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Darpan 2022

Published by nizamdarpan, 2022-06-15 14:48:41

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Nizam Darpan, e-magazine Published June 2022 © authors Compilation and editing by Dr. M. Radhika, Academic Coordinator & Asst. Professor, Dept. of Chemistry Ms. Sherly Grace, Asst. Professor(C), Dept. of English Dr. V. Sumathi, Asst. Professor(C), Dept. of Chemistry Mr. G. Yadagiri, Programmer Disclaimer: The authors of the articles mentioned are responsible for their ideas or violation of copyrights. Nizam College takes no responsibility for plagiarism.

“Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world.” -Nelson Mandela Prof.B. Bhima Principal (May 2022- ) Nizam College, OU We are at the forefront of one of the most exciting and transformational moments in history. An explosion of information, coupled with breath-taking advances in technology and digitization has thrown open opportunities for growth and prosperity for the whole society. Changes ensue and it is inevitable. But the challenge is how to change for the better. In order to change for the better in this fast-pacing world, we need to be aware of and create a system that would help us in our growth. Education is one of the systems that can help the students face challenges and face hurdles that come their way. As teachers, mentors, and parents, we need to foster the skills of students to face competition in the present scenario, and good education will enable them to steer through the challenges of life successfully. Education is not limited to your academia but also covers every other aspect of your life. Being good in academics doesn‟t make you literate but being a good person is what makes you literate, and the progress through this is multi-dimensional, which I look forth in my students, which is the foundation of human values. This progress would guide the students and generations going ahead towards creating a better world for everyone. And we as teachers, supervisors, and mentors believe in the power of young minds to drive the change and this progress. I feel fortunate for this new leadership role as the Principal and I am looking forward to embarking on an exciting new academic year of progress and change at Nizam‟s. Prof.B. Bhima

„Knowledge is power‟, so goes the saying. That is exactly what education gives you. Being educated will give you access to the intellectual world. Being educated is one of the most crucial things in every individual‟s life. Education is not just accumulating information but gaining knowledge that would help you to think logically and make the right decisions at a time when they should be made .It empowers and motivates our minds to conceive good thoughts and ideas and grow our knowledge day by day. According to Horace Mann, „A human being is not in any proper sense a human being till he is educated‟. An educated individual always knows his manners and behaves gently in public as well as in private scenarios. Education does not just mean learning about all the different subjects and knowing everything up to date. An individual can be said to be educated when he/she is able to apply all that he/she has learned in their personal and professional life effectively and in the best interest of everyone around. Education is not whole until the individual learns to respect oneself and others and value every opinion. I firmly think to believe that students must be taught how to think and not what to think and as we impart education to match the pace of ever-changing technology and globalization, we at Nizam college aim to inculcate this knowledge of shaping the students‟ minds for his /her overall development to lead them with the ethos of ethical principles. With regards and lots of good luck Dr. C.V. Ranjani Vice Principal Nizam College, OU

“Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare it for today.” - -Malcom X The entire purpose of education is not merely to impart bookish knowledge but also to inculcate humanitarian values in each student. When you have a great education, you have the tools you need to develop creative solutions to problems and discover insights beyond the limited set of solutions already in place. Education is the primary way that people today can experience upward mobility, obtain desirable employment, and advance in the workplace. The more we learn, the more we are able to do and achieve. But this isn‟t limited only to the workplace. The same applies to other ventures as well. As our students are our future and I am sure education helps them in grooming them to bring about a culture of tolerance, understanding, justice, and forgiveness. Learning is a process in this ever-changing world. It helps them develop physically, intellectually, emotionally, and socially. Here, at Nizams, everyone, including the faculty and the students are encouraged to experience, explore, and experiment with this progress of development towards their future. And I am proud to be a part of this system of ever progression and empowerment. The examples of this exposure and sculpting of students are seen in their active participation and involvement in the pages of this magazine. My sincere appreciation to all the student participants, teacher mentors, and the parents who witness the progress of their children who have achieved and crossed their milestones. Good luck to all in your future endeavours. Prof. B. Narayana Principal (May 2021- May 2022) Nizam College, OU.

INDEX S.No Title of the Article Author Page No 1 Prema padhanni panchanama chesi Mr.K.Hari Prasad 7 2 Amma Pilustundi levara Mr.K.Hari Prasad 8 3 Sinikudiki salam Mr.Kalyan Goud 9 4 Angni Kagadavi anunityam Ayuvu Nimpavu Mr.K.Hari Prasad 10 5 Samayam Sahakarinchaka Mr.K.Hari Prasad 11 6 Anduke Nuvu Naku Nachaledu Nanna Mr.K.Hari Prasad 12 7 Jai jawan Mr.K.Hari Prasad 13 8 Kulalu avi mathalu avi Mr.K.Hari Prasad 14 9 Krushikudu Mr.K.Hari Prasad 15 10 Inspirational and Motivation quotations and slogans Mr.J.Raju 16-19 11 Rajakiya Nayakulara Mr.K.Hari Prasad 20 12 Vahi din jarur ayega Mr.K.Hari Prasad 21 13 Covid awareness Mr.Rahul David 22 14 Water Poem Mr.Rahul David 23-25 15 Poem Mr.M.Teja 26-27 16 The Earth is Speaking Mr.K.Hari Prasad 28 17 New Year Resolution Ms. P. Sri Divya 29-30 18 Justice? Freedom? Ms. P. Sri Divya 31-32 19 Point Circle Ms. P. Sri Divya 33-34 20 Benevolence Mr.B.Sujith kumar 35 21 Mother Ms. M.Guna Spoorthy 36 22 Usher me Mr. Ratna Ashok 37 23 Oh! My Awesome Mom Mr. K.Thara Singh 38-39 24 Inspirational Quotes Mr. N. Ganesh 40-42 25 El Mirador Mr. S. Nithin 43-44 26 Nizam through the eyes of a Nizamian Mr. M.Tej 45-48 27 Ma Ms.MD Tahseen Raza 49 28 War Poem Ms. Teja M 50 29 Father ,Mother , Me Mr.B.Sujith kumar 51 30 Eternal Soul Mr.B.Sujith kumar 52 31 My Chocolate Box Ms. M. Guna Spoorthy 53 32 Dear Teenager Ms. M. Guna Spoorthy 54 33 Awareness on Girl Child Ms. G.Divya 55-59 34 Sahan:A boy with no friends Mr. S. Nitin 60-62 35 Caste Ms. P. Sri Divya 63-68




