01 2 BEDROOMS | 2.5 BATHROOMS 6TH FLOOR POOL LINE AMENITIES DECK FLOORS: 12, 14-36 SW 7TH STREET SW 8TH STREET RESIDENCE (12, 14-21) 1,389 sq. ft. 129 sq. mt. 11 09 07 05 03 01 RESIDENCE (22-33) 1,384 sq. ft. 129 sq. mt. RESIDENCE (34-36) 1,378 sq. ft. 128 sq. mt. 12 10 08 06 04 02 BALCONY 292-452 sq. ft. 27-42 sq. mt. TOTAL 1,681-1,836 sq. ft. 156-170 sq. mt. BALCONY MASTER BEDROOM 12'-10\" X 15'-0\" LIVING ROOM 19'-9\" X 13'-4\" WALK IN CLOSET DW MASTER KITCHEN BATHROOM 9'-1\" X 10'-10\" REF W AC CLOSET BEDROOM 02 BATHROOM 02 12'-5\" X 12' -8\" W/D POWDER BATHROOM Stated dimensions are measured to the exterior boundaries of the exterior walls and the centerline of interior demising walls, including common elements such as structural walls and other interior structural components of the building, and in fact vary from the dimensions that would be determined by using the description and definition of the “Unit” set forth in the Declaration (which generally only includes the interior airspace between the perimeter walls and excludes interior structural components). For your reference, the area of the Unit, determined in accordance with those defined unit boundaries, is 1,270 square feet (levels 12, 14-33) and 1,267 square feet (levels 34-36). Note that measurements of rooms set forth on this floor plan are generally taken at the greatest points of each given room (as if the room were a perfect rectangle), without regard for any cutouts. Accordingly, the area of the actual room will typically be smaller than the product obtained by multiplying the stated length times width. All dimensions are approximate and may vary with actual construction, and all floor plans and development plans are subject to change. The size and configuration of balconies and terraces varies throughout the building. The balcony depicted above is among the larger balconies and is not reflective of the actual size or configuration of the balcony for each unit of this unit type. For the actual size and configuration of the balcony for your unit, see Exhibit “2” to the Declaration of2 Condominium. See legal disclaimer on back cover.
02 3 BEDROOMS | 3.5 BATHROOMS 6TH FLOOR POOL LINE AMENITIES DECK FLOORS: 12, 14-36 SW 7TH STREET SW 8TH STREET RESIDENCE (12, 14-21) 1,850 sq. ft. 172 sq. mt. 11 09 07 05 03 01 RESIDENCE (22-33) 1,853 sq. ft. 172 sq. mt. RESIDENCE (34-36) 1,852 sq. ft. 172 sq. mt. 12 10 08 06 04 02 BALCONY 446-450 sq. ft. 41-42 sq. mt. TOTAL 2,296-2,303 sq. ft. 213-214 sq. mt. POWDER BATHROOM 03 BATHROOM BEDROOM 03 W/D 12'-7\" X 12'-8\" AC CLOSET MASTER BATHROOM 02 REF W BATHROOM CLOSET KITCHEN WALK IN CLOSET 9'-0\" X 10'-10\" DW CLOSET WALK IN CLOSET MASTER BEDROOM LIVING ROOM 13'-7\" X 15'-8\" 19'-9\" X 13'-4\" BEDROOM 02 12'-11\" X 13'-9\" BALCONYStated dimensions are measured to the exterior boundaries of the exterior walls and the centerline of interior demising walls, including common elements such as structural walls and other interior structural 3components of the building, and in fact vary from the dimensions that would be determined by using the description and definition of the “Unit” set forth in the Declaration (which generally only includes the interiorairspace between the perimeter walls and excludes interior structural components). For your reference, the area of the Unit, determined in accordance with those defined unit boundaries, is 1,655 square feet (levels12, 14-21), 1,676 square feet (levels 22-33) and 1,691 square feet (levels 34-36). Note that measurements of rooms set forth on this floor plan are generally taken at the greatest points of each given room (as if theroom were a perfect rectangle), without regard for any cutouts. Accordingly, the area of the actual room will typically be smaller than the product obtained by multiplying the stated length times width. All dimensionsare approximate and may vary with actual construction, and all floor plans and development plans are subject to change. The size and configuration of balconies and terraces varies throughout the building. Thebalcony depicted above is among the larger balconies and is not reflective of the actual size or configuration of the balcony for each unit of this unit type. For the actual size and configuration of the balcony for your unit,see Exhibit “2” to the Declaration of Condominium. See legal disclaimer on back cover.
03 2 BEDROOMS | 2.5 BATHROOMS 6TH FLOOR POOL LINE AMENITIES DECK FLOORS: 10, 12, 14-41 SW 7TH STREET SW 8TH STREET RESIDENCE (10) 1,373 sq. ft. 128 sq. mt. 11 09 07 05 03 01 RESIDENCE (12, 14-21) 1,371 sq. ft. 127 sq. mt. RESIDENCE (22-33) 1,376 sq. ft. 128 sq. mt. 12 10 08 06 04 02 RESIDENCE (34-41) 1,385 sq. ft. 129 sq. mt. BALCONY 85-276 sq. ft. 8-26 sq. mt. TOTAL 1,462-1,652 sq. ft. 135-153 sq. mt. BALCONY LIVING ROOM MASTER BEDROOM 13'-3\" X 21'-8\" 12'-3\" X 18'-4\" BEDROOM 02 15'-1\" X 13'-5\"BATHROOM 02 WALK IN CLOSET W/D DW WALK IN CLOSET POWDER KITCHEN MASTER BATHROOM 11'-4\" X 10'-11\" BATHROOMAC W REF Stated dimensions are measured to the exterior boundaries of the exterior walls and the centerline of interior demising walls, including common elements such as structural walls and other interior structural components of the building, and in fact vary from the dimensions that would be determined by using the description and definition of the “Unit” set forth in the Declaration (which generally only includes the interior airspace between the perimeter walls and excludes interior structural components). For your reference, the area of the Unit, determined in accordance with those defined unit boundaries, is 1,261 square feet (levels 10, 12, 14-21), 1,281 square feet (levels 22-33) and 1,296 square feet (levels 34-41). Note that measurements of rooms set forth on this floor plan are generally taken at the greatest points of each given room (as if the room were a perfect rectangle), without regard for any cutouts. Accordingly, the area of the actual room will typically be smaller than the product obtained by multiplying the stated length times width. All dimensions are approximate and may vary with actual construction, and all floor plans and development plans are subject to change. The size and configuration of balconies and terraces varies throughout the building. The balcony depicted above is among the larger balconies and is not reflective of the actual size or configuration of the balcony for each unit of this unit type. For the actual size and configuration of the balcony for your unit,4 see Exhibit “2” to the Declaration of Condominium. See legal disclaimer on back cover.
