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Home Explore Country News Sep 2019

Country News Sep 2019

Published by srcook, 2019-09-12 01:43:39

Description: Country News September 2019 - magazine for Dunchideock and Shillingford


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country news sept 2019 Parish Magazine of Shillingford St George and Dunchideock Due to the wind, the ‘apple bobbing’ is going to be ‘apple dodging’ this year! Shillingford Open Church. Saturday 14th September between 11 am and 12:30 pm. All welcome Indian Curry Night - Dunchideock Village Hall For everything else, see the diary!

From the Rectory, Alphington Helen’s Ordination It’s very exciting to host Helen’s ordination as priest in Alphing- ton Church on Sun 29th September at 10am. We also welcome Carl Robinson from Exeter Network Church and Tim Collins from the Holiday Coast Mission Community in Dawlish. The Bishop of Exeter, Robert Atwell will be leading the service. The Church will be packed and it will be a privilege to host the event as Helen, Carl and Tim move on in their calling from God. It’s very clear that many of us won’t be able to attend, simply because of the pressure on space. Admission will be by ticket only. I hope most of us will be able to attend the Communion Service in Alphington Church on the same day at 4.30pm. It’s Al- phington’s Patronal Sunday… the Feast of St Michael and All Angels, so we’ll be able to have a very special service and welcome congregations from Ide and Shilling- ford as well. There will not be a service in Shillingford this day. Bishop Jackie September will be a month where Alphington sees two bishops! As well as Bishop Robert, we’ll have a visit from the Bishop of Crediton (Bishop Jackie) on 8th September. She’ll be coming to our 11am service, and we look forward to giving her a special welcome. Why is she coming? Because when she was appointed, her diary was much emptier than it is now… so I got in early and helped her fill it! The usual 9.30 service will be held at Shillingford. Christianity Explored We’ll be starting this course in the Autumn on Thursday evenings in Alphington Church. Huge thanks to Roger & Sue’s home group who will be with me helping to host the series. The first evening will probably be Thursday 26th September. Then it will generally take place on the second and fourth Thursday of each month. If you’re curious, please have a word with me. We’re running it as a course which anyone can drop in to at any time… there’s no need to start at the beginning and go right through to the end. Coming along to session 1 for a taster might be helpful… and you could invite someone to come along to any of the sessions. Open Church Shillingford Church will continue to open on the 2nd Saturday each month from 11.00 – 12.30 for a quiet time to pray, listen to reflective music, light a candle and to remember centuries of pilgrims & travellers who have paused at this ancient church. Please feel free to join us here for as long or as short a period as you are able. This month it will be on 14 September. Rev Mike Partridge

Shillingford St. George Church Calendar – September 2019 1 Sep Trinity 11 – Morning Praise 9.30 am Sidesman: Daphne Crockford Readers: Daphne Crockford & Christopher Pidsley Readings: Hebrews 13:1-8 & 18-29 and Luke 14:1 & 7-14 Prayers: Barton Lane & Barrack Lane 8 Sep Trinity 12 – Holy Communion 9.30 am Sidesman: Norman Harvey Readers: Norman Harvey & Ken Law Readings: Philemon 1-21 and Luke 14:25-33 Prayers: Road through Shillingford Abbot 15 Sep Trinity 13 – Evensong 6.00 pm Sidesman: Patsy Graham Readers: Patsy Graham & Tam Mucklow Readings: I Timothy 1:12-17 and Luke 15:1:10 Prayers: Oak Close & Waybrook Lane 22 Sep Trinity 14 – Holy Communion 9.30 am Sidesman: Liz Wareham Readers: Peter Wareham & Diana Trout Readings: I Timothy 2:1-7 and Luke 16:1-3 Prayers: The Willows & Ilex Close 29 Sep Trinity 15 – No Service Here Joint Ordination Service (Ticket Only) at Alphington 10.00 am Mission Community Service at Alphington 4.30 pm 6 Oct Trinity 16 – Harvest Thanksgiving 9.30 am Sidesman: Wendy Nelmes Readers: Nick Mansell & Daphne Crockford Prayers: Manstree Lane & Manstree Terrace Each week in Shillingford church, we pray for the residents of the different areas of our villages (see the Shillingford church calendar above). Please know that you are remembered. Flower Rota: Church Cleaning: 8 and 15 Sep: Tam Mucklow 1 Sep: Diana Trout 22 and 29 Sep: Carole Hort 15 Sep: Patsy Graham 29 Sep: Wendy Nelmes and Daphne Crockford From the Registers Funeral: 17 July – Margaret Mary Curtis (Shillingford) We offer our prayers and sympathy to the family and friends of those who have recently died.

