Hamzah Hussain Health Science 1 Mr.Pickett 4B
Table Of Contents System Pg. System Pg. Integumentary system 1 Digestive system Musculoskeletal system 2 Urinary system 7 Nervous system 3 Reproductive system 8 Special senses 4 9 Cardiovascular system 5 Respiratory system 6
Integumentary system ● Function:Acts as barrier and protection for body from outside world, it also regulates body temp. ● Vocabulary And releases wastes. derm/o, dermat/o-skin kerat/o-hard,cornea ● Vocabulary words: xer/o-dry xanth/o-yellow -Keratin-Structural protein making up hair,nails and skin erythr/o-red -Melanin-Pigment that gives people their color pedicu/o-lice -Hair follicle-grows hair by packing old cells together onych/o-nails -sebaceous gland-gland in skin which creates and myco-fungus secretes oil pil/o-hair -Sudoriferous gland-gland that produce and secrete lip/o-fat sweat. rhytid/o-sebum(secretes oil) - Hair shaft-traps a layer of air to add insulation for nerve albin/o-white response -Basement membrane-light membrane under the skin ● Health care careers -Melanocytes-cells that produce melanin pigment -Dermatologist-Doctor of the overall skin -Nail bed-skin beneath the nail plate. -Plastic surgeon-Surgeon for areas regarding -Arrector pili muscle-Muscle which makes hair stand up skin ● Diseases/disorders -Basal cell carcinoma-skin cancer beginning in basal cell -Acne-when hair follicle get filled with oil -Squamous cell carcinoma-uncontrolled growth of squamos cells -Melanoma-melanin cell becomes cancerous 1
Musculoskeletal System my/o-muscle ● Function:The function of this system is to provide myel/o-bone marrow form,support,stability, and production of blood for oste/o-bone body. cost/o-ribs crani/o-head/cranium ● Vocabulary -pexy-surgical fixation -bursa-fluid filled sac acting like a cushion for joints chondro-cartilage -cartilage-main type of connective tissue arthr/o-joint -ligament-tissue connecting bone to another bone -plegia-paralysis -tendon-tissue connecting bone to its muscle kenise/o-motion -collagen-protein found in main connective tissues. -diaphysis-middle of the bone -epiphysis-ends of a bone -fissure-groove or depression in bone -foramen-opening or hole in the bone -fracture-a accident to the bone including trauma ● diseases/disorders -ewing sarcoma-cancer that occurs in or around bones -gout-when uric acid crystallized and deposits into joints -arthritis-inflammation or disappearance of cartilage between joints -bunion-Toe moves out of place and creates extreme angle ● Health care careers -Podiatrist-A doctor of the foot. -orthopedic surgeon-A surgeon who operates on bones 2
Nervous system ● Function-Receives outside environment information and interprets it generating a Key terms: response to the information received. Neuro-nerve Encephal/o-the brain ● Vocabulary Myel/o-bone marrow -ipsilateral-same side of body Ambul/o-to walk -telencephalon-anterior part of forebrain -esthesia-feeling/sensation -nociceptive-in response to pain Mening/o-meninges -contralateral-opposite side of body Psych/o-mind -analgesia-absence or loss of pain concuss/o-shaken together -agnosia-failure to recognize familiar things -aneurysm-dilation of a blood vessel -apraxia-not being able to act properly -babinski's sign-reflex of the foot when turn up instead of down -dermatome-sends sensory message to a spinal nerve. ● Diseases/disorder -Bell's palsy-weakness in muscle on one part of face -cerebral aneurysm-Dilation of blood vessel in the brain -amyotrophic lateral sclerosis-weakens muscle because of nerve degeneration -alzheimer's-progressive disease that destroys memories. ● Health care careers -Neurologist-M.D that specializes in the brain -Psychiatrist-specializes in mental,behavioral, and emotional disorders ;M.D 3
