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Published by kylie.young, 2015-09-01 18:31:52

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A-Z (Continued) CONTENTS SPECIMEN METHOD SCHEDULE CODE KEY DESCRIPTION T090 Bilirubin, Total S Colormetric DailyT520 Bladder Tumor Antigen (Canine Only) U Latex Agglutination 1-2 DaysT525 Blastomyces S Immunodiffusion 1-3 DaysT315 Blood Typing, Canine (DEA 1.1 Only) L Agglutination 2-4 DaysS16100 Blood Typing, Canine (Full Panel) L Agglutination 7-10 DaysT320 Blood Typing, Feline L Agglutination 1-3 DaysT1010 BNP: B-Type Natriuretic Peptide (Canine Only) P ELISA Daily EDTA plasma immediately separated and submitted in ANTECH Cardio-BNP tube: • Draw 1.5 ml – 2 ml of blood into lavender top tube (EDTA); rotate 5 times. • Centrifuge immediately for 3 – 5 minutes; remove plasma (0.5ml) and immediately inject into ANTECH Cardio-BNP grey-top tube. Before removing needle, draw air from the tube to create a strong vacuum, then rotate 5 times. • Store in refrigerator until pick-up. The cellophane seal on the top of the grey-top tube MUST not be removed at any time.T730 Bromide RS Gold Trichloride 1-2 DaysS16131 Brucella AGID/SAT S Agar Gel Immunodiffusion & Slide Agglutination 5-7 DaysT530 Brucella Canis Screen (Non Export) S IFA 1-2 Days Specimen KeyCode Description Code Description Code Description Code DescriptionAP Lavender w/ Aprotonin P FS Frozen Serum LF Fluid in Lavender Top Tube SL SlideB Blue Top Tube G Green Top Tube P Plasma SST Red Top Microcontainer W/ GelBCB Blood Culture Bottle GT Green Top Microcontainer No Gel RF Fluid in Red Top Tube Stone StoneC Copan Swab (Culturette) GT (Gel) Green Top Microcontainer W/ Gel RU Red Top Urine SW Swab in Red Top TubeF Feces HCT Hematocrit Tube RS Serum in Red Top Tube Tissue Tissue in 10% Buffered FormalinFP Frozen Plasma L Lavender Top Tube S Spun Serum Separator U UrineBiopsy Call Lab Do Not Frozen Plasma Frozen Serum Protocol Sample Ship Cold/ Special/Specific Special TubeSubmission Expose To Air Sample Sample Alert Submission On Ice Handling Required 55

A-Z (Continued) CONTENTS SPECIMEN METHOD SCHEDULE CODE KEY DESCRIPTION S16003 Brucella Canis Titer (Export) S Latex Agglutination 5-10 DaysT325 Buffy Coat Examination L Centrifugation DailyT100 BUN (Blood Urea Nitrogen) S Kinetic DailyT105 BUN/Creatinine S See Individual Tests DailyT110 Calcium S Colorimetric DailyS18537 Calcium, Ionized SPECIAL HANDLING REQUIRED: 1 ml serum that has been ISE 1-3 Days anaerobically transferred from a spun RT (use a needle and syrine to avoid air exposure) into a plain RT. Label the sample tube as “ANAEROBICALLY TRANSFERRED SERUM” and keep cold. Indication: To assist in interpretation of increased or decreased total calcium levels and PTH testing. Interpretive Guidelines: Elevated ionized calcium concentrations may be due to malignancy, primary hyperparathyroidism, vitamin D toxicity, or granulomatous inflammation. In cats, idiopathic hypercalcemia is common. Decreased ionized calcium may be due to lactation tetany, renal or nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism, or primary hyperparathyroidism. Comments: **Can not be added on** Samples that have been exposed to air may have artificially decreased calcium level. Do not open tube. Samples transported in serum separator tubes may have artificially increased calcium level.S85490 Calicivirus & Rhinotracheitis Vaccine Titers S Serum Neutralization 7-14 DaysS16112 Calicivirus Antibody Titer S Serum Neutralization 7-14 DaysS16135 Calicivirus Antigen 2 smears (conjuctival, oral) IFA 7-10 DaysT115 Carbon Dioxide S Colorimetric DailyT1010 Cardio-BNP (Canine Only) Measures concentration of P ELISA Daily B-Type Natriuretic Peptide EDTA plasma immediately separated and submitted in ANTECH Cardio-BNP tube: • Draw 1.5 ml – 2 ml of blood into lavender top tube (EDTA); rotate 5 times. • Centrifuge immediately for 3 – 5 minutes; remove plasma (0.5ml) and immediately inject into ANTECH Cardio-BNP grey-top tube. Before removing needle, draw air from the tube to create a strong vacuum, then rotate 5 times. • Store in refrigerator until pick-up. The cellophane seal on the top of the grey-top tube MUST not be removed at any time.56

A-Z (Continued) CONTENTS SPECIMEN METHOD SCHEDULE CODE KEY DESCRIPTION T330 CBC-Complete Blood Count WBC, RBC, HGB, HCT, MCV, MCH, MCHC, L Laser Flow Cytometry Daily Blood Parasite Screen, Platelet Count and Estimate, WBC Differential, RBC and WBC Morphology S16009 Chlamydophila Antibody Titer S ELISA 5-7 DaysS16874 Chlamydophila, Direct FA SL IFA 1-3 DaysT120 Chloride S ISE DailyT125 Cholesterol S Colorimetric/Enzymatic DailyT235 Cholinesterase S Cobas 3-5 DaysT16007 Chostridium Perfringens Enterotoxin F ELISA 2-5 DaysSA290 Coagulation Profile 1 CBC, PT, PTT, Fibrinogen, D-Dimer L, B DailySA300 Coagulation Profile 2 PT, PTT, Fibrinogen, D-Dimer, Platelet L, B DailySA305 Coagulation Profile 3 PT, PTT, Platelet L, B DailyS16195 Cobalamine (Vitamin B12) and Folate S Chemiluminescence 2-4 DaysT535 Coccidioidomycosis Titer S AGID 2-5 DaysT540 Coombs’ Direct L Agglutination 1-2 DaysS16210 Copper Level 1-2 g liver in RT. Do not put in saline or any fluid Atomic Absorption or 12-14 Days ICP SpectroscopyS16215 Copper Storage Disease (CSD) Parafin embedded sections of liver or 5 g liver in saline or Atomic Absorption 7-10 Days formalin (pea-sized wedge biopsy or 3 full tru-cut biopsy pieces).S16225 Corona Virus IgG and IgM (Canine Only) S IFA 1-3 DaysT445 Cortisol, Resting S Chemiluminescence DailyT130 CPK S Kinetic DailyT135 Creatinine S Kinetic DailyT340 Crossmatch S, L Agglutination 1-3 DaysBiopsy Call Lab Do Not Frozen Plasma Frozen Serum Protocol Sample Ship Cold/ Special/Specific Special TubeSubmission Expose To Air Sample Sample Alert Submission On Ice Handling Required 57

