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Home Explore Magdalen College Masterplan EoI

Magdalen College Masterplan EoI

Published by richardrc, 2020-12-04 11:40:50

Description: Magdalen College Masterplan EoI


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MAGDALEN COLLEGE UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD Masterplan An Expression of Interest Prepared by Design Engine Architects Ltd December 2020 Magdalen College designed by Natalie Ellett, 2020

Contents Forward 1 Forward Thank you for inviting us to submit an Expression of Interest for the masterplan for 3 About Us Magdalen College. I hope this document provides you with sufficient information and 7 Our Team confidence that our team at Design Engine Architects is capable of exceeding your 11 Our Methodology expectations, for that is always our ambition for our Clients. We would be delighted to 20 Masterplanning - The Process offer some references from other Oxford Colleges should those be required. 21 Historic Contexts 22 Key Questions We are considered experts in the field of education: Independent Schools, Colleges and 23 Your Timetable Universities. Selected examples of our experience are covered in this submission, but it is 24 Estimated Fees important to reiterate that we begin each new commission with a blank canvas. We enjoy 25 Relevant Experience - Completed Projects in Oxford getting to know the people, understanding the particular personality of each institution 27 Relevant Experience - Summary : Education masterplan Projects and responding thoughtfully and creatively. This is especially the case in Oxford Colleges, where each is unique and we consider it a privilege to be working with these minds and 35-78 Appendix - Selected Project Sheets continuing the work of former architects and planners. St Peter’s College, Oxford In this document, we have endeavoured to cover what we consider the essential St Hilda’s College, Oxford ingredients of your project: masterplanning, sensitivity of historic settings, working in Examinations School, Oxford Oxford and designing for Higher Education generally. Charterhouse, Godalming Canford School Uppermost in our thinking is the welfare and wellbeing of students and staff. We have Downe House School, Newbury recently completed the first WELL Certified building for University of Winchester - the West Berkhamsted School Downs Centre. This project reaches out to the community as well as providing first-class Radley College, Abingdon research, teaching and learning environments - both inside and out. University of Winchester Winchester College Also central to our work is a responsible attitude to the environment and sustainability in its St Vincent’s College, Gosport widest sense. In that regard, our masterplan studies will interrogate existing buildings for Twyford School, Winchester new efficiencies and potential remodelling rather than default to recommending new Wadham College, Oxford build. Some of our most rewarding work has come through breathing new life into historic Les Beaucamps High School, Guernsey buildings and the fusion of new and old. 1 We sincerely hope to have the opportunity to present to you to expand the ideas within this document. Richard Rose-Casemore RIBA, Founding Director


About Us Design Engine Architects The following activities characterise the practice’s approach to all applications. Design Engine’s staff receive the best training Richard Rose-Casemore, Richard Jobson and Rodney Graham projects: possible in order to deliver outstanding projects for its clients. formed Design Engine Architects as a Private Limited Company in Team approach December 2001. Site analysis Design Engine likes to work closely with its client and consultant We undertake very careful analysis of the site which we use to lead team alike and to date have enjoyed long-term and fulfilling Design Engine's projects are designed and delivered from its us to the development of potential site-specific concepts arising working relationships with the many clients and professionals it has Winchester, London and Exeter studios by a dedicated team of from the brief. encountered. staff who offer a first-class quality driven service to its clients. The practice has a wealth of experience working on new buildings but Design by dialogue Design Communication also within sensitive historic settings and with construction We like to develop our designs through close dialogue with all Our highly skilled team produce drawings and CGI’s to bring our budgets ranging from £0.5 million - £150 million in value. project stakeholders. This is a key part of our service and is never a plans to life. These, together with our physical models (produced time-limited exercise. We consider that the client briefing process in-house), help to explore and explain a project. Design Engine's work holds the synthesis of high quality design is a key part of the relationship-building process and consequently and sustainability as a core value. Many completed projects have Design Engine invests significantly in this aspect of its service. Lessons learnt been honored with awards, including RIBA Stirling Mid-list, a RIBA Design Engine considers the delivery of a building to be a journey International Award, the LEAF (Leading European Architects Director-led Designs for all parties concerned and the practice considers it vital that Forum) Sustainability Award and numerous RIBA, Civic Trust, RTPI Design Engine projects are always director-led from inception to once it is completed an opportunity is made to reflect on the and BCI awards and commendations. completion. david Gausden and Richard Rose-Casemore would positive and negative outcomes of the project, in order to be the directors who would lead this commission for Magdalen continuously improve its service. The Practice has received over 50 Design Awards since 2001. College if successful in this tender. Models 3 Award-winning delivery In addition to the production of drawings and CGI’s a uniqueness The practice prides itself on the delivery. As much investment is of the practice is the sheer number of physical models that we given to the process of technical design and production produce. These become hugely important when describing ideas information and contract administration as is given to client to stakeholders, as we find they bring clarity to a proposal that briefing, scheme design delivery and the making of planning drawings often cannot.

• Established in 2000 • 40 People in our Winchester, London and Exeter Studios • 50+ Awards • 18 RIBA Awards and 5 Civic Trust awards • Majority of projects in the education sector, particularly the Independent School Sector and Higher Education • Significant Masterplanning/architectural experience in historically important environments. 4

About Us The practice solving. We ensure that all our projects are well resourced at the A strong concept The practice is populated by a highly talented team; many of delivery (on-site) stage of the programme, not just at the design The design development of a project is also about communicating whom have worked in many of the country’s leading design firms. development stage. a vision. This should be articulated in a clear and easily As a practice we take all that experience and knowledge and focus understood way. It is the nature of our practice to develop a it towards looking at things in a fresh and thoughtful way, an Despite our high architectural ambitions and many awards won we strong concept and design narrative for a scheme. When adopted approach to design that is focused on the needs of our clients look to work with our clients as partners and to create an by stakeholders they can provide an important touch-stone in the rather than following fashion. environment around our projects that is not only creative but also development of the design through each subsequent stage. fun. both visionary but also deliverable and which are budget All of the Directors are intimately involved in the design output of conscious in execution. the practice and unusually for a practice of 40 the Directors are still Strong leaders, effective collaborators involved in the process of making. This includes not only sketching We pride ourselves on developing strong relationships with clients and 3D modelling but physical models that are everywhere in the and fellow consultants and earning the respect of construction studios. teams through our actions. We are rigorous in our approach to design, developing strong A serious approach to sustainable design concepts and narratives on which the design can hang. This in As a practice sustainable design is fundamental to our design ethos itself can be said of many award-winning design practices, but and this starts with adopting sound first principles of passive what we believe differentiates this practice is two aspects: delivery and attitude. design. It is this approach that has led to our projects receiving awards for sustainable design. The practice always seeks to work We are proud of the high quality of design AND production closely with the consultant team in developing sustainable information produced in the studio. To this is matched a solutions. We would adopt this approach on the Magdalen pragmatism and common sense approach to creative problem- College project. 5