Forthcoming Dates Open Door Café Dates – Wednesdays 4 and 18 September, at 10.30 am – 12 noon in Shillingford Village Hall. Saturday 14 September – Open Church from 11.00 am – 12.30 pm (see poster elsewhere in magazine) The Open Door Café Thank you so much to all who supported us and helped at the Devon Air Ambulance coffee morning on 26th June which enabled us to raise £210 for the ambulance funds. Daphne and Wendy Autumn Art at Shillingford Village Hall Time to dust off the art kit for a creative Autumn. The art class at Shillingford Village Hall will be looking at interesting drawing and watercolour ideas for depicting foliage masses, mountains and… people! All levels of artistic development catered for. 10 week term £70 (or £67 for over-60s). Course starts on Friday 4 October at 9.45 am. For further information ring 01626 891245 or visit SHILLINGFORD LOCAL HISTORY SOCIETY Meeting 23rd October 2019 in the Village Hall at 7.30pm WORLD WAR II PERSONALLY SPEAKING OR DISPLAYING... Our autumn meeting will hopefully be a mixture of laughter and tears as members and guests recall anecdotes and/or display World War II related items. These can either be personally or those handed down from parents, relatives or friends. Anyone wishing to contribute will be welcomed whether they wish to speak or display items but prior warning would be much appreciated – please contact Diana Trout on 01392 832723 or email [email protected]. This will be followed by tea/coffee and biscuits and an opportunity to see all the items on display. We look forward to welcoming you all to the meeting. Diana Trout MIDSUMMER MADNESS – 22ND JUNE A very BIG THANKYOU to everyone who helped make the Midsummer Madness such a success! Thankyou to the BBQers, the Stall holders, the Tea makers, the Raffle runners, the cake makers, and to the band of helpers who not only set up on the Friday before, but ran stalls on the day, and THEN STAYED to help put everything away!!!! Such is the kindness of “folk”!!!! Thankyou to everyone who came and supported us, this day was from US to YOU ALL to thank you for your help and support over the last year. The Village Hall Committee

Shillingford Film Night Tuesday October 1st at 7.30pm in the Village Hall ‘Whisky Galore!’ And a Tom and Jerry short £3.50 with complimentary tea/coffee on arrival There is an intermission for ice cream The film is a remake of a film of 1949 of a real event in 1941 Synopsis: Hebridean island running out of whisky. Ship with cargo of whisky gets grounded on rocks. Home Guard Captain trying to manage impossible situation…. Nov 5th ‘Salmon Fishing in the Yemen’ Another ‘feel good’ movie starring Ewen McGregor, Emily Blunt and a small wonderful part for Kristen Scott Thomas whose language is constantly full of expletives! CLASSICS GALORE! will be back on Saturday November 9th 2019, 7.30pm at The University of Exeter Great Hall. The evening of popular classical music is in aid of FORCE Cancer Charity and features familiar and uplifting tunes. The Classics Galore! Orchestra will perform alongside the award-winning SW Comms Band from Lympstone and singers from Exeter’s St David’s Players and Ottery St Mary Choral Society. The musical programme concludes with a rousing Last Night of the Proms style finale that’s guaranteed to get the audience singing along. The Terrace Bar of the Great Hall will be open from 5.15pm for those who would like to have a meal before the concert and there will be free shuttle buses running between the Great Hall and car parks A & B for concert patrons. Please visit for more details. Tickets will be available online from July 1st at and on sale from Exeter Visitor Information & Tickets (EVIT), Dix’s Field office. 01392 665885 or by e-mail [email protected] Tickets will be available online from July 1st at and on sale from Exeter Visitor Information & Tickets (EVIT), Dix’s Field office. 01392 665885 or by e-mail [email protected]

