If you hit a pothole, please report it and have the vehicle checked for any damage. This is covered under insurance, but it has to be reported as soon as possible. Windscreen chips and cracks are also to be reported, as soon as possible. Please don’t keep driving with unreported damage as you might end up being held liable for the repair costs. Windscreens are an insurance claim. All cracked are to be reported timeously. Daily Inspections A part of the driver’s responsibility to ensure that daily checks are done on your vehicle. The logbook is going to become your protection, if you check before you drive and you report the faults in the logbook as well as to your fleet manager, you are covered. Failure to do so makes you liable and responsible. Refer to Annexure M for an example of the Daily Log sheet that each driver will be filling in. Fleet and Fuel Management Services – FFMS RTC vehicles are going to be monitored by FFMS via satellite. All movement at all times, this is for your safety as well as for RTC to monitor costs as well as usage of its fleet. Harsh and dangerous driving will be recorded and reported Individual driver tags will be issued, and vehicles will not start without these tags. Tags that are issued to an individual driver may not be used by someone else, if your tag is faulty please contact Fleet controller. Speeding violations will be recorded and reported. Excessive idling and entering high risk areas will be reported. Garmins are going to be issued to fleet controllers to issue when needed. AARTO - What is it? The Administrative Adjudication of Road Traffic Offences All drivers are subject to AARTO, by South African law. For every offence you get points, not in a good way! Ifu you get over 12 points your license it is suspended for 3 months for each point over 12 points. For example: if you have 11 points for bad behaviour, and you get another 3, your license will be suspended for 6 months. www.righttocare.org | 48
17. TRAINING AND DEVELOPOMENT Purpose The Right to Care Group of Companies (“RTC”) believes that human resources are one of its most important assets to ensure the success of the organisation. RTC recognises the important contribution that acquired skills, knowledge and related qualifications make towards research and development, effective and efficient service delivery, and employee career development. We are therefore committed to ongoing skills development of its employees, within the resources available, to enable them to perform their duties effectively and efficiently. Employees will be given the opportunity of being trained, within the resources available, to the best of their ability. It is up to individual employees to make the most of these opportunities by fully utilising available resources and improving their skills and knowledge. RTC aims to provide training opportunities which will provide: An induction programme which all staff will be required to undertake and will assist staff settling into their new role/job. A progressive training and development scheme to enable staff to develop, relevant skills and acquire knowledge to underpin their current role and career aspirations www.righttocare.org | 49
18. FINANCE Procurement Process Right to Care’s Procurement Process exists to ensure the following: To ensure effective and efficient system of demand management To ensure that resources required to support strategic and operational commitments of the organisation are delivered the right time, price, place, quality and specifications To ensure that the organisation is in compliance with the applicable national legislation (e.g. BBBEE where applicable, treasury, etc.), donor regulations and guidelines (USAID cooperative agreements, etc.) Procurement Process (procure to pay cycle) Procurement Requisition Form Formal and detailed request to the Procurement Department to procure a specific service/product. It includes specifications or description of products/services, budget code, requester and line manager/budget holder approval, required delivery date and address, etc. www.righttocare.org | 50
Per Diem Claim and Payment process Staff need to complete a travel request either online or manually. The confirmation(approval) of the online, or a copy of the signed manual request, must be attached to a payment request form, for your per diem allowance, and submitted to finance for payment. Petty Cash process The petty cash process is either for personal money spent, or if you need to procure something under the value of R250. Any amount above this needs to be done via expense claim form, and a payment requisition. Staff to go to the relevant finance administrator to complete the necessary petty cash request book. The claim will then get signed and the money paid to you. All proof of payments like slips etc. need to be kept and handed over to the finance administrator. Submission and payment of travel expenses You need to complete an expense claim form as well as a payment requisition for any other travel expenses incurred. Expenses like eTOL gates, fuel etc. You need to complete an expense claim and payment requisition form with your information. This needs to be approved by your line manager and submitted to finance for payment. If any travel was involved, your online or manual travel request can be attached to your payment request for validation as well www.righttocare.org | 51
