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Issue 15 October 2022

A Reclaiming Our 33 Compendium Ancestral Knowledge 38 of Brujeria Esoterica Esa 20 Starting the Conversation with your The ABC’s of Brujeria: High Self Through Velas (candles) Explained by actual Brujas Jasmin Alejandrez-Prasad Alondra Dimas 24 Modern Day Lightworkers: Finding your Purpose Departments Esoterica Esa 25 Evoking Evolution through Esoterism 08The Alchemist An Interview with Sonsiris Tamayo Alondra Dimas Craft or Commodity? 28 The Child of the Colonized and Colonizer 44The Botanist Alondra Dimas Love Jar Spell using Hibiscus 31 The Healing Power of Herbs 48The Conjurist Jasmin Alejandrez-Prasad Ancestral Wisdom:An Interview withVanessa Codornui

An interview section speaking with practitioners who, through their services, transforms lives for the better, whether it’s through energy healing or the creation of physical objects.

The Alchemist

NaCraft or Commodityvigating Modern WAitcnhcIrnatefrtvwiewithwtithheJHueliaetdDmiisatzress.EmilyLinstrom:Howdoyoufeelabout EL: As the owner of November Sage, what is MakeMagick every damn day and do it your way. the recent commodification of Witchcraft? your method for guiding customers towards There seems to be no end to the online and the right implements? Have you ever had to brick-and-mortar shops selling all manner of gently step in and discourage someone from goods, as well as this push to build one’s pursuing certain items? social media presence as a certified Witch™. In many ways I view it as extremely empow- JD: The most important thing about owning ering to women, but do you feel that the an apothecary or any Witchcraft-related sudden marketability of Witchcraft can be business is the intent to heal. My staff and I potentially harmful? are huge believers in teaching others what it is they are getting and why; many times what Juliet Diaz: Oh yes, this is a topic I’ve they think they need is not what they really do discussed many times with concerned Witch- need. I usually have to step in daily and redi- es. I personally don’t pay mind to how many rect a customer towards a different product or people are calling themselves Witches just source. I can’t tell you how many people have for attention or a quick buck. In truth, noth- wanted to buy one of my Love Fixed spell ing lasts forever, and eventually, those who candles, only to end up leaving with a are not devoted or serious about the Craft self-love kit at half the price, but of infinitely will fall off like withered leaves. Don’t get me more value regarding their situation. wrong, it is empowering to awaken the Witch within — necessary, even. But when it comes EL: What advice would you give to those to selling products, there’s a reason for con- exploring Witchcraft for the first time, and cern. Many are starting to sell teas, medicinal likewise looking to build their altars and tonics, elixirs, and even fixed (magically personal inventories? worked on) products without experience or knowledge of the ingredients they are work- JD: My advice is not what you would normal- ing with. I’ve been a practicing healer for ly hear, because I believe Witchcraft is unique over 33 years, with a Masters of Science in to oneself. If you feel you are a Witch, step Herbal Medicine. I was born into this, yet I into your truth and explore it. Don’t allow waited 3 years to put my products out, anyone or anything to tell you that you are not making sure I knew exactly what I was doing what you believe yourself to be. And never and that there was no risk of harming others. forget that knowledge is your greatest tool. Read, learn, and practice practice practice. The information out there can be misleading and contradictory, so make sure your infor- mation comes from reliable sources. Basic foundations are important for starting, but once you have the basics down you can mold them to fit your unique blueprint as a Witch.

