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Home Explore MiraCosta College Spring 2021 Credit Schedule

MiraCosta College Spring 2021 Credit Schedule

Published by MiraCosta College, 2020-12-04 22:23:04

Description: MiraCosta College Spring 2021 Credit Schedule


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MiraCosta College Spring 2021 Credit Courses Classes Start January 23 Cardiff / Oceanside / Online

Find Your Academic & Career Pathway Academic & Career Pathways (ACPs) are collections of majors with related courses that fit within a career area. ACPs help guide you toward fulfilling careers through academic programs, integrated experiences, and support services. You can narrow down your choice of major and begin developing an educational plan that leads to a degree, certificate of completion, or transfer. You will also join a community of like-minded individuals working toward similar academic and career goals. Learn more >> Accounting Art Athletics Communication Astronomy Administration Automotive Dance Health English Biology of Justice Technology Dramatic Arts Kinesiology French Biotechnology Anthropology Business Film Medical German Chemistry Child Development Administration Media Arts & Administrative Humanities Computer Science Education Computer Studies Technology Professional Italian Earth Science Economics & Information Music Nursing Japanese Geology Geography Technology Music Technology Nutrition Literature Horticulture Gerontology Design Pharmacology Philosophy Mathematics History Hospitality Spanish Oceanography Political Science Physical Science Psychology Physics Religious Studies Social Work & Human Services Sociology

The Course Schedule Demystified The course schedule begins on page 22. Class # Days Time Instructor Units Room # Subject Area Art Subjects are listed alphabetically. ART 100 Drawing and Composition Course Title ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Maximum of four enrollments among ART 100, Units Catalog Number ART 102, ART 200, ART 203, ART 213, and ART 263. Number of credit units When you enroll, you will be earned toward degree, asked the catalog number of COMMUNITY LEARNING CENTER Room # certificate, or transfer upon the course you wish to take. 3.0 CLC 116 completing the course. 1996 TTh 12 pm–3:30 pm WEST C Class Number LATE-START CLASS, (09/05–12/14). Accepted for Transfer An identification number for California State University (CSU) each individual class. When English and University of California (UC). you enroll, you will be asked the class number of the class ENGL 100 Composition and Reading Online Course you wish to take. CSU; UC Fully online instruction with no designated meeting times. PREREQUISITE PREREQUISITE: ACE 150, ENGL 50, ESL 150, or eligibility determined by the A requirement to be met English placement process or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 52. Scheduled Online before you can enroll in the 3376 ONL MITCHELL C 4.0 ONLINE (ZOOM) Course course. If you have met the 1389 TTh 8 am–10:50 am HIDLE J 4.0 ZOOM Some class meetings will prerequisite at MiraCosta have designated set times College, the computerized ENGL 201H Critical Thinking, Composition, and Literature (Honors) for the class to meet on Zoom, enrollment system will allow PREREQUISITE: ENGL 100. as noted on SURF. you to enroll. If you have met ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Not open to students with prior credit in ENGL 201. it at another school, you must Honors Course provide documentation to SAN ELIJO CAMPUS IN CARDIFF Room # Indicated with a compass the Admissions & Records icon and as (Honors) in the Office before enrolling in 3076 MW 1:30 pm–3:20 pm MUSHINSKY J 4.0 SAN 202 Course Title. the class. Health Education ARRANGED ADVISORY The instructor will advise as Recommended preparation HEAL 101 Principles of Health to class meeting days, times you are advised, but not ADVISORY: Concurrent enrollment in HEAL 101L and/or location. required, to have before or in conjunction with this course. OCEANSIDE CAMPUS Room # OC  T413 COREQUISITE 1436 ARRANGED MCFARLAND C 3.0 A course you are required 2158 TTh 7:30 am–8:45 am BOLDT D 3.0 to take in the same semester you are enrolled in the Music related course. MUS 102 Music Theory II Room # Location COREQUISITE: MUS 104. 3.0 OC 2413 Indicates where the class meets and may include some OCEANSIDE CAMPUS portion online, as noted. 1751 MW 10:30 am–11:45 am STAFF Days STAFF Campus & Room Number M = Monday The instructor has OC refers to the Oceanside T = Tuesday not yet been assigned Campus; SAN refers to the W = Wednesday to the class. San Elijo Campus in Cardiff; Th = Thursday CLC refers to the Community F = Friday Learning Center in Oceanside S = Saturday (see back cover for addresses). The room number follows the Above courses are for illustration only. campus designation. For the most up-to-date class information

Hit the at MiraCosta College! is MiraCosta’s Online Registration & Student Center Complete Spartan Prep Search for classes Add or drop classes Purchase textbooks Use myEdPlan to stay on track of your major requirements View financial aid awards and “To-Do List” items Pay fees Purchase a parking permit & student ID View your registration date View and print unofficial transcripts, course history, and grades At MiraCosta College, we foster It’sSoutaruccuodlmtuemrenitomtfeCSnAtutRocEce&sSsu!

WELCOME to MiraCosta College CONTENTS On the cover: Current theatre students Dan, Salisha, Gina and Luis. 6 Calendar / Deadlines 14 Degree & Certificate Programs 7 Get Started in 4 Steps 18 General Education 8 The Placement Process 22 Credit Courses 9 Spartan Prep & Start / Ed Plan 41 English & ESL Course Options 10 Financial Aid 51 Mathematics Learning Sequence 11 Register for Classes 63 Maps Accreditation: MiraCosta College is accredited by the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges, Western Association of Schools and Colleges, 10 Commercial Blvd., Suite 204, Novato, CA 94949, 415.506.0234, an institutional accrediting body recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation and the U.S. Department of Education. Additional information about accreditation, including the filing of complaints against member institutions, can be found at: The college is also approved by the California Department of Education for the training of veterans under the provisions of the G.I. Bill of Regulations. Specific MiraCosta College programs are also accredited through their respective agencies. These include the California State Board of Registered Nursing, the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs, the Board of Vocational Nursing and Psychiatric Technicians, California Department of Public Health’s Aide and the Technician Certification Section, and the Accrediting Commission for Schools, Western Association of Schools and Colleges. MiraCosta College Spring 2021 Credit Courses 5

COLLEGE CALENDAR / SPRING 2021 November 9, 2020 • registration for spring begins (Log in to your account to find your date and time) January 18, 2021 • Martin Luther King, Jr. Day; college closed January 23 • First day of spring classes Februrary 7 • Last day to add full-term spring classes with instructor permission • Last day to drop full-term spring classes for a full refund and no record • Last day to add or drop spring classes for financial aid payment February 12 & 15 • Presidents Day; college closed February 27 • Last day to file petition for degree/certificate for spring • Last day to petition for pass/no pass grading option for spring March 5 • Last day to file petition for Credit by Institutional Examination for spring March 22–27 • Spring Break March 26 • College closed April 29 • Last day to drop spring full-term classes with option of “W” grade May 22–28 • Final examinations. See finals schedule at May 28 • Commencement The deadlines above are for full-semester classes. For 15-week late-start, 12-week late-start, and 8-week mid-semester class deadlines, see the chart below. Enrollment Important Deadlines / SPRING 2021 Add deadline with instructor permission*. Deadline to Deadline Deadline drop class with to file for to drop with a no record & Pass/No Pass “W” grade (withdraw) Days Start Date End Date receive refund. grading option Full-Term Classes: 1/23/21 5/28/21 2/7/21 2/27/21 4/29/21 2/6/21 5/22/21 2/15/21 3/7/21 4/28/21 15-Week Classes: 2/8/21 5/24/21 2/17/21 3/9/21 4/30/21 S 2/8/21 5/24/21 2/17/21 3/9/21 4/30/21 M 2/8/21 5/26/21 2/18/21 3/10/21 5/1/21 MW 2/8/21 5/28/21 2/18/21 3/10/21 5/3/21 MW 2/9/21 5/25/21 2/18/21 3/10/21 5/1/21 Online or Arranged 2/9/21 5/25/21 2/18/21 3/10/21 5/1/21 T 2/9/21 5/27/21 2/19/21 3/11/21 5/2/21 TTh 2/10/21 5/26/21 2/19/21 3/11/21 5/2/21 TTh 2/11/21 5/27/21 2/20/21 3/12/21 5/3/21 W 2/19/21 5/28/21 2/28/21 3/18/21 5/5/21 Th F 2/22/21 5/22/21 3/2/21 3/18/21 5/2/21 12-Week Classes: 1/25/21 3/20/21 1/30/21 2/10/21 3/7/21 Online or Arranged 3/29/21 5/22/21 4/3/21 4/14/21 5/9/21 8-Week Classes Beginning in January: 8-Week Classes Beginning in March: For other variations, check your course syllabus. *A student may enroll in open classes until midnight before the class begins. At the instructor’s discretion and with an instructor-assigned permission number, a student may add/enroll in full-semester or 15-week classes through the end of the second week of class or within five working days for any other short-term classes. MiraCosta College Spring 2021 Credit Courses 760.757.2121 6

GET STARTED IN 4 EASY STEPS 1 Explore Pathways & Apply to MiraCosta College 2 3 Find your path by exploring MiraCosta College’s Academic & Career 4 Pathways (ACPs) at >> see pages 14–17. C omplete the MiraCosta College application online at  C ONGRATULATIONS! Once you receive the welcome email from Admissions & Records and your math and English placement from Testing Services, you are ready to start Spartan Prep. Questions about placement? Visit for more information. Go & Complete Spartan Prep L og in to at to access and complete Spartan Prep >> see page 9. O n you can also check your registration date and time, Spartan Prep select your classes, register, pay your fees, and check out your textbook list—all in one place! Apply for Financial Aid  F ill out the FAFSA at or California Dream Act Application at Visit for more info. Apply for scholarships at >> see page 10. Sign Up for Spartan Start C heck out to sign up for your Spartan Start session. Spartan Start will help you get familiar with campus, learn about social and academic resources, and connect with professors, staff, and students >> see page 9. LIVING YOUR SPARTAN LIFE  V isit the Career Center online and virtually meet with a career counselor to help you choose a major and explore careers! Check out more at  M eet online with a counselor for academic advising and to create an education plan. More information available at  M iraCosta College has dozens of clubs, a variety of sports, and countless activities. Learn more at MiraCosta College Spring 2021 Credit Courses 7

THE PLACEMENT PROCESS The placement process The MiraCosta College placement process is the first step in provides you with the information needed matriculation (also to get started in the math and English courses known as Spartan Prep & that best support your educational pathway. Spartan Start). It starts you on the right path and keeps you going to Complete the placement process in a variety of ways: arrive at your educational destination. Matriculation has four parts:  M iraCosta Application placement, orientation, advisement, and, education planning. T he MiraCosta CCCApply application may ask you to provide the following: Students can challenge or appeal any step in the matriculation  High school GPA process by emailing  H ighest high school math/English course completed Know Your Rights  H igh school math/English coursework and grades Under AB 705 T o help with this step, have your high school transcript Signed into law, Assembly Bill (AB) 705 requires California Community Colleges information accessible while applying. Students who to maximize the probability that students will enter and complete transfer-level provide this information will receive an email with their coursework in English and math within a one-year time frame. AB 705 requires math and English placement information within a few that colleges use one or more of the following measures for placement into days. This placement notification is also available in the math and English courses: Message Center located in your Student Center. High school Grade Point Average (GPA)  D idn’t provide information on the MiraCosta application? High school coursework To complete the placement process, submit any of the following to Testing Services: High school grades O fficial or unofficial high school transcript For more information on your rights under AB 705, visit Multiple Measures Self-Report Update Form. The form is testing. available at Forms and/or high school transcripts may be emailed to If you would like information and/or access to math and English courses outside of your placement, you may visit the Testing Services webpage at to learn about our Guided Self-Placement process. For information on alternatives to assessment (including AP scores, EAP, and prior college coursework), visit our webpage at or call us at 760.795.6685. MiraCosta College Spring 2021 Credit Courses 760.757.2121 8

SPARTAN PREP & SPARTAN START 1 L og in to your account at and complete Spartan Prep. Spartan Prep Spartan Prep is a guide for students to complete online orientation and advisement and develop a first semester education plan. Students will be introduced to college terminology, academic programs, and student support services, along with planning tools that will help students succeed at MiraCosta College. 2 Register for your Spartan Start session at Attending Spartan Start will help students get familiar with the campuses, learn about social and academic resources, and connect with professors, staff, and students for a great start at MiraCosta College. DEVELOP AN EDUCATION PLAN An education plan is an important tool to help students attain their goals without wasted time and effort. The plan outlines a suggested pathway for students based on their major, transfer goals, or other objectives. Education plans allow students to determine how long it will take to complete a program of study and to be sure that all program requirements can be met within a particular period of time. Students can develop options for education plans on myEdPlan in . However, to maintain priority registration, students must: Meet with a counselor. Complete a comprehensive education plan prior to completion of 15 units or a third semester (whichever comes first). MiraCosta College Spring 2021 Credit Courses 9

FINANCIAL AID Need money for college? Financial aid can help. Don’t miss out on making college even more affordable! Three Ways to Get Five Steps to Financial Aid Information Receiving Financial Aid 1. Visit our webpage: 1 Apply 2. Join us on chat: 3. Call us at 760.795.6711 or email Complete the FAFSA at or the California Three Reasons to Apply for Financial Aid Dream Act Application (CADAA) at 1. F ederal Financial Aid programs available MiraCosta College School G rants like Federal Pell & FSEOG: free money that does not need Code is 001239. to be repaid. F ederal Work Study: an on-campus, part-time job program. 2 Check Email F ederal Direct Loans: federal education loans that typically have a low interest rate and require repayment after finishing school. You will receive an email 3–5 business days after applying 2. S tate Financial Aid programs available with further instructions and C alifornia College Promise Grant (CCPG): formerly known as estimated award amounts. Board of Governors (BOG) Fee Waiver, which waives tuition costs. Cal Grants: free grant money for academically and financially 3 To-Do List eligible students that file a FAFSA/CADAA prior to the March 2 priority filing date. Additional documents will be Student Success Completion Grant: free grant money for requested via the Tasks Cal Grant students enrolling in at least 12 units; increased amounts List. Check your Tasks List often. for students enrolled in 15 units or more. 4 Review 3. L ocal Financial Aid programs available M iraCosta College Promise program: free grant money that covers Once your Tasks List is tuition and mandatory fees for two years for all first-time, full-time students. complete, your file will be S cholarships: free money available for students, including reviewed to confirm eligibility. undocumented and international students. Reviews can take between 2–4 weeks to complete. Undocumented Students 5 Payment If you are an undocumented student and cannot complete the FAFSA, you may complete the California Dream Act Application (CADAA) at Financial Aid partners with to determine eligibility for state and local programs. BankMobile to deliver financial aid. You can set up direct Important deposit to your existing bank account or a BankMobile Vibe A id eligibility is based on enrolled units as of the full semester add/drop date. account through . Recalculations are not made after that point. This date applies to all courses including late-start courses. Waitlisted classes do not count toward enrollment. Students who withdraw after the add/drop date may be required to repay a portion of their financial aid funds. MiraCosta College Spring 2021 Credit Courses 760.757.2121 10

REGISTER FOR CLASSES Fees at a Glance After MiraCosta College processes your application / Spring 2021 (typically within two business days), you will receive Registration Fee: an email with information about , our online $46/unit for California residents.* High school registration system accessible at students exempt. Health Services Fee: You must log in and set up a password. Then you’ll $19/semester Student Center Fee: use to register for your classes. $1/unit up to $10/year Student Representation Registration Groups Fee: $2/semester Find the registration group (A, B, C, D, E, or F) to which you belong on Optional Fees pages 11–12 and then reference the chart on page 13 to find your exact registration date. Group A: Special populations Student ID Card: $6 Students in this group include: Parking Permit: $35—car Veterans receiving VA benefits or who have been discharged from $17.50—motorcycle the military within the last four years.† Homeless or foster youth.‡ For a detailed explanation of EOPS, DSPS, and CalWORKs students.‡ required and optional fees, visit Active duty military.§ To receive and maintain priority registration, new and continuing *Persons determined to be Group A students must do the following: nonresidents of California pay an additional per-unit fee of $290. Some exemptions to residency requirements exist. FEES SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Complete placement process, orientation, and advisement; † P roof of discharge date, California residence, and previous college Veterans and active duty military must complete a comprehensive enrollments may be required. Veterans education plan within their first semester at MiraCosta College. Others who have been discharged within the last in Group A must complete an education plan within two semesters; 15 years and have not taken advantage of priority registration for more than four years Maintain good academic standing with at least a 2.0 GPA and may request priority registration through complete at least 50 percent of enrolled units (excludes homeless and the Admissions & Records Office. foster youth); and ‡ Priority within these groups is not automatic Not exceed 90 degree-applicable units. (Students in the bachelor of and students must be verified by the EOPS science in biomanufacturing degree program, homeless, foster youth, or DSPS offices. Homeless students may and DSPS are exempt from the 90 unit limitation.) contact Financial Aid for verification. § Must show proof of military ID and request priority registration through the Admissions & Records Office. MiraCosta College Spring 2021 Credit Courses 11

Group B: All other matriculated continuing, new, and returning students To receive and maintain priority registration, new and continuing Group B students must do the following: Complete placement process, orientation, and advisement; Complete an education plan prior to completion of 15 units or a third semester, whichever comes first; Maintain good academic standing with at least a 2.0 GPA and complete at least 50 percent of enrolled units (excludes homeless, foster youth); and Not exceed 90 degree-applicable units. (Students in the bachelor of science in biomanufacturing degree program, homeless, foster youth, and DSPS are exempt from the 90 unit limitation.) Group C: Continuing, new, and returning students who have not matriculated (including those in Group A and Group B) and students who have previously earned a bachelor’s degree Group D: Probationary students Any student who has been on probation for at least two consecutive semesters, including students on academic probation (GPA-based) or progress probation (based on the percentage of courses completed with an evaluative grade). Group E: Students over 90 units Students who have completed more than 90 degree-applicable units with a grade of A–F, P, or NP. Courses considered basic skills will not be counted toward the completion of units in this category (although they will count toward accumulation of units in Groups B and C). Group F: Concurrently registered high school students Concurrently registered high school students are restricted from enrolling early and may only enroll approximately two weeks prior to the start of the term. Students with disabilities are entitled to appropriate accommodations. Contact Disabled Students Programs & Services at 760.795.6658 for more information. MiraCosta College Spring 2021 Credit Courses 760.757.2121 12

Registration Appointment Dates/ SPRING 2021 Find your group on pages 11–12. Registration If you register Pay before Date between midnight on this Group A: All students in Group A these dates day or you may November 9 be dropped from Group B: Athletes & MiraCosta November 9–27 your classes* College Bachelor’s in November 10 Group C: Biomanufacturing December 3 Group D: 45.5–60 units November 12 Group E: 60.5–75 units November 13 Nov. 28–Dec. 11 December 17 Group F: 75.5–90 units November 16 30.5–45 units November 17 December 12–25 January 9 15.5–30 units November 18 .5–15 units November 19 Dec. 26–Jan. 8 January 16 0 units November 20 90.5+ units November 30 J anuary 9–22 Payment due at December 1 time of registration 45.5–60 units December 2 60.5–75 units December 3 *If you submitted a FAFSA or CADAA you will be 75.5–90 units December 4 granted a fee deferment which will allow you to 30.5–45 units December 7 delay payment of fees and holds your classes 15.5–30 units December 8 without being dropped for non-payment. Students .5–15 units December 9–11 issued fee deferments are still responsible for all 0 units December 14 charges on their account if financial aid is not 90.5+ units issued or does not cover all costs. Please contact December 15 the Financial Aid Office for more information. All students in Group D December 16 All students in Group E January 11 All students in Group F Registration Appointment Times All students must check at to find their registration time. The number of units you have completed at MiraCosta College determines your registration priority. For Groups B and C, this includes all courses completed, including basic skills and ESL classes. Students who have completed 90.5 units or more in degree applicable courses will be assigned to Group E. Appointments are assigned randomly within each group and start at 8 a.m. You may register on your appointment date and time or any time after throughout the registration period. MiraCosta College Spring 2021 Credit Courses 13

ACADEMIC & CAREER PATHWAYS Degree & Certificate Programs ooDACCffseeesrrPAgttroriicffoceiifhiiieccacetaaivtteeeeenmcyent BDaecgrheeleor’s BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY Certific graduati Accounting (ACCT) STAR Accounting Accounting Assistant Certific graduati Bookkeeping Computerized Accounting Applications STAR Income Tax Preparer STAR Income Tax Professional STAR Payroll Professional STAR Automotive Technology (AUTO) STAR Automotive Alignment, Brakes and Suspension STAR Automotive Electronics Automotive Electronics, Computers, and Emissions and/or HVAC Certific Automotive/Motorcycle Maintenance and Light Repair Certific Automotive Quick Service Assistant STAR Automotive Repair: Drive-Train Specialist STAR Automotive Technology Basic Engine Performance Certific graduati California Smog Check Technician Master Technician STAR Certific Business Administration (BUS) Certific Business Administration Business Administration for Transfer STAR Business Fundamentals Business Quick Startup graduati Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship Fundamentals STAR Management STAR Marketing Project Management Certific graduati Retail Assistant Retail Management STAR Social Entrepreneurship Social Media for Business Certific graduati Certific graduati Computer Studies & Information Technology (CSIT) Business Information Worker (BIW) STAR Business Productivity Software Applications STAR Business Productivity Software Applications Essentials Certiport IC3 Digital Literacy Certific graduati Certiport Microsoft Office CompTIA IT Core Essentials STAR Cybersecurity Certific Emerging Technologies Information Technology Certific graduati Internet and E-Commerce Certific graduati Management Information Systems (MIS) Systems Administration STAR Tech Support STAR STAR STAR Certific graduati STAR Certific graduati Certific graduati Certific graduati Certific graduati Certific graduati MiraCosta College Spring 2021 Credit Courses 760.757.2121 14

ooDACCffseeesrrPAgttroriicffoceiifhiiieccacetaaivtteeeeenmcyent BDaecgrheeleor’s BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY STAR STAR Design (DESN) 3D Modeling and Prototyping Certific graduati Applied Design Architectural Design STAR AutoCAD Certified User Computer-Aided Drafting Certific graduati Computer-Aided Drafting and Design Certific graduati Construction Management Drafting Fundamentals STAR Engineering Design Graphics STAR Engineering Technology STAR Mechanical Design SolidWorks Certified User Certific graduati Certific graduati Hospitality (HOSP) Catering Operations STAR Dining Room Operations Food Service Operations STAR Front Office Operations STAR Hospitality Management STAR Meeting and Event Management STAR Restaurant Management Rooms Division Management Certific graduati Liberal Arts STAR Business and Technology Certific graduati CREATIVE & APPLIED ARTS STAR Art (ART) Art History for Transfer graduati Digital Photography Museum Studies graduati Studio Art for Transfer Certific graduati Dance (DNCE) Certific Dance Dance Instructor graduati Dramatic Arts (DRAM) graduati Design and Technology Dramatic Arts Certific Theatre Arts for Transfer Certific graduati Film (FILM) graduati Film, Television, and Electronic Media for Transfer graduati Liberal Arts graduati Creative and Applied Arts graduati Media Arts & Technologies (MAT) Digital and Print Publishing STAR Digital Media Foundations STAR Graphic Communication STAR Graphic Design Video and Animation Certific graduati Video and Media Design Web Design STAR Web Development and Design Certific Music (MUS) STAR Music Certific graduati Music Technology (MTEC) Business of Music graduati Music Technology Certific STAR Certific graduati MiraCosta College Spring 2021 Credit Courses 15