“ Design Engine Architects are a very professional and dedicated company. The Directors and staff are very competent and really do consider the client’s needs. Some architectural practices are only interested in the design (and what the design can do for their practice). Design Engine really do want the client to have a building they can afford to own as well as one that delights them.” Kerry Hutchings Head of Major Projects, Foreign and Commonwealth Office The quality of design output of the studio is of paramount Technical Review Group importance to both the reputation of the practice and our clients. To complement the design review process and in support of our The following systems are applicable to the Magdalen College ISO 9001 accreditation the practice has a Technical Review Group Masterplan Project. consisting of two associates. A member of the group is allocated to each project to act as a point of reference, mentor and technical Director oversight advisor. A formal technical review is carried out on projects at On every major project a Director is involved extensively in the tender stage. Specification, documentation, drawings and other design development and oversight of the project. David Gausden supporting information is reviewed and a report highlighting will be director involved throughout the life of the project and in issues for review/correction is issued to the project architect for particular an intensive involvement at the critical design implementation. A summary of the report is issued to the directors development stage. A further Director with extensive experience highlighting any key items. The timing of the review is to ensure in Higher Education and independent school design will be that it is based on detailed information but so that the output can involved at key stages to critique the design development and be captured in subsequent contract documents. interrogate the brief development. On this project this will be Richard Rose-Casemore. Experience - we’ve done this before As we hope we demonstrate in this document we have an Design reviews experienced team who have a track record of delivering Higher An internal design review is carried out at periodic stages during Education projects as well as projects in Oxford. design development - on this project a minimum of two reviews will be carried out prior to completion of the study. These reviews are over and above the continual oversight of the director in charge. These are peer reviews carried out with other senior staff members, with a minimum of one non-project director and associate. ISO 9001 & ISO 14001 Certified 6

Our Team Richard Jobson Founding Directors Rodney Graham Support Team Richard Rose - Studio Manager & HR Casemore Director Jessica Reid IT Manager David Gausden QMS Paul Ridgley Design Engine Architects Ltd QM Manager If successful in this bid, the project will be led by David Finance James Salman Gausden, a Director of the practice and responsible for other Helen Jones Sean Roberts Associates Oliver Moore 14001 Director Oxford College projects. Richard James Jessica Reid Technical Review Our medium-sized practice crucially allows us to have a Tamsin Thomas ‘director-led’ approach, where directors remain actively involved throughout the lifetime of the project. On every James Salman Tamsin Thomas prospective or live project, we have a ‘Review Director’ system, where a second director keeps in close contact with Senior Architects the project and the Client. Richard Rose-Casemore will perform this role, bringing his experience in design and Matthew Vowels Peter Collins Amanda Moore Laia Mulet Alex Wallis stakeholder engagement gained in the development and Peter Blundy Architects Anna Ross delivery of other Oxford College projects. James Jacques Rob Ellis Stephen Price At masterplan stage, issues remain strategic, so input is needed at an experienced level. Our team will include Holly Cook Jessica Tubb Anna Beer Associate Richard James, responsible for the successful St Peter’s College projects. We propose Amanda Moore as Architectural Designers Project Architect (St Hilda’s), supported by Robert Ellis (Winchester College) and Jessica Tubb (Canford Library) Jack Bennett Marco Marriage Adam Barlow Christina Tim Lince Varvouni-Giatrakou Supporting the architectural team is a group of committed individuals, described in this structure diagram. Architectural Graduates Proposed team highlighted George Davies Eloise Reeves Tomas Trott Elliott Dennis Kyle Stone Connie Pidsley Rafal Baczec 7

Richard Rose-Casemore RIBA David Gausden RIBA Director Founding Director David Gausden RIBA Director SUMMARY CV SUMMARY CV EDUCATION Richard is a co-founder of Design Engine and, with his fellow directors, EDUCATION David studied architecture at Canterbury College Of Art and the Kent is responsible for the design direction of the practice. He enjoys Institute of Art and Design. Prior to joining Design Engine in 2003, he 1988-1989 working in all sectors and at all scales: from masterplanning to interior 1987-1989 worked for Pentagram Design Ltd, Apicella Associates, MacCormac Professional Management design, with architecture at the centre. He has been the recipient of Kent Institute of Art & Jamieson Prichard, and the London and Hong Kong offices of Terry in Architecture RIBA Pt3 numerous RIBA and Civic Trust Awards during 30 years of practice, and Design Diploma in Farrell and Partners. (Distinction) received the Stephen Lawrence Prize for his own house in Winchester Architecture RIBA Pt2 at the 2001 Stirling Prize celebrations. (Distinction). He shares a passion for excellent design, and a faith in its ability to 1985-1987 elegantly solve important issues and enrich our environment. University of Plymouth Before the creation of Design Engine, Richard was a director of 1983-1986 Exploring these possibilities through drawing and model making are Diploma in Architecture Architecture PLB, senior architect with Rogers Stirk Harbour, and an Canterbury College of Art key to his approach within the studio and working with clients. RIBA Pt2 (Distinction) associate of ORMS after graduating with distinction and coming runner- Degree in Architecture up in the RIBA Student President’s Medals. Richard has travelled widely RIBA Pt1 David has an expertise in education within primary, secondary and 1981-1984 as part of his training as well as in his practice, and worked in South University sectors. Projects include La Mare De Carteret Schools and University of Plymouth Africa for a year as an under-graduate. Les Beaucamps High School In Guernsey and The Student Centre, St Degree in Architecture Alphege Building, Winton Chapel and The Performing Arts Studios at RIBA Pt1 Richard has a particular passion for teaching and led a post-graduate the University Of Winchester. studio at Oxford Brookes University School of Architecture between 1995 and 2010. He continues to act as a visiting critic at OBU, Bath, He has brought his interest and experience in interior and exhibition Bartlett, Portsmouth, Brighton and Plymouth Schools. Richard has design to projects across sectors that include educational, taught Professional Practice at the Architectural Association, and has ecclesiastical and commercial commissions. been an external examiner at the UCL Bartlett and Portsmouth Schools. He is currently a Fellow of Royal Society of Arts, a Visiting Fellow of David is a Member of The Coastal West Sussex Design Panel, and Oxford Brookes University, a Member of the Chartered Society of The Jersey Commission Design Panel. He is a visiting architectural tutor Designers, and sits on the RIBA Validation Board. He was CABE and leads the RIBA student mentor program in the studio. Representative for SE England for five years and now chairs or sits on various Design Review Panels and the HEDQF. SKILLS RELEVANT EXPERIENCE SKILLS RELEVANT EXPERIENCE • Architecture Perrodo Building, St Peter’s College, Oxford • Architecture St Hilda’s College, Oxford • Masterplanning Director responsible for Chavasse and Hanington Quads, the • Client Liaison Director responsible for the design and strategic delivery of new • Sustainable Design refurbishment of the ground floor of the listed Chavasse Building and • Interior Design student accommodation and Principal’s Lodgings. • Interior Design a new building on the Chavasse Quad. • Exhibition Design • Strategic Delivery • Product Design La Mare de Carteret Schools, Guernsey • Practice Management St Hilda’s College, Oxford • Mobile Structures Director responsible for the design of the new high school, primary • Client Design Advisor Review Director responsible for the design and strategic delivery of • Master-planning school and sports facilities. Planning permission has been awarded. • Design Review new student accommodation and Principal’s Lodgings. • Sustainable Design • Teaching • Project Delivery Warsash Maritime Academy - Solent University Castle Hill House, St Peter’s College, Oxford New training facility including Helicopter underwater escape training 7 Director responsible for the new student accommodation and pool, Fire training, First aid, Ships hand etc. communal facilities adjacent to Grade 1 Listed Canal House. 8

