Innovative Ways To Educate, Promote & Inspire 2017 PREMIERE EDITIONRaise awareness For Adults! 9 1⁄4” DIAMETER Proportioned sections for Separate dairyabout diabetes Non-Starchy Vegetables, Grains section holdsrisk factors, help cup or yogurtthose diagnosed and/or Fruit, and Protein; containerunderstand their Carb serving detailscondition, and on perimeterencourage healthylifestyle choices.Add your imprintto these tools toremind recipientsof your servicesand care. VPP-1343 Shown Portion Meal Plate With Glancer For People With Diabetes and Prediabetes English: VP-7289 Plate With Non-Personalized Glancer Shrink-wrapped (Not shown) together for VPP-1343 Plate With Personalized Glancer easy distribution! Spanish (Not shown): VP-7290 Plate With Non-Personalized Glancer VPP-1344 Plate With Personalized Glancer • Modified to meet dietary needs of adults with diabetes and prediabetes • Dishwasher-safe plastic plate illustrates how to eat right to manage and prevent diabetes • The 2-sided Nutrition At A Glance For People With Diabetes & Prediabetes Glancer in English or Spanish (with or without your imprint) helps individuals make smart choices at every meal and get the most out of each food group • Back of Glancer explains how to read/understand food labels • Plate and Glancer shrink-wrapped together Prices for VP-7289, VP-7290, VPP-1343, VPP-1344BACK As Low As READY IN ALSO SOLD SEPARATELY: Nutrition At A Glance For People Qty. 1-24 25-49 50-99 100-249 250 $3.79 4 With Diabetes & Prediabetes Glancer Each $4.19 $4.09 $3.99 $3.89 $3.79 Each CSD-93 English • CSD-94 Spanish BUSINESS 59¢ each Size: Plate: 9 1⁄4\" diam., Dairy Segment: 3 1⁄2\" diam., Glancer: 3 7⁄8\" x 8 3⁄4\"; DAYS Personalization: Minimum: 50: VPP-1343, VPP-1344 only: Up to 5 lines or logo on Glancer only; Imprint area: 3\" x 1 1⁄4\"; Setup charge: $30; Note: For ADD ART PREP VP-7290 & VPP-1344, Plate is in English and Glancer is in Spanish & SHIPPING FRONT POSITIVEPROMOTIONS.COM/HEALTH-AND-WELLNESS I CALL: 800-635-2666 I FAX: 800-635-2329
HELP INDIVIDUALSPREVENT& MANAGEDIABETESCHALLENGE A nutritionist working with a Native A Guide To Good Nutrition ForAmerican community health nutrition program sought People With Diabetes Andeasy-to-understand, easy-to-distribute guides for Prediabetes Handbook ITP-206community outreach programs focused on obesityand diabetes prevention and education. • Provides tips for healthy eating for peopleSOLUTION Positive Promotions’ Pocket Pals and with diabetes and prediabetesGuides were handed out to assist participants with • Includes information about how to readportion control, healthy snacking, eating healthy on Nutrition Facts labelsa budget, making healthy choices while eating out, • Offers suggestions for keeping bloodand more. Participant feedback was overwhelmingly sugar at optimum levelspositive–recipients especially appreciated the • Features calorie, total fat, saturated fat,pocket format that could fit easily into a wallet sodium, carbohydrate, fiber, sugar, andor purse for reference on the go. protein counts for hundreds of foods, including favorite menu items from popular PREVIEW THESE ITEMS fast-food restaurants and much more PAGE BY PAGE @ Qty. 25-99 100 250 500 1,000 2,500 POSITIVEPROMOTIONS.COM/HEALTH-AND-WELLNESS AND ENTER ITEM NUMBER Each $1.29 $1.12 $1.09 $1.01 97¢ 89¢ Size: 3 3⁄4\" x 6\", 36 pages; Personalization: READY IN Minimum: 100: Up to 5 lines or logo in black; Imprint area: 3\" x 1 1⁄4\"; Setup charge: $30 4 BUSINESS DAYS ADD ART PREP & SHIPPING Living With Diabetes Guide KLT-60 • A diagnosis of