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Home Explore A guide to FORS benefits

A guide to FORS benefits

Published by susie.humby, 2018-02-23 06:40:53

Description: A guide to FORS benefits


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“What’s in it for me?” A guide to FORS benefits

Contents: What do I get for my FORS membership? ................................3 And what do my drivers get out of it?.............................................5 Training for fleet managers .............................................................................7 Going for Bronze................................................................................................ 8 FORS Practitioner workshops ...................................................10 Essential O Licence maintenance........................................ 12 Training for drivers...................................................................................................... 13 Safe Urban Driver training ..............................................................14 Staying Legal course ................................................................................ 16 Van Smart driver training .................................................................18 eLearning for van drivers.................................................................................20 eLearning for all drivers..................................................................................... 22 Cycle Safety .......................................................................................................... 22 WRRR ................................................................................................................................ 22 Fuel....................................................................................................................................... 22 Parking / Loading Legally ............................................................... 22 Best practice toolkits .............................................................................................24 Toolbox Talks........................................................................................................................ 26 Van Smart toolkit...........................................................................................................28 Discounts and offers ............................................................................................... 291

“ FORS membership can bring you serious savings ” 2

“ What do I get for my FORS membership? ”3

A best practice mindset “ Boost fleetYour fleet, large or small, from vans through to efficiency... focusartics, stands to gain with FORS membership. on safety... reduceFORS can help increase levels of safety andcompliance while at the same time boosting running costs...productivity. You can better utilise your fleet by improve fueltraining your drivers, monitoring fuel use, reducingthe number of collisions and reducing penalty economy”charges. Best practice, pure and simple. “ Free trainingImprove your performance anddevelop your skill set courses for‘FORS Professional’ training offers a drivers and managers.comprehensive range of manager and driver toolkits totraining to develop your team’s skills andknowledge at every level, and to improve take away”performance across your fleet. Investing in yourteam will empower and motivate individuals, “ Fortnightly eNewsensuring you have the best people on the job. bulletins... exclusiveA reduction in running costs offers from FORS AssociatesFORS can help you to save serious money onfines, insurance, maintenance and at the fuel ”and Partnerspumps. Through best practice, FORS memberscan recognise inefficiencies, and turn them round.Funded training Exclusive offersNew business opportunities ToolkitsWarning signage FORS eNews 4

“ And what do my drivers get out of it? ”5

Drivers – ambassadors for “ FORS approvedyour business training coursesThrough carefully designed FORS approved can help yourtraining courses, you can help your drivers drivers becometo become the best of the best. By providing the best ofa range of engaging courses, including SafeUrban Driving and improving fuel economy, the best”your drivers will become an increasinglyvaluable asset. “ Your drivers canIncrease their knowledge base increase traffic flow, reduceBy understanding current legislation andgetting up to speed on the latest rules of delays and cutthe road, your drivers can actually help to running costs forincrease traffic flow, reduce delays and cutrunning costs for your business – and it will ”your businessmake their work more enjoyable at the sametime. A happy driver is a productive driver. “ As a benefit toThey’ll reduce the risk of FORS members,collisions blind spot warning stickers are availableEngaging with FORS safety training courses– each tailored to specific driving licence to order free ofholders – your drivers will significantly charge from FORSreduce the chances of having a roadaccident, thus helping prevent injury to online”themselves and other road users. 6

“ What training is available for managers? ”7

Training for fleet managers “ Register on line,Going for Bronze download the FORS standard, attendAre you preparing for your FORS audit for ‘Going for Bronze’,the first time? Or addressing issues raisedat a previous audit? Our Going for Bronze ”request an auditworkshop is designed to guide and support youthrough the process – from registration right “ Going for Bronzethrough to your Bronze accreditation. booklet guidesThe course covers topics including: you through the The benefits of Bronze whole accreditation Overview of the FORS Standard How to meet the Bronze requirements process” Examples of non-conformity and avoiding the pitfalls “ New online Next steps after audit dashboard alertsThere’s also a great new personalised dashboard you to your nextspecific to your membership. Online access audit - keeping youallows you to track and manage your FORS in control of yourmembership - and you’ll receive notificationsof when your next audit is due. ”membershipFORS Handbook: Further support comes 8Going for Bronze in the shape of our FORS: Going for Bronze handbook, available free in hard-copy format to FORS members. Going for Bronze: https://www.fors-online. uploads/2016/05/FORS- Handbook-Going-for- BronzeMay.pdf

“ What workshops have you got to help me manage my fleet?”9

Training for fleet managers “ FORS PractitionerFORS Practitioner workshops workshopsFORS recognises that transport managers are comprise ninealso in need of support and development to helpthem with their busy everyday roles. To help you separateraise the bar within your transport operation,FORS has developed the FORS Practitioner modules”qualification; a series of nine workshops toprovide the facts, and practical guidance on: “ Transport Developing road transport policy professionals Managing work related road safety will equip Managing driver fitness and impairment Managing driver assessment and training themselves with Post-collision procedures and analysis the essential Safe and efficient fleet management tools of Reducing fuel use and minimising environmental impact the trade” Minimising transport fines and charges Monitoring and measuring road fleet performanceFORS Practitioner workshops: ment-workshop/ 10