A-Z (Continued) CODE KEY DESCRIPTION CONTENTS SPECIMEN METHOD SCHEDULET345 Crossmatch (Additonal Donor) S, L Agglutination 1-3 DaysT550 Cryptococcus, Antigen S ELISA 1-2 DaysT790 Cryptosporidium & Giardia F FA and ELISA 7 DaysS18702 Cyclosporine L 7-10 Days Cytology (See Cytology/Histopathology/Microbiology Section) DailyT350 D-Dimer B Latex Agglutination 1-2 DaysDEX Dexamethasone Suppression 1 ml serum per tube, label tubes PRE and POST Chemiluminescence Indication: Low-dose Dexamethasone: Test for hyperadrenocorticism (Cushing’s Syndrome) in dogs, cats, and horses. High-dose Dexamethasone: To differentiate pituitary dependent from adrenal tumor hyperadrenocorticism. Interpretive Guidelines: Low-dose Dex Suppression Test: Normal: Cortisol level less than 1.4 ug/dl 8 hrs post-dex. Adrenal tumor (AT) or Pituitary Dependent (PDH): Cortisol level greater than 1.4 ug/dl 8 hrs post-dex. PDH only: Cortisol levels less than 1.0 ug/dl 2 – 6 hrs post-dex and greater than 1.4 ug/dl 8 hrs post-dex supports PDH. NOTE: Approximately 5% of dogs with PDH have normal results. Alternatively, false positive results may occur with stress or nonadrenal illness. High-dose Dex Suppression Test: Adrenal Tumor (AT) or Pituitary Dependent (PDH): All cortisol levels >1.4 ug/dl for the 8 hr testing period. Pituitary Dependent (PDH): Cortisol level <1.4 ug/dl or < 50% of baseline cortisol at 4-8 hrs. NOTE: A small percentage of PDH cases will not suppress following a high dose of Dexamethasone. Special Drawing Instructions: Canine- Low-dose Dexamethasone suppression test (LDDS): 1). Collect pre-sample; label tube “Pre” 2). Inject 0.01 mg/kg Dexamethasone IM or IV. 3). Collect 4 and 8 hr samples; label tubes accordingly. Canine High-dose Dexamethasone Test: 1). Collect pre-sample; label tube “Pre” 2). Inject 0.1 or 1.0 mg/kg Dexamethasone IM or IV. 3). Collect 4 and 8 hr samples; label tubes accordingly. Feline Low-dose Dexamethasone Test: 1). Collect pre-sample; label tube “Pre” 2). Inject 0.1 mg/kg Dexamethasone IV. 3). Collect 4 and 8 hr samples; label tubes accordingly. Feline High-dose Dexamethasone Test: 1). Collect pre-sample; label tube “Pre” 2). Inject 1.0 mg/kg Dexamethasone IV. 3). Collect 4 and 8 hr samples; label tubes accordingly.DEX2 Dexamethasone Suppression (2 Samples) 2S Chemiluminescence 1-2 DaysDEX3 Dexamethasone Suppression (3 Samples) 3S Chemiluminescence 1-2 Days58

A-Z (Continued) CONTENTS SPECIMEN METHOD SCHEDULE CODE KEY DESCRIPTION DEX4 Dexamethasone Suppression (4 Samples) 4S Chemiluminescence 1-2 DaysDEX5 Dexamethasone Suppression (5 Samples) 5S Chemiluminescence 1-2 DaysSA800 Diabetes Monitoring Panel Diabetes Chem (ALP, ALT, BUN, S, L, RU Daily Creatinine, Glucose, Lipase, Total Bilirubin, Total Protein), CBC, Fructosamine, UAT735 Digoxin RS Competitive-binding 1-2 Days ImmunoassayS16245 Dilantin S RIA/TDX (flourescent) 1-3 DaysT565 Distemper & Parvovirus Vaccine Titers S IFA 1-2 DaysT555 Distemper Antibody IgG & IgM (Canine) S IFA 1-2 DaysS16250 Distemper Antigen IFA (Canine) 1 LT - Air-dried unstained slides from conjunctival scrapings, CSF, respiratory IFA 3-5 Days tract secretions, (including TTW or BAL fluid) or urine sediment Slides must be made at time of collection. Conjunctival swabs are not an acceptable sample. Indication: For detection of viral inclusions in support of the diagnosis of canine distemper. Interpretive Guidelines: A negative result does not rule out infection. PCR is more sensitive. Vaccination within 2 – 4 weeks of draw may cause a false positive. Specimen KeyCode Description Code Description Code Description Code DescriptionAP Lavender w/ Aprotonin P FS Frozen Serum LF Fluid in Lavender Top Tube SL SlideB Blue Top Tube G Green Top Tube P Plasma SST Red Top Microcontainer W/ GelBCB Blood Culture Bottle GT Green Top Microcontainer No Gel RF Fluid in Red Top Tube Stone StoneC Copan Swab (Culturette) GT (Gel) Green Top Microcontainer W/ Gel RU Red Top Urine SW Swab in Red Top TubeF Feces HCT Hematocrit Tube RS Serum in Red Top Tube Tissue Tissue in 10% Buffered FormalinFP Frozen Plasma L Lavender Top Tube S Spun Serum Separator U UrineBiopsy Call Lab Do Not Frozen Plasma Frozen Serum Protocol Sample Ship Cold/ Special/Specific Special TubeSubmission Expose To Air Sample Sample Alert Submission On Ice Handling Required 59

A-Z (Continued) CONTENTS SPECIMEN METHOD SCHEDULE CODE KEY DESCRIPTION S16501 Distemper PCR Urine sediment resuspended in 1 to 2 ml of saline in RT. CSF PCR 5-7 Days in RT or LT. Nasal epithelial swabs or Conjunctival swabs. TTW or BAL fluid. 0.5 ml whole blood in a LT. Fresh tissue (not formalin-faxed) in RT. *Preferred tissues are urinary bladder, lung, intestine, cerebellum, skin, and/or eye. If using a Copan swab for PCR testing, do not insert swab in the testing gel. Indication: Diagnosis of canine distemper Comment: Recent (within 3 weeks) modified live virus vaccination may cause false positive results.T560 Distemper Vaccine Titer S IFA DailyS1680 Drug Screen Comprehensive (Urine) 20 ml urine ELISA/TLC 7-10 DaysS1681 Drug Screen Non Steroidal (Serum) S HPLC 7-10 DaysT570 Ehrlichia Canis (Canine Only-Non Export) S IFA Daily Ehrlichia PCR (See FastPanel PCR in Profile Section) 3-5 DaysS16900 Ehrlichia Serology Ehrlichia Canis, Anaplasma Phagocytophilum S Titer, Neorickettsia Risticii TiterS86107 Ehrlichia Titer Complex (Feline Only) S IFA 5-10 DaysT140 Electrolyte Profile (Na, K, Cl, TCO2) Sodium, Potassium, Chloride, TC02 S ISE/Enzymatic DailyS16295 Estradiol S RIA 7-10 DaysS16305 Ethylene Glycol 2 ml S or L Qualitative Colormetric 1-3 Days Indication: To detect exposure to Ethylene Glycol (antifreeze). Interpretive Guidelines: Elevated levels are consistent with toxicity. Comments: False negatives may occur 24 hours after exposure, therefore samples should be procured as soon as possible. FastPanel PCR Profiles (See Profile Section) T595 FCV Anitbody Titer (Coronavirus) S ELISA Daily60

