What’s New at Camco… Winter Edition...Welcome to the Spring (almost Summer) Edition of “What’s New at Camco”. These past few months havebeen particularly challenging as the Camco family mourns the losses of two of its long serving andmuch-loved team members. Mick Kelly, an inaugural member and John Froscio (aka “Mr Millimetre”), werepart of the Camco furniture for over 15 years, both passed within a week of each other after long battles withillness. Both men were a huge part of our daily lives and their loss has deeply affected all those who knewthem. As we head into the busy run to Christmas, when deadlines dominate, and stress affects so many, thepassing of Mick and John serves as a timely reminder to reflect on the year that has been and focus on thethings around you that matter most. Our thoughts are with Mick’s wife Leonie (also a member of the Camcofamily for over 10 years) and John’s family Jo, Adam and Alice. As the end of another year approaches, Iwould also like to thank all of our loyal clients, subcontractors and suppliers for their ongoing support in whatcan be a very challenging and demanding industry. Enjoy the Spring season and I wish you all the best for theremainder of 2018.In-house News...Spring has sprung us with some unusual weather this year, one minute its hot, the next we are experiencing astorm. Since the last issue we have added a few employees to the Camco team. We would like to welcomeJulia Puz as Accounts Payable, Nicola Alfano as Payroll, Zeb Kamen as Project Engineer and Matthew Smithas Undergraduate Project Engineer. Each new colleague brings a different approach and insight into thebusiness which is always welcome as we strive for excellence.Along with the new faces, we would also like to recognise theones who have been around for a while. Site ManagersKym Manouge and Phil Nicholson celebrated 15 years at Camcoalong with Leading Hand Carlene Hurst who celebrated 10 years and Labourer Jason Ireland who hascelebrated 7 years. We are truly grateful to those who have chosen to take their professional journey with usand are delighted to celebrate such milestones with each and every one of them. We would like to say congratulations and “farewell for now” to Melanie Lane while she embarks on the journey of a lifetime called motherhood. Melanie and Danwelcomed happy and healthy baby boy Billy Gary Newsham on Monday 19thNovember at 6:43am. Melanie will be missed, and we wish her all the best while she’s onmaternity leave. On Monday 26th November Lucia, Liz, Ashlee and Temeka attended the 2018 Women in Civil Festive Lunch at the National Wine Centre. It proved to be a very inspirational afternoon with guest speaker – world and Commonwealth Games champion netballer Michelle Den Dekker speaking. It was wonderful to hear herjourney of netball player, coach, mentor, public figure and mother and howshe manages it all in an ever-evolving world. A speech that had youcaptivated from the very first word, speaking about her personal philosophyand how staying true to your values and beliefs is important.
Camco Management System (CMS) UpdateSince the last newsletter, we’ve experienced some ups and downs. Unfortunately,we’ve recently experienced a lost time injury. We don’t have many LTIs but when wedo, I feel we all could have done something better (or at least different). In fact,injuries in general, account for 24% of our reported incidents. While it is understood mostof these are not much more than first aid on-site or a brief visit to the doctor, they arenone-the-less, a concern. As stated on numerous previous occasions, our incident reporting philosophy is for“no blame”. When something goes wrong, we look for something in our systems and processes that has notworked the way it should.Incidents by type 2017/18A recent review of our incidents reveals that property damage (mainly service strikes) are on the increase. It’simportant to note that on every occasion, “dial-before-you-dig” information was available and up to date;and service locations were undertaken by a qualified “Locator”. This raises the question of how, with all thisinformation, are service strikes still occurring? This is the focus of our analysis and improvement processes forthe foreseeable future.TraineeshipsWe are happy to announce the addition to our team of another causal employee through the City ofPlayford’s “Pathways to Employment” initiative. Further placements are also due in the new year throughRenewal SA’s “Training & Employment Initiatives (Works Program)”. As a South Australian owned and operat-ed business, Camco is proud to partner with our clients in such initiatives especially because they directly ben-efit South Australian people and ultimately, the local economy…. Marco Puz, System Manager
