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Home Explore Sales_Agent_OnBoarding_Guide


Published by Carla, 2016-10-28 12:01:33

Description: Sales_Agent_OnBoarding_Guide


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WELCOME TO BONDWe look forward to fostering a relationship with you that will help you succeed in the real estateindustry. This guide will familiarize you with the essential people, processes, and resourcesyou need to get started. PROCESSING & ADMINISTRATION NEIL FUCHS MONIKA MASAROVAHuman Resources Manager Operations and [email protected] [email protected] Columbus Circle Columbus Circle 646.666.2307 212.582.2009 MARKETING DEPARTMENT BREE PERLMAN CARLA HARRILAL KOSOVARE MULAJ Director of Marketing Graphic Designer Marketing [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Columbus Circle Columbus Circle Columbus Circle 646.666.2216 646.666.2263 646.666.2376 TRAINING AND SALES MANAGEMENT FRED SLAVIN VERONICA RAEHSE DOUGLAS WAGNER Sales Manager Sales Manager Director of Brokerage [email protected] [email protected] Union Square Office [email protected] 646.723.3001 Columbus Circle Columbus Circle 212.792.9240 212.582.2009 x417

GETTING STARTEDPAPERWORKThe following paperwork will be completed before you begin working in associationwith BOND. All paperwork is processed every Monday and Wednesday between9am – 12pm. You can expect your paperwork to be processed on the Monday orWednesday immediately following your joining BOND.NEW AGENT FORM – This form is to be completed by every agent starting at BOND.This form includes your social security number, contact information and BOND startdate. You will also provide a password that will be used for your email, and Bentley.INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT – This document is to be completed byevery agent starting at BOND. This form covers the policies and procedures at BOND,your commission splits, advertising regulations and fair housing policies. You mustacknowledge and agree to this form by signing it.REAL ESTATE BOARD OF NEW YORK (REBNY) FORM – This is a membership applicationto REBNY and is to be completed by every agent at BOND. BOND is a member ofREBNY and therefore every person who holds a license under BOND must also be amember of REBNY. Yearly membership dues are paid to REBNY. A fee of $250 is dueupon signing for newly licensed salespersons. A fee of $275 is due for experienced(more than one year) Salespersons. A fee of $425 is due for Associate Brokers. If youare currently licensed with another brokerage, and are up to date on your REBNYdues, you can request a transfer of your REBNY license. The request should be sentto [email protected]. (Please note: prices are subject to change year to year per REBNY.)ERRORS AND OMMISSION (E & O) – $392 will be deducted from your first deal inorder to cover E & O fees. This insurance protects you against lawsuits or incidentsthat may occur during a sales transaction. This fee is due yearly and the amount issubject to change. (Please note: prices are subject to change year to year.)

SALES RESOURCESOn the same day as your paperwork is processed, you gain access to the followingresources:BOND EMAIL – Monika Masarova will assign you an email address. Your passwordwill be the one you provided on your New Agent Information Form. An email willbe sent to your manager once your email is live with instructions on how to log in.BOND has several email groups. You will automatically be enrolled in your officeemail group & sales emails, and the company email.BENTLEY ACCESS – Bentley is BOND’s internal proprietary listings database forrentals. All agents receive access to Bentley. Your Bentley username is your first name,space, your last name. The password is the one you provided on your New AgentInformation Form.OLR – Monika Masarova will send a request to OLR to provide you with access toour account and you will receive a user ID and password. If you have listings in OLRfrom a previous firm, send William an email letting him know and he will request alistings transfer.GOOGLE DRIVE – BOND Google drive is by invitation only and provides you withaccess to our guides, forms, applications and letterhead. Monika will send you anemail inviting you to join Google drive.DESK ASSIGNMENT - Desk assignment is left to the discretion of each manager andis determined based on their experience and a desire to create the maximum comfortlevel for each agent. You will receive your desk assignment when you arrive at yournew office.PHONE SET UP – Setting up your phone is unique to each office and individualInstructions.