I love to learn from all crafts, practices, and A Witch is a bunch of Abre Camino; lol, it’s a plant even religions, and respectfully apply what used to open roads and doors. feels good and works for me. I’m not any type compassionate, These were my best memories of Witch- of Witch, I’m my own type of Witch, curated fiery, a feminist, craft in my home, and I still practice many by and for me. As for altars, the same goes: a badass, a healer, of them today. do with it as you please as long as it’s sacred a lover, a destroyer, to you. For instance, both my sons have a nonconformist. EL: What does being a Witch mean to you? altars, though I never taught them how to build one. They have seen mine since birth, JD: A Witch can’t be defined, because a and those of their nanas and aunts, and Witch is an embodiment of his or her own noticed that each was unique to the Witch unique Magick. If I had to share a few that created them. I’m not any type of Witch, things I’ve learned about myself, my family I’m my own type of Witch, curated by me. of Witches, and history is that a Witch is one with both the self and Mother (Earth). EL: What advice would you give to those who He or she is here to protect and heal, to cannot afford many of the Witchcraft accou- fight and stand for their brothers and terments being shilled? Are there alternatives sisters. A Witch is compassionate, fiery, a to certain items? feminist, a badass, a healer, a lover, a destroyer, a nonconformist. [Regarding the JD: You don’t “need” anything but belief in feminine], when I feel a true Witch, I sense yourself to make shit happen. You can set her confidence, her healing warmth, her intentions into a rock, a weed, a leaf — any- warrior, her courage, and her compassion- thing. I grew up in the ghetto, legit ate heart. She does not believe in hierarchy life-threatening project housing. My mother because a Witch stands by you, not above would wait until it rained to fill her pots with you. Hand in hand, guiding the way — and water to use in her potions. She would use if she does not know the way, she walks mayo to mix with the herbs she grew in her with you into the shadows. Ultimately, kitchen to conjure up protection spells; mayo there is no wrong way to be a Witch. has egg yolk which in my Afro-Cuban roots is a powerful ingredient in conjuring, and is much cheaper than a carton of eggs. When we did use eggs, it was for dire situations, like clearing your body and soul from bad mojo. She would take an egg and pass it all over my body, every inch and curve, call out a spell, then crack it open into a glass of water and look for any color changes. When I graduated from high school she beat me with

The Herbal Apothocary considered the father of Western medi- optimize their health while others cine, prescribed scores of curative reduce fertility or made them ill. As herbs and taught his students how to they learned which plants were not use them. The search of precious herbs poisonous, which were nourishing, and spices led Europeans to the New and which were palatable. They also World where they found scores of new noted which could soothe a nauseous plants which they brought back with stomach, assist in the pains of child- them to the courts of England, Spain, birth and heal wounds. Some Stone and France. Age artifacts appear to be tools that could grind grains, roots, seeds, and Photograph above: “Mortar and Pestle” Alondra Dimas March 2021 Like other healing traditions, herbal bark; precursors of the mortar and medicine recognizes and respects the pestle we use today. The Healing Power of Herbs forces of nature. Health is seen as the proper balance or rhythm of natural Most herbs are safe to use in moder- Written by JJ Pursell forces, while the disease is an imbal- ate amounts but, unless your ailment ance of these forces. Because the forces is minor —a common headache for Herbs have long and treat us and for good reason, because of their potential of nature or not easily grasped and example, never attempt to diagnose as food and as medicine. They have enjoyed a special relationship with manipulated herbal traditions turned yourself. If you do use herbs medici- humans throughout the ages. To our ancestors, knowledge of herbs met to the Earth’s Masters of natural nally be sure you know what you’re survival but the passage of time did not diminish human beings’ respect for balance and symmetry— plants. taking, make sure the effect of the the herb. Druids revered the oak and mistletoe, both in rich and medicinal Most plants contain a dozen or more plant is what is intended to have on attributes. In the Eastern world, physicians wrote tomes on herbal remedies, different constituents, the idea that we you, and don’t take any herbs or any some prize to this day as a thought of medicinal sources. Later the Greeks and can entirely duplicate the action of a medicine without making sure the Romans cultivated herbs for medicinal as well as culinary uses. Hippocrates, plant by simply synthesizing a single herb is appropriate for your condition active constitute is somewhat miss in other words, do your homework guided. Part of the plant’s healing effect this is especially important if you are is due to the sum total of all constitutes, pregnant or nursing because anything to isolate certain constitutes is to rob a you and just affects your child plant of deeper healing properties. Indeed plants are ideal biochemical It was our ancestors and their search medicines, we have built-in systems for nourishment who uncovered the for metabolizing plants and using roots of medicine. The Neanderthal and their energies, but our bodies have the Paleolithic peoples were hunters difficulty metabolizing synthetic and gatherers who lived intimately with chemical medicines and think about nature, using plants as food, clothing, the negative terms used to describe shelter, tools, weapons, and medicine. the actions of synthetic medicines. They discovered certain plants could