Degree & Certificate Programs ooDACCffseeesrrPAgttroriicffoceiifhiiieccacetaaivtteeeeenmcyent BDaecgrheeleor’s HEALTH SCIENCES STAR Certific Kinesiology (KINE) STAR Certific Personal Fitness Trainer STAR Yoga Instructor (200 hours) STAR graduati Yoga Instructor (300 hours) STAR STAR Certific Liberal Arts STAR Applied Health, Nutrition, and Kinesiology Certific graduati STAR Medical Administrative Professional (MAP) Certific graduati Medical Insurance and Coding Specialist STAR graduati Medical Office Clinical & Administrative Professional STAR graduati Medical Office Clinical Professional Medical Office Professional graduati Medical Office Specialist graduati Nursing (NURS) graduati Certified Nursing Assistant graduati Home Health Aide graduati Licensed Vocational Nursing Certific graduati Registered Nursing (ADN) graduati Registered Nursing (LVN-to-RN) graduati Nutrition (NUTR) Fitness Nutrition Specialist graduati Nutrition & Dietetics for Transfer Certific graduati universi LANGUAGES, COMMUNICATION & HUMANITIES Certific Communication (COMM) Certific graduati Communication Studies for Transfer Certific graduati English (ENGL) graduati English for Transfer Certific graduati French (FREN) Certific graduati French Certific graduati Certific graduati Italian (ITAL) Certific graduati Italian Certific graduati Japanese (JAPN) graduati Japanese Liberal Arts Arts and Humanities Spanish (SPAN) Career Spanish for Medical Personnel Spanish for Transfer MATH & SCIENCES Biology (BIO) Biology for Transfer Biotechnology (BTEC) Biomanufacturing Bioprocess Technology Laboratory Skills Research and Development Computer Science (CS) Computer Programming Fundamentals Computer Science for Transfer Horticulture (HORT) Irrigation Technology Landscape Architecture Nursery/Horticulture Crop Production Pest Control Adviser Sustainable Agriculture Sustainable Landscape & Turf Management Viticulture & Enology Liberal Arts Mathematics and Sciences MiraCosta College Spring 2021 Credit Courses 760.757.2121 16

Administration of Justice Class # Days Time Instructor Units Room # Class # Days Time Instructor Units Room # Accounting Accounting ACCT 101 Practical Accounting ACCT 299 Occupational Cooperative Work Experience CSU. CSU. COREQUISITE: Complete 75 hrs paid or 60 hrs non-paid work per unit. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Career Center approval. May not enroll 1784 TTh 3:30 pm–5:20 pm KRUPINSKI L 4.0 ZOOM in any combination of cooperative work experience and/or internship 4.0 ONLINE studies concurrently. 1786 ONL DISKIN D 4.0 ONLINE 4.0 ONLINE 1785 ONL DISKIN D 1373 ONL STAFF 3.0 ONLINE 4.0 ONLINE 1787 ONL KRUPINSKI L Go to or call 760.795.6772 for more info. LATE-START CLASS, (02/22–05/22). LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). 3126 ONL CHAMBERLAIN LATE-START CLASS, (02/22–05/22). ACCT 102 Practical Accounting II Administration of Justice CSU. PREREQUISITES: ACCT 101. ADM 100 Introduction to the Administration of Justice 1788 ONL BYRNE S 4.0 ONLINE CSU; UC. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Not open to students with prior credit in ADM 100H. ACCT 104 Payroll Accounting CSU. ADVISORY: ACCT 101 or ACCT 201. 1292 MW 10:30 am–11:45 am GOMEZ R 3.0 ZOOM 1810 ONL BYRNE S 3.0 ONLINE 1294 ONL GOMEZ R 3.0 ONLINE 3.0 ONLINE 3104 ONL BYRNE S 1293 ONL GOMEZ R 3.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (02/22–05/22). 3395 ONL WARFIELD M 3.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). ACCT 145 Individual Income Tax CSU. 1296 ONL NYMAN A 3.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). 3127 ONL HAJIHA H 4.0 ONLINE FUSCO J 4.0 ONLINE 1295 ONL GOMEZ R 3.0 ONLINE 1789 ONL LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). ACCT 148 Computer Accounting ADM 200 Concepts of Criminal Law CSU. ADVISORY: ACCT 101. CSU; UC. 1791 ONL HARTLEY P 3.0 ONLINE 1297 ONL WOLFE W 3.0 ONLINE 3.0 ONLINE 1809 ONL HAJIHA H ADM 210 Criminal Procedures LATE-START CLASS, (02/22–05/22). CSU. ACCT 158 Business Mathematics 1298 T 6 pm–8:50 pm GOMEZ R 3.0 ZOOM CSU. ADM 220 Criminal Evidence 1792 ONL CHAMBERLAIN 3.0 ONLINE CSU. 3.0 ONLINE 3105 ONL CHAMBERLAIN LATE-START CLASS, (02/22–05/22). 1299 ONL WOLFE W 3.0 ONLINE ACCT 201 Financial Accounting ADM 240 Written and Oral Communication in the Administration of CSU; UC. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Not open to students with prior Justice credit in ACCT 201H. ADVISORY: ACCT 101. CSU. 1793 ONL CARSTENSEN E 4.0 ONLINE 1300 ONL WHITBREAD B 3.0 ONLINE 1794 ONL CARSTENSEN E 4.0 ONLINE ADM 250 Police Field Operations CSU. 1795 ONL LOEDEL D 4.0 ONLINE 1796 ONL ETEMAD S 4.0 ONLINE 1301 ONL MEHLHOFF D 3.0 ONLINE 1797 ONL ETEMAD S 4.0 ONLINE 1798 ONL VERA S 4.0 ONLINE ADM 260 Organized Crime, Gangs, and Terrorism CSU. 3417 ONL FUSCO J 4.0 ONLINE 1799 ONL LOEDEL D 4.0 ONLINE 1302 ONL WHITBREAD B 3.0 ONLINE CLASS DATES, (01/25–03/20). 3205 ONL VERA S 4.0 ONLINE ADM 280 Criminal Investigation LATE-START CLASS, (02/22–05/22). CSU. 1800 ONL AGATHA R 4.0 ONLINE 1303 TTh 10:30 am–11:45 am DIAZ A 3.0 ZOOM LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–05/22). ACCT 202 Managerial Accounting ADM 299 Occupational Cooperative Work Experience CSU; UC. PREREQUISITE: ACCT 201 or ACCT 201H. ENROLLMENT CSU. COREQUISITE: Complete 75 hrs paid or 60 hrs non-paid work per LIMITATION: Not open to students with prior credit in ACCT 202H. unit. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Career Center approval. May not enroll in any combination of cooperative work experience and/or internship 1801 ONL CARSTENSEN E 4.0 ONLINE studies concurrently. 1802 ONL CARSTENSEN E 4.0 ONLINE 1374 ONL STAFF 3.0 ONLINE 1806 ONL TACCONE A 4.0 ONLINE Go to or call 760.795.6772 for more info. 1805 ONL TACCONE A 4.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). 1804 ONL BRYANT G 4.0 ONLINE 1803 ONL AGATHA R 4.0 ONLINE 1808 ONL BRYANT G 4.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (02/22–05/22). 1807 ONL LOEDEL D 4.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–05/22). OC=Oceanside Campus CLC=Community Learning Center Honors Course Online Class SAN=San Elijo Campus Class Details & to Enroll 23

American College English CREDIT COURSE OFFERINGS Class # Days Time Instructor Units Room # Class # Days Time Instructor Units Room # American College English Anthropology ACE 149 Introduction to Academic Writing for Students from ANTH 102 Cultural Anthropology Multilingual Backgrounds CSU; UC. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Not open to students with prior CSU; UC. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Not open to students with prior credit in ANTH 102H. credit in ENGL 49 or ESL 149. 1318 M 12 pm–1:15 pm TUCKER SADE 3.0 ZOOM 1337 T 9 am–10:50 am LLOYD JONES 4.0 ZOOM & ONL +1 hour 30 minutes weekly online. ONLINE & ONL +3 hours 5 minutes weekly online. ONLINE 1320 ONL DINCKAN G 3.0 ONLINE CLASS DATES, (01/23–05/28). 1321 ONL FAUST-ROLLAN 3.0 ONLINE 3447 ONL LACKKATY S 4.0 ONLINE 1319 T 12 pm–1:15 pm TUCKER SADE 3.0 ZOOM LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). & ONL +1 hour 30 minutes weekly online. ONLINE ACE 150 Introduction to College Composition for Students from 1322 ONL DORNER M 3.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). Multilingual Backgrounds CSU; UC. PREREQUISITE: ACE 149, ENGL 49, ESL 149, or eligibility de- ANTH 104 Native American Cultures termined by the English placement process. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: CSU; UC. Not open to students with prior credit in ESL 150. 1339 T 9 am–10:50 am LACKKATY S 4.0 ZOOM 3442 ONL MILLER L 3.0 ONLINE 3.0 ONLINE & ONL +3 hours 5 minutes weekly online. ONLINE ANTH 107 Gender, Sex, and Sexuality CSU; UC. 1341 ONL ROSTWOROWSKI 4.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). 1325 ONL TUCKER SADE Anthropology Art ANTH 101 Biological Anthropology ART 100 Drawing and Composition CSU; UC. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Not open to students with prior CSU; UC. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Maximum of four enrollments credit in ANTH 101H. among ART 100, ART 102, ART 200, ART 203, ART 213, and ART 263. 1304 MW 10:30 am–11:45 am TUCKER SADE 3.0 ZOOM 2414 W 11 am–12:15 pm CHRISTOPHER 3.0 ZOOM 1305 TTh 10:30 am–11:45 am TUCKER SADE 3.0 ZOOM & ONL +4 hours 35 minutes weekly online. ONLINE 1306 T 6 pm–7:50 pm DIOKNO J 3.0 ZOOM 2402 ONL EGGLETON J 3.0 ONLINE & ONL +1 hour weekly online. ONLINE 2410 ONL QUESNELL I 3.0 ONLINE 3441 ONL STAFF 3.0 ONLINE 2404 ONL GOELTZENLEUC 3.0 ONLINE 1309 ONL DAWLEY W 3.0 ONLINE 2406 ONL RAMOS D 3.0 ONLINE 1308 ONL CHAN K 3.0 ONLINE 2408 ONL RAMOS D 3.0 ONLINE 1307 ONL MILLER L 3.0 ONLINE 2412 ONL WHITMAN E 3.0 ONLINE 1310 ONL DAWLEY W 3.0 ONLINE 2418 TTh 10 am–11:50 am MARTINEZ M 3.0 ZOOM 1311 ONL DIOKNO J 3.0 ONLINE & ONL +3 hours weekly online. ONLINE 1312 ONL CHAN K 3.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). CLASS DATES, (01/25–03/20). 3516 ONL GRAY-ADAMS G 3.0 ONLINE 1313 ONL CHAN K 3.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (02/22–05/22). LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–05/22). 2416 ONL WEST C 3.0 ONLINE ANTH 101H Biological Anthropology (Honors) LATE-START CLASS, (02/22–05/22). CSU; UC. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Not open to students with prior credit in ANTH 101. ART 101 Design and Color CSU; UC. ONLINE/ZOOM 2420 ONL LO J 3.0 ONLINE 3501 ONL MILLER L 3.0 ONLINE 3.0 ONLINE 2422 ONL WHITE D This section meets Wednesdays, 9 am–10:15 am in Zoom the 3.0 ZOOM & MW 8 am–9:05 am 3.0 ONLINE following 13 required dates: January 27, February 10, February 24, ONLINE & ONL +3 hours 35 minutes weekly online. 3.0 ONLINE March 10, March 31, April 14, April 28, May 3, May 5, May 10, May 2524 ONL WHITING M 3.0 ONLINE 12, May 17, May 19. 2464 ONL EGGLETON X ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). ANTH 101L Biological Anthropology Laboratory CSU; UC. PREREQUISITE: ANTH 101 or ANTH 101H. ENROLLMENT 3504 ONL BEHLING E LIMITATION: Concurrent enrollment in ANTH 101 or ANTH 101H if pre- LATE-START CLASS, (02/22–05/22). requisite not met. Not open to students with prior credit in ANTH 101LH. 3554 ONL OLSEN A LATE-START CLASS, (02/22–05/22). 1317 ONL MILLER-SISSO 1.0 ONLINE 3092 ONL MILLER-SISSO 1.0 ONLINE ART 102 Drawing and Composition II CSU; UC. PREREQUISITE: ART 100. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Maxi- 1315 ONL FAUST-ROLLAN 1.0 ONLINE 1316 ONL FAUST-ROLLAN 1.0 ONLINE mum of four enrollments among ART 100, ART 102, ART 200, ART 203, 1314 Th 6 pm–7:50 pm DIOKNO J 1.0 ZOOM ART 213, and ART 263. & ONL +1 hour weekly online. ONLINE 2424 ONL BULIS R 3.0 ONLINE 3467 W 12 pm–1:15 pm NEMOUR L 3.0 ZOOM & ONL ONLINE Emphasis Heads and Faces. +5 hours 15 minutes weekly online. LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). MiraCosta College Spring 2021 Credit Courses 760.757.2121 24

Art Class # Days Time Instructor Units Room # Class # Days Time Instructor Units Room # Art Art ART 103 3D Design ART 204 Painting I: Oils CSU; UC. CSU; UC. ADVISORY: ART 100 OR ART 101. 2426 ONL HAYASHI Y 3.0 ONLINE 2513 T 12 pm–1:15 pm NEMOUR L 3.0 ZOOM 3.0 ONLINE ONLINE 2428 ONL HAYASHI Y 3.0 ONLINE & ONL +5 hours 30 minutes weekly online. LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). 3552 ONL GRAY R LATE-START CLASS, (02/22–05/22). ART 205 Painting: Watercolor ART 104 Artists & Designers Now CSU; UC. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Maximum of four enrollments CSU; UC. among ART 202, ART 205, ART 212, ART 215, ART 241, and ART 242. ADVISORY: ART 100 or ART 101. 3466 ONL HAYASHI Y 3.0 ONLINE 2437 F 10 am–11:15 am ADAMS D 3.0 ZOOM ART 157 Art Orientation CSU; UC. & ONL +5 hours weekly online. ONLINE 2432 ONL BULIS R 3.0 ONLINE ART 207 Beginning Photography 3.0 ONLINE CSU; UC. 2459 ONL CLUFF L 3.0 ONLINE 3.0 ONLINE 2430 ONL LLEWELLYN C 3.0 ONLINE OCEANSIDE CAMPUS Room # 2431 ONL CARRUBBA J 3.0 ONLINE 2439 M 2 pm–3:50 pm GREENWALD L 3.0 OC 2306 2526 ONL EGGLETON J 3.0 ONLINE & ONL/HYB +5 hours 15 minutes weekly online ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–05/22). 3.0 ONLINE Instructor will schedule small groups of students for on-campus labs 2545 ONL GOELTZENLEUC LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). 3.0 ONLINE Wednesdays, 2-3:50pm in room OC2306. LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). 2473 ONL STAFF LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). 2441 T 2 pm–3:50 pm GREENWALD L 3.0 OC 2306 3551 ONL STAFF & ONL/HYB +6 hours 15 minutes weekly online. ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–05/22). Instructor will schedule small groups of students for on-campus labs 2433 ONL DUFFIELD K Thursdays, 2-3:50pm in room OC2306. LATE-START CLASS, (02/22–05/22). LATE-START CLASS, (02/22–05/22). ART 158 Traditional Arts of Africa, Oceania, and the Americas ART 210 Printmaking I CSU; UC. CSU; UC. 2434 ONL CLUFF L 3.0 ONLINE 2495 TTh 2 pm–3:50 pm BOUNDIN F 3.0 ZOOM ONLINE 3458 ONL CARRUBBA J 3.0 ONLINE & ONL +3 hours 5 minutes weekly online. LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). ART 159 Art of Ancient Mesoamerica and South America ART 212 Painting II: Acrylic CSU; UC. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Not open to students with prior CSU; UC. PREREQUISITE: ART 202. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Max- credit in ART 159H. imum of four enrollments among ART 202, ART 205, ART 212, ART 215, ART 241, and ART 242. 3465 ONL CARRUBBA J 3.0 ONLINE 2487 Th 11 am–12:50 pm MUSGRAVE A 3.0 ZOOM ART 200 Drawing III & ONL +4 hours 10 minutes weekly online. ONLINE CSU; UC. PREREQUISITE: ART 102. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Maxi- mum of four enrollments among ART 100, ART 102, ART 200, ART 203, ART 213 Life Drawing II ART 213, and ART 263. CSU; UC. PREREQUISITE: ART 203. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Max- imum of four enrollments among ART 100, ART 102, ART 200, ART 203, 2515 ONL BULIS R 3.0 ONLINE ART 213, and ART 263. 3534 W 12 pm–1:15 pm NEMOUR L 3.0 ZOOM 2467 T 3 pm–4:30 pm LLEWELLYN C 3.0 ZOOM & ONL ONLINE & ONL +4 hours 20 minutes weekly online. ONLINE Emphasis Heads and Faces. +5 hours 15 minutes weekly online. 2489 F 10 am–11:15 am NUGENT K 3.0 ZOOM LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). & ONL +6 hours 10 minutes weekly online. ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). ART 201 Objects and Ideas in Contemporary Art CSU; UC. ART 214 Painting II: Oils 2499 ONL NERI G 3.0 ONLINE CSU; UC. PREREQUISITE: ART 204. LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). 2532 ONL NEMOUR L 3.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (02/22–05/22). ART 202 Painting: Acrylic CSU; UC. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Maximum of four enrollments ART 215 Painting II: Watercolor among ART 202, ART 205, ART 212, ART 215, ART 241, and ART 242. CSU; UC. PREREQUISITE: ART 205. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Max- ADVISORY: ART 100 OR ART 101. imum of four enrollments among ART 202, ART 205, ART 212, ART 215, 2483 Th 11 am–12:50 pm MUSGRAVE A 3.0 ZOOM ART 241, and ART 242. & ONL +4 hours 10 minutes weekly online. ONLINE 2469 F 10 am–11:15 am ADAMS D 3.0 ZOOM ART 203 Life Drawing I & ONL +5 hours weekly online. ONLINE CSU; UC. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Maximum of four enrollments among ART 100, ART 102, ART 200, ART 203, ART 213, and ART 263. ART 218 Printmaking II ADVISORY: ART 100. CSU; UC. PREREQUISITE: ART 210. 2435 T 3 pm–4:30 pm LLEWELLYN C 3.0 ZOOM 2497 TTh 2 pm–3:50 pm BOUNDIN F 3.0 ZOOM ONLINE & ONL +4 hours 20 minutes weekly online. ONLINE & ONL +3 hours 5 minutes weekly online. LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). 2485 F 10 am–11:15 am NUGENT K 3.0 ZOOM & ONL +6 hours 5 minutes weekly online. ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). OC=Oceanside Campus CLC=Community Learning Center Honors Course Online Class SAN=San Elijo Campus Class Details & to Enroll 25

Art CREDIT COURSE OFFERINGS Class # Days Time Instructor Units Room # Class # Days Time Instructor Units Room # Art Art ART 221 Printmaking III ART 258 Ancient to Gothic Art CSU; UC. PREREQUISITE: ART 218. CSU; UC. 2505 TTh 2 pm–3:50 pm BOUNDIN F 3.0 ZOOM 2456 ONL CONTRERAS J 3.0 ONLINE ONLINE 3.0 ONLINE & ONL +3 hours 5 minutes weekly online. 2503 ONL CONTRERAS J LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). 3.0 ONLINE ART 222 Printmaking IV 2455 ONL DUFFIELD K CSU; UC. PREREQUISITE: ART 221. LATE-START CLASS, (02/22–05/22). 2530 TTh 2 pm–3:50 pm BOUNDIN F 3.0 ZOOM ART 259 History of Renaissance to Modern Art ONLINE CSU; UC. & ONL +3 hours 5 minutes weekly online. LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). 2457 ONL MULLER G 3.0 ONLINE 3.0 ONLINE ART 232 Video Art 2466 ONL MCDERMOTT T 3.0 ONLINE CSU; UC. 2474 ONL CONTRERAS J 3.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). 3461 ONL NERI G 3.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). 3454 ONL MCDERMOTT T LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–05/22). ART 241 Painting: Acrylic III ART 260 History of Modern Art CSU; UC. PREREQUISITE: ART 212. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Maxi- CSU; UC. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Not open to students with prior mum of four enrollments among ART 202, ART 205, ART 212, ART 215, credit in ART 260H. ART 241, and ART 242. 2529 ONL CLUFF L 3.0 ONLINE 2493 Th 11 am–12:50 pm MUSGRAVE A 3.0 ZOOM 2458 ONL CLUFF L 3.0 ONLINE & ONL +4 hours 10 minutes weekly online. ONLINE 3453 ONL MULLER G 3.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (02/22–05/22). ART 242 Painting: Watercolor III CSU; UC. PREREQUISITE: ART 215. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Maxi- ART 263 Life Drawing III mum of four enrollments among ART 202, ART 205, ART 212, ART 215, CSU; UC. PREREQUISITE: ART 213. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Maxi- ART 241, and ART 242. mum of four enrollments among ART 100, ART 102, ART 200, ART 203, ART 213, ART 263. 2477 F 10 am–11:15 am ADAMS D 3.0 ZOOM & ONL +5 hours weekly online. ONLINE 2519 T 3 pm–4:30 pm LLEWELLYN C 3.0 ZOOM ART 244 Digital Media for the Visual Artist & ONL +4 hours 20 minutes weekly online. ONLINE CSU; UC. 2521 F 10 am–11:15 am NUGENT K 3.0 ZOOM 2460 ONL WALKER B 3.0 ONLINE & ONL +6 hours 10 minutes weekly online. ONLINE 3.0 ZOOM LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). 3455 T 9 am–9:50 am STAFF ONLINE & ONL +5 hours 5 minutes weekly online. ART 264 Painting III: Oils LATE-START CLASS, (02/22–05/22). CSU; UC. PREREQUISITE: ART 214. ART 245 Digital Art and Media 2501 ONL NEMOUR L 3.0 ONLINE CSU; UC. LATE-START CLASS, (02/22–05/22). 2475 ONL NERI G 3.0 ONLINE ART 270 History and Theory of Museum and Gallery Exhibition CSU; UC. ART 251 Digital Photography CSU; UC. 3459 ONL CLUFF L 3.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). 2451 ONL FERRERIA C 3.0 ONLINE Students will need a digital camera with manually adjustable ART 299 Occupational Cooperative Work Experience CSU. COREQUISITE: Complete 75 hrs paid or 60 hrs non-paid work per aperture, shutter speed, focus and ISO. No cell phone cameras. 2449 MW 1 pm–1:50 pm PRESTON J 3.0 ZOOM unit. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Career Center approval. May not enroll & ONL +5 hours weekly online. ONLINE in any combination of cooperative work experience and/or internship Students will need a digital camera with manually adjustable studies concurrently. aperture, shutter speed, focus and ISO. No cell phone cameras. 1375 ONL STAFF 3.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). Go to or call 760.795.6772 for more info. 2447 ONL EWING R 3.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). Students will need a digital camera with manually adjustable aperture, shutter speed, focus and ISO. No cell phone cameras. Astronomy LATE-START CLASS, (02/22–05/22). ART 253 Applied Digital Photography ASTR 101 Descriptive Astronomy CSU; UC. PREREQUISITE: ART 251. CSU; UC. OCEANSIDE CAMPUS Room # 1811 MW 12 pm–1:15 pm FRENCH R 3.0 ZOOM 3.0 ZOOM 2453 T 12 pm–1:50 pm GREENWALD L 3.0 ZOOM 1815 M 6 pm–8:50 pm FRENCH R ONLINE 3.0 ZOOM & ONL/HYB +4 hours 5 minutes weekly online. ONLINE & ONL +15 minutes weekly online. 3.0 ONLINE 3.0 ONLINE Instructor will schedule small groups of students for on-campus labs 3440 MW 1:30 pm–2:45 pm FRENCH R 3.0 ONLINE Thursdays 12-1:50pm in room OC2272. 1812 ONL FRENCH R LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). 1814 ONL FRENCH R 1813 ONL FRENCH R ART 254 Understanding and Appreciating the Photographic Image CSU; UC. 2504 ONL FERRERIA C 3.0 ONLINE 2538 ONL EWING R 3.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). MiraCosta College Spring 2021 Credit Courses 760.757.2121 26