diabetes leads to a lot of questions, and this booklet addresses major issues people with diabetes face • Give recipients the tools they need to take control of their condition: Includes safely exercising, eating right, taking medication, monitoring glucose levels • Sections on avoiding complications and dealing with emergencies and other special situations Qty. 25-99 100 250 500 1,000 2,500 READY IN Each 99¢ 95¢ 89¢ 79¢ 69¢ 59¢ 4 Size: 5 1⁄2\" x 8 1⁄2\", 16 pages; Personalization: Minimum: 100: Up to BUSINESS 5 lines or logo in black; Imprint area: 3\" x 1 1⁄4\"; Setup charge: $30 DAYS ADD ART PREP & SHIPPING “ I have purchased materials on MyPlate, diabetic diet education, weight management, cardiovascular health, and more. I use these tools to help my patients make the best possible choices. It is very important that all of my patients’ needs are met. Positive Promotions is the first site I visit when I have an event coming up. Items arrive quickly and I find what I need every time!” Lisa Rasi, MA, RD, LDN, Clinical Dietitian Specialist, Temple University Hospital, Episcopal Campus, Philadelphia, PA2 POSITIVEPROMOTIONS.COM/HEALTH-AND-WELLNESS I CALL: 800-635-2666 I FAX: 800-635-2329
FRONT BACK With the E-Z Stick fullmagnetic back, Glancer can beplaced on any clean, flat metal surface. Your personalized message never gets lost.Lowering Your Risk ForType 2 DiabetesMagnetic GlancerCS-1259M• Explains how to best prevent ordelay type 2 diabetes by takingsteps to control blood sugar levelsand lower risk• Advises reaching and maintaininga healthy weight• Offers healthy eating remindersand details nutritious choices Preventing & Managing Diabetes Slideguide• Encourages regular exercise, such 805-SL English • 806-SL Spanishas brisk walking or moderate- Qty. 100-199 200 350 500 1,000 2,500intensity activity • Prediabetes often leads to diabetes, and this guide can help• Details the American Diabetes Each 69¢ 65¢ 62¢ 59¢ 57¢ 49¢ delay or prevent the onset of this serious disease • Front explains What is diabetes?, What is pre diabetes?,Association’s blood-glucose Size: 3 7⁄8\" x 8 3⁄4\"; Personalization: Minimum: READY IN Risk factors, Can diabetes be prevented?, and morescreening schedule for 100: Up to 5 lines or logo in black; • Back explains how to prevent type 2 diabetes and has tips forages 18-44 and 45 & over Imprint area: 3\" x 1 1⁄4\"; Setup charge: $30 4 people with diabetes on avoiding complications of the disease• Magnet back • Covers symptoms and testing BUSINESS DAYS WE’LL FIND IT ADD ART PREP 806-SL & SHIPPING Spanish Version If you need a product and don’t see it Qty. 50-249 250 500 1,000 2,500 BUY 2 READY IN in our catalog or on our website, give us a call at GET 1 Each 89¢ 87¢ 85¢ 82¢ 79¢ FREE 4 800-635-2666 x2286 Free 25-124 125 250 500 1,250 BUSINESS or visit DAYS Size: 3 3⁄4\" x 8 3⁄4\"; Personalization: Minimum: 250: Up to 5 lines or logo in black; Imprint area: 2 3⁄4\" x 1 1⁄2\"; Setup charge: $30 ADD ART PREP & SHIPPINGPersonalizationappears on backWhat Everyone Should Know About PersonalizationPre-Diabetes Pocket Pal BC-102 appears on back• Explains prediabetes and how to prevent it Managing The ABCs Of Diabetes Pocket Pal BC-256• Includes a checklist of prediabetes risk factors • Helps people learn how to manage the disease via regular screening, blood glucose monitoring, and carbohydrate intake• Provides information about tests used to diagnose prediabetes READY IN • ABC format explains the A1C Test and when to have it, discusses• Details symptoms of prediabetes and type 2 diabetes checking blood