When it comes to wildlife there is some good news – many of us are feeding wild birds, putting up bat boxes, building bug hotels and sowing wildflower seeds. Simple and effective acts that should help slow the decline of our wildlife – wildlife that is not only often beautiful and endlessly interesting but necessary for our survival. It isn’t only one way – helping wildlife helps us. Of course we need bees to pollinate crops or earthworms to aerate and fertilise the soil – but it is now known that contact with nature is good for our wellbeing, both mentally and physically (didn’t we suspect that already?). Here in Devon we are very fortunate to live in an area which has so much to offer in the way of wildlife, some of the best in the UK. Should we in Shillingford not act as best we can to preserve this treasure? A local Wildlife Group is being formed – come along, find out more, have your say …. and help local wildlife. Shillingford Wildlife Group Photographic presentaon of local wildlife By Trevor Ridgers Followed By Open forum on your ideas on how we can support local wildlife in the Shillingford area. Monday 23rd September 7.30pm Shillingford Village Hall Donaon £1 Community Questionnaire All households in Shillingford St George and Shillingford Abbot should, by now, have received a copy of the Community Questionnaire. Our thanks go to all those who helped with the distribution. Everyone is urged to complete the questionnaire, in order that we get a real sense of how residents feel about life in their villages & how it might be improved. No magic wand or pot of gold is offered but unless we know how people feel the Parish Council cannot begin to consider future projects. Completed questionnaires can be returned via the Shillingford Village Hall post box, the box inside the Hall marked “Questionnaires” or, for Shillingford Abbot residents, Christopher Pidsley’s letterbox at Bellever. If you haven’t received a copy or have a query do get in touch. Peter Wareham (832366) Anne Barwell (833958) Members of working group

Shillingford Church – Cream Teas & Gift Day On Saturday 6th July, we held our annual Gift Day in the Village Hall. This year we raised £767 towards church funds, and we thank all those who supported us at this event. To put church finances into some sort of context, it took £12,422 to keep the church open last year (2018), plus an additional spend of over £9,000 on repairs to the church roof. The “big ticket” items in this account are the £8,689 we paid to the diocese for the services of our clergy, £1,450 for insurance, £415 for electricity & water, and £377 for general maintenance on the church and churchyard. To balance this: regular collections raised £7,750, Gift Aid £1,937, Events £1,613 and Gift Day £970, with the remainder being picked up from our small reserves. We work to tight margins! Whilst still a little time before Harvest Festival at 9.30 on Sunday 6 October, we hope you will make a note in your diaries and join us for that service and/or the Harvest Supper in the Village Hall on Monday 7 October. Please keep your eyes open for the posters advertising the events! Nick Mansell Thank You from the Boyce family On Sunday 21st July we held a celebration afternoon at the Nursery, fruit farm and Vineyard to help raise funds for local charity Rainbow Living. We had super weather with live music, cream teas, tours of the Vineyard and a name the Duckling competition! Thank you to all the many people who supported this event and we are very pleased to say that the afternoon raised over £2,500.00 for Rainbow Living. This will be used to fit out the fourth Rainbow House providing sheltered accommodation for adults with learning and other disabilities. EXCHANGE SHILLINGFORD VILLAGE HALL SATURDAY 5 th OCTOBER 10.30 - 12.00 BRING, SWAP, TAKE AWAY or JUST COME ALONG Books, Magazines, DVDs, Toys, Plants, Home Produce, Knitting Wool, Jam Jars, Plastic Tubs for Freezers. No bric-a-brac please! Bring BRAS & POSTAGE STAMPS to recycle for charity. (Foil is now collected from your home)!!! Excellent Tea, Coffee & Cake is served Donations towards the Village Hall. Thanks!