“ How about managing my Operator’s Licence? ”11

Training for fleet managers “ One day courseFORS essential O Licence maintenance for transportMaintaining your O Licence is essential if you’rerunning vehicles over 3.5 tonnes. FORS offers managers”a one-day refresher course for experiencedtransport managers or, for professionals new “ Refresher orto the job, there’s a popular introductory coursethat provides an easy-to-understand guide to the introductorylicensing system - do you keep your O Licence in courses‘tip-top’ working order? available”You will learn all about: Operator Licence commitment “ O Licence, Introduction to drivers’ hours regulations EU driving, work time and break limits drivers’ hours, EU rest requirements driving abroad, Tachograph management Safe loading overview tachograph, Vehicle maintenance safe loading, Operator compliance risk score maintenance – allManaging your Operator’s Licence ”covered by FORSAwareness course: 12

“ Is there training specifically for my drivers? ”13

Training for truck drivers “ SUD coursesSafe Urban Driver training specifically for those who regularlyThanks to TfL funding, FORS is able to offerSafe Urban Driving (SUD) training for truck drive in an urbanand public service vehicle (PSVs) drivers whoregularly operate in an urban environment and ”environmentwhere there are high numbers of vulnerableroad users, such as cyclists and pedestrians. “ On yourThe training, available on courses across bike – driversthe country, involves a theory module in the will undertakeclassroom and a practical module whereparticipants ‘saddle-up’ to experience a practicalcyclist’s view of the road, helping drivers to cycle safetyappreciate the very real dangers faced byvulnerable road users every day. modules”Safe Urban Driver training: 14

“What about keeping on the right side of the law? ”15

Training for truck drivers “ Essential StayingStaying Legal course Legal coursesAgain through funding from TfL, FORS is able for commercialto offer Driver CPC accredited Staying Legalcourses. These courses keep drivers the ”vehicle driversright side of the law with a focus on operatorlicensing requirements, especially those that “ Fully Drivercan be affected by driver behaviours. CPC accreditedThe course syllabus includes: including a seven Operator licensing requirements Regulatory framework governing the ”hour module road transport industry Enforcement agencies that police non-compliant operations Enforcing regulations – the targeting methods used and the common offences Driver offences and the consequences of non-compliance A compliant driver A compliant vehicle A compliant journey Industry led initiatives to reduce Work Related Road Risk (WRRR)Staying Legal course: 16

“ I have a van fleet. What about my van drivers? ”17

Training for van drivers “ Van SmartVan Smart driver training training is at the heart of theFORS isn’t just about truck operators. Vans are FORS offering‘commercial vehicles too’ and FORS is geared-up specifically forto provide van-specific training and best practiceguidance – and that includes van drivers. ”van operatorsFORS offers the proven and popular Van Smart “ SUD trainingdriver training, again with TfL funding, consistingof a 3.5 hour theory module and a 3.5 hour includes theory‘on-your-bike’ practical module. and practicalMuch like the SUD training, the theory module ”‘on-bike‘ moduleaims to equip your drivers with the skill set soimportant in becoming a safer, more diligent and “ Van Smartmore defensive driver. The practical module getsdrivers in the saddle to provide bicycle instruction empowers youron how to improve awareness and driving drivers, providestechniques around vulnerable road users. them with skill sets and makes themKey Van Smart training objectives: ”more productive To equip van drivers with the skill set they need to plan and prepare for driving 18 To educate van drivers with the knowledge, skills and tools they need to carry out their duties safely, efficiently, responsibly and with maximum consideration for others To familiarise van drivers with the issues a vulnerable road user may face on public roads (on-cycle practical module)Drivers will also walk away from the Van Smartcourse with a driver handbook, a toolkit formanagers, a competency framework,Toolbox Talks and a poster set.Van Smart:

“ I can’t send my drivers away on courses. Does FORS provide eLearning for drivers? ”19

FORS eLearning for van drivers “ Van SmartVan Smart includes ‘On Route‘On Route to a Good Day’ is a module that is to a Good Daydesigned to simulate a typical day in the lifeof a driver while encouraging good practice module’ – availableacross all aspects of ‘vanmanship’. through FORSDrivers will work through a range of typical eLearning”scenarios that he or she may face in theirdaily routine. They will be asked to make “ Thoroughlyinformed decisions with the help of twoother characters representing the engaging coursesextremes of good and bad practice. to stimulateThis eLearning module is an engaging ”van driversand highly interactive game-based resource– both fun and educative. 20

“What specific areas are covered in the eLearning modules–what will my drivers learn? ”21

