country news november 2020 Parish Magazine of Shillingford St George and Dunchideock D ll No ember bring he bla Then he lea e are hirling fa If d i e ge a Ch i a G ee i g f a e ( e e e!) i he i age e h, ee he c ac de ai i ide!
From The Rector This morning I read Psalm as part of my daily prayer. Here are two verses from it: O Lord God of hosts, how long will you be angry at your people’s prayer? You feed them with the bread of tears; you give them abundance of tears to drink. They match the voice of the entire psalm. The writer feels abandoned. His prayers aren’t being answered. In the past, life had been untroubled. He took his routine comforts as a sign that God cared for him and his nation. But now things have changed. Homes have been burned by violent armies. Despair is all around. He now cries out to God “Why?” “How long?” Perhaps he’d built those assumptions on a wrong understanding of the character of God. This is not the only part of the Old Testament which cries out to God for help. There are many psalms like it. The Biblical students call them “Laments”. They are cries of sorrow to God from people who are suffering. When I read a psalm like this, I do two things. First, I count my blessings. Then I remind myself that there are many people for whom these are just the words they need to voice, but can’t. Psalms often give words to feelings we tremble to speak. This psalm speaks of anger against God, doubt and fear. If I read a Bible verse and it isn’t voicing my experience, it certainly is doing it for someone else. And it may be helpful as it makes me recall a memory of sorrow and pain. Or it may be lodged in my mind, ready to be used at some unknown time in the future. Of course, for many of us Psalm is most fitting. We’re overrun by an invisible army. An enemy which has caused suffering to many. Many of us have been robbed of dreams we hoped one day to realise. The most enduring thing I found in Psalm is that it spoke of God as a Shepherd, of Israel as a vine. My mind immediately moved to the words of the New Testament. “I am the good Shepherd”. “I am the vine, you are the branches. Abide in me”. When we pray for miracles and they don’t come (like an instant end to the suffering created by Covid ) we can be tempted to despair. But when we are connected to the Good Shepherd, the True Vine, we may not be lifted from the darkness, but we are given a companion on the journey.
Church Notes from Shillingford It is most disappointing we were unable to have our Harvest meals in the village hall this year, but thanks to Rod Ben s generosity we were able to distribute some of their excellent soups and received donations of that we were able to send on to our long-supported Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) Looking forward, we intend to hold our Remembrance Service in church on Sunday November at . . Poppy wreaths will be laid at the honours board in church. We will need to restrict numbers inside church to comply with current distancing regulations. It is still uncertain how we will be able to celebrate with our usual services of Christingle, Carols and “Midnight” in December. There will be services in church on those days, but there will need to be some restrictions. Hopefully, things might be clearer closer to the date and we will be able to say more in the next issue of Country News. We are about to carry out some maintenance on the church guttering, downpipes and fascias, using funds from recent legacies to carry out the work. This will continue the on-going work to preserve our historic church building in good order. NM FORCE CANCER SUPPORT CENTRE Christmas Cards for All Charities are struggling with fund raising at this strange time Force has now received their Christmas Cards However, with few people passing through the Centre and the loss of their sales of ‘Cards for good causes’, they really need our help at this time. I have the flyer with all designs, which can be emailed, or I can print them for you. I can also order and collect them if that would be helpful. Apart from production costs all the money goes to FORCE Thank you Ann Mallett, The Beeches, Dunchideock, or [email protected]