The grand depart from Shillingford St George Tour de Ian A very big thank you to everyone who joined us on Sunday 28th July for the grand depart of Le Tour De Ian in memory of Ian a much loved Son, Brother, Dad and friend to many. I am pleased to report that the marathon cycle ride was successfully completed 6pm (French time) Wednesday August 7th. Having cycled 1016 miles and climbed 64,000ft (2 Mount Everests) through wind, rain and scorching heat the boys were welcomed across the finishing line by family members and friends. What an achievement we are all so proud of them and I’m sure it will be something talked about in the family for many years. Also thanks for all your generous donations for the British Heart Foundation, we are approaching £6000 an amazing amount! Shirley Beer & Family Arrival at the Ship and Castle English Pub, Monaco

Shillingford St George Parish Council NEWSLETTER CLIMATE CHANGE BT CONSULTATION August 2019 Following a recent The telephone kiosk in decision of the District Shillingford St George is OLD VILLAGE PUMP Council to declare a one of 27 being considered The Pump would originally climate emergency, Parish by BT for taking out of have been part of the forge Councillors have decided service. No calls have been in Shillingford St George. to make climate change made from it over the past It has been donated by a central to all their decision 12 months and the Parish member of the parish with making and consider how Council have not objected a view to the Parish parish activity can happen to the proposal. Council refurbishing it and in a way that reduces the putting it in a prominent impact on our LITTER PICKING position for all to enjoy. environment. EQUIPMENT HIGHWAYS TREE CHARTER We have now received the A number of issues have The Woodland Trust has litter picking equipment been raised with DCC launched a Charter for from TDC ready for our Highways, including the Trees, woods and People next event. Now we have scraping of the centre of for the 21st century. This is our own kit we will be able Markham Lane, scraping 800 years on since the to run litter picks as the edges of the parish Charter of the Forest. frequently as needed. The roads and a report on the There are reported to be villages are being kept tidy unsatisfactory remedial more trees being cut down and this is partly due to the work near the A30 than planted for the first residents who pick up overbridge. Barratt Homes time in 40 year and Parish others discarded litter on who are developing land Councils are being urged their walks through the adjacent to Waybrook Lane to sign up to the 10 parish. We would like to (Alphington end), subject principles in the Charter. thank them for what they to consultation, are The Parish Council feel do. proposing a one-way that tree planting is direction in Waybrook lane important to the parish towards Alphington from and agree to sign up to the the A30 bridge to help Charter. Although the reduce traffic volume. Parish Council does not NEXT MEETING own land for planting, tree Our next meeting will be planting can be supported on Monday 14th October and encouraged. at 7:30pm in Shillingford St George village hall. Please come along and join us. MORE INFORMATION QUESTIONS? COMMENTS? Details about the parish council include Any comments or questions for the information can be found on the website. parish council please contact the clerk. Parish Clerk: Sarah Sharpe T: 01392 811614 E: [email protected]

The Last Dance – Pitman's Barn, Dunchideock Many thanks to the Village Hall Committee and Peter & Penny Goodchild for The Last Dance. The evening was great fun although highly exhausting (and that was just for the audience watching!). We had a wonderful last look into Pitman's barn in its current condition, a potted history of it through the ages and a quick look into how it's going to continue to be loved in the future, along with some amazing music to listen to & dance to. All to raise funds in aid of PSPA – Penny's chosen charity. Wonderful. Judith Travell If anyone has any old photographs of the barn, Peter and Penny Goodchild would like to see them.

LIVE MUSIC Back by popular request! THE DISSENTERS Blues/Rock Band SHILLINGFORD VILLAGE HALL Friday 18th October, 7.30 for 8pm. Tickets £7.50 each which includes a Hot Pasty! Bring your own drink Tickets: Tel: 832548 or 834734 DELICIOUS DUCK FOR THAT SPECIAL LUNCH! Enjoy one over the weekend These Muscovy ducks are reared with loads of TLC which is reflected in their flavour! They are very low in fat. Each frozen oven-ready duck comes with easy ‘How to Roast’ instructions for minimum effort on the part of the cook! Cost is £3 per lb Weights from 3 lbs up to 6+ lbs Delivered locally free of charge. Phone Alexis Swain – 01392 833 353 Dunchideock Village Hall 100+ Club July 1. J Walker 2. S Cook 3. S Armstrong August 1. E Bye 2. M & A Alexander 3. C Bond Dunchideock Village Hall Tea Afternoons Saturdays: 21st Sept, 19th Oct & 23rd Nov Price change to £5 which will now include taking home extra cake and sandwiches. All Welcome - come along for a chat with friends Registered Charity No. 301096 Coming in September at Dunchideock Village Hall: An Indian Curry Night See noticeboards for more information soon! I write this as a slightly delayed response, to convey my thanks to all those generous folk who joined me in late June to celebrate my 90 years. The idea was my multi-talented wife Margaret’s, ably supported by the Village Hall Tea Team, now so well regarded for their style and flair. The occasion was unexpected but so very enjoyable, and I offer my appreciation to all who joined us on that day. I don’t really feel 90!!! Again, many thanks. Bruce