04 2 BEDROOMS | 2.5 BATHROOMS | DEN 6TH FLOOR POOL LINE AMENITIES DECK FLOORS: 12, 14-41 SW 7TH STREET SW 8TH STREET RESIDENCE (12, 14-21) 1,519 sq. ft. 141 sq. mt. 11 09 07 05 03 01 RESIDENCE (22-33) 1,520 sq. ft. 141 sq. mt. RESIDENCE (34-41) 1,528 sq. ft. 142 sq. mt. 12 10 08 06 04 02 BALCONY 84-297 sq. ft. 8-28 sq. mt. TOTAL 1,467-1,825 sq. ft. 136-169 sq. mt. W DEN W/D 18'-3\" X 7'-11\" MASTER REF POWDER BATHROOM BATHROOM KITCHEN 9'-10\" X 9'-5\" BATHROOM 02 CLOSET W DW WALK IN CLOSET MASTER BEDROOM LIVING ROOM BEDROOM 02 12'-7\" X 14'-9\" 13'-8\" X 22'-10\" 13'-2\" X 14'-10\" BALCONYStated dimensions are measured to the exterior boundaries of the exterior walls and the centerline of interior demising walls, including common elements such as structural walls and other interior structural 5components of the building, and in fact vary from the dimensions that would be determined by using the description and definition of the “Unit” set forth in the Declaration (which generally only includes the interiorairspace between the perimeter walls and excludes interior structural components). For your reference, the area of the Unit, determined in accordance with those defined unit boundaries, is 1,383 square feet (levels12, 14-21), 1,400 square feet (levels 22-33), and 1,407 square feet (levels 34-41). Note that measurements of rooms set forth on this floor plan are generally taken at the greatest points of each given room (as if theroom were a perfect rectangle), without regard for any cutouts. Accordingly, the area of the actual room will typically be smaller than the product obtained by multiplying the stated length times width. All dimensionsare approximate and may vary with actual construction, and all floor plans and development plans are subject to change. The size and configuration of balconies and terraces varies throughout the building. Thebalcony depicted above is among the larger balconies and is not reflective of the actual size or configuration of the balcony for each unit of this unit type. For the actual size and configuration of the balcony for your unit,see Exhibit “2” to the Declaration of Condominium. See legal disclaimer on back cover.
05 2 BEDROOMS | 2.5 BATHROOMS 6TH FLOOR POOL LINE AMENITIES DECK FLOORS: 9-12, 14-41 SW 7TH STREET SW 8TH STREET RESIDENCE (9-12, 14-21) 1,276 sq. ft. 119 sq. mt. 11 09 07 05 03 01 118 sq. mt. RESIDENCE (22-33) 1,275 sq. ft. 119 sq. mt. 14-32 sq. mt. RESIDENCE (34-41) 1,281 sq. ft. 12 10 08 06 04 02 BALCONY 149-349 sq. ft. TOTAL 1,424-1,625 sq. ft. 132-150 sq. mt. BALCONY BEDROOM 02 LIVING ROOM 12'-2\" X 13'-7\" 13'-11\" X 22'-10\" MASTER BEDROOM 13'-2\" X 14'-4\" BATHROOM 02 WALK IN CLOSET W/D WALK IN CLOSET AC W DW POWDER KITCHEN MASTER 10'-1\" X 8'-10\" BATHROOM BATHROOM REF Stated dimensions are measured to the exterior boundaries of the exterior walls and the centerline of interior demising walls, including common elements such as structural walls and other interior structural components of the building, and in fact vary from the dimensions that would be determined by using the description and definition of the “Unit” set forth in the Declaration (which generally only includes the interior airspace between the perimeter walls and excludes interior structural components). For your reference, the area of the Unit, determined in accordance with those defined unit boundaries, is 1,202 square feet (levels 9-12, 14-21), 1,200 square feet (levels 22-33) and 1,206 square feet (levels 34-41). Note that measurements of rooms set forth on this floor plan are generally taken at the greatest points of each given room (as if the room were a perfect rectangle), without regard for any cutouts. Accordingly, the area of the actual room will typically be smaller than the product obtained by multiplying the stated length times width. All dimensions are approximate and may vary with actual construction, and all floor plans and development plans are subject to change. The size and configuration of balconies and terraces varies throughout the building. The balcony depicted above is among the larger balconies and is not reflective of the actual size or configuration of the balcony for each unit of this unit type. For the actual size and configuration of the balcony for your unit,6 see Exhibit “2” to the Declaration of Condominium. See legal disclaimer on back cover.
