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Home Explore Lemongrass Tea Health Benefits

Lemongrass Tea Health Benefits

Published by Shea's Apothecary, 2023-03-02 12:46:51

Description: Doctors believe that this tea can help fight radicals and reduce inflammation. It has many inflammation-fighting compounds, such as isoorientin, chlorogenic acid, and swertiajaponin.

Beneath we have mentioned additional benefits of drinking this tea.

Keywords: Lemon Grass Tea Benefits


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May Help In Reducing Anxiety Many love to have a sip of this herbal tea for its relaxing effects, which is totally true. However, lemongrass provides more than just relaxing effects. It may have anxiety-reducing properties. According to research smelling lemongrass might be a good way to reduce anxiety. Many love inhaling lemongrass essential oil to help them reduce anxiety and stress. However, there isn't much data to confirm the anxiety-reducing effect of this herbal tea.

May Lower Cholesterol According to a researched article, eating lemongrass extracts may appear to be effective in lowering cholesterol in animals. The study also mentioned that this effect is dependent on the dose. So, this somewhat means that consuming a good quantity of lemongrass every day may help with lowering cholesterol.

May Help With Preventing Infection As per MSKCC, various study results show the signs of lemongrass having infection-preventing properties. For Instance, the herb can reduce the incidence of thrust, a known fungal infection that usually affects people with weak immune systems.

Boost The Oral Health It is believed that chewing lemongrass can help your oral health. In most countries where lemongrass grows, people tend to chew its stalks to keep their mouths fresh and enhance their dental health. Some research has even shown that lemongrass can stop the growth of bacteria that cause cavities. It means that lemongrass has antimicrobial properties.

Boost Your Red Blood Cells As per a 2015 study, drinking lemongrass tea for 30 days can increase the concentration of hemoglobin in your body. Additionally, it may also increase packed cell volume and the count of the body's red blood cells. In this study, researchers took 105 blood samples at the start of the test. After taking the samples again on the 10th and 30th days, they concluded the effect of drinking lemongrass and its relation to increases red blood cells.

It May Offer Relief In Bloating Lemongrass also has diuretic effects. These effects can stimulate the kidneys, making them release more urine than the average amounts. A small study on herbal tea states that drinking lemongrass increases the output of urine compared to other beverages. Drinking this tea is also good for your liver and heart.

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