glucose throughout the day, and introduces how to• Includes a weight and exercise recorder 4 count and control carbohydrates to avoid blood sugar spikes • Includes space to write in times and targets for daily blood glucose BUSINESS checks, plus a section on Healthy Habits for People with Diabetes. DAYSPricing for BC-102, BC-256 ADD ART PREP & SHIPPINGBUY 2 Qty. 50-249 250 500 1,000 2,500GET 1 Each 59¢ 57¢ 55¢ 49¢ 46¢ Size: 2 1⁄4\" x 3 1⁄2\"; Personalization:FREE Free 25-124 125 250 Minimum: 250: Up to 5 lines or logo in 500 1,250 black on back; Imprint area: 1 1⁄2\" x 2 3⁄4\"; Setup charge: $30 FREE SAMPLES AVAILABLE! CALL 800-635-2666 OR VISIT POSITIVEPROMOTIONS.COM/SAMPLE 3
Personalization Rethink Your Drink! appears on back Magnet FM-293 • Illustrates the amount of sugar in sweetened beverages • Addresses importance of drinking water and other unsweetened beverages instead of sugary drinks • Hang on refrigerator or file cabinet for an at-a-glance reminder Size: 6 2⁄3\" x 5 2⁄3\"; Imprint area: 5 1⁄2\" x 3⁄4\"10 Steps To Losing Prices For FM-293, FM-318 CUSTOMERThe First 10 Pounds Qty. 100-199 200 350Pocket Pal BC-130 MIX&• 8-panel take-along guide gives 10 easy-to-follow steps, including Keep a food diary; 500 1,000 2,500 MATCCUHSTOMERAvoid trigger foods; Put exercise to work for you; and more for quantity Each 69¢ 65¢ 59¢ 55¢ 49¢ 45¢ discounts• Recipients can cut 500 calories a day: the amount that results in a steady weight loss Personalization: Minimum: 200: Up to 3 lines or logo in black; Setup charge: $30• Includes weight logQty. 50-249 250 500 1,000 2,500 READY IN BUY 2 Measurement GET 1 ConversionsEach 59¢ 57¢ 55¢ 49¢ 46¢ 4 Made Easy FREE Magnet FM-318Free 25-124 125 250 500 1,250 BUSINESS DAYS • Die-cut magnet perfectSize: 2 1⁄4\" x 3 1⁄2\"; Personalization: Minimum: 250: Up to 5 lines or to hang on the fridge to take thelogo in black on back; Imprint area: 1 1⁄2\" x 2 3⁄4\"; Setup charge: $30 ADD ART PREP guesswork out of cooking & SHIPPING • Displays the most common kitchen measurement BACK conversions • Includes common cooking unitsFRONT such as dry volume, liquid volume and equivalents Size: 5 1⁄4\" x 6\"; Imprint area: 3 1⁄2\" x 1\" Fork stores in lid!Facts On Fast Food Slideguide 598-SL Removable mini Divided tray cup for dressings holds 3• The calories, sodium, total fat, saturated fat, trans fat, andcholesterol counts of over 100 fast food favorites at the or condiments toppings!CUSTOM8 most popular fast-food restaurants in the U.S.• The list includes: Burgers; French fries; Fried chicken; Milk shakes; Round Food Container With Compartments GNP-4059 CUSTOMPizza; Salad; Tacos; and much more• Back features hints to help lower fat and cholesterol intake when eating out • Round food-safe polypropylene, BPA-free container 4-cup capacity • White “bowl” stores up to 4 cups of salad or a large meal bowl–perfectQty. 50-249 250 500 1,000 2,500 BUY 2 READY IN • Removable divided top tray has 3 compartments for wet or dry for a salad!Each 89¢ 87¢ 85¢ 82¢ 79¢ GET 1 ingredients and toppings 4 • Removable mini cup holds up to 4 tablespoons READY INFree 25-124 125 250 500 1,250 FREE of dressing, sauce, gravy or other condiments BUSINESS • Included fork stores in colorful lid 7Size: 3 3⁄4\" x 8 3⁄4\"; Personalization: Minimum: 250: Up to 5 lines or DAYS • Dishwasher- and microwave-safelogo in black; Imprint area: 2 3⁄4\" x 1 1⁄2\"; Setup charge: $30 BUSINESS ADD ART PREP DAYS & SHIPPING ADD ART PREP Qty. 50 100 250 500 Size: 7\" x 4 1⁄2\" x 6 7⁄8\"; Personalization: & SHIPPING Each $5.49 $4.99 $4.69 $4.49 Minimum: 50: Up to 4 lines or logo in standard colors on lid; Imprint area: 1 1⁄2\" x 1\"; Setup charge: $504 POSITIVEPROMOTIONS.COM/HEALTH-AND-WELLNESS I CALL: 800-635-2666 I FAX: 800-635-2329