Amanda Moore RIBA Richard James RIBA Senior Architect Associate EDUCATION SUMMARY CV EDUCATION SUMMARY CV 2014-15 Amanda is a qualified Architect, completing her studies at the Bartlett 2010-2011 Richard is a qualified Architect and has worked at Design Engine since The Bartlett, University School of Architecture, University College London. She started with University of Westminster 2007. He has been involved in a number of projects including Old College London Design Engine in 2016 having previously worked for architectural Post-Graduate Diploma Building at the London School of Economics and the Clocktower Postgraduate Diploma practices in London. Past projects include student residential and Architectural Studies RIBA Square development for Radley College in Oxfordshire. ARB/RIBA Pt 3  mixed-use schemes, religious buildings and railway and underground Pt3 infrastructure. More recently Richard has been leading the architectural team 2012-14 2005-2007 delivering the Southern Campus Masterplan for Winchester College, The Bartlett, University Since joining Design Engine Amanda has been the project architect for University of Portsmouth which includes a new sports centre, the refurbishment and extension College London Master of a refurbished clubhouse and new contemporary hotel and woodland School of Architecture of the design technology faculty, a new medical centre, support Architecture ARB/RIBA lodges in the Cotswolds due for completion shortly. Diploma in Architecture services department and residential developments. He is also Pt2 RIBA Pt2 responsible for two projects for St Peters College, Oxford. Prior to studying Architecture, Amanda gained an MA in sculpture at 2008-11 the Royal College of Art and has carried out a number of artist 2001-2004 Richard studied for his Diploma in Architecture at the University of The Bartlett, University commissions, these includes: University of Portsmouth Portsmouth, his thesis project was awarded the RIBA South Prize and College London Bachelor • Black Down Welcome Area and Orientation Point, commission to School of Architecture the prize for best overall performance in Diploma Thesis. His work of Science (Architecture) Degree in Architecture with the Diploma Landscape unit led to their shortlisting for the ARB/RIBA/ Pt1 design a welcome area for new walking routes within Dorset AONB RIBA Pt1 SEEDA ‘ideas competition’. Richard was also awarded first place in and a central sculpture: (Complete 2018) the final of the 2009 ‘Line of Site’ architectural competition organised 2005-07 • ArtVaults 2018, commission to design and install a temporary by the Building Design paper. Royal College of Art exhibition inside Canute's Palace ruin Southampton as the backdrop Master of Sculpture for several events: (September 2018) • orset Coastal Connections, commission to design two beachfront public spaces in Poole: (Due for completion 2019) Amanda also teaches Architecture undergraduates and has a special interest in computational design. SKILLS RELEVANT EXPERIENCE SKILLS RELEVANT EXPERIENCE • Concept Design St Hilda’s College, Oxford • Architecture St Peters College, Oxford University • Detailed Design Project Architect for the design and strategic delivery of new student • Detailed Design Project Associate responsible for the design and delivery of the • Specification writing accommodation and Principal’s Lodgings. • Specification writing Perrodo Project and Castle Hill House project, involving associated • Co-ordination • Graphic Design landscaping works to the Chavasse and Hanington Quads, the • Site experience Feldon Valley Golf Club, Cotswolds • Product Design refurbishment of the ground floor of the listed Chavasse Building and • Sustainable Design New clubhouse, hotel, woodland lodges and green keepers facilities • Sustainable Design a new building on the Chavasse Quad. • Teaching for a private Client (£Private). Due for completion Spring 2019. • Visualisations • Sculpture • Project Delivery Winchester College Southern Campus Masterplan Project Associate leading the team responsible for the design and 9 delivery of a new sports centre, the refurbishment and extension of the design technology department, a new medical centre, support services department and residential developments.

Robert Ellis RIBA Jessica Tubb RIBA Architect Architect SUMMARY CV SUMMARY CV Robert is a qualified Architect and has worked at Design Engine since Jessica first joined Design Engine as a Part 1 Architectural Assistant in 2019. He is currently responsible for the ‘Campus Presence Project’ 2013 and has recently qualified having graduated with a Distinction in for University of Plymouth, which focuses on improving the holistic her Masters of Architecture from Oxford Brookes University. teaching and learning environment for staff, students and visitors. EDUCATION Robert is but is also part of the architectural team delivering the EDUCATION During her time at Design Engine she has been involved in a number of Southern Campus Masterplan for Winchester College, which includes projects including Charterhouse School’s Science and Mathematics 2014-2015 a new sports centre, the refurbishment and extension of the design 2020 Centre and Canford School Library, on which she is Project Architect. University of Westminster technology faculty, and a support services department. University of Westminster Post-Graduate Diploma Post-Graduate Diploma Her final design project ‘The Cartography of Self’ drew connections Architectural Studies RIBA Prior to working at Design Engine Robert was an architect at Stephen Architectural Studies between architecture and Psychology.In identifying the ambiguous Pt3 Davy Peter Smith Architects with responsibility for the development of RIBA Pt3 underlying mechanisms and surface features of three expressions of a mixed use office and residential building in Lambeth to stage 3, and madness; delusion, dissociation and hallucination it attempted to 2009-2012 an apartment development in Ealing to stage 5 under a traditional 2016-18 construct a landscape for the less rational ‘self’ on the mysterious and University of Cardiff tender. Experience was also gained leading a number of mixed retail Oxford Brookes University uninhabited island of Es Vedrà, Ibiza. Jess also has a keen interest in the Master of Architecture and residential projects to stage 3. School of Architecture evolution of the 21st century city and the effect regeneration can have RIBA Pt2 Master of Architecture on its cultural and historical identity. She achieved a first for her Robert gained experience in Urban Design project managing precinct RIBA Pt2 dissertation during Undergraduate, which focused on the transition of 2006-2009 plans and urban design reviews for private and public sector clients Southampton’s waterfront and how its future master plan could provide University of Cardiff BSc whilst working for Studio GL in Sydney. 2012-15 the opportunity to re-build the city’s fractured urbanity. Architectural Studies RIBA Oxford Brookes University Pt1 Robert has a keen interest in local identity and how this can be School of Architecture reflected and interpreted in contemporary architectural forms; his Degree in Architecture thesis project at the University of Cardiff explored identity and RIBA Pt2 RIBA Pt1 legibility in the coastal townscape and was awarded a commendation SKILLS RELEVANT EXPERIENCE SKILLS RELEVANT EXPERIENCE • Urban Design Winchester College Southern Campus Masterplan • Architecture Canford School Library • Project Management Architect undertaking detailed design and coordination during stage • Masterplanning Project Architect for this £3.1m important project for the School, • Conceptual Design 5 of the delivery of a new sports centre, the refurbishment and • Client Consultation which involves both remodelling a listed building and new build. • Architecture extension of the design technology department, and a support • Sustainable Design • Graphic Design services department. • Project Delivery Berkhamsted School, Sixth Form centre, Administrative • Hand Sketching • Research & University of Plymouth, Campus Presence Project buildings, Drama studios and Multi-use hall (£25m) Project Architect responsible for the design and delivery of this Development campus-wide improvement project. Part of the team responsible for the stakeholder engagement, brief development, design and delivery, of new teaching, study and admin facilities for a series of buildings and refurbishments forming the first phase of works within a longer term Masterplan on a heritage campus. 10

Our Methodology History and Memory The term ‘Masterplan’ can be used to describe different outputs, involving varying levels of investigation. However, our designs always start with the site and the constraints and opportunities given by its setting, history, neighbours, orientation, topography, existing buildings, trees, and boundary edges. We also make a distinction between ‘history’ and ‘memory’, such that we can evoke a sense of character and personality. 11

Servergo:/oaupubs1_IthuQ*OXWOCPBA*Worcester Street Carpark, Oxford*GS*28.05.08 Servergo:/oaupubs1_IthuQ*OXWOCPBA*Worcester Street Carpark, Oxford*GS*28.05.08 N Pre Phase 1: Saxon to 1066 Castle Oxford Figure 43: Buildings in and around Oxford Canal Terminus (Goods Wharf and Coal Wharf) before demolitions of 1940s/1950s; original plan prepared for Nuffield College by 1951, redrawn by Hugh Jaeger, FOXCAN 1066 - Castle Phase 2: Norman 1270 Extracts from Nuffield College Masterplan commission Phase 3: Medieval 1270 - Phase 4: Early 1570 Figure 23: Coal Wharf and New Road looking west, c.1920 (Oxfordshire Photographic Archive) Modern 1570 - 1769 Canal Phase 5: New 1769 - communications 1840 Phase 6: Official 1840 - building 1930 Colle Phase 7: Nuffield 1930 - ge College 1975 Phase 8: Modern 1975 - times present Figure 23 Timeline of Radley College 12

