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Home Explore Discovery Ranch for Girls

Discovery Ranch for Girls

Published by EMW, 2017-11-13 21:39:42

Description: Discovery Ranch for Girls is a residential therapy program that helps girls who struggle with a variety of emotional and behavioral issues.

Keywords: troubled teen,therapy,treatment,depression,equine therapy


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We believe... We believe in the potential of young women and the ability to restore choice. Through nurturing relationships and challenging experiences, young women and their families discover hope, passion, and perseverance in the face of life’s adversity. 2

“Sending you to Restoring treatment was a very Choice hard choice. I love you so much. There was no When our lives are in chaos, we other choice. I felt like I feel our choices are limited and had done everything I out of reach. could do.” Your daughter feels that same lack of choice because of her unhealthy decisions Karen–Mother of a and her deteriorating relationship with former student you. And yet, she wants what every girl wants: the opportunity to explore3 a world of choices based on her own unique personality and interests. Reconnect your daughter with her own tremendous potential. Reclaim your family’s sense of self-determination and choice. This begins with letting go of what you can’t control and focusing on what you can. It means finding and adopting an approach to your daughter’s care that combines clinical sophistication with time-honored values and practices.

Through nurturing relationships...Our most formative, life-changing experiences often arise from the people with whom we share them. We remember theteacher, the coach, the mentor for who they were and how much they cared.At Discovery Ranch for Girls we view relationships—with us, with you, with other family members and with peers—as themost fundamental agents of change in your daughter’s life. No other aspect of her care has been shown to carry as muchweight in her future success. 4

…and challenging experiences… “Experiential” can have a variety of meanings in the world of treatment. At Discovery Ranch for Girls, experiential treatment is not just an activity we go and do; it’s who we are. It is the bedrock of our approach. We learn by doing. No amount Every part of the “Discovery of individual or group therapy, Ranch Experience”—whether no matter how intensive or feeding a calf, traveling to the sophisticated, can be fully local theater and arts festival, effective without an experiential or rappelling with staff and proving ground—a place for peers—is selected and designed students to practice what to enhance your daughter’s they have learned. A young therapeutic progress and “turn woman may gain tremendous experience into understanding.” therapeutic insights, but she needs to be challenged in her ability to use them.5

We believenurturingrelationships arefostered withinthe contextof challengingexperiences. 6

Equine Therapy Equine therapy has demonstrated, time and again, its uncanny ability to address the strengths and needs of students of all ages in a wide variety of therapeutic contexts. As Winston Churchill once said, there is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a person. “Equine therapy was extremely hard for me because the horses reflected exactly how I was feeling. It forced me to set boundaries [and] be assertive. I couldn’t let anyone or anything walk all over me. Soon enough, it wasn’t about controlling something bigger than me, but being part of something bigger than me.” Maria–Former student7


Students at DRG begin with a set of “Grounds Tasks” which test their problem- solving, teamwork, and communication skills. They learn to “think outside the box,” to be assertive and aware, and to read the body language of the horses. They must cope with frustration, confusion, and disappointment. All the while, each student is better getting to know the horses and her peers. Attempting to communicate with the horses without touching or talking to them, I have realized some of the struggles my parents go through in trying to help me see what’s best for me.” Lauren–Former student9

Eventually, they graduate to “Horsemanship,”where focus shifts to an individual relationshipwith a specific, chosen horse. This presents awhole new set of personalized challenges. Finally,students may participate in “Colt Development,”where opportunities abound for students to seeand address their own anxieties and reactions asreflected in the behavior of very young colts.Students in equine have a tendency to lower theirdefenses and allow for conversations they mightbe closed to in other settings. Confidence andinsights students gain as a result are impactful,powerful, and real. 10

Calf Program “I had no idea I would ever get as attached to my calf as I did. Every time I saw him in feedlot, he stuck out The calf program is experiential learning at its to me from all the others; I felt like a mother watching best. DRG provides each student a newborn calf to raise. It is then the responsibility of her son mingle with other children at recess.” each student to care for that calf. This includes bottle feeding three times a day and meeting Kimberly–Former student medical needs when necessary. The calves are dependent on the girls and are extremely fragile. At three months, calves are moved to a different area on the campus and the girls are assigned a new calf. This allows the girls to experience transitional relationships and practice the ability to attach and then say goodbye. The life lessons and insight gained from this experience are innumerable.11

