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Home Explore QMiS_SharedServices


Published by lindamaybe, 2016-03-01 23:51:58

Description: QMiS_TechServices_5.5x8.5_vFinal2


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Knowledge. Technology. Workflow. Solutions.Shared Services Technology Business PROCESS Solutions Solutions Services Software Indexing and Compliance Checks, Programming, Red Flags, Data Document Review, AssessmentDatabase Design and Management, Data Management Engineering, Entry, and Document Processes Data Validation Processing

The Benefits of Working with QMiS Adding Enabling Seamless Value Transition Consultation ServiceS Post-implementationAs finance, banking, and Support Servicesaccounting companies you havethe responsibility of providing Once a project goes live and theaccurate information. You need project implementation team hasto protect your client’s sensitive left, QMiS continues to supportdata, retrieve right information you. Your implemented projectat the right time, and comply with needs continued support tothe tax guidelines of a territory ensure a smooth transition.or country. By employing in-house resources to manage these QMIS’s professionals haveactivities, you are unable to focus hands-on experience in providingon your core competencies. competent post-implementation support services. We have a well-QMiS provides cost effective IT trained and qualified team totransformation solutions for peo- handle Microsoft technologies.ple, process and technology. Weprovide agile methodology-basedIT solutions that help your IT infra-structure evolve with your growingbusiness needs. All our solutionsare provided with User-friendlydashboard so that you can easilyaccess information. An email fea-ture notifies clients and employeesabout the latest status updates.

Improving Providing Performance Automation and Scalability Re-engineering, Migration and Cloud Implementation Upgrade Services ServicesRapid digitization of businessesand evolving customer demand Rapid globalization of businesses,for better experience is forcing standardization of processes,companies to shift from legacy and the need for scalability tosystems to adopt advanced respond quickly to operationaltechnologies. However, these and strategic changes is drivingmigration processes and integra- adoption to cloud technologies.tion of systems, database andapplications come with their own Team QMIS has the expertise toset of challenges. provide solutions on all cloud types – public, private and hybrid.QMIS has the capability and deep We have the capability to managedomain experience to execute complex integration projectssuch migration projects smoothly. including testing of applicationsBest of all, we are an expert with and other components, whileunparalleled mastery in Microsoft ensuring a smooth transitiontechnologies. for you. Managing Your Investments in IT IT PortfolioOrganizations have a growing number of internal projects withlimited resources to spare. We understand the value of every moneyspent and priorities within an organization spread across Application,Infrastructure and Project portfolio. With us, you can be assured ofmoney well-spent and higher return on your investments.

About QMiSQMiS Systems is a United States QMiS has also developed pro-owned technology and process gramming code for proprietaryoutsource company with off- platforms such as Appraisal Man-shore operations in the city of agement, MAS (MERS® AuditingKochi, India. Software) and Indexing Docu- ment Software.QMiS Systems was founded in2013 by Tommy A. Duncan, CEO Our vision is to empower indus-of Quality Mortgage Services, tries to be strategic with their ef-LLC, The Mortgage QC and Audit forts by providing off-shore andTechnology Solutions Company, a cost effective business and tech-company located in Franklin, TN. nology solutions.Currently, QMiS Systems serves QMiS Systems solutions provideclients by providing process so- organizations with the manage-lutions and software develop- ment of the necessary staff, re-ment. Over the last three years, sources and project managementQMiS has managed the re- tools to achieve set of MARS™, an intui-tive, comprehensive, QC soft- Contact us today to learn more.ware. MARS™ is QMS proprietaryaudit methodology software. (615) 591-2528 [email protected]

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