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Home Explore Malaysian Indian Business Magazine June 2015

Malaysian Indian Business Magazine June 2015

Published by Malaysian Indian Business Magazine, 2015-06-20 13:11:21

Description: Malaysian Indian Business Magazine June 2015

Keywords: MIB,Malaysian Indian Business Magazine,Malaysian Indian,Business


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THE MAGAZINE FOR ENTREPRENEURS AND PROFESSIONALS TMEDITOR’S NOTEEntrepreneurship provides a means to becoming self- sufficient and take charge of one's own career and life destiny. In Malaysia, data indicates the number ofbusinesses owned by women increases primarily focusing onthe services industries. Malaysian Indian Business (MIB)Magazine found that interest in uplifting family economy is oneof the main factors which influence women to involve inbusiness. MIB is honoured to introduce “MomPreneur” Mrs.Barathi Balakrishnan, the founder of Classica D'Coco, knownfor their unique and modern homemade delicacies in Johor asour cover personality.In our efforts to identify, harness the power and appreciate theincomparable strength of women, our guest writer ShanthiniSubramaniam randomly interviewed men and women tohighlight the differences in leadership styles between thegenders.For this issue of MIB, we identify The Missing Link to BuildSuccessful Business and travel to Central Asian countryUzbekistan to check out areas of business opportunitiesavailable. Our Eastern Management writers continue to pennoteworthy articles on leadership lessons from BhagavadGita, Thiruvalluvar's wisdom to be successful, stunning factsand figures, quotes from Singapore Deputy Prime Minister,and so on.Beside the regular local, Singapore and Indian Business Newswe also worked on what is there for us under EleventhMalaysian Plan (2016-2020). The whole team of MIB wouldlike to wish our Muslim readers “selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa” Till next month, happy reading. STAY CLOSE TO YOUR CUSTOMER Chairman & Managing Editor www.mib

CONTENT 32 COVER STORY04 FACTS & FIGURE Barathi KPD Balakrishnan Clasica D’Coco06 BRAND 32 Executing A Rebranding Process 40 LEADERSHIP08 MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE Baghavad Gita-Part 11 Introduction to Dashboard in Excel 44 INDIA BUSINESS NEWS12 SINGAPORE BUSINESS NEWS 46 BUSINESS JOKES 48 WOMEN'S VIEW14 EXCLUSIVE Man VS Woman In The Business World 11th Malaysian Plan 52 ONLINE BUSINESS18 EXCLUSIVE M-commerce Connects Small Business With Massive Consumers Women in Career Beyond Home 56 DOING BUSINESS IN UZBEKISTAN22 ANCIENT WISDOM 60 ENRICHMENT Judging The Time And Place As Guide In Thirukural The Missing Link To Build24 TODAY I LEARNED Successful Business Ways To Turn Loss Into Profit A Lesson From Mahabharata 62 LIFESTYLE Success Attiude of Mind25 EMERGING TECHNOLOGY Eye Tracking Technology28 DID YOU KNOW Six Scopes Of Ethics In Business Management30 QUOTES By Tharman Sharmuguratnam 30

FACT & FIGURES Rm11 Billion Bond Bloomberg reports Global holdings of Malaysian government bonds rose to a record in April, taking overseas ownership of the debt to 32 percent .Investors from overseas bought a total RM11 Billion of Malaysian conventional and Islamic sovereign bonds. Rm910 million 910 million salesMalaysian Resources Corp Bhd (MRCB) aims to secure Rm910 million in sales this year,from the launches it has in the pipeline worth up to RM1.3 billion in gross developmentvalue( GDV). Its chief financial officer Ann Wan Tee said MRCB are targeting to securesales of about 70% to 80% of the total launches in 2015. For 2015, the group plans tolaunch The Grid Kia Peng in June with a GDV of RM400 million, followed by the SemarakCity project here (RM400 million in GDV), Phase 2 Seputeh in Old Klang Road (RM200million in GDV) and 3Residences Kajang Utama (Rm300 million in GDV). RM1.8 billion mixed project Sunway Bhd plans to do mixed development with an estimated gross development value (GDV) of RM1.8 billion at five land parcels totalling 17 acres (6.9ha) in Kelana Jaya, Selangor it acquired recently. It will be a highly sought-after development given its prime location and wide accessibility. It is also flanked by mature and affluent neighbourhoods of Petaling Jaya, Sunway Resort City, Subang Jaya and Shah Alam,” Sunway managing director of property development division for Malaysia and Singapore, Sarena Cheah said. USD 506 million LOAN FROM IMFPakistan to receive next instalment worth USD506 million of its loan from the InternationalMonetary Fund after a successful review of its economic performance, the financeminister said. The IMF official said ”Pakistan’s economy continues to gradually improve,helped by macroeconomic stability, lower oil prices, robust remittances and higher supplyof gas and electricity.Real GDP growth was expected to reach 4.1% this fiscal year andaccelerate to 4.5% next year.” 17.9% FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT Philippines Foreign direct investments (FDI) rose by 17.9% in February 2015, the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas reported. The latest figures showed that FDIs reached $359 million from $305 million in the same period the previous year. This was mainly attributed to the 184.7% increase in net equity capital to $179 million as gross equity capital placements expanded by 103.6%, while withdrawalsdeclined by 59.4%.

41%INCREASE IN TRAFFIC DEATHAbout 377 people die on Indian roads every day, the world’s highest fatalities inroad accidents, according to Ministry of Road Transport and Highways,Indiareport. The report added Traffic-related deaths in India have increased 41% overfive years, compared to a 33% reduction in China in the same period. 18.1million ACTIVE SIM CARDS The number of mobile phone SIM cards in Myanmar a country of 51 million people has shot up to more than 18 million from around one million just three years ago, according to data compiled by Reuters. \"The Myanmar economy has had more money in circulation than we had originally expected,\" said Telenor Chief Executive Jon Fredrik Baksaas , after the Norwegian mobile firm posted an unexpected profit in Myanmar.USD 160 MILLIONSOLAR PLANTThe world's largest solar manufacturer in 2014, Trina Solar Ltd will build a US$160 million factory inThailand to produce modules and cells used in its panels. The facility will have the capacity to make500 megawatts of modules and 700 megawatts of cells, Changzhou, China-based Trina Solar saidin a statement. Production will begin late this year or early next year. USD1.6 BILLION BILLION INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX AMATA Vietnam is planning to invest about US$1.6 billion over10-15 years on Amata City Ha-Long - a high-tech industrial complex equipped with an urban zone spanning 5,789 hectares in Quang Ninh's Long Thanh district in northern Vietnam. \"This is going to be a city, not just an industrialcomplex,\" Somhatai Panichewa, chief executive officer of Amata VN and president of Amata (Vietnam) Joint Stock Company, said.4.7%ECONOMIC GROUTHSouth East Asia's largest economy, Indonesia, grew at its weakest annual pacesince 2009 in the first quarter of this year. The economy expanded 4.7% fromJanuary to March from a year ago.Indonesia's growth was hurt by a slowingdemand for exports and falling oil prices, the government said.

6 BRANDEXECUTING A REBRANDING PROCESS Decide your current and new identity to be.I wrote about the 'symptoms' that probably you'd need to know if your Particularly this is where you need to ask yourself the hard questionsbusiness is in need of the rebranding process as the marketing strategy about your business. What is running smoothly and what is not?. That isto ensure brand success is met. Change is very important. Whether it is the best place to start when making changes. Perhaps if you refer to mya complete overhaul or a few adjustments, every company can stand a previous article ”Deciding on A Rebranding Strategy” published lastbit of improvement. Rebranding is a good way for any business to month will guide you through that. So be sure to not fix something that isstimulate growth, expand, increase profits, strengthen its workforce, not broken. I would also strongly encourage you to also take yourand gain a competitive advantage. Deciding to rebrand just means that company culture into account by asking how your current brand could fityour business is growing or changing, not that it is failing. you better. Lay out your goals and repurpose. Remind yourself of your business's mission statement before you sit down and decide what outcome you want to achieve from rebranding.Remind Yourself Of Your Business's Mission Wiser advice is to decide what kind of changes needs to be made toStatement Before You Sit Down And Decide your business is to talk to your loyal customers and current employees to see what concerns and opinions they may have. Make sure to What Outcome You Want To measure your market to find out how your Achieve From Rebranding. A Great Way To Decide What Changes Need To Be Made Is To Research Your Competition | JUNE 2015

