s Catalog Sheet FireFinder XLS Fire Safety & Security Products Person Machine InterfaceModel PMI• Large 6\" display• Main-operator interface• User-prompted large, lighted buttons for system control operating sequence• Alarm, Supervisory, Security, and Trouble system-status LEDs• Global annunciation and control capability• Audible Status LEDs (On and Silenced)• Partial system disable LED• Navigation buttons and \"More Info\"• Context-sensitive Help• Touch-screen driven, system-control menus• 40 software-programmable ‘User Macro’ switches• UL 864 9th Edition Listed & ULC Listed; FM, CSFM and NYMEA ApprovedProduct Overview SpecificationsThe Person Machine Interface (Model PMI) is the Model PMI contains a large 6\" display (1/4 VGA)primary user interface for the FireFinder system. monochrome LCD display, touch screen andModel PMI serves as both operator interface and LEDs for displaying system status. An audiblecentral microprocessor for the XLS system. From sounds when there are unacknowledged eventsModel PMI or Model PMI-I NT (the international version), on Model PMI. The display is surrounded by keysthe user can acknowledge events, control the system that are used to control the displayed informationnotification appliance circuits and reset the and to navigate through these screens. Keys aresystem. Detailed information about the nature also provided to obtain ‘Help’ and to enter into theand location of the events can also be displayed. menu features of Model PMI.Model PMI contains the site-specific program The FireFinder system is controlled and operatedconfiguration – created in the Zeus tool. The from Model PMI, which uses large, lighted buttonscontroller in Model PMI provides all system logic to prompt users as to the next correct systemand supervision. operation that is available (Acknowledge, Silence, Unsilence Audible or Reset). s Industry, Inc. 6329FireFinder XLS Building Technologies DivisionIndustrialZone (713)-395-1508P.O. Box 667306 Fax: (713) 893-6924Houston, Texas 77266 [email protected] States www.industrialzone.com
Specifications – (continued) The detail screen also provides the user with a summary of the events – by type active in thisWith the use of the software upgrade kit (Model area. A building contact name and phone numberGPMI-UK,) Model PMI can provide global are also available.functionality by annunciation and controllingmultiple FireFinder XLS and MXL systems. In addition to the detail screen, the user can view a graphics map, which can show a simple buildingThe display of Model PMI categorizes events by floor plan. On the map, the user will see an icontype, providing a separate event tab for Alarm, indicating the location of the event in the buildingSupervisory, Security and Trouble events. The in addition to a 'You Are Here' symbol to tell thequantity of active events of each type is listed in responding person exactly where they are in theeach event tab. The display provides two (2) building in relation to the event.full lines of text message for each event. Model PMI also provides a completed menu forEach event can have a 32-character custom running system status reports (with print previewmessage describing the events location. In feature right on the screen, before sending the reportaddition to the text message, the system to the printer). The menu system is designed to allowdisplays the category of the active event: (e.g. – the user to scroll through the entire system in either theSmoke, Heat, Water Flow, Manual, etc) – the Physical or Geographic views to locate the area of thecategory means more to responding officials system desired – all without having to know module orthan model numbers. device addresses. All navigation is possible using custom messages.Up to five (5) events can be displayed at atime. For Canadian operation, 10 events are The Maintenance menu is accessed by password. When ashown. When more than five (5) events are user enters this mode, the touch screen of Model PMIpresent, the up and down arrow keys allow the will be enabled, prompting the user to enter auser to scroll up and down the list of events. A password. System control within the maintenanceprogress meter on the side of the list indicates menu uses large, easy-to-read touch buttons.the size of the list of events and the location inthe list. New, unacknowledged events are Model PMI also provides the user with 40 programmableindicated by a flashing exclamation point ('!'). macro or function buttons, which can be programmedOnce acknowledged, the exclamation point for a variety of usages. Model PMI mounts to the innerchanges to a check mark (‘√’). door in two (2) of four (4) available module spaces in the CAB 1, CAB2 or CAB3 enclosures.To the right of the display is a button that islabeled 'More Info.' When an event occurs in Model PMI communicates with the rest of thethe system (if additional information has been FireFinder XLS system via the internal, 60-pin dataconfigured for this event), the 'More Info' button bus – which contains all power and datawill light green – prompting the user to press communications for Model PMI.the ‘More Info’ button. Once 'More Info' ispressed, the user is presented with a full screen The back of Model PMI contains a contrast adjustmentof detailed information about that event, for the LCD display as well as several ports for systemincluding over 200 characters of additional text configuration programming and diagnostics.to describe the event, standard NFPA 170 FireSafety symbols, Hazmat and other criticalinformation concerning the event. Thisinformation can be invaluable to a fire officialresponding to alarm.s Industry, Inc.Building Technologies Division
Electrical Ratings Temperature and Humidity Range24V Back Plane Current: 230mA Products are UL 864 9th Edition listed for indoor dry locations within a temperature rangeScrew Terminal 24V Current: 0 of 120+/-3°F (49+/-2°C) to 32+/-3°F (0+/-2°C) and at a relative humidity of 93+/-2% at a6.2V Back Plane Current: 0 temperature of 90+/-3°F (32+/-2°C).24V Standby Current: 230mA Details for Ordering Model Part Description Number Number PMI 500-033070 Operator Interface/System CPU GPMI-UK 500-650066 Software Upgrade Kit for PMI to Allow Global Functionality 599-050092 PMI and GPMI-UK PMI-INT 500-034160 Operator Interface/System CPU with Multilingual Overlayss Industry, Inc.Building Technologies Division
IndustrialZone (713)-395-1508 P.O. Box 667306 Fax: (713) 893-6924 Houston, Texas 77266 [email protected] United States www.industrialzone.comNotice: This marketing catalog sheet is not intended to be used for system design or installation purposes. For the most up-to-date information, refer to each product’s installation instructions. s Industry, Inc. Fire Safety (SII) Fire Safety May 2010 8 Fernwood Road Printed in U.S.A. 2 Kenview BoulevardBuilding Technologies Division Florham Park, NJ 07932 Brampton, Ontario Supersedes sheet dated 7/09 Tel: (973) 593-2600 L6T 5E4 / Canada (Rev. 2) FAX: (908) 547-6877 Tel: (905) 799-9937 URL: www.SBT.Siemens.com/FIS FAX: (905) 799-9858
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