FLUTTER INSTALLATION Step 1: Download the Flutter SDK. We can easily download it from the official website of Flutter https://storage.googleapis.com/flutter_infra_release/releases/stable/windows/flutter_windows_3.0.2-stable.zip
Step 2: Set Environment variable path. After downloading Flutter SDK, extract the file and copy the path of the bin folder. (Optional Step) Now Copy the path of flutter sdk (In my System: D:\\Flutter\\flutter_windows_3.0.2-stable\\flutter\\bin)
Press WIN + R and paste the following: rundll32.exe sysdm.cpl,EditEnvironmentVariables
Now click on new and paste the path that was copied earlier and save.
Now we have to set up the Visual Studio Code for the Flutter.
We have to install two extensions in order to use flutter. • Flutter • Dart. Note that Dart is the programming language that is used in flutter for the application development for both and android and iOS. Step 3: Installing Flutter in Visual Studio Code
Step 4: Now install Dart in Visual Studio Code
Now we are ready to create a new flutter project, for that we have to select a directory in which we are going to create the project. Step 5: Creating new project To create a new Flutter project from the Flutter starter app template: Open the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P (Cmd+Shift+P on macOS)).
Select the Flutter: New Project command and press Enter.
Select Application and press Enter.
Select a Project location.
Enter your desired Project name.
While creating new project for a first time, it shows error “could not find a flutter SDK”. • Click Locate SDK • Find your flutter folder • Click Save
o Flutter project is created now we have to run this program in order to check that if it is working or not. o Here we need to understand that how a flutter project will show the output. o We can run a flutter program in android emulator or we can run this in our browser as well.
Start debugging by clicking Run > Start Debugging from the main IDE window, or press F5 or Clicking the start debugging button .. Before debugging , From the device pulldown, select Chrome (web) and run your app to see it launch in Chrome.
Chrome View
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