BRAND MANAGEMENT 49Let me give you a classic example to explain what I mean, if regions, religions and philosophies or anything to which weyou see a mother harshly discipline/scolds a child in public can might assume that she is an angry person or an impatientparent. But if you harshly discipline your own child in public This all seems to be an extension of our tribal nature. Peopleyou are likely to explain your behavior as an understandable around me know very well that I’m a diehard Liverpool (brand)reaction to the situation; your child was relentlessly disobedient fan! And also the Italian team during World Cups simplyand perhaps you were stressed and in a hurry. because I am a big fan of Roberto Baggio. He’s no longer in the national team, but my brand loyalty in world soccer is stillIn order words – we give ourselves every benefit of the doubt, the same!while we tend to be quick to be judgmental about others. It potentially gives us another filter for our own thoughts andWhy am I bringing this up? Well it has a connection that leads behaviors. Of course, we probably cannot get away from ourto our topic of this article. The question of the new research fundamental psychology but I believe this is what Brands outis simply this; there is trying to figure out the possibilities to deal with.• Does this egocentric bias extend to brands to which As for the brands, these are the fundamental stuff that might we are loyal? interest you to further strengthen your• How much do we internalize our brand choices? Brand Architecture to createIf you choose to get a little deeper to understand this, you’llnotice that the researchers found that subjects would continue more loyal consumers,to rate their favorite brands (what they call self-connectedbrands) highly, even after being presented with negative who will eventuallyinformation about those brands. You’ll be surprised to knowthat some did interpreted a brand failure as a personal failure, defend your brandand engaged all their defense mechanisms to protect theimage of the brand to which they had identified. when things go wrong! That’s an awesome thing that, with proper studies and strategies will definitely work.Now, is this good for the brand or not? I’ll speak about strategies to get BrandLet me explain, unlike with the self, however, brand loyalty Loyalty frameworkshas its limits. We might be stuck with ourselves, but we can done on my futureabandon a self-connected brand if we learn unacceptable writings. This time isnegative information about it. So we will protect our self- just to understand theimage by protecting our self-connected brands, but if a brand fundamentals of it.goes too far then we protect ourselves by jettisoning the Now excuse me as I sign brand, perhaps feeling betrayed off my MAC and enjoy a and deceived. We can engage hot cup of Nescafe. situational factors to explain away our misplaced loyalty, Prasath Kanagaras once again protecting our Brand Strategist self-image. Point Blank Mediaworks Just like many show their [email protected] craze towards soccer in Malaysia. The same psychology extends to other entities such as sports teams, political parties, geographic SEPTEMBER 2014 |
50 SINGAPORE BUSINESS NEWS 1 23 #1 SINGAPORE BANKS STILL AT RISK Source: Wikimedia Commons DESPITE STRONG Q2 RESULTS #2 COMMISSION-FREE INSURANCESingapore banks have reported better than expected profits in AVAILABLE IN SINGAPORE 'NEXT YEAR' the second quarter. However, analysts say some risks linger and these include exposure to Chinese loans and a softening The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) has announced theproperty market at home. Mr Samuel Tsien, CEO of OCBC Bank, features of “standardised” life insurance products which willsaid: \"Our housing loan portfolio in Singapore is actually below be possible to purchase directly from insurance companies bythe group housing loan portfolio quality of 60 basis points - quite early next year.The initiative, which was proposed in the jurisdiction’ssignificantly below that. We have not seen an uptick, we have not Financial Advisory Industry Review (FAIR), will offer consumersseen any repayment issues. I believe the housing loan portfolio will commission-free products that are “easy to understand and purchase”be able to be maintained if Singapore's employment continues to be without the need for financial advice. The MAS said the initiative willas it is.\" Just a week earlier, DBS said that its property loans portfolio require all insurance companies serving the retail market to directlycan withstand a 30 per cent drop in property prices. Meanwhile, UOB offer term life insurance products with total permanent disability (TPD)also said that there is no systemic risk in its overall housing loan cover, whole life insurance products with TPD cover, and an optionalportfolio - even though it saw bad loans jump due to a small group critical illness rider. Under the scheme, consumers who wish to buyof home loan borrowers, believed to be high-end property investors. direct purchase products will still be subject to insurer underwriting.Despite the risk, some analysts said that slower loan growth at home The authority added that it is continuing to issue safeguards for themeans the banks need to look outwards. Mr Ivan Tan, Director of sale of these products, in the interests of “ensuring that the productFinancial Institutions Ratings