DANCE THEATRE NORTHWEST IS A SAFERSTUDIO DTNW is proud that we have ALWAYS set the expectation high in the physical, social and emotional wellness of our students and services. We truly believe we have always been the safest, most professional and exciting experience for all families in our community. The message of our WHY and culture have only been amplified. This brochure will be updated and will be a live fluid document as things progress. We are confident with the delivery of our services in all phases. We know that dance has not only become FUN for all our dancers but a huge part of their ability to FUNction in a social and emotional healthy manner. In order to reduce community spread of all communicable disease, we follow best practices and recommendations from our local health department, township leaders and from our industry associations and More Than Just Great Dancing. DTNW understands that unlike older children and adults, young children cannot be expected to maintain social distancing at all times. DTNW follows the Safer Studio guidelines which prioritize a hierarchy of safety and wellness measures. They include but are not limited to wellness checks, amplified and frequent hand hygiene, enhanced environmental services, minimizing mixing and mingling via physical distancing practices, curricular and facility adjustments, gradual re-opening and Continuous Parent Communication.
SYMPTOMS & THE While it goes without saying frequent hand WELLNESS ROOM hygiene is a best practice ALL the time. Any dancers showing symptoms will be immediately Our reminders and escorted to the wellness room and have supply of product will parents/guardian called for pick up. encourage staff and Headaches, tummy aches, fever, and the common students to do their \"not feeling well\" are some of the symptoms that are best to sanitize/wash included but not limited to. Our staff will ensure use their hands at arrival, of mask wearing by both dancers and supervising in-between classes staff member, as well as gloves for staff member and and before they exit disposable comfort activities while waiting for pick for the night. up. All dancers picked up will need to be symptom free for 72 hours before returning to class. Upon exit of Wellness room, environmental services will immediately be completed. WELLNESS CHECKS Communication of when to keep your child home, wellness checks for staff before beginning their shifts and more will continue to be updated. Please note that students and staff will not be permitted if: They have a fever of 100.4 or more Someone in the household is ill/has fever Is experiencing respiratory symptoms They or a member in their household has tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 14 days. While some of our Please remind them we dancers, big and will need to send them small, tend to get home even if they were \"upset tummy's\" when their least just hoping to skip a favorite exercise few minutes of class! comes along.....
FACE COVERINGS & MASKS Pursuant to the County's order, all staff and students ages 2 and older must wear masks while in the building. We understand in some situations, wearing a cloth face covering may exacerbate a physical or mental health condition, lead to a medical emergency, introduce significant safety concerns, not be feasible with strenuous exercise, or cause more face contact with hands in younger children per the CDC. For this reason and to support all parental, medical and governmental decisions and regulations we have a hierarchy of best practices that you will see in this brochure. Please note that if the DTNW staff is confident that we can maintain a 6' physical distance, masks can be removed. Masks are optional for dancers ages 2-5 years while they are in class. We are confident that a 6' physical distance can be maintained. Please have your dancer bring a bag to put their mask in if they remove it once in class. Please discuss your choice with your child. If they are not allowed to remove their mask, please let us know in advance. Please note that everyone is required to wear a face covering while dropping off, picking up and moving through common areas. With the above being said, the expectation (not the exception above) is: All visitors, guests and staff will wear masks while in the building. DTNW will provide appropriate face coverings for all staff members. DanWcearistiwnigllfowrecalrafsascees,ceonvteerriinnggstwhheislteu: dio, exiting the studio, while using common areas such as hallways, traveling to and from class, or restroom breaks. If necessary, while dancers are in their personal spaces exercising, removal of face coverings for their safety will be permitted. Any portions of class that cannot be properly physically distanced they will be required to wear face coverings in line with the County order. COHORTS IN WITH ALL OF THE ABOVE BEING SAID, WE CLASSROOMS LOOK FORWARD TO THE DAY WHERE WE CAN PHASE OUT OF SUCH MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS & ARE BACK TO ENJOYING ALL SMILES 100% OF THE TIME Below are some additional ways we will be incorporating best practices in the classroom: All jackets/sweatshirts will be hung on our hooks one student at a time to avoid any trip hazards and minimize passing of additional cohorts. All dance shoes and water bottles must be able to fit in a small drawstring bag to keep by their personal space to keep mixing and mingling to a minimum while giving them the freedom to grab a drink and change shoes comfortably as needed.
