Colorado Fly FishingBoxwood Gulch offers several species of trout for the angler who enjoys a mixedbag or perhaps hasn't experienced the pleasure of fighting a certain trout breedbefore. Tactics for each of our species varies from midging for super selectiverainbows, to streamer fishing for monster browns.Boxwood Gulches population is made up of over 1500 fish on 1 mile of water withtrout ranging from 12 inch brookies to 30 inch bows and browns - 50% rainbows,30% browns, 20% cutbows, snake river cutthroats, brookies, and the elusivepalomino rainbow.• Big fish and plenty of them---and you will catch some of them.• Total Privacy- Boxwood section: If your group is 8 or more only your group willbe fishing the property. If fewer than 8 anglers we may add anglers. They willhave their own guide and share the property independent of your group. At LongMeadow section, you may see a few other anglers not in your group.
Boxwood Bows Highly successful spawns in recent years have increased the numbers of young fish which subsequently brought the average size down from 19\" to 17\", but has increased anglers catches from 15 to 20+ fish per angler.Always in tune to the surface, Boxwood bows start rising in March and are stilltaking hoppers and attractor patterns well into October. BIG BOWS? One only hasto glance at the big fish board in Boxwoods clubhouse to see countless photos ofelated anglers holding fish of 24 and 28\" to see what awaits them among the rifflesand runs of Boxwood Gulch.Boxwood Gulch offers several species of trout for the angler who enjoys a mixedbag or perhaps hasn't experienced the pleasure of fighting a certain trout breedbefore.Tactics for each of our species varies from midging for super selective rainbows, tostreamer fishing for monster browns. Boxwood Gulches population is made up ofover 1500 fish on 1 mile of water with trout ranging from 12 inch brookies to 30inch bows and browns - 50% rainbows, 30% browns, 20% cutbows, snake rivercutthroats, brookies, and the elusive palomino rainbow.
Boxwood Browns Aggressive, wary, and stout best describes the browns that average 18\" and are full of color and fight. The fisher that likes to swing a bugger in pocket water or skate a mouse pattern across a deep run will find him or herself targeting this species simply because of the rod jarring strikes.Bigger browns of the 2 foot caliber are evening predators, and are usually takenon large streamers like sculpins or string leeches as twighlight begins to shroudoverhanging willows where the ambush by a monster brown is usually the bigfish of the day.Cutbows- POWER, HEAVY, LINE BREAKERS. Easy torecognize immediatly after the hook set because of theirleaping ability and speed. This fish rarely reaches 22\" inlength, but boasts the biggest girth of all Boxwood trout.With a distinct love for LARGE flies, the Cutbow is the firstto knock a mouse pattern off the water in early summer orsmack a hopper with reckless abandon.
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