Shillingford St George Church Calendar for November 2020 Date Name Service Time 1 November All Saints Day Morning Service 9.30 Sidesmen Nick Matthew 5.1-12 9.30 Readers tbc Barrack Lane & Barton Lane Reading 1 John 3.1-3 Remembrance Service Prayers Christopher 8 November Remembrance Sunday Matthew 25.1–13 6.00 Tom & Gwen Oak Close & Waybrook Lane Sidesmen Christopher Evening Prayer Readers 1 Thessalonians 4.13–18 Reading Nick Matthew 25.14-30 Prayers 2 Before Advent Road through Shillingford 15 November Abbot Tam Sidesmen 1 Thessalonians 5.1-11 Holy Communion Readers Clergy Reading Prayers 22 November Christ the King 9.30 Sidesmen Tom & Gwen Matthew 25.31-46 Readers Di Ash Court & St George’s Reading Ephesians 1.15-23 Terrace Prayers Delia Holy Communion 29 November Advent 1 9.30 Sidesmen Liz Mark 13:24-37 Readers Peter Our Mission Community with Reading 1 Corinthians 1:3-9 Alphington & Ide Prayers Christopher Morning Prayer* 6 December Advent 2 Mark 1:1-8 The Willows & Ilex Close Sidesmen tbc Readers tbc Reading 2 Peter 3:8-15a Prayers Nick 4
Friends of Shillingford Wood Firstly a big thank you to everyone for their on-going support and patience in our endeavours. Following the recent meeting with the parish council when they unfortunately felt unable to affiliate themselves with our venture, we are exploring another avenue which will enable us to move forward. All this however, may take some time but we should then be in a firm position and be able to apply for grants and also be able to accept gifts or donations. Recently a lady connected to the Ide proposed purchase of North Field visited and was given a guided walk through Shillingford Wood. She felt our project was very inspiring and was able to offered innovative ideas and connections that may help in our fundraising. O g ea l an icipa ed F iend of Shillingfo d Wood calenda for 2021 is now ready. Please see the separate notice below to find out how you can buy them. Sweat shirts with a separate logo are also available to order at £20 each. There will hopefully be more merchandise coming along in the near future. Please email [email protected] for calendars etc. Friends of Shillingford Wood 2021 Calendar Our A3 calendar is now available to buy for £10 via the Friends of Shillingford Wood facebook page, from Ian and Penny Merrett at Blacksmiths Cottage (833183) in Shillingford St George, or by contacting Claire by email: [email protected]. Payment in cash is preferred although a cheque is possible, payable to Ian Merrett, pending the Friends bank account. A big thank you to all those who shared their photos for the calendar and for their time and interest. Also to those who have already ordered a Calendar. This is a boost for the campaign to buy the Woodland for our community, a special place for local people and nature. All the photos have been taken by local people in our area and many were taken during Lockdown. They are all from 2020. If you sent us photographs, you will see one of them in the calendar. A very good reason to buy one or more! If there is sufficient demand we will order a second print run in time for that extra Christmas present. Please order early to avoid disappointment. Anne Whiteley and Trevor Ridgers 5
A FAREWELL NOTE FROM MISTLETOE COTTAGE B he me ead hi e h ld ha e m ed f m he illage We ha e enj ed ea in he illage b a e m ing a e g een T f iend and neighb e i h all he e be f he f e T h e e did n ge kn e a e b i h he ame T he Village Hall C mmi ee kee he ha d and g ea k d f he illage T he T ee f he Village G een im l d he igh hing and hand e n ibili e h e h eall ca e G d b e and S a Safe f m T e Dil and M ll f Mi le e C age I am e e ld all like i h T e Dil and M ll a m h m e and h e he e le ha il in hei ne h me Ed Shillingford Film Nigh i Back Th da h N embe a m in he Village Hall The American Pre iden Onl Plea e bring he correc change and face co ering We h e hi film ill be f ll ing J e Biden cce f l a em D nald J T m Thi e iden kn ha being e iden i all ab cha ac e I i ne f fa i e film i h h m and mance a ing Michael D gla Anne e Bening and Michael J F finall n la ing a een F he m men he e ill be n ea n a i al in e mi i n f ice c eam T m and Je A n mbe a e limi ed lea e le me kn if a e lanning c me e e ba ell gmail c m Look o for he ad er emen for a f n Chri ma mo ie