BRAND 7Audit the changes that need to be made.Now, this is the crucial part as once a plan has been made to change acertain aspect of your business, you need to document the changesthat need to be made. This will make it easier for all employees tounderstand the changes and what they are supposed to bring about.Employee understanding is very important during a rebranding processas it will be them who will also faces your target customers, perhapsmore than you do in some ways. Plan and confirm your action plans thatlay out what is wrong, then followed by on how you will fix it, and when allthe changes are going to take place. A structured timeline will help toexplain more for better understanding. Start by making a list of all themarketing parts of your business that will need to be updated such aslogos, signs, websites, social media, invoices, and more. A great way to Initiate Changes and communicate your new identity.decide what changes need to be made is to research your competition.In basic, you can only plot your solution plans when the problems are Before launching, make sure all of your employees and managers arelisted or drawn. comfortable and up to speed on all the changes that are going to be made. Ensure that your team lives up to your brand's new identity. SetEXECUTING A REBRANDING PROCESS an official launch date and announce the changes via your social media sites, email, in a press release, or even in the paper or on the radio.This is also an important part of the rebranding process since you are Make sure you convey your new identity to the marketplace and ensuremaking a change already. You've got look into your customer base and that your employees are prepared to follow all the new brand guidelines.decide if part of overhauling your business is targeting a new market. This is the perfect opportunity for you to tell the story of why you wantedFind out why they have possibly rejected you before, or possibly didn't to change your brand and what you hope to achieve with the changes.respond as per your expected outcome. Appealing to a newdemographic could get you a whole new slew of loyal customers and These steps will surely guide you through to make a great start. You cancompletely change the overall vibe and boost your business. Reaching always email me if you need more detailed advises on this. Rebrandingout to a larger consumer base will help your bottom line a great deal and is an internal management process to change how your business iskeep your business location fresh and exciting. A good research and externally viewed and acknowledged. To be successful at changinginsights findings will surely help to further formulate your new marketing your business's brand, you must commit to the changes and alwaysplans. look forward while also making sure everyone in your business isUse your employees as your key Marketing Pillars. involved and comfortable with the changes.One of the very classic way of keeping your great staff is by making Be genuine and be honest with yourself, your consumers, and yourthem to be your brand models or ambassadors. This makes them to feel employees about what needs to happen and how all the changes will begood that the company is using them to represent even through 'faces'. implemented. The last and final way to guarantee success inSo, get your employees excited about the change by including them. rebranding your business is to take action.They are a huge part of your company culture and therefore your brand So, make it happen!identity. Take this chance to get your new logo and brand out there bymaking t-shirts and sweatshirts that your employees and clients canwear to promote your brand. This is a great and inexpensive way tomarket your business, and the right marketing techniques can makeyour brand go viral like big time. Check out Starbucks! To be successful at changing your business's brand, you must Prasath Kanagarascommit to the changes and always look forward while also making Brand Strategist sure everyone in your business is involved and Point Blank Media Works comfortable with the changes Veep Sosial Comunication e-Mail : [email protected] JUNE 2015 |

8 MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE Introduction to Dashboards in What is a dashboard in Excel? Table 1As we move upwards in creating fancy charts, one may want toconsider the usage of a dashboard. What exactly is adashboard? A dashboard in Excel is simply any chart that canbe controlled by the user in terms of applying any changes to thedata using features like drop down list, combo box, etc. Itprovides a quick glance to the various “what-if” scenarios thatcan take place and alert the user in a timely manner.Based on “Table 1”, how would you best present it using a piechart? Let us assume the user intends to create a pie chart byregion and month. In order to create this pie chart, the user hasto sort the data by region, followed by month, and eventuallyexpenditure. The data then is represented as follows.Tounderstand aspects of a dashboard, let us consider the rawdata provided below. | JUNE 2015

MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE 9 Note that a drop down list has been created for theFor most users out there, as there are two months involved foreach region, they may opt to create two pie charts each for thedifferent months for the same region. You will then have four piecharts as below. Within a single cell, the user has the option of changing the region from Singapore to India (and vice versa). The same applies for month too. By performing a summary of the month and corresponding figures (% share) in next column, a single pie chart is created as follows.There is nothing wrong with the above pie charts. However, toincrease efficiency, you could summarize the above data andpresent it as follows. JUNE 2015 |

10 MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE The above dashboard allows the user to gather information for different regions and months all within the same chart and plot area. Note, that the chart title is also automated based on the change of region and month. This is a classic example of a dashboard, where by changing the options within a single cell, the chart updates itself based on different headers within the spreadsheet.The user can change the region to India in the drop down list Let us look at another example. In the data provided below, theand again, select a different month i.e. Feb, as follows. The user has the option of clicking on any of the checkboxes underchart updates itself automatically. the selected column to activate the amount due. Note that the amount is highlighted in the background when no checkboxes are selected. The description and amount columns are selected to create a column chart beneath it. If no checkboxes are selected, no vertical bars are created within the plot area. This is as depicted below. Next, by clicking on the oranges, apples, and papayas checkboxes, the vertical bars are created automatically as illustrated. Note that the Y-axis has a maximum value of $18.00.| JUNE 2015

11MANAGEMENT SOFTWAREBy selecting the other two checkboxes, the column chart Let us analyze how this works. To create dashboards, you needadjusts its Y-axis automatically based on the final Amount and to generally link it to one of the many Form Controls buttonscreates the vertically bars with the data labels within each bar as found within the Developer tab. In the illustration below, thefollows. This is yet another example of a dashboard. Also note check Box (first row; third button) is selected. Click and drag tothat the background color in the amount column disappears if its draw the size of the check Boxes as in the above example.values are displayed. Each of these buttons is then linked to a formula within the spreadsheet columns. So, when a user clicks on any of the check boxes, the vertical bar is drawn. This is how one can create a simplified dashboard in Excel.A HRDF certified trainer and author of 51 books to-date on various software applications, Palani is passionate on what Excel can do, and how best to present data in different formats. Palani Murugapan A HRDF certified trainer and author of 51 books to-date on various software applications, Palani is passionate on what Excel can do, and how best to present data in different formats. More information is covered in his website e-Mail : [email protected] 2015 |

12 SINGAPORE BUSINESS DBS SEEKS TO START INDIA UNIT Singapore's Raffles Medical Group will develop a general hospital in Shanghai as part of a joint-venture ,its first hospital outside ofDBS Group Holdings Ltd, Southeast Asia's largest lender by Singapore. The 400-bed hospital will be built in Shanghai's Pudongassets, has sought Reserve Bank of India approval to set up a New Area, and will cater to locals, expatriates as well as internationalwholly owned unit in a move to deepen its presence in the South patients. This is the result of a joint collaboration between RafflesAsian nation.The Singapore-based lender expects to complete Medical Group and the Shanghai LuJiaZui Group.A signing ceremonythe conversion of its India business into a subsidiary by the end of was held at the Shangri-La Hotel in Singapore to mark the beginning ofnext March, Chief Executive Officer Piyush Gupta told reporters in the project, in the presence of Shanghai Mayor Mr Yang Xiong andMumbai Tuesday. It may have as many as 75 branches by 2020, Singapore’s Minister for Trade and Industry Mr Lim Hng Kiang.RafflesMr Gupta said.\"Going into early next year, we should be able to Medical Group said in a statement the new Shanghai hospital will beoperate through a subsidiary platform,\" he said. \"That is important designed to offer a full complement of specialist services includingto us, as our ambitions for India are to scale up from being a large obstetrics and gynaecology, cardiology, oncology and orthopaedics.Itcorporate bank to being a universal bank.\"Establishing a local unit added that the general hospital's location, at the New Bundin India will help the lender open branches anywhere in the world's International Business District of the Pudong New Area, is an emergingsecond-most populous country under the same rules governing business centre in Pudong that has been designated by the Shanghailocal banks. DBS is expanding its presence in Asia to reduce its municipal government as one of six priority development areas inreliance on its home base, where economic growth is slowing. Shanghai’s 12th Five-Year Plan. [CNA][The Business Times] ‘Losing Medical SINGAPORE Tourists To NeighboursRAFFLES MEDICAL TO BUILD400-BED HOSPITAL IN SHANGHAI Singapore is finding it harder to retain its title as the region's top medical tourism hub as patients eye cheaper options elsewhere while government support for the sector wanes, a new report has warned.It also noted that the challenges will only intensify as improved standards in neighbouring cities test the price premiums here, which are further exacerbated by a strong Singapore dollar.A heart bypass in Singapore costs 41 per cent more than in Thailand and 106 per cent more than in Malaysia, BMI Research found.While higher prices here have traditionally been justified by the high level of treatment offered - Singapore is ranked sixth out of 191 countries globally and the best in Asia by the World Health Organisation - this gap in standards has begun to close [The Strait Times]| JUNE 2015