Our Methodology Design Tools The art of communication throughout the whole process is Context models such as this for St Peter’s College are useful for stakeholder engagement as well as meetings with local authority etc imperative. Our philosophy is to test design ideas using a range of media and an array of software. We use computers as an accurate tool throughout design development, turning the model into fully rendered visuals at key moments of the approvals process. Physical models are created in-house and serve many purposes through design evolution. They each are intended for the different audiences involved in the process: from early exploratory maquettes to floor plate models for end-user consultation. Once the scheme is fixed, presentation models can be made for planning, funding and exhibitions. Communicating not just what any proposal for Magdalen College looks like, but the thinking behind it will be critical in engaging with internal and external stakeholders at Magdalen College. Charterhouse competition sketch 13

Le Mar de Carteret School, Guernsey St Peter’s College adjacency model 14

Our Methodology Design by Dialogue We enjoy the process of sharing the design journey with the client body, and value their contribution towards the emerging proposals. Feedback is recorded and reviewed by the design team. We invest time in preparing presentations, drawings and models tailored for specific audiences. Communicating our ideas clearly through three-dimensional physical models, as well as computer generated models (CGIs) makes this process efficient and focused. We pride ourselves on our approach to our work, in particular how we listen to our clients. Our focus is to treat the client as a key part of the design team and whilst we expect to be the ones doing the hard work, we recognise the enormous insight and expertise that the client can bring to the design process. For us the key to understanding the client’s brief is to understand the client’s approach to education and pastoral care, the long-term vision and values of the institution and the constitutional arrangements in respect of how decisions need to be made by the client body. We will often need to consult directly with senior client-users who are responsible for specific aspects of the operation. Whether we are working on a design for a specific building or a wider strategic masterplan, we adopt an approach which we refer to as ‘design by dialogue’. The phrase captures the essence of the process we undertake, which is to work closely with our clients in order to consolidate the brief and to establish different and appropriate options in response. 15

Our Methodology Sustainable Design In the work we complete for our clients we recognise our responsibility to the environment, so we always design from first principles. This way we ensure best practice from the outset rather than applying secondary green ‘bolt-ons’ to help improve the performance of our buildings. This is an approach we will adopt in the development of the masterplan for Magdalen College in collaboration with the wider project team. The practice also recognises its responsibility to promote the sustainable use of the world’s valuable natural resources and it understands the impacts that it could have upon the environment during the course of carrying out its work. We are committed to achieving excellent environmental performance at all times, regardless of the size or type of work that is being undertaken. On our current projects for St Peter’s College and St Hilda’s College are design to Passivhaus standards, which has been proved to reduce the performance gap between designed energy performance and actual energy use. 16

Our Methodology Clarity of Thought As a company, we are seen as problem-solvers and we like to find clarity in a complex set of issues. Considered analysis allows us to get under the skin of sites and briefs, such that we can re-present ideas back to our Clients through fresh eyes. Frontages to main buildings Existing formal gardens and orchard Decisions made in the new Care Home by OA, with associated vehicular and pedestrian routes 17

Our Methodology Spaces and Places Public Realm Inside-Out Formal spaces Changes in level Communal gardens Places for solitude 1 Places for socialising Spaces between buildings are as important as the buildings themselves. Masterplan thinking should be more fluid and cohesive, with hard and soft landscape considered as glue between the buildings and facilities. Ultimately, the whole College should be occupied and enjoyed to the maximum through all seasons. 18

Our Methodology Engaging with the College It is important early on to identify key project objectives and galvanise a Joint stakeholder workshops sense of the possible. • As the dialogue with key stakeholders and users develop areas of In simplified terms the engagement process can be broken down into overlap can be identified and the opportunities to create ‘blurred the following elements. edges’ become apparent. • Workshops with two or more key stakeholders may be required Initial review of stakeholder requirement to break down any barriers that may exist and to explore ideas of • Identify the key stakeholders shared space and overlapping functions. • The stakeholders should be asked to define their key objectives Regular update presentations for success • Keep the wider College community informed of what is actually Regular design workshops with each stakeholder developing. • Meetings to tease out the functional needs and ambitions. • Be clear what has already been agreed/established and what is • Key however is to begin to look not how things are but how they still in development. could be. ‘Lab Space’ Individual user consultation • Possible creation of a space dedicated to sharing the vision and • Meeting with people in their own workspaces and learning testing ideas, Q&A’s etc. environments to understand how they approach their tasks and what they perceive are their main needs. High level stakeholder review • This can be the most difficult stage of engagement and can • Ultimate body for sign-off of proposals depend greatly on users experience and whether they feel they have been listened to in the past. Wider user workshops • Necessary where user groups are large or more entrenched in current behaviour • More involved and structured workshops • These can take the form of exercises around key themes or spun- off presentations around key ideas. • It is important in these sessions to draw ideas together but not to seek approval. 19

Masterplanning The Process Common Masterplan Challenges • Historic/ Heritage sensitivities. The Masterplan Process • Limited new development sites available. • Poor stock of some buildings which are inefficient but difficult to replace. The term ‘Masterplan’ can be used to describe different outputs, • Sites are blighted by poor car parking arrangements / car parking demand. involving varying levels of investigation. • Pedestrian and vehicular arrangements create Health and Safety Issues. • Perimeter security is compromised by the nature of the site. In all cases, we describe as a ‘flexible framework for development’ • Proximity of valuable development sites adjacent to the ‘live’ education environment. in that is gives clarity to the status quo and structure to future • Local Authority resistant to piecemeal development. decisions. • Services/transport infrastructure insufficient for new development. • Sites are difficult to access in order to develop. For some commissions, we are required to respond to a broader • Phasing involves disruption to teaching and learning. future vision for the site; on others we are asked to forensically • Potential for significant pre-project sub-phases. interrogate space utilisation against new or emerging curricular. In every case, we need to understand the personality, ambition 20 and forward plans of the institution as well as the physical asset itself. A masterplan for Magdalen College will provide a roadmap for any future development ensuring that short term decisions are robustly tested against the long term vision for the College. It should also provide a structure for funding strategies and marketing campaigns. Local authorities are reassured by the holistic approach inherent in the masterplan process. It ensures that each individual planning application is set within a planning context, and part of

Historic Contexts Understanding the Context Magdalen College We have extensive experience in working within historic settings and in and alongside listed buildings and landscapes. The history of Magdalen College traces back to 1458 by William of Waynflete, Bishop of Winchester who is buried in Winchester We are expert in preparing presentations, drawings and models Cathedral. By 1480, the first new buildings were occupied and tailored specifically for local audiences, in order to effectively the College had a physical asset - the origins of the ‘campus’. communicate proposals as well as listen to, and act upon, feedback from all interested parties. Over time the College has expanded to 120 acres and includes the grove, gardens and meadows. Subsequent buildings have Successful dialogue with Planning and Conservation Authorities, been designed by such esteemed architects as Holdsworth, liaison with other consultants, and commissioning of general and Bodley, Gardner, and Gilbert Scott, before more recent specific surveys are all paramount to the success of such projects additions by Porphyrios and Wright & Wright. Along the way, and we have extensive experience of these processes. Nash, Repton and others have proposed ambitious developments, including flooding the meadow. Most of our education projects incorporate one or more of the following: Our experience with schools and colleges around the country Magdalen College, from ‘Oxonia Illustrata’ 1730, above. have brought us face-to-face with such luminaries and the David Loggan engraving 1675 below. • Working with Grade I or Grade II listed buildings privilege of working amongst such national heritage is never • Working within the vicinity of Grade I and Grade II listed taken for granted. buildings and within Conservation Areas. The opportunity with a new masterplan is a respectful backward- looking record to give context to a forward-looking future All of these projects demand an awareness of ecological and framework. environmental issues associated with SSSIs and/or Environmentally Sensitive Areas. 21