Prequalification, Panels & Accreditation…Camco is prequalified for conducting works for a number of entities. This processis continuing to grow and we are approved with the following organisations:Organisation Prequalification Type CategoriesCity of Burnside Minor Civil Works & Building Earthworks/Flood Mitigation, Pipes, Pumps & ConcreteCity of Mitcham Maintenance Products & Stormwater Major Civil Works AllCity of Onkaparinga General Civil Works AllCity of Salisbury Minor Civil Works & Building Carpentry, Earthworks/Flood Mitigation, Minor Building & Maintenance Civil Works, Pipes, Pumps & Concrete ProductsDepartment of Planning, Transport GB1, GB2, F15& Infrastructure General Building Contractor R2, B1, F15 Trade Contractor – Civil WorkAGFMA/Facilities Services Roads & Bridges Breakdown & Preventative Maintenance Preferred ContractorDistrict Council of Mount Barker Level 2 Minor Civil Works Maintenance & Repairs for the Golden Grove VillageJLL Preferred Subcontractor Shopping Centre Paving (including Bluestone, Clay and ConcreteBarossa Regional Procurement Minor Civil Works Segmental), Concrete Works, Pavement Construction &Group Maintenance, Stormwater Construction & Maintenance & Pipeline MaintenanceSA Water Construction Services Tiers 2 and 3Spotless Preferred Subcontractor Carpentry and Multi-tradeTown of WalkervilleUniSA Asset Management Panel All Civil Works Panel All Prequalified contractor Category 2A Special TributeMick was the second member to join the Camco team in a site managementcapacity way back in November 2001. He quickly became the sort of person a family business is built on – hard working and loyal to the core. He spent his first 7 years as a Site Manager before purchasing his own truck and excavator. After 3 years he was joined by his wife Leonie, together they were a formidable team on any work site. Mick was the quintessential team member, seeing his role in being “a part of something” as special. He also kept things very grounded, reminding all of us that things change in the business landscape, but we should always stay true to our core values.John joined the Camco family around 15 years ago after spending 27 years workingfor another family business, Ernest Saunders Real Estate (who happened to be owned by Chris’s wife Sarah’s Grandfather). He quickly adapted to his new industry adopting the nickname “Mr. Millimeter”. John was very resourceful and could turn his hand to any problem. No one could forget his “bucket of tools” which took many years for him to let go. His ring tone, “Always look on the bright side of life” summed him up. Johns wife Jo would like to say a special thankyou to all those that attended John’s service. Both men were great team players and much loved Camco family members. They will be deeply missed but never forgotten.
In the Community...Camco has done a wonderful job at supporting the community since the last edition, we have providedsponsorship to many organisations over the past few months. We sponsored the Glenunga Cricket Club, withthe money going toward a facility upgrade. We sponsored the Burnside Beagles Tennis Club; this sponsorshiphas helped support the junior tennis club by increasing participation and also offers additional services andevents to its members. We provided a gift voucher to the Rams Football Club quiz night. We providedsponsorship to the Australian Police Football Association for their commemorative diary. Last but not least weprovided sponsorship to the Stormwater SA Excellence Awards, with the money enabling them to hold awonderful awards ceremony.In addition to all of our sponsorships, the Camco office held a casual day to raise funds for the Children’sMedical Research Institute (Jeans for Genes Day). Everyone got involved by dressing in their best jeans anddug deep to help fund the vital research that the Children’s Medical Research Institute undertake to find acure for childhood diseases. Additionally, we provided corporate box tickets for the AFL showdown betweenAdelaide Crows and Port Adelaide to be auctioned at a charity event called ‘An Evening for Bill’ raisingmoney to fund treatment for Bill’s Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma.What’s New....Morphettville, Urban Renewal, Renewal SARenewal SA on behalf of the South Australian Housing Trust (SAHT) is redeveloping land comprising of olderSAHT properties at Morphettville on an 11-hectare site off Hendrie Street bounded by Appleby Road(Sturt River), and Carlisle Avenue which includes Barham Avenue, Baker Avenue, Nilpena Avenue, andNunyah Avenue. The first stage involved he renewal of approximately 50 South Australian Housing Trustdwellings & land to create approximately 100 new housing allotments resulting in an increase in density.project scope includes bulk earthworks, retaining wall construction, fencing, stormwater drainage, SA Waterservices (sewer and water), construction of 2 new roads, common service installation, footpaths, kerbadjustments and road re-sheeting.