13SINGAPORE BUSINESS MORE OPPORTUNITIES FOR BUSINESS PARKS IN SINGAPORE Business parks in the Republic are seeing more opportunities to be varied, and some are taking advantage of this to offer more retail and life style components.According to Colliers International Director of Research and Advisor Chia Siew Chuin, the Government has over the years increasingly added in \"white\" components into industrial or business park developments.The Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) allows such \"white\" components to be used for retail or ancillary purposes in business parks.\"Therefore, we have seenintegrated developments whereby there are the core industrial space as well as supporting F&B, retail, lifestyle components, so indeed this is anincreasing trend over time,” said Ms Chia. One example of this trend is Technopark@Chai Chee. Asset enhancement works at the business parkwill commence sometime this quarter, and will include converting the ground-floor car park and unused areas into retail and commercial space atthree of the six blocks at the Technopark. It will also include enhancing the development's facade and other amenities, Viva Industrial Trust said.Decathlon, a world leading retailer of sporting goods, signed a leasing agreement in April, making it the first retail anchor tenant at theTechnopark.It will also include enhancing the development's facade and other amenities, Viva Industrial Trust said.Decathlon, a world leadingretailer of sporting goods, signed a leasing agreement in April, making it the first retail anchor tenant at the Technopark. It is expected to open itsSoutheast Asia flagship store there before Christmas. Its other pre-committed tenant is OWL, a fast - growing instant beverage maker inSingapore. [CNA] CPF INTEREST RATES TO REMAIN UNCHANGED IN Q3 All Central Provident Fund (CPF) members will continue to receive at least 2.5 per cent interest on their Ordinary Account (OA), and 4 per cent interest on their Special and Medisave Accounts from Jul 1 to Sep 31, the CPF Board said in a news release on Monday (May 13).The Retirement Account rate is also 4 per cent, but for the whole year, as was announced on Nov 25, 2014.The computed OA interest rate – derived from the major local banks’ interest rates from February to April 2015 – worked out to be 0.21 per cent per annum. As this was below the legislated minimum of 2.5 per cent per annum, the OA interest rate will be maintained at the minimum amount, the CPF Board said. Likewise, the interest rate for the Special and Medisave accounts will be maintained at the current rate of 4 per cent per annum, as the computed interest rate – derived from the 12-month average yield of 10-year Singapore Government Securities plus 1 per cent – worked out to be 3.27 per cent from July 2015 to September 2015, below the floor rate.An additional 1 percentage point of interest will continue to be paid on the first S$60,000 of a CPF member's combined balances in their Medisave, Special, Retirement and Ordinary Accounts, of which up to S$20,000 can be from the Ordinary Account.The concessionary interest rate for HDB mortgage loans, which is pegged at 0.1 percentage point above the Ordinary Account interest rate, will remain unchanged at 2.6 per cent per annum from Jul 1 to Sep 31, 2015, the CPF Board added. JUNE 2015 |

14 EXCLUSIVE AN OVERVIEW OF ELEVENTH MALAYSIAN PLAN 2016-2020CHAlLENGEs Low Crude Oil & Major Commodities Prices Boosting productivity to drive economy growth Strength fiscal position Raise average income Become truly inclusiveHow the Plan Differs? Action Driven with clear strategies, initiatives and outcomes. What did not work will be eliminated; what is high-impact will be scaled up and accelerated. People Centric improve access to education, healthcare, and housing for all communities, across all regions, and bridge income disparity to create a more equitable society. Took long term focus by laying the foundation for our growth beyond 2020. It is guided by the voices of young Malaysians. | JUNE 2015

VISION “ TOWARDS “ ADVANCED ECONOMY WITH SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND ELEVATE THE B406 TOWARDS MIDDLE CLASS STATUS “Strategic Thrusts To Meet The Needs Of Citizens” ENHANCING IMPROVINGINCLUSIVENESS WELLBEING TOWARDS AN FOR ALL EQUITABLE SOCIETY Accelerating Pursuing green Strengthening human capital growth for infrastructure todevelopment for sustainability support economic an advanced and resilience expansion nation Re-engineering growth for greater prosperity

16 EEXXCCLLUUSSIIVVEE {{“Outcomes Productive entrepreneur communities. Own Houses , Improves public transportation, healthcare and education Preferential entry criteria and enrolment quotas for Higher Education and skill trainings for B40 households “ MULTIDIMENSIONAL GOALS 2016 - 2020 | JUNE 2015

EXCLUSIVE 17Opportunities>> Agriculture – Modern Farming Healthcare – Mobile Digital infrastructure HealthcareConstruction improvement units, Mobile – 4 smart cities Creative Industry is theRoad – 3000km Logistics paved rural industry and main Focus roads trade Green Energy Waste as resourceEducation Research, Power generation, & development, commercialisation, and Skill and innovation Wealth initiatives (R &D &C &I) JUNE 2015 |

18 EXCLUSIVE ‘Begum Hazrat Mahal, who rebelledagainst the British East India Company WOMEN IN CAREER BEYOND HOME‘Whatever you give a woman, she will make it greater. If you give her a sperm, she'll give you a baby. If you give her a house, she will give you a home. If you give her groceries, she will give you a meal. If you give her a smile, she will give you her heart. She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her. – Erick S. Gray | JUNE 2015

EXCLUSIVE 19 You would quite agree with Erick Gray, if you look at the women who‘ According to the result of a general survey conducted by the Pew have changed the world, who revolutionized and inspired the society Research Center on the late of 2014, most women capable of in the history. Begum Hazrat Mahal, who rebelled against the British. reaching a top executive position in business and politics while starting a family early in the career. These women have also shown to‘ Beyond home and to Infinity perform better than men, but they are hardly hired and appointed due The good thing is that women have such high to general misconceptions. expectations of men that it inspires us to live up to The number of women capable of reaching top in businesses and them. That's what I learned about male-female politics while starting a family early in career are shown to be higher relationships.” - Neil Strauss than women who are better off starting a family later in career. Much to the shock, their number is also higher than the men capable of When people think about politics and business, they think about huge reaching top in business and politics who would start a family early in responsibilities, confusing legal documents, large auditing numbers career. This alone proves, that the women have no problems and uncountable headaches. However, when people think about excelling in careers beyond home while starting a family and having women doing politics and businesses, there is so much hostility, children early in their career, compared to men. stereotypes and misconceptions, of women being the weaker gender. Nevertheless, people need to clear up their thoughts sooner The same research also shows that women not only good at handling or later. politics better than men, but it also shows that they are more honest and ethical, improves the society and stand up to their principles There are numbers of women increasing in business positions day- better than the men. While in business, the women are shown to be by-day, and there are even a few business corporations solely good at being honest and ethical, provide fair settlement, mentoring belongs to women. And then, there are definitely business industry employees, and negotiating profitable business deals, much better completely dominated by women – bridal and facial centre, make-up than men. The only things they are shown to be weaker are in taking and beauty salons, cosmetics, Mehndi arts, spas, saree boutiques risk compared to men, which are the only thing they are shown to be and most notably wedding stylist and planners. Not only have they be better than the women. their own boss, but they also tend to provide various levels of learning centre to guide and set examples to the younger generation of teen girls under them. Besides all of these, women have also been successful in various Non Governmental Organizations and government related political parties, showing much greater leadership qualities. Although the women have shown to be competitive and successful as men, there are still gender discrimination and misconceptions in major business organizations, which closes the business opportunities on women. Well, we know most of them are wrong. In contrast to that, MIB, who actively supports the women, encourages them to enter the business world, as a measure to break those gender barriers and overcome the stereotypes and misconceptions. There is also a research that shows companies with more women are more profitable than those with fewer women, and some research shows that women outperforms men in career. JUNE 2015 |

20 EXCLUSIVEThe same research also shows that women not only good at handlingpolitics better than men, but it also shows that they are more honestand ethical, improves the society and stand up to their principlesbetter than the men. While in business, the women are shown to begood at being honest and ethical, provide fair settlement, mentoringemployees, and negotiating profitable business deals, much betterthan men. The only things they are shown to be weaker are in takingrisk compared to men, which are the only thing they are shown to bebetter than the women. The stereotype also causes most women to feel insecure and inferior to the society, causing many women to hold back from stepping forward into the business world. Women might not be the weaker gender, but they are still afraid of criticism of being labelled as weak, as much as men would afraid of criticism. This makes the women too hesitant to make decisions and express opinion openly in society.The stereotypes of women being the weaker gender should be abolished as it is misleading most of the organizations not to hire women, who could actually elevate their profits into higher levels. We at MIB does not only exist to create awareness, but also to believe in equality, as to us, the women can do and change as much as the men can do and change any organizations.Even though they are shown to outperform the men, they are still Acknowledgment of successful Malaysian womenhardly hired or appointed in political and business organization due toseveral misconceptions. The highest misconception is that most There's a lot of influential women all around the world, and inorganizations in politics and business put unrealistic higher Malaysia, we have plenty of them. Here are some of the famous,expectations on women. The other misconception includes is that the influential women of Malaysia from human activist, politics, businesswomen are beginners and still in the learning process, and have other and entertainment; that have made names in career working beyonddistracting commitments such as family responsibilities. Lastly, the the home.women is also thought to be weaker and powerless than men in thesurvey, a common stereotype among organizations. | JUNE 2015