19. IT ICT Assets Management Use only authorised equipment, software and content when working with RTC information IT resources are provided to employees primarily for the purpose of executing RTC’s business activities. Users must handle all information assets that they are using or have access to, with care that RTC business operations will not be disrupted and/or no undue financial/reputational loss will be incurred. The use of RTC’s IT resources for malicious purposes, social activism, party political purposes, illegal activities including fraud, etc. is strictly forbidden. Software Use RTC employees are not allowed to violate the terms of the organisation’s software license agreements and applicable laws when installing and/or using software on computers owned by RTC or private computers used to perform work related to RTC. Problems and Incident Management All IT related incidents / issues shall be reported to the IT Department at the earliest possible time. IT related incident shall be deemed as any event which is not part of the standard operation of the service and which causes, or may cause, an interruption to, or a reduction of the quality of IT service. An incident or problem NOT reported and recorded by the IT Service Desk shall be deemed as not having occurred (i.e. IT Department shall not commit resources to the resolution of such incident or problem). www.righttocare.org | 52
Acceptable Use of Telephones and Cell phones Group IT shall provide the monitoring service to the usage of telephone and cell phone systems. The systems shall allow the administrator to revoke the service based on recommendation by the Line Manager of the user and approval by the relevant Executive Acceptable Use of Email and Internet The email and internet facilities are provided for the purpose of conducting RTC’s business activities. Private use of email and Internet is only allowed where such use is restricted to a minimum and does not interfere with business activities. Employees are not allowed to use one another’s e-mail account to send or receive mail. Employees may not transmit, copy, retrieve or forward copyright material without prior approval from the owner. Employees shall not participate in chain e-mails used for political, propaganda or discriminatory purposes. Employees are prohibited from disclosing information that may adversely affect RTC’s customer relations or reputation. Employees are prohibited from downloading, storing or communication of pornographic or sexually offensive material. Users should take caution to confirm/verify the bona fides of the originator (sender) before opening an e-mail, as these messages may contain malicious code; where users are not sure they should consult IT personnel. Employees may not intercept (or attempt to intercept) e-mail of other users. Employees are discouraged from responding to un-solicited e-mails requesting help or offering money. www.righttocare.org | 53
Acceptable Use of Mobile Computing The allocation of mobile computing technology shall only be supplied to users who are required to use these devices in order to effectively perform their job functions. The requirement for mobile technology shall be included in the definition for the tools required to do the job and shall be based on the job requirements Acceptable use of Social Computing / Media The use of social media websites during office hours is restricted unless it does not interfere with business activities. No employee is allowed to post work related information on social media websites without the approval from their Line Managers IT Intellectual Property All work or material produced for RTC shall remain the property of RTC unless otherwise explicitly authorised and communicated in writing by the CIO in consultation with the Chief Executive. This shall include all IT related solutions, such as software developments, hardware, methods, processes, architectures, etc Information, Computer and Cyber Security All users must sign to accept to abide by the directives of RTC IT policies before using the RTC’s computer systems. All users must report any suspected information security incidents to the IT department Employees shall use only authorised equipment, software and content when working with RTC information. www.righttocare.org | 54
Private devices may only be allowed if subjected to RTC’s security policies and configurations. Employees are not allowed make unauthorised changes to the hardware components of and software configurations on their PCs. Employees are not allowed to install software on their computers without permission from the IT department. Remote connections to RTC’s network shall be used only when authorised by Management. Employees may not install or use network sniffing devices or tools used for remote maintenance purposes without the explicit approval of the CIO. Employees are accountable for all actions that are performed using their user profiles; hence employees should lock their computers when not in use, and not share their login credentials with any person including their manager Employees should ensure they safely keep all RTC issued information assets and should be aware of and take measures to mitigate against common criminal activities such as car remote jamming and smash and grab etc. Information and Data Management / Privacy All access to information resources shall be allowed as per each user’s job requirements, and they shall be managed, controlled, audited and periodically reviewed through formal procedures Do not disclose any information (including giving references) about an individual to an external organisation without first checking that the individual consents to such disclosure. Employees should be vigilant if they are undertaking work off-premises using personal data such as patient and clinical data. Strict security measures must be applied to the transportation and storage of all such data. Ensure that all personal data is kept secure, not only from unauthorised access, but from fire and other hazards. Use the office shredder or the contract shredding service to dispose of any document containing personal data, whether or not you consider it to be confidential www.righttocare.org | 55