MARKETING RESOURCES1. SHOW SHEET REQUEST FORM - Showsheets are created by marketing, send an email [email protected] (If you don’t have the photos, let us know who the photographerwas). Showsheet proofs will take a maximum of 2 days to be sent to you. If you need a showsheetfor a weekend open house, please submit your show sheet request form no later than Wednesdayat 12pm.2. LARGE QUANTITY IN-HOUSE PRINTING REQUESTS - All showsheets should be printedby the admin in your office using the supplied paper. If we are working on a special mailing orevent and it is being printed in the marketing department, please allow for a full day for printing.We will always try to honor last minute requests, but they cannot be guaranteed if our printingschedule is full.3. PAPER FOR BIOS AND TESTIMONIALS - New paper has been created for bios andtestimonials. The paper has a green border pre-printed. This makes it very easy to print, just putit into the printer and print your bio or testimonials.4. BIOS - If you have requested your bio to be written for you from the marketing department,allow one week turn around time. You will be sent an invitation to edit a draft in Google Driveand once your edits are complete, your bio will be submitted to Brian Hourigan, who will uploadit onto the BOND website. Please note: once your bio has been posted, if you wish to make edits,send them directly to Brian Hourigan and he will update it for you. ([email protected])5. EMAIL BLASTS TO CONCTACTS - If you have requested an email blast (personal, not abroker blast) please submit your email list to the marketing department in an excel file. The listmust be 100% complete & contain three cells: First Name, Last Name and (1) Email Address.For Newsletter-Style E-mail blasts, be sure to submit the content/copy along with any links toarticles you would like us to include. For “Broker Blasts” (Open-House Blasts) contact MonikaMasarova at [email protected]. MARKETING APPOINTMENTS - If you wish to discuss a custom project or other marketingrelated matters, please contact the marketing department to make an appointment at [email protected]. We are not able to see agents without an appointment.8. UPLOADING YOUR LISTINGS - Uploading listings is done using Bentley 2.0 and OLR. Forinstructions on how to upload your listings, please see the UPLOAD YOUR LISTINGS on GoogleDrive. If you are having trouble, please contact your sales manager for assistance.

MARKETING RESOURCES9. LISTING PHOTOS - If you need photos taken of your property, please contact your manager,or you can submit a photo request form to Brian Hourigan.10. SALES PITCH PACKAGES - The new pitch packages are available in each office. Thereis also a pdf document, as well as a google slide version available on Drive if needed.11. HEADSHOTS - Prior to the date, Monika Masarova will send out an email with detailedinstructions— to announce the next upcoming session. At that point, you may sign up for aspecific time slot.12. BUSINESS CARDS - To order business cards, send an email to [email protected]. They will provide you with the link to the online ordering site.The cost for 500 cards is $85.00 (1,000 cards is $125.00) Payment must be submitted to youroffice manager (check or credit card). Once payment is complete, the order will be approvedand printed.13. TESTIMONIALS - Testimonials are posted on the BOND website by Brian Hourigan. If youhave questions regarding your testimonials- contact him at: [email protected]. JUST LISTED/JUST SOLD - 250 of your Just Listed / Just Sold mailings are paid for byBOND. (You are responsible for anything that exceeds that quantity and will be billed). Youhave 30 days to use your Just Sold and Just Listed mailings. For Just Listed, it is 30 days from theday the listing goes live. For Just Sold, it is 30 days from closing. To order- send your request to:[email protected]. GENERAL QUESTIONS - If you aren’t sure of where to direct your question, email [email protected] and the appropriate person will contact you within 24 hours to assist.

SALES TRAINING SCHEDULEMONDAY 10AM - 12PM Columbus Circle WHO WE ARE AND WHAT WE DO AS 23rd Floor BROKERS, WHAT TO DO YOUR FIRST TWO WEEKS IN THE BUSINESS.THURSDAY 10AM - 12PM Chelsea Office NETWORKING AND PITCHING YOURSELF, GETTING LISTINGS AND EXCLUSIVES.FRIDAY 10AM - Union Square THE 24 OBJECTIONS TO OVERCOME WHEN 11:30PM Office LISTING. THE BENEFITS OF REBNY, THE RLS AND OLR.MONDAY 10AM - 12PM Columbus Circle WORKING WITH BUYERS, COOPS 23rd Floor & CONDOS 101THURSDAY 10AM - 12PM Chelsea Office STRUCTURE OF A DEAL, MORTGAGES 101, BOND MARKETING DEPARTMENT.FRIDAY 10AM - 12PM Union Square PUTTING IT ALL TO USE - ROLE PLAYING Office WITH BUYERS AND SELLERSAll new agents in sales offices are required to take Sales 101 - and you must attend every session. Classeswill be taught by Stacey Max, Veronica Raehse, Fred Slavin with a few invited guests.

COLUMBUS CIRCLE CHELSEA UNION SQUARE UPPER EAST SIDE 1776 Broadway 64 West 21st Street 853 Broadway 1500 Second Avenue New York, NY 10010 New York, NY 10021New York, NY 10019 New York, NY 10003 212.582.2009 212.645.8800 212.672.6350 212.584.4220

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