EXCLUSIVE 21Datin Paduka Mother Mangalam together with Swami Satyananda, her mentor co- Other women, who made huge names in entertainmentfounded the Pure Life Society in 1952 and has devoted her entire life serving the and achieved international fame includes Sheila Majid, theless fortunate. She is indeed a mother to the orphans and underprivileged children Jazz Queen of Malaysia. Her concert in Londons West Endthe Society takes in, and she has never forgotten her roots. Her outstanding Royalty Theater in 1996 was sold out.contributions in promoting the welfare of the underprivileged and fostering nationalunity was recognized and honoured through the Merdeka Award 2010. Her Dato' Siti Nurhaliza binti Tarudin is the other leading femaleselfless, giving spirit is indeed an inspiration to us all. who achieved similar successes. From songwriter to businesswoman, she has been listed to win the mostTan Sri Dr. Zeti Akhtar Aziz was known for being the second longest serving awards to date.Governor of Bank Negara Malaysia. She is significantly famous for aidingMalaysia, not only to overcome the Asian financial crisis in 1998 but also made the And for sports, Datuk Nicole Ann David is one of the bigMalaysia as one of the important foreign investors in Islamic money market. names in international sports rankings. She is the five time world champion for Squash and the first AsianDr. Ambiga Sreenevasan is the icon of human rights who guided the Malaysian to sportswoman to be ranked first by by the constitutional rights. She was awarded International Women ofCourage Award by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in 2009. The other Malaysian sport woman that made memorable achievement is Pandelela Rinong, the first MalaysianDatin Paduka Marina Mahathir, the daughter of Tun Mahathir Mohammad, is the woman to win an Olympic medal and inspired mostmost inspirational woman and the heroic protector of women and children's rights. Malaysian students to venture into aquatic sports.She raised her voice through NGOs and Malaysian AIDS Foundation, as she wasthe president of the Malaysian AIDS Council, her voice shone lights on AIDS Executive Directorvictims and gave them hope. Her effort also made AIDS treatment more reachable UMW Corporation Sdn Bhdand supported largely by both government as well as religious leaders.Joining the list is Datin Seri Endon Mahmood, the wife of former Prime MinisterAbdullah Badawi. She was the voice of Malaysian Cancer Awareness and the onethat brought international fashion status for Batik craft and Songket.As in Malaysian entertainment, Dato Michelle Yeoh was the first ever Asian to becast in the James Bond series, Tomorrow Never Dies and fame never stopped heras her movie the Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon nominated for 11 Oscars and herother movie, Memoirs of Geisha, nominated for 6 Oscars.Joining her is Yasmin Ahmad, known for her controversial and thought provokingmovies and commercials, but the subjects she helped Malaysian to change theirperceptions includes racial discrimination and unity.Datin Paduka Mother Mangalam YASMIN AHMAD NICOL DAVID Datuk Suseela Menon JUNE 2015 |

22 ANCIENT WISDOM In another kural, Thiruvalluar emphasised the importance of choosing the right time and occasion in accomplishing a mission. Kural 484 : “ Nyalam karuthinum kaikoodum kaalam karuthi idathaan seyin” Translation Thought a man should meditate the conquest of the world, he may achieve it if he acts in the right time Kural, further, says halt until one finds the place suitable for surrounding the opposite force, one should not begin an opposing action, and do not commit the mistake of underestimating the competitor's strength. JUDGING THE TIME AND PLACE Kural 491 : “ Thodangarka evvinaiyum AS GUIDED IN THIRUKURAL. ellarka mutrum Idamkanda pin allathu”Managing risk is important to any organization's success.Unforseen events that occur must be dealt with quickly, before Translationnegative financial consequences from these events become Let not (a king) despise (an enemy), nor undertakesevere. It is therefore judging the time to act is essential to achievethe desired outcome in any undertakings. any thing (against him), until he has obtained (a suitable) place for besieging him.Judge Time To Act An executive must be good at judging the time before acting so as toThiruvalluar uses the word “kaalam Arithal” to define in judging the counteract the competitor successfully.time to act. He asks is there anything impossible to achieve successif the right means are adopted and the hour is chosen?Kural says no Kural 481 : “Pagalvellum koogaiyaikjob is difficult for anyone to do, who acts, with the right instruments at kaakai igalvellum Ventharku vendumthe right time. poluthu” Kural 482 : “Aruvinai enba ulavoh karuviyaan Kaalam arinthu seyin” Translation A crow will overcome an owl in the day time; so the Translation Acting at the right season, is a cord that will king who would conquer his enemy must have a suitable time. The importance of a favourable time is immoveably bind success (to a king). stressed by the simile of the owl being defeated by the crow if the fight is during daytime. Note : In the modern day practice, this term “King “also befits a company's chairman or director who makes executive decisions.| JUNE 2015

ANCIENT WISDOM 23Self Control As a conclusion, “Thirukural” has prescribed the dimensions of time to be considered for managerial excellence. Thirukkural,Kural, further, says halt until one finds the place suitable for has identified and emphasized aspects of time well over 2000surrounding the opposite force, one should not begin an opposing years ago and yet relevant, useful and consistent with theaction, and do not commit the mistake of underestimating the modern management literature, towards managerial excellence.competitor's strength. THIRUKURAL Kural 490 : “kokkuokka koombum parauvathu matruathan Kuthuokka seertha idathu “ Translation “At the time when one should use self-control, let him restrain himself like a heron; and, let him like it, strike, when there is a favourable opportunity.Traits of Successful PersonThiruvalluar outlines the character that one should possess tosuccessfully face and overcome the difficulties in ever increasingcompetitive world. Kural 487 : “Pollena aange puramveraar; kaalampaarthu Ulverpar olli yavar” Translation The wise will not immediately and hastily shew out their anger; they will watch their time, and restrain.In another kural, Thiruvalluar stresses the importance of Maran Nandan Sithambaram,maintaining patience and managing anger in confronting theenvious and ill minded. LLB (Hons) ,(UK) CLP ,BA (Hons), (Malaya ) Dip.Edu. Dip. Translation , Dip. In law (Sydney). CEO and Principal Lawyer Kural 488 : “ Serunaraik kaanin of Marsh Lawyers, Sydney, Australia. Mr. Maran Nandan is sumaka iruvarai Kaanin kizhlakaam also an advocate and solicitor of High Court of Malaya. He can be reached through phone or by email below: thalai “ + 61413 990 550 Translation e-Mail : [email protected] If one meets his opponent/competitor, let him show him all respect, until the time for his destruction is JUNE 2015 | come; when that is come, his ego will be easily be brought low

24 TODAY I LEARNEDWAYS TO TURN LOSS INTO PROFITA LESSON FROM MAHABHARATAACQUIRE SKILLS TO TURN YOUR WEAKNESS INTO STRENGTH FORM STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPThough in exile, the Pandavas worked to improve The Pandavas formed powerful partnership mostlytheir weakness. Arjuna acquired through marriages while Kauravas centralized theirDivyastra(chanting of the right sacred mantra power system. Partnership with Dwarka come withaccompanying a supernatural weapon) while Arjuna –Subhadra marriage , Kasi through Bhima-Yudhisthira formed the strategy of war by taking Baladhara marriage , Panchala through Darupaditeaching from different Gurus. and few more all over India. SHARED RESPONSIBILTIES COMMITMENT Kauravas entrusted Brishma to lead entire 11 The large corporate Kauravas was headed by akshoushinis ( an akshoushini contains 21,870 leaders wishing to accomplish their own emotional elephants, 21,870 chariots, 65,610 Horses, and objectives. The supreme commander, Bhishma 109,350 foot soldiers) of army to battle of aims to protect the throne while Karna to prove his Kurukshetra. Where else, Pandavas shared their fight capabilities against Arjuna. Pandavas fought responsibilities among seven commanders each the war with one team with an aim of winning the leading an akshoushini. common war. SHARED RESPONSIBILTIES SENSE OF BELONGINGKrishna , the mentor and great crisis manager was Pandavas who spend greater part of their lives in poverty,accepted by the Pandavas. Their leader and strategist were fighting for their self-respect and this is the greatestYudhisthira played the master game by taking calculated motivation. The experiences learned from ground,risks. Yudhisthira took made secret deals with Kauravas contact with grassroot people made them to adapt fairelders by crossing over to enemy side of battle field to seek practices and the sense of brotherhood. In comparisontheir blessing. Yudhisthira inspired his team member by the Kauravas were princes brought up in the royal palaceexposing the enemies weaknesses. He assigned right idolized with power, wealth and valor without any groundindividuals to against opponent, Shikandi against Bhisma, reality.Sahadevan against Shakuni,etc.| JUNE 2015

