Publisher EDITOR’S NOTEINDIANTODAY.NET SDN BHD (858997-V) Global trade value exceeds US$20 Trillion per annum contributing to 59% of Gross Domestic(Wholly-owned by Charu Holding Sdn Bhd) Products. Connecting this enormous trade volume is thePetaling Jaya Office logistics services, an industry most policy makers fail to understandSuite 3A52, Level 3A, Block A2, its significance. An International report found that global GDP couldLeisure Commerce Square, Jalan PJS 8/9, jump six fold should 50% of global logistics best practice level be46150 Petaling Jaya, Selangor achieved. Malaysian Indian Business analyzes the logistics sectorTel/Fax: 03 7865 7320 contributions and business opportunities available within theJohor Bahru Office logistics industry.No. 6-01, Jalan Bestari 4/2,Taman Nusa Bestari,81300 Johor Bahru, Johor In this issue, our editorial team pens their findings on why mostTel: 07 235 4236 Fax: 07 238 2320 Malaysian Indian Businesses are less successful after six months of collating data. You could be amazed at that the reasons behind why majority of Malaysian Indian Business have been classified as micro businesses. The African continents southernmost trading [email protected] partner and the country with eleven official languages South Africa is featured in our inaugural emerging market segment. Readers are encouraged to review the country’s economic features along MalaysianIndianBusinessMagazine with business opportunities available to explore there.CHAIRMAN & MANAGING EDITORRasa Rasik As usual we lined up noteworthy articles, stunning facts and figures,[email protected] selected business news from local, Singapore and India. FeedbackMANAGING DIRECTOR and opinion by entrepreneurs and professionals on a topic postedR Surangi by is added in our MIB [email protected] & MARKETING Finally, we seek your continuous support by signing up as ourJayasree Vijian subscriber as only then we will be able to allocate more [email protected] in researching hidden jewels of Ancient Indian Management016 213 4236 philosophies for your reading pleasure and practice.Prasad [email protected] \"To Succeed – Act\"ADMINISTRATION & CIRCULATIONPetaling Jaya Office: Chairman & Managing [email protected] Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in the articles published are those of the authors and do not necesarilyJohor Bahru Office: reflect the views of MIB. While every reasonable care is taken in compiling this publication, MIB does not accept any liabilityShila whatsoever for possible errors, inaccuracies or omissions or the consequences thereof. The Publisher also accepts [email protected] liability in respect of the content of any advertisement in the magazine. All rights reserved. The reproduction, duplication, orEDITOR republication of this magazine or any part thereof in any form whatsoever without the expressed written permission of theArikrishnan Subramanian publisher is [email protected] EDITORAnand NaiduSUB EDITORKishor SubramaniamWritersGanesh MuruganMaran Nandan SithambaramPalani MurugappanPrasath KanagarasRajen DevadasonThevi SinnaduraiP. AnnantharajanCONCEPT & GRAPHIC DESIGNKugan [email protected] Stop Book EnterprisePRINTERSS Graphic Printers (M) Sdn BhdLOT 7 & 8, Jalan TIB 3, Taman Industri Bolton,68100 Batu Caves, SelangorSOURCE OF NEWSBernama
CONTENT0 4 LEADERSHIP 38 FINANCIAL PLANNING Leadership Lessons From The 8 Wealth Slices Of Humanity The Bhagavad-Gita: Part 8 42 INSPIRATIONAL08 Singapore Business News Law Of Focused Curiosity In Business10 Today I Learned: 46 ANCIENT WISDOM Things Great Business Leaders Do During Difficulties Efficiency In Action As Guided In Thirukural11 MIB Forum 48 QUOTES 12 Quotes From Ajaypal Singh Banga12 FEATURED 50 LIFESTYLE Logistics : The Trade Super Connector Managing Your Emotions At Work 16 FEATURED 53 Business Jokes Business Opportunities In Malaysian 54 Malaysia Business News Logistics Industries 58 ANCIENT MEDICINE18 Did You Know? Relief Sinusitis With Hemopathic20 EMERGING MARKET 62 EDITORIAL Doing Business in Africa Are Malaysian Indian Business Less Successful? A Review24 VOX POPULI 20 South Africa Is A Promising Market 4826 India Business News2 8 BRAND Colouring Your Brand Website30 FACTS AND FIGURES Business News In Figure32 MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE Handling Charts In Excel 36 EVENT COVERAGE Agenda Suria: 5th Indian Shoping Festival
04 LEADERSHIP • by Anand NaiduVedantic Management:Leadership Lessonsfrom the Bhagavad-GitaPart 8 - The Art of Cultivation‘Roses never go neurotic. Lotuses never go neurotic.’ ~ Osho Anchoring Cultivation Majesty | March 2015
LEADERSHIP 05Welcome back to the March edition of the Malaysian “Kulakshaye pranashyanti kuladharmaah sanaatanaah; Indian Business Magazine. I hope our Chinese Dharme nashte kulam kritsnam adharmo’bhibhavatyuta.” readers had a wonderful start to the Chinese NewYear and I wish everyone a prosperous Year of the Goat. When a family is destroyed, its faith suffers; When faith perishes, immorality descend on all.I’ve previously mentioned that the entire goal of Vedanta isthe perfection of man. And in keeping with that, the ancient Bhagavad Gita 1:40art science of leader-building follows a 3-step method toachieve its ends. There is a vast storehouse of knowledge And then again:contained in the ancient Eastern philosophies. And yet, theknowledge is mysterious and difficult to apply. It may take “Adharmaabhibhavaat krishna pradushyanti kulastriyah;years, sometimes a lifetime to understand. The one thing Streeshu dushtaasu vaarshneya jaayate varnasankarah.”that is fundamental though, is the basic principle, anchoring.From that, everything else grows. In other words, you cannot From immorality the womenfolk are corrupted;grow unless your fundamentals are strong. You cannot learn When this happens, all of the world is doomed.unless your basics are strong. Bhagavad Gita 1:41This is what Osho means when he refers to roses and lotusesin his book, The Search. Roses never go neurotic. It means So the world is tending toward disorder; toward destruction.they don’t lose their composure. Roses don’t behave like This is scientifically referred to as entropy. Entropy tendsother flowers because they are well-anchored. Something to increase. In other words the world tends more towardwell-anchored will never go neurotic. Something well- chaos and disorder than order. The whole point of anchoringanchored will always stay strong. Like an anchor in a storm. and cultivation is to develop and preserve order in the face of growing disorder or neurosis. This is also the pointIn our last edition I noted that we would be talking of entropy of management. It’s a trite concept of course to note thatand management, 2 concepts that seem unconnected, but management contributes to the control and order of a groupare fundamental to the understanding of Aeach other. of people or an organisation. Even in the Gita, it is clear that the world tends toward destruction. In this context KrishnaIn order to understand how the ancient art of cultivation is promises to help to adjust the imbalance, to bring order toconnected to anchoring, it is necessary to understand why chaos.they are connected? So, the first 2 limbs on the ancient art of leader-building are “Yadaa yadaa hi dharmasya glaanir bhavati bhaarata; really methods that are designed to prevent entropy. They Abhyutthaanam adharmasya tadaatmaanam srijaamyaham. ” are systems intended to resist disorder. When there is a decline of righteousness in the world, What happens when one allows entropy to build in one’s I manifest myself to save it. business? A business does not run itself. If left to its own devices, it will turn to ruin. Every leader and every manager Bhagavad Gita 4:7 is installed to help halt disorder. In some organisations, lamentably, there are many managers, middle and upper,In the Gita, Krishna makes a curious allusion to the physical so as to sometimes appear like there are more Chiefs thanworld and to its nature. In the above verse, he basically Indians.informs Arjuna that it is in the nature of the physical worldto weaken; to slowly disintegrate. The first way that this March 2015 |happens is by way of the fragmentation of the moral system.Do you recall Arjuna lamenting?
