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Published by starskyr, 2017-11-27 23:16:11

Description: ZAZD_eMag


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contents contents contents contents FEATURE ARTICLE PHOTO SPREAD plan8t-e9d in seoul f1as0h-1io3n week EDITORIAL COMICS the1n4e-x1t5gen superamc1au6dt-ae1nm9t ymagic INSTRUCTIONAL STYLE GUIDE making your photos more th2e4-tu2c5k extra 20-23 FEATURE ARTIST ARTIST REVIEW wer2o8n-o3y1ume k2h6a-2li7d A P PA R E L SHORT STORY umo style d3r2e-a3m3 34-41 PLAYLIST novem4b2er feels2



editor’s note zasd. Generation Z, aesthetic, simplistic, design. The acronym kinda spells it out. Zasd isn’t your typical teen magazine.. well sort of. Teens nowadays are all about life and aesthetics. We capture that very essence and make it our own. Zasd is full of aesthetic, music, fashion, lifestyle, art and love. Perfect for all you adolescents just trying to make it through school. Zasd isn’t just for those cool Tumblr, Instagram people who always look perfect, but for the angsty to the flowery, introverts to the extroverts, zeros to the heros, cats to the dogs and everything in between. It’s basically that sort of media type magazine that doesn’t make sense to your parents or anyone, but looks good nonetheless. The first ever issue of zasd is full of articles and features you wouldn’t want to miss. The featured aesthetic for this month is plants. From taking the photos to history on how it all began, we’ll teach you all about it. We’ll also give you a peek at the fashion and streetwear seen during Seoul’s Fashion Week in South Korea, a review on up and coming artist Khalid, how to edit your photos like those creative Instagram people and ways to rock the tucked in shirt look! In this issue we talk about the the next generation and things of that nature. If you’re a teenager you know the the struggle. Life’s hard, I also know what it’s like to be treated differently because of the “teenage stereotype”. We’ve got soo much to offer, so keep flipping and reading, we might just surprise you . 5

HEY, COME SAY HI ;)@zasdmagGOT SOMETHING TO SAY? CONTACT US:EMAIL- [email protected]. r, zasd magazine.6


planted inFEATUREARTICLE: by JOHN PHON Greens and plants have never looked better! Being one of the best free things in life, nature and plants are quite beautiful. With spring almost in-full-effect and summer approaching, this months featured aesthetic is plants! The environmental aesthetic is actually relatively new. In the eighteenth century, the aesthetic appreciation of nature and plants had grown in the Western world as a sub-field of aesthetic. People who called themselves “aestheticians” found that nature was an ideal object of an “aesthetic experience”. In the early days, aesthetics had been mainly concerned with the philosophy of what art really was. From that, came the simplistic idea that nature too can be beautiful and artsy. People had appreciated and discovered its prestige and picturesque. Over the years, at many areas of the world at different times, people had seen and discovered the beauty found in nature. Nature had been seen in paintings, sculptures and literature. Eventually, the nature aesthetic had broadened to not just be about plants but also humans and their influences in the environment. Now in the 21st century, nature is still as beautiful as ever. The appreciation has grown but with new generations coming and going, the aesthetic is only evolving. The plant aesthetic is found attractive by quite a lot of people. The typical plant photo usually has a light coloured background (like grey or white) with a plant of some sorts as the main focus. The plant is usually a greenonelikesucculents,cacti,orvines,andcanbeinaplantpot.Thissortofstyleofplantaestheticisgreener and simplistic. The contrast of green on a relatively grunge type photo, adds life and gives a happier feel. There is also a plant aesthetic that is quite contradictory to this. A plant aesthetic with a brighter background and flowers is also quite popular. You would possibly find more flowers, an outdoor area and happier feels. The only thing they have in coming is the plants, as they both give different vibes and don’t actually go together. The brighter aesthetic is warm, where the greener one is cooler. You can most likely find both aesthetics on all social media. Specifically, the cooler toned plant aesthetic is more common (and probably more popular) on social media platforms like Tumblr and Pinterest. The warmer, flowery plant aesthetic is more popular on instagram. People like the plant aesthetic because they find the contrast of colours, and the blending of flowers and backgrounds pretty. The simplicity of the plants is satisfying and aesthetically pleasing to the eye. It shows off the prettier side of the environment and the beauty of Mother Nature. Plants in general are in themselves beautiful. Having them in your room has been proven to improve your creative thinking, boost the happier chemicals in your brain. Not to mention they freshen up your room. In everyday life, the plant aesthetic is seen both inside and outside. The darker, more cooler toned aesthetic is mainly seen inside as decoration. In photos, they’re mainly set up in pot plants or left out. The brighter warmer aesthetic is mainly seen outside and in the environment. They can ranged from beautiful types of flowers, and green plants too. Both are versatile and can include people and things. They aren’t always restricted to being just plants, but also pretty skies, walkways, windows and so much more. Overall, the plant aesthetic is quite lovely. If you ever see any pretty flowers or aesthetic plants, take a picture of it. And if you’re ever thinking about ever starting a new feed, (and you have the resources), defiantly try this one out! 8


