SDP Exhibition Booklet
Engineering is the art of directing the great sources of power in nature
Biomedical Engineering
Designing of an EOG Based Communication System for Locked-in Syndrome Patients Advisor: Dr. Saleh Alzahrani Co-Supervisor: Eng. Bushra Melhem Najat Alomari - Sarah Alkilani - Lama Alghamdi ABSTRACT Locked-in Syndrome (LIS) is a neurological disorder that leads individuals to completely loss of control of their voluntary muscle movements, leaving them with the ability to perform only eye movements in vertical and horizontal directions and blinking. Due to this limitation, a system based on eye movements is necessary for them to communicate with others. In order to track eye movements, electrooculogram (EOG) signals can be used. This project aims to develop a verbal Arabic communication system based on EOG signals. Using threshold values, duration, and standard deviation, a recognition software will identify eye movements and blinks and convert them into letters using Morse code. The data will be then sent to a mobile application via Bluetooth. In terms of cost and e ciency, the designed acquisition circuit was compared to the openBCI Cyton board circuit. The designed circuit has a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of 25.208 dB and a total cost of 572.5 SAR, while the OpenBCI board has an SNR of 23.342 dB and costs 1500 SAR. For the software, 10 subjects were selected for the purpose of testing the software’s e ective- ness. The subjects were asked to perform certain eye movements such as blinking and looking up. The system was able to recognize the correct movement with 88.43% accura- cy and the information transfer rate was 10.43 letters/minute. BIOEN-2101
Activity-Based, Rate-Responsive Control System for Pacemakers Advisor: Dr. Abdul-Hakeem Alomari Co-Supervisor: Dr. Ibraheem AlJamaan, Eng. Kamran Khawaja Kamal YMaroahAalQmaehdtaNnia-ySealmar BAlasdhrahArahnmi ed Al-Qahtani Ahmed KAhbarlaerdAAlfal-kHhra-nJeonud AMlnoasnstehrer Abdullah Al-Khalaf Abstract: Cardiovascular diseases such as 3rd degree atrioventricular block are the main causes of mortality in the developed countries. Therefore, the medical treatment of such diseases using implantable cardiac devices such as the pacemaker has become widely used today. Even though nowadays pacemakers can cope with patient demands, the design of an activity-based control system that response to physical activities of the patient accordingly is crucial. The project proposes Activi- ty-Based, Rate-Responsive Control System for Pacemakers. The project aims to design a rate-responsive control system for pacemakers that uses the physical activity of the body as feedback. In which, the process involves creating a proto- type that obtains raw signals from the accelerometer. These signals were then processed in MATLAB and LabVIEW using speci c algorithms for monitoring the patient's activities and the connection between the SA and AV nodes. The control system is responsible for ensuring that the pacemaker functions optimally. A closed-loop feedback system is continuously monitoring contractions of the right atrium and the right ventricle. This process enables the system to take corrective measures when necessary, ensuring that the patient's heart does not skip any pulse. BIOEN-2202
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