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Published by Joseph Albert Reyes, 2021-07-16 15:08:07



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USTFAIR CONDUCT OF NOMINATION GUIDELINES Last July 16, 2021, The Incumbent UST-FAIR officers have approved the Guidelines and Procedures for the upcoming election. Please be guided for the conduct of Nominations according to the said approved Guidelines and Procedures: 1. All faculty members holding administrative positions are inhibited from running for USTFAIR positions. 2. The following faculty members are not eligible to be nominated: Asst. Prof. Catalina Lituanas, Assoc. Prof. Allan Basas, Asst. Prof. Girly Constantino, Mr. Leo Ocampo, Assoc. Prof. Joel Sagut, Asst. Prof. Fides Carlos, Asst. Prof. Erika Bolanos 3. Under the section on “Terms of Office,” Incumbents are inhibited from serving for more than two consecutive terms of office or four academic years. 4. Ineligible Nominees: Asst. Prof. Gemma V. Aboy, Asst. Prof. Ser Allan Bodoraya This year, all tenured faculty members can be nominated to the positions available provided that they do not hold any administrative position in the university. Eligible faculty members can be nominated to available positions in the UST-FAIR Board. Total Number of Eligible Nominees: 40 The available positions are: a. President b.Vice President c. Secretary d.Asst. Secretary e. Treasurer f.Asst. Treasurer g. Auditor h. PRO

USTFAIR CONDUCT OF NOMINATION GUIDELINES COMELEC will accept nominations only within the period July 17 to 19. Use your UST Gmail account to accomplish the nomination form. Each elective position will have three to four nominees. i.They are the ones who have garnered the highest number of nominations. ii. In case of a tie, both or all of the concerned nominees will be included. iii. The initial list of nominees shall be posted through the UST- FAIR FB page on July 20, 2021. Nominees may decline their nomination by sending an email to, citing their valid and acceptable reason/s for declining within the period July 20-21, 2021. COMELEC will take note of the reason/s and exclude the concerned nominee’s name from the Final List of Nominees. You can also send your message through the Ustfair Comelec Facebook account. Should you not send an email or a message to the USTFAIR Comelec, that means you accept the nomination. The Final List of Nominees will be posted on the UST-FAIR FB page on July 22, 2021.