Automotive Technology Class # Days Time Instructor Units Room # Class # Days Time Instructor Units Room # Astronomy Automotive Technology ASTR 101L Descriptive Astronomy Laboratory AUTO 105 Automotive Reconditioning and Detailing CSU; UC. PREREQUISITE: ASTR 101 or ASTR 201. ENROLLMENT LIM- CSU. ITATION: Concurrent enrollment in ASTR 101 or ASTR 201 if prerequisite not met. 1675 ONL KATSON P 4.0 ONLINE Tool Kits provided for labs at home. For questions or more information contact instructor at OCEANSIDE CAMPUS Room # 1816 T 7 pm–9:50 pm HIRANO C 1.0 ZOOM AUTO 125 CA Smog Technician Engine and Emission Control—Level 1 CSU. & HYBRID Up to 6 class sessions will occur on Tuesdays 7–9:50 pm at OC 4529 OCEANSIDE CAMPUS Room # and/or outdoors at the Oceanside campus. Instructor will schedule 1679 T 5 pm–9:50 pm GENACK/KATSON 4.0 ZOOM and notify as necessary. & ONL/HYBRID ONLINE 1817 W 7 pm–9:50 pm LI S 1.0 ZOOM CLASS DATES, (01/26–04/08) & HYBRID Instructor will schedule small groups of students for on-campus labs Up to 6 class sessions will occur on Wednesdays 7–9:50 pm at OC Thursdays 5–9:50 pm in room OC 4001. 4529 and/or outdoors at the Oceanside campus. Instructor will schedule and notify as necessary. AUTO 130 Basic Engine Performance CSU. Athletics OCEANSIDE CAMPUS Room # ATHL 103 Intercollegiate Beach Volleyball, Women 1659 ONL ALVI R 2.0 ONLINE CSU; UC. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Audition. & HYBRID ZOOM 2744 M 11:30 am–1 pm MUSCAT C 3.5 ZOOM Students will meet in Zoom from 6 pm–8:50 pm on the following ONLINE & ONL +140 hours online. 8 Wednesdays: 1/27, 2/10, 2/24, 3/10, 3/31, 4/14, 4/28, 5/12, 5/26. CLASS DATES, (01/04–06/23) Students will meet in small groups 2–3 times during the semester for on-campus labs in room OC 4001 from 6 pm–8:50 pm on alternate ATHL 117 Basketball Competition Wednesdays to be scheduled with instructor. CSU; UC. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Audition. 1657 M 12 pm–3:10 pm VAIL S 2.0 ZOOM 3405 M 1:45 pm–3:15 pm BYRD L 1.0 ZOOM & ONL/HYBRID ONLINE 1.0 ONLINE & ONL +40 hours online. Instructor will schedule small groups of students for on-campus labs ZOOM LATE-START CLASS, (04/19–05/27) ONLINE Wednesdays, 12–3:10 pm in room OC 4010. CLASS DATES, (01/25–03/20). 3406 M 4 pm–5:30 pm FRAZER R 3457 M 12 pm–3:05 pm VAIL S 2.0 ZOOM & ONL +40 hours online. LATE-START CLASS, (04/19–05/27) & ONL/HYBRID ONLINE Instructor will schedule small groups of students for on-campus labs ATHL 171 Intercollegiate Basketball, Men/Women Wednesdays, 12–3:05 pm in room OC 4010. CSU; UC. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Audition. LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–05/22). 3407 M 1:45 pm–3:15 pm BYRD L 2.0 ZOOM AUTO 135 Auto Electronic Fundamentals 2.0 ONLINE CSU. & ONL +91 hours online. CLASS DATES, (01/04–02/26) ZOOM ONLINE 3408 M 4 pm–5:30 pm FRAZER R OCEANSIDE CAMPUS Room # & ONL +91 hours online. 1673 Th 6 pm–8:50 pm RICHER J 4.0 ZOOM CLASS DATES, (01/04–02/26) & ONL/HYBRID ONLINE ATHL 172 Intercollegiate Basketball, Men/Women (Advanced) Instructor will schedule small groups of students for on-campus labs CSU; UC. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Audition. Tuesdays, 6–8:50 pm in room OC 4001. 3402 M 1:45 pm–3:15 pm BYRD L 1.5 ZOOM AUTO 141 Automotive Engine Performance and Drivability CSU. & ONL +66 hours online. ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (03/01–04/17) 1665 ONL KATSON P 4.0 ONLINE 3403 M 4 pm–5:30 pm FRAZER R 1.5 ZOOM Tool Kits provided for labs at home. For questions or more information & ONL +66 hours online. ONLINE contact instructor at LATE-START CLASS, (03/01–04/17) AUTO 156 Automatic Transmissions and Transaxles ATHL 188 Intercollegiate Soccer, Men/Women CSU. CSU; UC. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Audition. OCEANSIDE CAMPUS Room # 3400 M 1 pm–2:30 pm HALL M 3.5 ZOOM 3.5 ONLINE 1667 W 6 pm–8:50 pm RICHARDSON C 4.0 ZOOM & ONL +146 hours online. CLASS DATES, (01/04–05/27) ZOOM & ONL/HYBRID ONLINE ONLINE 3401 M 3:30 pm–5 pm ZIMMERMAN F Instructor will schedule small groups of students for on-campus labs & ONL +146 hours online. Mondays, 6–8:50 pm in room OC 4001. CLASS DATES, (01/04–05/27) AUTO 160 Automotive Suspension, Steering, and Alignment CSU. Automotive Technology OCEANSIDE CAMPUS Room # AUTO 102 Preventive Maintenance and Engine Performance 1681 T 6 pm–8:50 pm SMITH J 4.0 ZOOM CSU. & ONL/HYBRID ONLINE 1655 ONL KATSON P 4.0 ONLINE Instructor will schedule small groups of students for on-campus labs Tool Kits provided for labs at home. For questions or more information Thursdays, 6–8:50 pm in room OC 4010. contact instructor at OC=Oceanside Campus CLC=Community Learning Center Honors Course Online Class SAN=San Elijo Campus Class Details & to Enroll 27

Automotive Technology CREDIT COURSE OFFERINGS Class # Days Time Instructor Units Room # Class # Days Time Instructor Units Room # Automotive Technology Biological Sciences AUTO 161 Automotive Brake Service and Repair BIO 110 Introductory Biology: Preparation for Pre-Health Professions CSU. (Lecture/Lab) CSU; UC. PREREQUISITE: ACE 150, ENGL 50, or ESL 150; MATH 28 OCEANSIDE CAMPUS Room # or MATH 30; or eligibility determined by the English or math placement process. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Not open to students with prior 1669 T 8 am–10:50 am VAIL S 4.0 ZOOM credit in BIO 111 and BIO 111L. & ONL/HYBRID ONLINE Instructor will schedule small groups of students for on-campus labs 1622 TTh 3 pm–4:15 pm LARUE R 4.0 ZOOM Thursdays, 8–10:50 am in room OC 4010. & T 4:30 pm–5 pm ZOOM AUTO 200 Automotive Hybrid and Alternative Fuel Vehicles & ONL +2 hours 35 minutes weekly online. ONLINE CSU. ADVISORY: AUTO 102 or AUTO 130. 1638 TTh 4:30 pm–5:45 pm PAGE B 4.0 ZOOM OCEANSIDE CAMPUS Room # & Th 6 pm–6:50 pm ZOOM 1671 M 8:30 am–10:45 am VAIL S 4.0 ZOOM & ONL +2 hours 10 minutes weekly online. ONLINE & ONL/HYBRID ONLINE 1620 MW 9 am–9:50 am MARBEY D 4.0 ZOOM Instructor will schedule small groups of students for on-campus labs & ONL +4 hours 10 minutes weekly online. ONLINE Wednesdays, 8:30–10:45 am in room OC 4010. 1613 ONL LINDGREN J 4.0 ONLINE 1603 ONL LINDGREN/LARUE 4.0 ONLINE AUTO 225 Smog Check Training Inspection Procedures—Level 2 1628 ONL LEE M 4.0 ONLINE CSU. 1626 ONL TOTO P 4.0 ONLINE 1599 ONL MITCHUM/HULL 4.0 ONLINE OCEANSIDE CAMPUS Room # 1605 ONL HULL S 4.0 ONLINE 3463 T 5:30 pm–9:35 pm GENACK C 2.0 ZOOM 1601 ONL IHARA J 4.0 ONLINE & ONL/HYBRID ONLINE & M 12 pm–1:15 pm ZOOM Instructor will schedule small groups of students for on-campus labs & ONL +5 hours weekly online. ONLINE Thursdays, 5:30–9:35 pm in room OC 4001. BIO 111 Introductory Biology: Preparation for Pre-Health Professions (Lecture) AUTO 299 Occupational Cooperative Work Experience CSU; UC. PREREQUISITES: ACE 150, ENGL 50, or ESL 150; MATH 28 CSU. COREQUISITE: Complete 75 hrs paid or 60 hrs non-paid work per or MATH 30; or eligibility determined by the English or math placement unit. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Career Center approval. May not enroll process. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Not open to students with prior in any combination of cooperative work experience and/or internship credit in BIO 110 ADVISORY: BIO 111L. studies concurrently. 1556 W 12 pm–12:50 pm MARBEY D 3.0 ZOOM 1376 ONL STAFF 3.0 ONLINE & ONL +2 hours weekly online. ONLINE Go to or call 760.795.6772 for more info. LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). 1555 S 9 am–12:05 pm PAGE B 3.0 ZOOM 1554 ONL LEE M 3.0 ONLINE Biological Sciences BIO 111L Introductory Biology: Preparation for Pre-Health Professions (Lab) BIO 102 Introductory Biology: Ecology and Environmental Biology CSU; UC. PREREQUISITE: BIO 111, and MATH 28 or MATH 30, or eligibility CSU; UC. ADVISORY: ACE 150, ENGL 50, ESL 150, or eligibility determined determined by the math placement process. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: by the English placement process. Concurrent enrollment in BIO 111 if prerequisite not met. Not open to students with prior credit in BIO 110. 1646 ONL WEST J 4.0 ONLINE 1557 ONL WEST J 4.0 ONLINE 1615 ONL HULL S 1.0 ONLINE 1616 ONL CARTAMIL D 4.0 ONLINE BIO 202 Foundations of Biology: Evolution, Biodiversity, and BIO 103 Introductory Biology: Animal Diversity Organismal Biology CSU; UC. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Not open to students with prior CSU; UC. PREREQUISITES: MATH 64, MATH 64S, or eligibility determined credit in BIO 202. by the math placement process. ADVISORY: Completion of college-level coursework in biology with focus at organismal or populational level, 1651 ONL WEST J 3.0 ONLINE e.g., BIO 102, BIO 103, BIO 104, BIO 107, BIO 110, BIO 111, or BIO 220. BIO 104 Introductory Biology: Botany (Plant Life) 1607 TTh 7:30 am–8:45 am LUDTKE J 4.0 ZOOM CSU; UC. & T 9 am–9:50 am ZOOM 1653 ONL STILLINGER D 4.0 ONLINE & ONL +2 hours 10 minutes weekly online. ONLINE BIO 105 Introductory Biology: Biotechnology in Society 1565 TTh 12 pm–1:15 pm IHARA J 4.0 ZOOM CSU; UC. ADVISORY: ACE 150, ENGL 50, ESL 150, or eligibility determined by the English placement process. & T 1:30 pm–2:20 pm ZOOM & ONL +2 hours 10 minutes weekly online. ONLINE 1587 ONL MORGADO P 3.0 ONLINE 1640 MW 4:30 pm–5:45 pm IHARA J 4.0 ZOOM 1650 ONL BAILEY S 3.0 ONLINE & W 6 pm–6:50 pm ZOOM 1644 MW 1:30 pm–3:05 pm PENTEK J 3.0 ZOOM +2 hours 15 minutes weekly online. LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/24). BIO 204 Foundations of Biology: Biochemistry, Cell Biology, 3144 ONL MORGADO P 3.0 ONLINE Genetics, and Molecular Biology LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–05/22). CSU; UC. PREREQUISITE: CHEM 150 or CHEM 150H. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Not open to students with prior credit in BIO 204H. BIO 107 Introductory Biology: Marine Biology CSU; UC. 1648 MW 9 am–10:15 am BAILEY S 4.0 ZOOM 1559 ONL SEPULVEDA J 4.0 ONLINE & W 10:30 am–11:20 am ZOOM 4.0 ONLINE 1579 ONL SEPULVEDA J & ONL +2 hours 15 minutes weekly online. ONLINE 1563 TTh 1:30 pm–2:45 pm BAILEY S 4.0 ZOOM BIO 108 Introductory Biology: Ecology of the Oceans & Th 3 pm–3:50 pm ZOOM CSU; UC. & ONL +2 hours 10 minutes weekly online. ONLINE 1598 ONL SEPULVEDA J 3.0 ONLINE 1618 MW 4:30 pm–5:45 pm GEKAKIS N 4.0 ZOOM ONLINE 1645 ONL SEPULVEDA J 3.0 & ONL +3 hours 15 minutes weekly online. ONLINE MiraCosta College Spring 2021 Credit Courses 760.757.2121 28

Biotechnology Class # Days Time Instructor Units Room # Class # Days Time Instructor Units Room # Biological Sciences Biotechnology BIO 210 Human Anatomy BTEC 110 Basic Techniques in Biotechnology CSU; UC. PREREQUISITE: BIO 110, BIO 111, or a minimum 3-unit course CSU. PREREQUISITES: BIO 105. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Concurrent in biology that presents principles of cellular life in its curriculum. ENROLL- enrollment in BIO 105 if prerequisite not met ADVISORY: ACE 150, ENGL MENT LIMITATION: Not open to students with prior credit in BIO 210H. 50, ESL 150, or eligibility determined by the English placement process and MATH 64 or MATH 64S. 1594 F 7:30 am–8:35 am GATES K 4.0 ZOOM & S 8:30 am–9:35 am ZOOM OCEANSIDE CAMPUS Room # & F 8:45 am–11:35 am ZOOM 1767 TTh 9 am–10:15 am JUNCOSA B 5.0 ZOOM & S 9:45 am–12:35 pm ZOOM & ONL/HYBRID OC 4050 1632 ONL STRAUSS J 4.0 ONLINE +6 hours weekly online. Students required to attend an on-campus 1634 ONL OSBORNE P 4.0 ONLINE lab session in room OC 4050 from 9 am–1 pm on one of these dates: 1567 ONL WALKER T 4.0 ONLINE 4/8, 4/13, 4/15, 4/20. & TTh 9 am–10:50 am ZOOM 1769 TTh 6 pm–7:15 pm HOLLAND A 5.0 ZOOM & ONL +4 hours 15 minutes weekly online. ONLINE & ONL/HYBRID OC 4050 1569 ONL JONES C 4.0 ONLINE +6 hours weekly online. Students required to attend an on-campus 1571 ONL CLARK R 4.0 ONLINE lab session in room OC 4050 from 6–10 pm on one of these dates: 1583 ONL WALKER T 4.0 ONLINE 4/8, 4/13, 4/15, 4/20. & MW 12 pm–1:50 pm ZOOM & ONL +4 hours 20 minutes weekly online. ONLINE BTEC 120 Business and Regulatory Practices in Biotechnology CSU. 1588 ONL THOMPSON S 4.0 ONLINE 1609 ONL TIFFANY B 4.0 ONLINE 1771 ONL MAROVICH L 3.0 ONLINE BIO 220 Human Physiology LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). CSU; UC. PREREQUISITE: BIO 110, BIO 111, BIO 204, BIO 204H, BIO 1772 ONL MAROVICH L 3.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). 210, or BIO 210H. ADVISORY: CHEM 115, CHEM 115H, or CHEM 112. 1630 MW 9 am–10:15 am PENTEK J 4.0 ZOOM BTEC 180 Biostatistics CSU; UC. PREREQUISITE: MATH 28, MATH 30 or placement according & W 10:30 am–1:20 pm ZOOM to AB 705 requirements. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Not open to students with prior credit in BIO 180 ADVISORY: BIO 105, BIO 110, BIO 1577 TTh 12 pm–1:15 pm THOMFORD J 4.0 ZOOM 111, BIO 202, or BIO 204. & Th 1:30 pm–3:20 pm ZOOM & ONL +1 hour 10 minutes weekly online. ONLINE 1590 MW 1:30 pm–2:45 pm THOMFORD J 4.0 ZOOM 3114 MW 9 am–10:35 am GEBARA-LAMB 4.0 ZOOM & W 3:05 pm–4:30 pm ZOOM & ONL +3 hours 10 minutes weekly online. ONLINE & ONL +1 hour 30 minutes weekly online. ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). 1585 TTh 5 pm–6:15 pm WOO M 4.0 ZOOM 1773 ONL INGATO D 4.0 ONLINE & Th 6:30 pm–8:20 pm ZOOM LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). & ONL +1 hour 10 minutes weekly online. ONLINE BTEC 203 Techniques in DNA Amplification CSU. PREREQUISITE: BTEC 110. 1636 MW 5 pm–6:15 pm RICCITELLI M 4.0 ZOOM & W 6:30 pm–8:20 pm ZOOM 3491 ONL TOTO P 1.0 ONLINE & ONL +1 hour 15 minutes weekly online. ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (02/16–03/20) 1611 Th 9 am–10:50 am CLARK R 4.0 ZOOM & ONL +4 hours 10 minutes weekly online. ONLINE BTEC 204 Recombinant DNA CSU. PREREQUISITE: BTEC 110. 1596 ONL BURG M 4.0 ONLINE 1573 ONL MITCHUM 4.0 ONLINE BIO 230 Introduction to Microbiology OCEANSIDE CAMPUS Room # CSU; UC. PREREQUISITE: BIO 220, CHEM 115, CHEM 115H, CHEM 1777 ONL TOTO P 1.0 ONLINE 112, CHEM 140, CHEM 150, or CHEM 150H. & HYBRID OC 4050 LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–05/03) 1575 ONL KLINGBEIL C 5.0 ONLINE Instructor will schedule small groups of students for on-campus labs 1581 ONL TAMRAKAR S 5.0 ONLINE Mondays, 6–9:50 pm in room OC 4050. 1642 ONL KULKARNI H 5.0 ONLINE & TTh 1:30 pm–3 pm ZOOM BTEC 210 Data Analysis with Excel CSU. ADVISORY: CSIT 101. & ONL +6 hours weekly online. ONLINE 1624 ONL MORGADO P 5.0 ONLINE 1781 ONL GEBARA-LAMB 1.0 ONLINE & MW 3:30 pm–5:20 pm ZOOM CLASS DATES, (01/25–03/20). & ONL +5 hours 25 minutes weekly online ONLINE 1592 ONL KULKARNI H 5.0 ONLINE BTEC 211 Technical Writing for Regulated Environments CSU. ADVISORY: BTEC 110 and ACE 150, ENGL 50, ESL 150, or eligibility & MW 12:30 pm–2 pm ZOOM determined by the English placement process. & ONL +6 hours 5 minutes weekly online. ONLINE BIO 299 Occupational Cooperative Work Experience 1783 ONL PEREZ W 1.0 ONLINE CSU. COREQUISITE: Complete 75 hrs paid or 60 hrs non-paid work per LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–05/22). unit. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Career Center approval. May not enroll in any combination of cooperative work experience and/or internship BTEC 221 Bioprocessing: Cell Culture and Scale-up studies concurrently. CSU. PREREQUISITE: BTEC 110. ADVISORY: BTEC 120. 1377 ONL STAFF 3.0 ONLINE OCEANSIDE CAMPUS Room # Go to or call 760.795.6772 for more info. 1779 ONL PEREZ W 1.5 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). & HYBRID OC 4050 Instructor will schedule small groups of students for on-campus labs Wednesdays, 6–9:50 pm in room OC 4050. CLASS DATES, (01/25–03/20). OC=Oceanside Campus CLC=Community Learning Center Honors Course Online Class SAN=San Elijo Campus Class Details & to Enroll 29

