Overcoming Depression with the Help of Exercise Regular exercise can help you overcome your anxiety in a number of ways. During exercise, your brain increases the produc4on of chemicals that can li^ your mood and regulate your emo4ons. With regular exercise, you will feel stronger and more confident and be more likely to feel that you can make posi4ve changes in your life. Exercise will also increase the oxygen flow to your brain, which may help you think more clearly, more ra4onally, and more posi4vely. Direc4ons 1. Circle the types of exercise you can do on a regular basis: bike riding baseball football handball jogging hiking soccer karate walking skateboarding surfing Pilates basketball skiing yoga weight li^ing tennis swimming dancing other 2. Write down any other exercises you think you can do that aren’t listed above. a)___________________________________________________________________________ b)___________________________________________________________________________ c)___________________________________________________________________________ d)___________________________________________________________________________ 3. Now choose three of these exercises you would like to do over the next week. a)___________________________________________________________________________ b)___________________________________________________________________________ c)___________________________________________________________________________
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