Key Questions Establishing Your Brief We were asked to list what might be required for the short-list presentation: The Nature of the Masterplan Is a detailed space utilisation study required? Does the College have one? Do you have buildings plans/surveys? Emphasis on Future Accommodation Community Specialisms Sustainability Accessibility and inclusivity Phasing Flexible framework for development over time Minimising disruption Funding Fellows Strategy Day Particular agendas? The Future Acquisitions and/or mergers? Changes in land ownership? Developable land (Deer Park, Grove, Water Meadows)? Specialisms? Curriculum changes/trends? Flexibility Growth Student Accommodation Planned increase from 496 rooms? Target numbers - under/post-graduate? Teaching Space Specialist? General? Flexibility & adaptability? Traffic and Transport Studies Parking Deliveries Access 22

Your Timetable We note your timescale for the engagement of the successful consultant and subsequent milestones. We see no reason why these dates should not be achievable. At the heart of the matter is your particular definition of the term ‘masterplan’ as this is open to interpretation. At its most detailed, the study may involve space utilisation studies of all areas and buildings to establish space efficiencies etc and this can involve lengthy data collection. However, if this information is available this will reduce the process greatly. Equally, should this not be a requirement of the study this will also simplify the process. The other crucial data is reliable survey material such as topographical surveys and measured building plans. If these do not exist, there may be a delay while they are commissioned. Timetable 2020 2021 February March April May June July Pre-Selection December January Brief issued Deadline for submissions Approx 5 months for completion of study Modernisation Committee shortlisting Shortlisted firms notified Presentation by firms Successful firm notified Post-Selection Briefing and development of initial ideas Initial report provided Fellow’s strategy day Masterplan refinement 23

