THE ADVANTAGES OF LISTING WITHDENNIS GALANTEHIS PASSION FOR NEW YORK CITYDennis’ love for NYC Real Estate is cultivated by his 15+ yearsof experience as a real estate investor. He is passionate abouthis work, inspired by his clients and treats every deal as if itwas his own. Dennis brings trust, ethics and diligence to allsides of real estate transaction.WE’VE GOT THE CITY COVEREDOur offices are an essential part of the BOND experience andeach office is part of the fabric of its neighborhood. In additionto our beautiful retail location window displays marketing ourproperties, we regularly hold events to promote our communityand the culture within it.EXPERIENCED INDUSTRY LEADERSBOND New York was founded in 2000 and has sincegrown to become the largest independently owned real estatebrokerage in the city with over 500 agents and 5 officesstrategically located throughout the city. BOND is rankedamong the top real estate firms in the city.CUTTING EDGE TECHNOLOGYBOND has a dynamic web presence with over a million hits amonth, 60,000 unique users running searches in our databaseand up to 12 chat leads per hour at peak. We have a state-of-the-art portable database connected to top web platformsincluding Facebook, Twitter, Craigslist, NY Times, Trulia, Zillowand StreetEasy. We also have an automatic listing updatefeed sent to our customers.
ELITE IN-HOUSE MARKETING TEAMOur in-house creative team has over 15 years of experience inevery media form. We have in-house copywriters and graphicdesigners as well as in-house public relations and socialmedia teams. BOND has one of the highest Klout Scores inthe industry for social media and has one of the top real estateblogs in NYC.GLOBAL REACHBOND New York is part of a select group of brokers inManhattan servicing the largest global relocation network inthe industry with access to hundreds of top qualified buyersfrom all over the world.PERSONAL TOUCHBOND was built on the lifelong friendship of its founders.The trust, support, and camaraderie they have relied on tosustain that relationship all these years is the backbone forwhich BOND exists. It permeates every relationship at our firmfrom management to agent, from agent to client.
WHAT DETERMINES PRICEOur brokers look at various aspects to determine the marketvalue of your property. We take into account things such as:MARKETPLACEIn the end, it’s the marketplace that will determine the price. AtBOND, we use our vast knowledge of, experience in, and dataon the New York market to calculate where we think the propertywill trade, but ultimately, the market dictates the actual price.LOCATIONThe single greatest factor in determining the price is location.COMPETITIONBuyers will compare and interpret value based on otheravailable properties.TIMINGMarket conditions change and cannot be manipulated. Aneffective marketing plan and pricing strategy must take theseconditions into account.CONDITIONProperty condition directly affects the price and speed of thesale.
MAXIMIZING REAL ESTATE VALUEOften, simple cosmetic changes can be made with minimaltime and expense to increase the value of your property.Since buyers compare competing properties, we suggesta few practical tips to make yours stand out. Eliminate clutter Your property will feel larger and brighter, while allowing prospective buyers to explore it comfortably, envisioning it with their own personal touches. Repair If you think something is too much trouble to fix, chances are buyers will, too. Making repairs allows you to present your property in a better light and increase its value. C lean Presenting a clean home to a buyer shows them the home has been valued and cared for. Presentation Place fresh flowers in the apartment, open all of the drapes/blinds, turn on all of the lights, make the beds, put all clothes away, turn off the televisions, and be sure the kitchen and baths shine. Leave Potential buyers are much more comfortable and will be more likely to discuss how they feel about a property if the seller is not at home during the showing.
WHAT WE DOBROKER COMMUNITY OUTREACHOver 94% of properties in New York City are sold by co-brokers. As members of REBNY, we share your listing with theother real estate firms and 14,500 licensees that are REBNYmembers. We also broadcast your listing to every other majorreal estate listing site to guarantee your property is reachingevery qualified buyer being represented by an agent at anyfirm. This effectively puts your property in front of millions ofpotential buyers.TARGETED SOCIAL MEDIAWe have committed significant time and resources to buildstrategies and targeted engagement with thousands offollowers in order to effectively reach viable buyers. Weproduce original, shareable content that has successfullysupported our position as leaders in the industry and increasedour clients’ exposure.PROFESSIONAL VIDEO / PHOTOGRAPHYOur in-house team of professional videographers andphotographers guarantees timely photos and video taken,edited, and posted on demand.OPEN HOUSESBOND will organize, promote and execute open housesfor your property. All open houses are staffed with BONDprofessionals. Showsheets as well as other relevant marketingmaterials are prepared for distribution.