seoul fashion week photography by ALEX FINCHHERE AND NOW: STREETWEAR_Good doesn’t even come close todescribing the atmosphere and uniquestyle seen at Seoul Fashion Week inSeoul, South Korea.The SFW headquartes Dongdaumun wasbrimming with fashionable, stylish andtrendy people of all ages ready to showthier outfits off to the world.Streetstle in South Korea and especiallySeoul has spread like a wild-fire witheveryone dressing to impress.Anyone can be seen rocking their ownpersonal style with confidence, you can’tmiss it!Few cities take dressing for the cameraas seriously, or seem to have as much funthan Seoul.Take a look at what they had to offer!10




YES,wnee’xrtegtehneer atiobyJOSEPOSEY n!Oh generation Z... The teens and children in the early 21st century. With our social media, “questionable” fashion, fancy words and Netflix, no wonder a majority of the previous generations take a disliking to us.Taking things technically, we are the next generation, and that generation may just turn out to be a little crazy.Being a teenager isn’t that easy now a days. It we’re looking at the world in a different light.isn’t just all sunshine and rainbows, (a majority of With these things as well as school, the pressurepeople passed teenage years may know that). With of life can put a strain on us. Some may say thatthe world of technology growing at a fast pace, us this pressure is “non existent” because we’re justteens have the compulsion to emerge ourselves teenagers, but we’re the next generation. We’rein endeavours such as social media, iPhones and most likely the ones who have to deal with thethe internet and then take advantage of them. In world when the people before us leaves and thensaying that, many older people seem to think that have to teach the generation after us. I know it’sthings like technology are ruining the minds of not that deep but before you criticise how messedchildren and causing them to become dependent up the next generation is, think about how vital andon the wrong things. Although it is true that we are promising we are to the future.far more privileged than the generations before As a teen, there are also many things expected ofus, but with the use of technology, the world has us. Yet sometimes there is nothing expected at all.evolved to a much better stand point. In addition There are such high expectations for us to becometo this new technology, a lot teens are in the stage sophisticated people but yet you see and hearof figuring out who they are in life and what they about all these “wild” and “messed up” children onwant to do. tv shows, movies and real life. I mean, a majority ofA lot of people would agree it’s a pretty awkward generation z isn’t like that. We’re still just childrenphase. Our bodies as well as our mindsets are and children are always making mistakes. Please,changing. We’re maturing (well some of us) and cut us some slack.14