HEALTH & WELLBEING MINDFULNESS & YOGA 2-DAY RETREAT LORD HALDON COUNTRY HOTEL DUNCHIDEOCK EX6 7YF A short drive from Exeter and Dartmoor Sunday 25th & Monday 26th April 2021 The 2 nurturing, nourishing, relaxing days will include: Yoga & Mindfulness sessions ge ing in o ch i h o r inner reso rces plus he peace and calm of non-doing Overnight Stay at Lord Haldon Country Hotel Lunch and 2 course Evening Dinner on Sunday Breakfast and Lunch on Monday Coffee & Tea breaks on both days Additional cost purchasing drinks at the bar Limited number of 6 Participants Early Bird Offer! Save £50! £210 per person: BOOK by 14th December 2020 Thereafter Full Price: £260 per person Shirley Phillips Jan Williamson Mindfulness Teacher Yoga Teacher TO BOOK & INFO: email: [email protected] 7
Dunchideock Parish Council Newsletter (14 October 2020) Grant Received Alan Connett, our County Councillor, has very kindly made a grant of £300 available from the Locality Budget of Devon County Council towards our new website. We are most grateful for this contribution. Annual Rural Skip Service - Cancelled Teignbridge District Council has notified us that due to the current financial pressures on their budget, they will no longer be providing the skip for residents, until further notice. This means that the skip previously due for Saturday morning, 31 October will not be provided this year. Aardvark – The Quarry, Dunchideock Residents may have noticed an official notice in the Express & Echo on 1 October under the Goods Vehicle Operators Licence Regulations to the effect that Aardvark are applying to the Traffic Commissioners Office for permission to keep 10 vehicles and trailers on the site. This is a repeat of an earlier notice. A director from Aardvark contacted the parish council to indicate this and to say that there will be no change in the current situation which was granted permission some three years ago. The notice was necessary because the postal code of the land was incorrect. The parish council cannot be a statutory objector. Only a local resident or land owner who considers that their enjoyment is affected can object but this must be before 21 October, which will be after this Newsletter is published. Shillingford Wood Local residents (Friends of Shillingford Wood) supported by their parish council are formulating plans to acquire the wood for the community, from the current owner. Anyone who would like additional information and to support this worthwhile project should contact Ian Merrett (Chair of Friends of Shillingford Wood - 833183) Vacancy for Parish Councillor – Dunchideock Parish Council There is still time for an applicant to apply. Please see the separate official notice or contact Cllr Stephen Moor (current Chairman) on 01392 832697 – [email protected] or Norman Harvey (Parish Clerk) on 01392 422390 - [email protected] Litter Pick – Saturday 14 November We are hoping to arrange a litter pick starting from Dunchideock Village Hall at about 10am. PPE will be supplied. If you would like further information please contact Cllr Lewis Oxley 07866 923810 or Norman Harvey (Parish Clerk) on 01392 422390. 8
Te b d e D cC c f d aH eI e e La Sc e e f h me ne and land- eligibili ). l d ( bjec We nde and he e en e f main aining h me. We an hel ake he e f f nding e ai , im- emen ada a i n h me. We ee a an indi id al, n a c edi c e. F a f ee, n bliga i n h me i i m e inf ma i n: C n ac We e Re CIC n 01823 461099 i i : . e e e l i n. g. k
Dunchideock Church Calendar - to November Nov All Saints Day Holy Communion Order 1 10.30am Sidesman Readers Shirley Phillips Readings Ray Mallett and Peter Goodchild Revelations 7: v 9-17 and 1John 3: v 1-3 Nov Remembrance Sunday Holy Communion with act of 10.45am Remembrance Sidesman: Readers: Elizabeth Jenne Readings: Nov Tina Cook and Shirley Phillips Micah 4: v 1-7 and Romans 8: v 31-39 and Matthew 5: v 1-12 nd before Advent Holy Communion Order 1 10.30am Dunsford Teign Valley Larder November update Securing the larder’s future We would like to thank everyone who has helped this endeavour to date, whether by donating food etc. money or by volunteering. And of course the Larder needs as much continuing support as possible, especially with the winter approaching. If you are ever unsure of what to donate to the larder, please take a look at the list on our website: Due to a number of unavoidable changes we need a new home for the Larder. We are now fundraising to buy a box trailer to be our new, mobile store cupboard. The Artichoke Inn has very generously donated space in its car park where it will be homed. To this end, we have set up a Go Fund Me page – Or if you prefer, cheques or donations may be made direct to our bank account: Bank details: Teign Valley Larder, account number 20428730, sort code 60-83-01. Man hank o o all. Corony Edwards, Ted Miller, Louise Webb, Chris Keppie, Rachel Sekules, Vinny Logan, Ruth Frampton, Giles Frampton, and Nathan Bushell. 12