We are strong Latinx women in control of our lives and our future and we can do this by honoring and learning from our past and simultaneously moving past it. Reclaiming Our Empaths are reading people’s needs, I went back to the basics that I live Ancestral Knowledge and I want to say this to every empath on: my connection to my breath, my reading this: it is not our job to save connection to being here present in Interview with Vanessa Codornui anyone. Is it not our job to listen to my body. My altarsito. Those prac- everyone or heal everyone because tices that a lot of us Latinxs have, or The first thing that people need to people heal themselves. What we can do maybe we’ve seen our family do. recognize is that as an emotional is hold space for their healing. I set my Trusting that the way things are intuitive, as an empath, we need to be boundaries by creating a life with clear happening — even if I don’t like it at happy as a healer. We can’t force our- boundaries. I think once we get clear on all and have any control over it — selves to be happy. We need to make it a what we need, it becomes easier to that there’s greater wisdom. I take priority to do the things that make us communicate it to others. The guilt is baths to intentionally release what is happy because as an empath we are big for an empath, so I’d say to medi- mine and what is not mine. The psychic sponges that pick up emotion tate. Breathe. Allow only your energy to advice that I give is to seek joy. everywhere. come back.

We stand with our heads held high, and we merge together TWO Worlds. The Unseen and the Attainable. Souls split in parts and we find these pieces in the people we meet. The Malevolent and the Benevolent

AThe ssumptions Beliefs & Csonvictions of BRUJERIAExplained by Actual Brujas

Apctruaaclticweittchhaetssstpeemask foronmthAe frica In the colonial city of Trinidad, Cuba – a major port during the BY: AMBER C. SNIDER OCTOBER 11, 2019 Trans-Atlantic slave trade – locals say the deeply cobbled stone found all throughout the world – So what exactly is a bruja/o/x? streets were paved with the bones including in pop culture. Queen Bey Simply put, “bruja” means of slaves. There’s a long, insidious herself paid tribute to Oshun (or “witch” in Spanish. Over many history in this once-prosperous Ochún), the Orisha of sensuality centuries, brujería in Latin Amer- city that dates all the way back to and love, during the 2017 Gram- ica has become a deeply personal- the 16th century and a lingering mys. Netflix’s Siempre Bruja (2019) ized practice with roots in several eeriness can still be felt in the depicts a young slave witch from spiritual lineages, including colorful Spanish-style walls on the 17th century who time travels to Yoruba, Macumba, Vodou, and this isolated island. present-day Colombia to save the more. I remember suddenly trembling as man she loves. But one interesting thing I've I looked around a popular restau- The video for Princess Nokia’s song encountered when talking to rant to find its walls decorated in “Brujas” off her album 1992 Deluxe some practicing modern witches actual torture devices used during begins with five women conducting is both a total embrace of the the slave trade. They weren’t what appears to be a watery ritual word “bruja” and also a reluc- tucked away in a museum, but on for Yemaya. And more recently, tance to use it all together. It goes display, while people ate their with Jidenna's \"Sufi Woman\" video, back to this idea of belonging and arroz y frijoles. In the United West African witchcraft was on acceptance within magical com- States, we tend to cover up the display. But even with these seem- munities and shows how shame of slavery, our history – but ingly benign media depictions, self-identity can carry a lot of in Trinidad, history is laid bare for brujas are often reduced to stereo- weight – especially with people of all to see. References to Santería types and still conjure a sense of mixed racial backgrounds. and other forms of brujería can be fear in many people.

