We, the class VIII-A students wholeheartedly present our E-magazine with the grace of our beloved Sadguru Amma.
VISION AND MISSION OF AMRITA VIDYALAYAM To empower students with noble To achieve progress and prosperity in life that is matched by an ardent desire character and wholesome values. to extend selfless service to society, one complementing the other. To create a path breaking paradigm in school education. To ensure a holistic development and prepare the child for life, by providing To allow children to evolve naturally a rich learning environment where and spontaneously. students can excel fearlessly in all facets of their personality physical, mental, intellectual and aesthetic. 01
Exploration of the Solar System NASA continued the mission of the Juno spacecraft at Jupiter, conducting a flyby of Europa on 29 September 2022. In Mars exploration, the European Space Agency (ESA) had partnered The United States planned to also launch a number of commercial with Roscosmos to launch the Rosalind Franklin rover using the Kazachok lander as part of lunar landers and rovers. As part of NASA's Commercial Lunar ExoMars 2022. On 3 October 2022, the Indian Space Research Organisation released a Payload Services program, the launch of Astrobotic Technology's statement that all attempts to revive their Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM), also called Peregrine lander and Intuitive Machines' Nova-C lander was Mangalyaan, had failed and officially declared it dead citing the loss of fuel and battery power to the probe's instruments. scheduled. However, all the launches of US commercial lunar NASA's CAPSTONE lunar orbiter launched on June 28. Artemis 1, the first flight of NASA's landers and rovers planned for 2022 were delayed to 2023. Space Launch System (SLS) and the first lunar mission for Orion, is scheduled to fly no earlier On 4 August 2022, South Korea's first lunar orbiter Danuri was than November 14, 2022. Artemis 1 will transport as secondary payloads many small lunar launched into space by a Falcon 9. research space craft. Japan plans to launch the OMOTENASHI lunar lander as a secondary payload of the Artemis 1 mission. 02
Fun Facts about English I1. AM is the shortest complete sentence in the English language. 6. A new word is being added to the dictionary every two hours. 2. A PANGRAM sentence is one that contains every letter in the language. 7. Swims will be Swims even when turned upside down. 3.SUPERCALIFRAGILISTICEXPIALIDOCIOUS (34 LETTERS) is NOT the longest 8. The word RHYTHM i s the longest word without a vowel. word in English. 9. The character ‘&’ used to be the 27th alphabet of the English 4.PNEUMONOULTRAMICROSCOPICSILICOVOLCANOCONIOSIS is longest language. word written in English dictionary. 10.There are GHOST WORDS that mean nothing. 5. The shortest, oldest and most commonly used word is ‘I’. - Rithika Periyasamy 03
RIDDLES FOR YOU [read answers backwards] 1.If you drop me, I’m sure to crack, but give me a smile and I’ll always smile back. What am I? rorrim. 2.You always throw me in the garbage can But I always come back. What am I? hsart. 3. Place your fingers in my eyes, And I will open my jaws to devour Paper and cloth. What am I? srossics. 04
PUZZLES LEFT TO RIGHT 1.What has eye but can’t see_____. 3 52 9 1 4.People make me, change me, save me, and steal me _____. 4 5.It can’t talk, but repeats_____. 7.What has many keys, But never open a lock____. 6 8.Loser’s Jealous on_______. 10 7 10. What is needed to become an intelligent_____. TOP TO BOTTOM 8 2. I have hands but I can’t clap_____. Answers 3.What has five fingers but can’t move____. LEFT TO RIGHT 4.Trick that fools everyone_____. 1.otatop ,4.yenom , .5.ohce , 7.onaip , 8.renniw , 10.QI Top To Bottom 6.Full of holes, but stores water_____. 2.kcolc , 3.evolg , 4.cigam , 6.egnops , 9.ssenkrad 9.More is there, less you see____. 05