06 1 BEDROOM | 1.5 BATHROOMS 6TH FLOOR POOL LINE AMENITIES DECK FLOORS: 8-12, 14-41 SW 7TH STREET SW 8TH STREET RESIDENCE (9-12, 14-21) 983 sq. ft. 91 sq. mt. 11 09 07 05 03 01 RESIDENCE (22-33) 982 sq. ft. 91 sq. mt. RESIDENCE (34-41) 986 sq. ft. 92 sq. mt. 12 10 08 06 04 02 BALCONY 83-187 sq. ft. 8-17 sq. mt. TOTAL 1,065-1,170 sq. ft. 98-108 sq. mt. AC W/D REF POWDER BATHROOM KITCHEN 8'-4\" X 12'-5\" DW W MASTER WALK IN CLOSET BATHROOM LIVING ROOM MASTER BEDROOM 13'-9\" X 19'-10\" 12'-7\" X 14'-10\" BALCONYStated dimensions are measured to the exterior boundaries of the exterior walls and the centerline of interior demising walls, including common elements such as structural walls and other interior structural 7components of the building, and in fact vary from the dimensions that would be determined by using the description and definition of the “Unit” set forth in the Declaration (which generally only includes the interiorairspace between the perimeter walls and excludes interior structural components). For your reference, the area of the Unit, determined in accordance with those defined unit boundaries, is 886 square feet (levels9-12, 14-21), 887 square feet (levels 22-33) and 889 square feet (levels 34-41). Note that measurements of rooms set forth on this floor plan are generally taken at the greatest points of each given room (as if the roomwere a perfect rectangle), without regard for any cutouts. Accordingly, the area of the actual room will typically be smaller than the product obtained by multiplying the stated length times width. All dimensions areapproximate and may vary with actual construction, and all floor plans and development plans are subject to change. The size and configuration of balconies and terraces varies throughout the building. The balconydepicted above is among the larger balconies and is not reflective of the actual size or configuration of the balcony for each unit of this unit type. For the actual size and configuration of the balcony for your unit, seeExhibit “2” to the Declaration of Condominium. See legal disclaimer on back cover.
07 1 BEDROOM | 1.5 BATHROOMS 6TH FLOOR POOL LINE AMENITIES DECK FLOORS: 8-12, 14-41 SW 7TH STREET SW 8TH STREET RESIDENCE 1,070 sq. ft. 99 sq. mt. 11 09 07 05 03 01 BALCONY 137-241 sq. ft. 13-22 sq. mt. TOTAL 1,207-1,311 sq. ft. 112-121 sq. mt. 12 10 08 06 04 02 BALCONY LIVING ROOM 17'-5\" X 21'-0\" MASTER BEDROOM 14'-4\" X 14'-2\" WALK IN CLOSET MASTER DW POWDER BATHROOM W BATHROOM KITCHEN W/D AC 9'-5\" X 10'-8\" REF Stated dimensions are measured to the exterior boundaries of the exterior walls and the centerline of interior demising walls, including common elements such as structural walls and other interior structural components of the building, and in fact vary from the dimensions that would be determined by using the description and definition of the “Unit” set forth in the Declaration (which generally only includes the interior airspace between the perimeter walls and excludes interior structural components). For your reference, the area of the Unit, determined in accordance with those defined unit boundaries, is 994 square feet (levels 8-12, 14-33) and 997 square feet (levels 34-41). Note that measurements of rooms set forth on this floor plan are generally taken at the greatest points of each given room (as if the room were a perfect rectangle), without regard for any cutouts. Accordingly, the area of the actual room will typically be smaller than the product obtained by multiplying the stated length times width. All dimensions are approximate and may vary with actual construction, and all floor plans and development plans are subject to change. The size and configuration of balconies and terraces varies throughout the building. The balcony depicted above is among the larger balconies and is not reflective of the actual size or configuration of the balcony for each unit of this unit type. For the actual size and configuration of the balcony for your unit, see Exhibit “2” to the Declaration of8 Condominium. See legal disclaimer on back cover.
08 1 BEDROOM | 1.5 BATHROOMS 6TH FLOOR POOL LINE AMENITIES DECK FLOORS: 8-12, 14-41 SW 7TH STREET SW 8TH STREET RESIDENCE (8-12, 14-33) 986 sq. ft. 92 sq. mt. 11 09 07 05 03 01 92 sq. mt. RESIDENCE (34-41) 987 sq. ft. 10-18 sq. mt. BALCONY 104-196 sq. ft. 12 10 08 06 04 02 TOTAL 1,090-1,187 sq. ft. 101-110 sq. mt. AC W/D REF POWDER KITCHEN BATHROOM 9'-1\" X 12'-5\" DW W MASTER BATHROOM WALK IN CLOSET LIVING ROOM MASTER BEDROOM 14'-1\" X 19'-10\" 12'-4\" X 14'-10\" BALCONYStated dimensions are measured to the exterior boundaries of the exterior walls and the centerline of interior demising walls, including common elements such as structural walls and other interior structural 9components of the building, and in fact vary from the dimensions that would be determined by using the description and definition of the “Unit” set forth in the Declaration (which generally only includes the interiorairspace between the perimeter walls and excludes interior structural components). For your reference, the area of the Unit, determined in accordance with those defined unit boundaries, is 883 square feet (levels8-12, 14-33) and 885 square feet (levels 34-41). Note that measurements of rooms set forth on this floor plan are generally taken at the greatest points of each given room (as if the room were a perfect rectangle),without regard for any cutouts. Accordingly, the area of the actual room will typically be smaller than the product obtained by multiplying the stated length times width. All dimensions are approximate and may varywith actual construction, and all floor plans and development plans are subject to change. The size and configuration of balconies and terraces varies throughout the building. The balcony depicted above is among thelarger balconies and is not reflective of the actual size or configuration of the balcony for each unit of this unit type. For the actual size and configuration of the balcony for your unit, see Exhibit “2” to the Declaration ofCondominium. See legal disclaimer on back cover.