What’s New Continued....Elizabeth Downs Primary School, Stem Upgrade , Department of Planning Transport & InfrastructureDesign and construction of a “STEM” building fit out and childcare centre upgrade at the Elizabeth DownsPrimary School. The design component included the completion of the 60% design to 100%, architectural,civil, structural, mechanical, electrical and hydraulic. The STEM component consisted of a refurbishment to alargely under-utilised six teacher open learning unit on the site, constructed in the 1970s. The newconstruction consisted of the provision of a dedicated flexible learning ‘centre’ consisting of two GLA-sizedinternal spaces, several smaller interconnected ‘break-out’ learning spaces and one adjacent outdoorlearning area space, all to provide a focus on STEM teaching. This involved installing all new lighting, joinery,glazed operable walls, flooring etc. The childcare centre upgrade consisted of upgrading and relocating thetoilets in the current building to meet the National Quality Standard (NQS). The project involved theconstruction of a new staff and children’s toilet along with all the associated services.Brandis Road, Munno Para Stormwater & Road Reconstruction, City of PlayfordCamco was engaged by City of Playford to upgrade Brandis Road and Valiant Rd in Munno Para. Theproject scope included the demolition of existing kerbing, road pavements and footpaths, construction ofnew stormwater drainage system, excavation to new subgrade levels, concrete kerbing/spoon drains, newdeep lift asphalt pavement, footpaths and an upgrade to the street lighting. Camco has also been requiredto coordinate the service relocations with the third-party providers, SA Water, Telstra, SAPN and NBN.West Thebarton Road, Road Upgrade Works, City of West TorrensUpgrade of major arterial road in West Thebarton Road and associated streetscape works. The project scopeincludes detailed service investigation and survey, environmental soil classification, installation of 750m ofdirectional drilled common service trench, kerb removal and replacement, adjustment to existing service pits,footpath reconstruction with new block paving, exposed aggregate concrete driveways, stormwater drainage works, deep lift pavement reconstruction, irrigation and electrical design and installation, soft landscape works and ancillary landscape structures.
What’s New Continued....Philips Street, Road & Stormwater Upgrade, City of West TorrensThe second stage upgrade of major arterial road in Phillips Street and associated streetscape works takingthe upgrade through from South road to Port Road. The project scope includes detailed service investigationand survey, environmental soil classification, installation of 750m of directional drilled common servicetrench, kerb removal and replacement, adjustment to existing service pits, footpath reconstruction with newblock paving, exposed aggregate concrete driveways, construction of approximately 500m of stormwaterdrainage works (up to 4.5m deep), deep lift pavement reconstruction, irrigation and electrical design andinstallation, soft landscape works and ancillary landscape structures.Facilities, Building & Maintenance Services (FBMS)Nairne Terrace Streetscape, City of UnleyUpgrade of existing kerbing, driveway inverts and property drainage at Nairne Terrace/NichollsStreet, Forestville. The project scope includes; the removal of the existing kerb and gutter,preparation of new base, construction of new concrete kerbing, backfilling and makinggood – approximately 300lm. The management of pedestrians, driveway access, vehicles andbicycles were also a key element of this project.Hampton Street South – Pedestrian Safety Upgrade, City of UnleyUpgrade of an existing intersection at Hampton Street South and Surrey Street Goodwood. Theproject scope includes; the removal and reconstruction of 8no. pram ramps, paving to matchnew levels, new emu crossing and associated line marking. The use of pre-formed recycledplastic kerbing reduces both cost and time on the project. Works were scheduled for weekendsand during school holidays to ensure key tasks were completed outside of peak times. What We’ve Been Up To & What’s Coming Up…Mount Barker Highschool Gutters & Drainage Birdwood Highschool Hardplay & Landscape RenewalDPTI Facility Services Spotless Limited ServicesRemedial works to drainage issues associated with Upgrade of all