There are also a handful of parents that expect theirchildren to have straight A’s, however there arealso parents who already know their children aregoing downhill. Funny. Parents should just try andbe content with their child’s grade as long as theyhad tried their absolute best and there’s a mutualunderstanding with the child of what they did rightand wrong. As a result of that, stress rates in teenswould go down quite a lot because they wouldn’thave that high expectation weighing over them.It is understandable that parents would care for theirchild’s future but sometimes forcing them into thingsthey don’t want to do can create negative outcomes.There are less forceful ways to get your child to study.The next generation will turn out just fine, especiallyif we don’t have such looming expectations over ourlives.On the other hand, parents do inevitably have a vitalrole in raising us. Yes, they may tell us to clean ourrooms, not be able to stay out after 10pm, go toschool but it is all to make us decent humans. Manypeople want to leave a better world for their children.However, they should be leaving better children forthe world.Most of the time, parents will do things for thebenefit of their children. They may be strict orsometimes impossible, but it’s only because they’retrying to shape us into a decent human being whocan hold their own weight in the world. And yes, Ihear what you’re saying, “but my parents don’tunderstand”, depending on the situation, they mostlikely do. Our parents are obviously older than us,they’ve probably been through what we have, andalready experienced it. So next time you’re angry atyour mum or dad because they won’t listen to you orlet you do something you want, try to be a little moreconsiderate. Look at things from their point of view.After all, they are the ones that gave you life and putup with you until now.Okay, so this generation isn’t perfect. Look around, there so many children doing things they aren’tsupposed to. All this talk about how we (as in teens and kids) are being looked down upon is only atiny bit of what we are as a generation. As I said before, there are most definitely a hand full of spoiled,bratty, annoying kids and rebel, violent, crazy teens. However, there are also kids who are respectfuland kind, and teens who are already entrepreneurs taking the world by storm. Each generation has itsshare of ups and downs. Generation Z is no exception, especially in this day and age. We’ll just have to see what the future holds. 15

The following comic strips are taken from the brilliant Jillian Tamaki’s SupermutantMagic Academy. Unrequited love, underage drinking, and teen angst rule ata high school for mutants and witches. With humour, philosphy and overalladorableness, Supermutant Magic Academy is for any teen looking for a little something to brighten up their day. Enjoy.16




HOW TO:edit ByABoBccERuArrreeaaptthiiovveetoiisnnsslittkaaeggtrrhaaommseppeeooppllee by SARAHHave you ever just been scrolling on Instagram and seen a really cool, aestheticedited photo of someone and wish you could edit the same way? Well now youcan! This article will teach you all aboiut how to edit your photots yo make themlook extra like those crafty cool Instagram people, and more!STEP 1: FIND A PHOTO Before you begin to edit a photo you’ve gotta know which one you’re going to use (obviously). Pick one that will match your feed (if you do that sort of thing), or just one that you want to edit. There are tons of tutorials online on how to take the perfect selfie or how to take aesthetic photos. One of the key aspects of taking a nice photo is lighting, it’s so important! Good lighting can change a photo’s vibe instantly, it’s your bestfriend. Even though you can fix it later with editing, natural lighting is key. Also be confident, choose one you love and you look good in. If it’s not a photo of you and just a random photo you can still rock it! Be sure to use a photo that’s quite plain and simplistic like a selfie or a basic photo. If a photo is already quite busy, then there’s no need to make it extra. Editing it would make it overcrowded. However, if you play your cards right, a little bit of editing on a loud photo can look really nice. STEP 2: GET THE APPS, PLAY AROUND To edit a photo you’ve gotta have the right apps. There are soo many free and in- expensive apps that are really cool and take your photos to the next level. Here are some with different features, tips and tricks: Once you’ve downloaded the apps, have a go at using them and play around with how you want your photos to look like.20

THE APPS: $$= FREE VSCO CAM is your regular everyday editing app. You can create alot of cool effects on your photos before you do anything too special to it. This app is good for setting your aesthetic up and figuring out if the specific photo suits the rest of your aesthetic.You can create grain, change the exposure and tempreture of a photo. You don’thave to use this specific app, however it is really poplar, and there are biult infilters already so you dont have to do it yourself. $$= FREER4VE is a great app. It can be used for adding backgrounds,stickers and text to photos. You can also add effects like rainbows,lights and other photo effects. They have a wide variety of reallyaesthetic stickers you can add onto your photos. Play around, its a great app not only for editing photos but for other things as well. $$= FREE Use the Beautyplus app to use magic brush feature. You can add cool things like hearts, flowers etc. You can also get other effects like sparkles and bokeh effects with the same brush. Using the brush feature on this app,creates a cuter and softer effect and gives amore innocent approach to your photos. Ifthat’s not your style, then i dont reccommendthis app to you. 21