Magic as a Form of Resistance For São Paulo-based Wiccan The natives were aware of native who used magic practices for Priestess Marília de Abreu, witch- medicinal herbs for diseases that healing and relief … and to con- craft means following a coherent the colonizer had no medicine for. demn any practice that was not path that links our inner nature to For the black people who came as institutional and accepted by the the hidden forces of nature, while slaves, their magic was also a form ruling church-state. Only the tuning into the cycles and spiritual of resistance and a way of main- Pope would represent ‘divine’ language of the world. She started taining their ancestral cultural power on earth. Well, it didn’t the Wicca Cia das Bruxas in 1998 roots,” Abreu says. “Pai de Santo work out and we are here, with all and has been practicing her Craft (Father of Saint) [the male priest in the colors of the rainbow,” in Brazil. Witchcraft came to São Afro-Brazilian religions] was Carmen says. Paulo by way of its Indigenous indeed the father of many slaves In short, brujería isn’t a fantasti peoples, European immigrants, and represented the link with the cal or fairytale-like practice, but a enslaved Africans, as well as entities of his origin.” conscious, intention-based one. It through Cuban Santería, among Another bruja, Carmen Regina may be shrouded in mystery, but other traditions. Casella, who practices and teaches it’s mainly about tapping into a “I believe magic is a part of life,” stregheria (a form of spiritual deeper language of the universe. Abreu says.“The difference is self-defense) says the essence of between triggering it without witchcraft goes beyond geographi- awareness and consciously using cal boundaries. “As witches, our it with intention. In fact, a witch’s homeland is the spirit. Magic has path is the pursuit of wisdom to no ‘color,’ but has guidance on how to use it consciously, but other levels ... it does not cling to magic is present in everything.” human duality,” she says. She says brujería in Brazil was “[The colonizers] tried both to end also used as a form of resistance man’s spiritual connection to the and self-identity. “The colonizers earth and to exterminate anyone found Indigenous magic here and later with slavery, African magic.

Questioning Velasquez attributes to colonialism. Spirtual Identity “We’ve always been a very supersti- tious culture, but when we were According to Curly, El Salvador, colonized and told we couldn’t like much of Latin America, holds [pray to our spirits] because we many of its roots in a mixture of would go to hell, I think it scared Catholic, Santería, and Indigenous us. folk magic. You don’t have to join It made us afraid, not only of spirits a coven or be in a part of orga- but of ourselves. But now I think nized religion to be a bruja/o, and there’s a lot of people coming out it often means developing your more [as bruja/os] because I think own way of doing things. because we’re evolving, people are As a spiritual culture, Curly says more accepting.” that Latinx people tend to honor “In the direction that we’re going the feminine. As a queer brujo (or [as a culture], it’s just going to be so brujx), Curly never felt comfort- ambiguous that I don’t think it’ll able praying to a white man. “I’m matter. We’re at a point in history not praying to a white man. No (and the earth’s history) where white man has ever given me an words like bruja, witch, or even opportunity – but women have. witchcraft have a lot of stigma Women in my life have always behind it. Historically a lot of us been the ones who’ve been there just intuitively know it’s time to for me. Black women, Latin kind of move past it,” says Gomez. women, Asian women, White women – they’re the ones who’ve “It really comes down to this com- pushed for me,” he says. bination of all practices at this Brujería, however, can still be a point – because we’re kind of in a source of fear for many, which big melting pot of culture at this point. The same thing happens within magical communities: sha- manism, wizardry, witchcraft, all these different terms that are just describing their own sovereign approach to magic and the art of bringing this forward. I don’t think there really is a word [to describe what we do] anymore. We’re all just tapping into so many different parts of the spectrum at this point.

Orishas “We burn copal in We Since Latin America was colonized uhsoentohreoef ltehmeesnptisriotsf.water, by Europeans beginning in the fire, earth.” 15th century – leaving a desecrat- ed Indigenous culture in its wake – some native healing medicine and magical traditions syncretized with the Roman Catholic Church and this led to a kind of hybridity in contemporary spirituality. In Mexico, for instance, the annual celebration of honoring the dead during Día de Los Muertos has “For Latin folk, we pray origins in Aztec culture but also heavily, we light a lot of takes place on All Saints’ and All candles, we burn a lot of Souls’ Day on the Catholic calen- different things. We do tiny dar. In Santería, an Afro-Latinx religion with Yoruba roots. things to get back at people – to bind people – and this Yemaya (considered the Mother of All and Queen of the Sea) is one of isn’t for everybody, but the most beloved Orisha in Cuba – these are things typical of and in iconography, her image is my culture,” Curly says. closely tied to the Virgin Mary. For Los Angeles-based brujo Curly Velasquez, whose family comes from El Salvadorian Indigenous lineage, modern traditions like Wicca, founded in the early to mid 20th century in England, weren’t really for him. He calls himself an “energy manifestor.” For him, and many other witches, prayers are just another word for spells.

