simplifying ITWe are the The HHIC Alumni Association strives to engage all alumni, and build a cultureHHIC Family. of community and philanthropy among the HHIC Family, and be a representa-Your HHIC involvement and education in- tive voice for all HHIC members.cludes free lifetime membership in theHHIC Alumni Association. Membership in THE HHIC COMMUNITY IS always open!the HHIC Alumni Association means accessto a lifetime of great benefits. HHIC Alumni Association 7 Hart House Circle Toronto, ON M5S 3H3 (416) 978-2452
Benefits Continue the Make a change legacy by joining and give back to& Services our Alumni Board our community. of Directors. Join our new______________________ mentorship The Alumni Board of Directors program.Your membership in the Hart hold 3 regular meetings a year.House Alumni Association Motivate and mentor the next § 1:1 personalized basismakes you part of the generation of HHIC members § get exposed to freshUniversity of Toronto’s and support future partnerships.largest alumni group and part perspectivesof Canada’s largest § reflect on your goals andinvestment club network. practicesOur alumni association § develop your leadershipoffers multiple servicesincluding: skills§ access to our alumni Re-connect database§ complimentary entrance to all HHIC events§ alumni board membership§ executive board and associate mentorship§ access to corporate recruitment events
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