$$= FREE Snapchat is a classic app that everyone has but is quite underrated when it comes to editing photos. If you want to add emojis and what not to your photo, snapchat is a good place to do it.When you get your photo up, go to stickers and swipe untilyou get to the emojis. Then pick out the emojis you want toadd in your photo. You can resize and rotate them. Chooseones that suit the photo you have and colour co-ordiante. $$= 0.90c Glitche isnt free but is actually such a cool app. It’s the ultimate app for creating artsy and edgy photos. Many people actually rave about it. There’s so many cool features that can create a really edgy, more angsty photo rather than cute. This app is more for distortingphotos. You can do things like glitch, colour and make 3D effects. If this is moreyour aesthetic then i highly reccomend it.STEP 3: GET TO EDITING tips: After you’ve had a feel of what each • If your photo is dark, turn up the exposure or app can do, start editing! Decorate and brightness edit them to your personal taste or to match your feed. Use the features and • Adjust the highlights and shadows tips in step 2. • Add grain to give a textured feel The process may take a while, nobody’s perfect. Don’t stick to just one app to • Lower contrast or add fade to give it a faded edit a whole photo but use multiple look for different effects. However, don’t get too crowded or messy, keep the • Playing around with colours in highlights photo under control. You don’t always and shadows can really help you out if you’re need to put too many different emojis struggling to match the photo with your feed. or edit it waaayyy too much, simple is always nice. Quality over quantity. • Use saturation or vibrance to up the colour of your photo, or if you want, lower it to create a22 duller, grey look. • The temperature s also good for changing the mood. Move it higher up you can create warmth, and lower create to cool. • Use your flash outside for a dark and rich photo effect

$$= FREE Picsart is the app that has evrything, there is so much you can do. You can add things and stickers by searhing up key words and many options will come up. Things like hearts, roses and butterflies can be found here. You can also draw things like white lines for highlight contrast, and add text. Its such a good app, and i reccomend it if you’re just starting to edit.STEP 4: UPLOAD IT. The last step is to upload your photo. Be confident! Don’t worry about likes or clout, upload the photo because you’re proud that you actaually edited it. Don’t waste your time using all those apps just to not upload the photo. Rock who you are and be fierce. Who cares if other say it’s heavily edited or things like that? If you think it looks bomb then upload it.i hope you learned a thing or two, or got a few tips on how to edit your photos. Remember, if it looks good, then upload it ;) HERE ARE SOME PHOTOS FOR INSPIRATION: 23

THE TUCK by ANGIE FANGIE Tucking in your shirt. Such an easy thing to do. These days the act is so more than for the purpose of just looking neat. It’s that and so much more. Wanna know how to rock “the tuck”? Keep reading to find out! The trend had first come into streetwear around the 80’s. People had been doing the tuck since waayy back then. Then around the early 2000’s, the cropped t-shirt, belly exposed look, had taken over. The style was either that, or wearing long baggy shirts. There was no in between. Now, in fashion and streetwear, many people can be seen tucking their shirt in. It has become a trend among teens and millennials. Around 2013, the style began to once again emerge out of its shadow. People are tucking jumpers, t-shirts, hoodies and any shirt in to any sort of pant like jeans, skirts, shorts and even sweatpants. The style is unisex, anyone can rock this look! The act of tucking your shirt in can give the impression of looking cleaned up or neat. It also gives a less casual vibe than just leaving your shirt hanging. Looking at others street style, you can see tons of people rock the tucked in shirt. There’s the front tuck, the half tuck and the full tuck, (they’re pretty self explanatory). Overall, It is a way to spice up your outfit and give it an extra ‘umpf’. Here are some ways, styles and tips to rock the tuck! BELTS: When tucking your shirt into your pants, putting on a belt not only keeps your pants up, but can seperate the colours between your shirt and pant. Normally a black belt can do, but now a days, longer and sometimes more colourful ones can create a more street wear look.24