DROP OFF & PICKUP Teachers and front desk staff will greet and send off all dancers depending on when and where their class is: Studio A -> Door closest to parking lot Studio B -> Back door near the sidewalk Entrances are staggered to keep from overcrowding. Hand hygiene is expected prior to the entrance into a dance room and exit of the studio. Our lobby is marked with a walkway and with special placement stickers to maintain a proper physical distance. Our lobby will remain closed with the special exception of our younger dancers who might need extra support. For our younger students, ONE parent/guardian will be permitted to wait comfortably in our lobby area. IN BETWEEN CLASSES & TRAVEL It is understood that there will be some gaps in dancers' schedules during the evening. In our current phase, dancers will have to be picked up by parent/guardian during all breaks unless the occupancy in their assigned room permits space. If they are able to wait in the studio, masks are required and no outside food in the studio is permitted. The dressing rooms are closed. BATHROOM USE NO All dancers are encouraged to use the restroom before MONKEYING attending class. Bathrooms will have amplified AROUND IN environmental services throughout the night, used for emergencies only and toileting. Please remember that THE staff is not permitted to help your dancer in the BATHROOM bathroom. Bathrooms cannot be used as changing rooms.
CAN GUESTS REMAIN IN THE STUDIO? We will have a live feed that you will be able to enjoy watching your dancers participate in class from your personal devices as the lobby is currently closed to all guests and visitors with one exception of the parent/guardian (no siblings) for our littlest dancers. If for some reason you need to drop something off, pick something up or register for a class or program, we will be happy to make an appointment to serve you and have all of your items ready for a curbside pickup! Any visitors that enter the building for any reason will be required to use hand sanitizer or wash their hands & wear a mask upon entry. CONTINUOUS PARENT COMMUNICATION SYSTEM DTNW uses a Continuos Parent Communication To keep you abreast of System (CPCS) which consists of \"green, yellow & what our phases of CPCS we red\" phases regarding the status of classes. It can are in, newly implemented be found on our family Facebook page and our or phased out policies or website, procedures, and of course, all our other exciting Green indicates to attend face-to-face updates and opportunities, classes as usual weekly e-mails will be sent Yellow indicates that there has been a out. All of the updates will change and to please check your e-mail be provided on: for an important announcement. Red indicates there has been a Parent Portal Located government mandate to shut down and On Our Website classes can be attended through our Private FB Parent distance learning platform. Group
FACILITY & CURRICULAR ADJUSTMENTS Adjustments have been made to all the VIRTUAL curriculum and operations of classrooms CLASSES appropriate to the dancers age and maturity. We have either eliminated or modified prop and Our distance learning platform resource use, hand holding, hugs, high-fives, ensures our service continuity to stickers and more. Class sizes were already set keep creating impact with no with small limits to provide the safest and most disruption to the experience. In the impactful experience for all of the dancers and event a class is unable to be held at we will continue to honor them. Physical distance the studio, classes will convert to a spaces are provided as an aide to all dancers in distance learning platform until in- direction use, spacing and physical distance studio classes can resume. It also guides when stationary in the room. benefits those who may have risk exposure or in the high-risk groups RISK EXPOSURE to enjoy the class experience safely from their own home. DTNW staff Schools are going to experience reports of COVID- has been trained on the social and 19 exposure at some point as they welcome back emotional wellness necessary to staff and students. We are a school...which means keep our students in a healthy state we will as well. If the studio receives a report of of FUNction through dance. exposure risk, the reporter will be asked to share Training in language, with the County, close contacts will be notified and communication, multiple exposure risk cleaning will be enacted. The state intelligences that will be amplified encourages those with exposure risk to self- in virtual learning have been quarantine 14 days from date of potential provided and we continue to be at exposure. Please note that DTNW can, will and the forefront of training ready to HAS the ability to monitor staff self-quarantine use should it be necessary. but does NOT have the capacity to monitor client self-quarantine. As such, parents/guardians will Multiple courses of action will be be asked to use their own discretion as to their taken into consideration before comfort-ability returning to class or if they would turning the online platform rather participate from home. There is absolutely exclusively as we know that in no penalty for absence and classes may be made person classes are ALWAYS better. up in person (space permitted) or online at Turning the platform on will be a anytime. If the studio receives a cluster report of last resort. We have made exposure risk, we will work directly with the adjustments to our schedule to help County on the next steps. prevent the exclusive use of our on- Thank you, thank you for your support as we line platform unless it is necessary continue to learn how we can amplify joy for our such as an earlier season start, an students while reducing risk and learning to live in extra break, smaller class sizes and an extended season and more! this new World. WE APPRECIATE YOU & ARE SUPER EXCITED TO SEE YOU IN CLASS!
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