Dunchideock Parish Council NEWSLETTER August 2019 Defibrillator Update Village Benches awarded. The update of the kitchen facilities will be The defibrillator and Thanks to a generous offer welcomed by the cabinet for the installation from one of our volunteers who organise opposite the Lord Haldon parishioners, the two village events and will Hotel driveway has arrived parish benches will be provide a modern, safe and the site is being made removed and refurbished environment to work in. ready for Western Power during the winter. Distribution (WPD) to Neighbourhood provide the power for an Telephone kiosk - electrician to complete the Watch installation. We hope this Blacksmiths Hill will be scheduled by WPD After dedicating over 3 in the next few weeks. This telephone is part of years to setting up and Achieving a suitable and the BT consultation to running NHW in our area affordable power solution remove under used sites. It the co-ordinators have at this location has been has not been used for over sadly resigned. Whilst significantly challenging. 12 months. It is therefore NHW is not a part of the We apologise for the delay likely that this phone may Parish Council we would but we are doing be taken out of service. The like to thank Shirley everything we can to Parish Council has decided Phillips and Pat Ousley for speed things up. to apply to adopt the kiosk all their efforts to support to preserve it as a valued our community. As there Noticeboards landmark. If successful we were no volunteers to will ask our community continue the work, you The noticeboard glass at how you may like to use it may wish to sign up to the the junction of school lane in future. There are many Devon and Cornwall was recently broken innovative uses for Police alerts. You can do during a hedge cutting redundant kiosks so any this by visiting operation. It is being ideas or offers to help https://www.devon- repaired with reinforced maintain it would be glass. Feedback from you welcomed. Please contact services/devon-and- is that the noticeboards us (details below). cornwall-alert/devon-and- are valued and there is cornwall-alert-explained/ keen competition for Grant Application space. Quotes are being Our Next Meeting obtained for a new larger On behalf of the village hall board near Belvedere committee, the Parish Ordinary meeting at Park. so that we can seek Council, led by Cllr Karen 7.30pm on Tuesday 17th funding to improve this Robson, submitted a bid September 2019. Please facility. for a grant to install a new come along and support us. kitchen in the village hall. The application has been successful. £4,750 has been Find out about the Parish Council, Is there something we can help with? what’s on and more. Visit Please feel free to contact any of your councillors to ask for our help. Contact details are on our website. You can also We have a team of 7 motivated and contact the Parish Clerk by emailing enthusiastic councillors working for you. [email protected] Please come along to our meetings and or phone our Chairman Sarah Sharpe on have your say 01392 811614

DUNCHIDEOCK FILM NIGHT RETURNS This is Film Night’s 16th season and starts as usual in Dunchideock Village Hall where this year we have a new sound system to enhance your enjoyment. This season, we will be showing on the third Friday of the month, and so our first film will be on; Friday, September 20th at 7-45pm, with: Fisherman’s Friends Yet another film – like Bohemian Rhapsody – with a yawning gap in the Rotten Tomatoes rating between the critics (50) and the audience (82) who have loved it. The film has its roots in the story of the Port Isaac fishermen’s singing group who became a media sensation in 2010. In this version of events, a cynical music executive(Daniel Mays) heads to distant Cornwall on a stag weekend, and while there he hears the fisherman’s group performing on the beach. He determines to win the group over and get them a contract with a major recording company. “It’s an easy going, gently moving treat.” Says the Daily Mail (one of the critics who like it a lot). “It will surely go down as one of the best crowd-pleasers of the year.” The Independent also liked it. “A thoroughly amiable and upbeat British comedy.” These critics very much reflect our view. A month later, we have our annual Special Charity Champagne Supper screening at Dunchideock House at 7.00pm on Friday, October 18th. The film is; Stan and Ollie “A moving tribute to the two beloved entertainers. A look at the burdens and blessings of a creative bond” says Rotten Tomatoes, awarding it a stellar 93% from the critics, and 85% from the audience. Tickets are £17.00 – to include the bubbly and the three course supper – and will be available at our first screening and thereafter from 01392 833351. More details next month. Everything about Film Night remains the same. Entry remains £3.50, which, as ever, will include coffee and bites, and the bar is a regular feature at every show. And of course there will be ice creams and Tom and Jerry. Finally, it’s worth saying that we are not a club and everyone is welcome. Peter Goodchild