A section for weekly recipes called “Bitches Brew” where herbs are blended together to create varying “remedies” to help heal mind, body, and spirit.

The Botanist

ove Jar SpellusingHibsCcurasfted by Amaria either India or China. These 8 original spe- L Hi, my lovelies and welcome to the Alchemist cies have been hybridized into hundreds of other species. Recently I’ve been talking a lot about all my favourite magickal herbs and plants, like this The first mention of hibiscus is from around post about the magickal properties of 295BCE when a Chinese author mentioned lemons, another about pine, one about garlic growing it. Although it was grown widely in and another post about the magickal proper- China, it didn’t make it to Europe particular- ties of dandelion. I’ve also shared a botanical ly early, probably due to the travel restric- witchipedia for an overview of a whole lot of tions placed on Europeans by China during plants and herbs. Today I want to continue the 1300s. These lasted all the way through down this path by sharing my guide to the to 1860. It’s possible European visitors never magickal properties of hibiscus. even saw hibiscus when they were in China so couldn’t bring back any plants. It’s Hibiscus is the ultimate flower of passion. Its thought that hibiscus was brought to Europe other magickal properties include love, in the 1700s by explorers who travelled down divination, freedom and many more. It’s the silk road. Carl Linnaeus was the first been used medicinally to lower blood pres- person to name it hibiscus when he wrote his sure and boost liver health, as well as being a famous book “Species Plantarum”. common ceremonial tea in many cultures. The medicinal benefits of hibiscus are most History of Hibiscus commonly attributed to drinking hibiscus tea. It can be drunk both hot and cold and Hibiscus is a flowering plant in the Malvace- tastes similar to cranberry juice. The most ae family. There are a few hundred different common species used to make tea is hibiscus species of hibiscus which grow in tropical, sabdariffa. Please note that while hibiscus is subtropical and warm temperate climates all safe to consume in smallish amounts, it can over the world. This genus of plants has both interact with certain medications so always annual and perennial plants, along with let your doctor know if you plan to drink small trees and shrubs. hibiscus tea. In large dose, hibiscus extract can potentially cause liver damage. No one is quite sure where exactly hibiscus originated. There are 8 different species So my loves, I hope this gives you all the which are thought to be the forefathers of the information that you were looking for about modern hibiscus. These 8 species are native the magickal properties of hibiscus! May to Mauritius, Madagascar, Fiji, Hawaii and your relationships be full of passion, your dreams full of magick and your days full of freedom and harmony.

Ingredients surrounding you and making every nerve ending in your body sing. Direct this A small jar energy into your jar. Fill the jar with as 6 red hibiscus flowers much of this energy as you can. Open A small red candle your eyes. A piece of rose quartz (small enough Looking into the flame of the candle say to fit into your jar) “I call on the transformative energies of Dried cinnamon this flame to turn my energy into reality. Rose oil Coriander and Hibiscus grant me your 1 tsp dried coriander seeds passionate powers, may the love I deserve make me feel empowered. So Mote it Be.” Method Allow the candle to burn down to nothing Gather all your ingredients together and and be careful not to disturb any wax find a quiet corner. Close your eyes, center which may have melted over the jar. yourself and take 5 deep breaths. Open Anytime you want to activate the jar, your eyes.Place the rose quartz at the either repeat steps 6-12 or simply take the bottom of the jar. Place the hibiscus flowers jar into your hands and perform step 9. on top. Add the coriander seeds. Sprinkle with a little dried cinnamon and a couple of This jar spell for love uses candle drops of rose oil. Alternately, you can add magick so please make sure that rose petals to the jar too. Screw the jar of you always practise fire safety and the lid on tightly. Take the candle and never leave a flame unattended or anoint it with a couple of drops of rose oil. in reach of small children or pets. Roll the anointed candle in some dried cinnamon. If you want to call new and passionate love Attach the candle to the top of the jar by into your life, melting the bottom of the candle a little or invigorate an and then holding it in place on the lid until it sticks. existing love, consider trying out this love jar spell! Light the candle.Close your eyes and imag- ine the passionate love that you want to call into your life. Feel as if you are experienc- ing this love already. Imagine this love

This is the section that discusses the proper way to honor, connect, or simply learn about mediumship, proper conjuring practices, and current practitioners.