CHALLENGE Encourage people to improve their PROMOTE SMARThealth one drink at a time. FOOD CHOICES!SOLUTION A community action group in the Midwestparticipated in several health fairs with a \"Rethink Your Drink\" MAKE IT EASY TO PLAN,display. The display showed the high amounts of sugar in popular PREPARE & ENJOY HEALTHY MEALSbeverages, such as soda, coffee, and sports drinks, and encouragedpeople to make water their beverage of choice. To give people anincentive to drink water, members of the group handed out PositivePromotions’ Magnets, as well as Water Bottles. The items were ahuge hit with attendees of all ages, a representative said. Understanding Food Labels The Diabetes Magnetic Glancer Cookbook CS-1205M English OS-7469 English CS-1206M Spanish OSA-8906 Spanish • Teaches the importance of reading the • Helps individuals Nutrition Facts label on packaged foods plan and prepare and drinks meals that are tasty • Each portion of the Nutrition Facts label is and healthy simply explained • Includes recipes for • Includes nutrition tips all courses • Hang on the refrigerator or any metal • Each recipe surface for easy-at-a-glance reminders includes nutritional analysis 1 Comience aquí Comience por comprobar en la etiqueta el tamaño de una ración. Mida las porciones para asegurarse que está comiendo la cantidad que concuerda con los valores en la etiqueta. Muchos envases contienen más de una ración individual. 2 Información 5 nutricional Compruebe Guía rápida las calorías Tamaño de ración 2 cucharadas (32g) para % DV Una cantidad Servidas por envase 14 (% de valor diario) baja por servida es de 40 calorías, Cantidad por ración una moderada es Calorías 190 Calorías de grasa 100 de 100 y una alta es de 400 o más. % de valor diario • 5% o menos es bajo 3 Grasa total 12g 18% • 20% o más Limite estos Grasa saturada 2.5g 13% es alto nutrientes © Positive Promotions, Inc. CS-1206M Revisado 1/17 Demasiado Grasa trans 0g 0% 6 consumo de estos Colesterol 0mg nutrientes puede Proteína incrementar su Sodio 110mg 5% El consumo de riesgo de proteína ayuda a enfermedades del Carbohidratos totales 8g 3% nuestros cuerpos corazón, algunos a funcionar cánceres y otros Fibra dietética 3g 12% apropiadamente; problemas. Azúcares 2g muy poca proteína Proteína 7g puede causar Qty. 100 250 500 1,000 4 debilidad y fatiga. Ingredientes: CUSTOMER Maní, linaza, aceite de maní, sirope de agave, aceite de palma, sal. CUSTOMER Carbohidratos totales Each $3.30 $2.80 $2.67 $2.57 OSA-8906 Los carbohidratos totales se miden en gramos. Los gramos de fibra y azúcar Spanish Version están incluidos en la cantidad de carbohidratos totales. La fibra es beneficiosa para la digestión y ayuda a la sensación de llenura. Demasiado azúcar es dañino para su salud y puede llevar a diabetes o enfermedades del corazón. CS-1206M Size: 5 1⁄2\" x 8 1⁄2\", 88 pages; READY IN FULL Spanish Version Personalization: Minimum: COLOR 100: Up to 5 lines or logo in full 12 color on cover; Imprint area: IMPRINT! 4 1⁄2\" x 1 1⁄2\"; Setup charge: FREE BUSINESS DAYSQty. 