‘ EMERGING TECHNOLOGY 25EYE TRACKINGTECHNOLOGY ‘Scientists and researchers have been working on eye tracking with remarkable progress for more than half-a- century.The goal of eye tracking is most often to estimate gaze direction of the eye.Eye tracking is the process of measuring either the point of gaze (where one is looking) or the motion of an eyerelative to the head. An eye tracker is a device for measuring eye positions and eye movement. Eye trackers are usedin research on the visual system, inpsychology, in cognitive linguistics,marketing, as an input device for humancomputer interaction, and in productdesign. There are a number of methodsfor measuring eye movement. The mostpopular variant uses video images fromwhich the eye position is extracted.Eyetracking devices sound a lot more likeexpensive pieces of scientific researchequipment than joysticks – yet if the latestannouncements about the latestAssassin's Creed game are anything togo by, eye tracking will become acommon place feature of how we interact with computers, and particularly games.Eye trackers provide computerswith a user's gaze position in real time by tracking the position of their pupils. The trackers can either be worn directlyon the user's face, like glasses, or placed in front of them, such as beneath a computer monitor for example.Eyetrackers are usually composed of cameras and infrared lights to illuminate the eyes. JUNE 2015 |

26 EMERGING TECHNOLOGYEye tracking devices sound a lot more like expensive beyond the labpieces of scientific research equipment than joysticks –yet if the latest announcements about the latest Eye tracking is commonly used in a variety of differentAssassin's Creed game are anything to go by, eye advertising media. Commercials, print ads, online adstracking will become a common place feature of how we and sponsored programs are all conducive to analysisinteract with computers, and particularly games.Eye with current eye tracking technology. For instance intrackers provide computers with a user's gaze position in newspapers, eye tracking studies can be used to findreal time by tracking the position of their pupils. The out in what way advertisements should be mixed withtrackers can either be worn directly on the user's face, the news in order to catch the subject's eyesThere arelike glasses, or placed in front of them, such as beneath a lots of useful applications. For example, in marketingcomputer monitor for example.Eye trackers are usually and usability studies, eye trackers are commonly usedcomposed of cameras and infrared lights to illuminate to study the impact of an advertising campaign or thethe eyes. Although it's invisible to the human eye, the design of a website. For people who cannot use theircameras can use infrared light to generate a grayscale arms or are completely paralyzed, eye tracking can beimage in which the pupil is easily recognizable. From the used to operate a computer or speech synthesizer:position of the pupil in the image, the eye tracker's eye-based applications allow them to move a mousesoftware can work out where the user's gaze is directed – cursor and spell out sentences using only their eyes.whether that's on a computer screen or looking out intothe world.But what's the use? Well, our eyes can reveala lot about a person's intentions, thoughts and actions,as they are good indicators of what we're interested in. Inour interactions with others we often subconsciously pickup on cues that the eyes give away. So it's possible togather this unconscious information and use it in order toget a better understanding of what the user is thinking,their interests and habits, or to enhance the interactionbetween them and the computer they're using.| JUNE 2015

EMERGING TECHNOLOGY 27Other more futuristic-sounding applications have been When using eye tracking video game characters canexplored, such as appliances that listen to your be made to react to the player's gaze the same way acommands when you look at them: imagine speaking human would. Imagine entering a shop and letting your“on” and “off” commands to your lamp, your hi-fi system or eyes rest on a sword you find interesting: the merchantyour television, which until you looked at them, had been could tell you directly about this item, making thein standby. Other examples include automatic scrolling interaction that bit more real. Or a character might getwhen you have reached the bottom of a screen of text, or upset if, instead of looking at him while he's talking,automatic pausing of a movie if you look away.While your eyes rest on his wife. The eyes are very powerfulthere are uses for eye tracking in industry and among means of nonverbal communication. Implementingresearchers, firms are now looking seriously at how to human-like reactions in virtual characters could meanmake them useful for the general public. Tobii – the same a whole new level of immersion in video gamesfirm that brought us pizza ordering by mind control –recently launched a consumer-priced remote eye tracker, Further Researchthe Tobii EyeX with the aim of encouraging gamesdevelopers to build eye tracking support into their One of the most promising applications of eye trackingproducts. For comparison, research lab-grade eye research is in the field of automotive design. Researchtrackers cost around $20,000.Another large eye tracking is currently underway to integrate eye trackingcompany, SMI, has announced a partnership with Sony cameras into automobiles. The goal of this endeavor isto integrate eye-tracking into games for the PlayStation 4. to provide the vehicle with the capacity to assess in real-time the visual behavior of the driver. This Eye Tracking Games enriches the way we drive and we can see the next generation of automobile design.Meet you all with more interesting techno articles in the coming months.There's a lot of potential for eye tracking in video games. GANESH MURUGANFor example, in the popular first-person view (“3-Dshooter”) style of games, eye tracking can be used to Ganesh Murugan, MBA, PMP, Analyst, Solution Arshitect andautomatically pan the screen to where the player is CEO of eSolution Webbers Sdn Bhdlooking, replacing a task usually performed by themouse. The eyes can be used to target weapons, too. e-Mail : [email protected] of the most interesting applications is interactionwith game characters. Skype : esolution_ganesh JUNE 2015 |

28 DID YOU KNOWSIX SCOPES OF ETHICS IN BUSINESS MANAGEMENTEthics is a branch of philosophy which deals with values relating to human conduct. It deals with aspects regarding the rightness and wrongness of certain actions and the goodness and badness of the motives and ends of such actions. Productivity, profit, benefits are no longer goals but consequences and rewards. Theyare just metrics that measure the progress of the community toward the ultimate goal of ever improving life conditionsfor all, the majority and not only a few. Adequate values and ethics do make businesses sustainable. Shivakumar RSharma* studied six scopes of ethics in Business Management : Business Ethics alcohol or drugs. It is imperative that businesses create a climate of trust with customers, clients and partners in order toBusiness ethics means doing an honest, legal, transparent grow and remain accepted by norms of society and culture andgenerally involves honouring contracts, accountability, truthfulaccounting practices and honesty with regards to the qualityand safety of products and services i.e. honest businesspractices. An example of a violation of these ethics is falselyadvertising the benefit a particular product can offer a customer,evading taxes or doing a business harmful to the interests ofsociety at large like manufacturing and selling cigarettes, | JUNE 2015

DID YOU KNOW 29workplace ethics misconduct the organization must provide employees with adequate notice of at least one month when termination is necessary. If there are minor job performance issues, management should attempt to communicate with the employee and correct the problem before termination is considered. Sexual Harassment Ethics Employees should be free from unwanted sexual advances and inappropriateWorkplace ethics apply to everyone involved in the sexual comments. This isworkplace, from upper level management to sales people particularly a concern forand clerks. Workplace ethics are moral guidelines f e m a l e e m p l o y e e s , b u tspecific to a business environment. They involve sexual harassment alsoeverything from honesty with customers to fair hiring occurs to men and those withpractices to the treatment of fellow employees. an alternative sexual orientation. Employees shouldKnowledge of and adherence to workplace ethics always treat each other with respect, and managementcontributes to one's value as an employee or business should create an environment where sexual harassmentowner, and leads to greater cohesiveness and the is not tolerated.longevity of a business. Diversity EthicsEmployer and Management Ethics Respect for diversity is important in the workplaceEmployer and management ethics include hiring and environment. Employees should be free from commentsfiring practices, as well as overall treatment of and behaviours offensive to their particular culturalemployees. Ethical hiring practices entail assessing each differences. The human being should not becandidate according to his or her capabilities and discriminated by caste, creed, race, ethnics and religion.potential value to the company, rather than discriminatory Every employee must be treated with dignity and respect.or other superficial considerations. Treat employees with The workplace environment should maintain a policy ofrespect and dignity in the workplace and refrain from tolerance for differences of religion, race, gender,abusive or degrading management. Criticisms of job sexuality and culture. Diversity ethics extends to hiringperformance must be given privately and coupled with and promotion practices.positive comments and encouragement. Guidelines for Environmental ethicsexpected job performance should be made clear to theemployee from the beginning of that person's Business owners, managers and employees should notemployment. Carry out dispute resolution among want only disregard environmental concerns. Thisemployees with justice, fairness and impartiality. Ethics includes managing air, water and other kinds of pollution,are also involved during the termination of employment. as well as noise pollution and needlessly disrupting theDisregarding exceptional cases of extreme employee surrounding community. Environmental ethics also involves incorporating values of environmental sustainability into business practices. JUNE 2015 |