d ch de c g A C Ne O e ca a be f d he e D ch de c V age Ha Cb Oc be E Ellis A Bainbridge S Fe trell T All i he Village : f Dece be I e: If you would like to say Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to everyone in the Villages, or have a short (maximum of 4 lines) comment to make to cheer up anyone or everyone, please contact Judith - ne m n h Edi - by November 14th. All the usual rules apply - incl ding ible edi ing if i l ng! ha d Plea e incl de n name ini ial in he leng h f like to say. Phone: 832600 (answerphone) email: [email protected] In Flanders Fields the poppies gro The li ing o e i o ho e ho can no Bet een the crosses ro on ro longer peak o ell heir or for hem That mark o r place While in the Sk The larks still bra el singing fl Unheard amid the g ns belo We are the dead Short da s ago We li ed felt da ns sa s nsets glo Lo ed and ere lo ed b t no e lie In Flanders Field Take p o r q arrel ith the foe To o from falling hands e thro The torch Be o rs to bear it high If e break faith ith s ho die We shall not sleep tho poppies blo In Flanders Field
AL KIP E ICE The D nchideock Pari h Co ncil ha been ad i ed b Teignbridge Di ric Co ncil ha hi er ice ill no be pro ided hi ear or in he f re Thi i d e o he impac on he co ncil finance of Co id ri ing co and ppor no longer being a ailable from De on Co n Co ncil If o ha e good q ali f rni re o be remo ed hi can be collec ed b Ref rni h a rec cling chari in Ne on Abbo elephone n mber Collec on ma be free b onl if he i em can be re- old in heir hop and al o depending on he loca on TDC doe pro ide a B lk Wa e Collec on Ser ice hich i pro ided b Ref rni h The de ail are on he co ncil eb i e or elephone There i a charge of for he fir i em and hen for each addi onal i em p o a ma im m of i em There are Term and Condi on ome of hich are I em m be left o ide or in a garage a ho e canno be en ered he m be clean and dr e i em ill no be collec ed pa men m be b credi card A elephone call ill pro ide more de ail and ad ice There i a dela in collec on me d e o demand Norman Har e Clerk D nchideock Pari h Co ncil
How the Shillingford Village Hall was Built. Part One It was eighty-eight years ago, in the summer of 1932, when the Reverend Munk was Rector, that a grand fete was held on rectory land at Shillingford St. George, to raise funds to build a parish hall in the village. A parish meeting had been called earlier that year to discuss the idea of a parish hall, and it was then pointed out that £500 would be needed to build it. By June 1932, £150 had already been raised, and a suitable site had been secured; the site on which the hall was to be built had been purchased through the executors of the late Mrs. Mary Ellen Stoneman of Place Farm. However, construction hadn t yet begun. Lord Mamhead, who had been Sir Robert Newman, the Member of Parliament for Exeter between 1918 and 1931 and had just been made a peer, was invited to open the grand fete. In declaring it open, he remarked that he was glad to support such an effort, not merel because he considered himself a neighbour but because he attached great importance to the work of trying to brighten village life Chairman of the committee to build the hall was Mr. William Henry Colman of Idestone Farm, Dunchideock, and among other committee members were some well-known Shillingford residents of the 1930s the honorary secretary was widow Mrs. Carrie Page, who lived with her parents and daughter at Glebe Farm, and the honorary treasurer was Mrs. Kate Western of Shillingford Lodge. The rest of the committee was composed of Mr. and Mrs. Woolacott of Townsend, Shillingford, Mr. Webber the local blacksmith, Mr. Charles Harby of 8 Lower Shillingford, road foreman Mr. Henry Gaydon, Mr. Wright, and Mr. John Mitchell Stoneman of Place Farm. Mr Henry Lear, the tenant of the land belonging to the rectory, gave permission for it to be used for the fete, and various sideshows were erected a shooting gallery, a spinning wheel, darts, hoop-la, skittling