Biotechnology CREDIT COURSE OFFERINGS Class # Days Time Instructor Units Room # Class # Days Time Instructor Units Room # Biotechnology Business Administration BTEC 222 Bioprocessing: Large Scale Purification BUS 131 Management Principles CSU. PREREQUISITE: BTEC 110. ADVISORY: BTEC 120. CSU. 1518 ONL COLE A 3.0 ONLINE OCEANSIDE CAMPUS Room # 3497 ONL PEREZ W 1.5 ONLINE BUS 132 Marketing & OC 4050 CSU. LATE-START CLASS, (03/31–05/19) 1519 Th 10:30 am–11:45 am SCHARFF N 3.0 ZOOM Instructor will schedule small groups of students for on-campus labs 3.0 ONLINE & ONL +1 hour 30 minutes weekly online. ONLINE Wednesdays, 6–9:50 pm in room OC 4050. 1520 ONL JANOVICK I CLASS DATES, (01/25–03/20). BTEC 299 Occupational Cooperative Work Experience CSU. COREQUISITE: Complete 75 hrs paid or 60 hrs non-paid work per BUS 133 Project Management unit. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Career Center approval. May not enroll CSU. in any combination of cooperative work experience and/or internship studies concurrently. 1521 TTh 10:30 am–11:45 am CLARKE P 3.0 ZOOM 1378 ONL STAFF 3.0 ONLINE BUS 134 Retail Management CSU. Go to or call 760.795.6772 for more info. LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). 1522 ONL COLE A 3.0 ONLINE BTEC 320 Design of Experiments for Biomanufacturing BUS 135 Personal Selling PREREQUISITES: BTEC 110, and BTEC 180 or BIO 180. ENROLLMENT CSU. LIMITATION: Only open to students enrolled in the bachelor’s degree 1523 ONL SMITH S 3.0 ONLINE program in biomanufacturing at MiraCosta College. LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–05/22). 3493 ONL INGATO D 4.0 ONLINE BUS 136 Human Relations in Business CSU. BTEC 330 Advanced Topics in Quality Assurance and Regulatory Affairs PREREQUISITES: BTEC 120. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Only open to 1525 ONL WADESON C 3.0 ONLINE 3.0 ONLINE students enrolled in the bachelor’s degree program in biomanufacturing 1524 ONL WADESON C at MiraCosta College. BUS 140 Legal Environment of Business CSU; UC. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Not open to students with prior 1004 MW 8 am–9:50 am HUNT K 4.0 ZOOM credit in BUS 140H. BTEC 400 Bioprocess Monitoring and Control 1532 W 6 pm–8:50 pm SCHWARTZKOPF 3.0 ZOOM PREREQUISITE: BTEC 310. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Open only to students enrolled in the bachelor’s degree program in biomanufacturing 1527 T 12 pm–1:15 pm BURNS L 3.0 ZOOM at MiraCosta College. & ONL +1 hour 30 minutes weekly online. ONLINE 1528 M 12 pm–1:15 pm BURNS L 3.0 ZOOM OCEANSIDE CAMPUS Room # & ONL +1 hour 30 minutes weekly online. ONLINE 3495 MW 8 am–10:50 am PEREZ W 4.0 ZOOM 1531 ONL BURNS L 3.0 ONLINE & ONL/HYBRID. OC4050 3020 ONL HERRERA L 3.0 ONLINE Instructor will schedule small groups of students for on-campus labs 1526 ONL HERRERA L 3.0 ONLINE during scheduled times, MW, 8-10:50am in OC4050. 1529 ONL SHARP C 3.0 ONLINE CLASS DATES, (01/25–03/20). Business Administration 1530 ONL SHARP C 3.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–05/22). BUS 117 Human Resources Management BUS 144 Budgeting Basics CARSTENSEN E CSU. CSU. 3021 ONL 1.0 ONLINE 3519 ONL KASSEGN A 3.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–04/24) BUS 120 Introduction to Business BUS 147 Personal Finance CSU; UC. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Not open to students with prior CSU. PREREQUISITE: MATH 30 or eligibility determined by the math credit in BUS 120H. placement process. 1511 T 9 am–10:15 am ZAVODNY A 3.0 ZOOM 1534 M 1:30 pm–2:45 pm STRUTTMANN M 3.0 ZOOM & ONL +1 hour 30 minutes weekly online. ONLINE & ONL +1 hour 35 minutes weekly online. ONLINE 1514 ONL KALESCKY D 3.0 ONLINE 3135 ONL ZAVODNY A 3.0 ONLINE CLASS DATES, (01/25–03/20). 1533 ONL ZAVODNY A 3.0 ONLINE 1512 ONL WADESON C 3.0 ONLINE CLASS DATES, (01/25–03/20). 1515 ONL SCHARFF N 3.0 ONLINE CLASS DATES, (01/25–03/20). BUS 152 Business Idea Generation and Feasibility Analysis 1513 ONL SCHARFF N 3.0 ONLINE CSU. LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–05/22). 1551 ONL LAMBETH A 2.0 ONLINE 1547 W 9 am–10:15 am OVWIOVWIO P 3.0 ZOOM CLASS DATES, (01/25–03/20). & ONL +4 hours 35 minutes weekly online. ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–05/22). BUS 153 Business Startup Fundamentals BUS 130 Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management CSU. 1552 ONL BURNS L 1.0 ONLINE CSU. LATE-START CLASS, (02/22–03/20) 1517 ONL SHARP C 3.0 ONLINE ONLINE 1548 ONL SHARP C 3.0 BUS 154 Funding the Entrepreneurial Venture CLASS DATES, (01/25–03/20). ONLINE CSU. 1516 ONL SHARP C 3.0 1553 ONL HORNER A 1.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–05/22). LATE-START CLASS, (04/26–05/22) MiraCosta College Spring 2021 Credit Courses 760.757.2121 30

Chemistry Class # Days Time Instructor Units Room # Class # Days Time Instructor Units Room # Business Administration Chemistry BUS 155 Business Plan Development CHEM 103 Chemistry and Society: For Non-Science Majors CSU. CSU; UC. 1550 ONL LAMBETH A 2.0 ONLINE 2026 ONL MCCORKLE K 3.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–05/22). ONLINE 2025 ONL MCCORKLE K 3.0 BUS 160 International Business CHEM 103L Chemistry and Society: For Non-Science Majors (Lab) CSU. CSU; UC. PREREQUISITE: CHEM 103. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Concurrent enrollment in CHEM 103 if prerequisite not met. 1535 ONL BAKER J 3.0 ONLINE BUS 204 Business Statistics 2027 ONL MCCORKLE K 1.0 ONLINE CSU; UC. PREREQUISITES: MATH 28, MATH 30, or placement accord- ing to AB 705 requirements. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Not open to CHEM 112 Introductory General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry: students with prior credit in BUS 204H. For Allied Health Majors CSU; UC. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Not open to students with prior credit in CHEM 116. 1538 MW 3 pm–4:15 pm STRUTTMANN M 3.0 ZOOM 1537 M 9 am–10:15 am WHITE M 3.0 ZOOM 2030 TTh 8 am–9:15 am LOOMIS P 5.0 ZOOM & ONL +1 hour 35 minutes weekly online. ONLINE & TTh 9:25 am–11:45 am ZOOM 1539 ONL NGO A 3.0 ONLINE +1 hour 5 minutes weekly online. 1540 ONL NGO A 3.0 ONLINE 2032 MW 10:30 am–11:50 am SELCHAU L 5.0 ZOOM 3099 ONL WHITE M 3.0 ONLINE & MW 12 pm–2:50 pm ZOOM 1536 T 7:30 am–8:45 am LINDSTROM Z 3.0 ZOOM 2034 ONL CHANG S 5.0 ONLINE & ONL +1 hour 30 minutes weekly online. ONLINE 2028 ONL HUANG W 5.0 ONLINE 1546 MW 10:30 am–11:45 am NGO A 3.0 ZOOM CHEM 115 Introductory General Chemistry: For Allied Health Majors CSU; UC. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Not open to students with prior & ONL +3 hours weekly online. ONLINE credit in CHEM 115H, CHEM 140, CHEM 150, or CHEM 150H. ADVISO- LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–05/22). RY: MATH 30. BUS 290 Business Communication 2036 TTh 8 am–9:15 am MAYA-PEINL M 4.0 ZOOM CSU. PREREQUISITE: ENGL 100 or ENGL 100H ENROLLMENT LIMITA- TION: Not open to students with prior credit in BUS 290H. & T 9:25 am–11:45 am ZOOM 1542 MW 9 am–10:15 am DANIELS M 3.0 ZOOM & ONL +30 minutes weekly online. ONLINE 1541 Th 7:30 am–8:45 am LOVEJOY N 3.0 ZOOM 2040 F 8 am–11:05 am ASSADERAGHI 4.0 ZOOM & ONL +1 hour 30 minutes weekly online. ONLINE & ONL +3 hours 5 minutes weekly online. ONLINE 1543 ONL SCHARFF N 3.0 ONLINE 2038 ONL BUYANIN A 4.0 ONLINE CLASS DATES, (01/25–03/20). CHEM 116 Introductory Organic and Biological Chemistry: For Allied 1544 ONL HORNER A 3.0 ONLINE Health Majors CSU; UC. PREREQUISITES: CHEM 115, CHEM 115H, or CHEM 140. 1545 T 12 pm–1:15 pm SCHARFF N 3.0 ZOOM ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Not open to students with prior credit in CHEM 210, or CHEM 210H. & ONL +4 hours 30 minutes weekly online. ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–05/22). BUS 299 Occupational Cooperative Work Experience 2042 ONL BWAMBOK D 4.0 ONLINE CSU. COREQUISITE: Complete 75 hrs paid or 60 hrs non-paid work per unit. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Career Center approval. May not enroll CHEM 140 Preparation for General Chemistry: For Science Majors in any combination of cooperative work experience and/or internship CSU; UC. PREREQUISITES: MATH 64 or MATH 64S, or eligibility deter- studies concurrently. mined by the math placement process. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Concurrent enrollment in MATH 64, MATH 64S if prerequisite not met. 1379 ONL STAFF 3.0 ONLINE Not open to students with prior credit in CHEM 150 or CHEM 150H. Go to or call 760.795.6772 for more info. 2044 MW 8 am–9:15 am JOHNSON C 4.0 ZOOM LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). & M 9:25 am–11:45 am ZOOM BUS 302 Leadership and Personal Development & ONL +1 hour weekly online. ONLINE PREREQUISITES: ENGL 100 or ENGL 100H. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Only open to students enrolled in the bachelor’s degree program in bio- 2046 TTh 12 pm–1:15 pm GOUETH P 4.0 ZOOM manufacturing at MiraCosta College. & Th 9 am–11:30 am ZOOM & ONL +20 minutes weekly online. ONLINE 3520 T 9:30 am–11 am NGO A 3.0 ZOOM 2048 ONL GOUETH P 4.0 ONLINE & ONL +1 hour 20 minutes weekly online. ONLINE & Th 3 pm–5:30 pm ZOOM & ONL +3 hours 20 minutes weekly online. ONLINE Career and Life Planning 2050 ONL JOHNSON C 4.0 ONLINE & W 9:25 am–11:45 am ZOOM CRLP 101 Introduction to Career Planning & ONL +3 hours 30 minutes weekly online. ONLINE CSU. 2052 ONL MCCORKLE K 4.0 ONLINE 1372 MW 11 am–11:50 am MATHIS S 1.0 ZOOM 2054 ONL BRADNER S 4.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–05/22). 1370 ONL DUARTE K 1.0 ONLINE Designated for UPRISE program, (Undocumented and Mixed Status students), contact for more information. Instructor consent required. CLASS DATES, (01/25–03/20). 1371 ONL TIRONA T 1.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–05/22). OC=Oceanside Campus CLC=Community Learning Center Honors Course Online Class SAN=San Elijo Campus Class Details & to Enroll 31

Chemistry CREDIT COURSE OFFERINGS Class # Days Time Instructor Units Room # Class # Days Time Instructor Units Room # Chemistry Child Development CHEM 150 General Chemistry I: For Science Majors CHLD 105 Introduction to Teaching Young Children CSU; UC. PREREQUISITE: CHEM 140, 1 yr high school chem, or qualifi- CSU. cation via placement exam; MATH 64, MATH 64S or eligibility determined by the math placement process. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Not open 1758 ONL DAVIS A 3.0 ONLINE to students with prior credit in CHEM 150H ADVISORY: CHEM 140. CLASS DATES, (01/25–03/20). 3.0 ONLINE 2060 MW 8 am–9:15 am GOUETH P 5.0 ZOOM 1731 ONL DAVIS A 3.0 ONLINE 3.0 ONLINE & MW 9:25 am–11:45 am ZOOM 1730 ONL HILL A 1759 ONL PACIOREK L & ONL +1 hour 20 minutes weekly online. ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–05/22). 2066 TTh 8 am–9:15 am JOHNSON C 5.0 ZOOM CHLD 106 Introduction to Curriculum in Early Childhood CSU. & TTh 9:25 am–11:45 am ZOOM & ONL +1 hour 10 minutes weekly online. ONLINE 1732 ONL SACHS R 3.0 ONLINE ONLINE 2058 TTh 1:30 pm–2:45 pm ROBERTS A 5.0 ZOOM 1733 ONL DAVIS A 3.0 ONLINE & ONL +6 hours 20 minutes weekly online. ONLINE 3117 ONL DAVIS A 3.0 2062 MW 1:30 pm–2:45 pm ABBAS R 5.0 ZOOM LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–05/22). & MW 3 pm–3:30 pm ZOOM & ONL +5 hours 25 minutes weekly online. ONLINE CHLD 109 Child Behavior and Guidance CSU. 2068 TTh 4:30 pm–5:45 pm BOLANOS T 5.0 ZOOM & TTh 1:30 pm–4:20 pm ZOOM 1734 ONL MOORE V 3.0 ONLINE 3.0 ONLINE 2056 ONL STAFF 5.0 ONLINE 1735 ONL MARQUEZ E 2064 ONL MCMAHON S 5.0 ONLINE & MW 6 pm–8:50 pm ZOOM CHLD 111 Programs for Infants and Toddlers CSU. +3 hours 30 minutes weekly online. 2070 ONL BOLANOS T 5.0 ONLINE 1736 ONL HANLEY A 3.0 ONLINE & TTh 6 pm–8:50 pm ZOOM +3 hours weekly online. CHLD 112 Child Growth and Development CSU; UC. ADVISORY: ACE 150, ENGL 50, ESL 150, or eligibility determined CHEM 151 General Chemistry II: For Science Majors by the English placement process. CSU; UC. PREREQUISITE: CHEM 150 or CHEM 150H. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Not open to students with prior credit in CHEM 151H. 3118 ONL WELCH-SCALCO 3.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–05/22). 2076 TTh 9 am–10:30 am ABBAS S 5.0 ZOOM 1737 ONL WELCH-SCALCO 3.0 ONLINE & ONL +6 hours weekly online. ONLINE 2078 TTh 1:30 pm–2:45 pm PICKHAM K 5.0 ZOOM CHLD 113 Child and Adolescent Growth and Development CSU; UC. & TTh 3 pm–5:50 pm ZOOM 2074 ONL DOUD M 5.0 ONLINE 1765 ONL HILL A 3.0 ONLINE 2082 ONL WILLIFORD A 5.0 ONLINE CLASS DATES, (01/25–03/20). ONLINE ONLINE 2080 ONL LAW D 5.0 ONLINE 1757 ONL MOORE V 3.0 ONLINE ONLINE CHEM 151H General Chemistry II: For Science Majors (Honors) 1738 ONL WHITNEY M 3.0 ONLINE CSU; UC. PREREQUISITE: CHEM 150 or CHEM 150H. ENROLLMENT ONLINE LIMITATION: Not open to students with prior credit in CHEM 151. 1739 ONL WHITNEY M 3.0 ONLINE 1740 ONL WHITNEY M 3.0 ONLINE 1741 ONL GARCIA M 3.0 ONLINE 1742 ONL WHITNEY M 3.0 1743 ONL MELLOR J 3.0 3499 MW 3 pm–4:15 pm ARQUERO K 5.0 ZOOM LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). & M ZOOM & ONL 4:30 pm–7 pm ONLINE 1766 ONL SACHS R 3.0 LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–05/22). +4 hours weekly online. CHEM 210 Organic Chemistry I: For Science Majors 3299 ONL MELLOR J 3.0 CSU; UC. PREREQUISITES: CHEM 151 or CHEM 151H. ENROLLMENT LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–05/22). LIMITATION: Not open to students with prior credit in CHEM 210H. CHLD 130 Science and Math for Young Children 3076 TTh 9 am–10:15 am SELCHAU V 5.0 ZOOM CSU. & TTh 10:30 am–1:20 pm ZOOM 1764 ONL DEARDURFF D 3.0 ONLINE +3 hours weekly online. LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–05/22). 2084 ONL NGUYEN T 5.0 ONLINE CHLD 140 Language and Literacy in Early Childhood CSU. & MW 3 pm–4:50 pm ZOOM & ONL +5 hours 25 minutes weekly online. ONLINE 1744 ONL HAAR/HU 3.0 ONLINE 2086 ONL NGUYEN T 5.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–05/22). & TTh 3 pm–4:50 pm ZOOM & ONL +5 hours 20 minutes weekly online. ONLINE CHLD 150 Art for Young Children CSU. CHEM 211 Organic Chemistry II: For Science Majors CSU; UC. PREREQUISITE: CHEM 210 or CHEM 210H. ENROLLMENT 1745 ONL DAVIS A 3.0 ONLINE LIMITATION: Not open to students with prior credit in CHEM 211H. LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). 2088 TTh 9 am–10:15 am TRZOSS L 5.0 ZOOM CHLD 160 Music and Movement for Young Children CSU. & TTh 10:30 am–11:20 am ZOOM & ONL +4 hours 20 minutes weekly online. ONLINE 1746 ONL SACHS R 3.0 ONLINE 2090 MW 10:30 am–11:45 am TRZOSS L 5.0 ZOOM & MW 12 pm–12:50 pm ZOOM & ONL +4 hours 25 minutes weekly online. ONLINE MiraCosta College Spring 2021 Credit Courses 760.757.2121 32

Communication Class # Days Time Instructor Units Room # Class # Days Time Instructor Units Room # Child Development Communication CHLD 200 Observation & Assessment in Early Childhood COMM 101 Public Speaking CSU. CSU; UC. 1993 ONL HASTINGS R 3.0 ONLINE 1747 ONL SANCHEZ T 3.0 ONLINE ONLINE Requires recording and uploading speeches with an audience. 3119 ONL PARROTT H 3.0 CLASS DATES, (01/25–03/20). LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). 1990 TTh 10:30 am–11:45 am ROSTAMI S 3.0 ZOOM CHLD 205 Health, Safety, and Nutrition CSU. 1980 TTh 12 pm–1:15 pm ROSTAMI S 3.0 ZOOM 1975 M 9 am–10:15 am ROBERTSON E 3.0 ZOOM 1748 ONL GARCIA M 3.0 ONLINE & ONL +1 hour 30 minutes weekly online. ONLINE 3.0 ONLINE 1749 ONL VAN SCHOIK J 3.0 ONLINE 1977 W 9 am–10:15 am ROBERTSON E 3.0 ZOOM 1763 ONL MOORE V & ONL +1 hour 30 minutes weekly online. ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). 1976 M 10:30 am–11:45 am ROBERTSON E 3.0 ZOOM CHLD 210 Child, Family, and Community & ONL +1 hour 30 minutes weekly online. ONLINE CSU; UC. ADVISORY: ACE 150, ENGL 50, ESL 150, or eligibility determined by the English placement process. 1978 W 10:30 am–11:45 am ROBERTSON E 3.0 ZOOM & ONL +1 hour 30 minutes weekly online. ONLINE 1751 ONL HANLON L 3.0 ONLINE 1987 ONL COREY A 3.0 ONLINE 1750 ONL WELCH-SCALCO 3.0 ONLINE Requires recording and uploading speeches with an audience. 1986 ONL COREY A 3.0 ONLINE 3206 ONL WELCH-SCALCO 3.0 ONLINE Requires recording and uploading speeches with an audience. CLASS DATES, (01/25–03/20). 1985 ONL ONGYOD A 3.0 ONLINE 1761 ONL FLORES C 3.0 ONLINE Requires recording and uploading speeches with an audience. LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). 1984 ONL ALFORD C 3.0 ONLINE 1762 ONL FLORES C 3.0 ONLINE Requires recording and uploading speeches with an audience. LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–05/22). 1983 ONL ALFORD C 3.0 ONLINE CHLD 230 Family Engagement in Early Childhood Programs Requires recording and uploading speeches with an audience. CSU. 1982 ONL ANDERSON T 3.0 ONLINE Requires recording and uploading speeches with an audience. 1760 ONL WELCH-SCALCO 3.0 ONLINE 1981 ONL ANDERSON T 3.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). Requires recording and uploading speeches with an audience. CHLD 235 Children in a Diverse Society 1979 ONL CRUZ F 3.0 ONLINE CSU; UC. ADVISORY: ACE 150, ENGL 50, ESL 150, or eligibility determined by the English placement process. Requires recording and uploading speeches with an audience. 1995 ONL STAFF 3.0 ONLINE 1752 ONL HANLON L 3.0 ONLINE Requires recording and uploading speeches with an audience. 1996 ONL STAFF 3.0 ONLINE CHLD 240 Children with Special Learning Needs Requires recording and uploading speeches with an audience. CSU. 1994 ONL LONG R 3.0 ONLINE 1753 ONL PACIOREK L 3.0 ONLINE Requires recording and uploading speeches with an audience. LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). 3125 ONL ONGYOD A 3.0 ONLINE Requires recording and uploading speeches with an audience. CHLD 245 Adult Supervision and Mentoring in Early Care and 1988 ONL LIEBERMAN M 3.0 ONLINE Education CSU. Requires recording and uploading speeches with an audience. 1989 ONL ROHR S 3.0 ONLINE 1754 ONL MOORE L 3.0 ONLINE Requires recording and uploading speeches with an audience. 1991 ONL VAN WOLFEREN 3.0 ONLINE CHLD 251 Administration II: Personnel and Leadership in Early Requires recording and uploading speeches with an audience. Childhood Education CSU. 1992 ONL BROOKS K 3.0 ONLINE Requires recording and uploading speeches with an audience. 3069 ONL DEARDURFF D 3.0 ONLINE 3147 ONL BROWN D 3.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). Requires recording and uploading speeches with an audience. CHLD 270 Practicum—The Student Teaching Experience COMM 106 Group Communication 3.0 ONLINE CSU. PREREQUISITES: CHLD 105, CHLD 106, CHLD 113, and CHLD 210. CSU; UC. 2003 ONL POWERS L 1755 W 6 pm–6:50 pm HAAR/HU 3.0 ZOOM Requires online group work and recording/uploading of group & ONL +6 hours weekly online. ONLINE presentations. CHLD 299 Occupational Cooperative Work Experience CLASS DATES, (01/25–03/20). CSU. COREQUISITE: Complete 75 hrs paid or 60 hrs non-paid work per unit. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Career Center approval. May not enroll 1997 ONL ORTIZ K 3.0 ONLINE in any combination of cooperative work experience and/or internship studies concurrently. Requires online group work and recording/uploading of group presentations. 2000 ONL ORTIZ K 3.0 ONLINE 1380 ONL STAFF 3.0 ONLINE Requires online group work and recording/uploading of group presentations. Go to or call 760.795.6772 for more info. LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). 1999 ONL FOGLE A 3.0 ONLINE Requires online group work and recording/uploading of group presentations. 1998 ONL FOGLE A 3.0 ONLINE Requires online group work and recording/uploading of group presentations. 2004 ONL POWERS L 3.0 ONLINE Requires online group work and recording/uploading of group presentations. LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–05/22). OC=Oceanside Campus CLC=Community Learning Center Honors Course Online Class SAN=San Elijo Campus Class Details & to Enroll 33