Estimated Fees Area Schedule - New Build Gross External Area (sqm.) As mentioned in ‘Your Timetable’, the nature of your requirement has a PHASE A L0 L1 TOTAL marked bearing on timescale and fees. Should a space utilisation study 01 Build new access road with parking visitor/ be required, the cost will increase but the data is extremely useful. We staff parking -- - often work with companies such as FID (Fiona Duggan) and Peter 02 Build new Sports Centre -- - Marsh Consulting on this analytical work. X Potentially demolish Gym. Note: subject to 263 263 Our most recent masterplans (2019-20) have been charged at a range planning and listed approval of £33,000 - £67,000 + VAT. PHASE B Without further knowledge of your requirements, we would suggest a 03 Build new Main Reception/Admissions range estimate of £45,000-£60,000 for Magdalen College. However, we would look to refine this figure as soon as possible once your PHASE C 78 78 precise requirements are better known. 04 Build new Junior School Reception -- - 05 Reconfigure Junior School Car Park 352 352 704 PHASE D 06 Build new Music block PHASE E 757 757 1514 - - Build new Humanities Teaching Building & Day House comprising of: - 2 no. Classics Classrooms - 2 no. Religious Education Classrooms 07 - 3 no. Geography Classrooms - 3 no. History Classrooms - 1 no. MFL Classroom - Penns Day House PHASE F 08 Demolish Thompson Building/potentially Gym - 09 Extend Library into existing Penns House - - - PHASE G 203 - 203 10 Build Art Gallery - - 11 Reconfigure old English Classrooms into one - - new DT Workshop 240 PHASE H Relocate staff accommodation beside Junior - 12 School into existing Classics/Religious Studies Building 13 Build Junior Multipurpose Hall 240 PHASE I 165 165 330 14 Build new STEM Link PHASE J 140 140 2. Frequency of Use 15 Extension to New Hall - - Frequency = the proportion of time (expressed as a PHASE K percentage) that rooms are in use over 38 hours 20 mins per week. (School’s timetable). 16 Repurpose interior of Main School building, - - adding admin/meeting spaces - - PHASE L 17 General landscaping across the School campus Ground Floor 5.1 Space Utilisation Analysis – Frequency of Use Timetable Week A – Comparison Arts Building vs Science Building Arts Building Monday Monday Monday Monday Monday Monday Monday Monday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday W e dne sda y W e dne sda y Wednesday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Tuesday Tuesday Second FloorTuesday Wednesday Thursday Thursday Thursday Friday Friday P6 P7 P4 P6 P7 P8 P1 P2 P6 First Floor P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 13:25 14:15 P8 P1 P2 P3 11:35 P5 13:25 14:15 15:10 08:30 09:25 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 13:25 P7 P8 08:30 09:25 10:40 11:35 12:30 13:25 14:15 15:10 08:30 10:40 11:35 12:30 13:55 15:05 12:25 12:30 13:55 15:05 16:00 09:20 10:15 10:40 11:35 12:30 13:25 14:15 15:10 08:30 09:25 10:40 11:35 12:30 13:55 14:15 15:10 Extract pages from recent masterplan for Chigwell School (2020) 09:20 10:15 11:30 12:25 12:55 13:55 15:05 16:00 09:20 09:25 11:30 12:25 12:55 00:30 00:50 15:10 08:30 09:25 10:40 12:55 00:50 11:30 12:25 12:55 13:55 15:05 16:00 09:20 10:15 11:30 12:25 12:55 00:30 15:05 16:00 which included analysis by PMC. 00:50 00:50 00:50 00:50 11S-GC 00:50 00:50 00:50 00:50 00:50 00:50 11S-GC 00:50 00:50 10P-GC 00:25 00:30 00:50 10R-AD 00:50 10:15 00:50 10S-GC 00:25 13S-AD 11S-GC 16:00 09:20 10:15 11:30 AMA 00:25 00:30 10S-GC 00:50 00:50 00:25 00:50 00:50 AMA AMA AMA AMA 04W-A3D 10P-AD 12S-AD 08S-ART 09PS-AD2 09CL-AD2 07NW-AD EA 09PS-AD2 00:50 11R-GC SW 00:50 00:50 00:50 00:50 00:50 00:25 00:30 00:50 00:50 00:50 04P-A3D CET EA EA SW SW 12S-AD 06J-A3D 11R-GC 10R-AD 07HM-DT EA EA 03D-A3D AMA EA SW 12S-AD 12P-DT CET SW CKB SW EA A1 MFC CET 10R-DT 10P-GC NAJ 13S-AD 10S-GC 13S-AD 11R-GC 12C-TTR 08R-ART 11P-AD 10P-DT 06J-A3D 12P-DT 05A-A3D A3 09PS-AD1 09CL-AD1 13S-AD NAJ 09PS-AD1 AMA 11R-AD EA AMA SW EA SW 05T-A3D MEB EA 06B-A3D 12S-AD 09C-DT SW MFC 09C-TTR CKB MFC CET 03D-A3D 13S-AD 11R-DT 08F-AD A6 07CF-ICT AMA AMA 10P-DT EA AMA EA 04W-ICT CET CET SW NAJ NAJ CET EA NAJ SW A7 AFS MFC 08E-DT 10P-AD 13P-DT SEW 12S-AD 08R-DT 08E-ART 05A-A3D 09C-TTR 06M-A3D 11P-DT 12P-DT 13P-DT 09L-DT DT1 04Z-A3D 09CL-AD3 05P-A3D MFC 09PS-AD3 EA 03A-A3D MFC SW MFC SW CET 07SW-AD NAJ CET 07CM-AD 05P-A3D 07HM-DT MFC NAJ 10P-TTR MFC NAJ 13P-DT 06M-A3D 09P-DT 10R-DT DT2 CET SW 07HM-ICT CET SW CET 03A-ICT SW SW CET MFC SLL NAJ CET MFC NAJ ICT1 DJG 03H-A3D CGA 10R-AD 07CF-DT 11R-AD 10P-TTR 09L-DT 03H-ICT 06M-ICT 06B-ICT 04Z-ICT ICT2 09PS-AD3 12P-DT 11P-AD 12P-DT CET 11R-DT EA NAJ EA 12P-DT SLL NAJ 09P-DT 10R-AD FAH SLM GMB MZ 07NW-DT 11P-AD 08R-ICT SW MFC 08R-ICT SW MFC NAJ MFC MFC EA MFC SW AFS AFS 07HM-AD 10R-DT 07NW-DT 11R-DT 05P-ICT 13P-DT 11P-DT 08F-DT SW 09S-DT NAJ MFC NAJ 13P-DT 05T-ICT 10R-DT SCP 08F-ICT 11P-DT MFC MFC NAJ MFC NAJ LMT NAJ AFS MFC 10P-DT 08S-ICT 07SW-ICT 03D-ICT 07CM-DT 05A-ICT MFC 07NW-ICT AFS WSR BXD 08E-ICT 07NW-PSE 09C-DT NAJ EDA WSR AFS MFC NAJ 08S-DT 06J-ICT NAJ 07CM-PSE JJ TGC 07CM-ICT AFS 07SW-PSE RJH 04P-ICT RJP Lowest Frequency (under 35% - descending order): ICT2, A3, A6, DT2 Science Building Monday Monday Monday Monday Monday Monday Monday Monday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 08:30 09:25 10:40 11:35 12:30 13:25 14:15 15:10 08:30 09:25 10:40 11:35 12:30 13:25 14:15 15:10 08:30 09:25 10:40 11:35 12:30 13:25 14:15 15:10 08:30 09:25 10:40 11:35 12:30 13:25 14:15 15:10 08:30 09:25 10:40 11:35 12:30 13:25 14:15 15:10 09:20 10:15 11:30 12:25 12:55 13:55 15:05 16:00 09:20 10:15 11:30 12:25 12:55 13:55 15:05 16:00 09:20 10:15 11:30 12:25 12:55 13:55 15:05 16:00 09:20 10:15 11:30 12:25 12:55 13:55 15:05 16:00 09:20 10:15 11:30 12:25 12:55 13:55 15:05 16:00 00:50 00:50 00:50 00:50 00:25 00:30 00:50 00:50 00:50 00:50 00:50 00:50 00:25 00:30 00:50 00:50 00:50 00:50 00:50 00:50 00:25 00:30 00:50 00:50 00:50 00:50 00:50 00:50 00:25 00:30 00:50 00:50 00:50 00:50 00:50 00:50 00:25 00:30 00:50 00:50 B1 12Q-BIO 13P-BIO 13R-BIO 11-BIO1 06M-SCI 13R-BIO 12P-BIO 06M-SCI 10-BIO2 13P-BIO 09S-BIO 11-BIO1 12Q-BIO 13R-BIO 12P-BIO 10L-TTR 05P-SCI 09S-BIO 06M-SCI MTG WPECRH 12P-BIO 12P-BIO 10L-TTR 13R-BIO 13P-BIO 13P-BIO 12P-BIO 05P-SCI 12Q-BIO 10-BIO2 11-BIO1 WPE JB WPE WPE JB JB WPE SLM WPE WPE WPE WPE WPE WPE WPE ESP SCP WPE SLM CRH CRH WPE ESP WPE WPE WPE WPE SCP WPE WPE WPE B2 12R-BIO 12P-BIO 12Q-BIO 07CF-SCI 09L-BIO 13R-BIO 12Q-BIO 10-BIO5 11-BIO4 12Q-BIO 09L-PHY OX-PHY 13P-BIO 12S-TTR 10-BIO5 09L-BIO 13S-CHE 05T-SCI 13R-BIO 08E-BIO 10C-TTR 12Q-BIO 07CF-SCI 11-BIO5 13R-BIO 13P-BIO 09P-PHY 10-BIO4 07CF-SCI REW CRH REW CRH REW JB REW REW REW REW CRH BWP JB RLW REW REW AML LMT JB RLW AMO REW CRH JB JB JB CRH CRH CRH C1 13Q-CHE 09S-CHE 13Q-CHE 12S-CHE 12R-CHE 12R-CHE 13Q-CHE 12S-CHE 12P-BIO 11-CHE1 11-CHE5 13S-CHE 12R-CHE 08R-PHY 10C-TTR 09S-CHE 10-CHE5 12S-CHE 13Q-CHE 10-CHE5 13S-CHE 09-ASC-SCW 12Q-CHE 12S-CHE 11-CHE1 09P-CHE 12S-CHE 13S-CHE 12R-CHE 12S-CHE AML AML AML CAC AML AML AML AML CRH AML RLW EC AML AMO AMO AML AML CAC AML AML AML SCW EC AML AML RLW AML AML AML AML C2 12Q-CHE 08R-CHE 13-EPQ-MONA3 11-CHE2 13S-CHE 11-CHE3 13S-CHE 11-CHE3 12Q-CHE 08E-CHE 13Q-CHE 08R-CHE 13Q-CHE 13S-PHY 09C-CHE 13P-PHY 11P-TTR 10-CHE4 10-CHE1 08E-PHY 12R-CHE 12P-PHY 12P-PHY 11P-TTR 13Q-CHE 03D-SCI 11-CHE3 11-CHE2 09S-PHY 12S-PHY 10-CHE2 09C-PHY 11-PHY3 EC EC ELF RLW EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC PGC CAC PGC GJS CAC CAC AMO ELF BWP AMO GJS EC BXD EC RLW AMO AMO RLW AMO AMO P1 08E-PHY 12S-PHY 12P-PHY 05A-SCI 10-PHY3 10-PHY2 11-PHY3 08F-BIO 04P-SCI 06J-SCI 06B-SCI 10-PHY3 10-PHY2 13S-PHY 09S-PHY 10-CHE1 13S-PHY 04Z-SCI 12S-PHY 13P-PHY 03A-SCI 13P-PHY 10-PHY3 10-PHY1 12S-PHY AMO BWP AMO EDA AMO AMO AMO CRH RJP JJ GMB AMO AMO BWP AMO CAC BWP MZ AMO BWP CGA BWP AMO GJS BWP P2 13P-PHY 12P-PHY 11-PHY4 13P-PHY 13S-PHY 11-PHY1 13S-PHY 11-PHY1 10-PHY5 13P-PHY 10-PHY1 13S-PHY 11-PHY4 12Q-CHE 07SW-SCI 07HM-SCI 05T-SCI 10-CHE3 03A-SCI 05A-SCI 10-CHE2 09C-CHE 03H-SCI 11-PHY1 11-BIO3 03H-SCI 07SW-SCI 10-PHY5 10-CHE3 11-CHE5 BWP BWP BWP PGC PGC BWP BWP BWP BWP PGC GJS PGC BWP ELF ELF RLW LMT RLW CGA EDA RLW CAC FAH BWP SCW FAH ELF BWP RLW RLW S1 03A-SCI 12R-CHE 04Z-SCI 11-BIO5 07SW-SCI 11-CHE4 05P-SCI 11-CHE4 09C-CHE 10-CHE4 12S-CHE 08S-CHE 09C-BIO 09P-CHE 12P-PHY 03D-SCI 10-BIO4 04W-SCI 08F-CHE 10-BIO3 06J-SCI 07NW-SCI 11-CHE4 11-BIO4 12P-PHY 08S-BIO 12Q-CHE 12R-BIO 11-BIO2 CGA ELF MZ JB ELF CAC SCP CAC CAC CAC CAC CAC SCW RLW GJS BXD CRH SEW CAC SCW JB SCW CAC REW GJS CRH ELF SCW SCW S2 04P-SCI 08E-BIO 05A-SCI 12Q-CHE 07HM-SCI 09L-CHE 11-CHE5 09P-PHY 06J-SCI 09P-BIO 11-CHE2 12Q-CHE 07CM-SCI 07NW-SCI 10-CHE2 08R-BIO 09L-CHE 10-PHY4 04Z-MAT 07CM-SCI 07HM-SCI 09C-BIO 06B-SCI 10-BIO5 11-BIO4 RJP RLW EDA ELF RLW RLW RLW CRH JJ RLW RLW ELF GJS SCW RLW SCW RLW GJS MZ GJS RLW SCW GMB REW REW S3 04W-SCI 07NW-SCI 11-BIO3 11-ASG-SCW1 06B-SCI 11-BIO2 12R-BIO 10-BIO1 11-ASG-SCW2 10-BIO3 11-BIO5 11-BIO3 08F-PHY 10-BIO1 12S-PHY 12R-BIO 11-BIO2 09P-BIO 10-BIO1 10-ASG-SCW SEW SCW SCW SCW GMB SCW SCW SCW SCW SCW JB SCW GJS SCW GJS SCW SCW RLW SCW SCW S4 08S-PHY 08F-PHY 11Q-SPA-JJT 08S-BIO 07CM-SCI 11-PHY5 11-PHY2 10-PHY4 12S-PHY 12P-PHY 12S-PHY 11-PHY2 09P-PHY 08S-PHY 11-PHY5 10-PHY4 GJS GJS JJT CRH GJS GJS GJS GJS GJS BWP BWP GJS CRH GJS GJS GJS Highest Frequency (over 53% - ascending order): P2, B2, S3, S2, S4, B1 22 24