06 LEADERSHIPWe’ve all seen organisations that boast ‘managers’ at everyturn. They need them because it’s clear that entropy wouldoverrun the organisation if they did not install controllers atstrategic places. These controllers are managers. Managersare intended solely to act to stop entropy. In this sense, theGita makes clear that action is superior to inaction.In the art of cultivation, action can hold back the rise ofentropy. Arjuna clarifies that this is the case: “Sannyaasam karmanaam krishna punar yogam cha shamsasi; What do we ‘cultivate’ people with? The Gita tell us again: Yacchreya etayorekam tanme broohi sunishchitam.” “Yogayukto vishuddhaatmaa vijitaatmaa jitendriyah; Renunciation of action or upholding of the yoga of action; Sarvabhootaatmabhootaatmaa kurvannapi na lipyate.” Which of these is better? He who is devoted to acting, clear of mind, Bhagavad Gita 5:1 And has control of himself; he acts purely and without taint.And Krishna replies succinctly: Bhagavad Gita 5:7 “Sannyaasah karmayogashcha nihshreyasakaraa vubhau; To succeed as a leader, even a person, one has to be clearly Tayostu karmasannyaasaat karmayogo vishishyate.” devoted to acting. To be able to act properly, one has to be clear of mind and be able to control oneself. Both can lead to goodness. But to act! That is the greatest path to goodness. Entropy doesn’t just affect the cosmos, it also rages within us. The urge to do nothing, the urge toward apathy; these are Bhagavad Gita 5:2 both phenomena that tend to increase entropy. If we do not have complete control of our own senses, we are unable toEven the ancients knew that action was superior to control our environments.renunciation. The latter showed humility and temperance.But the former is what makes the world go round. Without A great leader understands the correlation between his selfaction, the world would perish. Without action, entropy would and his environment. That is the ultimate secret of the art ofoverrun the world. Without action, entropy would overrun cultivation. In order to cultivate a leader, we must connect hisyour business. sense of self-worth with the environment around him. Make him understand that he is capable of controlling his innermostBusiness is not a static practice. It requires movement and feelings and by doing so is powerful enough to control anycreation. This, by itself, helps to delay the onset of entropy. external phenomenon. It’s only by having control do oneThe arts of anchoring and cultivation are central to the return to the source, the aim of all physical events:concept of resisting entropy, because that is a significant partof achieving goodness, or majesty.| March 2015
LEADERSHIP 07 “If you are the master, then you start coming back towards the is the second. Acting is the third. Do you recall what Krishna original source. says: If you are not the master, then the energy moves away from you – “Utseedeyur ime lokaa na kuryaam karma ched aham; towards things, persons, power, prestige, fame.” Sankarasya cha kartaa syaam upahanyaam imaah prajaah..” ~ Osho The world would perish if I don’t act. I would bring about the destruction of all things if I don’t act.What happens when we are not masters of our own decisionsis simple. Other things, external stimuli, become the impetus Bhagavad Gita 3:24and reason for us to act. And as we don’t have control overother things (because we always want things beyond ourcontrol), we are devastated by failure to achieve those things.This devastations mounts, like compound interest, one uponanother, until it is no longer possible for us to move. Wechoke, we panic, we freeze. And, like Arjuna at the beginningof the Gita, we fail to see the value in what we’re doing, andwe stop acting. Stopping acting increases entropy. Plain andsimple.All of the sum of knowledge given to us by India and the Eastrelates to being able to act to stop entropy. Understandingknowledge over illusion is the first step. Controlling oneselfAnand Naidu is a Malaysian-born barrister and law lecturer based in Melbourne. He is also the Deputy President of LawHelpAustralia, a not-for-profit legal advice bureau based in Melbourne. Anand has had a long association with the teachings ofHinduism and is currently preparing a series of seminars based on drawing leadership and management principles fromHindu [email protected] +61 425 627 116 March 2015 |
08 SINGAPORE BUSINESS NEWS4,000 NEW HOTEL ROOMS TO FLOOD SINGAPOREJones Lang LaSalle (JLL) reports that approximately 3,899 rooms are expected to flood Singapore accommodation market in 2015, comprising mostly upscale and midscale hotels. Major hotels such as the 654-room South Beach Hotel and Club, the 500-room Jurong Lake Hotel, the 300-room Park Hotel Farrer Park and the 15-room Patina Capitol Singapore, Dusit Thani and Villa Samadhi are alsolikely to open in 2015. Hotel operators’ revenues will further compressed in 2015 with addition to 4,000 new hotel rooms on back of 1,773 newadditions in 2014.RESORTS WORLD JEJU TO DEBUT IN 2017Genting Singapore Plc launched a ground breaking ceremony for its Resorts World Jeju (RWJ), a US$1.8 billion tourism destination development in Jeju, South Korea. RWJ is slatedto open progressively from 2017, and will be one of South Korea’slargest integrated resorts, occupying a land area of approximately2.5 million square metres. The entire development is expected to becompleted by 2019. Jeju Special Self-Governing Province GovernorWon Hee-Ryong, said he welcomed RWJ to be a partner of Jeju, andthat he would fully support the project when officiating the ceremony.RWJ will house Jeju’s largest family theme park, offering more than20 rides and attractions in 7 different zones, themed after myths andlegends from all over the world. Jeju’s largest adventure waterpark,and one of Korea’s most exciting themed retail and food complexes. Itspremium hotels will have more than 2,000 rooms, boasting luxury villas,Jeju Island’s first 6-star hotel and a destination spa. The hotels will beequipped with full meeting and conference facilities that are suitable forhosting regional and international meetings, incentives, conventionsand events. In addition, there will be gaming entertainment, culturalfacilities, leisure and entertainment amenities, as well as approximately1,500 luxury serviced apartments and residential villas. | MFeabrrcuhar2y0210515
09SINGAPORE BUSINESS NEWSBUSINESS SENTIMENT IN SINGAPORE SOURED SEMBCORP TO INVEST $227M IN INDIANRAPIDLY COMPANY GREEN INFRALatest Business Times-UniSIM Business Climate Survey Sembcorp is entering India’s attractive renewable energy painted gloomier picture than official surveys by point that market, a major step in the company’s strategy to grow its business sentiment in Singapore soured rapidly in Q4 2014, renewable energy business. According to a media release,as sales, profits and orders took a turn for the worse. Of the 179 Sembcorp Utilities has signed agreements to acquire a 60% stakefirms polled in December 2014 and January 2015, 50 per cent in Green Infra, a renewable energy company in India with a windexpect business prospects to worsen over the next six months, up and solar portfolio. Sembcorp signed a shareholders agreement andfrom 38 per cent in the previous quarter's survey. Meanwhile, the a share purchase agreement with IDFC Private Equity Fund II andproportion of firms expecting improved business conditions fell to 21 IDFC Private Equity Fund III, to invest in a 60% stake in Green Infraper cent, from 29 per cent a quarter earlier. The business prospects for S$227 million. The investment will be held through Sembcorpnet balance - a weighted diffusion index that takes the difference Renewables, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Sembcorp Utilities. Tangbetween the proportion of positive and negative firms - tumbled 25 Kin Fei, Sembcorp Group President and CEO, says, “Green Infra’spoints to -27 per cent, the largest drop the quarterly survey has seen strong capabilities and experienced team will help to accelerate oursince Q2 2012. This compares gloomily to the results of the latest growth in the renewable energy sector not only in India, but globally.official business expectations surveys - also negative, but much Meanwhile, with investments in both thermal and renewable energy,milder. A net weighted balance of 4 per cent of firms in services Sembcorp is well-positioned for growth in the energy sector with aexpect less favourable business conditions from January to June, balanced portfolio of energy assets.”but the Department of Statistics attributed this in part to seasonaleffects after the boost that services tend to enjoy with year-endholidays and festive season. And a net weighted balance of 3 percent of manufacturers are negative, according to the EconomicDevelopment Board's survey.VENTURE DEBT PROGRAMME TO FUND LOCAL TECH START-UPSDBS launched a venture debt programme which will provide financing for tech start- ups in Singapore. Tech start-ups can use DBS venture debt for working capital, fixed assets acquisition and even project financing with little or no dilution to their equity.Lim Chu Chong, Head of SME Banking at DBS said “Tech start-ups can use venture debtto complement venture capital, and buy more time and flexibility for their businesses to hitkey development milestones, which can potentially increase their company valuations. Wehope this will be a boost to the start-up eco-system in Singapore and help innovative techcompanies scale up and reach profitability at a faster pace.” To qualify, tech start-ups mustbe strongly backed by DBS’ partner venture capitalists such as Vertex Venture, Monk’s HillVentures and Golden Gate Ventures. They should have raised at least $1 million of SeriesA funding, be incorporated for at least two years, be in operation for at least one year andhave demonstrated that their business model is commercially viable. March 2015 |
10 TODAY I LEARNED THINGS GREAT BUSINESS LEADERS DO DURING DIFFICULTIESDifficult Times Are Seen As Focus On Core Business And They Are Visible AndOpportunities Don’t Deviate From It AccessibleSteve Ballmer, co-founder and ex-CEO President Akio Toyoda of Toyota Motor Sheila Crump Johnson, CEO ofof Microsoft daring bought Los Angeles Company acted swiftly by focusing on its Salamander Hotels & Resorts a hotel-Clippers a professional basketball team at 2 core business of producing great quality management company and co-founderbillion dollars. Microsoft revenue and profits automobiles during 2009 worsening Black Entertainment Television [BET] wantboth tripled during his tenure as CEO, economic climate. Toyota withdrew from her employees to look at her with dignitybut he missed the mobile revolution while Formula One race following the steps of and respect. She admits her secret is beingcommitted numerous product blunders. BMW and Honda during the crisis. hang around and be accessible by her staffMissing his Wife (Microsoft) for the first time when they need more.he found rich opportunity and invent it justlike any other startup. He made the team onthe upswing with a division title in the lasttwo seasons.They Lead, Build Confidence They Don’t Attack Problems They Take ResponsibilityBut Don’t Micromanage As A Whole Good leaders always pass the credit andRonald Wilson Reagan, 40th President of Anil Dhirubhai Ambani, Chairman of Indian take responsibilities for any mishaps. Donthe United States, the oldest man in office Reliance Group have never viewed a Thompson, CEO McDonald Internationalbuilds confidence in his team members, problem as a whole, but rather as a strategic is one of the most courageous leaderpractices to lead without micromanage. enabler for continuous improvement. He that don't make excuses or blame others.The first serving U.S. President to survive brings down company debts by selling real He took responsibilities for company’sbeing shot in an assassination attempt estate, direct-to-home business and other weak financial performance under hisimplemented sweeping new political and assets. His Reliance Capital sold a stake in stewardship and resigned from the Fortuneeconomic initiatives that brought the the company to Sumitomo Mitsui Bank and 500 companies.inflation rate from 12.5% to 4.4% and the Nippon Life in order to reduce the group'saverage GDP growth 7.9%. debt.| March 2015