09 2 BEDROOMS | 2.5 BATHROOMS 6TH FLOOR POOL LINE AMENITIES DECK FLOORS: 8-12, 14-41 SW 7TH STREET SW 8TH STREET RESIDENCE (8) 1,347 sq. ft. 125 sq. mt. 11 09 07 05 03 01 RESIDENCE (9-12, 14-21) 1,344 sq. ft. 125 sq. mt. RESIDENCE (22-33) 1,356 sq. ft. 126 sq. mt. 12 10 08 06 04 02 RESIDENCE (34-41) 1,362 sq. ft. 127 sq. mt. BALCONY 84-245 sq. ft. 8-23 sq. mt. TOTAL 1,440-1,589 sq. ft. 133-147 sq. mt. BALCONY BEDROOM 02 LIVING ROOM 12'-8\" X 13'-10\" 13'-9\" X 23'-3\" MASTER BEDROOM 13'-3\" X 15'-2\" BATHROOM 02 WALK IN CLOSET W/D CLOSET W WALK IN CLOSET POWDER KITCHEN BATHROOM 11'-1\" X 9'-5\" DW REF MASTER BATHROOM AC Stated dimensions are measured to the exterior boundaries of the exterior walls and the centerline of interior demising walls, including common elements such as structural walls and other interior structural components of the building, and in fact vary from the dimensions that would be determined by using the description and definition of the “Unit” set forth in the Declaration (which generally only includes the interior airspace between the perimeter walls and excludes interior structural components). For your reference, the area of the Unit, determined in accordance with those defined unit boundaries, is 1,238 square feet (levels 8-12,14-21), 1,249 square feet (levels 22-33) and 1,259 square feet (levels 34-41). Note that measurements of rooms set forth on this floor plan are generally taken at the greatest points of each given room (as if the room were a perfect rectangle), without regard for any cutouts. Accordingly, the area of the actual room will typically be smaller than the product obtained by multiplying the stated length times width. All dimensions are approximate and may vary with actual construction, and all floor plans and development plans are subject to change. The size and configuration of balconies and terraces varies throughout the building. The balcony depicted above is among the larger balconies and is not reflective of the actual size or configuration of the balcony for each unit of this unit type. For the actual size and configuration of the balcony for your unit,1 0 see Exhibit “2” to the Declaration of Condominium. See legal disclaimer on back cover.
10 2 BEDROOMS | 2 BATHROOMS | DEN 6TH FLOOR POOL LINE AMENITIES DECK FLOORS: 8-12, 14-41 SW 7TH STREET SW 8TH STREET RESIDENCE (8-12, 14-33) 1,504 sq. ft. 140 sq. mt. 11 09 07 05 03 01 141 sq. mt. RESIDENCE (34-41) 1,515 sq. ft. 12-28 sq. mt. BALCONY 131-300 sq. ft. 12 10 08 06 04 02 TOTAL 1,635-1,804 sq. ft. 151-167 sq. mt. POWDER DEN AC MASTER BATHROOM 15'-9\" X 7'-11\" W/D BATHROOM BATHROOM 02 REF DW CLOSET KITCHEN 12'-0\" X 10'-5\" W WALK IN CLOSET BEDROOM 02 LIVING ROOM MASTER BEDROOM 13'-6\" X 14'-7\" 13'-7\" X 23'-0\" 12'-7\" X 14'-7\" BALCONYStated dimensions are measured to the exterior boundaries of the exterior walls and the centerline of interior demising walls, including common elements such as structural walls and other interior structural 11components of the building, and in fact vary from the dimensions that would be determined by using the description and definition of the “Unit” set forth in the Declaration (which generally only includes the interiorairspace between the perimeter walls and excludes interior structural components). For your reference, the area of the Unit, determined in accordance with those defined unit boundaries, is 1,370 square feet (levels8-12, 14-21), 1,393 square feet (levels 22-33), and 1,401 square feet (levels 34-41). Note that measurements of rooms set forth on this floor plan are generally taken at the greatest points of each given room (as if theroom were a perfect rectangle), without regard for any cutouts. Accordingly, the area of the actual room will typically be smaller than the product obtained by multiplying the stated length times width. All dimensionsare approximate and may vary with actual construction, and all floor plans and development plans are subject to change. The size and configuration of balconies and terraces varies throughout the building. Thebalcony depicted above is among the larger balconies and is not reflective of the actual size or configuration of the balcony for each unit of this unit type. For the actual size and configuration of the balcony for your unit,see Exhibit “2” to the Declaration of Condominium. See legal disclaimer on back cover.
11 2 BEDROOMS | 2.5 BATHROOMS 6TH FLOOR POOL LINE AMENITIES DECK FLOORS: 7-12, 14-36 SW 7TH STREET SW 8TH STREET RESIDENCE (7-12, 14-21) 1,391 sq. ft. 129 sq. mt. 11 09 07 05 03 01 128 sq. mt. RESIDENCE (22-33) 1,383 sq. ft. 128 sq. mt. 27-41 sq. mt. RESIDENCE (34-36) 1,377 sq. ft. 12 10 08 06 04 02 BALCONY 292-441 sq. ft. TOTAL 1,675-1,831 sq. ft. 155-170 sq. mt. BALCONY MASTER BEDROOM 12'-11\" X 14'-7\" LIVING ROOM 19'-9\" X 13'-5\" DW WALK IN CLOSET KITCHEN MASTER 9'-0\" X 10'-8\" BATHROOM W REF CLOSET AC BEDROOM 02 W/D 12'-6\" X 12'-9\" POWDER BATHROOM 02 BATHROOM Stated dimensions are measured to the exterior boundaries of the exterior walls and the centerline of interior demising walls, including common elements such as structural walls and other interior structural components of the building, and in fact vary from the dimensions that would be determined by using the description and definition of the “Unit” set forth in the Declaration (which generally only includes the interior airspace between the perimeter walls and excludes interior structural components). For your reference, the area of the Unit, determined in accordance with those defined unit boundaries, is 1,264 square feet (levels 7-12, 14-33) and 1,266 square feet (levels 34-36). Note that measurements of rooms set forth on this floor plan are generally taken at the greatest points of each given room (as if the room were a perfect rectangle), without regard for any cutouts. Accordingly, the area of the actual room will typically be smaller than the product obtained by multiplying the stated length times width. All dimensions are approximate and may vary with actual construction, and all floor plans and development plans are subject to change. The size and configuration of balconies and terraces varies throughout the building. The balcony depicted above is among the larger balconies and is not reflective of the actual size or configuration of the balcony for each unit of this unit type. For the actual size and configuration of the balcony for your unit, see Exhibit “2” to the Declaration of1 2 Condominium. See legal disclaimer on back cover.