HIGH-WASTEDS: Usually streetstyle and tucking in your shirt is paired with highwasted types of bottoms. Wearing high wasted jeans, skirts and trousers can accentuate the length of your legs and really suit the tucked in look.THROW OVERS: Wearing some sort of jacket or cardigan over a tucked in shirt with high waisted jeans, really completes a look, and ties it all togther. Overall, this look is quite 90s and has really come back into fashion. Here are some inspo outfits to help get you going:inspiration~ 25

ALBUM REVIEW by RYAN CYAN Imagine having a debut single peaking at number 16 on the US Billboard Hot 100, Winning MTV’s Best New Artist award at the VMA’s, being listed as one of The Time’s 30 most influential teens of 2017, living your dream and only being 18. For young soul singer Khalid, this is his reality. With his leathery voice that will sweep you off your feet and heart of gold, Khalid’s debut album, America Teen, came out in March 2017. It already has picked up much success and popularity. His most popular song ‘Location’, reaching over 3 million streams on Spotify. Born in February 1998, Fort Stewart, Georgia, Khalid Robinson grew up spending his childhood constantly moving houses because of his mother’s career in the military. Khalid has always had an interest and passion for music and writing songs. In high school he had taken singing and theatre craft. Before his debut, Khalid had recorded a couple of minimalist R&B vibe songs and uploaded them onto Soundcloud. Moving to El Paso, he began to feel lonely. After a while he also began writing songs and working up melodies. Some of those songs are now included in the album.26

Already 19 now, he’s graduated from school and living his best life. Touring allover the world and meeting and friending so many of his favourite celebritieslike; Lorde, Kehlani, Harry Styles, and Sam Smith just to name a few.The album itself is full of both dancey beats, eighties synths and soul. All of hissongs tell the tales of the life of an “American Teen”. From things like booze andparties to friends and fragile relationships, the songs reach out to teens all overthe globe and is a commentary for post-millennial youth. The album referencesthe the hardships teens can face like being “young, dumb and broke” and theneed for girls to “send [them their] location”. Khalid is only straightforward withhis lyrics that speak about teenage aspirations, love and just overall life.The overall vibe of the album is carefree and breezy. Perhaps it’s a symbolismof the teenage phase being carefree and living life to the fullest. Not only is themusic good but gives off aesthetic vibes and eases the hearts of listeners.American Teen is filled with songs that can both give you the feels and also hypeyou up. Each song is definite sing-along, however they may not be for everyone.This album not only an anthem and representationfor teens, but only shows how lovely an artist Khalidis and how far he’ll succeed in the music world.BUY AND DOWNLOAD KHALID’S DEBUT ALBUM“AMERICAN TEEN” ON ALL DIGITAL PLATFORMS 27

Veronica or “Wero” is a talented Italian artist who creates both digital and traditional art. The term “weronoyume” means “wero’s dream”, as her dream is to become a good artist. Her artsyle is captivating, myserious and beautiful. Here are some of her works:28

Please check her out on Youtube channel where she does many art related videos and Instragram where she posts her art. 29




drdearemamby RUTH SOOTHThat night I dreamed a dream.His hands were soft, I remember.I could feel the warm sunlight slip through the window.Under the sheets all I saw was him. Everything was perfect.That first coffee we shared, all that laughter and smiling.Where did that go?The adventures and late night talks.Those were the days.Haunted, I remembered when you walked, you left me.Time stopped then. The bright skies turned grey.So many walls i couldn’t break through.Why didn’t you talk to me?I’m left all alone.It’s killing me... Why?Your stupid letters never came.I couldn’t believe you.But last night I dreamed a dream.Never again.... 33


-nostalgia V2 t-shirt-umo sound shirt-rose beret 35

-nostalgia t-shirt-rose beret36



-txt before u call t-shirt-rose beret 39

-cherry beret-biohazard beret40

GET WITH UMO STYLE @umostyle [email protected] 41

PLAYLIST november feels syd / body grace vanerwaal / beautiful thing dpr live / jasemine drake / teenage dream french montanna / unforgettable exo / sweet lies lil miquela / not mine billie ellish / bellyache sam smith / too good at goodbyes blackbear / do re mi millic / something dean / love sza / the weekend aliana barat / electric kehlani / honey by JADZIA REYES42


thankyou <3

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