The Conjurist

A Ancestral WisdomatinaBruja shares herJourney to Promote HealingAnInterview with Vanessa Codornui she said. “When you listen to a song you Santeria an Afro-Cuban belief system that incorporates catholic beliefs with Yoruba beliefs. Certified coach and clinical hypnotist, Vanes- really love, and your phase-out, and you’re imagining some story or daydreaming, that’s L sa Codorniu, also known as “The Biz Bruja,” a hypnotic state.” Growing up in an Argentin- ian household in Queens, New York, spiritual is an office worker turned full-time bruja. practices surrounded Codorniu’s daily life. “I She’s a shamanic practitioner, circle ceremo- was really blessed to be born in a South ny guide, clinical master hypnotist, integra- American family,” Codorniu said. “That well, tive wellness and health coach, a consultant Catholic-based still had a lot of traditional and trainer for Akashic Records, and a teach- practices, such as limpias (spiritual cleansing er in various forms of Reiki. She’s also the and healing rituals), the honoring of spiritu- Codorniu continues to show Latinx healing ality, espiritismo (spiritism), and the honor- methods to her community and beyond ing of ancestors.” where she offers services in Ancestral Hypno- sis Healing, Akashic Records Readings, At her family’s home, spaces on the wall were Coaching for establishing an Online Busi- made to place photographs of family rela- ness, Teen Leadership Training, and Astrolo- tives, of religious figures, such as Ave Maria gy for Business, through her website. (Holy Mary), and candles to light and gather around to tell stories. Now living in her own She is currently offering a ‘pay what you can’ space, Codorniu keeps an altar in her home service in both English and Spanish. where she displays photographs of past Founder of the School of the Healing Artes, relatives and significant objects that repre- which provides a variety of courses in gaining sent them in some way. By keeping her Reiki Usui certifications. ancestors present in her life, and continuing a daily spiritual routine she has the ability to Throughout Codorniu’s practice in clinical communicate messages. “The wisdom that hypnosis, she is often hired at hospitals to came through for me was about trusting my help patients release fear and anxiety before inner self, trusting my intuition, that we going into surgery. “When they go in, they receive information from dreams, that it was are calm. They even heal faster,” Codorniu important to understand where we come said. “Because remember, stress is what also from, to honor that, and to know that we’re creates illness.” Many of us may have already never alone,” Codorniu said. experienced being in a hypnotic state without even knowing, according to Codorniu. “In a When Codorniu was faced with challenges hypnotic state, your brain waves slow down,” during her time in college she turned to her family for advice and guidance. She was around 19-years-old when she attended NYU Tisch School of the Arts where she later graduated from Hunter College with a degree

in Media Studies & Latin American and Reiki is a form of Caribbean studies. Along with facing the struggles from having a heavy Spanish accent alternative therapy, which and receiving criticism, she was also having developed during the 1800s difficulties in math. “I remember being so in Japan. Based in univer- scared of math and thinking, I can’t do it. But then I was like, “My grandfather used to talk sal energy healing, the about hypnosis,” Codorniu said. practitioner hovers their palms over the patient to Later that day, she went to the library and created a cassette, where she would listen to remove negative or it for 30 days, and practice deep breathing stagnant energy exercises to achieve an inner focus, to release in the body. fear. “I then went from a C- to an A-,” she said. “This worked for me. I thought to myself, “When I grow up, I want to study this.” That’s how I became a clinical hypno- tist and have been doing it for 22 years.” In 2012, Codorniu decided to leave the corpo- rate world when she was laid off the day before major surgery. On December 21, 2012, Codorniu was in a car accident; after the incident, Codorniu deeply felt her desire to listen to her calling. “I literally sat there, and I was like, “My life is going to end like this. I didn’t go full-time with The Biz Bruja. I didn’t talk about the things that I really cared about the way I could have,” she said. “I deeply heard my intuition, ‘Do what you need to do, what you’re supposed to do. Be all that you’re supposed to be.” While listening to her intuition and working towards her goals she was faced with the death of her loved ones. Throughout the pandemic, Codorniu’s father, mother, and brother passed away. Despite the recent loss of her loved ones, Codorniu continued her business and worked regularly. I’ve finally got the chance.