20. SYSTEMS ESS This is RTC’s Employee Self Service (ESS) system. Here you have access to the following: Leave information Applying for leave Viewing status of current leave requests Viewing leave balances Viewing a graphical leave calendar Viewing leave transaction history Cancelling leave transactions Payslip information IRP5 information Submitting petrol/travel claims Refer to Annexure A for ESS training document. www.righttocare.org | 56
Web Register and Project Timesheets RTC uses a Biometric system to track your day to day clock in and out. If you have any queries on your timesheet you can contact your HR Administrator. Project Timesheets need to be completed on a monthly basis and send to your line manager for approval. The project timesheet MUST be completed before the 3rd of every month. Familiarise yourself with the Time and Attendance Policy Group Intranet This is a private network contained within RTC. This is used to share: Company information Policies and procedures Templates and forms. Our various helpdesks: HR, Communication & Marketing, Office Maintenance and IT. Job Vacancies; and RTC Social Media links Latest News Latest HIV updates Upcoming events Familiarize yourself as this will be your main source of information. Refer to Annexure B for the Intranet Training Manual Skype for Business Skype for Business is the main tool used for Right to Care’s communication. It is used for the following: Calls Internal and External Messaging Group Chats Conference Calls Screen sharing etc. Refer to Annexure C for a short manual on how to use Skype if you are not familiar with it www.righttocare.org | 57
Training Portal Right to Care has a training portal where employees can request training and upload training registers. It is also used for our Annual Training Needs Analysis. Request Training Upload training attendance registers Downloading training attendance register template The portal is continuously being updated with new features, which the training department will communicate to staff. Refer to Annexure E for a short step by step tutorial to request training Performance Management System The Employee Performance Management System (EPMS) is the platform used to measure the performance of staff and also establishing a development plan. A Detailed manual will be included in your Employee Handbook and training is provided each year before performance reviews commence. It is a platform created in-house and was introduced in 2018. The system measures the following: Key Performance Areas Performance Factors Leadership Qualities Establishing a Development plan for employees Refer to Annexure F for the training manual www.righttocare.org | 58
Contract Management System The contract management system is also an in-house system created to track all legal contracts and agreements. The system assists for the following: Request a contract or agreement to be drawn up Request a contract or agreement to be reviewed It factors in available budgets, finance and legal approval etc. No contract or agreement will be valid if not completed within this system. For assistance and access, contact the legal department IT Helpdesk Right to Care’s IT Helpdesk is used to report issues and request assistance from IT. There are various call categories when logging a call with IT and some of them are as follows: Network issues Computer and software issues New Hardware requests New Software requests Printer requests or issues Access requests etc. Refer to Annexure G for the training manual Online Travel Booking RTC uses Atlantis i-travel online for booking flights, accommodation, car rentals and Per Diem. All new RTC staff who travel need to be loaded into the system before they can make their own reservations online. Guest travellers will be loaded as Guest into the system. The travel Coordinator can assist with this process of loading you into the system, and will need the following information from you. www.righttocare.org | 59
Name and surname as per your RSA ID or passport Department reporting to Line manager/approver Alternate approver, should first approver not be available Frequent flyer numbers Contact numbers Do your drive manual or automatic car (this depends on the licence you have). Please also be aware that all travel made for staff and visitors, we require the boarding passes and Rental car contracts to be returned back to us for filing. In order to drive a rental car, you also need to have signed the vehicle policy and submit this with a copy of your driver’s licence for filing. If your licence expires and you renew it then you need to resign this policy and send it in again for filing. Refer to Annexure H for the Online Booking Manual. 21. RISK The employees of the company have the responsibility, in line with the Risk Management Framework, to manage risk within their areas of operation. These include, amongst others: Adhering to and practising all the policies and procedures in their daily activities. Being alert of and willing to report instances of non-compliance and unethical behaviour by any member of staff. Monitoring and reporting on risk exposures within their sphere of operation. Making recommendations, based on their practical experiences, on what measures can be implemented to manage and/or mitigate risks within the Company. Included in ou Policy Passport, you will find the following documentation: Risk Management Framework Anti-fraud and Corruption Policy Anti-fraud and Corruption Standard Operating Procedures Whistle Blower Policy Fixed Asset Management Policy www.righttocare.org | 60