Special senses ● Function-Organs which help the human connect to the outside world using the help of the nervous ● irid/o-iris system and the PNS. ● -cusis-hearing problem ● -opia-vision ● Vocabulary ● ot/o-ear -Canthus-corners of the eye ● tympan/o-eardrum(tympanic membrane) -Cornea-transient area of eye allowing light to enter ● ophthalm/o-eyes -Sclera-protective part of the fibrous layer ● -metry-process of viewing -Tympanic membrane-eardrum -Eustachian tube-neutralizes pressure between middle and external ear. -Cochlea-Converts vibrations to electrical impulses -Iris-Helps focus light(colored area) -Cones-In the eye;responsible for color perception -Rods-responsible for lower light levels perception -Retina-Converts wavelengths into electrical signal in eyes ● Diseases/disorders -Glaucoma-increased pressure in eye due to excess sugar -Conduction deafness-Due to loss of sound waves transmission -Otitis media-inflammation of middle ear -Anosmia-total or partial loss of smell ● Healthcare careers -Optometrist-Not a M.D but a profession in the eye -Audiologist-Can become a doctor but a profession in the ear 4
Cardiovascular system ● Function-Carries nutrients to cellular structures through arteries ,plasma and blood vessels and ● Cardi/o-heart returns waste through veins. ● Angi/o-blood vessel ● Hem/o, hemat/o-blood ● Vocabulary ● Brady-slow -Vena cavas-Control deoxygenated blood (largest ● Tachy-fast vein) ● Thromb/o-clotting -Aorta-Controls oxygenated blood (Largest artery) ● -emia-pertaining to blood -SA node-creates electrical signals for ● leuk/o-white/white blood myocontractions -Heart murmur-sound of blood flow cell -Electrocardiogram-voltage vs. time graph to ● Erythr/o-red/red blood cell check conductivity of heart ● arterio-artery -Arrhythmia-abnormal contractions in heart -Valvular-pertaining to valves(in heart) -Arteriosclerosis-plaque in artery;high cholesterol -Stent-cage helped to prevent weak blood vessels -Coronary-surrounds the heart ● Diseases/Disorders -Coronary Artery disease-stenosis of coronary arteries -Myocardial infarction-heart attack(blocked blood flow to heart) -Valvular heart disease- stenosis of arterial valves -Congenital HD-heart disease one is born with ● Healthcare careers -Cardiologist-Specialized is study of the heart(M.D) -Cardiovascular technician-Identify problems on test they run 5
Respiratory system ● Function-Allows the transfer of toxic gases to leave the body and new nutrients to enter the body. ● Bronch/o-bronchus ● Cyan/o-blue;deprivation of oxygen ● Vocabulary ● Laryng/o-larynx -Mucus a sticky substance produced by the nose to ● -oxia-oxygen ● Oxy-containing oxygen moisten inhaled air and trap dust and bacteria and other ● Pleur/o-rib;side foreign materials to the body ● Pneum/o-lungs ● Pulmon/o-lungs -Epiglottis a flap that covers the trachea while food is ● Thorac/o-chest ● Trache/o-trachea swallowed which helps to prevent choking -Larynx airway to which the vocal cords are attached -Allergen substances that may cause allergic reactions -Cilia microscopic hairlike structures that help to move mucus and other substances in the respiratory system -Thymus-produces lymphocytes -Tonsil-lymphatic organ on each side of oral cavity -Trachea-tube carrying inhaled air -Alveolus-tiny sacs doing gas exchange in lungs -Bronchi-carries air from trachea to alveoli ● Diseases/disorders -Asthma-Airway becomes inflamed -COPD-inflammation causes blockage of air in lung -TB-chronic increasing pneumonia from bacteria -CF-trouble clearing mucus from bronchi ● Healthcare careers -Pulmonologist-physician specializes in respiratory system -Respiratory therapist-Care for patients with cardiopulmonary diseases. 6