30 QUOTES We need a spirit of empathy andThe lesson we are learning in fellowship amongst us as the world is that inclusive citizens to help everyone growth does not come rise togethernaturally\".\"Growth itself does not lift all It's individual effort andboats, and certainly does not aspirations, but it's also a system, a management lift all boats culture, that grooms We just have to be a society everyone that has the where you don't go pushing potential, regardless of what they start with. your own beliefs and preferences, but at the same time everyone keeps the balance in society and avoids creating conflict We can't just sit and wait for the opportunities to come, we have to go out and look for them Tharman Shanmugaratnam He is also the republic’s Minister of Finance and Chairman Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS). Tharman seeks to uplift educational performance and aspirations in the Indian Singaporean Community as Chairman of the Board of trustees of the Singapore Indian Development Association (SINDA)

QUOTES 31The good jobs of the future will involve I spent a lot of timeboth thinking and making, and constant daydreaming when I learning – in every field, whether in was young, and I nursing, in building maintenance, in happen to think it wasengineering and factory operations, or a rather good in consumer businesses and investment professional services. Thinking and making, thinking and doing, up andTransforming our economy Children must have theis not just about technology space and time to do other things, to interact, and productivity is not to be on the playing fieldultimately about the dollars three times a week... and and cents of upgrading. It also means changing our even to daydream. social normsDEPUTY PRIME MINISTER ofSingaporesince May 2011 JUNE 2015 |


COVER STORY 33The idea of bakery has been with us ever since theEgyptians made bread back in 2000 B.C. Whether it isdelicate pies, baked breads or delicious cakes, home-baking became widely popular among homemakers sincethe late 50s. MIB is honoured to introduce Mrs. BarathiKPD Balakrishnan, the founder of Classica D’Coco, knownfor their unique and modern homemade delicacies in JohorBahru. A LIVE WIRE LOOKING FOR OPPORTUNITIESMrs. Barathi KPD Balakrishnan, born and bred in Ipoh, isthe fourth of the five siblings born to Mr. KPD Balakrishnanand Mrs. Vijayal Nadaraj. Her brothers, SubasChandrabos and Sugumaran, sisters Vasumathi andBamini, are close to her and that motivate her in business.After tying the knot with husband, Mr. NanthakumaranThangaraju, she settled down in Johor.As a graduate of Diploma in Hotel and Management, sheworked in Hyatt Singapore for two years as the GuestRelation Officer. Her experiences, brought her careerelevation as Guest Relation Manager. at Hilton Singapore,a job which she held for the next seven years.By then, she had decided to resign from her job due toconflicts arising with her family commitments as she wasalready a mother to two children. It was a difficult time forher, and she finally decided to be a homemaker.She resigned her job from Hilton Singapore on 2003 to takeon the role of homemaker due to her responsibilities andcommitments with her family and her two kids, as her workin Singapore from 4 o'clock in the morning to 6 o'clock inthe evening made her difficult to watch out the kids.Although she resigned from Singapore, she went on to joinas Duty Manager in Hyatt Johor for a year until sheconceived her third child, and her husband finally decidedthat she should be the homemaker. “It was bit difficult for me, after earnings and then noearns for yourself, but if you ask me, it is not my cup of coffee to stay at” -Mrs. Barathi KPD Balakrishnan JUNE 2015 |

34 COVER STORYMrs. Barathi KPD Balakrishnan said, “It was a bit difficult for me, “But I also have the interest to teach people; I could say I haveafter earning and then no earns for myself, but if you ask me, it is more passion in teaching, so whenever I learn something new Inot my cup of coffee to stay at home, definitely, so I always like like to teach people, to elaborate the teachings, I attended moreto think what I can do, so I started the crystal business, it was a classes and I developed myself...”, she added more about hergood thing...”, describing about her active characteristic. Of passion for teachingcourse it was difficult for her, as she was not the typical wife whowould be happy to be a homemaker. She is a live wire lookingfor every opportunity to. She tried a few home-basedbusinesses, such as selling crystal jewels, which she thoughtcould raise her earnings.Shifting between those odd jobs, discover her passion in baking.At first, it was unplanned and was sort of casual. In 2007, shefinally decided to bake cakes to make it a solid earningopportunity. She took some courses and other classes onbaking cakes, and started to sell cakes online which officiallykicked off her baking career. She credit her studies and workexperience in guest relation and services and the love ofcooking that contributes to her business development. Shesoon found her interest in teaching bakery to shares theknowledge and pass on the skills she learnt to her students. bakery.Her status as a baking instructor rose quickly when she was called and offered tutoring job by private sectors and colleges, which she did for a year. She then continued to develop her career as home tutor teaching on bakery. She is hugely supported by her customers, mostly Indians, who favour her vegetarian cakes. She also bakes signature cakes, which are familiar among regular customers and family occasions. Her signature cake collection varies from classic homemade delights to custom made design cakes and more to creative cakes, based on her cakes and desert classes, which she took during her Hotel and Management diploma years. | JUNE 2015

COVER STORY 35“My mom is a very good cook, and she does all this cakes, there was no YouTube back then, she only goes through magazines, somy mum would buy a lot of magazines, and she creates the cakes...”, Mrs. Barathi KPD Balakrishnan describes her mother whohas been an inspiration. Besides that, she also learned the best from her mother, as well as, from variety of food magazines. Shepointed that her passion for baking cakes directed from her mother, whom also enjoyed baking cakes. Her cakes are regarded aspresentable and ideal to all customers.Her idea is always supported by her devoted husband, Mr. Nanthakumaran Thangaraju, whom she met at her brother's wedding,when she was 17 years old. They remained good friends and stayed close, as she prioritized her career first. “He was a very goodfriend of mine, and he was 21 years old when he proposed to me, he was one of the nicest person I ever met at that point, so Iaccepted without hesitation, and told him my career is very important to me...”, she added more on her relationship. The couple areblessed with three lovely boys, Harish Kumar, 14, Dhevindra Kumar, 11 and the youngest Rikhekesh Kumar, 10.Mrs. Barathi KPD Balakrishnan said, “My husband advises me a lot, whenever I want to make a decision, he always says goahead, always trust your ideas and trust your instinct, if anything goes wrong, I will be there for you, not to worry, his concept is that,you try, if you don't try you will never know...”, explaining the good nature of her husband. JUNE 2015 |

36 COVER STORY The person that encourages and motivates Barathi is her sister, Bamini KPD Balakrishnan, a full fledged scholar pursuing PhD (Service Marketing) in Australia. She is said to fuel her desire to excel in this bakery business. SHAPING MOMPRENEURSThe main concept of Classica D'Coco is to deliver and create moreIndian entrepreneurs, as she want to teach more Indians under her, asmost homemakers can start a small cake business to earn some extraincome. She's happy that more than 100 of her students are nowentrepreneurs and most of them are less dependent on their partners,as they can stand on their own. “In another sense, of course we havehusband to look after us, but that is not the main thing, you have to standon your own feet, this is what my father taught us...”, Barathi KPDBalakrishnan added on women being independent.Her eldest brother, Subash Chandrabos, is her role model. He is a verypositive person, broadminded, who believes in her. He is the one,besides her husband, whom she refers for discussions and opinions,and as the eldest of the family, he is the one everyone refers for all theother issues after their parents passed away. Barathi KPD Balakrishnanadds, “I always believe in his high enthusiasm, very positive personalityand see things in a wider way and until now whatever I do I discuss withhim, and he always gives major opinions to me...”, she added about hereldest brother.She advises the young Indian society to learn skills that can help themearn a few extra income. Of course there are vacancies out there butlearning one homemade business or handicraft are skills that would notfade a way easily. The one thing she tells is to put the passion intosomething you do and you will create wonders with it.They youngstershave to come forward to learn despite the fact of having a good jobsomewhere. She related it to her job as Guest Relation Manager,as it was difficult for her to leave her career but she did , tosacrifice for the family. She is proud for what she has done forthe family and herself. | JUNE 2015