MIB FORUM 11Fact \"95% of Indian companies in Malaysia weremicro-businesses recording less than RM300,000annual turnover\". What can we do to increase theirbusiness turnover?We must diverse into niche businesses by Indians should adopt 'M&A' and not try to controladapting Blue Ocean strategy. everything individually. At one time sportsGobi Krishnan, equipment industry was controlled by Indians.Executive Chairman They remained greedy and refused to 'M&A' orMogh BioEnergy (M) Sdn Bhd appoint agents in the various cities in the country. The result is that Indians have not expandedIn my opinion some 50% are doing very good but remained as 'kampong' level, but they are not paying attention The same applies to the carpet businesses. Thetaxation matters. For self owned micro business, professional organizations including providers ofmy suggestion for improvement : training services are no different as there are1. Try to enter into franchising business. large number of small providers yet they cannot 'M&A' to go beyond Klang Valley. There is great Government fundings available. potential in other parts of delete Malaysia such2. Venture into import and export of as North-South-East Coast and Sabah-Sarawak. Lack of training facilities in these areas and those commodities keen participants have to travel to Kuala Lumpur.3. Trade shares, look into blue chips Yet most of the training providers are reluctant to4. Have Online presence as it assist micro branch out. They should use some of their profits from Klang Valley operations to subsidize training business to growth. opportunities in the other locations.Suresh, Mr. Gursharan SinghOperations Manager, Classic Enterprises Trainer-Knowledge Sharer-Auditor They should get business mentors to guideThe biggest stumbling block for Malaysian them. Let the mentor take a stake, inject someIndian businesspersons is their inability to work investment and help the business to grow. Teachcollectively and seek for solution when they face them to network and educate them. I wouldproblems. Due to our involvement in day to day suggest forming a business incubator to mentoroperations, we have failed to grab opportunities and grow micro businesses into next level.offered by government agencies. Walk in to Ranjeev Hari,government agencies such as SMECorp, SEED Bioinformatics Officer, SMEBank, CGC , MAGIC, MATRADE, MIDAexplain about your business and ask how they March 2015 |can assist to grow your business. Avoid askingfor money.When there is a will there is a way.R Navaneetha Krishnan,Executive DirectorAuto Comm Resources Sdn Bhd
12 FEATUREDLOGISTICS :THE TRADE SUPER CONNECTOR The Logistics Industry OverviewThe explosion in global trade that has occurred in the last A report produced in collaboration with World Bank concluded two decades is in part a reflection of the innovations in logistics and changes in policies in countries around that a concerted effort to remove supply chain barriers couldthe world that have led to a reduction in the costs of shippinggoods and services across borders. The ratio of trade to GDP have a significant positive impact on global economic activityin the world as a whole has increased from 39% in 1990 to59% in 2011. The total value of global trade today exceeds in the medium term. If all countries were to improve theirUS$ 20 trillion. logistics performance and reduce supply chain barriers toModern production often implies that goods cross manyborders, undergoing processing and accruing components in just half the level observed in the best-performing country indiverse settings before ending up in a retail store. Logisticsis a critical service without which global supply chains would their respective regions, global GDP could increase by 2.6%.not be viable. The lower the costs and the greater the qualityof services provided by logistics companies, the better off Indeed, if countries were to be more ambitious and improvecustomers and consumers. their border management and transport-related infrastructure services to attain 50% of the global best practice level global GDP would jump by 4.7% – six times more than what could result from removing all import tariffs. Such large increases in GDP would be associated with positive effects on unemployment, potentially adding millions of jobs to the global workforce. | March 2015
FEATURED 13Given that the logistics sector is dependent on the global The key trend currently visible in mature markets are movingeconomic environment and international trade flows, the away from commodity services toward a growing focus onmarket is still suffering the lingering effects of the global specific verticals/industries that offer additional value-addingeconomic crisis and recovery has been slow. Nevertheless, possibilities and enhanced margin potential. Another keysector players should be able to tap substantial potential area of potential lies in addressing the change in demandfor growth going forward. Emerging markets are expected and capturing growth available from the online retail-drivento offer above-average growth rates for the industry. Intra- B2C increase in volumes.regional trade is becoming increasingly important in Asia inparticular, and this, combined with high GDP growth rates,may transform the region into the most significant regionalcluster in the world.LOGISTICS SUB-SECTORS1 Transportation - Land Ground transportation refers to transportation of unit load or bulk goods by road or rail. Services are offered by truck or train, as part load or full load. Road and rail transportation are typically asset- intensive businesses.2 Transportation - Sea Sea transportation moves 80% of international trade. It is one of the safest and cheapest means of transportation.3 Transportation - Air Air transportation offers services of moving passengers or goods from airports where long-distance flights are available.4 CEP (Courier Express Parcel) Parcel services concentrate on transportation of widely standardized lightweight packages, usually limited to 31.5 kg, from door to door. The weight limit ensures that a single person can pick up and deliver the parcel.5 Freight forwarding In freight forwarding business model forwarders buy capacity from carriers (airlines, trucking companies, ocean carriers) and offer this capacity to their customers as part of organizing their transportation requirements.6 4PL – Fourth-party logistics A 4PL is an integrator that assembles the resources, capabilities, and technology of its own organization and other organizations to design, build and run comprehensive supply chain solutions.7 Distribution Distribution companies use their own networks for specific types of goods servicing specific B2B or even B2C points of sale.8 Contract logistics Contract logistics typically includes a variety of supply chain services such as warehousing, packaging, labeling, transportation, quality controls and much more. Contract logistics providers offer customized full-service packages for their customers, leveraging their IT platforms and their human capital. March 2015 |
14 FEATUREDTHE ASEAN LOGISTICS SYSTEM These four components combine to determine the performance of the transport and logistics system in termsThe ASEAN logistics system composition consist of : of price, time, and reliability. 1 Shippers, traders, and consignees; 2 Public and private service providers; The advent of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) 3 Regional and national rules, policies, and institutions; raises the importance of logistics connectivity to establish a and more efficient transport and logistics network that integrates 4 Transport and communications infrastructure. road, rail and sea transport in order to maximize the benefit of AEC. The goal is to create efficient linkages. Logistics connectivity looks at how multi-modal connections can contribute to competitiveness. For archipelagic countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines, efficient, reliable and affordable shipping services provide opportunities to narrow economic development gaps. LOGISTICS FOR TOMORROW Global trade has flourished through elimination of trade barriers. Global economic power has shifted to Asia and the formerly “emerging” countries have surpassed the West. A global transportation supergrid ensures the rapid exchange of goods between centres of consumption. This untamed economy, propelled by unsustainable lifestyles and uncontrolled exploitation of natural resources, carries the seeds of its own demise: as massive climate change inches closer, natural disasters occur more often and disrupt supply chains frequently. The implications for the logistics industry include a massive increase in the demand for logistics and transport services. Companies even outsource production processes to logistics companies. Automation has revolutionized the world of production and services. Consumers have switched from product ownership to rent-and use consumption. Highly efficient traffic concepts, including underground cargo transport and new solutions for public transport, have relieved congestion. Zero-emission automated plants have helped to cut carbon emissions. A global supergrid with mega transporters, including trucks, ships and aircraft, as well as space transporters, has opened important trade connections between the megacities of the world. The logistics industry is entrusted to run city logistics, utilities, as well as system services for airports, hospitals, shopping malls and construction sites, along with part of the public transport infrastructure. | March 2015
