a.j. Veneklasen, Inc. 2018Newsletter FALL RECAP
RESPECT FOR PEOPLE. INTEGRITY. SUPERIOR SERVICE. PASSION.Hello Team AJV!Well, we made it through another busy couple of seasons. Thank you all for your hard work! While the Steel Team isstill swamped to where we have the Carpentry Team assisting (thank you Carpenters!), this fall has given many of youan opportunity to find a little breathing room as we transition from finishing jobs to starting new ones. Even though a fewareas have slowed down a touch, our backlog is strong and many of our past customers – like ALDI and FedEx – continueto require construction support.One of our many strengths is our diverse project make-up. Over the next 12 months, expect to see industrial, multi-family,retail, self-storage, and office projects…just to name a few. Thankfully, many of these projects are either repeat customersor client referrals. Our Team’s ability to exude our core values on a regular basis is to thank for this great client mix. Forexample, our last five (5) client surveys have achieved all 10s out of 10 scores because the whole team is working hardtogether to deliver great projects…which leads to very happy customers and more great projects.In light of that performance, we’re instituting a new award opportunity. The Core Value Awards (CVAs). At this year’s year-end party, we will recognize 4 people who most demonstrate one of our 4 Core Values and 1 person will be awarded theoverall CVA award for most consistently demonstrating all 4 Core Values. By now, you should have seen an announcementto nominate those people who you believe deserve these awards. TShaisfeistya PtrreamcetincdeosuOs hnocneoTr raancdtoI rloTorkafiolerwr ard to yournominations. Drivers Arrive at a DestinationWhile we always have our ups and downs, this past year has been great and I really appreciate everyone’s contributionstoward Team AJV. The more we all work togeStahfeetry, itshjuestbaes timteprowrtaentboencceoamtreu.ckOreuacrhteesaamdesgtientastiosntraos nwgheenr iet ivs ery day and I look on the open road. Companies should communicate operating proceduresforward to what the next year brings us. to keep workers safe, whether at the warehouse, dock, or construction site.Thank you all for your time and have a safe winDterivre! rs should know about hazards that can result in serious or fatal injuries. Safety Practices Once Tractor TrailerIMPORTANT SAFETY STEPS WHEN: ParkingDriver2s Arrive at a3DCeouspltinignatioSinncerely, 1 Backing Up and UncoCuphlirnigs Veneklasen Park on level ground and close Get Out And Look (GOAL) Only trained workers should perPforrmesident to the receiving door or site Use flashers, horn, and this procedure Set and test brakes backup alarms on tPcalnaecdeewmahweehtlercehlusoocckfsthkbeettwrraeeileenar thcehe CRsohlelacdkobwdonthweminsdirtoroiwrnss toahteiaor n Safety is just as important as wEnshureestnableiftooitisng when releasing the fifth wheel or adjusting tandems on the open road. CompanieDosnosthattoemuptltodstocp aommu Knnoiwctahetveehicole’ps belinrdasptoitsng pWreoar bcrieghdt viusibrleeclsothing to keep workers safe, whetherorllinag vtehtichlee warehou BUsaseceka,usppdosltootewrcly k, or constrKSueetecppactrlkieionargonbfrtaikrseessiaatnnedd p.frearmfoerms tug test SAFETY TIPSDrivers should know about hazards that can refSotrasnuudnlcollaetdariinwnghesneopreniiongudosorsorfCahetcak folrivnehijcuularritreaffsic.near you OSHA 3944-04 2018 For more information, call 800-321-6742 (OSHA) or visit www.osha.gov/SLTC/trucking_industry. IMPORTANT SAFETY STEPS WHEN: 1 Parking 2 Backing Up 3 Coupling Park on level ground and close Get Out And Look (GOAL) and Uncoupling to the receiving door or site Use flashers, horn, and Only trained workers should perform Set and test brakes backup alarms this procedure Place wheel chocks between the Check both mirrors Roll down windows to hear Ensure stable footing when releasing tandem wheels of the trailer Know the vehicle’s blind spots the fifth wheel or adjusting tandems Do not attempt to stop a Use a spotter Back up slowly Wear bright visible clothing rolling vehicle Stand clear when opening doors Set parking brakes and perform tug test Keep clear of tires and frames for unloading Check for vehicular traffic near you For more information, call 800-321-6742 (OSHA) or visit www.osha.gov/SLTC/trucking_industry. OSHA 3944-04 2018 PG. 1
HR UpdateEVENTS • Saturday, January 12 | AJV Holiday Party • Winter 2019 | AJV Impact Day HOLIDAYS • Monday, December 24th | Christmas Eve ANNIVERSARIES • Tuesday, December 25th | Christmas DayNEW TO THE TEAM • Tuesday, January 1st | New Years Day 1 YEAR 15 YEAR • Lorne Christie • Ed Derby • Bill Gagnon 25 YEAR • Amy DenHouten • Dave Sacheck • Kalena Meeker 10 YEAR • Charlie Gipson • Andre Prophet | 8.13 • Gavin France | 9.11 • Travis Wierenga | 10.4 • Lynn Bolek | 11.5 • Jordan King | 12.10IMPORTANT REMINDERS • Email CVA nominations to Jackie by 12.20 • Flexible Spending Account (FSA) funds are due to expire before 2019 on 12.31 PG. 2
