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Home Explore Residential Relocation Brochure

Residential Relocation Brochure

Published by Carla, 2019-06-11 16:23:19

Description: Residential Relocation Brochure


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BOND RELOCATION BOND Relocation is a full-service relocation firm offering comprehensive programs designed to minimize the stress so common in relocating. We offer an extensive suite of services that thoroughly prepare, establish, and acclimatize you to New York. Our Relocation Agents are expertly trained to handle the complex paperwork, preparation, and housing challenges involved in relocating, while our Relocation Concierge and Settling-In team provide all the life management services you will need to feel at home in a new city. Our success is a reflection of our unwavering investment in our work and uncompromising investment in our clients. ABOUT BOND BOND New York is the largest independently owned and fastest growing real estate agency in New York. We represent over 80 buildings exclusively and house over 650 licensed professionals in 5 separate offices throughout Manhattan. BOND New York is distinguished by our quality customer service, hands-on management staff, advanced technology for providing inventory, landlord relationships, and ability to cultivate the best new talent out there.

RELOCATION: STEP BY STEP Have an open and honest conversation with your Relocation Agent. Be upfront about any credit issues, concerns or things that might affect your ability to rent or buy an apartment.This will allow him or her to make the necessary adjustments to your search, anticipate any obstacles, and find the solutions necessary to ensure you find the best housing possible. Make a list of apartment criteria. This should include “must haves” and “want to haves” as well as some neighborhoods you might be interested in. Your Relocation Agent can help guide you in the right direction based on your commute and budget. Schedule an appointment with your Relocation Specialist. This will be the time when you will go see apartments based on your criteria. Once you have found your apartment, your Relocation Agent will work to secure the property, submit your paperwork and handle any necessary negotiations. Notify necessary bureaus and companies of your move. The following companies will need your change of address: • Post Office • Insurance companies (life, homeowners, health, auto) • Local credit bureau and creditors • Financial institutions (savings, loans, checking accounts, or stock) • Magazines (obtain change-of-address cards from the Post Office for free) • Clubs or associations (athletic, medical, hobby) • Internal Revenue Service Notify service companies of your move. The following companies will need to know that you will no longer need their service or will be transferring an account: • Electric • Cable • Gas or fuel oil • Internet • Telephone • Lawn care service • Newspaper • Refuse Contact services and companies for your new home. Our Relocation Concierge will help you determine what services you will need and how to go about setting them up. Included in this folder is a list of essential contact numbers to get you started.

PREPARE In addition to a thorough Needs Assessment and paperwork preparation, both housing and area tours are available prior to your move, free of charge. Beyond these essentials, we work with you to provide any additional initial requirements, from short term housing to visas. ESTABLISH Our Relocation Agents are skilled to handle your specialized housing needs. With access to our extensive inventory, your ability to navigate the market effectively and efficiently, as well as your hands-on care, ensures you will receive the best possible terms for your new home. ACCLIMATE Our goal is to make sure you feel comfortable living and working in the city and we will do whatever it takes to make that happen. Our free services help you get acclimated through our esteemed partnerships with New York’s most recognizable vendors.

THE RELOCATION TEAM After ten years in the real estate business, there is still nothing more gratifying to Mantigne then seeing the smile on a client’s face when she has found them the right home. Over the years, she has built a reputation for never giving-up on a client’s dreams and always remaining positive no matter how stressful a situation may be. She has an innate ability to calm down an out- of-control situation and reset the narrative whenever necessary. Mantigne believes that knowledge is power and she seeks to arm her clients with as much necessary information as possible. She also believes in consistent, transparent communication and makes sure her clients are updated every step of the way. Mantigne Toure Before becoming a real estate professional, Mantigne worked in cosmetics for companies such as Estee Lauder corporation Licensed Real Estate Salesperson where she worked in product development for Clinique and Chanel where she was a beauty advisor. It was in this industry BOND New York Real Estate that she mastered her ability to understand and satisfy her Licensed Real Estate Broker clients’ needs. 853 Broadway, 15th Floor New York, NY 10003 Originally from Senegal, Guinea, Mantigne has lived in New York for sixteen years and was drawn to the city because of its Phone: 631-482-0015 variety of cultures and people. When not exploring the city, she Mobile: 631-482-0015 likes to explore the world, counting travelling as a number one E-mail: hobby that allows her to see all the different architecture that’s © 2019 BOND New York. All material presented herein is intended for information purposes only.While information is believed to be correct, it is represented subject to errors, omissions, changes, or withdrawals without notice. All property information, including but not limited to, square footage and number of bedrooms, is approximate. If your home is currently listed with another broker this is not intended to solicit that listing. Exact measurements should be verified by your own attorney, architect, engineer, or zoning expert. BOND New York is a broker that supports Equal Housing Opportunity.