100-199 200 350 500 1,000 2,500 READY IN With the E-Z Stick full magnetic back, Glancer ADD ART PREPEach 69¢ 65¢ 62¢ 59¢ 57¢ 49¢ 4 & SHIPPING can be placed on anySize: 3 7⁄8\" x 8 3⁄4\"; Personalization: Minimum: 100: Up to 5 BUSINESS clean, flat metal surface.lines or logo in black; Imprint area: 3\" x 1 1⁄4\"; Setup charge: $30 DAYS Your personalized ADD ART PREP message never gets lost. & SHIPPING Personalization appears on back Personalization Eating Healthy On A Budget Pocket Pal BC-142appears on back • 8-panel pocket pal includes 15 Ways To Be A Money-Smart, Health-Wise Food ShopperUnderstanding Food Labels Pocket Pal BC-198 (i.e., Buy fruits and vegetables by the bag if possible, rather than by the piece) Spanish Version • Includes Cost-Saving Cooking Tips (i.e., Make extra when cooking a stew, casserole orBC-115 English • BC-198 Spanish pot of soup so it can be frozen and heated up for a future meal) • Consumers will appreciate the information for their health and their budget• Pocket-sized teaching tool can help recipients decipherlabels whenever they go food shopping Prices For BC-115, BC-198, BC-142 2,500 Size: 2 1⁄4\" x 3 1⁄2\"; READY IN• Nutrition Facts panels are explained line by line, including Qty. 50-249 250 500 1,000 46¢ Personalization: Minimum: 250:Fat, Sodium, Cholesterol and more Each 59¢ 57¢ 55¢ 49¢ 1,250 Up to 5 lines or logo in black on 4• Tells how to read ingredients lists and gives definitions of the Free 25-124 125 250 500 back; Imprint area: 1 1⁄2\" x 2 3⁄4\";descriptive phrases found on many food packages Setup charge: $30 BUSINESS DAYS ADD ART PREP & SHIPPING SPONSORING OR PARTICIPATING IN A HEALTH FAIR? VISIT POSITIVEPROMOTIONS.COM/HEALTHFAIRS 5
ENCOURAGEEXERCISE!HELP EVERYONE TAKE STEPS TOREDUCE RISK & IMPROVE HEALTHCHALLENGE A hospital in the Northeast wanted to promote the importance CUSTOMERof physical fitness in diabetes prevention and management, while encouraging FAVORITE!individuals to adopt more active lifestyles to improve overall health.SOLUTION Employees designed a program to help people get healthier overa year’s time. Positive Promotions’ products were used as participation incentivesand as giveaways when people got important health tests. The items helpedincrease people’s likelihood to exercise and to follow through on appointments.Participants received more care and enjoyed better health outcomes. CUSTOMER Walk Your Way To Fitness PREVIEW THIS ITEM Guide & Daily Log POSITIVEPPRAOMGOTEIONCSBU.CYSOMT/OPHEMAALEGTHR-EAND@-WELLNESS ITP-86 English • ITP-100 Spanish AND ENTER ITEM NUMBER • Everything to know to start a successful walking program • Motivating reasons to get active • Explains benefits of using “steps” to track progress • Provides ways to add steps to each day • Exercises for stretching and strength training • Tips for healthful nutrition, especially for anyone who wants to lose weight or maintain a weight loss Qty. 25-99 100 250 500 1,000 2,500 READY IN ITP-100 CUST Each $1.29 $1.12 $1.09 $1.01 97¢ 89¢ 4 Spanish Version Size: 3 3⁄4\" x 6\", 36 pages; Personalization: Minimum: 100: Up to BUSINESS 5 lines or logo in black; Imprint area: 3\" x 1 1⁄4\"; Setup charge: $30 DAYS5 Ways To Be More Active Magnet FM-212 ADD ART PREP & SHIPPING• Sneaker-shaped magnet lists 5 ways to get more physical activity• Suggestions include Walk or bicycle to places; Exercise while you watch TV; CUSTPut exercise on your daily schedule; and moreQty. 