A-Z (Continued) CODE KEY DESCRIPTION CONTENTS SPECIMEN METHOD SCHEDULE S T593 FCV Exposure Titer (Coronavirus Exposure) F IFA DailyT810 Fecal Occult Blood F Guiaic 1-2 DaysSA350 Fecal Pathogens Profile Clostridium Perfringens Enterotoxin, S 2-5 Days Giardia (FA),Crypto (FA), Giardia ELISA S SA260 Feline Retroviral FeLV, FIV S DailySA265 Feline Serology 1 FeLV, FIV, FCV S DailySA270 Feline Serology 2 FeLV, FIV, FCV, Cryptococcus Antigen, Toxoplasma IgG & IgM S 1-3 DaysSA262 Feline Serology 3 FeLV, FIV, FIP 7b Elisa, Toxoplasma IgG & IgM S 1-3 DaysS16581 Feline Vaccine Titer Rhinotracheitis, Calicivirus & Panleukopenia L or SL 7-14 DaysT580 FeLV Antigen L ELISA DailyT585 FeLV, IFA B IFA 1-2 DaysS6234 FeLV, PCR S PCR 5-7 DaysT365 Fibrinogen, Quantitative Mechanical Coagulation Analyzer DailyT605 FIP 7b ELISA ELISA 1-3 Days Specimen KeyCode Description Code Description Code Description Code DescriptionAP Lavender w/ Aprotonin P FS Frozen Serum LF Fluid in Lavender Top Tube SL SlideB Blue Top Tube G Green Top Tube P Plasma SST Red Top Microcontainer W/ GelBCB Blood Culture Bottle GT Green Top Microcontainer No Gel RF Fluid in Red Top Tube Stone StoneC Copan Swab (Culturette) GT (Gel) Green Top Microcontainer W/ Gel RU Red Top Urine SW Swab in Red Top TubeF Feces HCT Hematocrit Tube RS Serum in Red Top Tube Tissue Tissue in 10% Buffered FormalinFP Frozen Plasma L Lavender Top Tube S Spun Serum Separator U Urine Biopsy Call Lab Do Not Frozen Plasma Frozen Serum Protocol Sample Ship Cold/ Special/Specific Special Tube Submission Expose To Air Sample Sample Alert Submission On Ice Handling Required 61

A-Z (Continued) CODE KEY DESCRIPTION CONTENTS SPECIMEN METHOD SCHEDULET600 FIP PCR Call LabT610 FIV S IFA DailyS16865 FIV Western Blot S Western Blot 3-5 DaysT455 Free T3 S RIA 1-2 DaysT460 Free T4 by Equilibrium Dialysis S Equlibrium Dialysis 2-3 DaysS16345 Fructosamine S Colorimetric 1-2 DaysSA340 Fungal Serology Fungal Serology and Cocci Screen S 3-5 DaysT145 GGT S Kinetic DailyT820 Giardia Antigen F ELISA DailyT150 Glucose S Hexokinase DailyT625 Heartworm Antibody (Feline) S ELISA DailyT630 Heartworm Antibody + Antigen Combo (Feline) S ELISA DailyT615 Heartworm Antigen (Canine) S ELISA DailyT620 Heartworm Antigen (Feline) S ELISA DailyS86022 Herpes Virus Antibody (IFA) S IFA 5-7 DaysS16400 Herpes, Direct Antigen SL (conjunctival) IFA 5-7 DaysT640 Histoplasma Antibody S Immunodiffusion 3-5 DaysS16405 Histoplasma Titer S Complement Fixation (CF) 5-7 DaysSA440 Hyperthyroid Profile ALT, AST, ALP, BUN, Creatinine, CBC, T4 S, L DailySA805 Hyperthyroid Profile with GGT ALT, AST, ALP, BUN, Creatinine, GGT, CBC, T4 S, L DailyT645 IgA (Canine) S RID 3-5 DaysT650 IgG (Canine) S RID 3-5 Days62

A-Z (Continued) CODE KEY DESCRIPTION CONTENTS SPECIMEN METHOD SCHEDULE S T655 IgM (Canine) IgA, IgG, IgM S RID 3-5 DaysT660 Immunoglobulin Profile: IgA, IgG, IgM (Canine) S RID 3-5 DaysS86096 Influenza Titer - Canine Accute S HI 10-14 DaysT470 Insulin-Glucose Comparison S See Individual Tests 1-3 DaysT155 Iron S Ferrozine DailyT160 LDH-Lactic Dehydrogenase G Wacker/Kinetic DailyT745 Lead, Blood S Anodic Stripping Voltammetry (ASV) 2-5 DaysS16510 Leptospirosis S Microagglutination 2-5 DaysT165 Lipase Albumin, ALP, ALT, AST, BUN, GGT, Globulin S Enzymatic DailySA324 Liver Chemistry Glucose, Total Bilirubin, Total Protein S, L Daily Liver Chemistry, CBC, Bile Acid Pre & Post S SA320 Liver Profile Cobalamine, Folate, TLI (Canine) S DailySA160 Maldigestion Profile-Canine Cobalamine, Folate, TLI (Feline) 1-3 DaysSA275 Maldigestion Profile-Feline 5-7 Days Specimen KeyCode Description Code Description Code Description Code DescriptionAP Lavender w/ Aprotonin P FS Frozen Serum LF Fluid in Lavender Top Tube SL SlideB Blue Top Tube G Green Top Tube P Plasma SST Red Top Microcontainer W/ GelBCB Blood Culture Bottle GT Green Top Microcontainer No Gel RF Fluid in Red Top Tube Stone StoneC Copan Swab (Culturette) GT (Gel) Green Top Microcontainer W/ Gel RU Red Top Urine SW Swab in Red Top TubeF Feces HCT Hematocrit Tube RS Serum in Red Top Tube Tissue Tissue in 10% Buffered FormalinFP Frozen Plasma L Lavender Top Tube S Spun Serum Separator U Urine Biopsy Call Lab Do Not Frozen Plasma Frozen Serum Protocol Sample Ship Cold/ Special/Specific Special Tube Submission Expose To Air Sample Sample Alert Submission On Ice Handling Required 63