Communication CREDIT COURSE OFFERINGS Class # Days Time Instructor Units Room # Class # Days Time Instructor Units Room # Communication Communication COMM 111 Oral Interpretation of Literature COMM 299 Occupational Cooperative Work Experience CSU; UC. CSU. COREQUISITE: Complete 75 hrs paid or 60 hrs non-paid work per unit. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Career Center approval. May not enroll 3397 ONL HASTINGS R 3.0 ONLINE in any combination of cooperative work experience and/or internship CLASS DATES, (01/25–03/20). studies concurrently. COMM 120 Principles of Human Communication 1381 ONL STAFF 3.0 ONLINE CSU; UC. Go to or call 760.795.6772 for more info. 2007 ONL ARENIVAR S 3.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). CLASS DATES, (01/25–03/20). 3.0 ONLINE 2005 ONL ARENIVAR S 3.0 ONLINE Computer Science 3.0 ONLINE 2006 ONL ONGYOD A 2008 ONL ARENIVAR S CS 101 Introduction to Computer Science Principles LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–05/22). CSU; UC. COMM 135 Gender Studies in Communication 1683 MW 1:30 pm–3:20 pm WALKER C 3.0 ZOOM CSU; UC. ADVISORY: ACE 150, ENGL 50, ESL 150, or eligibility determined ONLINE by the English placement process. & ONL +1 hour weekly online. ZOOM 1721 TTh 3:30 pm–5:20 pm PATEL K 3.0 ONLINE 2009 ONL ONGYOD A 3.0 ONLINE & ONL +1 hour weekly online. ZOOM ONLINE COMM 207 Interpersonal Communication CS 111 Introduction to Computer Science I: Java CSU; UC. CSU; UC. ADVISORY: MATH 64 or MATH 64S and CS 101. ZOOM ONLINE 2010 ONL FANNEY E 3.0 ONLINE 1685 TTh 7 am–8:50 am PAULDING M 3.0 ZOOM Requires recording and uploading speeches with an audience. & ONL +1 hour weekly online. ONLINE 2011 ONL FANNEY E 3.0 ONLINE 1689 TTh 9 am–10:50 am PAULDING M 3.0 ZOOM ONLINE Requires recording and uploading speeches with an audience. & ONL +1 hour weekly online. ZOOM 2017 ONL POWERS L 3.0 ONLINE 1687 MW 9 am–10:50 am WALKER C 3.0 ONLINE ONLINE Requires recording and uploading speeches with an audience. & ONL +1 hour weekly online. ONLINE CLASS DATES, (01/25–03/20). 1695 W 5:30 pm–9:20 pm ALOKA M 3.0 ZOOM ONLINE 2016 ONL POWERS L 3.0 ONLINE & ONL +1 hour weekly online. ONLINE ONLINE Requires recording and uploading speeches with an audience. 1697 TTh 6 pm–7:50 pm ALOKA M 3.0 CLASS DATES, (01/25–03/20). ZOOM & ONL +1 hour weekly online. ONLINE ONLINE 2015 ONL POWERS L 3.0 ONLINE 1691 ONL AL AJRAWI S 3.0 ONLINE Requires recording and uploading speeches with an audience. 1693 ONL AL AJRAWI S 3.0 ONLINE CLASS DATES, (01/25–03/20). CS 112 Introduction to Computer Science II: Java ZOOM 2014 ONL POWERS L 3.0 ONLINE CSU; UC. PREREQUISITE: CS 111. ONLINE Requires recording and uploading speeches with an audience. 1725 MW 11 am–12:50 pm FOK K 3.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–05/22). ONLINE & ONL +1 hour weekly online. 3.0 2013 ONL POWERS L 3.0 ONLINE 3.0 ZOOM 1701 ONL STRAMAGLIA M ONLINE Requires recording and uploading speeches with an audience. ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–05/22). 1699 ONL MOEZZI S ONLINE 2012 ONL HASTINGS R 3.0 ONLINE CS 113 Basic Data Structures and Algorithms CSU; UC. PREREQUISITE: CS 112. Requires recording and uploading speeches with an audience. LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–05/22). 1703 M 5:30 pm–9:20 pm CELLY B 3.0 COMM 212 Argumentation & ONL +1 hour 20 minutes weekly online. 3.0 CSU; UC. ADVISORY: ACE 150, ENGL 50, ESL 150, or eligibility determined 3.0 by the English placement process. 3414 ONL CASTILLO III 1723 ONL CASTILLO III 2018 ONL ROBERTSON E 3.0 ONLINE CS 130 Fundamentals of Scripting Languages CLASS DATES, (01/25–03/20). CSU. ADVISORY: CS 101. 2019 ONL BROWN D 3.0 ONLINE 1705 ONL STAFF 3.0 COMM 215 Intercultural Communication CS 134 Mobile Application Development CSU; UC. ADVISORY: ENGL 100 or ENGL 100H. CSU. PREREQUISITES: CS 112. 2022 ONL ARENIVAR S 3.0 ONLINE 1707 TTh 11 am–12:50 pm STAFF 3.0 CLASS DATES, (01/25–03/20). 3.0 ONLINE & ONL +1 hour weekly online. 2021 ONL ONGYOD A 3.0 ONLINE 3.0 ONLINE 2020 ONL ARENIVAR S CS 138 Programming with Python CSU; UC. ADVISORY: CS 101. 2023 ONL ARENIVAR S LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–05/22). 1727 ONL LEWIS K 3.0 LEWIS K 3.0 COMM 220 Introduction to Mass Communication 3109 ONL CSU; UC. ADVISORY: ACE 150, ENGL 50, ESL 150, or eligibility determined by the English placement process. CS 150 C++ Programming CSU; UC. ADVISORY: MATH 64 or MATH 64S and CS 101. 3396 ONL HASTINGS R 3.0 ONLINE 1711 TTh 11 am–12:50 pm MERRILL C 3.0 This class uses social media and digital communication tools. CLASS DATES, (01/25–03/20). & ONL +1 hour weekly online. 2024 ONL HASTINGS R 3.0 ONLINE 1709 ONL PATEL K 3.0 This class uses social media and digital communication tools. 1713 ONL MOEZZI S 3.0 LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–05/22). MiraCosta College Spring 2021 Credit Courses 760.757.2121 34

Computer Studies & Information Technology Class # Days Time Instructor Units Room # Class # Days Time Instructor Units Room # Computer Science Computer Studies & Information Technology CS 151 Advanced C++ Programming CSIT 128 Microsoft Excel for Business CSU; UC. PREREQUISITE: CS 150. CSU. ADVISORY: CSIT 101. 1715 Th 5:30 pm–9:20 pm MERRILL C 3.0 ZOOM 1477 ONL ANDERSEN A 3.0 ONLINE ONLINE & ONL +1 hour weekly online. This class will be taught using Microsoft Excel 365/2019 for the PC. CS 220 Computer Architecture and Assembly Language 1478 ONL AFZALI A 3.0 ONLINE CSU; UC. PREREQUISITE: CS 112. This class will be taught using Microsoft Excel 365/2019 for the PC. LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). 1719 T 5:30 pm9:20 pm PAULDING M 3.0 ZOOM ONLINE 3409 ONL ANDERSEN A 3.0 ONLINE & ONL +1 hour weekly online. ONLINE This class will be taught using Microsoft Excel 365/2019 for the PC. 1717 ONL CELLY B 3.0 LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–05/22). CS 226 Discrete Structures CSIT 131 Microsoft Access for Business CSU; UC. PREREQUISITE: CS 150 and MATH 126 or eligibility determined CSU. ADVISORY: CSIT 101. by the math placement process. 1479 ONL NITSCH C 3.0 ONLINE 3416 TTh 9 am–10:50 am WALKER C 4.0 ZOOM This class will be taught using Microsoft Access 365/2019 for the PC. LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). CS 299 Occupational Cooperative Work Experience CSU. COREQUISITE: Complete 75 hrs paid or 60 hrs non-paid work per CSIT 134 Microsoft PowerPoint for Business unit. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Career Center approval. May not enroll CSU. ADVISORY: CSIT 101. in any combination of cooperative work experience and/or internship studies concurrently. 1480 ONL SAYBLE D 3.0 ONLINE 1382 ONL STAFF 3.0 ONLINE This class will be taught using Microsoft PowerPoint 365/2019 for Go to or call 760.795.6772 for more info. the PC. LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). CSIT 137 Google Apps for Business CSU. ADVISORY: CSIT 101. Computer Studies & Information Technology 1482 ONL TRZOS T 3.0 ONLINE ANDERSEN A 3.0 ONLINE CSIT 101 Introduction to Computers 1481 ONL CSU. CSIT 146 E-Commerce and Web Presence 1465 ONL HERRICK J 3.0 ONLINE CSU. ADVISORY: CSIT 101. CSIT 110 Computer Applications 1485 ONL DEAN JR D 3.0 ONLINE CSU; UC. ADVISORY: CSIT 101. CSIT 149 Microsoft Windows 1466 ONL ISACHSEN S 3.0 ONLINE CSU. ADVISORY: CSIT 101. This class will be taught using Microsoft Office 365/2019 for the PC. 1486 ONL JONES S 3.0 ONLINE 1467 ONL WHITE R 3.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). This class will be taught using Microsoft Office 365/2019 for the PC CSIT 155 Social Media for Business CSU. ADVISORY: CSIT 101. 1469 ONL WHITE R 3.0 ONLINE This class will be taught using Microsoft Office 365/2019 for the PC. LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). 1487 ONL FAULK C 3.0 ONLINE 3.0 ONLINE 1468 ONL NITSCH C 3.0 ONLINE 3145 ONL JANOVICK I LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). This class will be taught using Microsoft Office 365/2019 for the PC. LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). CSIT 160 Technology, the Individual, and Society 1470 ONL ORNELAS C 3.0 ONLINE CSU; UC. ADVISORY: ACE 150, ENGL 50, ESL 150, or eligibility determined by the English placement process. This class will be taught using Microsoft Office 365/2019 for the PC. LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–05/22). 1488 ONL ISACHSEN S 3.0 ONLINE CSIT 120 Fundamentals of Computer Information Systems LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). CSU; UC. ADVISORY: CSIT 110. 1489 ONL ISACHSEN S 3.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). 1471 MW 9 am–10:15 am WHITE R 3.0 ZOOM ZOOM 1472 TTh 12 pm–1:15 pm CASSONI R 3.0 ONLINE CSIT 165 Living in an Online World ONLINE CSU; UC. ADVISORY: ACE 150, ENGL 50, ESL 150, or eligibility determined 1473 ONL WHITE R 3.0 by the English placement process. 1474 ONL MCLEAN T 3.0 CSIT 123 Introduction to Data Analytics 1491 ONL ISACHSEN S 3.0 ONLINE CSU; UC. PREREQUISITE: MATH 28, MATH 30, or placement according LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). to AB 705 requirements. ADVISORY: CSIT 110, CSIT 120, or CSIT 128. 1490 ONL ISACHSEN S 3.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). 1475 TTh 10:30 am–11:45 am CASSONI R 3.0 ZOOM CSIT 125 Microsoft Word for Business CSIT 180 Fundamentals of Computer Hardware and Software CSU. ADVISORY: CSIT 101. CSU. ADVISORY: CSIT 101. 1476 ONL SAYBLE D 3.0 ONLINE 1493 MW 11 am–12:50 pm CASSONI R 4.0 ZOOM This class will be taught using Microsoft Word 365/2019 for the PC. & ONL +1 hour weekly online. ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). 1495 T 5:30 pm–9:20 pm WHITE R 4.0 ZOOM & ONL +1 hour weekly online. ONLINE CSIT 181 Fundamentals of Computer Networking CSU. ADVISORY: CSIT 180. 1497 MW 1:30 pm–3:20 pm WARD G 3.0 ZOOM ONLINE & ONL +1 hour weekly online. OC=Oceanside Campus CLC=Community Learning Center Honors Course Online Class SAN=San Elijo Campus Class Details & to Enroll 35

Computer Studies & Information Technology CREDIT COURSE OFFERINGS Class # Days Time Instructor Units Room # Class # Days Time Instructor Units Room # Computer Studies & Information Technology Counseling CSIT 182 Fundamentals of Computer Security COUN 101 Orientation to College CSU. ADVISORY: CSIT 181. CSU. 1499 W 5:30 pm–9:20 pm STAFF 3.0 ZOOM 2680 W 2:30 pm–4:35 pm VERASTEGUI S 1.0 ZOOM ONLINE CLASS DATES, (01/25–03/20). & ONL +1 hour weekly online. CSIT 183 Windows Server 3574 TTh 3 pm–4:05 pm ROSS MAU K 1.0 ZOOM CSU. ADVISORY: CSIT 180. Mana program; visit; contact krossmau@ for more information. 3410 T 5:30 pm–9:20 pm MOEBEST W 3.0 ZOOM LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–05/22). ONLINE & ONL +1 hour weekly online. 3573 W 9 am–11:05 am BURNS L 1.0 ZOOM CSIT 184 Linux Server Designated for students in the Transitions Program. For information CSU. ADVISORY: CSIT 180. about the Transitions program, contact Larry Burns at lburns@ 1501 Th 5:30 pm–9:20 pm EDMISTEN B 3.0 ZOOM LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–05/22). ONLINE & ONL +1 hour weekly online. CSIT 188 Cybersecurity: Ethical Hacker COUN 105 Transfer Success CSU. ADVISORY: CSIT 182. CSU; UC. 1503 W 5:30 pm9:20 pm MCLEAN T 3.0 ZOOM 2681 M 12 pm–1:05 pm LOMELI S 1.0 ZOOM ONLINE & ONL +1 hour weekly online. Designated for students in the Puente Program. For information about the Puente program, contact the Sinar Lomeli at slomeli@ CSIT 191 Fundamentals of Cisco Networking CSU. ADVISORY: CSIT 180. 2682 W 12 pm–12:50 pm LOVE D 1.0 ZOOM 3412 M 5:30 pm9:20 pm WARD G 3.0 ZOOM Designated for students in the Umoja Program. For information about ONLINE the Umoja program, contact the Don Love at & ONL +1 hour 20 minutes weekly online. 2683 M 3 pm–4:05 pm LOMELI S 1.0 ZOOM CSIT 195 IT Career Exploration and Portfolio Development Designated for students in the Puente Program. For information CSU. about the Puente program, contact the Sinar Lomeli at slomeli@ 1492 ONL ISACHSEN S 1.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–05/22). 3575 ONL SHOOSHTARY S 1.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–05/22). CSIT 299 Occupational Cooperative Work Experience 3582 ONL ZAMAN A 1.0 ONLINE CSU. COREQUISITE: Complete 75 hrs paid or 60 hrs non-paid work per unit. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Career Center approval. May not enroll Designated for students in the First Year Forward Program. For in any combination of cooperative work experience and/or internship studies concurrently. information about the First Year Forward program, contact the FYF team at LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–05/22). 1383 ONL STAFF 3.0 ONLINE 3581 ONL RICARDEZ VEA 1.0 ONLINE Go to or call 760.795.6772 for more info. Designated for students in the First Year Forward Program. For LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). information about the First Year Forward program, contact the FYF team at LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–05/22). Counseling 3580 ONL PEMBLE J 1.0 ONLINE COUN 100 College and Career Success Designated for students in the First Year Forward Program. For CSU; UC. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Not open to students with prior information about the First Year Forward program, contact the FYF team at credit in CRLP 100. LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–05/22). 2684 ONL ZAMAN A 3.0 ONLINE 3579 ONL SALINAS E 1.0 ONLINE 2686 ONL COLLINS L 3.0 ONLINE Designated for students in the First Year Forward Program. For 2687 ONL OWENS/CARDENAS 3.0 ONLINE information about the First Year Forward program, contact the FYF team at 2689 ONL HAYEK L 3.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–05/22). CLASS DATES, (01/25–03/20). 2691 ONL PECK K 3.0 ONLINE 3578 ONL HAYEK L 1.0 ONLINE This course is designed for students with disabilities. For more Designated for students in the First Year Forward Program. For information, please contact Kris Peck at information about the First Year Forward program, contact the FYF CLASS DATES, (01/25–03/20). team at LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–05/22). 3583 ONL JARROUS V 3.0 ONLINE CLASS DATES, (01/25–05/22). 3577 ONL DUA A 1.0 ONLINE 2690 ONL WISH K 3.0 ONLINE Designated for students in the First Year Forward Program. For LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). information about the First Year Forward program, contact the FYF team at 2693 ONL FLOCKEN L 3.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–05/22). LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–05/22). 3576 ONL MUNSHOWER D 1.0 ONLINE 2685 ONL HORTON W 3.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–05/22). LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–05/22). MiraCosta College Spring 2021 Credit Courses 760.757.2121 36

Dance Class # Days Time Instructor Units Room # Class # Days Time Instructor Units Room # Dance Dance DNCE 100 Dance Appreciation DNCE 152 Ballet I CSU; UC. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Not open to students with prior CSU; UC. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Maximum of four enrollments credit in DNCE 100H. among DNCE 152, DNCE 154. 2229 ONL HANADA-ROGER 3.0 ONLINE 2354 TTh 5:45 pm–7:15 pm WEINBERG S 1.5 ZOOM 2230 ONL STAFF 3.0 ONLINE DNCE 154 Ballet II LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–05/22). CSU; UC. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Maximum of four enrollments among DNCE 152, DNCE 154. ADVISORY: DNCE 152. DNCE 101 Dance History CSU; UC. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Not open to students with prior OCEANSIDE CAMPUS Room # credit in DNCE 101H. 2243 T 10:45 am–12:15 pm DAVIS A 1.5 ZOOM 2231 ONL HANADA-ROGER 3.0 ONLINE ONLINE/HYBRID ONLINE 2232 ONL HANADA-ROGER 3.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (02/22–05/22). +1 hour 30 minutes weekly online. Instructor will schedule small groups of students for on-campus labs Thursdays 10:45am-12:15pm DNCE 104 Dance on Film in room OC2703. CSU; UC. DNCE 166 Jazz Dance I 2233 ONL SPRAGUE T 3.0 ONLINE CSU; UC. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Maximum of four enrollments LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). among DNCE 166, DNCE 168, DNCE 266, DNCE 268. DNCE 105 Dance Cultures of the World 3508 TTh 9 am–10:30 am JANKOVIC T 1.5 ZOOM CSU; UC. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Not open to students with prior credit in DNCE 105H. DNCE 176 Modern Dance I CSU; UC. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Maximum of four enrollments 2234 ONL HANADA-ROGER 3.0 ONLINE among DNCE 176 and DNCE 178. LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). 2247 MW 9 am–10:30 am JANKOVIC T 1.5 ZOOM 3150 ONL HANADA-ROGER 3.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (02/22–05/22). DNCE 178 Modern Dance II DNCE 121 Hip Hop I CSU; UC. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Maximum of four enrollments CSU; UC. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Maximum of four enrollments among DNCE 176 and DNCE 178. ADVISORY: DNCE 176. between/among DNCE 121, DNCE 122, DNCE 221, and DNCE 222. OCEANSIDE CAMPUS Room # 2237 Th 6 pm–7:30 pm CRUZ R 1.0 ZOOM 2249 T 7:30 pm–9 pm WEINBERG S 1.5 ZOOM & ONL +20 minutes weekly online. ONLINE ONLINE/HYBRID ONLINE DNCE 122 Hip Hop II +1 hour 30 minutes weekly online. Instructor will schedule small groups CSU; UC. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Maximum of four enrollments between/among DNCE 121, DNCE 122, DNCE 221, and DNCE 222. of students for on-campus labs Thursdays 7:30-9pm in room OC2703. ADVISORY: DNCE 121. DNCE 179 Musical Theatre Dance Production CSU; UC. COREQUISITE: DRAM 204. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: 3026 Th 6 pm–7:30 pm CRUZ R 1.0 ZOOM Audition. & ONL +20 minutes weekly online. ONLINE OCEANSIDE CAMPUS Room # DNCE 132 Afro-Cuban Dance I 2251 ARRANGED MASSEY D 1.5 ZOOM CSU; UC. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Maximum of four enrollments CLASS DATES, (01/23–03/21) among DNCE 130, DNCE 131, DNCE 132, DNCE 133, DNCE 169, and DNCE 230. 76.5 total hours. For information go to 3471 M 6 pm–7:30 pm HANADA-ROGER 1.0 ZOOM DNCE 200 Contemporary Dance Production I CSU; UC. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Audition. Maximum of four en- & ONL +45 minutes weekly online. ONLINE rollments among DNCE 200, DNCE 201, DNCE 202, DNCE 203, DNCE LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/24). 261, DNCE 262. DNCE 133 Afro-Cuban Dance II OCEANSIDE CAMPUS Room # CSU; UC. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Maximum of four enrollments ZOOM among DNCE 130, DNCE 131, DNCE 132, DNCE 133, DNCE 169, and 3473 ARRANGED MASSEY D 1.5 DNCE 230. ADVISORY: DNCE 132. LATE-START CLASS, (03/15–05/08) 3506 M 6 pm–7:30 pm HANADA-ROGER 1.0 ZOOM 59.5 total hours. Audition Date: February 28, 2021, 6PM. & ONL +45 minutes weekly online. ONLINE DNCE 206 Classical Dance Production III LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/24). CSU; UC. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Audition and maximum of four enrollments among DNCE 160, DNCE 162, DNCE 204, DNCE 205, DNCE DNCE 140 Ballroom Dance Technique I 206, DNCE 207. CSU; UC. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Maximum of four enrollments between/among DNCE 140, DNCE 143, DNCE 240, and DNCE 243. OCEANSIDE CAMPUS Room # ZOOM 3469 W 6 pm–7:30 pm BOSKIN-MULLE 1.0 ZOOM 3475 ARRANGED MASSEY D 1.5 LATE-START CLASS, (04/05–05/08) & ONL +40 minutes weekly online. ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (02/10–05/26). 59.5 total hours. Audition Date: February 28, 2021, 6PM. DNCE 143 Ballroom Dance Technique II CSU; UC. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Maximum of four enrollments between/among DNCE 140, DNCE 143, DNCE 240, and DNCE 243. ADVISORY: DNCE 140. 3557 W 6 pm–7:30 pm BOSKIN-MULLE 1.0 ZOOM & ONL +40 minutes weekly online. ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (02/10–05/26). OC=Oceanside Campus CLC=Community Learning Center Honors Course Online Class SAN=San Elijo Campus Class Details & to Enroll 37