for a pig, a fortune teller, and of course a stall run b the Shillingford Women s Institute Neighbouring parishes helped out: Alphington Council School sent children to perform maypole dancing, as well as Morris and country dances; members of Kenn Women s Institute presented a couple of sketches, and children from Dunchideock School, which was also attended by pupils from Shillingford at that time, performed scenes from A Midsummer Nights Dream The Royal Western Counties Institution Band provided the music. This band was presumably composed of staff from the residential special school at Starcross hich catered for the mentall deficient an acceptable term for the mentally disabled in the 1930s. There was dancing on the rectory lawn, together with bridge and whist. 16
The Western Times newspaper reported at that time that £52 was raised at the fete and that the Reverend Munk hoped that the hall would be in use by late autumn, but if this meant the autumn of 1932, it was a little too optimistic. In the following year, in June 1933, another summer fete was held, to augment the funds for Shillingford Village Hall, which was by then being erected. Mr. Woolacott was the clerk of works, and Mr. Charles Harby had taken over as secretary of the Building Committee. Miss Rhoda Esworthy, an elderly spinster who lived in Devonia Terrace, Alphington had given £100. An additional donation of £95 had come from the National Council for Social Service, which had also lent £170 for five years, interest-free. The National Council of Social Service had been established in 1919, in order to bring various voluntary bodies together, and to encourage closer relationships between volunteer organisations and government departments. An English philanthropist who died of wounds at the Battle of the Somme had left a legacy of £1,000 for the promotion of voluntary services, and his generosity had enabled the National Council of Social Service to be created. These da s it s kno n as the National Council for Voluntary Organisations. The Western Times newspaper also reported that the parishioners were putting up £150 worth of free labour between them which it regarded as an interesting and somewhat unusual procedure. When the hall has been completed, the newspaper reporter claimed they can look upon it as their own This fete was fortunately held on a gloriously fine day, and several hundred people attended. Admission cost 4d, and car parking was free. There was a dancing display by the pupils of Miss Rosa Couldridge of Exeter, and two performances by The Bohemians Concert Part from Dawlish. Music was supplied by the 1st Exeter Cadet Corps Band under bandmaster Lieutenant Langdon. £60 was raised and it was then anticipated that the building would be completed by September 1933 To be continued in the December/January Country News. DUNCHIDEOCK PARISH COUNCIL This is a final call for applications to fill the vacancy for a Parish Councillor If you are interested, you can find out more about the skills needed, and the role of being a Parish Councillor in the October issue of Country News, or please contact the Chairman, Stephen Moor, 01392 832697, [email protected] or the Parish Clerk, Norman Harvey, 01392 422390, [email protected] for further information. 17
Teign Valley & Haldon Hill Mission Community The Teign Valley & Haldon Hill Mission Community includes the parishes of Ashton, Bridford, Christow, Doddiscombsleigh, Dunchideock and Dunsford. Re d Ruth Frampton (Priest-in-Charge) can be contacted on 01647 253164 or [email protected]. Pastoral Care If you would like, or know someone who would be glad of, a call or ir al visit from Rev d Ruth Frampton, or another member of the church community, please con ac he rec or con ac de ail abo e or he Ch rche Admini ra or ee Ge ing in o ch below). Coronavirus Some of our church buildings are now able to open for private prayer and reflection: Please do not come if you are suffering any symptoms of coronavirus, but contact NHS 111 Please ensure that you clean your hands on entering and leaving the church building Please observe social distancing and follow all the safety guidance inside the church Private Prayer - Days and Times of Opening: Monday Dunsford 10:00am - 12 noon Tuesday Bridford 12 noon 2:00pm by appointment* Wednesday Christow 2:00pm 5:00pm Thursday Dunsford 