THE VIEWPOINT REVIEW April 2022 Newsletter
Welcome to We are so glad you're here! This Month Next Month Just because a lot of our residents May brings the hotter go home about now... doesn't mean temperatures in the valley, so the fun stops! In April we will be we will be doing a lot more bringing some new activities to the activities indoors. We are still park. We will be focusing on health planning for the summer & wellness, as well as, having fun in months and have a lot of great the sun! ideas coming your way! Live Your Best Life!
What's Inside! Office Hours & Numbers EMERGENCY 7-911 Business Office 480.373.8700 Open 9am - 4pm Important Numbers Page 3 Closed 12pm - 1pm (for lunch) Security University Gate 480.373.5702 Resort Information Pages Security Hawes Gate 480.373.8702 Open 24/7 Entertainment Page Activities Office 480.373.8710 VP Activities Pages Open 9am -4pm 2023 Concert Series Page Box Office 480.373.8709 Club Happenings Pages Closed for Summer New Home Sales Office 480.373.5750 Health & Wellness Spotlight Page Open 9am - 4pm 480.373.8730 480.373.8720 VP Calendar Page Resales Office 480.373.8713 Open 9am - 4pm 480.373.5555 480.373.4444 Rental Office 480.373.5737 Open 9am - 2pm 480.452.4786 Post Office Open 11am - 2pm Golf Shop Open 7am - 4pm Fat Willy's Restaurant Open 8am - 8pm Beauty Salon By Appointment Only Massage & Reflexology By Appointment Only Deadline for all articles and club information is the 15th of every month for the following month's newsletter. DISCLAIM ER ViewPoint Review Newsletter is published by the Activities Office at ViewPoint RV & Golf Resort. The Activities Office reserves the right to accept, deny, and/or edit all submissions for publications. ViewPoint RV & Golf Resort, ELS, it's employees, affiliates and assigns, do not endorse the paid advertising in this publication.
ViewPoint Activities Monday Movies on the Green Music on the Patio Tuesdays at 3p - 6p Begins at 7:30pm Located on the Putting Green (next to thePickleball Courts) Located at the South Point Leisure Patio April 4th, 2022 April 11th, 2022 April 5th April 18th, 2022 April 25th, 2022 Chuck E Baby April 12th Russ Farris April 19th Chuck Peterson April 26th Reign N Country
POOL PARTY! WEDNESDAYS 4P - 6P April 6TH FRIDAYS Family Pool 4p - 6p located at the April 13th South Point Leisure Patio NorthPoint April 1st Pool April 20th Old School Grub Main Pool April 27th April 8th SouthPoint Pool Nate's BBQ April 15th Habanero's Tacos April 22nd Ginger Monkey Gastropub April 29th Granny's Kitchen
Join Us for Sip & Paint April 21st 5p - 7p Located in the Kokopelli Room $39 per person Must Preregister in the Activites Office by April 18th Wine & Beer will be available for purchase (the painting we will be doing)
RESORT INFORMATION SUMMER CLASSES, CLUBS & GROUPS Please see the Activities Office if you plan to meet up or have classes during April through September. Phone Directory update ALL Classes, forms are available in CLUBS AND the Activities Office GROUPS NEED TO FILL OUT AN Room Reservation forms for the INFORMATION 2022-23 season are available in SHEET IN THE the Activities Office ACTIVITIES OFFICE ASAP