Dance CREDIT COURSE OFFERINGS Class # Days Time Instructor Units Room # Class # Days Time Instructor Units Room # Dance Dance DNCE 221 Hip Hop III DNCE 299 Occupational Cooperative Work Experience CSU; UC. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Maximum of four enrollments CSU. COREQUISITE: Complete 75 hrs paid or 60 hrs non-paid work per among DNCE 121, DNCE 122, DNCE 221, DNCE 222. ADVISORY: DNCE unit. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Career Center approval. May not enroll 122. in any combination of cooperative work experience and/or internship studies concurrently. OCEANSIDE CAMPUS Room # 1385 ONL STAFF 3.0 ONLINE 3160 M 1:30 pm–3:05 pm WAALI J 1.5 OC 2703 Go to or call 760.795.6772 for more info. & ONL/HYBRID ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). +2 hours 35 minutes weekly online. Instructor will schedule small groups of students for on-campus labs Wednesdays 1:30-3:05pm in room OC2703. Design LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/24). DNCE 222 Hip Hop IV DESN 100 Fundamentals of Design CSU; UC. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Maximum of four enrollments CSU; UC. among DNCE 121, DNCE 122, DNCE 221, DNCE 222. ADVISORY: DNCE 221. 1343 MW 11 am–1:20 pm PARKER D 3.0 ZOOM OCEANSIDE CAMPUS Room # DESN 101 Computer-Aided Design and Drafting CSU; UC. 3162 M 1:30 pm–3:05 pm WAALI J 1.5 OC 2703 1345 TTh 8 am–11:50 am SPITTAL J 4.0 ZOOM 4.0 ONLINE & ONL/HYBRID ONLINE 3097 ONL CLARKE P 4.0 ONLINE +2 hours 35 minutes weekly online. Instructor will schedule small 1347 ONL CLARKE P groups of students for on-campus labs Wednesdays 1:30-3:05pm DESN 102 Architectural Drawing CSU; UC. in room OC2703. LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/24). 1349 TTh 2:30 pm–4:50 pm PARKER D 3.0 ZOOM DNCE 240 Ballroom Dance Technique III DESN 107 History of Western Architecture–A Sustainable Perspective CSU. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Maximum of four enrollments between/ CSU; UC. among DNCE 140, DNCE 143, DNCE 240, and DNCE 243. ADVISORY: DNCE 143. 1351 TTh 10:30 am–11:45 am PARKER D 3.0 ZOOM 3559 W 6 pm–7:30 pm BOSKIN-MULLE 1.0 ZOOM DESN 108 World Architecture CSU; UC. & ONL +40 minutes weekly online. ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (02/10–05/26). 1352 ONL SWIFT K 3.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–05/22). DNCE 243 Ballroom Dance Technique IV CSU. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Maximum of four enrollments between/ DESN 111 Engineering Design Graphics among DNCE 140, DNCE 143, DNCE 240, and DNCE 243. ADVISORY: CSU; UC. ADVISORY: DESN 101 or DESN 110. DNCE 240. 1353 TTh 2 pm–4:50 pm REILLY J 4.0 ZOOM 3561 W 6 pm–7:30 pm BOSKIN-MULLE 1.0 ZOOM & ONL +40 minutes weekly online. ONLINE DESN 200 Architectural Design I LATE-START CLASS, (02/10–05/26). CSU; UC. PREREQUISITE: DESN 102. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Concurrent enrollment in DESN 102 if prerequisite not met. DNCE 260 Dance Touring Ensemble CSU; UC. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Audition. 1355 MW 2:30 pm4:50 pm PARKER D 3.0 ZOOM 2262 F 9 am–12:50 pm MASSEY D 1.5 ZOOM DESN 201 Advanced AutoCAD Computer-Aided Design and ONLINE & ONL +35 minutes weekly online. Drafting CSU. PREREQUISITE: DESN 101. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Concurrent Audition: Friday, February 5 at 9 am in OC 2701. LATE-START CLASS, (02/19–05/28). enrollment in DESN 101 if prerequisite not met. DNCE 266 Jazz Dance III 1357 MW 9:30 am–11:50 am TROUSSET A 3.0 ZOOM CSU; UC. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Maximum of four enrollments among DNCE 166, DNCE 168, DNCE 266, DNCE 268. ADVISORY: DNCE DESN 203 Solid Modeling 168. CSU; UC. ADVISORY: DESN 101 and DESN 110. 1359 MW 5:30 pm–8:20 pm DU T 3.0 ZOOM OCEANSIDE CAMPUS Room # DESN 213 Solid Modeling II CSU; UC. PREREQUISITE: DESN 203. 3477 M 10:45 am–12:15 pm JANKOVIC T 1.5 ZOOM & ONL/HYBRID ONLINE 1361 TTh 6 pm–8:50 pm DAGHER M 3.0 ZOOM +1 hour 30 minutes weekly online. Instructor will schedule small groups of students for on-campus labs Wednesdays 10:45am-12:15pm in DESN 290 Portfolio and Presentation CSU. room OC2703. DNCE 268 Jazz Dance IV 1363 F 10 am–10:50 am PARKER D 1.0 ZOOM CSU; UC. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Maximum of four enrollments ONLINE among DNCE 166, DNCE 168, DNCE 266, DNCE 268. ADVISORY: DNCE & ONL +1 hour 20 minutes weekly online. 266. LATE-START CLASS, (02/19–05/28). OCEANSIDE CAMPUS Room # DESN 299 Occupational Cooperative Work Experience CSU. COREQUISITE: Complete 75 hrs paid or 60 hrs non-paid work per unit. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Career Center approval. May not enroll 3563 M 10:45 am–12:15 pm JANKOVIC T 1.5 ZOOM in any combination of cooperative work experience and/or internship studies concurrently. & ONL/HYBRID ONLINE +1 hour 30 minutes weekly online. Instructor will schedule small groups 1384 ONL STAFF 3.0 ONLINE of students for on-campus labs Wednesdays 10:45am-12:15pm in Go to or call 760.795.6772 for more info. room OC2703. LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). MiraCosta College Spring 2021 Credit Courses 760.757.2121 38

Education Class # Days Time Instructor Units Room # Class # Days Time Instructor Units Room # Dramatic Arts Dramatic Arts DRAM 105 Introduction to Theatre DRAM 299 Occupational Cooperative Work Experience CSU; UC. CSU. COREQUISITE: Complete 75 hrs paid or 60 hrs non-paid work per unit. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Career Center approval. May not enroll 2382 ONL BISHOP E 3.0 ONLINE in any combination of cooperative work experience and/or internship LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). 3.0 studies concurrently. ZOOM 2381 T 9 am–9:50 am BISHOP E ONLINE 1386 ONL STAFF 3.0 ONLINE & ONL +2 hours 15 minutes weekly online. Go to or call 760.795.6772 for more info. LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). DRAM 107 Introduction to Design for Performance CSU; UC. Earth Sciences 3436 ONL CARINO J 3.0 ONLINE ZOOM & MW 12 pm–1:15 pm EART 106 Earth and Space Science CSU; UC. +2 hours weekly online. DRAM 110 Voice and Diction 1853 ONL SCHUBEL K 3.0 ONLINE CSU; UC. 3.0 ONLINE 1852 ONL SCHUBEL K 3.0 ONLINE 3.0 ONLINE 2383 TTh 12 pm–1:15 pm BRAULT G 3.0 ZOOM 1850 ONL GARZA J 3.0 ONLINE 3.0 ONLINE DRAM 130 Acting I 3169 ONL KREZOSKI J CSU; UC. 3.0 ONLINE 1851 ONL GARZA J 2386 ONL WILLIAMS T 3.0 ONLINE 1855 ONL STOFFER P WILLIAMS T 3.0 ZOOM LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). & MW 12 pm–1:15 pm ONLINE 1854 ONL CARTER S +2 hours weekly online. ZOOM LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). 2384 ONL & TTh 10:30 am–11:45 am Economics +2 hours weekly online. DRAM 131 Audition Preparation for the Stage ECON 100 Survey of Economics CSU; UC. PREREQUISITE: DRAM 130. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: CSU; UC. Maximum of four enrollments between DRAM 131 and DRAM 133. 3567 MW 9 am–10:15 am ALI S 3.0 ZOOM 2388 ONL CARR G 2.0 ONLINE 3.0 ONLINE 3129 ONL CARR F & MW 1:30 pm–2:45 pm ZOOM LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). +2 hours weekly online. ECON 101 Principles of Economics: MACRO CSU; UC. PREREQUISITES: MATH 64, MATH 102, or eligibility determined DRAM 133 Performance and Design Portfolio Practicum by the math placement process. CSU. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Audition and maximum of four enroll- ments between DRAM 131 and DRAM 133. 1408 ONL MICELLI H 3.0 ONLINE CLASS DATES, (01/25–03/20). OCEANSIDE CAMPUS Room # BRAULT/INGMAN 1.0 ZOOM 1403 T 6 pm–8:50 pm COULL M 3.0 ZOOM 2390 ARRANGED CLASS DATES, (01/23–02/19) 1402 MW 12 pm–1:15 pm ALI S 3.0 ZOOM 51 hours arranged. 1405 ONL ALI S 3.0 ONLINE 1401 ONL CARR F 3.0 ONLINE DRAM 134 Introduction to Performance 1406 ONL ALI S 3.0 ONLINE CSU; UC. 1404 ONL ALI S 3.0 ONLINE 2391 TTh 10:30 am–11:45 am BERGER L 3.0 ZOOM 1407 ONL SILVERMAN J 3.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). DRAM 201 Rehearsal and Performance: Dramatic Theatre ECON 102 Principles of Economics: MICRO CSU; UC. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Audition. CSU; UC. PREREQUISITES: MATH 64, MATH 102, or eligibility determined by the math placement process. OCEANSIDE CAMPUS Room # 2396 ARRANGED BISHOP E 2.0 ZOOM 1409 MW 10:30 am–11:45 am ALI S 3.0 ZOOM LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–05/23) 1411 TTh 1:30 pm–2:45 pm RAHMANI F 3.0 ZOOM 102 total hours. For information go to 1410 ONL ALI S 3.0 ONLINE DRAM 204 Rehearsal and Performance: Musical Theatre 1412 ONL MICELLI H 3.0 ONLINE CSU; UC. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Audition. 1413 ONL SILVERMAN J 3.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). OCEANSIDE CAMPUS Room # 1414 ONL RAHMANI F 3.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). 2397 ARRANGED WILLIAMS T 2.0 ZOOM CLASS DATES, (01/23–03/21) 3568 ONL MICELLI H 3.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–05/22). 102 total hours. For information go to DRAM 231 Acting II Education CSU; UC. PREREQUISITE: DRAM 130. 2398 MW 9 am–10:15 am INGMAN J 3.0 ZOOM EDUC 115 Foundations of Teaching as a Profession ONLINE CSU; UC. & ONL +2 hours weekly online 1729 ONL STAFF 3.0 ONLINE OC=Oceanside Campus CLC=Community Learning Center Honors Course Online Class SAN=San Elijo Campus Class Details & to Enroll 39

English CREDIT COURSE OFFERINGS Class # Days Time Instructor Units Room # Class # Days Time Instructor Units Room # English English ENGL 30 Sentence Crafting ENGL 100 Composition and Reading (continued) ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Not open to students with prior credit in ENGL 40. 2628 MW 10 am–11:50 am GUINON T 4.0 ZOOM 2562 ONL NAGAI T 3.0 ONLINE Students in this section must also enroll in ENGL 52 #2868, a highly LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). supported path to transfer English completion. 2656 MW 10 am–11:50 am GUINON T 4.0 ZOOM ENGL 50 Introduction to College Composition 2621 TTh 1:30 pm–3:20 pm GUINON T 4.0 ZOOM PREREQUISITES: ACE 149, ENGL 49, ESL 149 or eligibility determined by the English placement process. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Not open 2659 TTh 1:30 pm–3:20 pm NAGAI T 4.0 ZOOM to students with prior credit in ACE 150 or ESL 150. 2640 TTh 1:30 pm–3:20 pm NAGAI T 4.0 ZOOM Students in this section must also enroll in ENGL 52 #2870, a highly 2563 MW 11 am–12:50 pm O’DONNELL M 4.0 ZOOM supported path to transfer English completion. 2564 ONL PRESCOTT J 4.0 ONLINE 3015 TTh 6 pm–7:50 pm FREEDMAN A 4.0 ZOOM LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). This section is specially designed to meet the needs of students from multilingual/ESL backgrounds. ENGL 52 College Composition Skills and Support 2611 T 7 am–8:50 am SULLIVAN J 4.0 ZOOM PREREQUISITE: ACE 149, ENGL 49, ESL 149, or eligibility determined by the English placement process COREQUISITE: ENGL 100 ENROLL- & ONL +2 hours weekly online. ONLINE MENT LIMITATION: Not open to students with prior credit in ACE 150, ENGL 50, or ESL 150. 2613 M 7 am–8:50 am DIAZ Z 4.0 ZOOM & ONL +2 hours 10 minutes weekly online. ONLINE 2624 T 8 am–9:50 am STRONA J 4.0 ZOOM 2868 MW 12 pm–12:50 pm GUINON T 2.0 ZOOM & ONL +2 hours weekly online. ONLINE This course offers students additional support with transfer level Students in this section must also enroll in ENGL 52 #2873, a highly English completion. Must also enroll in ENGL 100, #2628. supported path to transfer English completion. 2870 TTh 3:30 pm–4:20 pm NAGAI T 2.0 ZOOM 2667 S 8 am–11:50 am DAVIS J 4.0 ZOOM This course offers students additional support with transfer level & ONL +2 hours weekly online. ONLINE English completion. Must also enroll in ENGL 100, #2640. 2654 T 8 am–9:50 am STRONA J 4.0 ZOOM 2873 T 10 am–10:50 am STRONA J 2.0 ZOOM & ONL +2 hours weekly online. ONLINE & ONL +1 hour weekly online. ONLINE 2622 M 9 am–10:50 am PRESCOTT J 4.0 ZOOM This course offers students additional support with transfer level & ONL +2 hours 10 minutes weekly online. ONLINE English completion. Must also enroll in ENGL 100, #2624. 2609 Th 9 am–10:50 am BURMAN T 4.0 ZOOM 2872 M 11 am–11:50 am STRONA J 2.0 ZOOM & ONL +2 hours weekly online. ONLINE & ONL +1 hour weekly online. ONLINE 2657 M 9 am–10:50 am STRONA J 4.0 ZOOM This course offers students additional support with transfer level & ONL +2 hours 10 minutes weekly online. ONLINE English completion. Must also enroll in ENGL 100, #2631. 2643 M 9 am–10:50 am LARSON J 4.0 ZOOM 2867 Th 2 pm–2:50 pm TSUYUKI C 2.0 ZOOM & ONL +2 hours 10 minutes weekly online. ONLINE & ONL +1 hour weekly online. ONLINE 2631 M 9 am–10:50 am STRONA J 4.0 ZOOM This course offers students additional support with transfer level & ONL +2 hours 10 minutes weekly online. ONLINE English completion. Must also enroll in ENGL 100, #2634. Students in this section must also enroll in ENGL 52 #2872, a highly 2866 W 2 pm–2:50 pm TSUYUKI C 2.0 ZOOM supported path to transfer English completion. & ONL +1 hour weekly online. ONLINE 2642 F 10 am–11:50 am FAZIO-DIBENE 4.0 ZOOM This course offers students additional support with transfer level & ONL +2 hours 10 minutes weekly online. ONLINE English completion. Must also enroll in ENGL 100, #2610. 2627 W 11 am–12:50 pm NAGAI T 4.0 ZOOM 3521 M 3 pm–3:50 pm BORAZ K 2.0 ZOOM & ONL +2 hours weekly online. ONLINE & ONL +1 hour weekly online. ONLINE 2652 M 11 am–12:50 pm ZIMMERMAN M 4.0 ZOOM This course offers students additional support with transfer level & ONL +2 hours 10 minutes weekly online. ONLINE English completion. Must also enroll in ENGL 100, #3120. 2637 T 11 am–12:50 pm PRESCOTT J 4.0 ZOOM 2871 M 8 pm–8:50 pm BRAMAN J 2.0 ZOOM & ONL +2 hours weekly online. ONLINE & ONL +1 hour weekly online. ONLINE 2629 Th 11 am–12:50 pm NAGAI T 4.0 ZOOM This course offers students additional support with transfer level & ONL +2 hours weekly online. ONLINE English completion. Must also enroll in ENGL 100, #2626. 2634 Th 12 pm–1:50 pm TSUYUKI C 4.0 ZOOM 2869 TTh 11 am–11:50 am GUINON T 2.0 ZOOM & ONL +2 hours weekly online. This course offers students additional support with transfer level Students must also enroll in ENGL 52 #2867. ONLINE English completion. Must also enroll in ENGL 100, #2617. 2610 W 12 pm–1:50 pm TSUYUKI C 4.0 ZOOM 2874 ONL HAGEN K 2.0 ONLINE & ONL +2 hours weekly online. ONLINE This course offers students additional support with transfer level Students in this section must also enroll in ENGL 52 #2866, a highly English completion. Must also enroll in ENGL 100, #2666. supported path to transfer English completion. 2865 ONL LAMBERT L 2.0 ONLINE 2658 Th 12 pm–1:50 pm TSUYUKI C 4.0 ZOOM This course offers students additional support with transfer level & ONL +2 hours weekly online. ONLINE English completion. Must also enroll in ENGL 100, #2663. 2636 W 12 pm–1:50 pm TSUYUKI C 4.0 ZOOM & ONL +2 hours weekly online. ONLINE ENGL 100 Composition and Reading 3120 M 1 pm–2:50 pm BORAZ K 4.0 ZOOM CSU; UC. PREREQUISITE: ACE 150, ENGL 50, ESL 150, or eligibility determined by the English placement process or concurrent enrollment & ONL +2 hours 10 minutes weekly online. ONLINE in ENGL 52. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Not Open to students with prior credit in ENGL 100H. Students in this section must also enroll in ENGL 52 #3521. 3522 M 1 pm–2:50 pm BORAZ K 4.0 ZOOM & ONL +2 hours 10 minutes weekly online. ONLINE 2649 ONL MITCHELL C 4.0 ONLINE 2639 M 1:30 pm–3:20 pm STARK H 4.0 ZOOM CLASS DATES, (01/25–03/20). & ONL +2 hours 10 minutes weekly online. ONLINE 2617 TTh 9 am–10:50 am GUINON T 4.0 ZOOM 2614 M 1:30 pm–3:20 pm DIAZ Z 4.0 ZOOM Students in this section must also enroll in ENGL 52 #2869, a highly & ONL +2 hours 10 minutes weekly online. ONLINE supported path to transfer English completion. 2653 TTh 9 am–10:50 am GUINON T 4.0 ZOOM MiraCosta College Spring 2021 Credit Courses 760.757.2121 40

English & ESL Course Options English & ESL Course OptionsPlease see a counselor for additional information. PR E-TR A NS FER English ACE/ESL ACE = 50 149 American College English ACE/ESL ACE/ESL 149 and 150 will 150 transfer to CSU and UC for elective credit. English and English or English or English 100 100 52 100 Multilingual/ESL TRANSFER These linked courses These sections of provide extra skill development English 100 are specially designed to in transfer-level writing and reading. provide reading and writing support for Students take both English 100 and 52 in the same semester with the students from multilingual/ESL backgrounds. same instructor. English or English 201 202 Some sections of composition courses are offered online or through a combination of classroom and online instruction (hybrid). 3/19 41

English CREDIT COURSE OFFERINGS Class # Days Time Instructor Units Room # Class # Days Time Instructor Units Room # English English ENGL 100 Composition and Reading (continued) ENGL 201 Critical Thinking, Composition, and Literature CSU; UC. PREREQUISITE: ENGL 100 or ENGL 100H. ENROLLMENT 2665 W 1:30 pm–3:20 pm LLOYD JONES 4.0 ZOOM LIMITATION: Not open to students with prior credit in ENGL 201H. & ONL +2 hours weekly online. ONLINE 2601 T 7 am–8:50 am MCGUINNESS J 4.0 ZOOM This section is specially designed to meet the needs of students from & ONL +2 hours weekly online. ONLINE multilingual/ESL backgrounds. 2648 M 1:30 pm–3:20 pm MARTINEZ M 4.0 ZOOM 2597 T 9 am–10:50 am HANSON C 4.0 ZOOM & ONL +2 hours 10 minutes weekly online. ONLINE & ONL +2 hours weekly online. ONLINE 2626 M 6 pm–7:50 pm BRAMAN J 4.0 ZOOM 2578 M 9 am–10:50 am DIAZ Z 4.0 ZOOM & ONL +2 hours 10 minutes weekly online. ONLINE & ONL +2 hours 10 minutes weekly online. ONLINE Students in this section must also enroll in ENGL 52 #2871, a highly Puente program; visit supported path to transfer English completion. 2579 M 9 am–10:50 am SANCHEZ V 4.0 ZOOM 2612 W 6 pm–7:50 pm SULLIVAN J 4.0 ZOOM & ONL +2 hours 10 minutes weekly online. ONLINE & ONL +2 hours weekly online. ONLINE Puente program; visit 2655 M 6 pm–7:50 pm BRAMAN J 4.0 ZOOM 2580 M 9 am–10:50 am DARA - 4.0 ZOOM & ONL +2 hours 10 minutes weekly online. ONLINE & ONL +2 hours 10 minutes weekly online. ONLINE 2620 ONL PRESCOTT J 4.0 ONLINE 2581 T 9 am–10:50 am DARA - 4.0 ZOOM 2616 ONL SANCHEZ V 4.0 ONLINE & ONL +2 hours weekly online. ONLINE 2615 ONL SANCHEZ V 4.0 ONLINE 2598 M 9 am–10:50 am UNDERWOOD S 4.0 ZOOM 2608 ONL BURMAN T 4.0 ONLINE & ONL +2 hours 10 minutes weekly online. ONLINE 2607 ONL HIDLE J 4.0 ONLINE 2600 S 10 am–11:50 am WOOD S 4.0 ZOOM 2606 ONL GROSS M 4.0 ONLINE & ONL +2 hours 10 minutes weekly online. ONLINE This section is specially designed to meet the needs of students from 2605 F 10 am–11:50 am DOLCE C 4.0 ZOOM multilingual/ESL backgrounds. & ONL +2 hours 10 minutes weekly online. ONLINE 3597 ONL KIRWAN J 4.0 ONLINE 2584 T 11 am–12:50 pm SULLIVAN J 4.0 ZOOM 2666 ONL HAGEN K 4.0 ONLINE & ONL +2 hours weekly online. ONLINE Students in this section must also enroll in ENGL 52 #2874, a highly 2592 T 1:30 pm–3:20 pm HETRICK K 4.0 ZOOM supported path to transfer English completion. & ONL +2 hours weekly online. ONLINE 2664 ONL LAMBERT L 4.0 ONLINE 2586 T 1:30 pm–3:20 pm ROBERTS A 4.0 ZOOM 2663 ONL LAMBERT L 4.0 ONLINE & ONL +2 hours weekly online. ONLINE Students in this section must also enroll in ENGL 52 #2865, a highly 2577 T 1:30 pm–3:20 pm HIDLE J 4.0 ZOOM supported path to transfer English completion. & ONL +2 hours weekly online. ONILNE 2662 ONL HAGEN K 4.0 ONLINE Mana program; visit 2661 ONL HANNON R 4.0 ONLINE 2602 Th 1:30 pm–3:20 pm GUTIERREZ S 4.0 ZOOM 2660 ONL O’DONNELL M 4.0 ONLINE & ONL +2 hours weekly online. ONLINE 2651 ONL ERICKSEN L 4.0 ONLINE 2599 M 1:30 pm–3:20 pm DOLCE C 4.0 ZOOM 2646 ONL SANTIAGO VEN 4.0 ONLINE & ONL +2 hours 10 minutes weekly online. ONLINE 2618 ONL ROBERTS A 4.0 ONLINE 2596 W 1:30 pm–3:20 pm GUTIERREZ S 4.0 ZOOM 2619 ONL ROBERTS A 4.0 ONLINE & ONL +2 hours weekly online. ONLINE 2623 ONL LAMBERT L 4.0 ONLINE 2591 W 6 pm–7:50 pm FAZIO-DIBENE 4.0 ZOOM 2625 ONL LAMBERT L 4.0 ONLINE & ONL +2 hours weekly online. ONLINE 2630 ONL HAGEN K 4.0 ONLINE 2604 T 6 pm–7:50 pm CORDERO K 4.0 ZOOM 2632 ONL HAGEN K 4.0 ONLINE & ONL +2 hours weekly online. ONLINE 2633 ONL HAGEN K 4.0 ONLINE 2595 Th 6 pm–7:50 pm CRUM J 4.0 ZOOM 2635 ONL MAGARGAL K 4.0 ONLINE & ONL +2 hours weekly online. ONLINE 2638 ONL WILLIAMS J 4.0 ONLINE 2582 ONL MUSHINSKY J 4.0 ONLINE 3116 ONL ZIMMERMAN M 4.0 ONLINE 2589 ONL POTRATZ D 4.0 ONLINE 2641 M 3:30 pm–5:20 pm BRAMAN J 4.0 ZOOM 2588 ONL WILLIAMS J 4.0 ONLINE & ONL +2 hours 10 minutes weekly online. ONLINE 3014 ONL FAULKNER S 4.0 ONLINE 2644 M 11 am–12:50 pm SCADUTO E 4.0 ZOOM 3032 ONL MAGARGAL K 4.0 ONLINE & ONL +3 hours weekly online. ONLINE 3102 ONL UNDERWOOD S 4.0 ONLINE This section is specially designed to meet the needs of students from 3103 ONL WILKINSON S 4.0 ONLINE multilingual/ESL backgrounds. 2587 ONL BORAZ K 4.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). 2590 ONL POTRATZ D 4.0 ONLINE 2650 T 9 am–10:50 am SCADUTO E 4.0 ZOOM 2603 ONL BISHOP A 4.0 ONLINE & ONL +2 hours 35 minutes weekly online. ONLINE 2594 ONL WILKINSON S 4.0 ONLINE This section is specially designed to meet the needs of students from 2593 ONL LARSON J 4.0 ONLINE multilingual/ESL backgrounds. LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). 2583 ONL SULLIVAN J 4.0 ONLINE 2645 ONL BISHOP A 4.0 ONLINE 2585 T 11 am–12:50 pm ROBERTS A 4.0 ZOOM LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). & ONL +2 hours weekly online. ONLINE 2647 ONL MITCHELL C 4.0 ONLINE ENGL 201H Critical Thinking, Composition, and Literature (Honors) LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–05/22). CSU; UC. PREREQUISITE: ENGL 100 or ENGL 100H. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Not open to students with prior credit in ENGL 201. 3429 T 12 pm–1:15 pm MUSHINSKY J 4.0 ZOOM ONLINE & ONL +2 hour 30 minutes weekly online. MiraCosta College Spring 2021 Credit Courses 760.757.2121 42

