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Home Explore Case Statement Revised

Case Statement Revised

Published by ars, 2017-01-30 14:32:05

Description: Case Statement Revised


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Who We AreHappenstance Charitable Foundation, Inc. is a ground-breaking 501(c)(3) organizationcentered on improving the lives of those in need. We believe that if the world is going tochange, then we have to be willing to help one another. We also strive to bring theunnecessary harm, neglect, and death of animals to an end.By respecting what we have in this world, and by working with as many people in need aswe are able to, we hope to spark a global movement of helping people and animals in aneffort to make the world a better place. By encouraging those we serve to receive help andpay it forward, Happenstance is changing the world one good deed at a time.Imagine a world where each and every day people were paying it forward in a waythat truly made a difference in the lives of other people and animals.What if your dollar was the one that was able to pay off another human being's medicalexpenses? What if your dollar was the one to help an animal in need? What if your dollar wasthe one to help a student earn a scholarship to take a bit of the financial burden off?That's where we come in.Our mission is crystal clear...To improve the quality of life for those in need.Happenstance is unique, as our program documents the process of individuals receivinghelp, giving back, and the positive effect it has on the lives of people around us. The storiesof all we serve will be used in the creation of a reality documentary series about hope andsecond chances.By offering services that are concentrated on caring for those less fortunate and addressingthe greatest needs of our target community, we can make a positive contribution in helpingthe people we work with lead a more fulfilling life. Whether we are helping someone survivethe death of a loved one, providing financial assistance for medical bills, or assistingindividuals to improve their physical or mental health, Happenstance knows that everyhardship, no matter its size, is important. Our goal is to provide funding for those in need of:  Food  Clothing  Medical support  Scholarships  Therapies  Rent/Mortgage support  Animal rescue and care  Other necessities as deemed fit 1

Our NeedsHappenstance Charitable Foundation envisions being an outlet of hope where people canturn to when life’s obstacles become too great to overcome alone, thus enabling them torebuild their lives, become stronger partners in their communities, and providing them withthe ability to succeed in achieving their goals in life.However, we need your support to fulfill this vision.Specifically, we will require funds to cover expenses related to addressing the unique needsof each individual we serve and to document their experience, as well as for working capitalto sustain the organization’s ongoing programs and administration.With your generous contributions, we will have the opportunity to provide invaluableassistance to many who may otherwise never receive the support they so truly deserve.Why Happenstance?One of the most fulfilling and beneficial choices you can make with your money is to givesome back to the community through charitable donations. Little else works as well toincrease your capacity for love than giving selflessly to help others. There is simply so muchto gain when you get involved and pay it forward.Perhaps you feel that the world’s poverty-related crises are too immense to attack. The scaleof global poverty is almost immeasurable, and you may feel that you simply do not have theability to make a meaningful impact. However, please consider that facts show a vastmajority of charitable gifts are made not by those who possess great wealth, but by lowerincome people who choose to give a greater percentage of their income to help those in need.Collectively, these gifts resulted in a combined $167-billion to charity, nearly two-thirds ofthe $265-billion donated by all individuals in 2015.1When giving to a charity with demonstrated effectiveness, even small donations canresult in positive change. You do not need to be a major donor to create significantimpact; even small gifts have the potential to dramatically influence the life of anindividual in need.In fact, smaller donations have proven to ultimately have the same effect on charitableimpact as major gifts given by affluent donors such as Warren Buffet or Bill Gates. Whenexamining the culture of philanthropy, these gifts uplift not only those people involved in thetransaction, but those who hear the story and pass it along. The simple act of makingcharitable donations, big or small, creates a historical connection between donor and1 Giving USA 2016: The Annual Report on Philanthropy for the Year 2015 (Chicago: Giving USA Foundation, 2015.) 2

recipient, which is in turn carried on to the people to whom the story of giving is told. Thisresults in a new philosophy of giving in our society.2This philosophy of giving, however, is not altruistic. While research has shown that spendingmoney on ourselves does not significantly increase our sense of happiness or wellbeing, aHarvard Business School study has suggested that giving to others is in fact directlycorrelated with an increased sense of happiness3. The Harvard researchers write: \"Happierpeople give more and giving makes people happier, such that happiness and giving mayoperate in a positive feedback loop.\"Donors are the lifeblood that allow us to do good works and fulfill our mission, and we needyour donation now more than ever. Know that your money is so much more than bits ofpaper and scraps of metal. That's not a $20 bill you're donating. It's a bagful of flour. It's soup,a warm blanket or a bottle of medicine. That handful of quarters is a handful of rice.One good deed might not seem like much, but if everyone did something good forsomeone else, then the cycle of generosity and kindness could encourage us to becomebetter people.2 Pierce, Charles P. (2008). Sweet Charity: The Benefits of Giving Back.3 Singer, Peter. (2016). Ten Great Reasons to Give to Charity. 3

Costs and CampaignThe total cost for supporting our work in the coming year is more than $25,000.We are a growing organization with dedicated, responsible, and goal-focused members whoappreciate the tremendous generosity of our contributors in offering financial assistance tosupport our labor of love. Happenstance Charitable Foundation depends entirely on yourdonations. We are not currently receiving any federal or state funding to support ourprograms.Gifts to the campaign can be made in a number of or combination of ways. Pledges ofrecurring gifts in support of a specified number of residents would be encouraged, andprobably essential, to meeting our needs since it would be impractical, if not impossible, toreach a goal of this magnitude with one time, out-of-pocket gifts. Non-cash gifts such assecurities, real estate and personal property would also be accepted and encouraged aswould deferred gifts, such as life insurance policies, gifts in trust and gifts through one’sestate.SummaryHave you ever felt compelled to help someone – a gut reaction as you witnessed a struggleand recognized that you were capable of support? Whether it is a person stumbling on thestreet or falling on hard times because of illness, whether it is someone close to us or acomplete stranger – our first impulse is to help.Through the generous volunteer and financial support of many – and the extraordinarysupport of a few – we believe that we can succeed in instilling hope, kindness, joy, fortitude,and perseverance within all whom we touch. As a result, we are also confident of ourcontinued growth as a pillar in the community and in our ability to fulfill our mission. Thankyou in advance for your generous support. 4

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