100-199 200 350 500 1,000 2,500 READY INEach 69¢ 65¢ 59¢ 55¢ 49¢ 45¢ 4Size: 6 1⁄4\" x 4 1⁄2\"; Personalization: Minimum: 200: Up to 3 lines or logo in BUSINESSblack; Imprint area: 4 1⁄2\" x 1\" Setup charge: $30 DAYS ADD ART PREP & SHIPPING Personalization appears on back Personalization Know Your Numbers Recorder Pocket Pal BC-129 appears on back Spanish Version BC-7 English • BC-129 Spanish • Keeps track of important health information • Provides space to record results of screenings for blood glucose, blood pressure, cholesterol, body mass index, waist measurement and weight, and explanations about these key measurements of health12 Health Habits To Better Your Life Pocket Pal BC-252 Prices for BC-252, BC-7, BC-129 2,500 Size: 2 1⁄4\" x 3 1⁄2\"; BUY 2 READY IN Qty. 50-249 250 500 1,000 46¢ Personalization: Minimum: GET 1• Encourages changes in daily habits that can improve overall health Each 59¢ 57¢ 55¢ 49¢ 1,250 250: Up to 5 lines or logo in FREE 4• Provides tips on how to build small changes into healthy habits Free 25-124 125 250 500 black on back; Imprint area:• Presents 12 key ways to improve health and well being and how to achieve 1 1⁄2\" x 2 3⁄4\"; Setup charge: $30 BUSINESSthem, including Choose nutritious foods; Get regular aerobic exercise; DAYSHave health tests and vaccinations; Protect your skin; Be social; and more ADD ART PREP & SHIPPING6 POSITIVEPROMOTIONS.COM/HEALTH-AND-WELLNESS I CALL: 800-635-2666 I FAX: 800-635-2329
SAVE FRONT BACK 10%SKP-1887Multi-Function Stepper With Walker’s GuideSK-1887 Without Personalization (English)SKP-1239 With Personalization (English)SK-1888 Without Personalization (Spanish)SKP-1240 With Personalization (Spanish)• Clip-on multi-function stepper with digital display counts steps, Comes Chair Exercises For distance walked and calories burned shrink-wrapped Fitness Slideguide• Recipients can track progress with the Walk Your Way To FitnessGuide & Daily Log, which includes tips for target heart rate, losing for easy 836-SL English • 858-SL Spanishweight, space to write daily walking achievements, and more distribution• Set comes shrink-wrapped • Details 12 techniques that offer a full range of flexibility, strength and BUY 2 cardiovascular exercises while GET 1Qty. 100 250 500 1,000 READY IN Color: Pedometer: Blue; Personalization: seated, with illustrations for a CUSFTROEME ER 858-SLReg. Price $4.81 $4.48 $4.35 $4.26 Minimum: 100: Pedometer: Up to 3 lines or head-to-toe workout Spanish VersionSale Price $4.29 $3.99 $3.89 $3.79 7 logo in standard colors; Guide: Up to 5 lines or logo in black; Imprint area: Stepper: Qty. 50-249 250 500 1,000 2,500 READY IN BUSINESS Front: 7⁄8\" x 5⁄8\"; Walking Guide: 3\" x 1 1⁄4\"; Each 89¢ 87¢ 85¢ CU82S¢TOM7E9R¢ DAYS Setup charge: $70 (includes both items) 4 ADD ART PREP BUSINESS & SHIPPING DAYS Free 25-124 125 250 500 1,250 ADD ART PREP & SHIPPING Size: 3 3⁄4\" x 8 3⁄4\"; Personalization: Minimum: 250: Up to 5 lines or logo in black; Imprint area: 2 3⁄4\" x 1 1⁄2\"; Setup charge: $30 Walking For Fitness Exercising Tips & Recorder Pocket Pal BC-88 English • BC-75 Spanish • 8-panel take-along guide explains the benefits of walking • Includes Checklist for Starting a Successful Walking Program; BUY 2 Add Steps To Your Day; What To Know Before You Step Out GET 1 • With two-month calendar for recording daily Minutes and Steps Walked FREE • Great to use with a pedometer 4Qty. 50-249 250 500 1,000 2,500 Size: 2 1⁄4\" x 3 1⁄2\"; READY IN Personalization:Personalization Each 59¢ 57¢ 55¢ 49¢ 46¢ Minimum: 250: Up to 5 BUSINESSappears on back lines or logo in black on back; Imprint area: 1 1⁄2\" x DAYS Free 25-124 125 250 500 1,250 2 3⁄4\"; Setup charge: $30 BC-75 ADD ART PREP Spanish Version & SHIPPINGExercise Resistance Band With Pocket Pal packagedInstructional Pocket Pal with Resistance BandVP-5000 Non-Personalized VPP-758VPP-758 Personalized VP-5000• Build strength and flexibility• Blue latex resistance band with black Stretch for fitness anywhere!comfort-grip EVA foam handles• Packaged with Pocket Pal illustrating Pocket Pal details READY INbasic exercises that can be performed basic cardio,with the bands 7 strength trainingQty. 