A-Z (Continued) CONTENTS SPECIMEN METHOD SCHEDULE CODE KEY DESCRIPTION S16535 Masticatory Muscle Myositis (2ME Antibody) S Histochemical 7-10 DaysS16540 Metaldehyde 50 grams stomach GC/MS 7-10 Days contents or bait Microbiology (See Cytology/Histopathology/Microbiology Section) T390 Microfoilaria Knotts L Microscopic Evaluation DailySA060 Mini Screen ALT, BUN, Glucose, Total Protein S DailySA070 Mini Screen, CBC S, L DailySA250 Mini Screen, HWAb (Feline Heartworm Program) S, L DailySA140 Mini Screen, HWAg (Canine Heartworm Program) S DailySA240 Mini Screen, CBC, HWAg, HWAb (Feline Hearworm Program Plus) S, L DailySA130 Mini Screen, CBC, HWAg (Canine Heartworm Program Plus) S, L DailyT380 Mycoplasma (Hemobartonella) L Microscopic Evaluation DailyS16270 Neorickettsia Risticii Titer S IFA 3-5 DaysS16560 Neospora Caninum S 7-10 DaysSA810 NSAID 1 NSAID Chemistry (ALP, ALT, BUN, Creatinine, S, L, U Daily Total Bilirubin, Total Protein), CBC, UASA815 NSAID 2 NSAID Chemistry, CBC, UA, Bile Acids S, L, U DailySA820 NSAID 3 NSAID Chemistry, CBC, UA, Urine Bile S, L, U Daily Acids, Urine CreatinineS16610 Organophosphates/Pesticides/Herbicides 50 grams stomach content or GC/MS 5-10 Days 50 grams liver (not in formalin) SHIP ON ICE, Call LabS16575 Serum Osmolality S or U Freezing Point Depression 5-7 Days64

A-Z (Continued) CODE KEY DESCRIPTION CONTENTS SPECIMEN METHOD SCHEDULET805 Ova & Parasite by Centrifugal Flotation F ZnSO4 Centrifugal Flotation with Daily Microscopic Evaluation DailyT806 Ova & Parasite & Direct Saline Mount F DailyT808 Ova & Parasite Plus Giardia Antigen F Giarida ELISA and ZnSO4 Centrifugal 7-10 Days Flotation with Microscopic Evaluation 1-3 DaysS85364 Pancreatic Lipase Immunoreactivity (PLI)-Canine and Feline S ELISA 1-3 DaysS16580 Panleukopenia Titer IgG & IgM (Feline Only) S IFA 7-10 DaysS16053 Panleukopenia Vaccine Titer (Feline Only) S IFA T825 Parasite Identification Parasite in alcohol or formalin, Call Lab Comments: For mites seen on slides, cover specimen with cover slip and seal with clear nail polish Visit page 91 for more info on the Parasite ID program Specimen KeyCode Description Code Description Code Description Code DescriptionAP Lavender w/ Aprotonin P FS Frozen Serum LF Fluid in Lavender Top Tube SL SlideB Blue Top Tube G Green Top Tube P Plasma SST Red Top Microcontainer W/ GelBCB Blood Culture Bottle GT Green Top Microcontainer No Gel RF Fluid in Red Top Tube Stone StoneC Copan Swab (Culturette) GT (Gel) Green Top Microcontainer W/ Gel RU Red Top Urine SW Swab in Red Top TubeF Feces HCT Hematocrit Tube RS Serum in Red Top Tube Tissue Tissue in 10% Buffered FormalinFP Frozen Plasma L Lavender Top Tube S Spun Serum Separator U Urine Biopsy Call Lab Do Not Frozen Plasma Frozen Serum Protocol Sample Ship Cold/ Special/Specific Special Tube Submission Expose To Air Sample Sample Alert Submission On Ice Handling Required 65

A-Z (Continued) CODE KEY DESCRIPTION CONTENTS SPECIMEN METHOD SCHEDULES16595 Parathyroid Hormone (PTH) with Ionized Calcium SPECIAL HANLING REQUIRED: 2 samples preferred. PTH by ELISA. Ionized 5-7 Days PTH: 1 ml serum (frozen). Ionized calcium: 1 ml serum that has Calcium by ISE been anaerobically transferred from the spun RT (use a needle and syringe to avoid air exposure) into a plain RT. Label the spun sample tube as “ANAEROBICALLY TRANSFERRED SERUM’ and keep cold Indication: Evaluation of patients with hypercalcemia or hypocalcemia. Evaluation of patients with renal failure for renal secondary hyperparathyroidism. Interpretive Guidelines: Differentials for an elevated ionized calcium and suppressed PTH concentration include hypercalcemia of malignancy, vitamin D toxicity and granulomatous inflammatory disease. An elevated ionized calcium and mid to high-normal or elevated PTH concentration is consistent with primary hyperparathyroidism. A normal or decreased ionized calcium and elevated PTH concentration is consistent with renal or nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism. A decreased ionized calcium and low or low-normal PTH concentration is consistent with primary hypoparathyroidism. Comments: Sample for PTH should be frozen and sent on cold packs. Samples for ionized calcium that have been exposed to air may have artificially decreased (Ca2+) and those transported in SST tubes may have artificially increased (Ca2+).T395 Partial Thromboplastin Time (PTT) B Mechanical Coagulation Analyzer DailyT700 Parvovirus Antibody & Antigen S, F See Individual Tests 1-2 DaysT690 Parvovirus Antibody Titer IgG & IgM (Canine Only) S IFA 1-2 DaysT695 Parvovirus Antigen (Canine Only) F ELISA 1-2 DaysS8710 Parvovirus PCR (Canine) 1 g fresh feces or 3 ml whole blood in LT PCR 5-7 Days Indication: Testing for canine parvovirus. Interpretive Guidelines: The fecal parvovirus PCR test will often confirm the presence of fecal parvoviral DNA even when the parvoviral antigen test is negative. Recent modified live virus vaccination (in the previous 1-2 weeks) may cause false positive results. Comments: This test is specific for canine parvovirus. Sample should be kept cold.T705 Parvovirus Vaccine Titer S IFA 1-2 DaysT750 Phenobarbital RS TDX DailySA830 Phenobarbital Panel Plus Phenobarbitol Chem (Albumin, ALP, ALT, AST, BUN, GGT, Globulin, RS, L Daily Glucose, Total Bilirubin, Total Protein), CBC, Bile Acids, Phenobarbitol66