Dunchideock Show After a wild and stormy couple of days we wondered how many entries we would have. We need not have worried – there was a first class array of vegetables, flowers, chutney, cake etc. The vegetables were slightly down but the flowers were spectacular and the cake, jam, and chutney section was very well supported. We would like to thank the judges Peggy and Karen, also Ann Mallett for her delicious scones, and Ian Turner who never disappoints with his colourful certificates. We would also like to thank Rachel, Helen, and the village hall for their help in the running of the show. Ann and Pat

'The Grand Duke' by Gilbert and Sullivan – presented by St David's Players Join St David's Players as they celebrate their 50th Anniversary with a special show for a special year. In this last, and rarely performed piece by the Gilbert and Sullivan duo – 'The Grand Duke' – discover a galaxy of hilarious characters, fast moving action, plenty of humour and a wonderful range of music – including a Viennese twist. The story combines the worlds of a theatre company, the legal profession, espionage, matrimony and the glitter of a casino... all set in the 'well-known' Bavarian-style Duchy of Pfennig Halbpfennig. Prepare to enter a typically topsy-turvy Gilbertian world where eating a sausage roll could be more significant than you think; drawing a playing card from a pack could be life threatening and should you ever find it necessary – how to manage being simultaneously engaged to four different people! Come and share a golden celebration with this production which will appeal to all ages, to G&S aficionados and to newcomers alike at The Exeter Barnfield Theatre - 8th-12th October 2019 – nightly at 7:30 with a 2:30 matinée on Saturday 12th. Ticket prices - £16:50 standard; £15:00 Tuesday evening and Saturday matinée; concessions available for 60+, students, children and groups. (Box office - 01392 271808) The Players are proud to be supporting Hospiscare and look forward to meeting you at the Barnfield Theatre. Country News annual review meeting This will take place on Monday 23rd September at 7:30pm at Webberton Meadows by kind invitation of Steve and Tina Cook, for all current editors, distributors and helpers. Anyone who would like to join the editorial team and anyone who would like to take on the role of advertising editor would also be most welcome.

Dunchideock Church Calendar – September 2019 1 Sep Trinity 11 – Matins at Doddiscombsleigh 10.00 am 8 Sep Trinity 12 – Parish Communion, Order 1, including 10.00 am Baptism during service Sidesman: Elizabeth Jenne Readers: Ann Mallett & Ray Mallett Readings: Deuteronomy 30:15-20 and Philemon 1-21 8 Sep Trinity 12 – Hymns and Pimms, at Christow 5.00 pm 15 Sep Trinity 13 – Harvest Thanksgiving at Oxen Park Farm, 11.30 am Ashton 22 Sep Trinity 14 – Harvest Thanksgiving at Dunchideock 6.00 pm Sidesmen: Jamie Cumming & Peter Goodchild Reader: Ed Ellis Reading: Psalm 19 29 Sep St. Michael & All Angels – Mission Community Eucharist, 10.00 am Order 1, at Dunchideock Sidesman: Ray Mallett Readers: Jamie Cumming & Elizabeth Jenne Reading: Genesis 28:10-17 and Revelation 12:7-12 6 Oct Trinity 16 – Matins at Doddiscombsleigh 10.00 am Flower Arranging Church Cleaning 7 and 14 Sep: Elizabeth Jenne 6-7 Sep: Shirley & Andrew Phillips 21 Sep: Church Decorating for Harvest 20-21 Sep: Ann Mallett & Elizabeth Jenne Festival on 22 Sep. Help with decorating 5-6 Oct: Tina Cook & Liz Thompson and with flowers & greenery will be much appreciated – 2.30 pm Teign Valley and Haldon Hill Mission Community The Teign Valley and Haldon Hill Mission Community includes the parishes of Ashton, Bridford, Christow, Doddiscombsleigh, Dunchideock and Dunsford. Rev’d Ruth Frampton (Priest-in-Charge) can be contacted on 01647 253164 or [email protected]. Her day off is Thursday. Pastoral Care If you would like, or know someone who would be glad of, a visit from Rev Ruth Frampton, or another member of the church community, please contact the rectory (contact details above), or the Churches’ Administrator (see Getting in touch below).

