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Home Explore John Odom Boise

John Odom Boise

Published by johnodom007, 2022-05-17 12:10:55

Description: John Odom has worked in the Excavation & Construction industry for 20 + years, gaining experience in all things concrete, construction, excavation, utilities, and development. Being a Native of Idaho, born in Twin Falls, he is extremely passionate about growth in the Treasure Valley and being a part of the huge boom in Housing Developments. In addition to running a successful Excavation and Concrete Company, he is also involved in Professional Racing, having won multiple races across the US in his Nissan GTRs, and beating out some of the world’s top race car drivers.

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Search   John Odom Boise JohnOdom8 Mar. 24, 2022 • 0 likes • 65 views  Download Now

 1 of 6  John Odom has worked in the Excavation & Construction industry for 20 + years, gaining experience in all things concrete, construction, excavation, utilities, and development. Being a Native of Idaho, born in Twin Falls, he is extremely passionate about growth in the Treasure Valley and being a part of the huge boom in Housing Developments. In addition to running a successful Excavation and Concrete Company, he is also involved in Professional Racing, having won multiple races across the US in his Nissan GTRs, and beating out some

Racing, having won multiple races across the US in his Nissan GTRs, and beating out some of the world’s top race car drivers. Business Recommended John Odom Boise JohnOdom8 John odom idaho JohnOdom8 John odom idaho JohnOdom8 John odom JohnOdom8 John odom JohnOdom8 What to Upload to SlideShare SlideShare Be A Great Product Leader (Amplify, Oct 2019) Adam Nash Trillion Dollar Coach Book (Bill Campbell) Eric Schmidt APIdays Paris 2019 ­ Innovation @ scale, APIs as Digital Factories' New Machi... apidays A few thoughts on work life­balance Wim Vanderbauwhede

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