A-Z (Continued) CODE KEY DESCRIPTION CONTENTS SPECIMEN METHOD SCHEDULE DailyT755 Phenobarbital Peak & Trough 2RS TDX DailyT180 Phosphorus S Kinetic 3-5 DaysS16044 PIVKA FP citrated DailyT400 Platelet Count L Laser Flow Cytometry DailyT185 Potassium S ISE Daily Pre Op Screen and Related Profiles (See Profile Section) 1-2 DaysT475 Progesterone RS Chemiluminescence 1-2 DaysT240 Protein Electrophoresis, Serum S Agarose Gel/Cellulose Acetate DailyT245 Protein Electrophoresis, Urine U Cellulose Acetate DailyT410 Prothrombin Time (PT) B Mechanical Coagulation Analyzer 3-5 WeeksT415 PT/PTT B Mechanical Coagulation Analyzer S17108 Rabies Antibody Titer (Export FAVN) 2 ml serum FAVN Indication: Requirement for rabies titer PRIOR to exportation Comments: Contact destination consulate to verify current export testing regulations. In addition to the ANTECH Test Request Form, a KSU rabies form (call customer service for required form) and a microchip number must accompany the sample. The FAVN rabies form must be signed by the attending veterinarian. Specimen KeyCode Description Code Description Code Description Code DescriptionAP Lavender w/ Aprotonin P FS Frozen Serum LF Fluid in Lavender Top Tube SL SlideB Blue Top Tube G Green Top Tube P Plasma SST Red Top Microcontainer W/ GelBCB Blood Culture Bottle GT Green Top Microcontainer No Gel RF Fluid in Red Top Tube Stone StoneC Copan Swab (Culturette) GT (Gel) Green Top Microcontainer W/ Gel RU Red Top Urine SW Swab in Red Top TubeF Feces HCT Hematocrit Tube RS Serum in Red Top Tube Tissue Tissue in 10% Buffered FormalinFP Frozen Plasma L Lavender Top Tube S Spun Serum Separator U Urine Biopsy Call Lab Do Not Frozen Plasma Frozen Serum Protocol Sample Ship Cold/ Special/Specific Special Tube Submission Expose To Air Sample Sample Alert Submission On Ice Handling Required 67

A-Z (Continued) CODE KEY DESCRIPTION CONTENTS SPECIMEN METHOD SCHEDULES1204 Rabies Antibody Titer (Non Export) S RFFIT 2-3 WeeksT9810 Relaxin Canine: 1 ml heparinized or ELISA 2-4 Days citrated plasma. Feline: 1 ml serum heparinized citrated or EDTA plasma Indication: Canine or Feline pregnancy test. Comments: Draw sample 30 days post breeding. Serum or EDTA plasma are not acceptable for canine samples. Send sample on cold packT7008 Renal Chemistry Albumin, BUN, Calcium, Creatinine, S Daily Globulin, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sodium, NA/K Ratio, Total ProteinSA310 Renal Profile Renal Chem, CBC, UA S, L, U DailyT425 Reticulocyte Count L Laser Flow Cytometry/NMB Stain 1-2 DaysT710 Rheumatoid Factor (Canine) S Latex Agglutination 1-2 DaysS85490 Rhinotracheitis & Calicivirus Vaccine Titers S Serum Neutralization 7-14 DaysS16702 Rhinotracheitis (Feline Herpes Virus) S Serum Neutralization 7-10 DaysT715 Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (Rickettsia rickettsii) S IFA 1-2 DaysS7004 Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever PCR L PCR 9-16 DaysS16710 Rotavirus Antigen Call Lab ELISA, PCR, or EM (method 7-10 Days depending on species)S16730 Selenium Call Lab Atomic Absorption 7-10 DaysT195 Sodium S ISE DailyT200 Sodium & Potassium S ISE DailyT250 Sorbitol Dehydrogenase (SDH) 1 ml serum (frozen) Colorimetric DailyS16735 Stone Analysis (Crystollography) Stone Crystallography 3-5 DaysS16745 Strychnine 20 ml stomach contents or TLC/HPLC 10-12 Days meat/dog food. 20 ml urine 68

A-Z (Continued) DESCRIPTION CONTENTS SPECIMEN METHOD SCHEDULE S S CODE KEY 2S Superchem and Related Profiles (See Profile Section) S T480 T3 RIA 2-5 DaysT485 T3 Autoantibody S RIA 5-7 DaysT490 T3 Suppression Test S RIA & 2-5 Days Call Lab Chemiluminescence Daily T495 T4 S Competivie-binding 5-7 Days S Immunoassay DailyT500 T4 Autoantibody S RIA 7-10 DaysT497 T4 -Post Pill S Chemiluminescence 3-5 DaysS16755 Taurine S HPLC 1-4 DaysS16760 Testosterone S RIA 2-5 DaysT505 Thyroglobulin Autoantibody S ELISA 2-3 DaysSA360 Thyroid Profile 1 T4, T3 S 2-3 DaysSA370 Thyroid Profile 2 T4, FT4ED S 2-3 DaysSA380 Thyroid Profile 3 T4, FT4ED, TSH S 2-3 DaysSA390 Thyroid Profile 4 FT4ED, TSH S 2-5 DaysSA400 Thyroid Profile 5 T4, FT4ED, TSH, Thyroglobulin AA L 1-3 DaysSA410 Thyroid Profile 6 T4, FT4ED, T3, TSH, Thyroglobulin AA, FT3, T3AA, T4AA Call Lab DailySA330 Tick Serology 1 Ehrlichia, Lyme, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever 1-2 DaysT190 Total Protein Colorimetric 9-16 DaysT720 or T725 Toxoplasma Antibody Titer (IgG & IgM) ELISA 7-10 DaysS18708 Toxoplasma PCR PCR S85819 Tritrichomonas PCR PCR Biopsy Call Lab Do Not Frozen Plasma Frozen Serum Protocol Sample Ship Cold/ Special/Specific Special TubeSubmission Expose To Air Sample Sample Alert Submission On Ice Handling Required 69