FEATURED 15It also manages the complex logistics planning and length of the customs clearing process increases demand foroperations for advanced manufacturing tasks. In response to specialized customs brokerage and consulting services.“dematerialization” of consumption, logistics companies offeran array of renting and sharing services, as well as secure Due to accelerated climate change, frequent catastrophesdata transfer. Thus, advanced logistics services not only disrupt supply chains and lean production structures,encompass the fast and reliable delivery of goods, but resulting in repeated supply failures for all kinds of goods.also the safe transfer of information and knowledge. The new economic paradigm is distinguished by a shift away from efficiency maximization to vulnerability mitigationConsumers are empowered to create, design and resilience. This radical move towards redundantand innovate their own products. This leads systems of production and a change from global to regionalized supply chains allows the globalto a rise in regional trade streams, with economy to better weather troubling times. The resilient world in 2050, with regionalizedonly raw materials and data still trade, relies on a logistics sector that ensures supply securityflowing globally. Customization as a top priority, with backup infrastructure to guaranteeand regional production reliable transport in unstable and hazardousare complemented by times.decentralized energy However, suchsystems and extensive backupinfrastructure. systems are asset-The long heavydistance and conflictlogisticswill vastly with thereduced for aim of carbonfinal and reduction.semi-finalgoods due to To counter this effect andthe localization balance energy efficiencyof value chains. At and supply chain resilience, sophisticated logistics planningthe same time, logistics is used to achieve high capacity utilization. In addition, instead of complexproviders organize the just-in-time delivery processes, huge warehouse structures located close to theentire physical value chains. manufacturer are seen as indispensable buffers.Scarce resources, technological March 2015 |development are lagging andeconomies are in decline. High energyprices and dramatic scarcities lead tointernational conflicts over resource deposits.Under these circumstances, scant effort is madeto reduce greenhouse gas emissions and the worldclimate is on the path to a 3.5° C temperature increase bythe end of the century. Implications for the logistics industryinclude challenges posed by the decline in world trade andthe resulting regionalization of supply chains. Governmentsview logistics as a strategic industry. As relations betweensome blocs and countries are extremely strained, logisticsproviders in bloc-free countries act as intermediaries ininternational trade brokerage. The growing complexity and
16 FEATUREDBUSINESS OPPORTUNITIESIN MALAYSIAN LOGISTICS INDUSTRIES 1 DEVELOPMENT OF HALAL LOGISTICS The need to safeguarding Muslim consumer interest halal products supply chain has to avoid cross contaminations. As such the need for Halal certified warehouse, cold storage , transportation system and hub will continue to surge . The Government of Malaysia provides a 100% tax exemption for 5 years and exemption of import duty for cold room equipment for Halal Logistics operators. 2 LOGISTICS IT SOLUTIONS A study reveals that freight logistics sector alone had a RM75billion a year effect on the economy. Some 25% of this activity was being carried out by third-party contractors, the rest by companies themselves. More efficient supply chain management systems are required in managing such volume of transactions. 3 FORWARDING SERVICESAccording to Frost & Sullivan, in 2013, the logisticssector grown 9.5%, year-on-year (y-o-y), bringingin RM139.7billion in value. The firm forecast acompound annual growth rate of 10.2% for the sectorup to 2017, when it would be worth RM207.4billion .As a major export and import centre, forwarding hasmajor potential for expansion. 4 WAREHOUSINGUnder the GST system goods are subject toGST upon importation. The payment of GSTby importers at the point of importation wouldcause difficulties in terms of cash flow as theyhave to pay the tax upfront. Thus, warehousingable to alleviate cash flow problems wherepayment of GST on all goods imported anddeposited in a public warehouse is suspended.Warehouses for activities such as repacking,relabeling, break bulking , re-export needed toavoid the GST. | March 2015
FEATURED 17 5 DEVELOPING SKILLED AND TALENTED 6 EXPRESS DELIVERY FIRMS HUMAN CAPITAL Demand for “end to end” solutions, “just in time” services,It is Malaysia’s intent to become a regional meeting place of views Eexpress Delivery as critical to efficient supply chainthe minds as part of specialist foreign logistics companies management and maintaining their own competitiveness.are also well placed to bring their knowledge and expertise to The expanding e-commerce trade globally provides greaterthe Malaysian market.The industry needs skilled and talented opportunities for Express Delivery Firms.human capital in meeting the growing and evaluating logisticsindustry. 7 SHIP REPAIRThe growth of fleets around the world leads to a directimpact on global demand for ship repair services sincemore ships are in operation and leads to higher demandin repair and maintenance work. In 2011, revenueamounted to RM1.3 billion was derived from the shiprepair sector. The Government of Malaysia has allocatedRM3.0 in soft loans under Maritime Development Fundthrough Bank Pembangunan Malaysia to encouragedevelopment in shipping industry. 9 INTEGRATED LOGISTICS SERVICES (ILS) 8 COLD CHAIN FACILITIES In encouraging some 30,000 local logistics services providers to assume a bigger role in providing integrated logisticsCold Chain Facilities such as cold room services, refrigerated services, the Government has introduced the ILS incentive intrucks for perishable produces eligible to receive either Pioner 2002 integrate their activities and become Third Party Logisticsstatus or Investment Tax allowance. Service Providers (3PLs). The main activities in the Integrated Logistics Services (ILS) are freight forwarding, warehousing, transportation and other related value-added services such as distribution, procurement and supply chain management in an integrated basis. March 2015 |
18 DID YOU KNOW01 Logistics was identified as a priority 07 Asia has a very low logistics sector for Integration under ASEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY performance indicator (LPI) due to less developed logistics setup despite Singapore and Hongkong the highest scorers02 Vietnam is the coordinating country for 08 Online retailing will be the growth engine Logistics in ASEAN of the transportation sector globally. Malaysia e-commerce revenue forecast to reach USD 40Billion per annum03 18 out of 20 biggest container ports in the world were in ASIA04 World Bank reports 10% of transport 09 30% of total export logistics costs are cost reduction will lead to 20% increase in trade volume derived from institutional rules and regulations05 Global logistics market represented a 10 It takes up to 23 days for ASEAN exporter and importer to complete all total volume of approximately USD1.12 documentary process. Trillion 06 Africa is the “rising star” and fastest 11 Contract logistics had a 15.7% share of growing markets for Asia as China itself the logistics market reported a 25% increase in trade volume | March 2015
DID YOU KNOW 19TOP 20 WORLD CONTAINER PORTSRank Port, Country Volume 2013 (Million TEUs)1 Shanghai, China 33.622 SIngapore,Singapore 32.63 Shenzhen, China 23.284 Hong Kong, China 22.355 Busan, South Korea 17.696 Ningbo-Zhoushan, China 17.337 Qingdao, China 15.528 Guangzhou Harbor, China 15.319 Jebel Ali, Dubai, United Arab Emirates 13.6410 Tianjin, China 13.0111 Rotterdam, Netherlands 11.6212 Dalian, China 10.8613 Port Klang, Malaysia 10.3514 Kaohsiung, Taiwan, China 9.9415 Hamburg, Germany 9.3016 Antwerp, Belguim 8.5917 Keihin ports, Japan 8.3718 Xiamen, China 8.0119 Los Angeles, U.S.A. 7.8720 Tanjung Pelepas, Malaysia 7.63ASIA PACIFIC CONTRACT LOGISTICS HitachiMAR KEy SHARE by PROVIDERS [%] Sankyu DHL Supply Chain 5% 3% 3% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 1% 1% Mitsibishi Logistics CJ Korea Express 77% Toll Global Keuhne+Nagel Nippon Express Yamato Kerry Logistics Others March 2015 |
20 EMERGING MARKETDOING BUSINESS in SOUTH AFRICA Parliament building of South AfricaFAST FACTSOfficial Name : Republic of South Africa Coin denominations : R5, R2, R1, 50c, 20c, 10c, 5cCapitals : Cape Town (legislative), Eleven official Pretoria (administrative), languages : Afrikaans, English, Bloemfontein (judicial) Ndebele, Sepedi, Total Population : 52,981,991 (mid 2013) Sesotho, Seswati, Setswana, Tsonga, Banking hours : Monday to Friday Venda, Xhosa and 0830 to 1530 Zulu Saturday 08h00 to 11h00 English is commonly used in Currency : South African Rand (ZAR), public and commercial life equivalent to 100 cents Other Languages Bank note Spoken : Fanagalo, Hindi, Sotho, denominations : R200, R100, R50, R20, R10 Tsotsitaal, Venda | March 2015
EMERGING MARKET 21g Source : Worldbank as per 2013Interesting Facts about South AfricaPolitical • Only African country that is a member of the Group of Twenty (G20) countries • Ranked 53rd least corrupt nation out of 150 nations surveyed in 2012. ( • Ranked 53rd out of 148 countries in the World Economic Forum (WEF)’s Global Competitiveness Report 2013/14 • First among upper middle-income economies in the World Bank. • First in platinum output, second in palladium output, third in gold output, sixth in coal output and ninth in wool output. (Economist)Business • Ranked 10th out of 185 countries for good practice in protecting investors in business. (World Bank Doing Business Report 2013) • Placed 14th in a list of 21 countries ranked by international companies as top prospective investment destinations for 2012 to 2014, according to the 2012 World Investment Report by the UN Conference on Trade and Development. (Unctad)Sport • South Africa was the first African country to host the FIFA Soccer World Cup in 2010 • Second country in the world to have hosted the Cricket, Rugby Union and Soccer World CupsEducation • The University of Pretoria’s Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS) is the highest ranked African business school and is ranked 42nd overall in the world. (Financial Times Executive Education rankings 2013) • The University of Cape Town’s (UCT’s) Graduate School of Business is now one of just 59 of 13670 business schools worldwide to be triple crowned – schools that are accredited by the three largest and most influential business school accreditation associations, namely AMBA (the Association of MBAs), European Quality Improvement System (EQUIS) and Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB)Environmental • SA ranks 18th in terms of biggest emitters of CO², ninth as a proportion of GDP and 27th in terms of CO² per person. (Economist)Miscellaneous • Two of the world’s most profoundly compassionatephilosophies originated in South Africa - Ubuntu (the belief in a universalbond of sharing that connects all humanity) and Gandhi’s notion of “passiveresistance” (Satyagraha), which he developed while living in South Africa• South Africa is the first, and to date, the only country to build nuclearweapons and then voluntarily dismantle its entire nuclear weaponsprogramme• South Africa has 45 million active cellphones (population 51 million),ranking in the top five globally in terms of cellphone coverage March 2015 |