A cooking class with chef COVER STORY 37 Devagi Shanmugam , The spice queen of SingaporeProgram Latihan 1Malaysia From Ministry The Sarawak Cake Lapis by a Her Sweet and Sour Teaching Experiences. of Higher Education Basic cakes and Singaporean chef, Mrs Rohana Decoration. Completed 3 phases Tutoring was always a pleasurable experience. Seeing students picking up and coming up with their creative ideas in the class are a sweetThe joy of working with Sugar Arts from Chef Alen experience. Challenging experiences are when some private chocolate Firm Beryl's organizations who invite her to teach, the organization promises different thing to students her to teach something else due to unknown Basic Fondant Making reasons until it becomes a very sensitive issue. This is when the expectations of students are not met, it becomes challenging. SheCreative chocolates by appreciates when organizations are transparent and remain high in Chef Amer their integrity in such arrangements. Barathi KPD Balakrishnan believes in honest engagement and delivering the best to her students. Her Business Ambition? Floral Cakes Unique Cake Sugarcraft Baking School & To have her own cake boutique studio is the next long term project. SheDecorating course By Tan See Fong Culinary Academy will put the effort to build a reputation for making some of the best cakes in Johor. The studio will be used to design her cakes as well run her cake Completed level 1 and 2 baking and crafting tutorials. Chocolate modelling by Support she needs for expansion. Tan See Fong As she calls herself a ‘mompreneur’ a mother who wants to be totallyMIB asked Barathi KPD Balakrishnan also to share on the followings: responsible for her children and as well an entrepreneur. Supports from the public in recognising her business effort is highly appreciated. As a “What does Classica D'Coco do? ‘mompreneur’ she has a deep desire to depart her skills and knowledge to other women entrepreneurs. Thus, she seeks opportunities from The major business of Classica D’Coco is catering homemade private and public organizations in inviting her to conduct baking cakes for all occasion (e.g birthdays, wedding, baby shower, classes for other women. special occasions etc.), besides cakes, Classica D’Coco also caters dessert and custom made chocolates for all occasions. For Why Her Cake Most Sought After? those who are interested in the secret behind Classica D’Coco’s cakes, desserts and chocolates, cake baking, desert making and Barathi KPD bakes variety of cakes ranging from butter, sponge and chocolate creating classes are also provided. premium cakes. Her cake frostings are hand crafted with butter, fresh cream and Gânache. She would work closely with every customer to On her business named as Classica D'Coco create a unique and delicious cake for any celebration. Barathi poses unique talent of handcrafting cakes either for wedding, birthday or any Classica D’Coco was inspired by her sister Bamini who branded party. Her signature cakes are red velvet with Italian cheese cream, their mother’s homemade chocolate candy for marketing project premium butter cakes, classica walnut carrot cake. She believes in her during her college days. So, when business was expanding, she way her mother made cakes. It was with a lot of love. So, putting that sought her younger sister Bamini for some ideas and that’s when energy and effort in crafting a cake that will make her customers happy the idea of Classica D’Coco emerged. The brand related well with is definitely an essential aspect in all her creations. Toward the end of the MIB interview, she thanks the entire family that were with her and the baking and chocolate business Barathi KPD Balakrishnan supported her from the beginning, her brother and sister in-law, Kamalaveeran. Both of them were the backbone and the supporting was initiating therefore it was named Classica D’Coco . Classica pillars for her, and were looking after her. She is grateful to have them as reflected the classic way of baking from home and D’Coco of brother and sister in-law, as they are the one she looks forward to when it comes to advices.Last but not least, she thanks her mother in-law, Her Bakery role model. Papathi for looking after her as her own daughter. She also extended the thanks to her in-laws and her relatives. Her credit of bakery role model goes to none other than her own mother who used to bake and decorate birthday cakes when We from MIB as well, wish her successes in the future with Classica commercial cake shops weren’t available. She baked all her D’Coco as she sets an example as a homemaker and an entrepreneur, children’s birthday cakes those days. Her mother used to make proving that women can earn from home and be successful while still artisan cakes and it was enjoyed truly by everyone. Barathi KPD being committed to the family, being a responsible mother and also a Balakrishnan still make use some of her mother’s recipes in her devoted wife, if they can manage and plan everything accordingly. baking. Barathi KPD Balakrishnan gets thrilled and loves challenges in{ {crafting cakes. She creatively crafts cakes, adds chocolate toppings and custom made cupcakes to complement the event JUNE 2015 |


40 LEADERSHIPVedantic Management: “ If you can understand “ the quality of your energy,Leadership Lessons from the you will be able toBhagavad-Gita : Part 11 - Majesty understand what is going to fulfil you. *Osho The Search | JUNE 2015

LEADERSHIP 41Welcome to the June edition of the Malaysian ““Bhavaan bheeshmashcha karnashcha kripashcha Indian Business Magazine. In this ““ samitinjayah; instalment we move to the crowning Ashwatthaamaa vikarnashchasplendour of the ancient Indian art of king-making, being saumadattis tathaiva cha.majesty. You (Drona) and Bhisma and Karna and Krpa, INTRODUCTION TO MAJESTY victorious in battleIn summary, if a person is properly anchored and Aswatthama, Vikarna, Jayadratha and all,cultivated, they should be able to understand the quality also the sons of Somadatta.of their majesty. Osho identified this concept in terms of Bhagavad Gita 1:8fulfilment. People sometimes refer to it as happiness orlove, or even (in business terms) a 'return on investment'. & “ …Na hyasannyastasankalpo yogee bhavati “Asmaakam tu vishishtaa ye taan nibodha kashchana. dwijottama; Naayakaah mama sainyasya …No one becomes wise unless he has samjnaartham taan braveemi te. renounced his thoughts. Bhagavad Gita 6:2 Know now, best among men, the names of those distinguishedThe idea of a 'yogi' in the Gita corresponds more or less tothe notion of majesty in the ancient art of king-making. soldiers who lead this army.Whenever Krishna refers to the term 'yogi', he refers to I recall them for your express knowledge.the fulfilled individual; the quintessentially 'complete'person. All leaders, classical and modern, require this Bhagavad Gita 1:7'completeness' to be effective. All leaders require thismajesty to be able to inspire their followers. Rememberthat true leaders do not just manage their people, trueleaders inspire people to follow them.Even in the Gita, there is a curious reference to thephenomenon of leadership. At the beginning of the Gita,there is reference to the surveying of the field of battle.Sanjaya describes the cast of warriors and their Generalsto Dhritarashtra. The roll-call went for several verses, themost telling introductions being: JUNE 2015 |

42 LEADERSHIP This is Krishna's way of saying, don't mess things up after you've got them. Don't fix things that aren't broken. Don't over do it! True leaders don't over-manage people. That'sSo, leaders get a mention! Of course they do. They don't the virtue of proper action, in life or business; it'sget a mention because they are excellent managers but measured, accurate and if done properly, extremelybecause they warrant the loyalty of their people. How fulfilling in itself. When proper action is taken, no furtherdoes the Gita say people can achieve majesty then? measures are required.We've previously talked aboutApparently acting, then renouncing the same: equanimity being a sense of balance that cannot be achieved simply by ignoring things or by artificial relaxation. The Gita now ensures us that the 'undeluded'“Aarurukshormuneryogam karma kaaranamuchyate; “ person attains majesty by relevant and appropriate Yogaaroodhasya tasyaiva shamah kaaranamuchyate. action. Not rejoicing or frowning at the vicissitudes of life actually involves action, not inaction. The wise man attains to majesty by action, Achieving that even-handed disposition referred to in theOnce attained, renouncing of action is the way. previous article involves resolute action. If properly instituted, this method will result in a balanced view andBhagavad Gita 6:3 reduce our tendency to panic. We recall that at the beginning of the Gita, Arjuna himself panics at the prospect of his impending task. Equanimity is the only answer to this problem: | JUNE 2015

{{“ Ihaiva tairjitah sargo yeshaam LEADERSHIP 43 saamye sthitam manah; Nirdosham hi samam brahma tasmaad You recall in the previous article why the Gita says equanimity is very important. It is also a characteristic of brahmani te sthitaah. the final aspect of leader-building, being majesty. When we transpose our worries to the Brahman (being the Even in this world everything is overcome effect of equanimity), we are able to make better by the settled mind; decisions, faster decisions and safer decisions. Remember, cutting out our passionate decision makingThey know the Brahman is spotlessly equal, rules out errors and false impressions, which in turn they are so established. confounds the mind. To the self-controlled person, everything is secondary: Bhagavad Gita 5:19 “Kaamakrodhaviyuktaanaam yateenaam yatachetasaam; Abhito brahma nirvaanam vartate viditaatmanaam. The self-controlled may achieve absolute freedom; They are free from anger and desire and have control of their thoughts. Bhagavad Gita 5:26 ““ JUNE 2015 |