1) Notify the internet service to suspend your service 2) Cancel local newspaper 3) Notify the Post Office of address change. Forwarding mail labels are $1.50 4) Spray weeds around your property 5) Check your golf cart is secure & covered 6) Turn off the water heater & water 7) Adjust a/c to 85-90 degrees 8) Clean out refrigerator & freezer 9) Empty and turn off ice maker 10) Turn off power at meter (other than a/c and refrigerator if you leave the refrigerator on 11) Make sure all the windows are locked 12) Put keys to car, golf cart & home in a hidden spot You and your caretaker can discuss and agree on other tasks needed at your home during your absence. Your caretaker is a great resource for what to do to keep your home in safe and maintained properly. Coming Next Month! Pizza, Trivia, and Prizes!! Thursday, May 12th, 2022 5:00pm-6:00pm Kokopelli Room If you are interested in a fun filled event with an educational spin, be sure to come! RSVP with Activities to reserve your pizza, 2 slices each! Sign up no later than Tuesday, May 10th Sponsored by
Events & Activities OFFICE OPEN WEEKDAYS closed until 9AM To 4PM October 1st, 2022 PHONE # 8710 Phone # 8709 Don't forget about $7 Burgers on For more information call #4444 Mondays! or visit Shear Beauty Massage & Reflexology by Shea By appointment only By appointment only during the summer. during the summer. Please call for an appointment! 480.373.5737 To schedule an appointment please call Donna 480.452.4786 Donna is vaccinated and boosted (Please wear a mask if not vaccinated) 50 Minutes - $70 Cash or US Checks 50 Minutes - $73 Major Credit Cards
Introducing the 2023 Concert Series January 12th, 2023 January 19th, 2023 January 26th, 2023 February 2, 2023 February 9th, 2023 February 16th, 2023 February 23rd, 2023 March 2nd, 2023 March 9th, 2023 March 16th, 2023 March 23rd, 2023 the BEAUTIFUL
Concert Tickets will be on Sale... August 1st, 2022 for Season 2022 Ticket Holders Only November 1st, 2022 for all Other Residents *2022 Season Ticket Holders must purchase their 2023 season tickets by October 31st, 2022 to ensure their current seat reservation will be secure. *To become a 2023 Season Ticket Holder you must purchase tickets for all 11 concerts in season 2023 when general public tickets go on sale November 1st, 2022. *When you buy tickets for all 11 shows you will receive 1 regular show free. 2023 Comedy Dinner Shows January 17th, 2023 March 14th, 2023 February 14th, 2023
Let's raise the WOOF! MEET RINGO! Ringo is the most energized little puppy you will ever meet. He is a 1-year-old German Shepard X Wirehair Terrier and he is a rescue! His dog-Mom, Kate, says he is the smartest little puppy she has ever had; now she may be a little biased but who wouldn’t be looking at this precious face. Ringo’s superpower is his ability to get all the dogs in the park up and running and jumping and playing. Here’s what the other dogs have to say about him: “Ringo is a super runner.” “Ringo is my best buddy.” No better endorsement than from your peers! If you see Ringo riding around the park, please give him a wave and a big shout-out to Kate for having room in her heart for a rescue puppy. MEET MADDIE! Maddie is a 15-year-old Golden Retriever. Maddie was rescued from life of neglect beneath a barn porch where she was found emaciated, covered in skin sores and trying to fend for herself. Sometime after she was rescued, Maddie developed a serious infection with a very small chance of recovery; her owner Rob spent days by her side as she fought to recover. This led to what the vets considered a miracle recovery and a deep abiding bond between Maddie and Rob. Rob believes that rescues are different. His experience is that rescues remain inordinately grateful and loyal to their owners. Maddie continues to have a wonderful, loving and comfortable life. In her old age she has trouble getting round and gets to ride everywhere in her blue wagon. Maddie’s magic power is her capacity to love everyone she meets! If you see Maddie riding around in her stately blue carriage, say hi and experience that big Golden smile.