CUSTOM MARKETING MATERIALSEach listing is evaluated and materials, from postcard mailingsto brochures showcasing your home, are created in-house tobest market your home.STOREFRONT PROPERTY LISTINGSYour property is featured in our beautiful light box windowdisplays located in our retail offices for maximum exposure tolocal foot traffic.PUBLIC RELATIONSIn the last year, we had nearly twice the amount of pressmentions as our biggest competitors. We get our clients’properties highlighted consistently in top-tier publications. In thelast year we have been featured in The New York Times, NewYork Magazine, New York Observer, New York Post, The RealDeal, Wall Street Journal, and REW/Brokers Weekly, just toname a few.CURRENT ACTIVE CUSTOMER BASEThere are hundreds of BOND agents working in sales andone of them may have the perfect buyer for your home. Whenyou list with BOND, your property immediately goes out to theentire BOND marketplace of buyers who have already beenpre-screened and pre-approved for financing.STATE OF THE ART WEBSITE EXPOSUREOver 95% of property searches begin online. BONDnewyork.com is one of the industry’s most highly trafficked websites, withover 35,000 unique visitors per month. We also syndicate yourproperty to every major real estate listing website available.
MARKETING PLANSCHEDULE PHOTOGRAPHER AND VIDEOGRAPHERBOND will schedule a Professional photographer andvideographer for pictures and video to be used in marketingmaterials.VIRTUAL STAGINGWe will create a virtually staged environment to increase visualaccessible of the home.LIST PROPERTY WITH RLSImmediately, your listing will be available to every broker inthe community to share with their pool of buyers.LIST PROPERTY ON BOND NEW YORKYour property will be available to all BOND agents to sharewith their pool of buyers as well as potential buyers visiting oursite every day.PLACEMENT IN OUR WINDOW DISPLAY LIGHT BOXESYour property will be featured in the window of our retaillocations.EMAIL BLAST TO ALL BOND AGENTSYour property will be announced via personal email to over500 agents at BOND.CREATION & EDITORIAL PITCH FOR PUBLIC RELATIONSOur in-house marketing team will create an editorial feature tobe pitched to a target publicist.
JUST LISTED MAILINGA custom 6 x 9 postcard will be mailed to 250 currentresidents both in your building and in the area showcasingyour property.BROKER BLASTA professional email blast featuring your property will be sentto over 13,000 brokers in our brokerage community.PRIVATE EMAIL PRE-OFFER TO BROKER CONTACT LISTWe will send the listing to a private list of brokers we have along standing relationship with.FEATURE ON BOND SOCIAL MEDIAYour property will be featured on all of our social media sitesto get your property to target audiences.HOLD OPEN HOUSESIn addition to private showings, an open house will be heldfor both brokers and prospective buyers. We will manage allaspects of the open house from preparation to follow up.CUSTOM SHOWSHEETS FOR OPEN HOUSESOur in-house marketing team will create custom show sheetsshowcasing your property’s features to be distributed at theopen house.FEATURE IN OUR PROPERTIES SHOWCASE PUBLICATIONYour property will be featured in BOND’s Properties Showcasepublication which is distributed to all of our sales customers.
CLOSING COSTS:COOPERATIVESBREAKDOWN OF SELLERS COSTSBroker’s commision % of sale priceSeller’s attorney $2,500 and upCo-op attorney $400 - $600Flip Tax VariesMove-out deposit $500 - $1,000 (refundable)New York City transfer tax 1% of sale price for purchases of $500,000 or less 1.425% of price for purchases over $500,000 (commonly paid by Seller)New York State transfer tax 0.4% of priceTransfer tax filing fee $25Payoff Bank attorney $300 and upUCC-3 filing fee $100 and upCLOSING COSTS:CONDOMINIUMS & SINGLE FAMILY HOMESBREAKDOWN OF SELLERS COSTSBroker’s commision % of sale priceSeller’s attorney $2,500 and upManaging agent processing fee $450 - $650Move-out deposit $500 - $1,000 (refundable)New York City transfer tax 1% of sale price for purchases of $500,000 or less 1.425% of price for purchases over $500,000 (commonly paid by Seller)New York State transfer tax 0.4% of priceTitle and recording fee $100 and upMortgage satisfaction fee $150 - $300Payoff Bank attorney $300 and up
A New York City native, Dennis has an innate understandingof this vibrant city – from the beaches of Brooklyn to the hillsof the Bronx. His hybrid background of real estate, facilitiesmanagement, fine art and advertising contribute to his extensiveindustry knowledge and give him the ability to maximize hisclient’s exposure. As the proud father of three, all college honor‐roll graduates, Dennis understands not only the unique challengesof home ownership but also the challenges families encounter inan urban environment. He personally works with each client toformulate a real estate plan, including financing, neighborhood,building preferences and quality of life queries. Also an avid andsuccessful real estate investor of 25 years, Dennis draws from hispersonal business experience and life lessons to connect buyersand sellers in creative and fruitful ways. He brings his uniquediplomacy to all sides of the real estate transaction at BOND anddraws on his talent for both investment properties and residentialsales and rentals.Dennis studied at The New School and received his certificationin Facilities Management from The Steven L. Newman Real EstateInstitute. Prior to following his passion for Real Estate, Dennis wasa renowned photographer. His Chelsea studio, Dennis GalantePhotography, Inc., produced multiple award winning images forinternational advertising campaigns. Dennis is passionate aboutall things New York and volunteers with a variety of organizationsacross the city. DENNIS GALANTE LICENSED REAL ESTATE SALESPERSON OFFICE: 212.645.8800 MOBILE: 917.620.5423E-MAIL: [email protected]
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