22 EMERGING MARKET THE ECONOMY DRIVERTraditionally tooted on the wealth ofminerals, since early 1990s tertiaryservices sectors namely wholesale,tourism and communications hasbeen main driver of South Africa. Thecountry currently focusing knowledge-based economy, with a greater focuson technology, e-commerce andfinancial and other services. InterestingSouth Africa is moving towards GreenEconomy to make cleaner energyproduction. OPPORTUNITIES 2 Information Communication Technology 1 Renewable Energy South Africa is the leader of ICT development in Africa and the twelfth largest consumer of IT products and services inSolar power the world. Major projects are under way to lay submarine,South Africa is committed to installing over one million fibre-optic cables along both the east and west coasts ofsolar water heaters by 2014 and over 5.6 million by 2020. Africa in order to improve the continent’s connection with theConcentrated Solar Thermal (CST) power is viewed as the rest of the world. The country welcomes investment of themost promising renewable energy generation option in South sectors listed below;Africa • Development of access control systems and securityWind power equipmentA pilot wind farm project in the Western Cape now supplies13.2 gigawatt-hours of electricity per year to the city of Cape • Automotive electronic subsystemsTown. Cape Town aims to source about 10% of its energy • Systems and software development in the banking andfrom renewable sources by 2020 financial services sectorLandfill gas • Silicon processing for fibre opticsTheir first landfill gas power-generation project on the • Integrated circuits and solar cellscontinent in Durban produces enough electricity for several • Export of hardware and associated services as well asthousand medium-income homes. software and peripheralsBio-fuels • Environmental resources management (ERM) systemsApproximately 500 000 hectares of under-used land are • Customer relationship management (CRM) systemsbeing set aside to develop plantations that will feed a 200000 ton-per-annum biodiesel plant. 3 Mining and Metals South Africa is one of the world’s biggest producers of gold and platinum and one of the leading producers of base metals and coal. Lucrative opportunities exist for downstream processing and adding value locally to iron, carbon steel, stainless steel, aluminium, platinum group metals and gold.| March 2015
EMERGING MARKET 23 4 Agro processing 5 ManufacturingThe South African agro-processing industry offers outstanding The chemicals sector is the largest of its kind in Africa andopportunities for companies looking for both local markets a world leader in coal-based synthesis and gas-to-liquidsand export platforms into Africa and Europe. South Africa is technologies. Local textile production has evolved into aself-sufficient in most major agricultural products and is also capital-intensive industry, producing synthetic fibres in ever-a net food exporter and the second largest exporter of fruit in increasing proportions. Major multinationals use South Africathe world. There are exceptional opportunities for investment to source components and assemble vehicles for both thein the processing of fruit juice, meat, leather, groundnuts and local and international markets offering numerous investorwheat, as well as vegetable canning, cotton and woolbased opportunities.textiles, wine, sunflower oil and soya-based products. ABOVE: The Joule – South Africa’s first electric car that capable to run 200 kilometres between battery charges. LEFT: Gautrain rapid train March 2015 |
24 VOX POPULITITLE: SOUTH AFRICA RIGHT:IS A PROMISING MARKET Department of Arts, Culture, Science and Technology of South Africa BuildingMalaysian Indian Business Magazine had an MIB: Did you face any communication problem with opportunity to discuss with Mr. K. Selvam, one of the leading exporter of Colour And Clear Contact your customers?Lenses from Malaysia to South Africa. We pleased to sharehis opinion about doing business with South Africa. Selvam: Dealing with South African customers are quite easy as they able to communicate in English using email andMIB: How long you been exported to South Africa? telephone.Selvam : It has been 4 years since we start exporting to MIB: Did you seek any assistance from governmentSouth Africa our disposable contact lenses. agencies as part of market entry strategy?MIB: What made you choose South Africa as your Selvam : Our business growth solely based on work done by us. We haven’t had any opportunity to seek assistance fromtarget market? any government agencies. Probably in the near future, weSelvam: Our target market is young generations, we found may work with the Chamber of Commerce or Embassies asmore than 50% of Africa continent populations are below we explore new markets.the age of 20 years old. Among all African Countries , SouthAfrica consists of wealthy and more educated population. MIB: Have you participated in any trade fairs at this country?As an exporter, we plan a visit to a the market various timesto understand the country's social economy and political Selvam : Nonelandscape. MIB: Tell us about your product or services. Selvam : We export colour and clear contact lenses under our own brand name Colourvue. We have the widest selection of disposable contact lenses with close to 100 variations of colours and designs available to satisfy today's fashion conscious society.| March 2015
26 INDIA BUSINESS NEWSFlipkart targets $8 billion in online salesFlipkart, India's largest online retailer plans sell products worth up to $8 billion in the next three years. According to industry sources competitors Snapdeal and Amazon's India arm currently notch up gross merchandising values of around $3 billion and $1 billion respectively. Flipkart founders Sachin Bansal and Binny Bansal wants to double up their gross merchandise values on its site, to $8billion compare from $4 billion it is clocking currently. India to Retain Top Spot as World’s Biggest Gold Consumer The World Gold Council [WGC] said India regain its position as world's biggest gold consumer from China in 2014 and likely to retain this year driven by robust jewellery demand. WGC date indicates Indian consumer demand for gold jewellery and investment totalled 842.7 tonnes last year, compared with 813.6 tonnes by China. The two countries accounted for over half of global demand. The industry group forecast gold demand in both India and China to rise to 900-1,000 tonnes in 2015, but said India was likely to retain its edge. Global gold demand also hit a five-year low last year as buying of jewellery, coins and bars failed to keep pace with 2013's elevated levels, the WGC said. | March 2015
27INDIA BUSINESS NEWSSpiceJet Announce Air Fare Cheaper than TrainSpiceJet, one of India’s low cost carrier has launched a massive sale, with all inclusive fares starting from Rs 599 for domestic travel and Rs 3,499 for overseas flights. Around 400,000 seats are on offer, with 100,000 selling for Rs 599, according to a company press release. Bookings will take place from 11 to 13 February for travel between 1 July to 2 October. The tickets on domestic routes such asHyderabad to Vijayawada, Guwahati to Kolkata, Bangalore to Hyderabad, Delhi to Dehradun, Ahmedabad to Mumbai are all priced at Rs. 599.International flights start from Rs. 3,499 for routes such as Delhi to Kathmandu and other routes. “At SpiceJet we believe that flying empty seats,which are the ultimate perishable commodity, is a crime. These are seats that would otherwise go empty and be lost forever, and are pricedbased on the marginal cost of carrying an extra passenger, not on the average cost. Revenues from such offers contribute incremental revenuefor the airline that flows directly to the bottom line,” Sanjiv Kapoor, Chief operating officer said in a press release. ADANI IN LARGEST RENEWABLE ENERGY PROJECT Billionaire Gautam Adani is planning to set up a solar power facility of 10,000 megawatt (Mw) in a joint venture with state-run Rajasthan Renewable Energy Corporation. “This is certainly the largest renewable project,Eight Indian Firms raise US$2 billion in but its success would depend on financing,” says an analyst withdebt from Six Swiss Exchange a domestic brokerage. This would be bigger than another groupEight Indian firms including six banks raised USD 2 billion in debt from Six Swiss Exchange between 2012-14, Six Swiss firm Adani Power’s existing capacity. The company that claims to Exchange said. The Zurich-headquartered independentbourse was eyeing more participation from Indian companies and be the largest private-sector thermal power producer has 9,280 Mwfinancial institutions in equity issuance after healthy interest in debt.The exchange, which has USD 1.3 trillion market capitalization, is of capacity, including 40 Mw of solar generation. In January, Adaninow seeking more equity participation from Indian corporate sectorand was carrying out roadshows. SBI, Union Bank, ICICI Bank, Enterprises also signed a pact with US-headquartered SunEdison toBharat Petroleum are among a few issuers in the exchange. jointly invest $4 billion in setting up India’s biggest solar panel factory. This would be now helpful to manage supply for the new project in Rajasthan. “India has embarked on an ambitious programme of becoming a world leader in renewable power generation, with a special focus on solar,” Gautam Adani, chairman, Adani Group, said. This will be Adani’s second-most ambitious project after the plan to develop Carmichael coal mine in Australia, which requires an investment of $10 billion. March 2015 |
28 BRAND • by Prasath KanagarasCOLOURING Would you agree if I say that your brand’sYOUR BRAND website is your business name card online?WEBSITE How about the impression created through your corporate mail and website? Did you notice you gain slightly better impression by having these? This one really works, especially if you’re introducing to some strangers in business that may be your potential clients. Let’s assume that we already have a website for our business. Now, how creative in design is your website? And the ‘colour’ feel of it? | March 2015