at Standard & Poor's, said: \"Loans design meets the primary protection needs of consumers”. Directgrew about 18 per cent in 2013, our forecast for 2014 is that it'll be at term life insurance products will come with a policy coverage period8 to 10 per cent - so it'll be roughly half the loan growth. The driver will of five years, 20 years, or up to age 65, while whole life insurancecome from mostly regional expansion. The Singapore market, and products will cover payments up to the age of 70 or 85. The maximumthe Malaysia and Hong Kong banking systems are pretty saturated at sum assured for direct products will be $400,000, with a sub-limit ofthis point, not much outward potential for loan growth. Indonesia and $200,000, which the company says is a result of a need to “alleviateChina is where most of the loan (growth) will come from.\" the risk of consumers buying whole life products beyond their means and protection needs”.| SEPTEMBER 2014
51SINGAPORE BUSINESS NEWS SUBSCRIBTION FORM #3 GENERAL MOTORS OPENS HEADQUARTERS IN SINGAPOREThe new headquarters of General Motors International opened in Singapore to support six markets - Africa, Australia, India, Middle East, Southeast Asia and South Korea. The GMinternational headquarters was previously in Shanghai, and GMpresident Dan Ammann said that the move is positioned to tapthe long-term growth opportunity in the emerging markets in thisregion. But it will be an uphill battle. In a briefing this afternoon, GMInternational president Stefan Jacoby pointed out that businesses inmost of GM's markets are not profitable, especially in ASEAN. Thecompany will have to look to changing its business model to turn itsfortunes around, he stressed. The new headquarters in Singaporewill have approximately 200 employees, half of whom will be locallyhired. #4 SPRING PROVIDES S$10M BOOST FOR FIRMS TO ADOPT HIGHER STANDARDSEnterprise development agency SPRING said it has pumped in another S$10 million to help firms adopt recognised standards for products and services – on top of a S$20 million trancheset aside in 2011. The money will help companies adopt higherquality standards for business processes, particularly in areas suchas manufacturing, SPRING said. Firms will be accredited once theyare assessed to have adopted national standards. The fresh fundingwill also support the establishment of a new standards developmentorganisation. The organisation will oversee the development andpromotion of nationally-recognised benchmarks in new sectors, andencourage standards education to build a pipeline of professionals.Chief Executive of SPRING Singapore Tan Kai Hoe said: \"Anenterprise either competes on price, or it competes on some otherdifferentiating factor. Now to be able to articulate that you have adifferent quality because you have set a different standard for yourproducts and services, is probably a better way to compete, than tojust compete on pure price alone.\" SPRING also said it has launcheda new accreditation scheme for bodies that certify learning serviceproviders. The scheme will ensure that certification bodies provideimpartial assessment of learning service providers. SEPTEMBER 2014 |
52 CALENDAR OF EVENTS INTERNATIONAL EVENT MALAYSIA event 1 JEC Asia Zak Salaam India Consumer Products Expo 1 Rail Business Asia Singapore EXPO Convention Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre and Exhibition, Singapore Kuala Lumpur 25 - 28 September 2014 09 - 11 September 2014 2 Showcase 2 ONEBUILD@JB College of Agriculture Ground Pune Danga City Mall,Johor Bahru, Johor India 11 - 14 September 2014 02 - 06 October 2014 3 Homedec Penang 3 Property Kingdom Penang International Sports Arena Hotel Chanakya Patna, India 03 - 05 October 2014 04 - 05 October 2014 4 Home Renovation Expo 4 Lavan Phere Mid Valley Exhibition Centre Hotel Park Plaza Ludhiana, India 03 - 05 October 2014 04 - 05 October 2014 5 The Food & Beverage 5 Handicraft & Gift Expo Decision Makers Forum Hollyhock Garden Jalandhar, India The Westin Kuala Lumpur 04 - 06 October 2014 08 - 11 October 2014 6 Today’s Wedding Expo 6 BuildTech-Malaysia Holly Hock Gardens Jalandhar, India Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC) 04 - 06 October 2014 08 - 11 October 2014 7 Facilities Management Solutions Expo 7 Malaysia Property Expo-Klang Valley Singapore EXPO Convention Mid Valley Exhibition Centre and Exhibition, Singapore Kuala Lumpur 15 - 17 October 2014 10 - 12 October 2014 8 Big Data World Asia 8 INTRADE MALAYSIA Suntec Singapore International Menara Matrade, Kuala Lumpur Convention & Exhibition, Singapore 20-22 October 2014 20 - 22 October 2014 9 Malaysia Home & Property Show 9 Led Light Asia G Hotel Penang, Penang Marina Bay Sands, Singapore 24 - 26 October 2014 29 Sep - 01 October 2014 10 Asia E-Commerce Conference 10 Suntec Singapore International The Royale Chulan Hotel Kuala Lumpur Convention & Exhibition, Singapore 28 October 2014 17 - 18 November 2014| SEPTEMBER 2014