Relevant experience Selected Education Masterplan Projects Charterhouse, Godalming Nuffield College, Oxford 4 Extended QSC Alternative Location for Maintenance 10 Potential site for New Teaching Building & Domestic Services 1 Reception and Visitor Parking 4 New Changing Pavilion 2 Improved Science Facilities 12 Fletcherites Dining Hall 5 Renovation and Extension to Art Block 9 Renovation of New Houses (Link to DT) New Car Court 3 Improved Music Facilitie (Option 3) New Staff Parking Court 6 Anthony Caro Sculpture Court Car Free Zone New All Weather Pitches 3 Improved Music Facilities (Options 1 & 2) 8 Peter May Pavilion 7 Founder’s Chapel 2 Tennis Courts Relocated Eton Fives Refurbished New Maintenance & Domestic Services Dept 27 11 Ben Travers Theatre 49

Enham Alemein, Andover Oxford Brookes University, Headington Campus 28

Relevant experience Selected Education Masterplan Projects Berkhamsted School, Bucks Les Beaucamps High School, Guernsey NORTH Total car parking 81 standard 13 disabled 4 spaces 70 spaces Sports 3 spaces 4-court hall / gymnasium / 8 no. access for Public Car Park Fives courts ol coaches Parent drop-off and Staff car park deliveries 11 spaces 70 spaces Sixth-Form Centre 1 space Parent drop-off / pick-up reverse-in Including flexible theatre deliveries Boarding 72-bed en-suite spaces Coach drop-off and pick-up 3 spaces Nursery Staff /Housing car park 12 spaces Staff housing 6 no. 3 bedroom / 4 person homes Performing Arts Centre Public foyer/Flexible hall/music practice rooms/recital hall Mill Street School Resource Centre Day reception/ staff welfare / meeting rooms / Upper School Learning Resource Centre/Health and Wellbeing Centre including First-Aid. Design Technology Mathematics and Science 5 spaces New Grass Quad focal point (War memorial for 2018 Castle Street Castle Campus - Masterplan commemorations ?) New ‘Academic’ Quad 29 10 metres p.25 of 49

MiSK Schools, Riyadh Oxford Brookes University, Headington Campus 30

Relevant experience Selected Education Masterplan Projects Arts University Bournemouth, Poole Chigwell School, Essex AUB/TVT Masterplan campus plan 41 31

Winchester College, Winchester Twyford Primary School, Winchester 8 B O 12 U 14 R N 6 E L A N E (14) 9 19 12 R O AD H I L L / WINCHESTER SE RLES BO UR N E LANE S T REET HI GH 32

Relevant experience Selected Education Masterplan Projects Twyford School, Winchester 33

London Metropolitan University, London St Vincent College, Gosport 34

Appendix : Relevant Experience Selected Project Summaries 35

West Downs Centre, University of Winchester Completed 2020 36

Relevant experience Oxford Colleges / Historic Setting PROJECT DETAILS PROJECT SUMMARY Client St Peter’s College The Perrodo Project was specifcally intended to improve study, teaching and boarding spaces as well as improving its public spaces. Thanks to a generous Project Perrodo Project donation from the Perrodo family, the College was able to undertake a series of improvements that will help to continue this tradition. Location Oxford Design Engine’s competition winning scheme includes a new 4-storey pavilion Construction value £1.5 million building within a remodelled Chavasse Quad. This is alongside significant re- imagining and refurbishment of existing accommodation to provide both private Floor area 400 sqm and communal spaces. Contract form Traditional The project includes; six new study bedrooms, a seminar room and a ground floor study and event space, as well as the refurbishment of the three existing seminar Appointed 2015 spaces in the Chavasse Building. Completed 2017 The site was constrained for its lack of access, leading to us developing an off-site modular construction strategy enabling craning of the structural frame into the quad. Client contact James Graham (ex- Bursar) Services provided by DEA Architecture, Interior Design, Lead Designer Creation of two new quads as part of the project 37

Social learning, above. New Hannington Quad, below. New Chavasse Quad, left 38

Relevant experience Oxford Colleges / Historic Setting PROJECT DETAILS PROJECT SUMMARY Client St Peter’s College Won in invited competition in 2018, this scheme is located within a highly sensitive historic setting opposite the castle. The development represents an extension to the Project Castle Hill House existing College campus across Bulwarks Lane, and managing a seamless link across the lane has been central to the design in order to maintain accessibility and Location Oxford inclusivity. Construction value £10 million The scheme is designed to Passivhaus standards and consists of 53 study bedrooms, plus communal spaces and Fellows’ rooms. The scheme also Accommodation 53 Study necessitates a careful relationship with the Grade 2* Listed Canal House, home of Bedrooms, Fellows Rooms and the Master and her family. communal spaces The two buildings are named after their donors and the scheme goes before OCC Contract form Traditional Planning Committee in December 2020, having been through a rigorous process of consultation with OPT, Heritage England, Oxford Design Review Panel as well as the Appointed 2018 planning authority itself. Completion 2022 The project is due for completion in time for the new 2022-23 academic year. Client contact Doug Shaw (Bursar) Services provided by DEA Architecture, Interior Design, Lead Designer View from New Road, above From Master’s House garden, below 39