Film Class # Days Time Instructor Units Room # Class # Days Time Instructor Units Room # English English as a Second Language ENGL 202 Critical Thinking and Composition ESL 150 Introduction to College Composition for Students from CSU; UC. PREREQUISITES: ENGL 100 or ENGL 100H. ENROLLMENT Multilingual Backgrounds LIMITATION: Not open to students with prior credit in ENGL 202H. CSU; UC. PREREQUISITE: ACE 149, ENGL 49, ESL 149, or eligibility de- termined by the English placement process. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: 2575 ONL HOMER S 4.0 ONLINE Not open to students with prior credit in ACE 150 or ENGL 50. CLASS DATES, (01/25–03/20). 1328 T 9 am–10:50 am LACKKATY S 4.0 ZOOM 2573 W 7 am–8:50 am ALESSI A 4.0 ZOOM & ONL +3 hours 5 minutes weekly online. ONLINE & ONL +2 hours weekly online. ONLINE 1332 ONL ROSTWOROWSKI 4.0 ONLINE 2565 M 9 am–10:50 am ANTE-CONTRER 4.0 ZOOM LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). & ONL +2 hours weekly online. ONLINE 2574 T 9 am–10:50 am HETRICK K 4.0 ZOOM & ONL +2 hours weekly online. ONLINE Film 2569 T 9 am–10:50 am BURMAN T 4.0 ZOOM & ONL +2 hours weekly online. ONLINE FILM 101 Introduction to Film CSU; UC. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Not open to students with prior 2567 T 9 am–10:50 am ANTE-CONTRER 4.0 ZOOM & ONL +2 hours weekly online. ONLINE credit in FILM 101H. 3033 F 10 am–11:50 am BURNS S 4.0 ZOOM 2378 ONL BAGGETT A 3.0 ONLINE & ONL +2 hours 10 minutes weekly online. ONLINE CLASS DATES, (01/25–03/20). 2566 M 11 am–12:50 pm ANTE-CONTRER 4.0 ZOOM 2363 F 10:30 am–11:45 am WALCUTT J 3.0 ZOOM & ONL +2 hours weekly online. ONLINE & ONL +1 hour 30 minutes weekly online. ONLINE 2570 T 11 am–12:50 pm BURMAN T 4.0 ZOOM 2366 Th 6 pm–7:15 pm COLLINS-PORT 3.0 ZOOM & ONL +2 hours weekly online. ONLINE & ONL +1 hour 30 minutes weekly online. ONLINE 3039 ONL BURNS S 4.0 ONLINE 2364 T 6 pm–7:15 pm DUMAIS L 3.0 ZOOM 2571 ONL STRONA J 4.0 ONLINE & ONL +1 hour 30 minutes weekly online. ONLINE 2568 ONL MITCHELL C 4.0 ONLINE 3306 ONL LAYNE T 3.0 ONLINE 2572 M 7 am–8:50 am ALESSI A 4.0 ZOOM 2377 ONL DUMAIS L 3.0 ONLINE & ONL +2 hours weekly online. ONLINE 2376 ONL MANSOUR D 3.0 ONLINE 2576 ONL HOMER S 4.0 ONLINE 2374 ONL VILLANE F 3.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–05/22). 2372 ONL GUNN B 3.0 ONLINE ENGL 280 Creative Writing 2370 ONL GUNN B 3.0 ONLINE CSU; UC. PREREQUISITE: ACE 150, ENGL 50, ESL 150, or eligibility determined by the English placement process. 2369 ONL GUNN B 3.0 ONLINE 2368 ONL BOLAND P 3.0 ONLINE 2561 T 1:30 pm–2:45 pm CORDERO K 3.0 ZOOM 2371 ONL GUNN B 3.0 ONLINE & ONL +1 hour 30 minutes weekly online. ONLINE 2367 ONL BOLAND P 3.0 ONLINE 2560 ONL HIDLE J 3.0 ONLINE 2365 ONL BOLAND P 3.0 ONLINE 2362 ONL BOLAND P 3.0 ONLINE English as a Second Language 2373 ONL SPRAGUE T 3.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). ESL 20 Listening and Speaking for Non-Native Speakers of English 3566 ONL LAYNE T 3.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (02/22–05/22). 1336 W 10:30 am–11:45 am PACKER E 3.0 ZOOM 3572 ONL SPRAGUE T 3.0 ONLINE & ONL +1 hour 30 minutes weekly online. ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–05/22). ESL 30 Reading and Vocabulary Development for Non-Native 3565 ONL MANSOUR D 3.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–05/22). Speakers of English 2379 ONL BAGGETT A 3.0 ONLINE 1330 W 9 am–10:15 am PACKER E 3.0 ZOOM LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–05/22). & ONL +1 hour 30 minutes weekly online. ONLINE ESL 40 Grammar for Non-Native Speakers of English FILM 105 Introduction to Media Writing CSU; UC. PREREQUISITE: ACE 150, ENGL 50, ESL 150, or eligibility 1331 M 12 pm–1:15 pm RABINOVICH E 3.0 ZOOM determined by the English placement process. 3.0 ONLINE & ONL +1 hour 30 minutes weekly online. ONLINE 2361 ONL MANSOUR D 3.0 ONLINE 1335 ONL GROSS M This is a screenwriting course. LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). 2375 Th 6 pm–7:15 pm BOLAND P 3.0 ZOOM ESL 80 Advanced Grammar for Writing for Non-Native Speakers of & ONL +1 hour 30 minutes weekly online. English This is a screenwriting course. ONLINE 1334 ONL BROWN D 3.0 ONLINE FILM 106 Study of Filmed Plays LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). CSU; UC. ESL 149 Introduction to Academic Writing for Students from 2360 ONL BISHOP E 3.0 ONLINE Multilingual Backgrounds LATE-START CLASS, (02/22–05/22). CSU; UC. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Not open to students with prior credit in ACE 149 or ENGL 49. FILM 111 Film History I: 1880–1945 CSU; UC. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Not open to students with prior 1326 T 9 am–10:50 am LLOYD JONES 4.0 ZOOM credit in FILM 111H. & ONL +3 hours 5 minutes weekly online. ONLINE 2359 ONL GUNN B 3.0 ONLINE 3445 ONL LACKKATY S 4.0 ONLINE CLASS DATES, (01/25–03/20). LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). OC=Oceanside Campus CLC=Community Learning Center Honors Course Online Class SAN=San Elijo Campus Class Details & to Enroll 43

Film CREDIT COURSE OFFERINGS Class # Days Time Instructor Units Room # Class # Days Time Instructor Units Room # Film Geography FILM 112 Film History II: 1945-Present GEOG 101L Physical Geography Laboratory CSU; UC. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Not open to students with prior CSU; UC. PREREQUISITE: GEOG 101. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: credit in FILM 112H. Concurrent enrollment in GEOG 101 if prerequisite not met. 2357 W 12 pm–1:15 pm VILLANE F 3.0 ZOOM 1286 W 1:30 pm–3 pm LAZOOTIN T 1.0 ZOOM & ONL +1 hour 30 minutes weekly online. ONLINE & ONL +1 hour 20 minutes weekly online. ONLINE 2358 ONL GUNN B 3.0 ONLINE 3073 ONL LAZOOTIN T 1.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–05/22). GEOG 102 Cultural Geography FILM 211 Identity and Film: Race, Class, Gender and Sexuality CSU; UC. CSU; UC. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Not open to students with prior credit in FILM 211H. 1291 ONL WRIGHT C 3.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). 2356 W 6 pm–7:15 pm COLLINS-PORT 3.0 ZOOM GEOG 104 World Geography & ONL +1 hour 30 minutes weekly online. ONLINE CSU; UC. French 1285 ONL KLEIN M 3.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). FREN 101 Elementary French (First Semester) GEOG 108 Environmental Sustainability and Society CSU; UC. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Not open to students with prior CSU; UC. credit in FREN 102, FREN 201, or FREN 202. 1284 ONL KLEIN M 3.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). 2268 ONL TOHARIA C 4.0 ONLINE A webcam and a microphone are required for web-conferencing and/or assessments that will be scheduled with students. Geology 2266 ONL TOHARIA C 4.0 ONLINE A webcam and a microphone are required for web-conferencing GEOL 101 Physical Geology CSU; UC. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Not open to students with prior and/or assessments that will be scheduled with students. credit in GEOL 101H. FREN 102 Elementary French (Second Semester) 1858 ONL BECK S 3.0 ONLINE CSU; UC. PREREQUISITES: FREN 101 or two years of high school French with a “C” or better. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Not open to students 1856 ONL BECK S 3.0 ONLINE with prior credit in FREN 201 or FREN 202. 1857 ONL FALERO R 3.0 ONLINE 2270 ONL ZAHEDI S 4.0 ONLINE 1859 ONL BERGMANIS E 3.0 ONLINE A webcam and a microphone are required for web-conferencing 1860 ONL GOMES C 3.0 ONLINE and/or assessments that will be scheduled with students. 1861 ONL TURBEVILLE J 3.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). FREN 201 Intermediate French (Third Semester) CSU; UC. PREREQUISITES: FREN 102 or three years of high school 1862 ONL TURBEVILLE J 3.0 ONLINE French with a “C” or better. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Not open to LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). students with prior credit in FREN 202. GEOL 101L Physical Geology Laboratory 2272 ONL TOHARIA C 4.0 ONLINE CSU; UC. PREREQUISITES: GEOL 101 or GEOL 101H. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Concurrent enrollment in GEOL 101 or GEOL 101H if pre- This 8-week course is set up so students may complete FREN 202 requisite not met. Not open to students with prior credit in GEOL 101LH. (section #2274) in the following 8-week session. Students may enroll in both at the same time. A webcam and a microphone are required 1863 ONL TURBEVILLE J 1.0 ONLINE for web-conferencing and/or assessments that will be scheduled 1865 ONL TURBEVILLE J 1.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). with students. CLASS DATES, (01/25–03/20). 1864 ONL TURBEVILLE J 1.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). FREN 202 Intermediate French (Fourth Semester) CSU; UC. PREREQUISITES: FREN 201 or four years of high school French 1866 ONL TURBEVILLE J 1.0 ONLINE with a “C” or better. LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–05/22). 2274 ONL TOHARIA C 4.0 ONLINE German Students who are enrolled in the preceding 8-week section of GRMN 101 Elementary German (First Semester) FREN 201 (section #2272), may enroll in this section at the same CSU; UC. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Not open to students with prior time, but must successfully complete FREN 201 in order to remain enrolled in FREN 202. A webcam and a microphone are required credit in GRMN 102, or GRMN 201. for web-conferencing and/or assessments that will be scheduled with students. 2276 ONL THULEEN N 4.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–05/22). A webcam and a microphone are required for web-conferencing and/or assessments that will be scheduled with students. Geography GRMN 121 Introduction to German Culture CSU; UC. GEOG 101 Physical Geography CSU; UC. 2278 ONL THULEEN N 3.0 ONLINE 1287 MW 10:30 am–11:45 am LAZOOTIN T 3.0 ZOOM 3.0 ONLINE 1288 ONL CONLEY J 3.0 ONLINE 3.0 ONLINE 1289 ONL CONLEY J 1290 ONL CONLEY J LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). MiraCosta College Spring 2021 Credit Courses 760.757.2121 44

History Class # Days Time Instructor Units Room # Class # Days Time Instructor Units Room # Gerontology History GERO 101 Introduction to Aging HIST 100 World History to 1500 CSU; UC. CSU; UC. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Not open to students with prior credit in HIST 100H. 2158 ONL PHILLIPS J 3.0 ONLINE GERO 130 Caregiving: Techniques for Working with the Frail Elderly 2200 ONL BREWSTER M 3.0 ONLINE CSU. CLASS DATES, (01/25–03/20). 3438 ONL PHILLIPS J 3.0 ONLINE 2197 ONL BOND R 3.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). 2198 ONL BOND R 3.0 ONLINE 2199 ONL BOND R 3.0 ONLINE 2196 ONL BOND R 3.0 ONLINE Health Education 3424 ONL GOLEMO K 3.0 ONLINE HEAL 101 Principles of Health HIST 101 World History Since 1500 CSU; UC. CSU; UC. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Not open to students with prior credit in HIST 101H. 1910 ONL MCFARLAND C 3.0 ONLINE CLASS DATES, (01/25–03/20). 3.0 ONLINE 2202 ONL GOLEMO K 3.0 ONLINE 3.0 ONLINE 1909 ONL CONREY M 3.0 ONLINE 2201 ONL DORSEY D 3.0 ONLINE 3.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). 3.0 ONLINE 2204 ONL SCOTT JAMES 3.0 ONLINE 1907 ONL BOLDT D 2203 ONL SLEEPER C 3.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). 2205 ONL RIGGS M 3.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–05/22). 1906 ONL BOLDT D LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). HIST 102 History of the Modern Middle East 3303 ONL FULBRIGHT R CSU; UC. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Not open to students with prior LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–05/22). credit in HIST 102H. 1911 ONL FULBRIGHT R 2195 ONL BOND R 3.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–05/22). HIST 103 Early European History and Culture HEAL 180 Introduction to Public Health CSU; UC. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Not open to students with prior CSU; UC. credit in HIST 103H. 1912 ONL CONREY M 3.0 ONLINE 2194 ONL LANE L 3.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). CLASS DATES, (01/25–03/20). HEAL 200 First Aid and Safety HIST 104 Modern European History and Culture CSU. CSU; UC. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Not open to students with prior credit in HIST 104H. OCEANSIDE CAMPUS Room # 2192 ONL GOLEMO K 3.0 ONLINE 1913 ONL JACOBS A 1.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). & ARRANGED 2193 ONL LANE L 3.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (02/26–03/19) LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–05/22). Instructor will schedule on campus meeting dates and times with students to take certification tests. HIST 105 History of England CSU; UC. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Not open to students with prior HEAL 201 CPR and AED credit in HIST 105H. CSU. 2191 ONL LANE L 3.0 ONLINE OCEANSIDE CAMPUS Room # HIST 106 History of Technology CSU; UC. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Not open to students with prior 3479 ONL JACOBS A 1.0 ONLINE credit in HIST 106H. & ARRANGED LATE-START CLASS, (04/02–04/23) 2190 ONL LANE L 3.0 ONLINE Instructor will schedule on campus meeting dates and times with students to take certification tests. HIST 107 East Asian Societies CSU; UC. HEAL 222 Stress Management CSU. 2189 ONL SCOTT JAMES 3.0 ONLINE 1914 ONL MCFARLAND C 3.0 ONLINE HIST 110 United States History to 1877 LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). CSU; UC. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Not open to students with prior HEAL 299 Occupational Cooperative Work Experience credit in HIST 110H. CSU. COREQUISITE: Complete 75 hrs paid or 60 hrs non-paid work per 2215 ONL LANE L 3.0 ONLINE CLASS DATES, (01/25–03/20). unit. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Career Center approval. May not enroll in any combination of cooperative work experience and/or internship 2216 ONL MOORE C 3.0 ONLINE studies concurrently. CLASS DATES, (01/25–03/20). 1387 ONL STAFF 3.0 ONLINE 2211 ONL BALE V 3.0 ONLINE Go to or call 760.795.6772 for more info. 2212 ONL BYROM B 3.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). 2213 ONL BYROM B 3.0 ONLINE 2206 ONL DOIG L 3.0 ONLINE 2207 ONL DOIG L 3.0 ONLINE 2208 ONL AREVALOS A 3.0 ONLINE 2209 ONL AREVALOS A 3.0 ONLINE 2210 ONL ULRICH-SCHLU 3.0 ONLINE 2214 ONL SPROUL D 3.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). OC=Oceanside Campus CLC=Community Learning Center Honors Course Online Class SAN=San Elijo Campus Class Details & to Enroll 45

History CREDIT COURSE OFFERINGS Class # Days Time Instructor Units Room # Class # Days Time Instructor Units Room # History Horticulture HIST 111 United States History Since 1877 HORT 121 Sustainable Landscape and Turf Management CSU; UC. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Not open to students with prior CSU. credit in HIST 111H. 1894 ONL BROWN R 3.0 ONLINE 2223 ONL BALE V 3.0 ONLINE HORT 127 Landscape Design CSU; UC. 2221 ONL GREGORY E 3.0 ONLINE 2220 ONL LANE L 3.0 ONLINE 1896 M 5 pm–6:50 pm LAWSON T 3.0 ZOOM ONLINE 2219 ONL DOIG L 3.0 ONLINE & ONL +3 hours 15 minutes weekly online. 2218 ONL DOIG L 3.0 ONLINE 2217 ONL DOIG L 3.0 ONLINE HORT 140 Subtropical Fruit and Plant Production CSU. 2224 ONL BALE V 3.0 ONLINE 2225 ONL GREGORY E 3.0 ONLINE 1898 M 5 pm–6:50 pm BENDER G 3.0 ZOOM LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). ONLINE & ONL +3 hours 15 minutes weekly online. 2226 ONL STAFF 3.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). HORT 149 Vineyard Production and Management 2228 ONL LANE L 3.0 ONLINE CSU. LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–05/22). 1900 W 5 pm–6:50 pm STEHLY A 3.0 ZOOM 2227 ONL SLEEPER C 3.0 ONLINE ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–05/22). & ONL +3 hours 10 minutes weekly online. HIST 111H United States History Since 1877 (Honors) HORT 162 Organic Crop Production: Warm Season CSU; UC. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Not open to students with prior CSU; UC. credit in HIST 111. 1902 ONL FERRIERI A 2.0 ONLINE 3425 ONL SLEEPER C 3.0 ONLINE HORT 230 Landscape Architecture CSU. PREREQUISITE: HORT 127. HIST 117 History of the Americas Since 1830 1904 W 5 pm–6:50 pm LAWSON T 3.0 ZOOM CSU; UC. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Not open to students with prior ONLINE credit in HIST 117H. & ONL +3 hours 10 minutes weekly online. 2187 ONL MOORE C 3.0 ONLINE HORT 299 Occupational Cooperative Work Experience CSU. COREQUISITE: Complete 75 hrs paid or 60 hrs non-paid work per HIST 142 Mexican American History Since 1877 unit. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Career Center approval. May not enroll CSU; UC. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Not open to students with prior in any combination of cooperative work experience and/or internship credit in HIST 142H. studies concurrently. 1388 ONL STAFF 3.0 ONLINE 2186 W 3 pm–4:15 pm AGUILAR E 3.0 ZOOM Go to or call 760.795.6772 for more info. LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). & ONL +1 hour 30 minutes weekly online. ONLINE HIST 145 African American History to 1877 Hospitality CSU; UC. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Not open to students with prior credit in HIST 145H. HOSP 100 Introduction to Hospitality Management CSU. 2185 ONL ODOM M 3.0 ONLINE HIST 165 California History 1505 ONL KASSEGN A 3.0 ONLINE CSU; UC. CLASS DATES, (01/25–03/20). 3.0 ONLINE 3.0 ONLINE 3426 ONL BREWSTER M 3.0 ONLINE 1506 ONL PATEL J LATE-START CLASS, (02/22–05/22). Horticulture 1507 ONL WALKER-PINNE LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–05/22). HORT 115 Soil Science HOSP 114 Hospitality Law CSU; UC. CSU. 1886 M 5 pm–6:50 pm ALLISON M 3.0 ZOOM ONLINE & ONL +3 hours 15 minutes weekly online. 3.0 ONLINE 1508 ONL LAMBETH A 3.0 ONLINE 3.0 ONLINE ONLINE 3130 ONL ALLISON M LATE-START CLASS, (02/22–05/22). ONLINE ZOOM ONLINE 3398 ONL STAFF ONLINE HOSP 130 Conference and Special Event Management ONLINE CSU. HORT 116 Plant Science CSU; UC. ZOOM 1509 ONL JENKINS ORR 3.0 ONLINE 1888 TTh 1:30 pm–3 pm GERSON J 4.0 LATE-START CLASS, (02/22–05/22). 4.0 & ONL +3 hours weekly online. HOSP 133 Front Office Management CSU. 1890 ONL FERRIERI A HORT 117 Plant Identification: Trees, Shrubs, and Vines 1510 ONL WALKER-PINNE 3.0 CSU; UC. LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–05/22). 1892 Th 5 pm–6:50 pm GERSON J 3.0 HOSP 153 Restaurant Management CSU. & ONL +3 hours 10 minutes weekly online. 3518 ONL JENKINS ORR 3.0 LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–05/22). MiraCosta College Spring 2021 Credit Courses 760.757.2121 46