2:00pm 5:00pm Friday CLOSED Saturday Ashton 10:00am 5:00pm Bridford 10:00am 12 noon by appointment* Sunday Christow 2:00pm 5:00pm Doddiscombsleigh 12:00pm 6:00pm (on Sundays only if there has been no service in the morning see below) * for Bridford please telephone 01647 252180 / 252515 / 253239 to make an appointment Sunday Services At present we are still able to hold services of worship in church, but only with ric mea re in place o en re people afe e g the wearing of face coverings, increased cleaning, hand sanitisers, social distancing of 2 metres, no singing, communion in one kind only, no refreshments or meeting afterward. You ill be a ked o gi e o r name and con ac de ail in order o compl i h rack and race req iremen s. This information is covered by GDPR and will be 18
destroyed after 21 days. Al erna i el o can e he NHS app o can he rack and race QR code Details for planned services, including special services for All Souls and Remembrance Sunday are available on the schedule at the end of this article. For telephone services, you do not need internet access, but simply a landline or mobile telephone. Between 5 and 10 minutes before the service begins, please dial 0333 011 0616 and enter the code 334 7721, followed by the # key, when asked. You will also be asked to give your name. The cost of the call is the standard cost for any 01, 02 or 03 number, but will vary according to your telephone contract. It ma ell be co ered b o r incl si e min es or by free evening or weekend calls, but you are advised to check. Giving It is now possible to make a donation towards the general mission and running co of each of o r i ch rche hro gh an online gi ing page on he A Ch rch Near Yo eb i e see and search for the rele an pari h The Gi e No b on ill enable o o make an online donation, which can also be Gift Aided. This national Church of England website also holds a wealth of material about individual churches, including times of services and copies of orders of service, and is a good place to look for up-to-date information. Resources During this time, you may find the following online and telephone resources helpful: Daily Prayer: service-daily-prayer General prayer resources: centre/coronavirus-covid-19-guidance-parishes/coronavirus-covid-19-liturgy-and- prayer Daily Hope a free phone line of hymns, reflections and prayers 0800 804 8044 Recording of Re d R h Framp on Reflec ion from he pre io S nda 01647 407047 If you are anxious about the current situation or would like prayer or pastoral support (e.g. because of illness or bereavement), please do not hesitate to contact Re d R h Framp on or he Ch rche Admini ra or S e e Cook contact details above and below. There is a separate notice elsewhere in the magazine giving details of how the churches are working together with local parish councils and others to co-ordinate shopping, collect medication e c for ho e ho need o elf-i ola e or ho can leave their homes. 19
Teign Valley & Haldon Hill Mission Community (cont.) Teign Valley Larder Please see the separate information in the magazine about the Teign Valley Larder in the porch of Christow church and elsewhere - where people can donate food, and those in need of food can pick some things up for free. Anyone can use it i for he hole Teign Valle area no j for Chri o We d like o help red ce food waste, and we especially hope it will help people who are struggling at the moment. This initiative is supported by Dartmoor National Park Authority. From the regi e Funerals: 24 September Richard and Rosalyn Gray (Dunchideock) Our thoughts and prayers are with the families and friends of those who have died. Ge ing in ch If you wish to discuss plans for a postponed or future baptism/christening, banns of marriage, wedding, funeral, interment of ashes or memorial service, or have any other enquiry, please contact Steve Cook, the Churches Administrator, on 01392 832332 or email [email protected] 20
