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Home Explore DCF | Dettmar Cramer Foundation

DCF | Dettmar Cramer Foundation

Published by andi-kun, 2015-06-08 02:27:19

Description: DCF Brochure english


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DCF HISTORYESTABLISHINGDETTMARCRAMERFOUNDATION (DCF)MILESTONES OF ANOUTSTANDING PERSONALITYSince his successful work as coach of the Japanese national team, rewarded with thebronze medal at the 1968 Summer Olympics in Mexico, Dettmar Cramer enjoys cultstatus and veneration in Japan represented by the conferment of the highest Japanesedecoration “Order of the Sacred Treasure” by Emperor Hirohito in 1971 and the inductioninto the JFA Hall of Fame in 2005. On Dettmar Cramer’s regular visits to his “secondhome Japan” (D. Cramer) he made contact with Andreas Ibach in 2007. Both saw thenecessity to revitalize the football coaching structure that Dettmar Cramer built up andlaid foundations for major reforms in Japanese football in the 1960s.

DCFOUNDATION1968: Dettmar Cramer with thepennant of the bronze medal team.1971: Imperial decoration“Order of the Sacred Treasure”.2014: Endorsement of theestablishment of theDettmar Cramer Foundation.

DCF TASKSSPORT OF FOOTBALL =PERSONALITYTRAININGPASSING ON THE TRAINING PHILOSOPHYOF DETTMAR CRAMERAs a student of Sepp Herberger (world cupwinner 1954) Dettmar Cramer represents atraining philosophy adapting the Graeco-Roman ideals of education. Therefore,it is the personality development whichDettmar Cramer has placed in the centerof football coaching. In alteration of nonscholæ sed vitæ discimus in football itapplies to: WE TRAIN FOR FOOTBALL AS WELL AS FOR LIFE.Thus football training has very much to dowith permanently improving individual ta-lents. Dettmar Cramer has defined this ob-jective in the mnemotechnic verse: AS LONG AS BETTER IS POSSIBLE, GOOD IS NOT ENOUGH.

DCFOUNDATIONAlready in the beginning of his coachingcareer Dettmar Cramer had realizedthat youth training must consider „thefunctions of the nerve pathways“ (DettmarCramer 1952). Cramer’s training philosophyanticipated neuroscientific findings of the1990ies („Decade of the Brain“) and linkedthem to the philosophy of Confucius (551-479 BC): WHEN STRICT WITH ONESELF, ONE RARELY FAILS. ConfuciusThis 2500 years old tenet epitomizes thepresent term of self-regulation. Thus itapplies to one of the most importantlearning objective of modern education; thefootball tradition uses the term discipline.Dettmar Cramer has set the objective toDCF to include and constantly upgrade theneuroscientific knowledge.

DCF INITIATIVESDCF INITIATIVE PRIORITYAREA OF OPERATION AREA OF OPERATIONASIA: EUROPE:Innovative coaching education Promotion of innovative training conceptsKamamoto | Dr. Binz | Nowak Dr. Binz | NowakCreative player education Promotion of innovative player coachingKamamoto | Dr. Binz | Nowak Dr. Binz | NowakInternational youth tournaments Assessment center for professionalInternational football boarding school young football talents: - Game intelligence test, VestbergOkinawa - Neuro-based young talent education, Dr. Binz | NowakFootball research youth football Football research youth footballDr. Binz | Nowak | Vestberg Dr. Binz | NowakEarly football educationas physical activities Early football education as physical activitiesDr. Binz | Nowak Dr. Binz | NowakSocial pedagogical peaceinvolvement Social pedagogical peace involvementBiggest Painting in the World to honour D. CramerPublications: innovative training andcoaching concepts e-learning, DVDDCF SERVICESOrganization of entering the growth markets in East AsiaConcept development for professional footballDraw up of marketing conceptsBuildup of media connectionsKamamoto, Kunishige: Cramer student, Japanese record goal scorer (league, national team); Dr. Binz, Roland: Social and cultural scientist, cognition educatorNowak, Matthias: Technique and creative coach (FC Bayern Munich, amateurs); Vestberg, Torbjörn: Licensed psychologist, expertise in football and neurology (Schweden)

DCF INITIATIVES SAMPLE DCFOUNDATIOND.C. FOOTBALL BOARDING SCHOOLAREA OF OPERATIONSPORTSCHULE OKINAWA, JAPAN: (in preparation)SCHOOL EDUCATION SPORTING ADVANCEMENT PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT Junior and High school graduation Licensed coaches D.C. philosophy Multilingual classes Technique/creative training Personal goal development Homework supervision Executive functions Mental training Qualified teachers with Game intelligence Self-reliance and self-initiative affinity to sport Perfect training conditons Self-confidence and motivation Close cooperation with Close cooperation with Respectability sport clubs schools Sportsmanlike behaviour Athlete nutrition Performance diagnostics Rhetoric education Study abroad Exchange program with Relationship development European football clubs Cosmopolitan attitudes


DCFOUNDATIONThe football game is a social game: A teamis successful if the team spirit and teamplay on the pitch comes together.Football training is also always a socialbehavior training, within teams, clubs andpublic. In sport of football one learn socialresponsibility and young players take italong on their life’s journey, as their attitudeof life that characterizes their everyday life.During his FIFA assignment, besides game Hiroko Kawahara (left) the initiator of the projecttechnique and tactics, Dettmar Cramer also „The Biggest Paining in the World“ as guest ofpassed on the social maxims of football Dettmar Cramer (second from right); together withto children and youths in more than 90 Dr. Binz (second from left), Tomoyuki Momonoi (right)countries around the world. Dettmar Cramer appeals to the international football youth to participate in “The Biggest Painting in the World” project. Here they can paint their own ideas of a world in peace. The paintings will be presented to the global public at peace events and the next Olympics in Rio and Tokyo and Worldcups 2018, 2022. In addition, all paintings will be displayed on DCF’s website. They’re examples of a common responsibility of football for a peaceful future on this planet.


DCRETATMMEARRFOUNDATIONDCF Germany gGmbH i. G.Holunderweg 2D-53721 Siegburg+49 2241.384 [email protected]

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