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Home Explore Why You Should Use a Buyers Broker

Why You Should Use a Buyers Broker

Published by Carla, 2017-06-20 09:56:11

Description: Why You Should Use a Buyers Broker


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WOULD YOU HIRE AN OPPOSING ATTORNEY TO REPRESENT YOU ON THESAME CASE?Ready to start your home search and thinking about doing it on your own? Thereare more resources and information out there than ever before that make it seemeasy. But the truth is, the process is a lot more complicated than searching for ahome online and setting up an appointment to see it.Below are the TOP 5 REASONS why you want a buyer’s broker on your side. 1. THE SELLER HAS REPRESENTATION, SO SHOULD YOU The seller has a listing agent that is representing their interests so you want tomake sure you have someone that is looking out for you. A buyer’s agent will havean unbiased view of the listing and will work solely on your behalf to make sureyou understand every aspect of your transaction. Buying a home is usually thesingle largest purchase we make in our lives and you want to make sure you arerepresented, protected and gets the best value for your money. 2. IT’S FREE The Seller is responsible for paying the broker commissions, not the buyer. So whywouldn’t you want someone looking out for your interests, making sure you arewell represented, negotiate on your behalf and take care of you every step of theway--especially if you don’t have to pay extra for it? W W W. B O N D N E W YO R K . CO M

3. MARKET KNOWLEDGEHaving a buyer’s agent means having someone on the inside on your side. Anexpert will be able to provide you with all the information you need, not just onthe property you are considering, but other similar properties or “comps.” Knowinghow much other properties sold for in the area, or in the same building (and why)is important information to have when you are making an offer. Your broker willalso be able to provide an estimate of value and future salability of the propertyto help you understand its true value. And if this property doesn’t work out? Youragent will know about other properties that meet your needs. Your agent will alsohave a network of finance specialists and attorneys who can provide the necessarysupport to bring your bid to contract and your purchase to closing. 4. EXPERT NEGOTIATORMaking an offer and negotiating with a seller can be the most difficult part of theprocess. It can also be extremely stressful and emotional. Having a buyer’s agentmeans that you have a neutral party at the table that will not be emotional or nervousor stressed in a way that could lead to making a mistake. Their job is to make surethey negotiate on your behalf and work to make the best deal for you - and mostlikely even save you money. W W W. B O N D N E W YO R K . CO M

5. APPLICATION AND BOARD PACKAGE EXPERTISEHaving a buyer’s agent assist you with the application or board package processwill save you time, a lot of stress and may make or break you getting your futurehome. As an expert in the industry, they know how the application or board packageneeds to be presented and can work strategically to present you as the best possiblecandidate for the property, giving you a competitive edge.WHAT ARE “FIDUCIARY RESPONSIBILITIES” AND WHAT DO THEY MEAN?When you choose an agent for representation, you will sign a The NY State Disclosureform. This agreement will hold the agent liable for several things if violated or notperformed. Their legal responsibilities to you include: • Full disclosure of useful information. • Accounting on all matters. • Confidentiality in all matters. • Loyalty to You and not the Seller • Obedience to Buyer’s directions. • Negotiating the best price for the Buyer. • Reasonable Care to Buyer’s needs. W W W. B O N D N E W YO R K . CO M

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