BRAND 29Success can be absolutely dependent upon choosing correct as primaries. These are the building blocks of all colour. Thecolour combinations as using a really poor one can lead to use of the colour table will show you which ones are oppositenowhere but miserable failure. It is very important to note each other. This helps to gain a basic fundamental direction“colour it perfect” when it comes to the best combination of how to combine colours to make a combination. Note thatsince it is very vital for any website design in considering the blue is opposite of orange. Red is opposite of green, whileelements of the page layout. red/violet is opposite of yellow/green. When you find colours that are opposites, they are known as complementary.The question is, how many times have you landed upona particular site and been absolutely ‘bored noticing the Sometimes, colours are divided based on temperature, whichcolours presented. Well, unless you want a lot of people is normally termed as warm or cold. Colours at the bottomasking that old proverbially clichéd question, “What was he right of the colour table are all based on blue and are coldthinking?” you better be learning how to pick and choose colours, whereas the colours based on red are called warmcolour combinations correctly or find some help. colours. So, fundamentally, if a web designer is looking to evoke a cooler temperature, choosing a blue derivativeColour is a psychological component. colour would be the proper way to go.Therefore, it is one of those activities Similarly, on the other hand, if thethat must be meticulously executed same designers looking to evoke ain order to arrive at the right colour Colour is a warmer feeling, he or she would usecombination to match the theme psychological component. a red derivative colour.of your website. Some of the bestplaces to start include matching Therefore, it is one of As you can see, colour is suitablewebsite colours with your business those activities that must for a particular purpose, butlogo colours. Or, employ a contrast be meticulously executed sometimes choosing the right colourof colour combinations so your logo in order to arrive at the combination that will instantly fit astands out, which will help strengthen right colour combination particular purpose may be a difficultyour brand recognition. You also to match the theme of your challenge, specifically if you’remust understand that a particular starting from scratch and have nocolour can change the mood and website reference point such as a companyoften this is done drastically when logo.combined with other colours. Obviously, if the colours containedThe common thing that we have within the company logo are cool,to take note is that people relate then this needs to be taken intocolours through mental experiences consideration when you choose otherand brain reactions. The starting point for selecting colour colours on the webpage to associate with it. The same iscombinations does begin with what is universally accepted true for the opposite, using the warm colours derived fromas what those colours represent as far as the effects upon red.the senses. Therefore, it is hard to imagine that a designercreating a website for a typical manufacturer will employ Now, you’ve got to sit and plan your website and its colours.use of the colour blue. Typically, the human mind translates Ask me if you need more inputs on this!colours with those animated objects either found naturally orartificially in life. Fire is red, not necessarily blue, althoughtechnically a blue flame is hotter than a red flame, but it isthe generally accepted popular version that selecting colourcombinations is based upon. Prasath Kanagaras Brand Strategist Point Blank MediaworksA basic understanding of colour theory is something that all Veep Social Communicationsart students and website developers study as subject matterduring their training. You can also use of a colour tables that [email protected] show how colour is structured in a specific order. Thisstarts with the colours blue, red and yellow, which are known March 2015 |
30 FACTS & FIGURESUS$1.3 G6l5ov%e Markettrillion Malaysian Glove Companies aims to capture 65%Apple Inc. shareholder estimate the company stock should be of global glove market share by 2020. Malaysiantrading at US$216 per share, making it worth about US$1.3 Rubber Glove Manufacturers Associationtrillion. The company reported cash reserves of US$178 billion (MARGMA) glove companies in Malaysia areas of end December 2014, enough cash to buy IBM or returning currently contributing to about 58% of the globalUS$556 to every American. market.IUnnSov$at5io0n0FUmNDillionInfosys board has beef up Innovation Fund from 100million toUS$500million to provide financing to start-ups and new technologieslike artificial intelligence. India's second largest software services firmInfosys CEO and Managing Director Vishal Sikka said the fund isdedicate a part for investing in India.160,000 homes S5e0ek%ing Job Onlinepowered by Solar More than 50% of Myanmar job seekers now browsingWorld’s second largest solar farms now able to power for jobs online as it practically “weightless.” Fast andsome 160,000 homes. The farm located in east of cheap internet is certainly a big part of it, but there areLos Angeles, will operate and provide 550megawatts also more incentives. Online job seekers obviously relyelectricity to the grid. The farm provides enough energy on job websites – job portals and power 160,000 average homes and displaces300,000 tons of carbon dioxide per year — theequivalent of taking 60,000 cars off the road | March 2015
FACTS & FIGURES 31ROpeMra8ti1ng0PmrofiiltlionBank Internasional Indonesia (BII) has reported an operating profitbefore provision of 2.87 trillion rupiah (RM810mil) for the financial yearended Dec 31, 2014 compared with 2.9 trillion rupiah a year earlier. BIItop-line products continued to show improvement as reflected from asolid growth of 23% in gross interest income.g9r.o7w%th The Statistics Department of RM7.02 Malaysia said construction sector bReivlelniuoen recorded a 9.7 per cent year-on- year growth in the fourth quarter DiGi.Com Bhd. said its revenue rose RM7.02 of 2014. The non-residential billion in 2014 from RM6.73 billion previously. The buildings sub-sector contributed company recorded surge in its pre-tax profit of 34.6%, followed by civil RM2.65 billion for the financial year ended Dec 31, engineering sub-sector 30.6%, 2014 from RM2.14 billion registered a year ago. residential buildings 29.7 %, and special trades 5.1%.tSo$ur2is3m.r5ecebipitllion Rs11billionSingapore tourism receipts for 2014 hold steady at S$23.5 Export Development board (EDB) said Sribillion despite the dip in the total number of visitors. Lanka’s annual provisional merchandise exportsSingapore Tourism Board said the drop was likely due to increased by 6.67 percent to 11.079 billionfactors such as the implementation of China's Tourism Law, rupees. Taken on a month-on-month basis, 2014regional socio-political issues and recent aviation incidents in December provisional monthly exports surgedthe region. across the board totalling 10.01 billion dollars up by 8.72 percent. March 2015 |
32 MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE • by Palani MurugappanHandlingCharts in Excel Part 1UNDERSTANDING THE BASICS OF CHARTSA chart is a pictorial representation of data. Data can consist of textand/or numbers. Ideally to create a chart in Microsoft Excel, oneneeds to select at least a single series of numbers (either columnor row). For example, if the user has two columns of data, with thefirst column containing text data, and the second with numbers,a pie chart is best represented in this data. Let us consider thisbased on the data provided.In the above two columns of data, how do you represent itpictorially? One way is to show this using a pic chart. A standard2-D pie chart was created by Excel as follows. | March 2015
33MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE Chart1a Chart1bNote that in the above, the pie chart on the left represent a selection of both columns A and B (Month and Amount Sold) whilethe pie chart on the right represent a selection of only a single column i.e. B. For a pie chart, it is best to select a maximum oftwo columns where one contains text and the other, number or values.At any point, the user has the option of adding additional information to the chart by changing the layout of it as illustrated. Bydefault, percentages are displayed instead of actual values. One of the reasons is that a very large value can be a very smallpercentage. Thus, percentages are represented.Chart1a Chart1b Chart 3Should the user decides to display values instead of percentages, it can be done by right clicking on any of the percentageswithin the chart (called Data Labels) and selecting the Format Data Labels option. This is depicted on the chart 2b.The user has the option of displaying the data labels outside the chart as in chart 3. The adjoining line, called the leader line,is only visible if the labels are dragged away from the individual segments. If the labels are just outside each segment, you willnot see the leader line. March 2015 |
34 MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE Note that if the pie chart consists of large and very small segments, the smaller segments can beChart 4a represented as a pie of pie chart. In other words,Chart 4b the smaller segments are represented as another pie chart within the same chart area to show the smaller segments (i.e. months of May and June). In the pie of pie chart 4a, the Other (14%) represents the total percentage for the months of May and June represented in a different pie chart. The user has a lot more options in terms of displaying the above chart. For example, the user is able to change the smaller pie chart to a larger size as chart 4b. Another option is to increase or decrease the gap width between the two pie charts. In the following illustration, the gap width has been reduced. The pie of pie chart can also be made to appear exploded, i.e. each segment is an object of its own as below. Finally, the user has the option of adding more segments to the smaller pie chart. For example, the smallest segment in the pie chart (chart 5b) on the left is for the month of April at 15%. The above chart can be tweaked to add the smallest segment as in chart 5b to pie chart as in chart 5c. The standard 2-D pie charts will give you the “flat” appearance. To give it a “button” effect, the user has the option of changing the chart style to another. Excel version 2007, 2010, and 2013, has more than 40 different chart styles.Chart 5a Chart 5b | March 2015
35MANAGEMENT SOFTWAREChart 5c Chart 6aChart 6b Chart 6cThe final version of a different colored background pie of pie chart is as illustrated. Sometimes, a user may want to highlight aspecific segment with a picture instead of a color. In the illustration below, the Other segment has been added with a picture totell a story (assuming the data represents sales of flowers). To give it a finishing touch, a glow effect can be added to the Othersegment( chart 6d). So, the above was a quick introduction to how a simple pie chart can be given a “makeover” and displayedin a visually stunning manner. Penned by : By Palani Murugappan A HRDF certified trainer and author of 51 books to-date on various software applications, Palani is passionate on what Excel can do, and how best to present data in different formats. More information is covered in his website. He can be reached at: [email protected] www.avimursolutions.comChart 6d March 2015 |
AGENDA SURIAURGED TOFACILITATE TRADEMATCHINGAgenda SuriaCommunication’s 5thInternational IndianShopping Festival 2015 washeld at Danga City Mall JohorBahru, from 17th to 22ndFebruary 2015. The year’sopening event was officiatedby Women Entrepreneurshipand Professional DevelopmentOffice of the Prime Minister'sDepartment advisor, Datuk SeriShahrizat Abdul Jalil. We wantto promote the women's talentsas entrepreneurs and we alsowant the women to have theirown 'purse' as this is important notonly to help themselves but theirfamily too.” She further calls forcooperation between the agencyand Agenda Suria Communication in organising several programsincluding matching up local entrepreneurs with those from India sincethe company had close rapport with businessmen and wholesalers fromIndia which would facilitate them in helping the Malaysian women. Agenda SuriaCommunication chief executive officer and founder, Jaggarao Simancha said the six-dayfestival, which was initiated in 2011, targeted 200,000 visitors including 50,000 from Singapore.