12 3 BEDROOMS | 3.5 BATHROOMS 6TH FLOOR POOL LINE AMENITIES DECK FLOORS: 7-12, 14-36 SW 7TH STREET SW 8TH STREET RESIDENCE (7-12, 14-21) 1,835 sq. ft. 170 sq. mt. 11 09 07 05 03 01 171 sq. mt. RESIDENCE (22-36) 1,839 sq. ft. 31-53 sq. mt. BALCONY 338-568 sq. ft. 12 10 08 06 04 02 TOTAL 2,178-2,407 sq. ft. 202-223 sq. mt. BATHROOM 02 POWDER BATHROOM BEDROOM 02 W/D 12'-6\" X 12'-8\" WALK IN AC CLOSET W REF BATHROOM 03 MASTER CLOSET BATHROOM KITCHEN 9'-0\" X 10'-9\" WALK IN CLOSET DW WALK IN CLOSET CLOSET LIVING ROOM MASTER BEDROOM 19'-9\" X 13'-4\" 13'-3\" X 15'-2\" BEDROOM 03 12'-11\" X 13'-10\" BALCONYStated dimensions are measured to the exterior boundaries of the exterior walls and the centerline of interior demising walls, including common elements such as structural walls and other interior structural 13components of the building, and in fact vary from the dimensions that would be determined by using the description and definition of the “Unit” set forth in the Declaration (which generally only includes the interiorairspace between the perimeter walls and excludes interior structural components). For your reference, the area of the Unit, determined in accordance with those defined unit boundaries, is 1,647 square feet (level7-12, 14-21), 1,664 SF (levels 22-33) and 1,676 SF (levels 34-36). Note that measurements of rooms set forth on this floor plan are generally taken at the greatest points of each given room (as if the room were a perfectrectangle), without regard for any cutouts. Accordingly, the area of the actual room will typically be smaller than the product obtained by multiplying the stated length times width. All dimensions are approximate andmay vary with actual construction, and all floor plans and development plans are subject to change. The size and configuration of balconies and terraces varies throughout the building. The balcony depicted aboveis among the larger balconies and is not reflective of the actual size or configuration of the balcony for each unit of this unit type. For the actual size and configuration of the balcony for your unit, see Exhibit “2” to theDeclaration of Condominium. See legal disclaimer on back cover.
N 4 BEDROOMS | 4.5 BATHROOMS UTILITY | SERVICE QUARTERSTOWER FLOORS: 37-41 SUITE RESIDENCE BALCONY 3,237 sq. ft. 301 sq. mt. 738 sq. ft. 69 sq. mt. TOTAL 3,975 sq. ft. 370 sq. mt. 6TH FLOOR POOL AMENITIES DECK SW 7TH STREET SW 8TH STREET 09 07 05 03 TS-N 10 08 06 04 TS-SStated dimensions are measured to the exterior boundaries of the exterior walls and the centerline of interior demising walls, including common elements such as structural walls and other interior structural components of the building, and in fact vary from the dimreference, the area of the Unit, determined in accordance with those defined unit boundaries, is 2,991 square feet. Note that measurements of rooms set forth on this floor plan are generally taken at the greatest points of each given room (as if the room were a perfeall floor plans and development plans are subject to change. The size and configuration of balconies and terraces varies throughout the building. The balcony depicted above is among the larger balconies and is not reflective of the actual size or configuration of the
BALCONY DINING ROOM 12'- 11\" x 10'-8\"LIVING ROOM DW23'-3\" x 23'-11\" KITCHEN 10'-1\" x 19'-1\" W REF CLOSET STORAGE CLOSETBEDROOM 412'-7\" x 13'-1\" POWDER ROOM FOYER AC BEDROOM 3 W SERVICE / 11'-11\" x 11'-11\" D UTILITY CLOSET BATHROOM 3 CLOSETBATHROOM 2 WALK IN WALK IN CLOSET CLOSET SERVICE BATHROOM MASTER BATHROOMBEDROOM 217'-6\" x 14'-2\" MASTER BEDROOM 15'-2\" x 20'-1\"BALCONYmensions that would be determined by using the description and definition of the “Unit” set forth in the Declaration (which generally only includes the interior airspace between the perimeter walls and excludes interior structural components). For yourect rectangle), without regard for any cutouts. Accordingly, the area of the actual room will typically be smaller than the product obtained by multiplying the stated length times width. All dimensions are approximate and may vary with actual construction, and balcony for each unit of this unit type. For the actual size and configuration of the balcony for your unit, see Exhibit “2” to the Declaration of Condominium. See legal disclaimer on back cover.
S 4 BEDROOMS | 4.5 BATHROOMS UTILITY | SERVICE QUARTERSTOWER FLOORS: 37-41 SUITE RESIDENCE BALCONY 3,244 sq. ft. 301 sq. mt. 738-77 sq. ft. 69-72 sq. mt. TOTAL 3,982-4,021 sq. ft. 370-373 sq. mt. 6TH FLOOR POOL AMENITIES DECK SW 7TH STREET SW 8TH STREET 09 07 05 03 TS-N 10 08 06 04 TS-SStated dimensions are measured to the exterior boundaries of the exterior walls and the centerline of interior demising walls, including common elements such as structural walls and other interior structural components of the building, and in fact vary from the dimreference, the area of the Unit, determined in accordance with those defined unit boundaries, is 2,997 square feet. Note that measurements of rooms set forth on this floor plan are generally taken at the greatest points of each given room (as if the room were a perfeall floor plans and development plans are subject to change. The size and configuration of balconies and terraces varies throughout the building. The balcony depicted above is among the larger balconies and is not reflective of the actual size or configuration of the
DINING ROOM BALCONY 13'-3\" x 10'-7\" LIVING ROOM DW 23'-1\" x 24'-1\" KITCHEN 10'-1\" x 19'-1\" W REF CLOSET CLOSET FOYER POWDER BEDROOM 4 ROOM 23'-11\" x 13'-1\" AC BEDROOM 3 11'-8\" x 11'-11\" SERVICE/ D UTILITY WWALK IN BATHROOM 3CLOSET CLOSET STORAGE SERVICE BATHROOM BATHROOM 2 WALK IN CLOSETMASTER BATHROOM MASTER BEDROOM BEDROOM 2 15'-4\" x 20'-1\" 17'-4\" x 14'-2\" BALCONYmensions that would be determined by using the description and definition of the “Unit” set forth in the Declaration (which generally only includes the interior airspace between the perimeter walls and excludes interior structural components). For yourect rectangle), without regard for any cutouts. Accordingly, the area of the actual room will typically be smaller than the product obtained by multiplying the stated length times width. All dimensions are approximate and may vary with actual construction, and balcony for each unit of this unit type. For the actual size and configuration of the balcony for your unit, see Exhibit “2” to the Declaration of Condominium. See legal disclaimer on back cover.