CLUB HAPPENINGS For questions or concerns regarding the clubs, please reach out to each club’s contact person. Viewpoint Dog Club JOIN TODAY! For more information, please contact Michelle at #1057 ATTENTION PET OWNERS PLEASE PICK UP AFTER YOUR PET PETS ARE NOT ALLOWED ON GOLF COURSE OR CHIPPING GREEN PLEASE KEEP ALL PETS ON A LEASH
Silversmith Club Good E-Nuff Monday - Thursday Carvers Club 9a - 12p & 1p - 4p Fridays 9a - 12p We welcome woodcarvers of every skill level on New members welcome! Tuesdays from 9:00am - 4:00pm and Lessons provided Fridays from 9:00am - noon. For more information please contact: Our members are pleased to guide and assist you. Pat #3721 or #2055 For more detail, please contact Marcel at #0856 or Karin at #1541 ViewPoint Wood Shop Come visit and perhaps join our woodshop here in Viewpoint. With over 150 members, we intend to provide residents with a safe and enjoyable experience. We have a very functional shop with state of the art equipment. We are open from 9:00am to 4:00pm each week day. New members may come by the shop any Tuesday morning at 9:00am to take our orientation and safety class. The shop is located at the Southeast corner of the park. Any questions you may have, please contact Ian Moen #752 or just stop by the shop. Rock & Gem Lapidary Club The VP Rock & Gem Lapidary Shop is one of the most complete and friendly shops in the east valley! We have multiple stations and experienced monitors. Here, you can learn how to select, cut, polish and set rock and gem materials. We offer beginner instruction, as well as, open studio time. Stop in and sign up during the posted hours, Monday through Friday. We are located west of the ballroom, on the south side of the Activities building. For more information please contact: Patricia at @3721
Pickleball Club Come on out and see how much fun our members have each day. To view or join our club, go to . Hope to see you on the courts. For more information call Dennis at #4312 or Steve at #0650 ViewPoint T ennis Club Join Today! We have an exciting program filled with fun, fitness and competition at all levels! For those of you who would like to improve your basic skills - come to the lessons held every Monday at 1:30pm to 3:30pm on the West Courts #10. Nothing competitive, just fun learning how to play this wonderful sport! No need to register or sign up, just come with your smile and enthusiasm. We even have extra racquets you can barrow! For more information please contact: Mike Jauncey at #2572 or See you on the courts! SUMMER ACTIVITIES WILL VARY TO LEARN MORE CALL PAM AT #2526 OR KERSTEN AT #0922 Ladies' & Men's Softball Can't wait until next season! Thank you to all the fans, players and volunteers that came out to support the 2001-2002 Ball Season. Without each of you, our season would not be the success that it was. What a fun year we enjoyed! Be ready for the return of Fall Ball in October! VPSSA has approximately 200 participants in the league and are always looking for new players. There are 12 league teams of various skill levels; including 11 Men’s and 1 Women's. In addition we have 2 in-park teams (men and women). The in-park teams are geared toward being more casual, which allows players to get in shape and improve their skills. Regardless of the team playing fun ball is key. Visit the VPSSA website for current information and game schedules. 18 We will see you next season!