Incident Reporting and Claims Process Notification of loss of asset must be done within 24 hours to the Line Manager, RTC Insurance Administrator, CC RTC Group Risk Manager, RTC Supply Chain Management (SCM), RTC Asset Management, Finance and IT (if IT asset), RTC Fleet Manager (If Vehicle) If the asset user was found to be negligent, the asset user will be liable for any insurance excess amounts. If Vehicle incident: Send the following to all parties listed above: Completed and signed Incident Report Template Police report copy with any witness statement and case number (if hired car = must be submitted to Car Hire Co.) Asset description and registration number (if vehicle) Copy of drivers’ license Driver’s full name, contact number, address Copy of signed vehicle policy Pictures of the accident If Non-Vehicle incident: Send the following to all parties listed above: Completed and signed Incident Report Template Police affidavit copy and case number Grant name Asset serial number Copy of invoice for original asset (from IT) If Vehicle Incident with Third Party Involved: Send the following information to all parties listed above: Copy of third-party drivers’ license Picture of third party’s license disk Contact details of third party Contact details of third party’s insurers Contact details of any witnesses All ncident Reports (completed on the report template) must be sent back to both the Group Risk Manager & your line manager. Refer to Annexure I for the Incident Report Template. www.righttocare.org | 61
22. LEAVING RIGHT TO CARE In the event of you choosing to terminate your contract by way of resignation, you shall afford the Company prior notification thereof on the same terms as set out in your contract of employment and shall remain in the Company’s employ until the expiration of the applicable notice period. The notice period in this instance may be waivered or reduced subject to the mutual agreement of both parties. Notice of termination of services by either party must be given in writing. In the event of you reaching retirement age of 65, your contract will be terminated in the month of your 65th birthday, unless otherwise agreed to in writing. Refer to the Employee Exit Policy. Notice Period Unless your employment is terminated by agreement, or specified otherwise in your principal statement of terms and conditions, you or the Company are required to give a period of notice in writing as follows: 1. One (1) week notice, if the employee has been employed for six (6) months or less. 2. Two (2) weeks’ notice, if the employee has been employed for more than six (6) months, but not more than one (1) year. 1. Four (4) weeks’ notice, if the employee has been employed for one (1) year or more. These periods of notice will apply if you are dismissed on grounds of inefficiency or if your dismissal is the result of disciplinary proceedings in circumstances where summary dismissal is not justified. Your employment may be terminated without notice where summary dismissal follows disciplinary proceedings. Other Conditions on Leaving On leaving, the Company will deduct from any money due to you such sums as you may owe to the Company. These may include, but are not restricted to, any loans, relocation assistance, court orders and payment made for holidays taken in excess of entitlement. If you leave without giving notice and without the Company’s agreement, you are in breach of your contract and you may forfeit some or all of any salary due to you. www.righttocare.org | 61
IBefore leaving, you must hand over to your manager all articles belonging to Right to Care, including your access card and any documents, equipment and computer software. Documents and software include (but are not limited to) correspondence, diaries, address books, databases, files, reports, plans, records or any other medium for storing information. You should not retain any copies, drafts, reproductions, extracts or summaries of documents and software. After you have left the Company, you must not: Solicit or seek to entice away any Company staff Use or divulge to any person or organization any confidential information relating to the business of Right to Care 23. OFFICE HOUSE KEEPING RULES Windows - if you open it you close it. Cups/mugs - to be returned to kitchens when used. Air cons - to ensure they are put off daily. Ensure that main glass doors are locked if you are the last person to leave the floor. Ensure computers are locked in on your desk and either locked away in the afternoons in the computer lockers if not been taken home. 24. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT OF HANDBOOK Please ensure that you complete, sign and hand in Annexure L – Confirmation of Receipt of Handbook Form. www.righttocare.org | 62