விடுகதைகள் மேலிருந்து கீழ் 16 4 8 1.இடது கைால் திடிக்ை முடிாது_____________. 2 4.து மலும் ைீழும் செல்ைிநது ஆணால் ைாது. _______. 7.ைாற்நாடி தநக்ை _______________மண்டும்; அநிவு__________ ப மண்டும்; 3 7 8.அில்கனசன்நால் ாம் அழுமாம்___________________. 9.அநிவு றுசதர்_______________. 10 5 9 இடிருந்து னம் ிகட 2.ன்கணப் தார்த்து ெிரித்ால் ான் உங்ைகபப் தார்த்து ெிரிப்மதன் ________. மேலிருந்து கீழ் .3 ாணால் தனருக்கு புிாை திநக்கும் ஒரு கை அது___________. 1 கை துடஇ, 4 ள்ைடுட்ைக்டித, 7 ல்நூ, 8 ம்ணா, 9 ி , 5. ைடல் ீரில் பர்ந்து, க ரீ ில் டிமம்_____________. 6.ாடு இருக்கும் ஊர் இருக்கும் ஆணால் டீ ு இருக்ைாது____________. இடிருந்து னம் 10. ினத்ிற்கு ______பம் மண்டும். 2 டிாண்ை 3 கைக்ழு, 5 புப்உ , 6 ம்டதக ,10 ண். 06
Student’S Section ாவும் ீ தான்தக்குப் ததாருபாய் தல்னாண்டு என் ணமும் ீ; ற்மும் ீ; மூசந்ன் தாிச ீ! என்உிரும் ீ; தசித்திரும்ீ;மூத் தாிமம் ீ! முன்ணிருந்து தசால்னாடும் சசாதனாம் ிழ்! எிலும் ீ; அதா ிபக்கும் ீ; ஞாண சுடரும் ீ! அச்சசாதனக்குச் தசழுத ீாட்டி இன்ணிதசமம் ீ; முடிில்னா ஆிமம்ீ; ாவும் ீச! ாடாது காக்கும் ல்னர்களுக்கு க்கம்! சற்றுத இல்னா தண்தாிச! ாில் ழும் கம் சதான இனக்கத்ில் சிநக்கும் தசம்தாிச! தசந்ிில் ழும் தனாந்ர் பி சதாகும் ிதல்னாம் நுகரும் – தல்னிதச தசிசாய்க்கும் தசாற்கள் எல்னாம் ான்தபிில் கனந்ால் ிிகபில் ிில்தனசா? சணாய் ித்ிக்கும் தான்தாிச! 07
தகாற்தகதக் சகாதக்கடல் அித்ிட்டசா! காிரித தப்தகிசான் ாட்டிசா ! அபில்னாச் சசாம் ஆினும் அிில்னாத் ிச ீ ாி! ம்பு ிரிாக குருி தய்ாக ணம் கபிாக அன்சதச் சுடாகக் - தகாண்டு ணிச ிபக்தகண ாற்நிப் சதாற்நித் ிழ் சலும் ப ிணாகிசநன். - தச.சுஜய் 08
ிின் சிநப்பு உனை சாிைளுள் மூத்தும் ிழ் சாி சான்க, முன்க,பிக, ிழ் இணி சாி இனக்ைி, இனக்ைச் ஒண்க, இபக, பக, ாய்க, ெிநப்புகட சாி. சான்காண சாி. தூய்க, செம்க, மும்க, இணிக, இத்கை ிழ் சாிக பப்தடுத் முன்மணாடிமாண சாிைபில் ிழ் ணிக, சதருக, ிருக, இன்க, மண்டுாணால் திநாட்டிலுள்ப ெிநந் சாிமம் ஒன்று ன்நால் அது ின்க ண தனகை ெிநப்புைகப ிகைாைாது. ஒருங்மைமகடது ன்ைிநார் அநிஞர்ைபின் நூல்ைகபத் ிில் ஞா.மமப் தாார். சதர்த்து ழுமண்டும், மலும் புைழ் உனைில் இருக்கும் சாத் சாிைபின் க்கூடி புி நூல்ைகபப் தகடக்ை ண்ிக்கை நத்ா 3000-னிருந்து 8000- அக்ைான க்ைள் ீ ாழ்க்கைகமம் மண்டும் ன்று குநிப்திடுைிநார் தாி. க இருக்கும் ன்று சாிினாபர்ைள் சைாகடச் ெிநப்கதமம் சைாண்டிருந்ணர் தாிின் இத்கை மண்டுமைாகப ாம் கூறுைிநார்ைள். ன்தற்குச் ொன்நாை ிைழ்து தத்துப்தாட்டும் ட்டுத் சாகைமாகும். திந ிகநமற்ந மண்டும். ம் ாய் இற்நிற்சைல்னாம் ாாைத் ிைழ்தக சாிாம் ிழ்சாிக அன் ஆறு சாிைள் ன்று கூறுர். அில் ம் சாிைபில் இல்னா அபிற்கு ிில் ெிநப்புக்ைள் ங்ைாது ன்றும் மதிக்ைாப்தது ிழ் சாிமம் ஒன்மந! கனபவு அநநூல்ைள் உள்பண. ம் அகணது கனாக் ைடகாகும். 09
BEST FRIEND A Best Friend is someone who is very hard to get. A best friend Is someone special and also the closest person in our lives. In my words, I consider them to be a gift from God. We ought to value them Because, in this vast world best friends are indeed rare to find. Friends support you unconditionally without expecting the yield or benefit for it. A friend always has your back. You create an understanding between you and your friend to which it concludes you to have a healthy relationship between you both. Here, I conclude that not only common fellas of your age can be your friend, but also people from your family. This was to express my devotional love and gratitude towards my parents in a way through which I consider them to be my first and only precious best friends of my life. I therefore thank you God for blessing me with such dearest parents but also best friends. - KARTHIKA. R. M 10
Love is an unconditional thing. We tend to experience it every day by our parents, especially mother’s love… Here is a beautiful story on motherly love. In a land of mystical creatures, there lived an angel. The child who was the son of a female monkey Her name goes by Anne. She was a delightful yet became upset but she became very sad by seeing the bossy angel with all good qualities. On one fellow state of her child. He was looking very distressed morning, she made an announcement of a which greatly broke her heart. She didn’t get least The angel therefore learnt that nothing competition where all the creatures and animals of sad when she heard the angel call her son ugly