“When my calf got sick I washoping everyday he would getbetter. Finally, I had to accepthe wasn’t going to. He taughtme how to be strong and notgive up, even when things lookhopeless. He also taught meabout acceptance.”Samantha–Former student 12

Therapeutic Fluidity DRG is treatment team driven. Your daughter Therapeutic availability allows therapists to address will have a team of therapists that will provide clinical issues in the moment. DRG believes the an array of vast clinical knowledge and power of long lasting change occurs due to a experience. DRG therapists maintain a small robust therapeutic environment that is fluid and caseload to help ensure that your daughter’s responsive to your daughter’s clinical needs around clinical needs are addressed. Small caseloads the clock. Our treatment team, consisting of clinical, provide an opportunity to develop the needed residential, academic, experiential, and nutrition close therapeutic relationships for sustained and healthy lifestyle services team members is change to occur. woven into your daughter’s daily living. This is the foundation of our therapeutic fluid environment.13

Individual TherapyDiscovery Ranch for Girls is clinically intensive. The term “clinicallyIntensive” conjures up thoughts of waiting rooms, white coats andsterile environments. The standard practice for individual therapy withinResidential Treatment Centers is a fifty-minute session in the therapist’soffice. Not so at DRG. Individual therapy may take place on the back ofa horse, a walk around the campus or dangling your feet in the waterwhile sitting on the dock at the boat house. Individual therapy at DRGisn’t about fifty minutes in an office; it’s about fostering a therapeuticrelationship through shared experiences.Family TherapyDRG believes in treating the family. Our families will work throughtherapy assignments alongside their daughters; attend weekly familysessions via conference calls or face-to-face technology. They will alsoattend on-site family seminars that are hosted at DRG three times peryear. Then, when clinically appropriate, their daughter will come homefor a therapeutic home visit to reassess clinical progress and healthyfamily dynamics. 14

Group Therapy DRG offers students the chance to address specific issues in an emotionally safe group environment. Groups are designed to provide hands-on experiences while simultaneously providing an opportunity for highly clinical insight. Our experiential approach keeps our girls engaged and creates a desire to participate. The best part… most of the time they don’t even realize they are in therapy.15

Core Groups Specialty GroupsDialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) Attachment / AdoptionArt Therapy or Music Therapy Body ImageEquine Therapy Resiliency / TraumaInterpersonal Process Seeking SafetyPhase Group Addictions 16

Discovering Hope, Passion, and Perseverance Recent research confirms an old truth: success in life is often less about one’s intellectual or physical gifts, and more about the ability to maintain Hope, Passion, and Perseverance in the face of life’s adversity. The Discovery Ranch Experience embraces the adventure and vicissitudesoflife.Ouremphasisonnurturingrelationshipsand challenging experiences provides young women opportunities to develop their own identity and empowerment—their own Hope, Passion, and Perseverance—while under the guidance of a caring Treatment Team. They discover they are not fragile, but strong and capable.17

This is the aim of Discovery Ranch for Girls. To be a placewhere young women can find refuge from the stormsof life, and also where they learn to walk with purposethrough the rain. “The morning that the transport team drove off with you, I was so scared. It was the most painful thing, I think, that I have ever had to do, but one of the things I am the most grateful that I have done.” Julia – Mother of a former student 18

Academic Excellence & College Preparation The academic system at DRG is actually that of a satellite campus of Discovery Academy. No different than a major university may have satellite locations throughout the state, Discovery Academy is the accredited body that gives academic credit and can even graduate students with a Discovery Academy diploma. Discovery Academy is a sister facility of DRG and located in Provo, Utah. The campus at DRG can provide for all of the necessary academic needs of your daughter. Here are some of the details about this progressive and innovative educational system.19

Achievement BasedBecause this is a customized and personalized educational experience, students are not expected tokeep up with their peers. Academic courses at DRG represent between 10 - 40 chapters and the studentsare allowed to work at their own pace based on mastery of the subject matter. Each student mustdemonstrate competency based on passing each chapter test with an 80% proficiency or better. Thissystem encourages students who have struggled academically to ‘catch up’, demonstrate self motivationand experience success. It also allows students to explore a wide range of academic interests if they areahead of graduation requirements. Labs Most of our classes follow a model of 2/3 tutorial classroom and 1/3 lab. Labs range from a traditional science lab, to project based instruction, to experiential learning. In English and Social Studies, direct teaching is especially prevalent and important as a means of developing critical thinking, presentation, debate, and public speaking skills. 20