Official Magazine
38 FINANCIAL PLANNING • by Rajen Devadason 8THE WEALTHSLICES OF HUMANITY \"The human species... is composed of two distinct races: the men who borrow and the men who lend\" Charles LambThere is a lot more to wealth than mere material Where do you fit in? Let's find out, shall we? abundance. Yet, for the purposes of this piece in Malaysian Indian Business, I'm going to share with To help give you an objective sense of where you are nowyou a way to understand where each of us stands within the so you may choose to set a challenging but realistic goaleconomic hierarchy of our world. for wealth enhancement, I'm going to discuss 8 segments of humanity's spectrum of wealth. Using a combination ofA simple \"You're rich; I'm poor,\" dichotomy is not terribly my own flippant terms and widely used ones, here are thehelpful in guiding us to set personal economic goals. names of those 8 segments:However, the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standardsonce highlighted a definition of financial planning that I Scuba diver, flatlander, hill climber, mass affluent, highcontinue to find helpful: net worth individual (HNWI), ultra-HNWI, super-elite, and Himalayan!\"Financial planning is the process of meeting yourlife goals through the proper management of your In financial planning, two personal finance statementsfinances.\" measure and guide a person’s journey to or from financial freedom. They are the net worth statement and the cash flowAny process of meeting an important self-defined life statement. The first comprises a listing of a person’s assetsgoal involves taking incremental steps... forward, onward, and liabilities on a particular day, say today or Decemberupward! There's always room for improvement in every 31st or January 1st or your birthday. The second records thedimension of life. Economically speaking, for instance, cash flow pattern over a period of time, meaning the cashour species - which at the time of this writing, numbers just inflow and the cash outflow over, say, a month or a quarterover 7.2 billion people – covers an extensive spectrum of or a year.personal wealth. | March 2015
39FINANCIAL PLANNINGNow, here's what I mean by each of those 8 terms: 3 Hill Climber 1 Scuba Diver An economic hill climber is someone who is either consciously or unconsciously doing the right things withinReal scuba divers operate underwater and see amazing a financial planning framework, such as spending less thansights the rest of us never gaze upon. But when it comes to he earns, and saving and investing the difference, and thuseconomic scuba divers, those with negative net worths, the inevitably, if gradually, growing richer. This improvement issights are less palatable. tracked through his progressively larger positive net worth numbers over the course of years and decades. A hillIf a person has more liabilities than assets, he is technically climber’s net worth would be north of RM5,000 but south ofinsolvent. He is operating below water, so to speak, and RM500,000, including the equity (which equals market valueshould strive to swim his way back to the surface by paying minus outstanding mortgage owed to the bank) in his owndown his liabilities and growing his assets. For the purpose home.of clear segmentation, I consider anyone whose net worth isless than minus RM5,000 (lower than minus five thousand For the remaining five segments I'll use US dollars as it isringgit) a scuba diver. the standard unit of global wealth levels. 2 FlatlanderAn economic flatlander, in contrast,lives life in balance. His assets andhis liabilities are closely matched,so his net worth is either zero or verynear it, say between minus RM5,000and plus RM5,000. March 2015 |
40 FINANCIAL PLANNING 4 Mass Affluent 6 Ultra-HNWIExcluding equity in the primary residence and focusing According to the annual World Wealth Report – publishedsolely on financial assets such as stocks, bonds, cash, and each year in late June by Capgemini along with, in recentunit trusts or mutual funds, the mass affluent or so-called years, RBC Wealth Management, an ultra-HNWI individualemerging affluent person is worth more than US$100,000 is worth more than US$30 million. I tend to use the samebut less than US$1 million. starting point but with one minor difference. I think of ultra- HNWIs as having financial assets of US$30 million or more but less than the magical US$1 billion mark. 5 HNWIUsing the same yardstick as the mass affluent, a high net worth individual or HNWI (pronounced hun- wee), is worth more than US$1 million but less than US$30 million. 7 Super-Elite8 Himalayan This segment comprises the slightly more than 1,600 people worldwide (based on the latest Hurun Global Rich List 2015, which states there are 2,089 billionaires in early 2015) with net worths of US$1 billion or more but who still fall outside the BIG CLUB of the Forbes 400 list of the world’s richest whom I have designated Himalayan wealth accumulators.Just as the Himalayan mountains form the highest mountainrange on our planet, by my terminology a Himalayanwealth accumulator is one of the 400 richest individualson Earth. The Forbes global ranking (accessedonline on February 25th 2015 at placed BillGates at the pinnacle with an estimatedEverest-like wealth pile of US$79.4 billion;Mexican telecommunications magnateCarlos Slim Helu was second withUS$76.0 billion; and the Oracleof Omaha Warren Buffett, | March 2015
41FINANCIAL PLANNINGeveryone’s favourite investor, was third with US$72.9 billion. So, do you want to 'go up in the world'? Then, my friend,In that same listing, to earn a Himalayan spot, note that the make it your goal in the months and years ahead to focus400th ranked wealth waterline mark was an eye-watering on your personal finance issues. Build your wealth andUS$4.1 billion – just five years ago, in early 2010, it took eradicate the blight of bad forms of debt from your life.‘only’ US$2.4 billion to qualify as a Himalayan! Then make it a non-negotiable key life goal to climb up atWhat does all this mean? First, note there are only about 15 least one rung (preferably two or more) in the decades aheadmillion people worldwide who fall into categories 5, 6, 7 and as you strive to thrive. As always, I wish you success…8! This means the overwhelming majority of humanity (7.185billion out of 7.2 billion people) inhabit the lower half of my Rajen Devadason, CFP, is a Securities8-rung ‘ladder’: the scuba divers, flatlanders, hill climbers, Commission-licensed financial planner,and mass affluent! professional speaker and author. Read his free articles at www.FreeCoolArticles.To give you more detail: Based on 2014’s World Wealth com; he may be connected with viaReport and estimating a modest 7% increase between last LinkedIn or website at:year and 2015, the top four rungs only have an estimated15 million (0.015 billion) people! Therefore, the odds are overwhelmingly high (99.79%) that almost all humans reside rajendevadasonin the lower half of my ladder of wealth distribution. But that [email protected]'t mean there aren't opportunities for upward mobility.