View from New Road 40

Relevant experience Oxford Colleges / Historic Setting PROJECT DETAILS PROJECT SUMMARY Client St Hilda’s College Won in invited competition in 2019, this scheme is located within St Hilda’s College Project Student Accommodation riverside grounds adjacent to the Botanical Gardens. As such, the planning Location Oxford sensitivities are considerable, and the design has been carefully evolved using a Construction value Unknown string narrative which has emerged from an understanding of the unique personality Accommodation 80 Study of the College. As with Nuffield and St Peter’s, the College has a history and a Bedrooms and communal spaces ‘memory’ which has to be understood fully in order to deliver designs of the right Contract form TBC calibre. Appointed 2019 Completion 2024 This project has been through a lengthy and robust process of consultation with Client contact Neil Hyatt (Head OPT, Heritage England, Oxford Design Review Panel as well as the planning of Buildings & Projects) authority itself. Services provided by DEA Architecture, Interior Design, Lead Materials used are brick to echo existing phases of the College, and a green ceramic Designer which responds to the natural setting and views across the river. Bronze coloured windows unite the two accommodation buildings with the new Principal’s Lodgings, which adopts a more domestic scale. The project will be phased, subject to funding and accommodation need. View from river of proposed Principal’s Lodgings. 41

Studies of the two accommodation buildings, above. Masterplan, right 42

Relevant experience Oxford University / Historic Setting PROJECT DETAILS PROJECT SUMMARY Client University of Oxford The existing Grade 2 Listed University of Oxford Examination Schools building Project Examination Schools suffered from a lack of DDA compliant access for disabled persons. The proposal Location High Street, Oxford took a redundant split level courtyard, squeezed between the Examination Schools Construction value £1.2 million and the Ruskin School of Art. Design Engine proposed a new two-storey naturally lit Floor area 600 sqm core, consisting of ramp, lift and WC facilities. This new entrance also offers disabled Contract form Traditional access links between both buildings, which neither had previously benefitted from. Appointed 2006 Completed 2007 Design Engine was appointed by Oxford University initially to carry out the Client contact Neil Hyatt integration of the Examinations Building and The Ruskin School of Art, both Listed Services provided by DEA Grade 2 which involved extensive re-modelling of an existing courtyard to provide Architecture, Specification Writer new disabled access facilities to both buildings. The £ 1.4 million Phase 1 is complete, which involves a new combined entrance and respectful insertion of new access arrangements within the Grade ll Listed fabric and wider conservation area. Contracts were managed to minimise disruption to the academic year and to the crucial examinations process. Internal view of the captured space between the Ruskin School of Art and the Examination Schools 43

Exploded Axonometric of Examination Schools insertion. 44

Relevant experience Masterplanning / Historic Setting PROJECT DETAILS PROJECT SUMMARY Client Charterhouse School Charterhouse is distinguished as a Neo-Gothic ‘campus’ School; but one currently Project Masterplan blighted by vehicles and parking. Our brief was to create a pedestrian friendly Location Godalming, Surrey campus, where wayfinding is clear, parking areas are concealed, and site Construction value N/A management is discreet. Three generations of the famous Gilbert Scott family have Floor area N/A designed buildings on the site (Sir Giles Gilbert Scott was active at Magdalen Contract form Design & Build College). Completed N/A Client contact Emma Humphreys A new landscape zone is described around the original nineteenth century buildings Services provided by DEA (including the Grade II* Chapel and the Grade II Main Building), within which cars Architecture, Masterplanning are excluded (with the exception of emergency vehicles). This move returns the School to the safe collegiate atmosphere intended with the move from London in 1872, and gives back dignity to the splendid buildings and landscape where the Founder’s Tree can once again take centre stage. The masterplan document produced for the school described a long-term vision for the campus. Some projects have now been completed (Dining Hall, Fletcherites boarding house. Science and Mathematics); some are in design (Queens Sports Centre); some are longer-term propositions. All came about through an ongoing dialogue leading towards a balanced strategy on future curriculum, planning and funding. 45

Masterplan site plan 46

Relevant experience Historic Setting We are delighted with our new Science and Mathematics building and the new inspirational spaces within which to work and learn. Design Engine and the Contractor have worked hard to meet our briefing needs and have delivered a top class facility of which the school is rightfully proud” Emma Humphreys, Estates Bursar, Charterhouse School PROJECT DETAILS PROJECT SUMMARY Client Charterhouse School Following our original competition win in 2010, the updated scheme for the new Not only does this roof articulate a building form which is contextually Project Science & Mathermatics Charterhouse Science and Mathematics Centre was submitted for planning appropriate, but also provides a focal point to the vista from the primary entrance (STEM) approval in October 2015. The School’s aim is to provide pupils with the best to the school on Prince’s Drive, as well as providing the appropriate form to deal Location Godalming, Surrey facilities of any school in the UK and revolutionise the way these subjects are with the internal and functional requirements of the Chemistry Labs within. Construction value £5.7 million taught at Charterhouse. Floor area 1800 sqm Contract form Traditional The new centre provides: Appointed 2010 • 50% more space overall Completion September 2018 • A flexible and modern environment of the highest quality Client contact Emma Humphreys • The co-location of Science and Mathematics for the first time, fostering inter- and Services provided by DEA Architecture intra-departmental collaboration based around a shared hub where pupils can Awards RICS Awards 2019 meet, interact and access resources shortlisted - pending • A Lecture Theatre with retractable seating and the latest audio-visual aids capable of hosting lectures, science demonstrations and other School events. The site lies towards the North Eastern edge of the campus. Characterised by the historic architecture and setting, the buildings here are predominately Gothic Revival / Neo-Gothic in nature, dating back to the late 19th and early 20th Centuries. Our scheme, featuring three steeply pitched roofs, representing the 6 Chemistry Labs below, creates a subtle but important architectural link between the original campus which is heavily reliant on these forms, largely designed by the Architect Philip Charles Hardwick. 47

New quad New Science and Mathematics Centre showing relationship to existing Gothic campus. 48

Relevant experience Historic Setting “The extension is of great value to the school providing much more than a dining room - it has opened up the space for hospitality use presenting an up to date image and vastly improving the offer.” Emma Humphreys Estates Bursar, Charterhouse School PROJECT DETAILS PROJECT SUMMARY Client Charterhouse Design Engine were commissioned by Charterhouse School following an invited The only available site for development was to the south of the existing dining rooms Project Fletcherites Dining competition with five other practices, and this project forms one of a series identified where there was an existing hard landscaped area (a former reflecting pool). The site Location Godalming, Surrey within our new masterplan for the School campus. is close to existing boarding houses and sits within a classified greenbelt area of Construction value £1 million land. The planning constraints were such that the visual amenity of the greenbelt was Floor area 300 sqm The original 1972 dining rooms were designed by architect Richard Gilbert-Scott, not to be affected by any development on the site. With this in mind the scheme Contract form Traditional son of Sir Giles Gilbert-Scott, as part of the construction of the iconic 1970s ‘new needed to be sensitive in nature both to its surrounding landscape and the existing Appointed 2008 houses’ accommodation. The unique design of the original dining hall building is a building to which it adjoined. Completed 2010 result of the long established tradition of pupils being allocated a Housemaster, Client contact Emma Humphreys which in turn has resulted in each house enjoying its own dining hall. A large central The materials used in the construction of the building are also integral to the Services provided by DEA kitchen efficiently serves these seven dining rooms. The brief for a new dining hall to concept, using a simple palette of materials to form an external colonnade/covered Architecture, Interior Design, Lead serve the new day house had to fit the required number of pupils within the space. walkway. Designer, Specification Writer The concept behind the building is driven by observing a close hierarchy between the striking existing dining rooms’ roof form and the open and attractive nature of the greenbelt site. The new roof geometry served as a creative element of the project but was also a deliberate echo of the architectural roof play of the existing building, creating a sense of individuality to the space held below. The project was delivered on time within a strict 26-week construction period. The completion of the dining rooms was needed in time for the arrival of the new day boarding pupils. The extensive refurbishment of the original dining rooms will be carried out in 2013. In recent years Charterhouse School has offered a Day House, ‘Fletcherites’, for non- boarding sixth form girls and boys. This has meant that the current new Central Dining Rooms are insufficient in size and layout and needed extending to meet the 49 current need.