CommunityThe purpose of the Culture Committee is to oversee the company’s efforts to foster a welcoming and familyoriented culture within the organization. It emphasizes the importance of company achievements, bon-ding memories, and discussing factors in construction that influence beyond the company’s walls and intothe West Michigan community. Interested in learning more or would like to join the Culture Committee?Contact Jackie Olson at [email protected]. Welcome to AJV, Marta! We loved having you as an intern and are thrilled you chose to join our team part- time. Just like Dad! How adorable is this? Check out Travis and his baby in their custom AJV gear.Bill kindly volunteered his time atFerris State’s most recent careerand internship fair.Let’s all give Jack a round The 2018 Michigan Blood drive was Can you hear the wedding bells?of applause for becoming a a great success. Thanks to all who Brian and his fiance are to be wedCertified Crane Operator! donated! this time next year. PG. 3
Ed DerbyWho inspires you? What’s the coolest thing you’re working on rightMy wife Jennifer inspires me. We met in the 3rd now?grade, started dating our senior year, and have Working on turning 50 years old next year! Wish me luck!been together 31 years! She knows my strengths, What is one of your pet peeves?she knows my weakness’s, and she is the reason I People who don’t know how to park!strive to be all that I can be! What’s your secret talent that no one knows about?What was the best concert you ever attended? I can’t tell you... then it wouldn’t be a secret!The one and only concert I have been to was in the If you were a crayon, what color would you be?late 80’s at Van Andel Arena. It was Posion and Whi- Forest Green. I love being in the woods and outdoorste Snake. What’s your preferred way of communication?What’s the last book you read? Face to face. I like to interact with people and see theirTo be perfectly honest, I don’t read much. Howe- reactions.ver, this past deer season I picked up “Hunger Ga- What is your favorite family tradition?mes” and it definitely helped pass the time sitting Probably would have to say Christmas with my family. Wein my deer blind. usualy play lots of games, maybe work on a puzzle. If the-What are you passionate about? re’s snow, we get the snowmobiles out.My family, anything John Deere, and deer hunting.What’s your favorite movie?Don’t have one... anything funny.What are you currently binge watching?Street Outlaws & pro-football. PG. 4
In the NewsCONTRACTOR BEGINS $6.5M INDUSTRIAL PARK EXPANSION | GRBJ If you spot AJV’s name in the news, anything industry related, or even aGrand Rapids-based a. j. Veneklasen, broke ground last month fun fact about the West Michigan com-on a 113,600-square-foot addition to the industrial park at 5300 munity, share it with Kalena.Broadmoor Ave. SE in Kentwood. The expansion encompasses a AJV would like to share your personalsingle building with four tenant spaces. stories and achievements too! Did you recently welcome a new baby? Expec-DEVELOPER CONVERTING URBAN CHURCH INTO APARTMENTS | GRBJ ting? Celebrate a graduation or a win- ning game? Go on... brag a little! Be“It provides much-needed additional housing stock, revitalizes sure to share it in our next newsletter.highly visible vacant land and converts the property into housingthat can generate approximately $4,320 in new city income taxesannually,” said Kara Wood, of economic development services.BLAIN’S FARM & FLEET OPENS HUGE NEW STORE IN PORTAGE | MLIVEThe new 109,000 square-foot store is about the size of two footballfields. It’s the company’s second Michigan location and part of thefamily-owned retail chain’s expansion into Midwestern communi-ties, the company said.ONCE-DORMANT MONROE NORTH ATTRACTS $260M | GRBJRenovation of 820 Monroe, the 156,000-square-foot former Sa-ckner Products Co. building to create 85 one- and two-bedroomapartments and 40,000-square-foot retail space containing CityBuilt Brewing Company, Field and Fire, Fido and Stitch, CKO Kick-boxing, Markant Office Furniture and Women’s Lifestyle Magazineto name a few.Have news to share?Send it to Marketingat [email protected]*Visit ajvinc.com/media for the full stories.PG. 5
Under Construction Broadmoor Phase II Grand Rapids, Michigan Jeffrey Kenney| Superintendent Chad Mettler | Project Manager FedEx Freight Akron, Ohio Dale Austin | Superintendent Nick Cadarette | Project Manager Knapp Street Apartments Grand Rapids, Michigan Bill Gagnon | Superintendent Doug Ritz | Project Manager West Bluffs Condos Cascade, Michigan Jesse Fuerch| Superintendent Chad Mettler | Project Manager PG. 6
Raising Expectations Since 1976a.j. Veneklasen, Inc. O | 616.957.37315000 Kendrick Street SE www.ajvinc.comGrand Rapids, MI 49512
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