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Name: Jathavath Raju. Roll. No: 100921143030 Year: 1 Depertment: B.Com (Comp.App) 16 | P a g e

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Name: Mendikar Teja Roll number: 1009-21-166-023 (HSG) Year: 1st Department: BA- Geography. 26 | P a g e

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Name : Pettem Sri Vidya Roll No : 100921861079 Year : 1st year Department : Department of Informatics Email Id. : [email protected] Title of the Article : New Year Resolution 29 | P a g e

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Name : Pettem Sri Vidya Roll No : 100921861079 Year : 1st year Department : Department of Informatics Email Id. : [email protected] Title of the Article : Justice or Freedom 31 | P a g e

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Name of the student: Bojja Sujith kumar Roll no.: 100921145046 Year : 1st year. Depertment : BBA Email Id : [email protected] Title of the article : Benevolence Benevolence A story of belief in friendship. Vertex is a football training centre. It is the famous coaching centre in Hyderabad. So many people are trained by this training centre and settled in their lives. A boy named Surya of 8th class. He is very good student and passionate about his goals but in order to make himself fit he joined their. Krishna, a boy who is already a member of this training centre, plays very well. Surya liked is way of playing and his character, Surya wanted to make friendship with him, he met him and became friends. Krishna also liked Surya. They both became good friends. They shared everything about themselves to each other‟s and became closer. Suddenly Krishna‟s school mate Venkat came to the training centre. After arrival of Venkat, Krishna started avoiding Surya, and became closer to Krishna. Krishna and Venkat became closer and they avoided Surya. Surya felt very disappointed. By that Surya felt very much, Before this Surya have a true friend. By meeting Krishna, Surya felt so much happy he thought that he got a true friend but those believes are became fired. From that time he stopped believing someone without knowing fully about him/her. Don‟t believe anyone unknowingly, that will make you someday feel lonely. Find a weirdo just like you and never let them go. 35 | P a g e

Ms. MALTUMKAR GUNA SPOORTHY 1009-21-141-034. Department ::Commerce Department . Year:: 1st year Email ID:: [email protected] Title of the Article:: \"MOTHER\" – poem 36 | P a g e

Name: Ratna Ashok Roll No: 1009-21-672-050 Year: 2022 Department: Department of Business Management Email Id: [email protected] Title of the Poem: Usher Me Usher Me Something new began, but for a negative impact; People were restricted to closed rooms. All the world was draged to the midest of a pandemic; Life became very difficult and limited. Faces were covered and face mask became mandatory; No to roam free,breathe free and live free. When a sigh of relief was felt, there started a war; Which collapsed the world‟s economy. Making people loose hope on survival; The war questioned the peace between nations. Pandemic broke us mentally; And the war to hurt physically. There was no hope of a happy living; So,God usher my people to a world of peace&harmony. _Ratna 37 | P a g e

Mr. Katravath Thara Singh Roll No. 1009-20-101-025 B.Sc(MPC) II year 38 | P a g e

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Name of the Student :Netti Ganesh Year. :2nd year Roll no. :1009-20-104-017 Department. : Physics(MECs) Email id. : [email protected] Phone number. :9392545994 Pain to Gain Every Successful Person has a Painful Story, But, Every Painful Story has a Successful Ending. True Beauty Beauty appears to Eyes. But Behaviour appears to Heart. The Beauty is Temporary But The Beautiful Heart is Permanent Hard Work Don't make Hopes for Tomorrow, Just Don't make nope for Today. 40 | P a g e

Winner V/S Quitter A Winner never Quits A Quitter never Wins Just Be a Winner to Win. But not a Qutter to Quit. Everything depends on Way of thinking. Are You Failure.? Congratulations! If you are Successful You will get a Message of Success. If you are Failure You will get some Ideas to be Successful Message is Useful to make Successful Person. But, Ideas are Useful to Become Successful Person. Way of Success. Believe Strong that you are Successful And Try more and more how much you can. Then 41 | P a g e

One day You will be Definitely in a Way of Success. Life Birth is First of Life. Beauty is Art of Life. Skills are Beauty of Life. Love is Part of Life. Nothing is Permanent in Life. Be Happy ��� Love v/s Friendship Where is Friendship there is Love. But, Where is Love there is no Friendship.��� Smile Don't run a mile for Smile It is not Highway to run. Just It is just a Kind way. Character Knowledge will give Power But, Character will give Respect. 42 | P a g e

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Name of the student: Mendikar Teja Roll number: 1009-21-166-023 Year: 1st Department: BA- Geography. Email: [email protected] \"Nizam through the eyes of a Nizamian\" 45 | P a g e

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Name of the student : MD TAHSEEN RAZA Roll No : 20-141-1305 Year : 3rd year Department : Commerce Email ID : [email protected] . 49 | P a g e

Name: Mendikar Teja Roll number: 1009-21-166-023 (HSG) Year: 1st Department: BA- Geography. 50 | P a g e

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