54 BUSINESS STRATEGY • by Arikrishnan Subramanian JOLLIBEE: Jollibee command lion market share that is more than all ICE CREAM the other multinational brands combined in the Philippines.PARLOUR GREW INTO The company operating a nationwide network of overINTERNATIONAL QSR 800 stores, among which approximately 400 were franchised and approximately 400 were company owned and has alsoJollibee Foods Corporation, fastest embarked on an aggressive international expansion plangrowing Quick Service Restaurant [QSR] in the USA, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Saudi Arabia, Qatar andchain in Philippines has benefited from Brunei, firmly establishing itself as a growing internationalthe increased demand for fast food in QSR player. They offer food products that are prepared on-siteEast Asia and has developed a unique based on original company recipes. These products are soldbusiness strategy. It’s interesting to under various trademarks including but not limited to Champ,examine strategies employed by Jolibee in Chickenjoy and Yum.competing with fast food giant McDonald’s. Founded in 1975 by Tony Tan Caktiong and his family with | SEPTEMBER 2014 its humble beginnings as an Ice Cream Parlor which later grew into an emerging global brand. By 2010 Jolibee Founder successfully operated eight restaurant chains consisting of 1,903 stores worldwide. At the heart of its success is a family- oriented approach to personnel management, making Jollibee one of the most admired employers in the region with an Employer of the Year Award from the Personnel Management Association of the Philippines, Best Employer in the Philippines Award from Hewitt Associated and a Top 20 Employer in Asia citation from the Asian Wall Street Journal. Aside from promoting a family oriented work environment Jollibee knows their target audience very well: the traditional family. All communication materials focus on the importance of family values, making Jollibee the number one family fast food chain in the Philippines and a growing international QSR player. The most famous McDonald's became No.1 in more than 100 countries in the world except Philippines where Jolibee has been overwhelming strength. Jollibee was able to attain a competitive advantage in Philippines over McDonald's by doing following things: • Jollibee was the first to enter the market. • Retaining tight control over operations management • Allowing it to price below its competitor. • Having the flexibility to cater to the tastes of its local consumers. BEACH HEAD STRATEGY Jollibee depends on high customer traffic and tight operations management. It offers great service to the high volumes of
55BUSINESS STRATEGYpeople who patronize its outlets by In markets like Papua New Guinea and DIFFERENTIATIONfunctioning as a well-oiled machine with San Francisco, United States which hadclose tabs on daily operations. an immigrant population Jollibee as an At overseas market Jollibee redesigned emerging market brand establish beach its logo to create differentiation fromThe Unique Selling Proposition of the head by targeting areas with a high those of other major brands, such asJollibee brand is : immigrant population. Jollibee used the KFC, Coca-Cola, and Marlboro, which wave of nationalist pride to promote all had red-and-white logos. While• Fast, Good, Clean, Cheap food a Filipino brand of hamburger. This retaining the bee mascot, it changed• Caters to local needs (Spicy patty) strategy met with great success. the red background to orange and• Consistency and reliability at all its added the slogan, “great burgers, great VALUES chicken.”. The slogan was added to outlets. link the Jollibee name and logo with its The phenomenal growth came products in people’s minds. n Jolibee’s Market Worldwide as of 2013 from company’s name of having its employees working happily and Jollibee mulls opening branches inThe product offered by Jollibee appeals efficiently resembling bees in a hive. Malaysia & Indonesiato the Filipinos taste for spicy burgers. Jolibee stressed the Five Fs [5F] values:By concentrating its resources on Fast food giant Jollibee Foodssatisfying the Filipino palate, Jollibee 1 Friendliness Corporation is looking to open brancheshas been able to serve localized dishes of its flagship brand Jollibee in Malaysiathat are unlike any found in the other 2 Favourful food and Indonesia over the next two yearsfast-food chains in the Philippines. In to expand its presence in the ASEANaddition to offering the usual French 3 A fun atmosphere region.fries that accompany the meals foundin McDonald’s, KFC, Burger King, and 4 Flexibility in catering toso forth, consumer needsJollibee also serves rice or spaghetti,Filipino style. Even the burgers are 5 Focus on familiescooked exactly as Filipinos wantthem done - sweeter and with more FIRST MOVERseasonings, often likened to what aFilipino mother would cook at home. The other strategic Jolibee choose is to belief in first-mover advantages in theMenus in outlets across the globe fast food industry, as in Brunei, theyadjusted to local preferences to were the pioneers in fast food, thus abledifferentiate it from other standardized to set the pace and standards. Now,players like Mc Donalds and KFC who Jolibee have six stores there, whilemaintain the same menus worldwide McDonald’s has only one and KFC haswith minimal changes. Jollibee even three. It began to “plant the Jollibeeincorporated recipes from employees to flag” in countries where competitors hadtruly capture local tastes. little or no presence. The expectation was that by expanding the number of stores, the franchise could build brand awareness which in turn would positively sales before competitors step into the territory. SEPTEMBER 2014 |