1-24 25-49 50 100 250 and stretching BUSINESS DAYSEach $4.49 $4.39 $4.29 $4.09 $3.99 exercises that can be performed with ADD ART PREPSize: Band: 15\" x 6\" x 1\", Pocket Pal: 2 1⁄4\" x 3 1⁄2\"; the resistance band & SHIPPINGPersonalization: Minimum: 50: Band: Up to 2 lines or logoin standard colors, Pocket Pal: Up to 5 lines or logo in blackon back; Imprint area: Band: 3\" x 7⁄8\", Pocket Pal: 1 1⁄2\" x 2 3⁄4\";Setup charge: $70 (both items) FREE SAMPLES AVAILABLE! CALL 800-635-2666 OR VISIT POSITIVEPROMOTIONS.COM/SAMPLE 7
RAISE AWARENESS & FIGHT DIABETES IN YOUR COMMUNITYNEW EDUCATIONAL TOOLS & PROMOTIONAL INCENTIVES SUPPORT HEALTHY LIFESTYLE CHOICES BILINGUAL English/SpanishFirst 18 pages in EnglishFirst 18 pages in English Flip over 2 Books In 1! Flip over for 18 pages in SpanishGrocery Shopping Made Easy: Tips For People With Diabetes &Prediabetes Bilingual (English/Spanish) Guidebook ITP-205• Provides important nutrition information for managing diabetes & prediabetes CUSTOMER• Features shopping lists and tips for every food group CUSTOMER• Includes carbohydrate counting basics, reading nutrition labels, and more• 18 pages in English; book flips over for 18 pages in Spanish Conveniently clips to bags to keepQty. 25-99 100 250 500 1,000 2,500 contents freshEach $1.29 $1.12 $1.09 $1.01 97¢ 89¢ PREVIEW THIS ITEM CUSTOMER PAGE BY PAGE @ CUSTOMERSize: 3 3⁄4\" x 6\", 36 pages; Personalization: READY INMinimum: 100: Up to 5 lines or logo in black POSITIVEPROMOTIONS.COM/HEALTH-AND-WELLNESS SCAN HERE TO JOIN(Please specify on which side, English or 4 OUR FACEBOOKSpanish, your imprint should appear; if not AND ENTER ITEM NUMBER LIVE EVENT!specified, imprint will be on English side); BUSINESS FRIDAY April 28th @Imprint area: 3\" x 1 1⁄4\"; Setup charge: $30 DAYS 2pm EST ADD ART PREP & SHIPPING FREE SAMPLES Makes portion control easy: scoop Available For All Items In This Catalog. includes measuresCall Our Friendly Customer Service Representatives for 1 cup, 1/2 cup 800-635-2666 and 1/4 cup! Or Visit! Food Portion Scoop/Clip OSA-9867• Makes it easy to get the right portion every time• Scoop includes 3 sizes in 1: 1 cup, 12⁄ cup and 14⁄ cup• Clips right to bag of nuts, snacks, cereal, etc.• Great wellness incentive for health fairs, education events,wellness seminars• Dishwasher safe; BPA-free● Navy ●Red ● Light Blue ● GrayQty. 100 250 500 1,000 READY INEach $2.99 $2.95 $2.89 $2.85 7Size: 4 1⁄2\" x 1\"; Personalization: Minimum: 100: BUSINESSUp to 4 lines or logo in standard colors; Imprint area: DAYS2\" x 1\"; Setup charge: $50 ADD ART PREP & 800-635-2666 Be first in line for exclusive email offers, products and downloads.Fax: 800-635-2329 Text JOINPOSITIVE to 33233 or visit Make A Difference - BRCH-67 Please Note: We welcome all orders right up to the time of © 2017 Positive Promotions, Inc. All rights P9305 events. Orders received less than two weeks prior to an reserved. Most of the products, graphic designs,PLEASE RECYCLE event are subject to availability. If an item is out of stock, logo treatments and slogans herein are the we will substitute a similar item of equal or higher value so property of Positive Promotions, Inc. Nothing that your event can take place on time. As always, your herein may be reproduced without the express 100% satisfaction is guaranteed from Positive Promotions. written consent of Positive Promotions, Inc.
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