4201 5 BEDROOMS | 6.5 BATHROOMSPENTHOUSE DINING | UTILITY | SERVICE QUARTERS FLOOR: 42RESIDENCE 4,754 sq. ft. 442 sq. mt.BALCONY 1,035 sq. ft. 96 sq. mt.TOTAL 5,789 sq. ft. 538 sq. mt. 6TH FLOOR POOL SERVIC AMENITIES DECKSW 7TH STREET BATHRO SW 8TH STREET CLOSET BEDR 12'-8\" 4204 4202 4203 4201Stated dimensions are measured to the exterior boundaries of the exterior walls and the centerline of interior demising walls, including common elements such as structural walls and other interior structural components of the building, and in fact vary from the dimreference, the area of the Unit, determined in accordance with those defined unit boundaries, is 4,431 square feet. Note that measurements of rooms set forth on this floor plan are generally taken at the greatest points of each given room (as if the room were a perfeall floor plans and development plans are subject to change. The size and configuration of balconies and terraces varies throughout the building. The balcony depicted above is among the larger balconies and is not reflective of the actual size or configuration of the
MASTER BALCONY BATHROOM MASTER BEDROOM 19'-9\" X 14'-10\" CLOSET WALK IN CLOSET WALK IN CLOSET AC WD FAMILY ROOM SERVICE ROOM UTILITY ROOM 14'-8\" X 12'-7\" AC POWDER ROOM FOYERCE BATHROOM BATHROOM 4 BATHROOM 5 STORAGE W REFOOM 2 CLOSET WALK IN BATHROOM 3 CLOSET LIVING ROOM /ROOM 2 CLOSET ENTERTAINMENT AREA\" X 15'-3\" BEDROOM 3 22'-5\" X 37'-5\" 13'-4\" X 13'-6\" BEDROOM 4 BEDROOM 5 KITCHEN 13'-3\" X 15'-3\" 13'-1\" X 15'-2\" 10'-7\" X 17'-3\" DW DINING ROOM 13'-1\" X 12'-3\" BALCONY BALCONYmensions that would be determined by using the description and definition of the “Unit” set forth in the Declaration (which generally only includes the interior airspace between the perimeter walls and excludes interior structural components). For yourect rectangle), without regard for any cutouts. Accordingly, the area of the actual room will typically be smaller than the product obtained by multiplying the stated length times width. All dimensions are approximate and may vary with actual construction, and balcony for each unit of this unit type. For the actual size and configuration of the balcony for your unit, see Exhibit “2” to the Declaration of Condominium. See legal disclaimer on back cover.
4202 3 BEDROOMS | 4.5 BATHROOMSPENTHOUSE UTILITY | SERVICE QUARTERS FLOOR: 42RESIDENCE 2,686 sq. ft. 250 sq. mt. BBALCONY 501 sq. ft. 47 sq. mt. MASTOTAL 3,187 sq. ft. 297 sq. mt. 2 6TH FLOOR POOL WALK IN AMENITIES DECK CLOSET MAST BATHRSW 7TH STREET SW 8TH STREET 4204 4202 4203 4201Stated dimensions are measured to the exterior boundaries of the exterior walls and the centerline of interior demising walls, including common elements such as structural walls and other interior structural components of the building, and in fact vary from the dimreference, the area of the Unit, determined in accordance with those defined unit boundaries, is 2,522 square feet. Note that measurements of rooms set forth on this floor plan are generally taken at the greatest points of each given room (as if the room were a perfeall floor plans and development plans are subject to change. The size and configuration of balconies and terraces varies throughout the building. The balcony depicted above is among the larger balconies and is not reflective of the actual size or configuration of the
BALCONY BALCONY BEDROOM 3 12'-2\" X 11'-2\"STER BEDROOM DINING ROOM LIVING ROOM25'-2\" X 13'-2\" 13'-9\" X 7'-7\" 12'-9\" X 23'-7\" WALK IN BEDROOM 2 CLOSET CLOSET 13'-4\" X 12'-5\" BATHROOM 3 TER CLOSET CLOSET DWROOM STORAGE BATHROOM 2 KITCHEN STORAGE 8'-7\" X 16'-4\" SERVICE FOYER POWDER BATHROOM W REF ROOM AC SERVICE / UTILITY WDmensions that would be determined by using the description and definition of the “Unit” set forth in the Declaration (which generally only includes the interior airspace between the perimeter walls and excludes interior structural components). For yourect rectangle), without regard for any cutouts. Accordingly, the area of the actual room will typically be smaller than the product obtained by multiplying the stated length times width. All dimensions are approximate and may vary with actual construction, and balcony for each unit of this unit type. For the actual size and configuration of the balcony for your unit, see Exhibit “2” to the Declaration of Condominium. See legal disclaimer on back cover.