56 MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE • by Palani MurugappanGathering Information froman Inventory System in ExcelWHAT IS AN INVENTORY SYSTEM? The above data shows that there are two Item Types (in column A) i.e. RI and DI. For each Item Type, there areWhat purpose does an inventory system serve? different Item Categories (column B). Of course, for each Firstly, an inventory system caters to keep track Item Category, you will have different Item Descriptions. of a business’s products, items, or services i.e. inother words, inventory. Today, in most businesses, this is Column D indicates the unit of measurement for each item. Indone using a computer system. An inventory system should other words, for every carton of an item e.g. Chilli Sachet (cellideally keep track of your current remaining items, movement C2), there will be 1000 pieces (cell E2) per carton. This is theof items (fast against slow moving items), and when to reorder unit of measurement as indicated in column E.items should it fall below the minimum quantity level (takinginto consideration the lead time or time taken for new items The current Running Balance in column F shows the currentto arrive upon ordering). balance available in the warehouse at any point of time. As more of an item is sold, the Running Balance will be reduced.The above will provide an insight to the senior managementin terms of decision making as to the best-selling items, how The Reorder Level in column G states that at any point inquickly best-selling items are moving, the slow moving items time, the company (or warehouse) should have a minimum(items that are not selling as quickly as the management quantity as stated in column G. This is also known as “bufferexpects), what to do with current slow moving items, and a stock”. For most businesses, one cannot allow for all items tohost of other decision making information. be sold before a new order is placed. There should always be buffer stock or minimum items that the warehouse shouldA SIMPLE INVENTORY SYSTEM carry at all times. Should the current Running Balance be lower than the Reorder Level, a new should be placed.For small businesses and even home use, a simple inventorysystem could be set up using tools such as Microsoft Excel. Column H indicates the amount that should be reordered ifLet us look at the data below of an inventory system. the running balance falls below the Reorder Level (buffer stock or minimum quantity). As all items may take time for delivery, the management should take into consideration the lead time or time taken for items to be delivered based on ordered date. The last column I indicates the current status of any item. For example, if the current Running Balance of an item falls below the Reorder Level, then this will trigger the user and| SEPTEMBER 2014
57MANAGEMENT SOFTWAREalert him/her to place an order for the specific item. Themessage “Re-order” will be displayed in red to alert the userthe current item is running short.ANALYZING DATA WITHIN AN INVENTORY All six items with the red font “Re-order” are displayed.SYSTEM Going further into the analysis of the above items, one hasHere comes the decision making part. What type of analysis the option of being very specific in terms of search. Let uscan you perform using Microsoft Excel? For example, if the assume we want a display of all Item Description that beginsmanagement wants of all Soft Drink category in column B, with the letter “s”. How will this be achieved?the built-in feature of Excel called Filter can be applied. Again, the Filter can be applied in such a way to select allWhen the Filter is applied, all header cells in the first row Item Descriptions beginning with the letter “s” using thewill have a drop down arrow as above. The drop down arrow Custom AutoFilter approach by typing in the letter “s” in thesimply indicates that the user has the option of clicking on it text box provided as narrow or refine the search further. As can be seen, Excel As in the question posed earlier, summarizes the above data to to get a listing of all Soft Drink only display selected criteria i.e. items, one could click on the all items beginning with the letter Item Category drop down arrow “s” as highlighted. and only select Soft Drink as highlighted. This will display only Excel can also probe into the data more thoroughly. For two rows of the specified Item example, how do we get a listing of all items where the Category as below. second character is the letter “o”? Once again, the Filter can be used to get a more detailed search as belowNotice that the other rows of data are all hidden in Microsoft PERFORMING CALCULATIONS WITHINExcel. If you observe, the row number jumps from 1 to 7 and SUMMARIZED DATA8, and jumps again to 14. The rows in-between are hiddenwhen Filter is applied based on selected criteria. This allows Once you have performed a summarized search like above,the decision making process to be faster. how do we perform calculations based on the data listed? For example, what is the total Current Balance of the above fourSimilarly, if the items where the second letter is “o”?management requires aprintout of all items that The standard approach for performing addition or sum isneeds to be reordered, using the SUM function in Excel.the Filter can onceagain be applied. SEPTEMBER 2014 |Clicking on the column I Item Status drop down arrow andselecting only the “Re-order” check box as displayed abovedisplays all items that require reordering.