A-Z (Continued) CODE KEY DESCRIPTION CONTENTS SPECIMEN METHOD SCHEDULET205 Tryglycerides S Colorimetric DailyT230 Trypsin-Like Immunreactivity (TLI) (Canine) S Chemiluminescence 2-4 DaysS16800 Trypsin-Like Immunreactivity (TLI) (Feline) S Chemiluminescence 5-7 DaysT510 TSH S Chemiluminescence 1-2 DaysT760 Urinalysis U Manual or Automated Daily Dipstick, Refractometry Daily and Microscopic Examination 1-3 DaysT765 Urinary Fraction Excretion Ratios, Calcium, Cholesterol, Creatinine, U, S See Individual Tests 1-2 Days Phosphorous, Potassium, Sodium U Colorimetric DailyT227 UR Bile Acid (UBA): UR CREAT (UCR) U Chemiluminescence/Jaffe DailyT770 Urine Cortisol/Creatinine Ratio U Immunoturbidometric DailyT835C Urine Microalbumin (Canine Reflex) Call Customer Service To Activate U Immunoturbidometric DailyT830C Urine Microalbumin (Canine) U Immunoturbidometric DailyT835F Urine Microalbumin (Feline Reflex) Call Customer Service To Activate U Immunoturbidometric DailyT830F Urine Microalbumin (Feline) U Pyrogallol Red/Jaffe 5-7 DaysT775 Urine Protein/Creatine Ratio U Enzymatic/Jaffe T310 Urine Uric Acid:Creatine Ratio ELISA 7-14 Days Vetscreen and Related Profiles (See Profile Section) Citrated or EDTA plasma 5-7 DaysS17123 Von Willebrand’s Factor 5-7 Days Indication: To diagnose von Willebrand’s disease Comments: Separate plasma into RTT and send on cold packs. Testing bitches in heat, while pregnant, or lactating, is not advised.S85448 West Nile Titer S Serum Neutralization S85449 West Nile Virus (PCR) Call Lab PCR S16870 Zinc Call Lab Atomic Absorption Indication: Possible ingestion of zince or signs of toxicity. Comments: DO NOT USE TUBES WITH RUBBER STOPPERS. Plasma or serum needs to be separated from cells and transferred to a plastic vial. Biopsy Call Lab Do Not Frozen Plasma Frozen Serum Protocol Sample Ship Cold/ Special/Specific Special Tube Submission Expose To Air Sample Sample Alert Submission On Ice Handling Required70

professional staff/ professional staff/consultants consultantsSmart Diagnostics = Smart MedicineCopyright 2011 ANTECH Diagnostics®. All rights reserved.

ANATOMIC PATHOLOGY Aimee Haburjak Richard Montali Mika Tanabe DVM, Diplomate ACVP DVM, Diplomate ACVP, ACZM DVM, Diplomate ACVPMark Ackermann Jay Tappe DVM, PhD, Diplomate ACVP Linda Kooistra Richard Moreland DVM, PhD, Diplomate ACVP DVM, MS, PhD, Diplomate ACVP DVM, MSCynthia Bacmeister AVIAN/EXOTICDVM, PhD, Diplomate ACVP Kristine Krotec Scott Moroff Joseph Groff VMD, Diplomate ACVP VMD, Diplomate ACVPAnna Barthel VMD, PhDDVM, Diplomate ACVP Eric Kufuor-Mensah Melissa M. Popielarczyk Michael Jones DVM, PhD, Diplomate ACVP DVM, MS, Diplomate ACVP DVM, Diplomate ABVPJeff Edwards Robin Lane DVM, MPH, Diplomate ACVP Phillippe Labelle Rose Ranck DVM, Diplomate ABVP DVM, D iplomate ACVP DVM, Diplomate ACVP Brian Loudis Stephen Engler DVM, Diplomate ABVPVMD Pamela Luther Byron Ruiz Branson W. Ritchie DVM, Diplomate ACVP DVM DVM, PhD, Diplomate ABVPMarlan Fender DVM, MS, Diplomate ACVP Evan McGee Tiffany Scanlon 1-888-VET-INFO DVM, Diplomate ACVP DVM, Diplomate ACVP (838-4636)Rachel Franko DVM, MS, Diplomate ACVP Charles McLeod, Jr. Chris Schiller 73 DVM, D iplomate ACVP DVM, Diplomate ACVPDavid Gamble DVM, PhD, Diplomate ACVP Peter G. Moisan Amy Shokek DVM, Diplomate ACVP VMD, Diplomate ACVPJohn Gliatto VMD, PhD, Diplomate ACVP Kai-Ning Tang DVM, MS, PhD, D iplomate ACVP

avian/exotic (cont.) CLINICAL PATHOLOGY Robert Green Valerie Pallatto DVM, PhD, Diplomate ACVP DVM, Diplomate ACVPStephen J Divers Janice M. Andrews Penny Patten BVetMed, DZooMed, DACZM, DECZM, DVM. PhD, Diplomate ACVP Rebekah Gunn-Christie DVM, Diplomate ACVPFRCVS DVM, Diplomate ACVP Reema PatelMargaret A. Wissman Sylvie Beaudin DVM, Diplomate ACVPDVM, D iplomate ABVP DVM, Diplomate ACVP Laurie Heeb Ida Piperisova DVM DVM, Diplomate ACVPBEHAVIOR Tricia Bisby Michelle Plier DVM, MS, Diplomate ACVP Joe Leeth DVM, Diplomate ACVPStefanie Schwartz DVM Melissa Popielarczyk DVM, MSc, Diplomate ACVB John (Buzz) Bjorneby DVM, Diplomate ACVPElizabeth Shull DVM, PhD, Diplomate ACVP Robert Lobingier Suzanne Pratt DVM, Diplomate ACVB, ACVIM DVM, Diplomate ACVP DVM, MS, MBA, Diplomate ACVPRolan Tripp Melissa Blauvelt Lon J. Rich DVM DVM, MS Leo (Ty) Mc Sherry DVM, PhD, Diplomate ACVP DVM, Diplomate ACVPCARDIOLOGY Julia T. Blue 1-888-VET-INFO DVM, PhD, Diplomate ACVP Georgina Marquez (838-4636)Justin Straus DVM, Diplomate ACVIMDVM, Diplomate ACVIM Heather Deheer Alan Spier DVM, Diplomate ACVP James Meinkoth DVM, PhD, Diplomate ACVIM DVM, PhD, Diplomate ACVP Karen Dorsey DVM Scott Moroff VMD, Diplomate ACVP Fedelia Fernandez DVM, Diplomate ACVP Jennifer Neel DVM Danny Giangola DVM74