The Month Ahead Harvest Services An opportunity to celebrate God’s goodness at “harvest” time – for all his goodness in creation, the provision of resources and a wonderful environment – and thinking about how we care for what he has given us… Ashton Sunday 15 September at 11:30am at Oxen Park Farm, followed by lunch (provided) Bridford Sunday 13 October at 11:00am (with Communion), followed by a Ploughman’s Lunch and sale of produce Christow Sunday 22 September at 11:00am, followed by lunch in church Doddiscombsleigh Sunday 13 October at 4:30pm, followed by Bring a Plate to Share meal Dunchideock Sunday 22 September at 6:00pm, followed by Harvest Supper in the Village Hall Dunsford Sunday 6 October – Harvest Family Service at 10:00am and Harvest Evensong at 6:30pm Hymns and Pimms – Sunday 8 September (5pm at Christow) Sing your favourite hymns in great company and enjoy a glass of Pimms (kindly donated by the Artichoke and others). Bible Study – Wednesday 18 September at 3pm A new monthly Bible Study group, meeting at the Rectory, Dry Lane, Christow, EX6 7PE, with the theme From Old to New – how we grow from our roots. All are welcome – bring a Bible if you have one – it doesn’t matter which translation. Intercessions Workshop – Friday 20 or Saturday 21 September (10:30-12:30) An opportunity to explore writing and leading intercessions in worship – come to a session at the Rectory, Dry Lane, Christow, EX6 7PE on either the Friday or the Saturday to discover how straightforward it is to lead intercessions. Advance Notice All Souls Taizé Service of Remembering – Sunday 3 November – 6:30pm at Christow A contemplative service where we remember all those who we love who live now in God’s nearer presence. We pray for all who have died in the last year and light candles for others we remember. Getting in touch If you wish to arrange for a baptism/christening, banns of marriage, wedding, or interment of ashes, or have any other enquiry, please contact Steve Cook, the Churches Administrator, on 01392 832332 or email [email protected]

From the registers Baptisms: 18 August Hamish Balfour (Ashton) Weddings: William Parslow and Tessa Crossley (Dunsford) 17 August Ben Hall and Cait McMahon (Ashton) 24 August Funerals: Stanley James (Dunsford) 13 August Helga Fischer – interment (Dunchideock) 27 August Mary Coleridge (Dunsford) 28 August Eileen (“Jim”) Thatcher (Ashton) 29 August My darling Mum, Helga Luise Fischer, died peacefully in my arms on 12 June and her funeral was held on 15 July. I would like to thank everyone for their support and kindness. It is a great comfort to me to have such good friends and wonderful neighbours. We are privileged to have such a kind and caring Vicar without whom I would find it much more difficult to come to terms with my loss. Gisela Fischer

Funding available to homeowners and landlords for home improvements Teignbridge District Council would like to make residents aware of funding that is available to make improvements to homes in our area. Homeowners and landlords can apply for a loan to make improvements to their homes. Essenal home repairs such as a replacement boiler, new windows and doors, roof repairs (including thatch), plumbing, heang or electrical works and even structural repairs are included under the scheme. Everyone who is eligible for a loan with us receives the same interest rate, whether you borrow £1,000 or £15,000 and no ma&er what your circumstances or credit score. Eligible homeowners choose their own contractor and there are a variety of loan products available to suit individual needs. The scheme is delivered through Wessex Resoluons, a not-for-pro+t lender that works in close partnership with the council. Established in 2003, Wessex Resoluons has helped many homeowners throughout the South West, lending almost £13.6 million. A recent client said \"I had no idea the scheme existed unl I contacted the council. When my adviser visited me and explained everything perfectly it was a huge burden li3ed from me”. For more informaon, call Wessex Resoluons on 01823 461099, visit or email [email protected]. Typical Capital Repayment Loan Example (4% +xed interest rate, Typical 4.2% APR). Borrow £5,000 over 60 months at £92.08 per month. Total amount repayable = £5,524.96 plus £20 Land Registry fee. No early repayment charges. Other loan products are available, and your adviser will discuss your opons at a free, no-obligaon appointment. Missing payments could aect your credit ra ng and ability to obtain credit in the future. Loans are subject to status and are typically protected by a Title Restric on. This means that you may not be able to sell your home without our permission unless the loan is fully repaid. Wessex Resoluons C.I.C.: a community interest company limited by guarantee, registered in England, company number 4512225. Registered address: Heatherton Park Studios, Bradford on Tone, Taunton, TA4 1EU. Wessex Loans and Wessex Home Improvement Loans are trading names used by this company. Wessex Resoluons C.I.C is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (675263) for credit and debt-related regulated acvies.

