened an extended day program in and professional behavior. Quito. AC received full Ministry of Education authorization in the 2015 school year, for End Result 5-6: A structure exists to the IMAGINE program. We will have to follow independent authorization for IMAGINE manage and comply with regulations from Valley as per Ministry Requirements. The local government authorities. Achieved authorization begins with infant age, and we Breakthrough in 2015 have extended admission for 12 month olds. End Result 5-7: Identify strategic areas ● We launched a new alumni program with a new logo, new website page and dedicating for institutional advancement and long-term a person to build the program. A summer implementation plans. Recommended for event is being planned for June 2017. We 2016: Breakthrough intend to build alumni relations with more Update from 2014-2016: events, outreach programs and involvement ● We appointed a Project Manager for in school. the Language Center to study areas of ● We strengthened ties with local authorities future development. A strategic plan was through a) invitations to special event and developed with re-invented business model conferences b) sharing best practices c) and we appointed the Director to oversee compliance and transparency implementation and development. The Language Center will launch its new Strategic ● We strengthened stakeholder relations Plan (2016-17): Core to our strategic planning in private sector and creation of strategic exercise this year, the expansion of the partnerships with three companies: Cafe center’s mission from language instruction Velez/Hoja Verde, ARCA Continental and alone, to a partnership and enrichment Telefonica as well as strong commercial center that utilizes language learning as a relationship with: e.g. Schlumberger, General foundation. This September, we will launch Motors, Aon, Citibank etc. the new re-invented Language Center. We will also consider having an advisory Board, ● Restructured the Admissions Office to have a involve AC faculty, further develop marketing recruiting specialist who will focus on student and communications for the Language recruitment by building relationships with Center. pre-schools, HR departments of corporations, ● We developed an expanded Learning Support embassies. Partnered closely with and Special Education program at AC and Communications and External Relations when formed partnership with Arca/Coca-Cola who contacting shared interests in corporations. gave a substantial gift to this program. We will continue to further develop the program, ● We want to increase our focus on student including the Life Skills component, and may recruitment through visits to preschools, possibly expand the therapeutic offerings corporations and embassies, create events such as speech and occupational therapy. We and workshops for these clients to increase have hired an Adaptive PE specialist and also interest in our school. provide Adaptive Art and Music classes. ● We have contracted with Flansburgh Architects in Boston to develop a Master Facility Plan which will guide future facility decisions over the long term. 22 Learn in Community www.cotopaxi.k12.ec
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