4203 4 BEDROOMS | 5.5 BATHROOMSPENTHOUSE FAMILY | SERVICE QUARTERS | TERRACE FLOOR: 42RESIDENCE 3,904 sq. ft. 363 sq. mt.BALCONY 509 sq. ft. 47 sq. mt.TERRACE 109 sq. mt. 1,174 sq. ft. TOTAL 519 sq. mt. 5,587 sq. ft. PLUNGE POOL (OPTIONAL) 6TH FLOOR POOL AMENITIES DECKSW 7TH STREET SW 8TH STREET 4204 4202 4203 4201Stated dimensions are measured to the exterior boundaries of the exterior walls and the centerline of interior demising walls, including common elements such as structural walls and other interior structural components of the building, and in fact vary from the dimreference, the area of the Unit, determined in accordance with those defined unit boundaries, is 3,627 square feet. Note that measurements of rooms set forth on this floor plan are generally taken at the greatest points of each given room (as if the room were a perfeall floor plans and development plans are subject to change. The size and configuration of balconies and terraces varies throughout the building. The balcony depicted above is among the larger balconies and is not reflective of the actual size or configuration of the
FOYER UTILITY D ROOM W AC STORAGE POWDER ROOM REF SERVICE ROOM SERVICE W KITCHEN BATHROOM 10'-11\" X 14'-8\" CLOSET DW WALK IN WALK IN STORAGE CLOSET CLOSET STORAGE BATHROOM 3 CLOSET CLOSET LIVING ROOM / ENTERTAINMENT AREA 16'-11\" X 29'-6\" BATHROOM 2 CLOSET BATHROOM 4 CLOSETTERRACE MASTER BATHROOM DINING ROOM MASTER BEDROOM BEDROOM 3 FAMILY ROOM 9'-6\" X 15'-1\" 15'-5\" X 20'-1\" 13'-4\" X 12'-1\" 13'-0\" X 26'-11\" BEDROOM 2 BEDROOM 4 14'-2\" X 15'-2\" 12'-5\" X 11'-3\" BALCONY BALCONY BALCONYmensions that would be determined by using the description and definition of the “Unit” set forth in the Declaration (which generally only includes the interior airspace between the perimeter walls and excludes interior structural components). For yourect rectangle), without regard for any cutouts. Accordingly, the area of the actual room will typically be smaller than the product obtained by multiplying the stated length times width. All dimensions are approximate and may vary with actual construction, and balcony for each unit of this unit type. For the actual size and configuration of the balcony for your unit, see Exhibit “2” to the Declaration of Condominium. See legal disclaimer on back cover.
4204 4 BEDROOMS | 5.5 BATHROOMSPENTHOUSE DEN | UTILITY | SERVICE QUARTERS | TERRACE FLOORS: 42 & 43RESIDENCE 3,936 sq. ft. 366 sq. mt.BALCONY 528 sq. ft. 49 sq. mt.TERRACE 234 sq. mt. 2,515 sq. ft. TOTAL 649 sq. mt. 6,979 sq. ft. 6TH FLOOR POOL PLUNGE POOL AMENITIES DECK (OPTIONAL)SW 7TH STREET SW 8TH STREET 4204 4202 4203 4201Stated dimensions are measured to the exterior boundaries of the exterior walls and the centerline of interior demising walls, including common elements such as structural walls and other interior structural components of the building, and in fact vary from the dimreference, the area of the Unit, determined in accordance with those defined unit boundaries, is 3,605 square feet. Note that measurements of rooms set forth on this floor plan are generally taken at the greatest points of each given room (as if the room were a perfeall floor plans and development plans are subject to change. The size and configuration of balconies and terraces varies throughout the building. The balcony depicted above is among the larger balconies and is not reflective of the actual size or configuration of the
BALCONY LEVEL 2 MASTER BATHROOM BEDROOM 4 9'-9\" X 14'-6\" MASTER BEDROOM 15'-10\" X 17'-3\" WALK IN CLOSET CLOSET TERRACE STORAGE SPA BATHROOM 4 AC (OPTIONAL) DEN 9'-7\" X 11'-3\" STORAGE STORAGE BALCONY LEVEL 1 BALCONY JR. MASTER BEDROOM 19'-11\" X 11'-4\" LIVING & DINING ROOM ENTERTAINMENT/ MEDIA BEDROOM 3 27'-11\" X 18'-1\" 11'-1\" X 18'-10\" 14'-6\" X 10'-1\"TERRACE DW KITCHEN CLOSET WALK IN JR. MASTER 26'-1\" X 8'-6\" BATHROOM 3 CLOSET BATHROOM REF FOYER SERVICE / SERVICE UTILITY ROOM BATHROOM PANTRY POWDER WD STORAGE AC W ROOMmensions that would be determined by using the description and definition of the “Unit” set forth in the Declaration (which generally only includes the interior airspace between the perimeter walls and excludes interior structural components). For yourect rectangle), without regard for any cutouts. Accordingly, the area of the actual room will typically be smaller than the product obtained by multiplying the stated length times width. All dimensions are approximate and may vary with actual construction, and balcony for each unit of this unit type. For the actual size and configuration of the balcony for your unit, see Exhibit “2” to the Declaration of Condominium. See legal disclaimer on back cover. BALCONY
4301 4 BEDROOMS | 5.5 BATHROOMSPENTHOUSE FAMILY | UTILITY | SERVICE QUARTERS FLOOR: 43RESIDENCE 4,335 sq. ft. 403 sq. mt.BALCONY 1,035 sq. ft. 96 sq. mt.TOTAL 5,370 sq. ft. 499 sq. mt. 6TH FLOOR POOL AMENITIES DECKSW 7TH STREET SW 8TH STREET 4204 4302 4303 4301Stated dimensions are measured to the exterior boundaries of the exterior walls and the centerline of interior demising walls, including common elements such as structural walls and other interior structural components of the building, and in fact vary from the dimreference, the area of the Unit, determined in accordance with those defined unit boundaries, is 4,047 square feet. Note that measurements of rooms set forth on this floor plan are generally taken at the greatest points of each given room (as if the room were a perfeall floor plans and development plans are subject to change. The size and configuration of balconies and terraces varies throughout the building. The balcony depicted above is among the larger balconies and is not reflective of the actual size or configuration of the
BALCONY BEDROOM 4 12'-10\" X 12'-0\" MASTER BEDROOM 19'-9\" X 14'-10\" WALK IN CLOSET WALK IN CLOSET WALK IN CLOSET BATHROOM 4 CLOSET A/C CLOSET MASTER BATHROOM POWDER BATHROOMAC WD UTILITY ROOM SERVICE ROOMSTORAGE FOYER SERVICE CLOSET BATHROOM BATHROOM 2 BATHROOM 3 W REF WALK IN WALK IN CLOSET CLOSET BEDROOM 2 LIVING ROOM / 13'-8\" X 13'-6\" ENTERTAINMENT AREA 22'-5\" X 37'-5\" FAMILY ROOM BEDROOM 3 KITCHEN 12'-11\" X 24'-6\" 14'-4\" X 14'-2\" 10'-7\" X 17'-3\" DW DINING ROOM 13'-1\" X 12'-3\" BALCONY BALCONYmensions that would be determined by using the description and definition of the “Unit” set forth in the Declaration (which generally only includes the interior airspace between the perimeter walls and excludes interior structural components). For yourect rectangle), without regard for any cutouts. Accordingly, the area of the actual room will typically be smaller than the product obtained by multiplying the stated length times width. All dimensions are approximate and may vary with actual construction, and balcony for each unit of this unit type. For the actual size and configuration of the balcony for your unit, see Exhibit “2” to the Declaration of Condominium. See legal disclaimer on back cover.