FORS eLearning for all drivers “ Cycle Safety,Cycle Safety – A keen awareness of cyclists is WRRR, Fuel,central to this course outcome – providing drivers Parking/Loadingwith all the essential information on cycle safety.The course delivers the knowledge and skills – all coveredto recognise the causes of collisions, to identifypotential hazards and how to minimise the risk by FORS”to vulnerable road users. “ Your driversWRRR – This course will provide drivers withall the essential information they need to know are probably theabout Work Related Road Risk. It will get drivers biggest singlethinking more about the causes of road collisionsand ultimately on how to prevent them. influencer on costs – FORS trainingFuel – Fuel economy is an obsession for every brings it alloperator and, as a driver, you are the biggestsingle influencer in being able to make your ”under controlvehicle go further for less. In this course, FORSprovides tips on efficient, defensive driving – “ Fuel is the biggestand it’s well proven to help reduce your fuel costs.You’ll also be able to pat yourself on the back cost of all and,knowing that you’re reducing the environmental with FORS training,impact of your fleet. a defensive driver can make seriousParking / Loading Legally – Penalty ChargeNotices (PCNs) are used to keep traffic moving. savings”FORS Parking / Loading Legally courses areproven to help reduce PCNs – and ensuringyour vehicles stay where they belong; on theroad and making money.eLearning: 22

“ And what else can help me improve fleet performance? ”23

FORS best practice toolkits - tools “ FORS providesof the trade a wide range ofAs well as offering the latest training and advice, everyday practicalFORS also offers best practice toolkits that youcan take away, including: advice to boost FORS performance management system ”productivity – demonstrates safety and efficiency improvements and progress through the “ Reduce PCNs, FORS accreditation levels fuel use tracker, Penalty charge notice toolkit – monitor, congestion manage and reduce the number of PCNs your business receives toolkits, anti-idling and much, Fuel use tracker – record and track fuel usage, monitor MPG, CO2 output and much more” efficiency improvements Cycle safety toolkit – minimise the risk of collisions between your vehicles and cyclists and other vulnerable road users Congestion toolkits – improve delivery plans and reduce the amount of time spent in traffic; saving you time and money Collision reporting and investigation tool – capture, investigate, analyse data and, ultimately, reduce collisions Anti-idling toolkits – practical advice to help reduce levels of unnecessary vehicle idling, reducing emissions as a result and increasing your bottom line.Tools: 24

“ So, lots of training, but, are there any course materials to take away? ”25

FORS Toolbox Talks “ FORS ToolboxFORS Toolbox Talks are a brilliant ‘take-away’ Talks are aresource that provides support material to help cornerstone ofyou promote your company’s safety, efficiency FORS, delivered inand environmental culture. FORS Toolbox handy ‘take-away’Talks focus on your drivers to help meet therequirements of Bronze accreditation, including: packs” Daily walk-round check “ FORS Toolbox Fuel and tyre usage Safe loading Talks cover just Vulnerable road users about all aspects Working at height and the prevention of safety, efficiency of falls from vehicles and environmental Vehicle manoeuvring Driving standards ”protection In-vehicle technology Health and Safety 26 Driver fitness and health Drivers hours and working time Routing and scheduling Incidents and collisionsFORS Toolbox Talks: Tools and tips to help you meet and maintain your FORS accreditation

“ Are there any van specific toolkits? ”27

Introducing the Van Smart toolkit “ Van-specificA new FORS product just for van operators, this FORS Toolbox Talks,TfL funded training program aims to reduce Work tailor-made for anyRelated Road Risk (WRRR), improve safety andcreate long-term behavioural change in the van van operation;sector. Components include: single vehicle or Driver handbook – covering everything a ”major fleets van driver needs to know about how to be a safe, professional and courteous driver “ Driver handbook, Toolkit for managers – this toolkit toolkit for includes guidance on recruiting safety-minded managers, FORS staff, improving van driving standards and Toolbox Talks for implementing internal safety campaigns. van operators, It also includes specific Van Smart ‘Toolbox Talks’ and awareness posters ”poster sets Competency framework – underpinning “ FORS is fully the whole programme and defining precisely the competencies that any van driver needs focused on the van to have, our competency framework describes sector with specific what a best practice van driver does, and what behaviours he or she must demonstrate training for van operators of Toolbox Talks – includes six van driver briefings to engender informal discussion any size” throughout the workforce. Each one focuses on a particular safety issue mirroring the key 28 messages taken from the Van Smart training programme Poster set – a series of posters that bring to life the six key messages of the Van Smart training programme. Get them up the walls so everyone can see them!Van Smart toolkit:

“ Are there any other discounts and offers? ”29

Exclusive discounts and offers “ Exclusivefor FORS members discounts and offersIn addition to the key benefits of funded manager from over 70 FORS-and driver training, access to toolkits and Toolbox approved AssociatesTalks, FORS members can also take advantageof some serious offers and discounts from over and Affinity70 FORS Associates and FORS Affinity Partners.These are companies with products and services Partners”proven to promote safety, reduce operating costsand / or protect the environment. “ FleetOffers and discounts are specially selected to help management, tachoyou meet and maintain your FORS accreditation, analysis, telematics,and to progress right through to FORS Goldstatus. FORS Associates and FORS Affinity vehicle safety,Partners represent: driver licence Fleet management checking” Tachograph analysis Telematics Vehicle safety systems (ie CCTV, proximity sensors) Driver licence checkingDiscounts and offers: Free blind spot warning stickers: 30

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