Come see what we're all about! The Billiards Room is located just south of the main pool. For more information regarding leagues and tournaments please call: Braden #4517 Congratulations to Dave Verot (Captain) and team for winning the Wednesday East Valley League for the Viewpoint Billiard Club. Team members include back row L to R Mike Thelan, Lionel Loschuk, Sheldon Barilla, Bob Morton, middle row Eric Forsberg, Gene Glasser, Art Swenson, Paul Miersma, Dave Verot, Tim Breitback, front row Braden Hirsch, Joe Mehrens. We have not won this league in many years! Sharpshooters Dart Club Social Dart League for Couples or Singles Tuesday afternoons 1:30pm-3:30pm NorthPoint Dance Room For more information please contact: Judy Steeves #1533
ViewPoint Sunshine Angels The Sunshine Angels are a group of women at Viewpoint who welcome neighbors to their street and provide Viewpoint residents with the following programs and services. If you would like to join the Sunshine Angels please contact Ann Burns at 3931. VIAL OF LIFE: Vial of Life packets are on the Sunshine Angel bulletin board in the Activities Hallway. The medical information on this form is very helpful if you experience a medical emergency or have an accident. Keep a Vial of Life packet in your home, in your sports bag, and keep one in your car for the long trip home. MEDICAL EQUIPMENT: You can borrow medical equipment for up to 2 weeks for $5 per item. We have wheelchairs, walkers, crutches, canes, shower chairs, and toilet risers. Call Judi Kuipers at 2829 or cell phone 406-222-3201. BABY EQUIPMENT: You can borrow baby equipment for up to 2 weeks for $5 per item. We have car seats, pack and play beds, high chairs, booster seats for dining chairs, strollers, baby baths, swim vests and kick boards. Call cell phone 480-578-8342 to reserve items in advance. Resident Classes For questions or concerns, please reach out to the contact person CERAMICS SILVERSMITH STAINED GLASS Come join the fun in the ceramics Mondays through Thursdays We teach techniques that enable a person to do many room Monday, Wednesday and 9:00am to 12:00noon and things in our stained glass and fusion shops. Friday mornings 9:00am - 1:00pm to 4:00pm. Fridays: Beginning in the middle of November we offer classes 12:00pm. 9:00am to 12:00noon only. such as foil overlay and 3-D stained glass art. No experience necessary, qualified New members welcome, lessons We are open year-round with limited hours during the assistance available. No provided summer season. Winter hours are: Monday - Friday commitment… For more information, contact 9:00am - 3:00pm. Our Come as often as you like! Pat Brown at #3721 or Linda classes are posted in the Activities Hallway. For more information please call Scott at #2055 Stop by any time you see the door open and/or the Janet AT #0653 lights on to see what fun we have. For more information, contact Iona at #5614.
HEALTH & WELLNESS SPOTLIGHT My name is Elizabeth Burke, age 82 and have been married to Garnet for 64 years. I have lived in Arizona since 1967, first in Mesa before moving to Payson, Arizona in December 1999. While in Mesa I played softball for 10 years. In 1990, I started square and round dancing and continued this activity until 2013. In Payson I did some hiking, joined Curves and also Silver Sneakers at the gym. January 1029 we came to ViewPoint for a few months doing the Walk Away Program and continue to do this exercise each winter when available. I believe exercise is so important, at any age, to one's health even in small amounts each day.
April SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY MOVIE MUSIC POOL PARTY CRAFT FOOD TRUCK 1 FOOD TRUCK 2 INFORMATION INFORMATION INFORMATION INFORMATION INFORMATION ON FRID AY4p-6p National PB & J Day! ON PAGE ON PAGE ON PAGE ON PAGE PAGE Old School Grub 3 Don't forget to 4 7:30P MOVIE ON put your trash THE GREEN 5 3p-6p 6 POOL 7 8 FOOD TRUCK 9 cans out on Sunday nights! 11 7:30P MOVIE ON POP UP MUSIC 4p-6p FRID AY4p-6p Cherish an THE GREEN Antique Day 10 Chuck E Baby PARTY! Nate's BBQ 18 7:30P MOVIE ON 17 THE GREEN Family Pool 24 National 25 7:30P MOVIE ON 12 3p-6p 13 POOL 14 15 FOOD TRUCK 16 National THE GREEN RECYCLE FRIDAY Eggs Skipping POP UP MUSIC 4p-6p PICK UP Day Russ Farris Habanero's Benedict PARTY! 21 Sip & Tacos Day Paint North Point Pool 4p-6p 5p-7p 19 3p-6p 20 POOL 22 FOOD TRUCK 23 4p-6p POP UP MUSIC PARTY! FRIDAY Main Pool Chuck Peterson 4p-6p Ginger Money Gastropub 26 3p-6p 27 POOL 28 29 FOOD TRUCK 30 National Bubble Tea Day RECYCLE FRIDAY POP UP MUSIC 4p-6p PICK UP 4p-6p Reign N Country PARTY! Granny's Kitchen South Point Pool
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