hard and soft landscape surfaceswater ponding on landings in two existing doors ways. within the Birdwood High School exterior. The projectThe project scope includes two key parts: (1) the scope includes demolition of existing pavements,construct of new gutters and downpipes on the detailed excavation, granular pavement preparation,existing entry canopies (2) the removal of the existing concrete kerbing, miscellaneous drainage works,entry carpet, regrading of the existing concrete block retaining walls, block paving, irrigation, turfing,landings, installation of new drain holes and mulching and planting.reinstatement of the entry carpet. Gawler Water Main UpgradeRifle Range Road Earthworks SA WaterFMG Engineering Renewal of an existing 700mm diameter MSCL waterRemediation of an unstable steep batter slope on main required as part of an early works package intwo private farms at Greenwith. The project scope the northern connector project at Potts Road andincludes re-shaping, grading and filling, processing of Main North Road, Gawler. The project scope includeslevel one filling, erosion protection and making good. supply, fabrication and installation of 120m of new 700mm MSCL pipework, in-line valve sets, testing, commissioning and connection to the existing infrastructure.
What We’ve Been Up To & What’s Coming Up…Apex Park, Burbridge Road, West Beach Rutland Avenue, Lockleys Stormwater UpgradeCity of West Torrens City of West TorrensUpgrade of the existing Apex Park community and Upgrade of the existing stormwater drainagewetland amenity to facilitate the relocation of the system through Lockleys, discharging into RutlandLockleys Riding Club from its existing location to this Avenue main airport drain. The project scopesite. The civil and landscaping component of the includes the supply and installation of approximatelyworks includes the construction of a new horse-riding 1200m of reinforced concrete pipe and box culvertsarena, wetland shaping, new sealed structured in various sizes up to 1050mm diameter, supply andpathways, public lighting, formal landscaped zones, installation of pre-cast concrete pits, package pumppublic amenities (park furniture), carpark extension station and associated mechanical and electricaland retaining walls. The project scope includes: works, concrete kerb replacement and bitumen surface reinstatement.• Tree removal• Bulk earthworks Maltarra Road, Munno Para Stormwater Upgrade• Structural concrete City of Playford• Granular pavement construction Upgrade of an existing failed in-situ concrete box• Drainage culvert base slab adjacent Main North Road, Munno• Fencing Para. The project scope includes the excavation and• Electrical trenching and lighting stockpiling of an existing noise mound (approximately• Soft landscapes 4m high), removal and storage of the existing 3m x• Landscape furniture 900mm high box culvert crowns, demolition of the• Tennis court refurbishment failed base slab, preparation and construction of theThe building construction component of the works new in-situ structural base slab, replacement of theincludes the construction of a new community centre existing culverts, backfilling and reinstatement of the“hub” building and riding club amenities shed. The existing noise mound and various small drainageproject scope includes: modifications.• Site preparation• Detailed excavation• Footing construction• Sub-floor services• Structural steel framing• External and internal wall linings• Electrical, communications and lighting• Hydraulic installation• Floor finishes• Aluminum glazingVarious Locations—Footpath UpgradesMount Barker District CouncilA rolling three-year bitumen, concrete and brickpaved footpath renewal program throughout theDistrict Council of Mount Barker. The project scopeincludes demolition of existing footpaths, excavationand granular pavement construction, supply and layof new block paving and concrete pavement, minorkerb and drainage improvements.Commercial Road, Port Adelaide — Remedial Worksof Southern WallRenewal SAStabilisation and remediation of a boundary masonrywall on the existing heritage listed “Central Buildings”.The project scope includes the installation of atemporary structural steel propping system, soilinjection stabilisation, remedial works to the existingfooting, masonry repairs, external rendering andpainting.
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