CLINICAL PATHOLOGY (cont.) Matthew Williams Robert McDonald EQUINE MEDICINE DVM, Diplomate ACVP DVM, Diplomate ACVIM Amy Bentz Casey Riegel Linda Messinger DVM, MS, D iplomate of ACVP Liz Wilson DVM, Diplomate ACVD VMD, Diplomate ACVIM DVM, MS, Diplomate ACVP Christine Rees Lucy M. Edens Theresa Rizzi DVM, Diplomate ACVD DVM, MS, Diplomate ACVIMDVM, Diplomate ACVP Elizabeth Young Deirdre Vaughan Joe Leeth DVM, Diplomate ACVP DVM, MS, Diplomate ACVD DVMWilliam Ruehl Karen Zaks Amy Polkes VMD, PhD, D iplomate ACVP DVM, MS, D iplomate ACVP DEntistry DVM, D iplomate ACVIMLaura Snyder DERMATOLOGY John Huff GASTROENTEROLOGYDVM, Diplomate ACVP DVM, FAVD, Diplomate AVDC Marilyn G. Mikiciuk Karin Beale Christine Stanton DVM, Diplomate ACVD ENDOCRINOLOGY DVM, Diplomate ABVP, ACVIMDVM, PhD, Diplomate ACVP Joe Bernstein Jennifer Garcia HOLISTIC MEDICINEAmy Thiessen DVM, Diplomate ACVD DVM, Diplomate ACVIM Alan Stewart DVM, Diplomate ACVP Stephanie Lifton Stephanie Bruner DVM, Diplomate ACVIM DVM, MS, Diplomate ACVIMCathy Thorn DVM, Diplomate ACVD Rhett Nichols DVM, Diplomate ACVP DVM, D iplomate ACVIM 1-888-VET-INFO Valerie Fadok (838-4636)Ashlee Urbasic DVM, PhD, Diplomate ACVDDVM, Diplomate ACVP 75Bob Wilkins BVSc, MRCVS, Diplomate ACVP


INTERNAL MEDICINE Elizabeth Farrar David Lewis Jennifer Pearson DVM, Diplomate ACVIM BVSc, PhD, Diplomate ACVIM DVM, MS, Diplomate ACVIMLiesl Bigge Wayne Shapiro BS, DVM, Diplomate ACVIM Ed Fleming Stephanie Lifton DVM, MS, Diplomate ACVIM DVM, Diplomate ACVIM DVM, Diplomate ACVIM Linda Shell Joseph Bruner DVM, Diplomate ACVIMDVM, Diplomate ACVIM Julie Flood Brian Luria Donna Spector DVM, Diplomate ACVBIM DVM, Diplomate ACVIM BS, DVM, Diplomate ACVIMMonica Bunge Justin Straus DVM, Diplomate ACVIM Wendy Foster Ed Maher DVM, D iplomate ACVIM DVM, BSc, DVSc, Diplomate ACVIM DVM, BS, Diplomate ABVP, ACVIM Brett Wasik Deborah Busch DVM, Diplomate ACVIMDVM, Diplomate ACVIM Jennifer Garcia Anne Mattson Elisabeth Zenger DVM, Diplomate ACVIM DVM, MS, Diplomate ACVIM DVM , PhD, Diplomate ACVIMLysanne Cape MS, DVM, Diplomate ACVIM Kristi Gibbon Robert McDonald 1-888-VET-INFO DVM, Diplomate ACVIM DVM, Diplomate ACVIM (838-4636)Lisa Cellio DVM, Diplomate ACVIM Caryl Handelman Marilyn G. Mikiciuk 77 DVM DVM, D iplomate ABVP, ACVIMAudrey Cook BVM&S, MRCVS, Diplomate ACVIM, Brenda Harai James Miller ECVIM DVM, MS, Diplomate ACVIM DVM, MS, Diplomate ACVIMMary Ann Crawford Anthony Ishak Kirstin Mix DVM, Diplomate ACVIM DVM, MS, Diplomate ACVIM DVM, Diplomate ACVIMNina DiPinto Diane Levitan Rhett Nichols VMD, MS, Diplomate ACVIM VMD, Diplomate ACVIM DVM, D iplomate ACVIM

NEUROLOGY Joe Impellizeri DVM, Diplomate ACVIMRichard Joseph Wayne Shapiro DVM, D iplomate ACVIM DVM, MS, Diplomate ACVIMJennifer Pearson DVM, MS, Diplomate ACVIM RADIOLOGYLinda Shell DVM, Diplomate ACVIM Ann Reed Elizabeth Shull DVM, MS, Diplomate ACVRDVM, D iplomate ACVB, ACVIM Kent Wallace Justin Straus DVM, Diplomate ACVRDVM, Diplomate ACVIM THERIOGENOLOGYONCOLOGY Joni Freshman Ravinder Dhaliwal DVM, MS, Diplomate ACVIMDVM, MS, D iplomate ACVIM Jeanette Raikos Linda Fineman DVM, MS, Diplomate ACTDVM, Diplomate ACVIM 1-888-VET-INFO (838-4636)78

antech onlineSmart Diagnostics = Smart MedicinePowered by ® antech onlineCopyright 2011 ANTECH Diagnostics®. All rights reserved. OnLine

Can you imagine life before cell phones and email? Mostveterinarians feel the same way about ANTECH OnLine.To most veterinary hospitals, laboratory diagnostics are one of the most important tools for patient care; representingsignificant revenue potential.Did you know that ANTECH OnLine exists so you can better manage your patient healthcare as well as the second largestrevenue center in your hospital?Without efficient management, lab paperwork can be disorganized, delayed, anddebilitating to staff and client communication. Some veterinarians don’t realize thevalue of online lab management, but those who do, liken it to cell phone use andemail. Once you start managing your Lab Services online, you’ll wonder how youever did without it.Be the first to knowANTECH OnLine service offers more than just immediate access to lab results. Itputs you ahead of the curve with patient trending reports, data analysis, diseaseprevalence, and patient follow-up reporting. Not to mention access to more than 120consultants for challenging cases. With our program, you are always 81

ANTECH OnLine √ Learn about disease incidence rates in your practice and in the surrounding community. Are you offering the right tests for your area? √ Easy reporting capability that tells you which patients had abnormal results and whether they returned for follow-up testing. Wellness testing won’t be successful unless potential problems are caught early. √ Compare your doctors by monitoring which tests they are ordering. Why are some ordering a urinalysis with every profile and others are not? √ Set practice benchmarks and see how you compare to colleagues in your area. √ Overall practice metrics.Turn State-of-the-Art Patient Care into ProfitWith ANTECH OnLine, you can move your Laboratory diagnostics from a simple FAX to a Patient Management andRevenue Growth Center. Here’s how:• Take a stand on issues facing your geographic area and address them head on.• Drive demand for necessary testing.• Reach out and follow-up on patients with abnormal Wellness Screening results.• Reduce staff expenses spent on unnecessary paperwork, ordering tests, retrieving records, and waiting by the fax!• Easily trend patient results over time with a simple click.www.antechdiagnostics.com82