44 INDIA BUSINESS NEWSROAD PROJECT TO LINK 100 DISTRICTS GETS UNDERWAYAfter Bharat Mala and Sagar Mala aimed at improving road connectivity in border areas and coastal regions respectively the government of India has now cleared plans to connect 100 of the 676 district headquarters in the country with world-class highways.The Rashtriya Rajmarg Zila Sanjoyokta Pariyojna, approved by Prime Minister Narendra Modi at a review meeting in May2015, entails development of 6,600 km of highways at an estimated cost of about Rs 60,000 crore. “Under the Rashtriya Rajmarg ZilaSanjoyokta Pariyojna, roads will be developed to connect 100 district headquarters across the country. The 6,600 km of national highways donot have uniform configuration across the length. These would be upgraded to ensure better connectivity,” said a senior official in the Ministry ofRoad Transport and Highways (MoRTH). [IndianExpress] CHENNAI PLANT HAS POTENTIAL TO MAKE 5G GEARS: NOKIA NETWORKSINDIA 100TH ON GLOBAL HUMAN CAPITAL Telecom equipment maker Nokia Networks WednesdayINDEX: WEF said that its manufacturing plant here has capability to make 5G network equipment, but at present the companyIndia was ranked at a low 100th position on a global Human is focussed on firming up technical standards. \"We are involved in Capital Index, which measures the countries in terms of the the process of standardization of 5G network and we will decide economies leveraging their human capital, where Finland has closer to the date from which country and plant we should producetopped the 124-nation list. On the list, compiled by World Economic those products. Chennai plant is also an option,\" Nokia Networks'Forum (WEF), other emerging economies such as Russia, China, Vice-President of Manufacturing Operations Karl KirschenhoferBrazil and South Africa are ranked ahead of India.In the top-ten, told reporters here. According to him, Chennai plant has theFinland is followed by Norway, Switzerland, Canada, Japan, capability to produce the 5G network equipment. Nokia and NTTSweden, Denmark, Netherlands, New Zealand and Belgium. WEF DOCOMO on May 8, have agreed to collaborate on research andsaid the list has been compiled on the basis of 46 indicators about standardization of 5G technologies and to work jointly on a 5G proof\"how well they are developing and deploying their human capital, of concept system. \"Our Chennai facility is a world-class factoryfocusing on education, skills and employment\".The countries with similar to our global factories and make cost-efficient deliveriesbetter score than India also include Kazakhstan, Armenia, Kyrgyz possible to operators around the globe including the US andRepublic, Chile, Philippines, Serbia, Mongolia, UAE, Macedonia, Sri Europe,\" Kirschenhofer said.Lanka, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Mauritius, Barbados, Brazil,Guatemala, Bhutan, Honduras, Cambodia, Tunisia and Nokia Networks said its plant here has crossed a milestone ofBangladesh.After China and India, the region's third most populous production of two million units of telecom equipment.\"After nearlynation, Indonesia, holds the 69th spot. Iran is ranked 80th. seven years in operation, Nokia Networks' Chennai factory has[Zeenews] reached a major milestone. The facility has manufactured over two million components for telecom networks of which about a quarter have been used for 4G technology,\" Nokia Networks, Vice President and Head of India market, Sandeep Girotra said.According to him, 50 percent products produced at the plant are shipped overseas. [Zeenews]| JUNE 2015

INDIA BUSINESS NEWS 45TCS AMONG TOP US 500 BRANDSTata Consultancy Services, the IT arm of the Tata Group, has been ranked fifty-seventh in valuation firm Brand Finance's latest list of the top 500 brands in the US. TCS's brand value has jumped nearly four times in the last five years to touch $8.7 billion now, Brand Finance said. In 2010, TCS’s brand value was $2.3 billion, it said.Interestingly tech companies have made it to the top three spots in the list. Appleis number one, followed by Google and Microsoft. The value of Apple’s brand is $ 128.3 billion, up by 29 per cent from last year. Google Inc. brandvalue is $76.7 billion, having increased 32 per cent year over year and Microsoft Corporation brand is valued at $67.06 billion, up by 35 per centsince last year according to Value Walk an international finance portal which quoted the study.This is the first time that TCS has debuted on thelist, the second to be released by the UK-based valuation company. “The TCS brand and its enterprise value have a direct correlation to how it isaddressing market needs within each industry it serves. “TCS is one of the rare businesses that has sustained the industry AA+ rating for threeyears in a row,” Edgar Baum, managing director, Brand Finance, North America, said. TCS also figured in the Tech 100 list released by BrandFinance earlier this year, an annual ranking of the world's top technology brands. TCS, ranked 22nd, interestingly, was not alone on the list. RivalsInfosys, HCL Tech and Wipro were ranked at 58th, 59th and 72nd respectively in the 2015 list. Their brand values: $3.4 billion, $3.1 billion and$2.3 billion respectively.[Rediff] KERALA GOVERNMENT OFFERS SUPPORT TO WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS Kerala State Industrial Development Corporation (KSIDC) has launched We Mission to support women entrepreneurs in the state. The corporation expects to offer mentoring support to over 1000 women in the state to start business during the next one year . After launching the project, Kerala Industries minister PK Kunhalikutty said the government will give priority to green initiatives and start-ups by women. Those women interested in starting their own ventures will be provided with all support including, mentoring and assistance in financial, infrastructure and promotional activities. According to KSIDC a five pronged strategy namely continuous mentoring support, regular exposure visits to successful units, easier financial support, incubation and infrastructure support and networking support, has been designed to facilitate the project. The programmes will be carried out in the various districts of the state. [The Economic Times] JUNE 2015 |

BUSINESS JOKE A conversation between two sellers... MICI: KMACI, How's business? A Stewardess upon noticing that KMACI: Business is really bad! Yesterday I sold someone clearly has been smoking in only one dress. the bathroom. MICI: That's really bad. How about today? “I'm sorry sir” she said “but you're not KMACI: Worst! The person who bought the dress aloud to smoke on the plane, yesterday returned it today. if you want to smoke again please step out!”

BUSINESS JOKE 47My boss called me into his office today. A Stewardess upon noticing that“We both know you're not the someone clearly has been smokingbrightest spark here,Raman,” he said, in the bathroom.“but over the last 5 years you've “I'm sorry sir” she said “but you'renever been sick or late and I think you not aloud to smoke on the plane,deserve a reward. So, how does if you want to smoke again pleasea brand new car sound?” “VROOOM! step out!”VROOOOOM!” I replied.A conversation between two sellers... BEGGAR OPENS NEW BRANCHMICI: KMACI, How's business?KMACI: Business is really bad! Yesterday I sold A man walks pass a beggar on the corner of theonly one dress. street where he works. The beggar holds out his oneMICI: That's really bad. How about today? hand and the man drops a coin into his hand.KMACI: Worst! The person who bought the One day the man walks pass the beggar again anddress yesterday returned it today. notices the beggar is holding hold out both his hands. He asks: \"Why are you holding out both of your hands?\" The beggar replied, \"You see sir, business is going so well I decided to open another branch.\"FLY FO SALEThree business associates, an Igbo man, a Yoruba man and a Chinese man,went to eat lunch together at a restaurant in Surulere.While in the middle of theirfood, a fly came in through the window. It flew across the table to where the Igboman was but he just waved his hands to chase it away. The fly then went towhere the Yoruba man was, he also chased it away.Finally, the fly then went to where the Chinese man was and was flying close tohis ears. The Chinese man looked at the fly for sometimes and then grabbed it,put it in his mouth and swallowed it. The other men saw this but just kept oneating. Five minutes later, another fly came in and flew to the Yoruba man whojust chased it away again. It then flew on to the Igbo man but this time he did notchase the fly, he looked at it for sometime and then grabbed it. He then turned tothe Chinese man and asked, \"How much you go buy am?\"

48 WOMEN'S VIEWFrom the Viewpoint of a Woman EntrepreneurMAN VS. WOMAN in the Business World – Who is Better?Judging by the current numbers, the business world is still }} a man's world but women entrepreneurs are lining up at What matters is not double the male rate. Based on my personal experience whether one is a man or aworking in the corporate world and running my own business,women and men have different styles expressing work-related woman but whether wedemands and needs. This article is a product of my personal are focused on our goalsexperience, observation, research and random interviews and clear of our companyconducted with both men and women in the business world.The purpose is simply to identify the differences in leadership vision and missionstyles, accepting them, and then subtly bridging thecommunication gap between men and women.Science provesthat men and women are just wired differently. Each sex excelsat different types of cognitive functions, hence, the worst thing awoman can do is try to 'act like a man'. In fact, that would onlymake men (according to them) feel even more uncomfortablebecause they find it absolutely unnatural. | JUNE 2015

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