Coronavirus help for those self-isolating who need shopping and/or medications collected The situation with Coronavirus continues to change, so these arrangements may well have to be reviewed. We plan to keep this scheme running as long as it is required. Government and NHS advice is available as follows: NHS: Government information: plan/coronavirus-action-plan-a-guide-to-what-you-can-expect-across-the-uk Teignbridge District Council: advice/coronavirus-updates/ Significant numbers of people in the valley are still having to “self-isolate” or not leave their homes to go shopping etc. The churches and other groups are working together to try and ensure that those who may need practical help with shopping, collecting medication etc in this situation can receive help if needed. Details are available at the following: A Church Near You websites: Ashton – Bridford – Christow – Doddiscombsleigh – Dunchideock – Dunsford - Christow website - Doddiscombsleigh website - Dunchideock website - Dunsford website - Mission Community Facebook page - Each village has a local co-ordinator to link up those offering to help with shopping and/or collecting medication with those who need some assistance. Arrangements are currently as follows: Ashton: John May – T: 01647 252212 or E: [email protected] Bridford: Kathy Fitzjohn – T: 01647 252515 or E: [email protected] 22
Christow: Phil Trotter – T: 01647 252874 or E: [email protected] Doddiscombsleigh:Elliott Fairs – T: 01647 253169 or E: [email protected] and Toby Berry – T: 07764 547556 or E: [email protected] Dunchideock: Steve Cook – T: 01392 832332 or E: [email protected] Dunsford: Karen Morris at The Shop – T: 01647 252330 or E: [email protected] Dunchideock Parish - Rights of Way - Footpaths Under the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000, a cut-off date was officially introduced for adding historic paths to Definitive Maps. This means paths (footpaths and bridleways) which existed before 1949 and which are not recorded on Definitive Maps on 1 January 2026 will be extinguished. These maps were produced in the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s often with the help of parish councils. This could mean that paths which might have been walked for centuries, some of which are in use today, will be lost if they are not recorded on the Definitive Map. Following research by the Ramblers Association, it is believed that there may be tens of thousands of miles of missing paths throughout the country. Anyone can make an application to the highway authority for a path to be added to the Definitive Map and can use two broad forms of evidence to make a case. These are “User Evidence Forms” to demonstrate that the public have used the path for years and “Documentary Evidence”. There is a legal concept “once a highway, always a highway”. Therefore, if historical documents and maps prove that a route was once public, this right of way still exists today. The key documents to help prove a right of way are Tithe Maps, Enclosure Maps, Parish and estate maps, Ordnance Survey maps and records. If an application is successful to add a path to the Definitive Map, it means the path is protected and can be enjoyed for generations to come and it preserves an important part of history. If a resident believes there may be a path or paths in the parish that could meet the criteria could they make some initial investigations and advise the Parish Council. More details can be found at Norman Harvey, Clerk, Dunchideock Parish Council 23
SHILLINGFORD ST GEORGE Rector: Rev. Mike Partridge, The Rectory, Alphington EX2 XJ (day off Thursday) The Parishes of Alphington Tel: 01 2 1 : or 0 1 2 0 Ide and Shillingford [email protected] Churchwarden: Mr Nick Mansell ( 2 0) sa [email protected] DUNCHIDEOCK Priest in charge: Rev. Ruth Frampton The Rectory, Dry Lane, Christow (day off Thursday) Tel: 01 2 1 EX PE [email protected] Churchwardens: Mr R Mallett ( 1) raymallett [email protected] Mr J. Cumming ( 2 ) Churches Administrator: Mr Steve Cook ( 2 2) COUNTRY NEWS Editor this month: Anne Barwell ( ) Editor for Dec/Jan Advertising Editor: [email protected] Front Cover: Judith Travell ( 2 00) ) [email protected] Michelle Saunders (0 [email protected] Judith Travell ( 2 00) [email protected] Treasurer: Elizabeth Jenne ( 22 0) Main Distributors: [email protected] Elizabeth Jenne and Peter and Liz Wareham Articles for December/January issue to be sent to the editor by th November Country News Advertising Rates For all ads please contact the Advertising Editor (see above) Classified: £1 for up to lines, per issue Box advertisements: Quarter page: £ or £ 0 per annum Half page: £ or £ 0 per annum Full page: £1 or £120 per annum
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