58 MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE of all the hidden and unhidden rows. However, when one applies the AutoSum function, especially for summarized data within Filter, Excel ignores the hidden rows and only adds the Current Balance of rows that can be viewed on the screen. This is the main difference.However, if the SUM function above is applied, Excelcalculates the total as 469 as displayed below.Simple mental calculation will tell the reader that this HIGHLIGHTING SPECIFIC VALUES OR TEXTanswer is incorrect. This is a very common (and sometimesdangerous) mistake to make. Please note that whenever one Observe column I. The word “Re-order” is in red. How diduses the Filter, to get a total sum of rows (with hidden rows we achieve this? Firstly, to get the text data displayed inin-between), one should apply the AutoSum command button column I, the IF function was used as indicated below. Thiswithin the Home tab and Editing group as pointed to above. compares to see if the value of the Running Balance is less than or equal to the Reorder Level, then the text “Re-order”By applying the AutoSum function, this gives a Subtotal (not is displayed in column I; otherwise the text “OK” is displayed.Total) based on the rows selected with the correct answer of Moving on, to change the color of the text “Re-order” to red,269. the built-in feature of Excel, Conditional Formatting, was used.If you observe the Formula Bar above, the formula displayed is The above examples and analysis are only a glimpse of whatSUBTOTAL, not SUM. How did we initially get the value 469? can be achieved utilizing Excel. Excel is one of the betterWhen the SUM function is applied, Excel also considers all tools to perform analysis of raw data. Many are users ofrows between the hidden rows and performs the summation Excel, but not many are exploiting Excel. As illustrated in the inventory system example above, once you are able to perform analysis, you can gather useful information from the raw data within the inventory system to enhance your decision making skills. The examples illustrated above are a snapshot of what the author covers in some of his 2-days training sessions. Having been a corporate trainer for the last 14 years, Palani specializes in training participants how best to perform data analysis from company’s raw data and concluding from the information gathered by harnessing Excel’s built-in functions and features. A HRDF certified trainer and author of 51 books to-date on various software applications, Palani is passionate on what Excel can do, and how best to present data in different formats. More information is covered in his website. He can be reached at [email protected] | SEPTEMBER 2014
60 ANCIENT MEDICINE • by P. AnnantharajanMEDICINAL USAGE OF INDIAN GOOSEBERRY (Nellikai in Tamil)INDIAN GOOSEBERRY a plum-sized fruit rich in Vitamin C, Calcium, Iron, essential amino acids and many otherThe Indian Gooseberry is a traditional food and medicine vitamins and minerals and anti-oxidants. Indian that inspires many herbalists due to its many known Gooseberry is one of the most precious gifts of nutritional and medicinal benefits and uses. In India nature to man and it frequently used in ancientit is common to eat gooseberries steeped in salt water and Indian treatments.turmeric to make the sour fruits palatable. The wonder herb scientifically known EmblicaChemically the gooseberry fruit contains more than 80% of officinalis improves immunity, fight againstwater, protein, carbohydrate, fiber and mineral and also cancers, chronic diseases like hypertension,contains gallic acid which is a potent polyphenol. Vitamin C is high Cholesterol, Diabetes, influenza, Chronicimportant for human beings. It is necessary for the synthesis cough and cold, Chronic infections, Chronicof the inter-cellular cementing substance which is responsible fatigue and Chronic inflammatory conditions.for keeping the cells of the body together. The gooseberry Ayurveda describes it as one of the best herbsfruit is reported to contain nearly 20 times as much vitamin for Diabetes, bleeding disorders, strength andC as orange juice. The edible gooseberry fruit tissue has 3 stamina promoter.times the protein concentration and 160 times the ascorbicacid concentration of an apple. The fruit also contains higherconcentration of most minerals and amino acids than apples.Gooseberry fruit ash contains chromium, Zinc and copper. Itis considered as adaptogenic that improves immunity. | SEPTEMBER 2014