Experiential Learning Experiential learning is a core value that we infuse into every area of programming. DRG students aren’t being told how to think or how to feel; they are learning by doing. Students learn and discover new areas of strength and skill, new coping skills, new insights, and new talents by trying new things, working through frustration and failure, and accomplishing hard things. In school students build rockets, explore the solar system, experience Shakespeare, and many more. DRG students don’t just read about colonialism, they talk to people who live in colonized countries, they learn about art forms that are a result of two cultures coming together, and they learn about religions that were formed as a way to resist imperial cultural influence. At DRG our students experience their learning come to life in the classroom and in the natural world all around them.21

FacultyThe DRG faculty includes a minimum of 18 academicstaff members, including 10 professionally credentialedteachers representing each of the following areas:• Special Education• Science (Physical Science, Biology, Chemistry, Pysics)• Math• English• Social Studies Composite• Art teaching• PE• Languages offered online• Music• Coding• Other electives seasonal (ex: Astronomy)Each class contains between 5-12 students, one One-on-one tutoring is provided at an additionalcredentialed teacher, one teacher’s aide, and cost to parents and happens independently of theoften one or more residential staff and/or tutor. classroom structure. 22

Academic Advising Students are assigned a faculty adviser who meets with them 2-4 times a week. Students and their advisers work from four questions: What do you need to do? How are you going to do it? How can I help you? How will I know you have done it? Intensive Special Education Support Each student is closely monitored by our Special Education staff. Special needs are quickly discerned and pertinent information and support is quickly disseminated to academic staff to provide an individually tailored approach to each student, regardless of IEP/504 status. ‘Learning Disabled’ as well as ‘Gifted and Talented’ students receive individualized support to maximize academic potential.23

SchoolClasses begin in the afternoonto maximize student readinessand take advantage of teenagebiorhythms as well as to minimizeany scheduling conflicts betweenclinical and academic staffthroughout the day.In a residential treatmentenvironment, this system allowsstudents the flexibility to havetherapy visits and emotionalstruggles in the morning withoutfalling behind or causing adisruption to their academicendeavors. It also allows DRG todraw upon the vast knowledge andexperience of local high school anduniversity instructors. 24

Performing ArtsEach student is enrolled in a weekly art therapy and Students will learn about stage and soundmusic therapy group. Students are also provided the production, theater costumes and make up,option of learning a variety of instruments including and will also have opportunities to performguitar, piano, ukulele, and drums. They can take part in and showcase their talents.our dance classes to learn many styles such as ballet,contemporary, jazz, and hip hop.For our students who are especially interested in arts, we offer a “advanced performing arts track” which willadd an additional 6-10 hours a week of more advanced arts classes to their schedule. Our arts program helps ourstudents to express their thoughts and emotions in their own, unique way.25

Outdoor RecreationDRG students participate in a Rec therapygroup, Friday outdoor recreation trips withtheir therapists, and then students can selectthe advanced outdoor recreation track whichgives them an additional 6-10 hours a weekof skill development. Rec serves severaltherapeutic purposes including motivationto move through the program, relationshipbuilding, and maybe most importantly it buildsa healthy skill set that is directly transferable totypical teenage life and will give the student askill set to enter a new and healthy peer group. Students participate in rock climbing, hiking, skiing, canyoneering, kayaking, rafting, and international service. 26

The recreation program at Discovery Ranch for Girls is a multifaceted, experiential program aimed at challenging the interpersonal skills, attitude and commitment to the therapeutic process.27

In our Foundations Recreation In our Advanced RecreationProgram, students are introduced Program, students are exposedto a variety of outdoor activities to a much wider varietythat are specifically designed of activities that require ato challenge current thought more advanced physical andprocesses and present positive emotional skill set to navigate.stress situations they must There is a higher level ofnavigate. This allows students perceived risk which allowsthe opportunity to refine their the students to recognize, incommunication with others, the moment, areas needingimprove their relationships continued therapeutic work.and feel confident in stressful The Advanced Recreationsituations. Program builds on the lessons learned in Foundations.These two recreational and therapeutic programs offer the girlspersonal insight as well as fun and engaging outdoor activities. 28