Villages Diary September Wed 4 10.30 am to 12 noon Open Door Café Shillingford Village Hall Fri 6 7.00 pm to 9.00 pm Tower Bar Social Lord Haldon Hotel Sat 7 2.00 pm to 5.00 pm Exeter Growers Co-operative Open Day Between Shillingford Abbot and Shillingford St George Thu 12 7.00 pm Villages Prayer 'Bring and Share' Webberton Meadows Sat 14 10.00 am to 12 noon Devon Historic Churches Day – Fundraising Coffee Dunchideock Church Morning Sat 14 11.00 am to 12.30 Devon Historic Churches Day – Open Church Shillingford Church pm Fri 20 7.45 pm Film Night – Fisherman’s Friends Dunchideock Village Hall Sat 21 3.00 pm to 5.00 pm Tea Afternoon Dunchideock Village Hall Sun 22 6.00 pm Harvest Thanksgiving Dunchideock Church Mon 23 7.30 pm Country News Annual Meeting Webberton Meadow Mon 23 7.30 pm Shillingford Wildlife Group – Inaugural Meeting Shillingford Village Hall October Tue 1 7.30 pm Film Night – Whisky Galore! Shillingford Village Hall Wed 2 10.30 am to 12 noon Open Door Café Shillingford Village Hall Thu 3 7.30 pm Deanery Synod All Saints Church, Kenton Fri 4 9.45 am Autumn Art classes – start of term Shillingford Village Hall Sat 5 10.30 am to 12 noon The Exchange Shillingford Village Hall Mon 7 Harvest Supper Shillingford Village Hall Wed 16 10.30 am to 12 noon Open Door Café Shillingford Village Hall Fri 18 7.00 pm Film Night Special Charity Champagne Supper – Dunchideock House Stan and Ollie Fri 18 7.30 pm for 8.00 pm The Dissenters – blues/rock band Shillingford Village Hall Sat 19 3.00 pm to 5.00 pm Tea Afternoon Dunchideock Village Hall Wed 23 7.30 pm Shillingford Local History Society – World War II Shillingford Village Hall

Shillingford St George Rector Rev Mike Partridge The Rectory, Alphington, EX2 8XJ (day off Monday) Parishes of Alphington 01392 491476; 07751 725306 Ide and Shillingford [email protected] Church Wardens Mrs Wendy Nelmes Mr Nick Mansell [email protected] Dunchideock Priest in Charge Rev Ruth Frampton The Rectory, Dry Lane, Christow, EX6 7PE (day off Thursday) 01647 253164 [email protected] Administrator Mr Steve Cook 01392 832332; [email protected] Church Wardens Mr Ray Mallett [email protected] Mr Jamie Cumming Country News For details of this month and next month’s editors, please see the paper version. Advertising Editor Vacancy – please see article inside for further details Front Cover Miss Judith Travell [email protected] Treasurer Mrs Elizabeth Jenne [email protected] Main Distributors Mrs Wendy Nelmes (Shillingford) Mrs Elizabeth Jenne (Dunchideock) Articles for the next issue must reach the editor by 15th of the preceding month Advertising Rates Classified: £1 for up to 3 lines, per issue Box advertisements (10 issues per year): Full page: £16 per month/£120 per year Half page: £8 per issue/£60 per year) Quarter page: £4 per issue/£30 per year Until a new Advertising Editor is available, please send all avertisements to the Treasurer (see above) who will forward them to the editor for the month. Payments should continue to be sent to the Treasurer.

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