ANCIENT MEDICINE 61 Indian Gooseberry ( Scientific Name: Phyllanthus emblica ) Source: 500px.comHEALING OPTIONS: AGEING• Gooseberry protects cells against free radical damage Indian gooseberry has revitalizing effects as it contains an and provides antioxidant protection element which is very valuable in preventing ageing and in maintaining strength in old age. It improves body resistance• Gooseberry is used to treat skin disorders, respiratory and protects the body against infection. It strengthens the infections and premature aging heart, hair and different gland in the body.• Gooseberry is useful in hemorrhage, diarrhea, dysentery SCURVYand has therapeutic value in treating diabetes can betaken in doses of one teaspoon thrice daily with milk As an extremely rich source of vitamin C. Indian gooseberry is one of the best remedies for scurvy. Powder of dry gooseberryQUICK FACTS mixed with equal quantity of sugar should be taken in doses of one teaspoonful three times daily with milk.• 3 Times more protein concentration NATURAL CURE FOR ANAEMIA• 160 Times Ascorbic Acid then an apple• 20 Times more Vitamin C the Orange Gooseberry is rich in Vitamin C or ascorbic acid an essential ingredient that helps in the absorption of Iron. Supplements of Juice Gooseberry can be very beneficial to patients suffering from Iron deficiency Anaemia SEPTEMBER 2014 |
62 ANCIENT MEDICINE EYE DISORDER The juice of Indian Gooseberry with honey is useful in preserving eyesight. It is beneficial in the treatment of conjunctivitis and glaucoma. It reduces intraocular tension in a remarkable manner. Juice mixed with honey can be taken twice daily for this condition. HAIR TONIC A single tiny Gooseberry is equivalent in Indian gooseberry is an accepted hair tonic in traditional vitamin C content to two oranges recipes for enriching hair growth and pigmentation. The fruit, cut into pieces is dried preferably in the shade. These piecesIMMUNITY BOOSTER are boiled in coconut oil till the solid matter becomes charred. This darkish oil is excellent in preventing greying. The waterOne reason for Indian gooseberry reputation as a general is which gooseberry dried pieces are soaked overnight is alsoenergy-promoting, disease-preventing tonic may be its effect nourishing to hair and can be used for the last rinse whileon the immune system. Multiple studies have shown significant washing the hair. Indian gooseberry is used in various ways.increases in white blood cell counts and other measures of The best way to take it with the least loss vitamin C, is to eatstrengthened immunity in rodents given Indian gooseberry. it raw with a little salt. It is often used in the form of pickles and it is dried and powdered. The berry may also be used as a vegetable. It is boiled in a small amount of water till soft and taken with a little salt.RESPIRATORY DISORDERS OTHER USESIndian gooseberry is beneficial in the treatment of respiratory Indian Gooseberry is:disorders. It is especially valuable in tuberculosis of the lungsasthma and bronchitis. • Powerful food for the brain. • Helps lower cholesterol.DIABETES • Helps maintain the functioning of the liver • Increases hemoglobin, red blood cell count.This herb, due to its high vitamin C content, is effective in • Useful for cough, bronchitis and asthma.controlling diabetes. A tablespoon of its juice mixed with a cup • Cleanses the mouth, strengthens the teeth.of bitter gourd juice, taken daily for two months will stimulates • Its decoction is used in hyperacidity and with honey asthe pancreas and enable is to secrete insulin, thus reducingthe blood sugar in the diabetes. Diet restrictions should be an anthelmintic.strictly observed while taking this medicine. It will also preventeye complication in diabetes.HEART DISORDER P. Annantharajan, NDA Practitioner and Natural Treatment Health consultantIndian gooseberry is considered an effective remedy for heart based in Klang. He can be reached atdisease. It tones up the functions of all the organs of the bodyand builds up health by destroying the heterogeneous or [email protected] and disease causes elements. It also renews energy. annantha.rajan| SEPTEMBER 2014