Digestive system ● Function-Responsible for taking food and converting it into food and energy body can use to function, ● Cholecyst/o-gallbladder replenish, and grow through digestive enzymes. ● Enter/o-small intestine ● col/o-large intestine; colon ● Vocabulary ● Hepat/o-liver -villi-projections sticking out of the walls of the ● Gastr/o-stomach intestine to increase area. ● or/o-mouth -peristalsis-muscular smooth muscle contraction to ● -pepsia-digestion move food down digestive tract ● chole/o-bile;gall -bile-liquid used in digestion of fat ● proct/o-anus;rectum -amylase-enzyme to breakdown starch into sugar. -pepsin-enzyme that splits proteins into peptones -rectum-end of alimentary canal -small intestine-more digestion and largest part of alimentary canal -large intestine-water absorption and starts with cecum and ends with rectum -gallbladder-sac that stores bile -Liver-produces bile and stores nutrients. ● Diseases -GERD-reflux disease where food from stomach comes up into the mouth from the esophagus. -PUD-ulcer in the stomach wall which can cause gastritis -IBS-abnormal colon contractions (chronic) -crohn's disease-inflammatory bowel disease affecting lining of digestive tract ● Healthcare careers -gastroenterologist-Doctor specialized in the stomach and small intestine -Proctologist-Doctor specialized in the rectum and anus. 7
Urinary system ● Function-Filters the blood of excess and harmful toxins and secretes them in the form of urine through the urinary ● -cele-hernia tract. ● -lysis-separation or breakdown ● cyst/o-cyst; fluid filled sac ● Vocabulary ● nephr/o-kidney -Hilum-depression in area where blood and nerves enter ● ren/o-kidney;renal and leave ● -uria-presence in the urine -Calix-cup like collecting region of pelvis ● -pexy-surgical fixation -Cortex-outer region of organ ● -ectasis-removal of fluid -Medulla-inner region of an organ ● pyel/o-pelvis -Trigone-triangular area in the bladder -Creatinine-nitrogenous waste in urine -Nephron-Where filtration, reabsorption and secretion takes place in kidney -Reabsorption-when renal tubules return necessary materials back to the body -Renal pelvis-central collection region in the kidney -Glomerular capsule-enclosing structure around glomerulus ● Diseases -Kidney stones-hard objects in formed in the kidneys -UTI-Infection in the urinary tract -Hematuria-blood in urine -cystocele-a hernia of the bladder into another cavity ● Healthcare careers -Urologist-A doctor specialized in the field of urology -Urology PA-works under the supervision of the Urologist. 8
Reproductive system ● Function-This system produces sex cells which then are matured and can sustain and form a offspring from ● Cervic/o-cervix;neck the genetic code of both parents. ● Salping/o-fallopian tubes ● Ovo-egg;ovum ● Vocabulary ● Orchid/o-testes -Mons pubis-a mound of fatty tissue covering the pubic ● Oophor/o-ovary ● Men/o-menses;menstruation area in women ● Mamm/o-breasts ● Gynec/o-woman;woman -Mammary gland-milk-secreting organ of female ● Colp/o-vagina ● prostat/o-prostate glands mammals -Ovum-the female gamete -Bulbourethral gland-secrete part of seminal fluid into urethra -Sperm-the male gamete -Prostate gland-muscular gland at the neck of the urethra producing fluid semen -Penis-male organ allowing secretion of semen -Vagina-Opening allowing birth and menstruation in females -Lactation-production and secretion of milk by breast -Engorged-filled with blood(dilation of blood vessels) ● Diseases/disorders -endometriosis-where uterine tissue grows at a misplaced area -HIV/AIDS-affects immune cells caused by sexual transmission -interstitial cystitis-inflammation of the bladder -varicocele-dilated and twisted veins in the testis ● Healthcare careers -Gynecologist-specialization in female reproductive system as well as performs child birth -Andrology-specialization in the male reproductive system 9
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