by his in this world equals to a mother’s love nor the land can participate with their children to looks because according to her, beauty is on the inside compete against each other and see whose child is not outside. The fellow mother took her son’s hand can beauty replace the worth of the most beautiful looking of all. Hearing the and said in a loud voice that she loves her son no mother’s love. announcement all the creatures made their way to matter his looks and considers him a precious gift -T.K. Reshvind the place where the gathering occurred. The angel from God. Hearing this the angel felt great shame on who arranged this, observed each one of them and herself for being so judgmental and call a child ugly was making a tough decision in her mind. When her for his looks. eyes came across a particular child, she called out for him and said that he was the ugliest child ever! 11
Thriller Lovers THE NEW OWNER, HOUSE NUMBER 657 IF YOU WANT TO The Watcher The house number HEARTILY FIND ME, [part 1] WELCOMES YOU I MAY BE IN ONE OF was 657.The After seeing the AND YOUR FAMILY THE HUNDRED CARS registration of the letter Markin got TO THE HOUSE. I AM THAT Once there lived a new house from the confused, even his NO ONE AND I PASS BY ‘YOUR’ sweet family in a city. old owner to Markin family relations don't ADVICE YOU TO HOUSE 657 EACH The family included got over. NOT THINK MUCH DAY. GO AND SEEK know the address of ABOUT ME. IN ALL THE a husband \"Markin\", A couple of days their new house! LET ME SHARE SOME WINDOWS wife \"Maria\" and later, a letter came to INFO IN THE HOUSE. three children. After their mail box. Markin's retirement He started reading ABOUT THIS HOUSE. MAYBE I WOULD BE the letter out loud IN 1920s MY THERE. they planned to Seems like the letter being completely GRANDFATHER DON'T BE SCARED, I move to a new house.was from someone puzzled, it said; LOOKED AFTER THIS WON'T HOUSE. IN 1960s MY DO ANYTHING. That was their dream unknown since there FATHER LOOKED GOOD BYE AND house which was was no sender's AFTER THIS HOUSE MEET YOU SOON. located in Westfield. address on it. AND FOR THE PAST TWO DECADES I AM Signed as THE LOOKING AFTER T WATCHER. 12
Markin didn't take it much the mail box. I didn't read it THE NEW OWNER, YOUR CHILDREN’S seriously, so he didn't think because I was in a rush and I NICE ONES AGAIN NAMES - about sharing it to the didn’t bother to read it TALKING WITH SAN PARKER neighbours. But he had a anyway. I probably would YOU I HAVE ANDREW PARKER feeling that something was have disposed it in the FOUND NOLEN PARKER fishy, so he along with his trash.’’ SOME DETAILS NOLA IS A family went to the ex-owner ABOUT YOUR GOODARTIST, HIS DRAWINGS ARE of house 657, Stefen woods FAMILY CHECK NICE.I THINK and Andria woods a sixty THESE INFO’s ARE year old couple . Markin returned to his house WHETHER IT’S ENOUGH OR DO still in deep thoughts. After a CORRECT ; YOU WANT MORE………….. week, again a letter came. He YOUR NAME - Markin asked them if they saw the letter and started to THE WATCHER MARKIN PARKER had received any letter. read it. Stefen spoke \"No, I didn't These words were written in YOUR WIFE'S receive any letters like that\" NAME - the letter: “But I did.’’ Said Andria “I MARIA PARKER saw a letter just like this in YOUR FAMILY NAME -PARKER 13
After reading this Markin got scared, the watcher had written about their children! They didn't completely shift to their home, so the chances of the watcher knowing about their family was probably from the old house before the registration of house 657………. right or was it some other reason! TO BE CONTINUED…… - Sujay.S 14
“Creativity takes courage.” Sreshaya . K Sreshaya . K T. Harrish T. S. Harisharan VIII-A VIII-A V-C VII-C T. Akilesh Yugesh Periyasamy A. M. Tharunika V-A V-A V-C 15
“Beware; your actions in the present determine your future.“ -AMMA Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu
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