The numbers back up treatment at29

“Data-driven decision making is part ofour culture.” 90% 96% 100% 100%75% Parents report On problem 100% of students Six months after daughter is behavior (YOQ- report their graduation, 100% Students report much better problems are they are more compared to 2.01) tests of parents and comfortable and emotional much better than students say that sharing feelings the beginning when they began. their problems are with parents. of treatment. problems much better than (BPFS‐C) when they began. Students & tests, both parents report parents and students report significantly consistent better family improvement. functioning. Parents rate daughters in the “non-clinical” range following treatment. Improvements remain following discharge. 30

Executive Chef - MENU Jeff Mitchell DISCOVERY RANCH Jerry attended culinary school at Tante Maries in San FOR GIRLS Francisco, California. He has been the executive chef at popular restaurants such as Savories Gourmet and Fine What’s on the Menu at DRG? Wines in Corte Madera, California, Ramp Restaurant in San Francisco, California, and Curbside Café where he was Our Daily Serving of Health asked to design a new menu. Jerry also managed a catering and Happiness. company for the Corinthian Yacht Club in Tiburon, California and other catering companies in Bay Area, California where he catered many events for celebrities including Robin Williams, Bon Jovi, George Lucas and Michael Savage to name a few. Jerry is passionate about food as is reflected by his nearly 30 years in the industry. He enjoys creating new dishes and places high value in nutrition and health. He enjoys working with our girls and creates a delicious variety of nutritious meals for them every day.31

STARTERS MAIN COURSE NOW SERVING BON APPÉTITINTEGRATIVE APPROACH INTEGRATIVE APPROACH CULINARY TEAM NOURISHING BODY & SOULDiscovery Ranch’s integrative DRG strives to bring balance Our chef and the rest of ourapproach to mental health back into our student’s lives culinary staff provide creative, We provide our girls withincludes addressing the by promoting healthy delicious meals for our a variety of nutritiousdietary needs of our students. lifestyle based on wellness. students. foods to nourish both.....................................$Healthy ..................................$Wellness ...................................$Service body and soul while theyWHOLESOME/NUTRITIOUS HOUSE SPECIAL MADE FRESH are with us.One of the areas that are ....................$Nutritiousoften neglected in residential DBT / MINDFUL EATING DBT / MINDFUL EATINGtreatment is what the We integrate DBT concepts of Much of the food at Discoveryresidents are consuming.......................................$Hungry mindful eating in each of our Ranch is made from scratch girl’s lives to develop patterns out of fresh ingredientsEATING HEALTHY of healthy eating and to prevent including our delicious, houseMany mental health concerns a lifestyle of ongoing dieting. made salad dressings. .................$MadeFromScratchcan be linked directly to poorself care related to inadequate Mindful eating helps our girlsnutrition such as under bring balance back into theiror over eating. lives regarding their relationship.......................................$Happy with food and their body. ...................................$Balance 32



Discovery Ranch is a leader in offering clinically intensive care founded in the use of relationship-based, experiential therapy. This approach is based on a timeless philosophy: The most important factors in our formative life experiences are often our relationships.35

Our theory for change combines a scholarly, clinically proven approach with a commitment to time-tested principles.The result is an approach that is simultaneously sophisticated and traditional. We learn by doing. 36


Who is right for Discovery Ranch for Girls?Discovery Ranch is not right for every young woman.If your daughter struggles with any of the concerns below, Discovery Ranch may be a good fit.• Depression • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder • Trauma/PTSD• Divorce/High Conflict Families • Victims of Bullying • Struggles in Gender Identity• Relationship Co-Dependency • Traits and Features of Borderline, • Non-Verbal Learning Disorder• Attention Deficit Disorder Histrionic and Dependent Personality Disorder. • Grief and Loss• Anxiety • Adoption and Attachment Issues • Suicidal Ideation and Behaviors• Mood Disorders • Oppositional Defiance • Self-Injurious Behavior• Emotional Disregulation • Eating Disorders • Sexual Issues• Social Struggles • Bipolar Disorders• Poor Body Image • Substance Abuse and Process Addictions• Low Self Esteem • Learning Disorders• Family/Relational Issues • School RefusalWe invite you to call and discuss your daughter with our admissions counselors. 38

Discovery Ranch435.704.9112Daryn Reiner - Admissions

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