Which doctor are you? Getting Lab “I still get my labs via fax. Sometimes my staff “Importing Lab Results electronically into our practice software is Results teases me about living in a cave.” a snap!”Ordering Tests fo“rMmyasntadffthfiellns foilulst tinhethteripOlircdaetreDreeqtauilessitn “rCerqeuaetisntgmLiastbakReesq.uPelsutss, wI giteht aa bparirn-ctaobdlee mLaebanLsognoinscpluedlliinngg worhitcehst Ordering Lab the Lab Log. If there is an error, we know tech created the request and up to the minute status.” Supplies who to blame.” “Managing Lab Supplies online is so easy. Whether I order by Tracking “My staff calls in or faxes our lab supply phone, fax or online, I can track an order’s status and even have aPatient Results requests. We don’t know when it’s coming, so Disease we just call back every so often to check its FedEx® Tracking number to check its delivery schedule. ” Incidence s“iQnguleerypiantgiewnti.thJuasstiangfelewclmicokreI ccalincksseeanAdLLI cmayn lbaubilrdesauTlrtsenfodrinag Practice status.” Report. The search function is so fast it takes just seconds to build Management “My staff copies the results into an Excel®Sharing Results (spreadsheet) so I can follow my patient’s an incredible report.” lab results over time. It’s slow but it’s really “Tracking which patients are positive for infectious or chronic diseases is simple. We use it to ensure follow-up as well as look important to have.” at infectious Disease Prevalence in our local area to insure we are “Mseyesintagffmaonrde recommending the right tests.” I’m sure it’s pretty accurate given their “Reporting tools for Senior Wellness and Early Detection Profiles experience.” tell us who has abnormal results so we can easily create a call back list. With a single click I can check if they came back for “My staff goes through the faxed results, especially on Wellness Exams, and makes sure more testing. I don’t miss a single client this way!” our clients are called. I can’t say they come “Searching under Lab Results for the patient is so easy. I see all of back for a recheck, but we’ll catch them on their results, click onItthceano’ntegseIt wanayntstimo spelenrd.”and then click email. their next visit.” “My staff makes a copy of all test results and then they fax them to a consultant or to a colleague.” 83

ANTECH OnLine integrates with the finestPractice Management Software companies.Bar-CodingCreating bar-coded laboratory requisition forms has many benefits, including:• Increased Data Integrity: Bar-coding eliminates typos in client, patient and hospital demographic information, by capturing the data just the way you entered it.• Increased Order Integrity: Bar-coding helps track exactly which tests were requested from the hospital, to ensure the laboratory runs the ordered tests.• Archived Requisitions: Bar-coded requisition forms are saved online for 14 days in the Laboratory Log and can be printed daily for a permanent record of tests ordered.Practice Management Software Companies (PMS)• AVImark® • DVM Manager® • VETECH• ALIS-VET • eFRIENDS for DVMs® • VETport• BWCi • GlobalVetLink • Vetstar• ClienTrax® • ImproMed INFINITY® • VIA• Cornerstone® • IntraVet • Visual Vet LINK®• DVMAX® • Sunpoint Software • V-Tech Platinumwww.antechdiagnostics.com84 For the respective PMS companies listed above, they are protected by either ©, ®, or ™ trademarks. © 2011 ANTECH Diagnostics. All rights reserved.

antech antech practice solutions practice solutions Smart Diagnostics = Smart MedicineCopyright 2011 ANTECH Diagnostics®. All rights reserved.

early detectionDETECT AND protect

ANTECH’s EDP: Client care at its best early detection Smart MedicineIt’s time to move your practice forward. ANTECH Diagnosticshas created a Wellness Program that benefits both thepractice and client. What can you expect from ANTECH?Better medicine, better workflow and a better bottom line.Better Medicine• A proactive vs. reactive approach to medicine• A good baseline established for younger pets with Early Detection leads to a successful Senior Program• Complete and comprehensive Early Detection Panels including blood, fecal, and urinalysis with online tools and statistical reporting• Trained ANTECH technicians in key specialties to review tests and provide expert analysis• Highest quality control standards• Access to board-certified specialists88

Better Workflow• Productive technicians and staff focused on client services and patient care• Educated, compliant clients that visit you more than once a year• Reinforced recommendations for parasite control, nutrition, and pharmaceuticalsBetter Bottom Line• Increased annual revenue• Reduction in lab costs• Increased profitability• Differentiation from other practicesEarly Detection: Modern Client CareWe asked the best, “How can you be better?” ANTECH went into the field and intimately worked with top hospitalsnationwide to determine the best course of action for an Early Detection Program.Core Client Issues• Clients are more aware about veterinary care and prevention than 20 years ago• Clients go to the Internet for common questions and often get the wrong advice• Clients often talk about their veterinarian to other pet owners and compare notes 89

parasite testing DETECT AND protect90

ANTECH’s Parasite Testing: Detection at its best DETECTIt’s time to move your practice forward ANDANTECH Diagnostics created a Parasite Testing Program thatoutperforms any in-clinic fecal test. What can you expect from protectANTECH? Better medicine, better workflow and a better bottom line. Parasite TestingBETTER MEDICINE Smart Medicine• Quality assured accuracy• Well-trained technicians specializing in parasitology 91• Proficiency testing, auditing and performance monitoring to ensure consistent excellence• Immediate access to board-certified specialistsBETTER WORKFLOW• Technician and staff focused on patient care• Educated, compliant clientsBETTER BOTTOM LINE• Savings with ANTECH’s ZnSO4 Centrifugal flotation test - comes automatically with Giardia Elisa A recent study of the ZnSO4 Centrifugal Flotation Procedure by ANTECH diagnosed 70% more ova and parasites identified compared to in-clinic passive flotation tests.

pre-operative care DETECT AND protect92

ANTECH’s Pre-Op Care: Surgery at its best Pre-Operative Care Smart MedicineIt’s time to move your practice forwardANTECH Diagnostics created a Pre-Op Care Program that 93simply makes sense for today’s busy veterinarian. What canyou expect from ANTECH? Better medicine, better workflowand a better bottom line.BETTER MEDICINE• 8 analyte chemistry profile, CBC, PT, PTT• Daily quality control• Access to board-certified specialists to discuss resultsBETTER WORKFLOW• Efficient surgery day• Productive technicians and staff• Informed, compliant clientsBETTER BOTTOM LINE• Beneficial savings compared to in-house clinics• No loss of revenue due to rescheduled surgeries

West: 800.745.4725East: 800.872.1001Test Express: 888.397.8378www.antechdiagnostics.com94

antech service providers antech service providersSmart Diagnostics = Smart MedicineCopyright 2011 ANTECH Diagnostics®. All rights reserved.

Sound-EklinTM is the • Telemedicine • Paperless record sharingIndustry’s Uncontested • On-Line PACS • Digital Vault • ANTECH requisition and Leader in Veterinary • UltraCapture download Imaging. • Hardware and Software • Sound-Eklin and other • Licensing DICOM integration • Improve staff communication • Eliminate dropped charges • Enhance patient care a VCA ANTECH company 97

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GET CONNECTED! Fast. Reliable. Efficient. ANTECH’s new division, ANTECH Imaging Services, is improving the quality of veterinary medical care by providing easy, affordable access to board-certified specialists, and by simplifying your business with web-based PACS and distributed imaging.100

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