4302 3 BEDROOMS | 4.5 BATHROOMSPENTHOUSE UTILITY | SERVICE QUARTERS FLOOR: 43RESIDENCE 2,686 sq. ft. 250 sq. mt.BALCONY 501 sq. ft. 47 sq. mt.TOTAL 3,187 sq. ft. 297 sq. mt. WALK IN CLOSET 6TH FLOOR POOL AMENITIES DECKSW 7TH STREET SW 8TH STREET 4204 4302 4303 4301Stated dimensions are measured to the exterior boundaries of the exterior walls and the centerline of interior demising walls, including common elements such as structural walls and other interior structural components of the building, and in fact vary from the dimreference, the area of the Unit, determined in accordance with those defined unit boundaries, is 2,501 square feet. Note that measurements of rooms set forth on this floor plan are generally taken at the greatest points of each given room (as if the room were a perfeall floor plans and development plans are subject to change. The size and configuration of balconies and terraces varies throughout the building. The balcony depicted above is among the larger balconies and is not reflective of the actual size or configuration of the
BALCONY BALCONY MASTER BEDROOM DINING ROOM BEDROOM 3 25'-2\" X 13'-2\" 13'-9\" X 7'-7\" 12'-1\" X 11'-2\" WALK IN BEDROOM 2 LIVING ROOM CLOSET CLOSET 13'-4\" X 12'-5\" 12'-9\" X 23'-7\" BATHROOM 3 MASTER CLOSETBATHROOM BATHROOM 2 DW STORAGE KITCHEN FOYER SERVICE BATHROOMSTORAGE 8'-7\" X 16'-4\" POWDER ROOM W REF AC SERVICE / UTILITY WDmensions that would be determined by using the description and definition of the “Unit” set forth in the Declaration (which generally only includes the interior airspace between the perimeter walls and excludes interior structural components). For yourect rectangle), without regard for any cutouts. Accordingly, the area of the actual room will typically be smaller than the product obtained by multiplying the stated length times width. All dimensions are approximate and may vary with actual construction, and balcony for each unit of this unit type. For the actual size and configuration of the balcony for your unit, see Exhibit “2” to the Declaration of Condominium. See legal disclaimer on back cover.
4303 3 BEDROOMS | 4.5 BATHROOMSPENTHOUSE DINING | SERVICE QUARTERS | TERRACE FLOOR: 43RESIDENCE 3,430 sq. ft. 319 sq. mt. SPABALCONY 398 sq. ft. 37 sq. mt. (OPTIONAL)TERRACE 943 sq. ft. 88 sq. mt.TOTAL 4,771 sq. ft. 444 sq. mt. TERRACE 6TH FLOOR POOL AMENITIES DECKSW 7TH STREET SW 8TH STREET 4204 4302 4303 4301Stated dimensions are measured to the exterior boundaries of the exterior walls and the centerline of interior demising walls, including common elements such as structural walls and other interior structural components of the building, and in fact vary from the dimreference, the area of the Unit, determined in accordance with those defined unit boundaries, is 3,128 square feet. Note that measurements of rooms set forth on this floor plan are generally taken at the greatest points of each given room (as if the room were a perfeall floor plans and development plans are subject to change. The size and configuration of balconies and terraces varies throughout the building. The balcony depicted above is among the larger balconies and is not reflective of the actual size or configuration of the
POWDER AC ROOM W/DFOYER SERVICE D ROOM W REF W STORAGE CLOSETSTORAGE BATHROOM 2 CLOSET KITCHEN WALK IN SERVICE 9'-8\" X 14'-7\" CLOSET BATHROOM WALK IN CLOSET LIVING ROOM / BATHROOM 3ENTERTAINMENT AREA 16'-2\" X 32'-5\" DW CLOSET CLOSET DINING ROOM MASTER FAMILY ROOM 9'-8\" X 10'-0\" BATHROOM 12'-5\" X 16'-0\" MASTER BEDROOM BEDROOM 3 16'-7\" X 13'-7\" 12'-5\" X 10'-6\" BEDROOM 2 13'-0\" X 13'-6\"BALCONY BALCONY BALCONYmensions that would be determined by using the description and definition of the “Unit” set forth in the Declaration (which generally only includes the interior airspace between the perimeter walls and excludes interior structural components). For yourect rectangle), without regard for any cutouts. Accordingly, the area of the actual room will typically be smaller than the product obtained by multiplying the stated length times width. All dimensions are approximate and may vary with actual construction, and balcony for each unit of this unit type. For the actual size and configuration of the balcony for your unit, see Exhibit “2” to the Declaration of Condominium. See legal disclaimer on back cover.
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