Kinesiology Class # Days Time Instructor Units Room # Class # Days Time Instructor Units Room # Hospitality Japanese HOSP 299 Occupational Cooperative Work Experience JAPN 101 Elementary Japanese (First Semester) CSU. COREQUISITE: Complete 75 hrs paid or 60 hrs non-paid work per CSU; UC. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Not open to students with prior unit. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Career Center approval. May not enroll credit in JAPN 102, JAPN 201, or JAPN 202. in any combination of cooperative work experience and/or internship studies concurrently. 2290 ONL KIYOCHI E 4.0 ONLINE 1389 ONL STAFF 3.0 ONLINE A webcam and a microphone are required for web-conferencing Go to or call 760.795.6772 for more info. and/or assessments that will be scheduled with students. LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). 2292 ONL OZAWA R 4.0 ONLINE A webcam and a microphone are required for web-conferencing and/or assessments that will be scheduled with students. Humanities 2288 MW 12 pm–1:20 pm KIYOCHI E 4.0 ZOOM & ONL +2 hours 5 minutes weekly online. HUMN 101 Introduction to the Arts A webcam and a microphone are required for web-conferencing CSU; UC. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Not open to students with prior credit in HUMN 101H. ADVISORY: ACE 150, ENGL 50, ESL 150, or eligi- and/or assessments that will be scheduled with students. bility determined by the English placement process. 2298 ONL NOBUHARA M 4.0 ONLINE A webcam and a microphone are required for web-conferencing 2548 ONL KIRWAN J 3.0 ONLINE and/or assessments that will be scheduled with students. LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). HUMN 205 Women in Western Art and Literature JAPN 102 Elementary Japanese (Second Semester) CSU; UC. CSU; UC. PREREQUISITE: JAPN 101 or two years of high school Japanese with a “C” or better. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Not open to students 3427 T 12 pm–1:15 pm FIGUEROA-CHA 3.0 ZOOM with prior credit in JAPN 201 or JAPN 202. ONLINE & ONL +1 hour 30 minutes weekly online. 2294 ONL KIYOCHI E 4.0 ONLINE Italian A webcam and a microphone are required for web-conferencing and/or assessments that will be scheduled with students. ITAL 101 Elementary Italian (First Semester) 2296 ONL KIYOCHI E 4.0 ONLINE CSU; UC. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Not open to students with prior credit in ITAL 102, ITAL 103, ITAL 201, or ITAL 202. A webcam and a microphone are required for web-conferencing and/or assessments that will be scheduled with students. LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). 2279 TTh 9:30 am–10:50 am PETRI A 4.0 ZOOM & ONL +7 hours 10 minutes weekly online. ONLINE JAPN 121 Introduction to Japanese Culture This 8-week course is set up so students may complete Italian 102 CSU; UC. (section #2283) in the following 8-week session. Students may enroll 2300 ONL KIYOCHI E 3.0 ONLINE in both at the same time. A webcam and a microphone are required A webcam and a microphone are required for web-conferencing for web-conferencing and/or assessments that will be scheduled and/or assessments that will be scheduled with students. with students. LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). CLASS DATES, (01/25–03/20). 2281 ONL ASTARITA A 4.0 ONLINE JAPN 202 Intermediate Japanese (Fourth Semester) CSU; UC. PREREQUISITE: JAPN 201 or four years of high school Japa- A webcam and a microphone are required for web-conferencing and/or assessments that will be scheduled with students. nese with a “C” or better. LATE-START CLASS, (02/22–05/22). 3431 MW 7 pm–8:20 pm TAKEUCHI S 4.0 ZOOM ITAL 102 Elementary Italian (Second Semester) & ONL +2 hours 5 minutes weekly online. CSU; UC. PREREQUISITES: ITAL 101 or two years of high school Italian with a “C” or better, or ITAL 103. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Not open A webcam and a microphone are required for web-conferencing to students with prior credit in ITAL 201 or ITAL 202. and/or assessments that will be scheduled with students. 2283 TTh 9:30 am–10:50 am PETRI A 4.0 ZOOM JAPN 210 Intermediate Conversation I and Reading CSU; UC. PREREQUISITE: JAPN 102 or three years of high school Jap- & ONL +7 hours 10 minutes weekly online. ONLINE anese with a “C or better. Students who are enrolled in the preceding 8-week section of Italian 3433 TTh 7 pm–8:15 pm TAKEUCHI S 3.0 ZOOM 101 (section #2279), may enroll in this section at the same time, but A webcam and a microphone are required for web-conferencing must successfully complete Italian 101 in order to remain enrolled in and/or assessments that will be scheduled with students. 102. A webcam and a microphone are required for web-conferencing and/or assessments that will be scheduled with students. JAPN 211 Intermediate Conversation II and Writing LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–05/22). CSU; UC. PREREQUISITE: JAPN 210. ITAL 121 Introduction to Italian Culture 3434 TTh 7 pm–8:15 pm TAKEUCHI S 3.0 ZOOM CSU; UC. A webcam and a microphone are required for web-conferencing 2285 ONL PETRI A 3.0 ONLINE and/or assessments that will be scheduled with students. A webcam and a microphone are required for web-conferencing Kinesiology and/or assessments that will be scheduled with students. LATE-START CLASS, (02/22–05/22). KINE 100 Beginning Weight Training ITAL 201 Intermediate Italian (Third Semester) CSU; UC. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Maximum of four enrollments CSU; UC. PREREQUISITE: ITAL 102, or three years of high school Italian among KINE 100, KINE 101, KINE 102, and KINE 144. with a “C” or better. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Not open to students with prior credit in ITAL 202. 1930 ONL HACKETT J 1.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). 2286 ONL ASTARITA A 4.0 ONLINE 1974 ONL CONAHAN P 1.0 ONLINE A webcam and a microphone are required for web-conferencing LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). and/or assessments that will be scheduled with students. LATE-START CLASS, (02/22–05/22). OC=Oceanside Campus CLC=Community Learning Center Honors Course Online Class SAN=San Elijo Campus Class Details & to Enroll 47

Kinesiology CREDIT COURSE OFFERINGS Class # Days Time Instructor Units Room # Class # Days Time Instructor Units Room # Kinesiology Kinesiology ONLINE ONLINE KINE 101 Intermediate Weight Training KINE 154 Intermediate Yoga ONLINE CSU; UC. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Maximum of four enrollments CSU; UC. PREREQUISITE: KINE 150. ONLINE among KINE 100, KINE 101, KINE 102, and KINE 144. ONLINE 1964 ONL SHIMABUKURO 1.0 ONLINE 1.0 ONLINE 3482 ONL HACKETT J 1.0 ONLINE 1962 ONL KREMER S 1.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). 3112 ONL LU-ANDERSON 1.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). ONLINE 3536 ONL JACOBS A 1.0 ONLINE 1.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). ONLINE 1965 ONL KRIEBEL A 1.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). ONLINE KINE 102 Advanced Weight Training 1.0 ONLINE CSU; UC. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Maximum of four enrollments 1966 ONL MORELEWSKI K ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). 1.0 among KINE 100, KINE 101, KINE 102, and KINE 144. ONLINE 1967 ONL LU-ANDERSON 3537 ONL JACOBS A 1.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). 3511 ONL ROSS K ONLINE 3483 ONL HACKETT J 1.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). ONLINE 1963 ONL WHEATLEY A LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–05/22). ONLINE KINE 110 Walking for Fitness ONLINE CSU; UC. KINE 155 Advanced Yoga ONLINE CSU; UC. PREREQUISITE: KINE 150. ONLINE 1931 ONL MORELEWSKI K 1.0 ONLINE ONLINE KINE 112 Beginning Cardio Training 1970 ONL SHIMABUKURO 1.0 CSU; UC. 1.0 1968 ONL KREMER S 1.0 1932 ONL KRAMER A 1.0 ONLINE 3113 ONL LU-ANDERSON 1.0 LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). 1.0 3512 ONL ROSS K LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). 1.0 KINE 113 Intermediate Cardio Training CSU; UC. 1973 ONL LU-ANDERSON 1.0 LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). 1934 ONL KRAMER A 1.0 ONLINE 1.0 LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). 1972 ONL MORELEWSKI K LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). KINE 114 Advanced Cardio Training 1971 ONL KRIEBEL A CSU; UC. LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). 1935 ONL KRAMER A 1.0 ONLINE 1969 ONL WHEATLEY A LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–05/22). LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). KINE 145 Yoga Teacher Training Foundation KINE 156 Beginning Flexibility Training CSU. CSU; UC. 1956 ONL WHEATLEY A 3.0 ONLINE 1933 ONL BAKER T 1.0 3.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). LATE-START CLASS, (02/01–03/20) 1954 ONL KRIEBEL A KINE 157 Intermediate Flexibility Training LATE-START CLASS, (02/01–03/20) CSU; UC. KINE 147 Yoga Teacher Training Development 1960 ONL BAKER T 1.0 LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). CSU. ADVISORY: KINE145. 3486 ONL MCFARLAND C 3.0 ONLINE KINE 158 Advanced Flexibility Training LATE-START CLASS, (04/05–05/22) 3.0 ONLINE CSU; UC. 3484 ONL MCFARLAND C 1961 ONL BAKER T 1.0 LATE-START CLASS, (04/05–05/22) LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). KINE 149 Yoga Teacher Training Integration KINE 159 Yoga Teacher Training Implementation CSU. ADVISORY: KINE 145, KINE 147, and KINE 150. CSU. PREREQUISITES: KINE 145, KINE 147, and KINE 150. 1958 ONL MCCARTHY S 3.0 ONLINE 3514 ONL MCCARTHY S 3.0 ONLINE & ONL LATE-START CLASS, (04/05–05/22) LATE-START CLASS, (02/01–03/20) KINE 150 Beginning Yoga KINE 190 Introduction to Kinesiology CSU; UC. CSU. 1951 ONL SHIMABUKURO 1.0 ONLINE 1938 ONL MCFARLAND C 3.0 1.0 ONLINE CLASS DATES, (01/25–03/20). 3.0 1949 ONL KREMER S 1.0 ONLINE 3.0 1936 ONL BAKER T 3.0 1953 ONL MORELEWSKI K 1.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). 1.0 ONLINE 1939 ONL FULBRIGHT R 3111 ONL LU-ANDERSON LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–05/22). LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). 1.0 ONLINE 1937 ONL FULBRIGHT R 3510 ONL ROSS K 1.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–05/22). LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). 1.0 ONLINE 1950 ONL LU-ANDERSON KINE 200 Physical Education in the Elementary School LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). CSU. 1952 ONL KRIEBEL A 1940 ONL FULBRIGHT R 3.0 LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–05/22). 1948 ONL WHEATLEY A LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–05/22). MiraCosta College Spring 2021 Credit Courses 760.757.2121 48

Mathematics Class # Days Time Instructor Units Room # Class # Days Time Instructor Units Room # Kinesiology Literature KINE 203 Techniques in Athletic Training LIT 120 Introduction to Literature CSU; UC. CSU; UC. ADVISORY: ACE 150, ENGL 50, ESL 150, or eligibility determined by the English placement process. 1946 ONL JACOBS A 3.0 ONLINE KINE 204 Techniques and Analysis of Fitness and Weight Training 2550 T 6 pm–7:15 pm FIGUEROA-CHA 3.0 ZOOM CSU; UC. & ONL +1 hour 30 minutes weekly online. ONLINE 1944 ONL FULBRIGHT R 3.0 ONLINE This class focuses on the historical and contemporary cultural LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–05/22). experiences of the Chicanx Latinx community through the exploration of diverse literary genres. KINE 210 Exercise Prescription for Special Populations 2549 ONL HIDLE J 3.0 ONLINE CSU. This class focuses on diverse authors’ contemporary children’s and 1941 ONL KRIEBEL A 3.0 ONLINE young adult literatures, including graphic novels, spoken word, LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–05/22). and hybrid texts. 2552 M 10:30 am–11:45 am STARK H 3.0 ZOOM KINE 299 Occupational Cooperative Work Experience & ONL +1 hour 30 minutes weekly online. ONLINE CSU. COREQUISITE: Complete 75 hrs paid or 60 hrs non-paid work per unit. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Career Center approval. May not enroll LIT 251 American Literature: Mid-1800s to the Present in any combination of cooperative work experience and/or internship CSU; UC. PREREQUISITE: ACE 150, ENGL 50, ESL 150, or eligibility studies concurrently. determined by the English placement process. ENROLLMENT LIMITA- TION: Not open to students with prior credit in LIT 251H ADVISORY: 1390 ONL STAFF 3.0 ONLINE ENGL 100 or ENGL 100H. Go to or call 760.795.6772 for more info. 2553 ONL ANTE-CONTRER 3.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). Learning Skills LIT 261 English Literature: Romantic to Contemporary CSU; UC. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Not open to students with prior LRNS 42 Strategies Designed for Students with Learning Disabilities: credit in LIT 261H. ADVISORY: ACE 150, ENGL 50, ESL 150, or eligibility determined by the English placement process. Mathematics 2554 M 12 pm–1:15 pm MUSHINSKY J 3.0 ZOOM 2678 TTh 9 am–10:15 am PECK K 3.0 ZOOM & ONL +1 hour 30 minutes weekly online. ONLINE LRNS 46 English Essentials Designed for Students with Learning LIT 271 World Literature Since 1600 Disabilities CSU; UC. 2679 TTh 10:30 am–12:05 pm PECK K 3.0 ZOOM 2555 ONL KIRWAN J 3.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (02/09–05/25). Mathematics Library MATH 28 Math Fundamentals I 2809 MTWTh 9 am–10:05 am LIBR 101 College Research Skills PICKETT B 4.0 ZOOM CSU; UC. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Not open to students with prior credit in INTR 100. MATH 31 Support for Statistics COREQUISITE: MATH 103. 2670 ONL MA R 1.0 ONLINE CLASS DATES, (01/25–03/20). 2829 ONL MERCADO S 1.0 ONLINE 2672 ONL DEINEH S 1.0 ONLINE Students enrolling in Math 31 section 2829 must also enroll in Math LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–04/10) 103 section 2753. 2674 ONL PERRY P 1.0 ONLINE MATH 36 Intermediate Algebra—Learning Assistance for Pre- LATE-START CLASS, (03/29–05/22). Calculus PREREQUISITE: MATH 30 or eligibility determined by the math placement LIBR 201 Media & Information Literacy process COREQUISITE: MATH 126. CSU; UC. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Not open to students with prior credit in LIBR 201H. 2841 T 9 am–10:50 am APALATEA J 2.0 ZOOM 2676 ONL MCFALL L 3.0 ONLINE Students enrolling in Math 36 section 2841 must also enroll in Math LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). 126 section 2784. 3042 ONL MERCADO S 2.0 ONLINE LIBR 201H Media & Information Literacy (Honors) Students enrolling in Math 36 section 3042 must also enroll in Math CSU; UC. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Not open to students with prior credit in LIBR 201. 126 section 3043. 2848 ONL BELTRAN-AGUI 2.0 ONLINE Students enrolling in Math 36 section 2848 must also enroll in Math 126 section 2847. 3435 ONL PERRY P 3.0 ONLINE MATH 64 Intermediate Algebra LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). PREREQUISITE: MATH 30 or eligibility determined by the math placement process. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Concurrent enrollment in MATH 32 if prerequisite not met. Not open to students with prior credit in MATH 64S. 2766 MW 11 am–12:50 pm CHANTRILL C 4.0 ZOOM 2750 ONL BONDS D 4.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). OC=Oceanside Campus CLC=Community Learning Center Honors Course Online Class SAN=San Elijo Campus Class Details & to Enroll 49

Mathematics CREDIT COURSE OFFERINGS Class # Days Time Instructor Units Room # Class # Days Time Instructor Units Room # Mathematics Mathematics MATH 64S Intermediate Algebra with Integrated Support MATH 126 Pre-Calculus I: College Algebra PREREQUISITES: MATH 30 or eligibility determined by the math place- CSU; UC. PREREQUISITE: MATH 64, MATH 64S, or eligibility determined ment process. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Not open to students with by the math placement process. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Concurrent prior credit in MATH 32 or MATH 64. enrollment in MATH 36 if prerequisite not met. 3451 MTWTh 11 am–1:05 pm RAYAN M 6.0 ZOOM 2777 MTWTh 7 am–8:50 am PICKETT B 4.0 ZOOM MATH 102 Math Fundamentals II: Mathematics for Life Section 2777 is part of the accelerated pre-calculus sequence. CSU; UC. PREREQUISITES: MATH 28, MATH 30, or eligibility determined by the math placement process. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Not open Students must also enroll in Math 131, section 2817. to students with prior credit in MATH 95. CLASS DATES, (01/25–03/30). 2778 MW 7 am–8:50 am DUNBAR K 4.0 ZOOM 2800 MW 9 am–11:20 am KASHYAP N 4.0 ZOOM 2784 MTh 9 am–10:50 am APALATEA J 4.0 ZOOM 2814 MW 11 am–1:20 pm DOUGLAS S 4.0 ZOOM Students enrolling in Math 126 section 2784 must also enroll in Math 2850 ONL MYERS S 4.0 ONLINE 36 section 2841. 2812 ONL MERCADO S 4.0 ONLINE 2783 MW 9 am–10:50 am SAFARALIAN L 4.0 ZOOM 2818 ONL MERCADO S 4.0 ONLINE 2781 TTh 3:30 pm–5:20 pm LAUREL M 4.0 ZOOM 2842 TTh 6 pm–7:50 pm ZIADE E 4.0 ZOOM MATH 103 Statistics 2808 MW 1:30 pm–3:20 pm PICKETT B 4.0 ZOOM CSU; UC. PREREQUISITE: MATH 28 or MATH 30 or eligibility determined by the math placement process. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Concurrent 2786 ONL HEADLEE M 4.0 ONLINE enrollment in MATH 31 if prerequisite not met. 3043 ONL MERCADO S 4.0 ONLINE Students enrolling in Math 126 section 3043 must also enroll in Math 2827 ONL HEADLEE M 4.0 ONLINE 36 section 3042. 2852 TTh 7 am–8:50 am WILKINSON J 4.0 ZOOM 2847 ONL BELTRAN-AGUI 4.0 ONLINE 2857 MW 7 am–8:50 am SAADAT A 4.0 ZOOM Students enrolling in Math 126 section 2847 must also enroll in Math 2754 TTh 9 am–10:50 am HUMACIU M 4.0 ZOOM 36 section 2848. 2765 MW 9 am–10:50 am BERTENS M 4.0 ZOOM 2858 ONL NAKAMURA L 4.0 ONLINE 2805 TTh 11:30 am–1:20 pm APALATEA J 4.0 ZOOM 2779 ONL BELTRAN-AGUI 4.0 ONLINE 2807 TTh 6 pm–7:50 pm FALLSTROM S 4.0 ZOOM 2780 ONL BELTRAN-AGUI 4.0 ONLINE 2752 F 9 am–10:50 am SADEGHIPOUR 4.0 ZOOM 2785 ONL APALATEA J 4.0 ONLINE & ONL +2 hours 10 minutes weekly online. ONLINE 3096 ONL APALATEA J 4.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). 2775 ONL FIROUZIAN S 4.0 ONLINE 3011 ONL MYERS S 4.0 ONLINE MATH 131 Pre-Calculus II: Trigonometry and Analytic Geometry CSU; UC. PREREQUISITE: MATH 126 or eligibility determined by the math 2772 ONL FIROUZIAN S 4.0 ONLINE placement process. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Not open to students with prior credit in MATH 131H. 2753 ONL MERCADO S 4.0 ONLINE Students enrolling in Math 103 section 2753 must also enroll in Math 31 section 2829. 2791 MW 9 am–10:50 am BELTRAN-AGUI 4.0 ZOOM 3502 ONL FALLSTROM S 4.0 ONLINE 2793 TTh 9 am–10:50 am BELTRAN-AGUI 4.0 ZOOM LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). 2840 MW 3:30 pm–5:20 pm LAUREL M 4.0 ZOOM 2811 TTh 3:30 pm–5:45 pm ZYBURT J 4.0 ZOOM LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). 2862 ONL MARISCAL P 4.0 ONLINE 3012 ONL MARISCAL P 4.0 ONLINE 2792 ONL NAKAMURA L 4.0 ONLINE LATE-START CLASS, (02/08–05/28). 2817 MTWTh 7 am–8:50 am PICKETT B 4.0 ZOOM Section 2817 is part of the accelerated pre-calculus sequence. MATH 105 Concepts and Structures of Elementary Mathematics I Students must also enroll in and successfully complete Math 126, CSU; UC. PREREQUISITE: MATH 64, MATH 64S, or eligibility determined by the math placement process. section 2777. LATE-START CLASS, (03/31–05/27). 2798 MW 11 am–1:20 pm RIVERA J 3.0 ZOOM MATH 150 Calculus and Analytic Geometry I CSU; UC. PREREQUISITES: MATH 131, MATH 131H, or eligibility deter- MATH 106 Concepts and Structures of Elementary Mathematics II mined by the math placement process. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Not CSU; UC. PREREQUISITE: MATH 105. open to students with prior credit in MATH 150H. 2863 MW 1:30 pm–3:50 pm CHARNHOLM L 3.0 ZOOM 2787 TTh 9 am–11:20 am NODDINGS V 5.0 ZOOM 3136 TTh 3:30 pm–5:50 pm HARLAND J 3.0 ZOOM 2757 MTWTh 10:30 am–11:35 am HEADLEE M 5.0 ZOOM MATH 115 Calculus with Applications 2763 TTh 11 am–1:20 pm SAFARALIAN L 5.0 ZOOM CSU; UC. PREREQUISITE: MATH 64, MATH 64S, or eligibility determined by the math placement process. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Concurrent 2802 MW 1:30 pm–3:50 pm ZAHEDANI H 5.0 ZOOM enrollment in MATH 34 if prerequisite not met. Not open to students with prior credit in MATH 115S. 2788 MW 2 pm–4:20 pm NODDINGS V 5.0 ZOOM 2773 TTh 6 pm–8:20 pm LAUREL M 5.0 ZOOM 2803 ONL POWELL B 5.0 ONLINE 2816 TTh 11:30 am–1:20 pm POWELL B 4.0 ZOOM MATH 155 Calculus and Analytic Geometry II CSU; UC. PREREQUISITE: MATH 150 or MATH 150H. ENROLLMENT 2755 MW 11:30 am–1:20 pm NODDINGS V 4.0 ZOOM LIMITATION: Not open to students with prior credit in MATH 155H. 2794 TTh 2 pm–3:50 pm NODDINGS V 4.0 ZOOM 2795 MW 6 pm–7:50 pm LAUREL M 4.0 ZOOM 2828 TTh 9 am–10:50 am MYERS S 4.0 ZOOM 3013 TTh 9 am–10:50 am POWELL B 4.0 ZOOM 2762 MW 11 am–12:50 pm WILLIAMS C 4.0 ZOOM 2770 ONL APALATEA J 4.0 ONLINE 2758 MTWTh 12 pm–1:05 pm HEADLEE M 4.0 ZOOM 2853 ONL POWELL B 4.0 ONLINE 2761 TTh 1:30 pm–3:20 pm FIROUZIAN S 4.0 ZOOM MATH 115S Calculus with Applications with Integrated Support 2774 MW 6 pm–7:50 pm NAKAMURA L 4.0 ZOOM CSU; UC. PREREQUISITE: MATH 64, MATH 64S, or eligibility determined by the math placement process. ENROLLMENT LIMITATION: Concurrent 2804 ONL POWELL B 4.0 ONLINE enrollment in MATH 34 if prerequisite not met. Not open to students with prior credit in MATH 115. 3450 MWTh 1:30 pm–3:20 pm HA W 6.0 ZOOM MiraCosta College Spring 2021 Credit Courses 760.757.2121 50