42 INSPIRATIONAL • by Ganesh MuruganLAW OFFOCUSED CURIOSITYIN BUSINESSEnormous distances never a barrierfor Curiosity g Image credit : Indian Space Research Organisation Curiosity is the living force in all of us which pulls the desired things towards us.Curiosity implanted in us Even when we are few moths older child, we are curious to see colors, we are curious to move from one position to other,Curiosity has been implanted into human mind since and after few months we are curious to speak by seeing what the day he was created on the earth. Yes! Adam and other speak, that curiosity makes us learn and grow stage- Eve were curious to taste the forbidden fruit. The by-stage.same fruit which made Newton curious about “Gravity”. A curious mind is the key to success, whether you are aWhile thousands of people saw apple falling from the tree, but businessman, a marketing professional, a doctor, a teacheronly Newton asked “Why”? That curiosity impregnated within or you in any other profession. Learning and improvementhimself helped him to make wonderful discoveries about this starts when you are curious to know more about what youuniverse and gave us laws of motions and calculus. are doing and how to do it better everytime and thus improve your standard.All the great inventions and discoveries have been madeby men, by being curious about the thing they seek. I wouldsay that CURIOSITY is the mother of all inventions anddiscoveries. | March 2015
INSPIRATIONAL 43• In business you may be curious delete about customer of him enable him to do wonderful researches to unleash the satisfaction which leads to success of you company truths about universe.• In work you may be curious to learn more and ask for • Why things fall, is there any way to prevent them? more responsibilities related to your job so your success • Why Sun, Moon and Stars doesn’t Fall? path would be smooth. • What attracts things down?• For college assignments you may be curious to do Newton spend years on experimenting to find results for the innovative projects. Facebook,Ebay and above questions, and found Law of Gravity. His curosity led came to this world out of to curiosity when doing a to extensive research until the formulation of three Laws of college project. Motion. The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing -Albert EinsteinSuccess Starts by Being CuriousA curious mind will be able to see new worlds and possibilitieswhich are normally not visible. They are hidden behind thesurface of normal life, and only a curious mind could lookbeneath the surface and discover these new worlds andpossibilities.You may be a admin clerk in an office, but curiosity may leadyou to start some thing innovative like an online businesswhich could make you successful and wealthy that youcould have not possibly imagined. Asking WHY & HOW, andtracking the postitive results will surely bring success ontoyour lap. But be careful that you are choosing the right areafor your growth, your curiosity shouldn’t be a burden to you oryour family that could affect your current pleasant life.Story#1 g CURIOSITY is the mother of all inventions and discoveiresThere is the famous story that Newton was reading a bookunder a apple tree on the farm, when he saw an apple falland wonderful questions arose in his mind. In that situation,most of us, either would have eaten or kept it aside, but notfor people who could ask why? The curiosity that arose out March 2015 |
44 INSPIRATIONALIf he was not curious at that time, he couldn’t have his name gets stronger when you constanly exercise it and learn fromto the laws. May be somebody else would have found it. But success stories, biographies, seminars etc.his curiosity at that instance and his continous research ledhim to wonderful discoveries about the universe and made it Explore and read unknown areasknown to us all. Everyone of us has more that enough time to schedule ourBut am not telling you to go and do research, but be hungry duties,responsibilities and interests. But if you have notto know more in all situations careful in planning then you will be like a machine Work... Home...Work...Home... kind of cycle.• You can be curious to know more about a person for a Then life will be boring if you have a stereotype of activities. better relationship, his/her likes and dislikes.The curiosity How to enrich our life with activities? can be applied in any area of our lives. It gives success at • Learn a new language or a musical instrument at the end, if it is properly utilized. weekends (after your business or office hours)Curiosity makes us to see Life in a new • Study books in some interesting areas which you havedimension never explored beforeNewton, the genius of his time, has achieved as I believe • Teach others which you have already learnt likethe impossible in developing laws and theories that seemedpractically impossible in his time. What drive him at that time swimming, music, computers etcwas to continously do research and reveal the universal • There are plenty of ways which you could find to makeprincipals and laws to us. our life useful to us and to other, not necessarily it shouldSheer curiosity and perserverence to complete the taken task invlove money. That is Success! When unknown peopleand focused upon it until completion was Newton’s greatest tell your name for your work that you have contributedstrength. We may say that success highly depends on the that is Success!following qualities: Penned by Ganesh Murugan, MBA,• Focus PMP (IIT Delhi), PhD (Perusing) Business• Dedication & Time Analyst, Solution Architect and CEO of• Plan and Organized eSolutions Webbers Sdn Bhd• Gaining Knowledge in relevant areas : [email protected]• Learning from Others Skype : esolutions_ganesh• Constantly explore the unknown areas : ganesh muruganOnce we are curious about certain things we need to focuson that first to make that matter take some shape.Then wehave to dedicate our time accordingly to learn more aboutthe area which we are interested in. Once we have gainedenough knowledge about the thing which we are interested,then we must try to implement it by proper planning. We haveto keep track of the newly implemented idea or concept.Success is within us and we have to build as we developour muscles with regular exercises. If you want a six pack,you have to focus more to that part and learn the exerciserelated to it from the experts or from a coach who knowsbetter than you. So in the same way your success muscle| FMeabrrcuhar2y0210515
46 ANCIENT WISDOM • by Maran Nandan Sithambaram Our success in life and business depends on how efficient we are in handling daily affairs. A goal oriented continuous action is the principles of management. What constitutes efficiency? According to Thiruvalluar, efficiency essentially consists in a resolute mind. A resolute mind is paramount for success and other things come next. Thiruvalluar clearly says in Kural, Vinal thidpam enbathu oruvan manathidpam; Matriya ellam pira Efficiency in Thiruvalluar advices two principles of action should be followed action as guided in as guidelines :Thirukural • One, a person should not undertake an action that cannot be successful; and the other, • If things go wrong in the course of such an undertaking, one should not easily be perturbed, but ready to face those difficulties and challenges boldly and daringly. Ooruooral,uttrapin olgaamai, ivvirandin Aaru enbar aainthavar kol| March 2015
ANCIENT WISDOM 47Success in business very much depends on our planning. Enaithidpam eithiyak kannumThiruvalluar states that It is always easy for anyone to vinaithidpam Venddaraiformulate plans, however, it is only exceptional people with vendaathu ulagua resolute mind are able to carry their plans to fulfilment. Soluthal yaarkum eliya;arivaam Further, Thiruvalluar writes that rather than being deceived Soliya vannam seyal by an appearance, one should judge men by their great strength and action. We should not judge men by theNext, Thiruvalluar guides us how such planning should be impressiveness of their external form. He compares thisdone. One should make plans with a clear mind and after with the little axle-pin that keeps the wheels of the chariothaving decided and launched such plan, one should stand in place, without which the chariot will never function.firm in such undertaking and unmoved by problems and Likewise, the unimpressive external form of a person isdifficulties. At the time of difficulties, such person should negligible but resolute of mind and action matters.avoid dilatoriness in action Uruvukandu ellamai vendum; Kalangaathu kanda vilaikan urulperuntherku Achaani anaar thulnagaathu Thookam kadinthu seyal udaithuIn another kural, he outlined one will never obtain any In conclusion, a resolute mind to act efficiently, will drivebenefits and be profited, if one fails to aim at efficiency in one to a successful life. The importance Thirukural givesaction . Valluar states that a man who does not cultivate on efficiency in action is in line with Bhagavad Gita whichthe habit of efficiency in action will not make his mark in describes efficiently in action as a yoga.this world.This article penned by Maran Nandan Sithambaram, LLB (Hons) ,(UK) CLP ,BA (Hons), (Malaya ) Dip.Edu. Dip.Translation , Dip. In law (Sydney). CEO and Principal Lawyer of Marsh Lawyers, Sydney, Australia. Mr. Maran Nandanis also an advocate and solicitor of High Court of Malaya.He can be reached through phone or by email below:+ 61413 990 550 [email protected] March 2015 |
48 QUOTESAjaypal Singh BangaAjaypal Singh Banga the only Sikh Indian in a Fortune 500 company . The President andChief Executive Officer of MasterCard Inc. tripled MasterCard's stock to $70 a share,while net income increased from $5.5 billion in 2010 to $8.3 billion in 2013. So one of the biggest Cash is the dirtiest secret There is no such thing things we did was to of the modern economy. as a deal you do notredefine our competition. It belongs to a 200-year- want to win: There is Once we got that right, old economy. It’s being only a deal that “the then the vision of the other guy won and you company became very allowed to play a role because it suits vested lost.” clear interests “You can change the All it took to change their I cannot understand why entire feel and look of lives, was the money to the world doesn’t get it: If a company by making start a small business you get these women to bepeople realize that they’re such as selling fruit or economically and sociallynot empowered to say no. newspapers, or running aThey’re empowered to say independent, you can “yes, if.” It changes the grain machine transform the future ofbureaucracy, the culture, many people in this worldthe passion, the purpose, it changes everything.”5MPhaiKnloeasygoepmhyent 1Challenge 2Know When to Leave Conventional Wisdom | March 2015